View Full Version : Idea: Flexible Races

2017-08-10, 09:07 PM
As someone who likes point buy a great deal (since it's more balanced between players and encounter building) Much in the same vein as the half-elf's ability to add +1 to two different stats what if each race could shift their +1 ability bonus to a different stat.

Whatever their +2 bonus is would be locked to that stat seeing as this is what the race is iconically known for. But, say a lightfoot halfling for example, would have +2 dex and +1 to any other stat instead of +1 charisma.

Does this break any of the races to an absurd degree or does it allow for a more diverse racial line-up between the classes? I'm probably going to give it a shot and see what my players come up with. (Tieflings probably become a lot more playable lol).

What're your thoughts guys?

2017-08-10, 09:43 PM
It steals some of the thunder from the half elf and vhuman. I do like the idea of being able to play against type and this would make that more optimal. At low level play it will have a noticible impact but in the long run it probably won't break anything.

Emay Ecks
2017-08-10, 09:53 PM
I did this for my current point buy game. Only one player took advantage of it. He's a Half-Orc Wizard with +2 str and +1 int. I really like it because it does allow some odd race/class combinations that really wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

2017-08-10, 10:37 PM
I gave my players +3 to divided among any two or three stats they want. Sure, your normal elf doesn't get STR and your average half orc doesn't get INT; but player characters don't fit the norm, they stand out. Also, when the PCs murder the noblewoman, set the residential district on fire, hijack a ship, and other such things as PCs are wont to do, then City Watch has a lot easier time finding the single elf barbarian and the sole half orc wizard in the city.

2017-08-10, 11:35 PM
You have to figure out how to adjust the races with non-standard stat adjustments (Triton, mountain Dwarf) work; and some of the races 'balanced' by mismatched stats (yuan-ti?) may get a slight boost... but I should be just fine overall

2017-08-10, 11:46 PM
Riots in the streets most likely.

My table has been swapping around the racial stat bonuses for ages now. If you can roll straight 18s, why not move the +1 and/or +2 around so you can play the race you want?

2017-08-11, 01:58 AM
I like how 13th Age did starting stat bonuses. You got one +2 bases on race and one +2 based on class (both bonuses could nor be applied to the same stat).