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2007-08-09, 09:20 PM
My appologies if this kind of topic has been brought up before but I get the feeling that intelligent villian design is rare on these forums.

But anyway does anyone have any ideas as what would contribute to D&D's Evil overloard list. The orignial list can be found here (http://minievil.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html)

What whould a intelligent D&D villian do to pervent failure?

2007-08-09, 09:21 PM
Stack on as many immunities as possible. Mind Blank, that anti-death armour enhancement (Soulfire? from the BOED), Freedom of Movement, etc. Also, as many minions as you can get.

2007-08-09, 09:24 PM
get the feat craft contingency and go to town.

2007-08-09, 09:29 PM
Have scouts that see invisibility look around your lair for any signs of Rope Trick. If they do, they are to tell you, so you can go there send your mages there to blast the sleeping adventurers into smithereens.

2007-08-09, 09:31 PM
Never hire goblins when you can afford kobolds.

2007-08-09, 09:36 PM
Hire someone to stand in a room full of treasure, wearing fancy robes, whole will give a prepared speech. Thus making adventurers believe this is the true evil one.

You however will spend most of your time in the palace sipping wine and having affairs, maintaining the illusion you're just any other noble. Or if you're not a noble, doing whatever it is none nobles do. I don't know, move piles of dirt into other piles of dirt creating one very large pile of dirt. That's a worthy cause isn't it?

Shas aia Toriia
2007-08-09, 09:38 PM
The above post works the best. And minions. Lots of minions. A metric tonne of minions. Enough minions to drown the PC's. Literally.

Iudex Fatarum
2007-08-09, 09:48 PM
If you can, be sure to never send week people at a potential hero, after all if they beat the first minion then just go kill them yourself.
instead of lots of traps put in a few high level expensive ones. Advertize where you are so they don't need to hunt you down gaining experience as they go. while conventional explosives are crude fill the wall of the room with your body double with them, when a fireball goes off (possibly by the party warrior) the whole room goes up. expensive but effective.

2007-08-09, 10:12 PM
1) Take levels in fighter, and make your most important lackey a full wizard. Your opponents will be expecting the bad guy to be an all powerful mage; thus if you are losing you have enough HP to lay down and play dead.

2) Anything you can think of, they have probably thought of as well. Therefore, the answer is to use lots of Dispells and Anti-Magic Circles. at the very least, you will piss of their spell casters.

3) Always kill the animal companion/familiar first. At worst you annoy them. Angry foes are stupid foes. At best you've just killed the weakest party member.

4) If you can, become a lich. Make your phylactery something hard to spot, such as a mountain, or a tree. When searching for your ultimate weakness the heroes will be expecting something gaudy, not something they've already seen a dozen times. Forks and spoons work just well.

5) Ninjas are not as good as people think; use samurai instead. At the very least, the heroes will assume you are incompetent and underestimate you.

6) Divination spells are your friend. Watch your minions until they battle the heroes. Then, once they have lost and the heroes have moved on teleport to the battle site and collect some blood. This makes spying even easier.

7) Succubi are expected to try and bewitch the party. Elf maidens, on the other hand, are expected to be the paragons of innocence. Therefore you should use a corrupted Elven maiden as well as Succubus, just to be safe.

8) Constructs and Undead are perhaps the most vital of minions. Use them often, as they can not be turned against you. They are mindless however, so don't have them guard anything important.

9) Despite how wrong it seems, the heroes wil actually have a much more difficult time finding the weapon that will destroy you if you bury it in the middle of the woods somewhere, rather then hiding it in the Tomb of Nine Skull Lords, Beyond the Horror Peaks, guarded by the Dread Wyrm Xoraxialisix.

10) Acually, never name the place you hide something. Makes it so much more difficult to mark it on a map.

11) Do not make pacts with demons; they'll sell you to the highest bidder.

12) The Heroes' family, friends, and small pets are off limits to retaliation. This makes it much easier to bribe the party traitor at a later point in time.

13) Do not try and take over the Good kingdoms until after you have conquered the Evil ones. You will have a much stronger power base, and no one will notice the difference.

14) Never try to summon a God to the mortal realm. If you succeed you are no longer the most powerful one around, and if you fail you now have to deal with a pissed off deity.

15) Clone parties never work as a means to defeating the heroes, they just switch opponents. Just send as many copies of their strongest member as you can.

16) Invest heavily in sonic damage. Fire, Ice, and Acid are so passe anyway.

