View Full Version : DM Help A Feat, A Flaw, A Construct, And The Mechanomicon. HELP!!!!!!

2017-08-10, 12:56 PM
First, My Players, David, Jeshua, KEEP OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DM Surprises here!!!!!!

So, long story short,

I have 2 players in the IRL game I'm currently DMing. One of them had a bad run of luck recently involving a Seagull he used charm animal on to attempt to get free of a Jail Cell. It, proved hilarious and Cathartic for several other players whom had had there plans sabotaged by his character (Admittedly, it was all perfectly soundly logical in it's reasoning IC, and perfectly IC, and the party all had a good time with the game so, cool.).

Due to this bad experience he has developed, in character, a deep seated fear of Seagulls.

Like, Flee on Sight levels.

Soooooooo, As the DM, I'd like help to craft a flaw centered around being terrified witless by Seagulls, and then a bonus feat that's good to assign a Beguiler. (He had an Item to get the Spell Effect for Charm Animal at the time, and is level 3. Random Loot Drops sometimes like that, makes the game weird once in awhile. Just in case anyone was wondering were he got the spell. Moving on.)

I'm planning to give him both since, well, he's going to RP it anyway, may as well make it worth his while. He's presently got Improve Initiative, Invisible Spell, Keen Intellect and Master Manipulator (PHB 2.). Party is 3rd level.

And then there is the other player. He's running a Kobolt Artificer. He's disguised himself a Norm L. Gnome, a Normal Gnome, when, in reality, he's Inventor Pym of the Kobolt Empire, Loyal Servant of the Almighty Highest! (Great Wrym Blue Dragons.) And Operative for there most recent endeavor, Operation Impending Conquest 2!!!!!!

If you haven't guessed yet he's basically playing an Invader Zim port, which is freaking hilarious so far!

So, Party is 3rd level. We are going to be hitting 4th before too terribly long. And I want some help finding some things. The first is my idea. I'm looking for either a phone app for iPhone or a free web site, were you can tap in something, and it will read it too you out loud. In the voice of the character of G.I.R. from the Invader Zim show. This because when he get's his Homunculous at level 4, that is going to be this characters G.I.R. And I think it would be a nice touch since no one at the table has the voice range for that.

The second was something he mentioned having heard of. A book called the Mechanomicon, which I've never heard of but it's apparently got good stuff in it for building constructs, something he wants to do once he qualify's to take the feat for it. (Cause Zim's base had all that automated stuff and what not.) As I said, I've no idea what book this could be, so I'd LOVE some help finding out.

Thanks for any help that can be offered!!!!!!!!!

2017-08-10, 01:53 PM
So it seems that the Mechanomicon is a thread about detailing the creation of specific constructs, but if I'm reading it right, it doesn't come up with anything really revolutionary, though here's (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=18109.0)the thread if you're interested.

If you want really customized construct building, I love the 3rd party Encyclopedia Arcane: Constructs, which breaks down rules for different materials of golems, different types of automata (citing the Shield Guardian as inspiration, but having a ton more times), and Simulacra, which involve the Homunculus, as well as building freaky lifelike constructs.

2017-08-10, 02:36 PM
So, for the flaw:

Gull Bait
Any seagull the character encounters starts out as Hostile, and will attempt to attack. The seagull will break off the attack if the player spends a full round action to scare them away, or manages to change their attitude to Neutral or better.

And for the feat:
Either Obtain Familiar or Improved Initiative. Either one would be very good for a Beguiler. Familiars do get half your skill points, and Beguiler is very skill- and sneak-heavy. If you need an unobtrusive scout,
this is great for it. Improved Initiative is a nice bump for some of the Beguiler's "catch them while flatfooted" abilities.

2017-08-10, 09:26 PM
inuyasha: Cool, I'll look over the thread and send him my thoughts on it. And thanks for the tip about the book, I'll look into that too for him. =)

Telonius: Nice idea on the flaw, I might tweek it just a touch because I don't want it to be toooo all consuming, but yeah, I think that's a start! =)

As for the feat, Improved Familiar is one I had not considered.

He already has Improved Initiative.

He has 4 feats in total (2 form standard in the book flaws) at present.

F: Improved Initiative.
F: Keen Intellect (Oriental Adventures. He uses his Int Score for all wis based skills except profession, and for Will Saves. )
1st: Invisible Spell.
3rd: Master Manipulator.

2017-08-11, 07:00 AM
So, for the flaw:

Gull Bait
Any seagull the character encounters starts out as Hostile, and will attempt to attack. The seagull will break off the attack if the player spends a full round action to scare them away, or manages to change their attitude to Neutral or better.

And for the feat:
Either Obtain Familiar or Improved Initiative. Either one would be very good for a Beguiler. Familiars do get half your skill points, and Beguiler is very skill- and sneak-heavy. If you need an unobtrusive scout,
this is great for it. Improved Initiative is a nice bump for some of the Beguiler's "catch them while flatfooted" abilities.

I can be a backpack while you run.