View Full Version : Simulacrum & dieity follower count

2017-08-11, 11:17 AM
This is a question i was looking at:

if a person uses simulacrum to make copies of himself, which has the leadership feat, can he use that simulacrum to attract followers to it (if it gets the leadership feat), and then command them to worship the person who created them?

it brings a problem of a potential unlimited source for followers if he is allowed to just keep casting simulacrum with leadership feats.

is this a thing as per RAW?

2017-08-11, 11:50 AM
Followers and even Cohorts are not automatons; they are still NPCs under the GM's control. Seeing you as a leader is one thing, but actually worshiping you would have pretty negative consequences in most settings, and you aren't actually a god at that point (who could protect them from the wrath of the existing ones.)

2017-08-11, 12:00 PM
we already have 2 members of the party with divine ranks (3 & 4 respectively), each with epic leadership

we are in epic levels atm which is why this is even a thing.

2017-08-11, 12:17 PM
Epic Leadership doesn't change how the feat works though; it just gives you bigger numbers.

The more important question is whether your campaign setting has gods already, and what they would think of this plan.

2017-08-11, 12:46 PM
The problem is not the leadership feat or the worshipping, the problem is the infinite followers by creating simulacra with leadership. Raw, it technically works.
Personally, however, saying "cohorts and followers or other controlled creatures cannot have the leadership feat" seems like a very reasonable rule to institute in this case. Alternatively, you could have the leadership be based off the original creature, meaning those followers think they are following the original, and they are limited to the original's followers... and when they realize they were duped, they turn on the fake and its creator... turning the whole thing into a collosal mess for the pcs... which is how I would handle such blatant munchkinry

2017-08-11, 01:52 PM
The problem is not the leadership feat or the worshipping, the problem is the infinite followers by creating simulacra with leadership. Raw, it technically works.

I know, but that's not what I'm objecting to.

Infinite Arbitrarily numerous followers: sure thing.
Commanding them all to worship X: Not really, they're still under the GM's control (as NPCs) and they're not fanatic.

2017-08-11, 05:51 PM
If you want them to worship someone, use Diplomacy; making them fanatical should accomplish this.

2017-08-13, 04:02 AM
Have fun getting killed by Varakhuts.