17) The entrance to your main stronghold shall be a tiny shack in the middle of the woods somewhere, which shall hide the Teleportation Circle. The Forbidding Fortress of Doom built amongst the mountain peaks should be a cleverly disguised trap meant to explode as soon as someone tries to enter, killing everything with in a mile.

18) Ranged Weapons are your friend.

19) Melee weapons aren't.

20) Dragons make powerful allies. Undead dragons make more easily controlled ones though.

2007-08-09, 10:13 PM
The above post works the best. And minions. Lots of minions. A metric tonne of minions. Enough minions to drown the PC's.

I like that one. That way, even if they do kill all of your minions, they'll drown in the blood. Nice touch!

2007-08-09, 10:17 PM
21)Beware Frost Mages trying to make touch attacks.

2007-08-09, 10:26 PM
Have one of your female minions join the party undercover. Make her pretend that she abandons you and joins their cause the moment when they discover her background, preferably by your monologue. Make her strike when they are off their guard, preferably in their sleep.

2007-08-09, 10:50 PM

22. I will learn to cast spells. No matter what class or race I happen to be, I will find a way to be a caster. It opens up so many more options, especially given that I can take advantage of the "associated class levels" rule to get extra caster levels while staying within my assigned CR.
23. I will make sure that all of my minions, down to the lowest grunt, know to alert me instantly if they encounter a band of adventuring misfits. Important clues include races that normally dislike each other (such as elf and dwarf) working together in relative harmony; a suspiciously well-rounded group with a divine caster, an arcane caster, a sneaky fellow, and a heavily armored fighter; erratic, destructive, and irrational behavior out of combat, coupled with refined and lethal tactics in combat; and an odd tendency to attack my weaker minions first and work their way up to the tougher ones.
24. Should I receive an alert as described in #23, I will immediately withdraw all my low-level forces from the area. Sending weak minions at this bunch will only give them XP and make them more of a threat. Instead, I will send my biggest, toughest minions at them all together, in hopes of achieving a TPK. The good part is, if I succeed, my victory over the entire universe is all but assured, since the PCs were the only ones who could ever have stopped me.
25. I will recognize that the DM is not on my side. I was, after all, created so that I could one day be defeated in a dramatic final battle. However, if I am subtle and clever, I may be able to win the DM over. Before making my TPK attempt as above, I shall see to it that the party is provided with gold and magic items far exceeding their recommended wealth by level, including a number of items that lend themselves to abuse. I shall also endeavor to manipulate the party into killing plot-critical NPCs and setting fire to the DM's most lavishly depicted settings. Soon the DM will be so annoyed by their antics that when I whisper the phrase "total party kill" in the back of his mind, he will agree eagerly just to be rid of them.
26. I shall do everything in my power to corner the diamond market. Nothing is more annoying than PCs who won't stay dead. Of course, they'll just be replaced by new PCs of the same level, but I will at least be able to feel I accomplished something.
27. I shall make a careful study of all my lesser minions and the various important NPCs in the campaign world, in order to determine what the DM thinks is cool. Then I shall attempt to be as cool as I can possibly be. That way, if the worst should happen and the PCs come busting into my inner sanctum one day, the DM will be more inclined to ensure that I escape with my hide intact.
28. If the PCs do bust into my inner sanctum, I will teleport away. See #22. Attempting to stay and fight is suicidal, but teleporting out might just win me the role of recurring villain.

2007-08-09, 10:50 PM
Order your minions to use any magic items they have access to when heroes arrive, rather than simply storing them in treasure chests and saving them for later.

Order minions to fight in large open areas where they can surround the party to fully utilize their numbers and at the same time not all be wiped out by a single area effect spell.

Order minions to kill anyone wearing a wizard's robe first, ignoring everyone else. Even if it means taking attacks of opportunity from other party members.

Order minions to kill anyone with a Holy Symbol after all bodies covered by wizard robes are crushed.

Related to the previous two, my minions' battlecry shall be "Stay on Target!", "Stay on Target!"

2007-08-09, 11:27 PM
If you have to get rid of some great indestructable item, don't hite it in some dungeon. Drop it in a volcano. Even if that won't destroy it, swimming through lava to look for a small trinket which could wind up anywhere beneath the earth's surface is much better than a room full of monsters and traps.

2007-08-09, 11:57 PM
Make sure you get your AC from a variety of sources--being safe in the knowledge that being feinted out of your Dex bonus won't make you that much easier to hit is nice, but being can-openered by a caster/melee multiclass who's just discovered the joys of Wraithstrike because you forgot a force-based source just isn't fun.

2007-08-10, 12:38 AM
Order your minions to use any magic items they have access to when heroes arrive, rather than simply storing them in treasure chests and saving them for later.

