View Full Version : Post your ideas for Epic spells (3.Pf)

2017-08-10, 10:01 PM
Basically what the title says. Post all your ideas for custom Epic Spells, some you might have already made, etc. If you want to, add an already made one. So as to start the thread I will add one of my own ideas. These can be high OP, Low OP or Mid OP. Remember that there is that rule that you are allowed to stretch the effect of the seed while it is still related and with DM permission, those ideas are also welcome.

So here is mine, although I made it for a pretty high OP game. This includes that rule of stretching the seed effects and adding an Ad Hoc to balance to a degree.

Molecular Fusion
Seeds: Transform, Fortify
Base Seed: Transform
School: Transmutation
Type: Arcane
Components: None
Spellcraft DC: 132
Costs: 1,188,000 GP/47,520 XP
Developing Time: 24 days
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Permanent (D)
Range: 300ft
Target: Self and Willing creature within range
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
When cast, this spell merges 2 creatures into a perfect and ideal fusion of both. Their mental and physical ability scores are added up, their feats are pooled, their HD are added up, and so are skills. They both are a single creature for all purposes. HP is determined by the HD added up and the new constitution score. If a fusion has one counterpart lack an ability score, it is treated as a 0 for all purposes. Creature type is determined by a different method, add up the ability bonuses of each creature and whoever has the highest total bonus has his creature type becomes that of the fusion. Supernatural, Extraordinary, Spell-like and Natural abilities from both creatures are added up to the fusion. The alignment and personality of the result are the in-between of both of the component creatures if the alignments are only one step apart the creature with the highest Wisdom has his alignment shown in the fusion. The effect of alignment restrictions on this fusion are less lenient, only one counterpart needs to meet an alignment prerequisite instead of the fusion as a whole for purposes of feats and class features. If the characters ever unfused, they divide all damage and any penalty acquired during the fusion that still applies, both equally. Additionally, there is one state which is referred to as Perfect Fusion, this state has a 1% chance to happen whenever this Epic spell is cast. What it means is that the fusion results more powerful and has maximum HP for its HD and after adding ability scores, add 20 to all of them. Finally, the character gets a +5 Insight bonus to AC, Attack rolls, Saving Throws, Ability Checks, and Skill checks.
Mitigating factors: 5,000 XP (-50)
Ad Hoc: +50
Inscripted Stone tablet: Yes

So what are the ideas of the playground?

P.S This (http://pfwr.info/dnd/spells/epic.php) could be useful

2017-08-17, 02:22 PM
It is silly, and almost certainly could be written as a non-epic spell, but Magic Missile Storm.
It is functionally identical to Magic Missile except that it starts with 100 missiles instead of one.

2017-08-17, 10:27 PM
So this isn't really my spell, per se; it's an attempt to update the AD&D 11th-level spell, Mavin's worldweave (from Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana, page 11), just because it seemed fairly easy to update and had a suitably "epic" feel to it.

WARNING: I wanted to convert this spell as exactly as possible, which includes an attempt at adding appropriate material components (raiment of the stormwalker and an orb of tempests) since, as far as I can tell, the original spell had an "M" in the components line but never actually listed what the materials were. The spell also required a replacement for its range of "sight," so I made an ad hoc "unlimited" range with a ×2 multiplier; the idea being that, as a "worldweave," the spell should be able to affect a spot anywhere in the world… so, the idea is that one utilizes the full, inherent power of the orb of tempests to target an area of the world with a permanent control weather, and then the raiment of the stormwalker magnifies the effect (climate change instead of mere weather change) and furthers the area effected. That included utilizing the "area level dependent" factor from the Champions of Ruin epic spell, horrendous dessication, and then creating an ad hoc mitigating factor to reduce the area from "2-mile-radius/level" to the original "1-mile-radius/level."

Also… I cheated. As the spell has a permanent duration it required the permanent duration factor… but instead of multiplying it before the mitigating factors, I multiplied it after the mitigating factors—otherwise the Spellcraft DC 100 would blossom to a Spellcraft DC 811 …and I just find it ridiculous to have an epic spell that's so difficult to cast that even Boccob and Mystra, literal gods of magic, could not cast them! However a DC 100 feels appropriate since, with average optimization, a 35th-level spellcaster could cast it (which I recall being the level that Netherese arcanists gained access to 11th-level spells).

So with all of that said…

Conjuration (Summoning)/Necromancy/Transmutation (Netherese)
Field Invention
Spellcraft DC 100
Components V, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Unlimited
Area 1-mile-radius/level circle
Duration Permanent
Saving Throw None
Spell Resistance No
DESCRIPTIONThe worldweave allowed an archmage to change the weather patterns of a large parcel of land until dispelled. Throughout Netheril's existence, this spell was used hundreds of times to stay the effects of the polar ice in its northern borders. This gave Netheril's land a temperate climate instead of one more suited for its placement on the globe—a subartic clime.
https://www.schadenfreudestudios.com/backup/pictures/indent.gifWhen cast, the archmage was able to change the climate of an area by one grade—either up or down. Refer to the table to determine the grade changes possible. It was possible to change the climate more than one step, but multiple layers of Mavin's worldweave were required.
https://www.schadenfreudestudios.com/backup/pictures/indent.gifMaterial Components: Raiment of the stormwalker and an orb of tempests.






