Order minions to fight in large open areas where they can surround the party to fully utilize their numbers and at the same time not all be wiped out by a single area effect spell.

Order minions to kill anyone wearing a wizard's robe first, ignoring everyone else. Even if it means taking attacks of opportunity from other party members.

Order minions to kill anyone with a Holy Symbol after all bodies covered by wizard robes are crushed.

Related to the previous two, my minions' battlecry shall be "Stay on Target!", "Stay on Target!"

That's a good idea, until the fighters and barbarians start wearin Glamoured armor.

I can just see it now...they rush, stab...and don't hurt. "It's a trap!"

2007-08-10, 12:55 AM
Put the highest-CR minion besides yourself in the front of the dungeon. It may seem counterintuitive to have it attack fresh PCs, but trust me. They will never see it coming.

2007-08-10, 12:59 AM
1) Take levels in fighter, and make your most important lackey a full wizard. Your opponents will be expecting the bad guy to be an all powerful mage; thus if you are losing you have enough HP to lay down and play dead.

22. I will learn to cast spells. No matter what class or race I happen to be, I will find a way to be a caster. It opens up so many more options, especially given that I can take advantage of the "associated class levels" rule to get extra caster levels while staying within my assigned CR.

28. If the PCs do bust into my inner sanctum, I will teleport away. See #22. Attempting to stay and fight is suicidal, but teleporting out might just win me the role of recurring villain.

Put the highest-CR minion besides yourself in the front of the dungeon. It may seem counterintuitive to have it attack fresh PCs, but trust me. They will never see it coming.

These work well together. No one will expect all of this.

2007-08-10, 04:14 AM
Take your ill-gotten gains, launder the money and put it in a nice respectable bank account, rather than leaving it in a chest behind your throne. Adventurers are much less likely to find it unless they've taken Forensic Accountant as a profession. Plus you may make some interest on it.

Once you think your traps, minons and spells are suitable to deal with a party of 6 adventurers, add just a few more...

2007-08-10, 04:22 AM
have guards that can spot and listen good and throw in the best monsters I can get for all my rainy day money

2007-08-10, 04:25 AM
40. Rather than use a clone party, have a group designed against each members weaknesses.

41. These will not be used against the party as a group. Rather they will be sent after the individual party members have been isolated from each other through the use of traps designed to do this.

42. I will take ranks in Knowledge(Non euclidean engineering). Only an insane mind could ever hope to grasp how space behaves.

43. Within this psychotic space will be reseting traps.

44. If I do use a clone party, it will be as part of a ruse. The first clone party will face them all as one group. They will features that stand out, such as being dark grey or having horns. The next encounter will be after the party members have been seperated, and will face off against a clone of a different team mate. They will then later encounter something that looks like a clone, however that is another team mate that has been hit by an illusion at some point. Note that I will also have to use a spell to prevent them from being able to communicate with each other.

45. Use all the above in combination.

2007-08-10, 05:54 AM
Evil Overlord tactics....

1. Employ someone to raise the dead. Cheap and easy disposable minions, not great but they work ok for terrorising the countryside. And attracting the noble heroes.

2. Disguise and misdirection are your friends. Be the 0 level human commoner hired to watch the horse while they go rampaging through you fake dungeon. Leave with their stuff. Be the shop keeper that has all the best magic items, make sure they are cursed or have hidden contigency effect built into them...like explode after killing 4 mobs, this one is awesome.

3. Build in a dimensional anchor effect into you strong hold..no teleport no rope trick.

4. Stock you fake dungeon with items that 2-3 party members can all use and would make nice additions to their gear. Party infighting is great time to wander up with a mob.

5. Build a teleport trap in front of your throne, have it teleport people some random direction, or to some nasty room filled with fungi and ooze.

6. Get an minion, give him boots that make him go fast, a cloak that helps him hide and a crossbow of big damage. Create a dungeon with lots of secret/concealed doors. Teach the minion all of the ins and outs. His sole job is to harrass the party through the dungeon with a crossbow bolt to soft bits and run away. Rinse repeat through a big empty maze. Or make it lots of minions doing the same thing, kobolds work well.

7. Try to infect one of the heroes with some disease like lycathropy or vampirism. Once they discover they are now moster type x, make sure hunters of the monster type know where to go find them.

8. Hire a high level thief to rob them blind while they are shopping. Every party breaks up and goes 6 different directions when in a big city. A single well built thief can get all of their nifty stuff while they shop ans swap it for something else.

Lots more but I should get back to work.

Paragon Badger
2007-08-10, 06:06 AM
1. A lawn infront of your evil throne.

2. The lawn has been fertilized using a masterwork fertilizer.

3. A gaggle of minions on the lawn, all with Improved Trip.

4. The lawn has been enchanted. Each blade of grass is vorpal.

Please note that I am in a rather loopy and comical mood, tonight. :smalltongue:

I gaurantee your PCs will never see it coming!

2007-08-10, 06:20 AM
58. If I am so lucky as to get a dragon minion, I will not have it engage the party indoors in my cramped stronghold. Instead, it will harass them every step they take outside, only detouring to rest or destroy the towns they are heading for.

59. I will never keep my powerful wizard ex-rivals imprisoned within my stronghold, insane but still coherent enough to know that they hate me.

60. I will empty the market of Candles of Invocation.

61. If I ever need more time, I will flee with my most powerful minions and continue my nefarious plans in a secret, remote and unnamed location rather than sacrificing said minions. On the way out I will of course set off all the explosives inside the dungeon, collapsing it on top of the adventurers.

2007-08-10, 06:23 AM
1. An old man in your dungeon asks all passersbies that don't look like your mooks, which should include the adventurers, do they want to draw cards from a Deck of Many Things. The old man is a disposable mook, the deck should be called Deck of Many Exploding Runes.

2. Find a way of making yourself invulnerable for a time. When the adventurers enter the final room where you are, use this method and start the most long-winded and boring monologue you are able to produce (practicing this before gives the best results). Fill the room with various interesting objects that should catch the adventurers' attention - paintings, bowls of fruit, statues, treasure... all these items are trapped and/or poisoned. If they don't catch the bait, teleport out when the barrier drops.

2007-08-10, 08:16 AM
1) I will remember Adrian Veidt, from The Watchmen, and if I must tell the heroes my plan in great detail, I will make sure that it has already begun.

2007-08-10, 08:40 AM
45.87 [The numbering is completely lost anyway]: If I must guard an item in a place where it can be found (like my phylactery), I will employ a team of Tucker's Kobolds to do so.

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-10, 08:54 AM
62: I will not guard anything even remotely valuable with a riddle, puzzle, test of mettle, deadly death trap, arcane ward or planar portal. Small objects are kept on me at all times. Items that must exist but I don't need (such as my Phylatheri) are to be shot into deep space. Large objects are to be locked in hidden compartments in places I will usually be, such as in the seat of my throne or under my bed.

63: I will pay my minions on time.

2007-08-10, 08:57 AM
In one room of my dungeon, I will install a massive treasure-chest. The chest will be protected by a medium-level minion, magical locks of every variety, and require four or five dispels and a remove curse or two to be successfully opened. After expending their spells opening the box, there will be a single scrap of paper at the bottom of the chest, on which is inscribed:

"Nice going, I've been trying to get this thing open for years. By the way, I prepared explosive runes today."

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-10, 09:03 AM
My number 2 will be put up as the evil overlord. If I can manadge it I will appear to be one of the following:

Soon to be sacrificial victim
Imprisoned former ruler
Mind controled adventurer

That way not only am I not likely to be attacked by the heroes there is a good chance when everything blows up they will give me a seat in their getawya vehicle.

Plus some of those jobs have quite nice perks.

2007-08-10, 09:03 AM
Have one of your female minions join the party undercover. Make her pretend that she abandons you and joins their cause the moment when they discover her background, preferably by your monologue. Make her strike when they are off their guard, preferably in their sleep.

... but make sure that said female minion, for whatever reason, finds all of the adventuring party horrendously unattractive. (A curse of "See adventurer as ogre" could work here). Otherwise, you run the risk of her falling in love with the party face.

Storm Bringer
2007-08-10, 09:04 AM
their is NO such thing as overkill.

have as many body-doubles/doppelgangers/illuisions of youself as inhumanly possible. spread them all over the place, and make sure they keep being seen. this way, you can keep the party trekking for years if you do it right before they work it out.

Build you're santum in a Demi-plane you own, with the strongly evil aligned trait. every little helps.

place the entrance to said plain a just below the top of a very high cliff. Always use flying methods to enter and exit. at the very least, it forces them to use a spell and/or lose kit they cannot carry.

be friendly with a Evil god. If things get too hot at home, go hang at his pad for a bit.

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-10, 09:14 AM
If I should gain the favour of a dark master/mistress I shall do background reserch. Of note.