SPELLCRAFTING REQUIREMENTSSeed energy (weather) (DC 25), foresee (to preview effected landscape) (DC 17); Factors area level dependent (ad hoc +25 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC), no somatic component (+2 DC), unlimited range (ad hoc ×2 DC), permanent duration (×5 DC); Mitigating Factors decrease area by 50% (ad hoc –4 DC), expensive material components (ad hoc –75 DC); Cost 900,000 gp, 36,000 XP, 18 days
(Does anyone else find it weird that epic spells typically take days to research, but regular spells require weeks? Also I have no idea why it's classified as a necromancy spell, but it is… don't see a whole lot of "triple-school" spells, either way.)

2017-08-18, 05:34 PM
These are some of my ideas for epic spells which are actually usable and decent:

Some of the seeds aren't amazing even with work. Others of them can work, though:

Last Breath of the Dying
Necromancy [Death]
Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half and see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
(Seed: Slay)

The target creature takes 17d4 negative levels. A successful fortitude save halves the number of negative levels. After 24 hours, the target must take a fortitude save or the negative levels become permanent.

You take 28d6 points of damage.

(On average, the spell kills a 21st-level character who passes the save)

Bolt of Besiegement
Evocation [Sonic]
Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touched creature or object of 2,000 lb. or less
Duration: 20 hours.
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
(Seed: Energy)

You imbue an item or creature with a field of screaming energy which deals 35d20 points of sonic damage per round to each creature or object in the surrounding 80 ft area (including itself and the caster). This spell is usually cast on a weapon or ammunition warded against sonic damage, and fired by a creature also so warded through the ranks of an army and into a castle wall, causing a 80-foot wide cylinder of sonic damage to be carved out by the path of the bolt.

To cast the spell, you require three allied casters to contribute ninth-level spell slots and one to contribute a sixth-level spell during the casting.

(Hilarious if there's a nearby castle that you and your allies don't like.)

(EDIT: Actually, 35d20 points of sonic damage isn't enough to get through 540 hit points. You can stick in another two ninth-level spells and a sixth-level spell and get another 22d20, which should then be enough.)

Buffs do fare a bit better, though:

Scales of the Tyrannosaur
Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
(Seed: Armour)

You grant a creature a +44 bonus to natural armour.

The natural armour granted in this way is effective even against incorporeal creatures.

But then, sometimes you just need to...

Kill Everything
Necromancy [Death]
Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 153,600 ft.
Area: 20480 ft radius area
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
(Seed: Slay)

The spell kills each creature of up to 80 HD in a 20,480 ft radius area within range. Each subject is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, it instead takes 3d6+20 points of damage. You take 42d6 points of damage. The spell's save DC is 16 points higher than normal.

(That, at last, is enough firepower.)

Then there was me showing off:

But if that's not enough dakka for you...

Last Word
Evocation [Sonic]
Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 100 days and 10 minutes
Range: 181,338,872,942,194,376,205,926,400 ft
Area: A sphere with a radius of up to 193,428,131,138,340,667,952,988,160ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Last Word deals 540d6 points of sonic damage to everything in the observable universe. You take 42d6 points of damage, lose 20,000 XP, and require 35 ninth-level spells and a third-level spell to be contributed as part of a ritual.

That had better be enough firepower.

2017-08-18, 08:01 PM
There is a long way to go till I get to epic with my group.

The best I can offer is the following high-level psionic power:

"]Mindmeld [Psionic] [Now you can be a vulcan!]
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 8
Display: Mental, Olfactory, Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Targets: You and one other willing creature within range that has an Intelligence score greater than 3 and within 10 points of your own
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 15, XP

You forge an intimate psychic link with the target creature, in essence allowing you to become one mind. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another). You share all senses through the bond - you can see what the other creature sees, you can feel what the other creature feels. You share all thoughts, memories and experiences, you know what the other creature is thinking or what emotion it is experiencing, the moment it thinks or experiences it, you can recall what the other creature knows as if they were your memories and knowledge and vice versa. You and the other creature possess the higher mental ability scores of both creatures. You can use the higher ranks of both creatures on any skill whose keyed ability is a mental ability. You can control or relinquish control of any physical body both of you have at will. Both of you know the sum of all powers and possess the sum of all power points, and know or have prepared any spells you or the other creature possesses (if any). Likewise, all feats, racial abilities, and class features are pooled (if both creatures have the same ability, the melded beings gain it only once), though if the ability depends on a physical characteristic, you can only use it with the body that possesses that characteristic.
For example if the target creature had Two-Weapon Fighting, but you lacked the requisite dexterity to use the feat, you would not be able to use the feat with your own body, but you would be able to with the target's body.
If you are the subject of a Mind-Affecting spell or ability, you are affected as one creature.
If you become part of a metaconcert entity, both of you participate as one creature.

Suppress Schism counters this power.
Being the subject of a fission or a fusion power immediately ends the effect. However, a fissioned copy can independently participate in this power.
You cannot participate in more than 1 mindmeld.

Special: If you attempt a mindmeld with a creature whose Intelligence score is different than your own by more than 10 points the power fails.

XP Cost: 200 XP.