Prince Leviticus is in a very wobbly political possition.
Bel has the bloodwar to worry about and so may not allways pay attention when called for.
Mephistophalies has a very touch Ego, I will not insult him even under my breath.
Hexor tends to lose intrest unless you can actually win, call on him early to ensure victory, not late to undo defeat.
Bringing important minions back to life anoyes Nethurul, inteligent undead are often just as good.
Lolth may rock but she is also an Emo Goth Cheerleader, no plan will depend on her fickle moods.

2007-08-10, 09:36 AM
Levistus can be easily bribed with promises of a tropical island resort and some Bob Marley records.

Mephistopheles will not appreciate some classical music. When he visits break out the Heavy Metal. Same goes for most of the Four Horsemen but they prefer Metallica, as does Cthuhlu.

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-10, 09:38 AM
Levistus can be easily bribed with promises of a tropical island resort and all the Bob Marley records he wants.

Or Hellfire

Seriously Iceberg that is immune to magic+hottest substance in all of creation.

Got to be worth a shot right?

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-10, 09:54 AM
If for any reason I have to kidnap any princesses and I need them alive I will lock my daughter or female leutennat (you know the sort, the betray by lust risk ones) in the high tower as a decoy (where aforementioned relations can occur without the need for them to betray me) and use flesh to stone on the captives, locking them away out of sight, and revive them when I have what I need/the time of their sacrifice has come.

2007-08-10, 10:21 AM
I shall make liberal use of the spells Mindblank, Magic Jar and Dominate Monster along with the feat Heighten Spell. My body shall take a nap in a small, entirely sealed hole with a Bottle of Air. If I must leave, I'll teleport.

My Evil Secret Lair shall similarly only be accessable by teleporting in and made undetectable to scrying. It shall be in the middle of a nondescript little hill, perferably covered in the sort of grass comfortable for rolling around in. If possible, I will arrainge for the local children to frolick there.

I shall befriend other Evil Overlords in the neighborhood. If I must kidnap a princess, murder a king, steal a magical item of incredible power, or some such thing I shall leave behind seemingly cryptic but relativley obvious clues that the perpetrator is one of my new 'buddies'.

If I must go into town I shall go under the pseudonym 'Bob, the town drunk'. I shall regularly get swazzled, drop plot hooks to other Evil Overlords lairs, and sit back and watch as the PC's eliminate my competition for me.

I will not work with dragons of any kind. Period. It never helps in the long run.

I will not work with Demons, Devils or Evil Outsiders of any kind. The last thing I need once domintating the material plane is a parade of demonic tourists disturbing my regime of terror.

If I must lay traps to attempt to kill the party I will not do so in my lair. I will instead regularly send them telegrams reading "I prepared explosive runes today" and similar antics causing massive destruction to whatever piddly little town they are hold up in. Wise man say: You don't _____ where you eat.

2007-08-10, 10:35 AM
Look just as generic as your minions.

Have lots of minions.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-08-10, 10:40 AM
Part One, become a lich

Part Two, make your Phylaictry (or how ever its spelled) a small gem. Buy alot of these gems. Worth at least 100, problably more.

Part Three, Make an air tight binding circle

Part Four, Summon sum stupid but strong Demons/Devils

Part Five Use magic jar ALOT.

Part Six, make huge room filled with tones of gems that are expensive, practicaly Humming with necromonic power, when they break one out pops an evil soul, hm.. wander if that was the right one.

not air tight yet but im working on it. And undead is your friend do what you can to make as many as you can, gate in some big huge pit fiends, kill them, and then use create undead, and then comand undead, and you have a huge monster of a body guard. If you can pull if off Demons are good to, but they usualy try to kill you..so...

2007-08-10, 11:00 AM
* Hire gnomes to constantly pull pranks on the party. Given enough time, the frustrated paladin will fall, the wizard will expend all his divination spells to avoid further misschief, the rogue will insist on checking every trap for a 'bucket of water trap' and the bard will spend all his time engaged in a friendly rivalry of buffoonery with the gnomes. Either way, the party's effectiveness drops sharply.

* Enchant every single item in your dungeon, be it forks, chairs, toothpicks, boxes, doors or even a pile of dust. The party will insist on paying 100 gold to have every item identified, or will force the wizard to do it for free, even if that takes hour upon hour. If there is one thing heroic, valiant parties of benevolence are known for, it's blind greed and in-party bickering.

* Craft the most powerful item you can think of, preferably suited exactly to one of the PC's, and hide it in a goblin/kobold camp under your command. When the heroes arrive and find the item, the jealous outcries of imbalance and DM favoritism will break up the campaign, thus preventing the heroes from ever stopping your plan.

* Construct dungeon after dungeon full of traps, then fire all your minions.
After dungeoncrawling for days and not seeing a single fight, the heroes will just up and leave. If you can't beat 'em, bore 'em to death!

* If all else fails, just install a trap that drops rocks from the ceiling.

2007-08-10, 11:18 AM
Part One, become a lich

Part Two, make your Phylaictry (or how ever its spelled) a small gem. Buy alot of these gems. Worth at least 100, problably more.

Part Three, Make an air tight binding circle

Part Four, Summon sum stupid but strong Demons/Devils

Part Five Use magic jar ALOT.

Part Six, make huge room filled with tones of gems that are expensive, practicaly Humming with necromonic power, when they break one out pops an evil soul, hm.. wander if that was the right one.

not air tight yet but im working on it. And undead is your friend do what you can to make as many as you can, gate in some big huge pit fiends, kill them, and then use create undead, and then comand undead, and you have a huge monster of a body guard. If you can pull if off Demons are good to, but they usualy try to kill you..so...

Do NOT mix demons and devils for this, or they'll end up doing all the adventurers' work for them.

I like the idea of kidnapping and replacing a ruler, waiting for adventurers to find out, letting them track you to your fortress, and then having some random minion pretend to be you while you pretend to be the kidnapped ruler.

2007-08-10, 11:25 AM
I will not serve an Evil Deity. I couldn't be trusted to care about my servant if I had that kind of power, so why should they?

I will never, ever, ever, accept a position of 'advisor', 'grand visier' or any other peripheral position in a royal court. I might as well just strap a sign to my chest that says 'kill me I'm the villian'.

If I must infiltrate the royal court the position of busboy will be acceptable. Prestidigation will make cleaning the dishes a snap anyway.

If I must accept such a position and plan an assasination I shall not poison the food, the utensils, or anything else for that matter. I will come up with a totally diffrent plan that in no way involves my position in the court. I mean please.

I will ensure that most of my minions are of LG, NG, or LN alignments and I shall treat them well and keep their families safe. These folks are less likley to betray me at the drop of a hat or passing of a gold coin. Also, this will make the PC's hesitate about slaughtering them wholesale. There is no reason my reign of terror cannot have good benifits.

Any family posessing a magical heirloom weapon or object shall be offered a hefty sum to part with it in a perfectly legal and contractually binding way. If later generations realize they need it back to save the world from my evil plans they may take me to court. A Maze spell lasts only 10 Mins but a maze of litigation is forever.

If that family refuses to sell the object to me I shall not steal it and murder the family. I shall simply sneak in during the night and cast Disjunction. They may then keep their rusty beat up sword.

I shall regularly bribe librarians and other keepers of prophecy to include one specifying that my death will result in the destruction of the world. This way, even if I lose, the PC's may have some motivation to keep me alive on their own.

I shall regularly make large (for commoners) purchases of supplies and mundane objects which I shall donate to local orphanages and the like. If the PC's manage to discover my plan, kill me or force me to flee, I want the townsfolk to shun them for damaging the towns economy and leaving the ophans to starve. Petty, but hey, I'm evil.

I shall not use Undead minions. First, they will be very disconcerting to my living LG, NG, and LN minions. Second, they are a dead give away.

2007-08-10, 11:46 AM
??)I will make my weapons and armor out of the hardest metal in the multiverse:


Shas aia Toriia
2007-08-10, 11:55 AM
My alignment will be LG. Not Lawful Stupid, but Lawful Good. The PC's won't want to kill me when I'm when of the most noble people around, even if I take over the country.

2007-08-10, 12:11 PM
My alignment will be LG. Not Lawful Stupid, but Lawful Good. The PC's won't want to kill me when I'm when of the most noble people around, even if I take over the country.

Can you be a LG Evil Overlord? Seems... Paradoxical.

2007-08-10, 12:20 PM
You probably could if you tyranically ruled over people for their own good

2007-08-10, 12:26 PM
I will use Asmodeous's success story was a model. It has worked for him since the creation of the universe so it has got to be good enough for me.

2007-08-10, 12:37 PM
I will institute a direct deposit system for paying my minions. All pricey items will be kept in a secure location, away from my lair. If the heroes decide to invade and kill my dudes, it would be sensible to minimize the ability to take their stuff.

Similarly, all magical "First Aid" kits (scrolls of heal, cure potions, etc) will be stored in a specially-designed box. These boxes will have a contingent effect: Transport contents to secure location X if the owner is killed.

2007-08-10, 12:45 PM
If that family refuses to sell the object to me I shall not steal it and murder the family. I shall simply sneak in during the night and cast Disjunction. They may then keep their rusty beat up sword.

In addition, I shall then cast Magic Aura on said sword, so it will be a long time before they even realise that it has been tampered with.

Somewhere in my (probably fake) lair, there will be three caskets/books/switches/other things that involve choosing, made of gold, silver, and lead. All of them will be full of Explosive Runes.

I will create illusions of several very powerful and mighty monsters in several rooms early in my dungeon. My enemies, contemptous of my apparently low-budget dungeon, will be easy prey for the real monster a few rooms later.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-08-10, 01:19 PM
Better answer. I'll take a kobold, and train it a few levels, then stick it alone in a room. Incidentally, the level it is trained to is 5.

2007-08-10, 01:42 PM
I will Balefire things. Alot. I'll worry about reality damage after I rule the world.

2007-08-10, 01:42 PM
The steps on how not to be killed as a BBEG:

0: Be a lich sorcerer. Phylactery + Eschew Materials + No spellbook dependency = effinency. So what if you can't do metamagic as good as a wizard can; you're not supposed to be fighting during your reign. And you'll have lackeys to do that. Your phylactery will also be a small pebble, buried several feet underground at the bottom of the largest ocean in that plane.
(Really, what is an evil overlord that will be defeated by killing him?)

1: Appear to be a woman. Use any kind of spell that'll allow you to do this (the alter self and others). Don't be a deceptively beautiful woman with jet-black hair and ivory skin, dressed in clothes made of finest black silk. Look like a middle-aged, plain looking woman dressed in typical merchant's clothes. Party always assumes the BBEG to be either a lich, a man, an old crone or a beautiful woman (the latter less often).

2: Now that you are an apparently normal woman, own and work in a tavern in the city nearest to the entrance to your Evil Hideout. The party always goes there to stack on equipment and get rumors out of tavern. Be friendly to people, help them in their everyday problems (that don't concern your evil reign) and do everything to be the one to know all that's going on. This way, when the party comes in and asks for useful information, they will be directed to you.

3: As mentioned before in this thread, use a decoy. He will be an old male wizard with a skull throne, red and black clothes and a goatee; all the usual clichčes. He will also be your second most trusted servant, and will do all the public appearances associated with you masked. If for some reason you MUST personally be present, you will do that disguised as him, and using similar mask; he will then pretend to be some normal lackey.

4: Even tough he is my second trusted servant, I will not risk him having mutinous toughts. This will be insured by him being weaker, and having your most trusted servant be his servant. The trusted servant will be weaker than you, but stronger than the decoy. He/she will be armed with magic items capable of killing the decoy, but not you. Decoy will also not be allowed to your private sanctums, which he actually has no idea of.

5: Your (decoy's) public appearances will not be in the line of "burn down a village" or "torture innocent people in the middle of the town", but more like "fund new houses for the poor" and "save the crops from disease/insects/drought". This will insure that the general consencus will be in your favour, thus ensuring loyalty to your supreme reign. This also lessens the likelyhood of the party getting help from rebellious groups, since there are lot less of them.

6: Help adventuring parties in the other countries to incite rebellions against, and in the end destroy any evil reigns that are there. During all this, you will have all the important people, higher-ups and potential heirs assassinated. This will weaken the country as whole and after the civil-war is over there will be a huge power vacuum, and possibly infighting. Now it will actually be seen as a good thing when you conquer the country by using the most peaceful way possible, thus bringing back order and wealth to the land (and your newly acquired) vaults.

7: Be prepared. Have a Contingency Greater Teleport on you at everytime, with some backwards forest few miles to your Evil Hideout as the target.

8: Be patient. If there are no neighbouring contries with problems or any plans that don't threathen the stability of your reign, just wait. You have all the time you need, and it's nice to enjoy the rewards of your hard work. (A reputable tavern with lots of customers:smallsmile:)

And that is how you'll hopefully stay alive, by avoiding unhealthy interest from adventuring parties, other countries and your own minions. And for gods sake, don't put everything you have on trying to stop the good guys' plan; know when to give up, give up when you need to, wait a hundred years and try again.

2007-08-10, 01:46 PM
If my inner sanctum absolutley must be accessable to the general public I shall endeavor to make it as clean and friendly looking as possible. First, this will improve the morale of my LG, NG, and LN minions. Second the PC's will be very disconcerted to find that the evil power they have traveled so long and hard to find lives in something akin to Bag End and may assume they are in the wrong place.

I will greatly encourage bring your Son/Daughter to Work day for my minions. This provides easy traning and recruitment opportunities for my next generation of minions. In addition, the idea of a Paladin cutting down a childs father before his eyes only to have the 6 year old scream 'you monster' and cradle his parent's lifless body is too funny to contemplate.

Whenever a new minion is hired he shall be assigned a charm on a Bracelet of Friends. If the PC's ever make it into my lair I shall immediatley teleport out and proceed to summon all of my minions to me. My plans should always be portable and there is no reason to give the PC's exp. Besides, good minions are hard to find.

I shall have a large, very obvious, teleportation circle installed in my throne room. If the PC's make it into the room I shall dash for the circle. I shall also have Contingent Greater Teleport active. The act of stepping inside a teleportation circle shall trigger the contingent Greater Teleport to bring me to my back up lair. The Teleportaion Circle shall bring them to the bottom of the ocean.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-08-10, 03:33 PM
I shall have a large, very obvious, teleportation circle installed in my throne room. If the PC's make it into the room I shall dash for the circle. I shall also have Contingent Greater Teleport active. The act of stepping inside a teleportation circle shall trigger the contingent Greater Teleport to bring me to my back up lair. The Teleportaion Circle shall bring them to the bottom of the ocean.

Very smart.

So, the general thoughts are just to appear as if you are LG, or NG. Still, PC's being as suspicious as they are, they won't believe you. Especially if you take time to say:

"You enter the tavern, and a server walks up to you (the BBEG). . ."

That can be seen a mile away if you bother telling them about mundane occurances.

2007-08-10, 03:43 PM
So, the general thoughts are just to appear as if you are LG, or NG. Still, PC's being as suspicious as they are, they won't believe you. Especially if you take time to say:

"You enter the tavern, and a server walks up to you (the BBEG). . ."

That can be seen a mile away if you bother telling them about mundane occurances.

You mean if you don't bother telling them about mundane occurances? I tell my players about mundane stuff in the background all the time. The trick would be more, as the DM, to say something like:

"You enter the tavern. It is dimly lit and the air is thick with pipe smoke. There is a short barrel chested man wiping down the bar. Going from table is a middle aged thin male server. At the tables is a rough assortment of the sort of people looking like you might expect to find in a small town tavern. At the far table is a well dressed couple. At the table in the back are 3 dirty men playing cards. Sitting at the bar, or slumping as the case may be, is a frumpy middle aged lady."

Who's my BBEG?

2007-08-10, 03:46 PM
All of them! Fireball!


EDIT: Fireball: Discerning the BBEG's from the mooks since 1963.

2007-08-10, 03:50 PM
All of them! Fireball!


Got it in one! :-)

2007-08-10, 04:36 PM
I've got a couple.

I will endeavor to have as many safe zones as possible so that I may escape to a safe location should adventurers come knocking. These locations may be, but are not limited to; the basement of a wrecked cottage in the woods/swamp. A perfectly sealed stone room with command word (insert explitive here) Dimensional Anchor items. A secret room in an 'ancient crypt' filled with my undead minions. And a guest room in the local king's palace. These safe zones are to only be used in an emergency and to re-copy my spell book and make repairs on mine and my trusted lieutenant's magic items.

I will research my enemies carefuly, learning their strenghts, weaknesses and realitive power for a Trap the Soul spell. The gem, once collected, will be placed in the same spot as my other adversaries, a divination proof room at the bottom of the ocean where my phylactery may or may not be kept, not chucked out into the void of the astral plane.

I will also research my enemies families carefuly, so that I may use those relations against them by pointing out that their beloved father/mother/sister/brother/other close realitive is working for me to help me rule the world and not get, "Meh I never liked him/her anyway," as a responce.

I will make efforts for getting my trusted lieutenant raised should s/he die. There's a reason s/he's my trusted lieutenant and I'd rather not have the heros have his/her knowledge. As such I keep an active Arcane Mark on him/her at all times so that if s/he falls I take his/her corspe with me should I evacuate the premises.

Also I will insure that any adversaries I've killed do not return as ghosts. While they may add the proper atmosphere, you cannot be certain that it can't posses people, making an unbeatable adversary. Also I will try to make sure that they are hit by at least two pixie arrows before death so that I may insure they have no memory of why I've killed them.

That's all I've got.

2007-08-10, 04:53 PM
I will ensure that every party contains at least one paladin. If, despite all of my machinations, the party manages to corner me, I will surrender rather than fight, and remind the Paladin that his code requires him to deliver me to the lawful authorities. This will give me ample opportunity to escape the inept NPC guards before my execution is carried out.

2007-08-10, 06:54 PM
Going from table is a middle aged thin male server.

That's the BBEG right there. Everyone knows bars/taverns only hire female servers, so as toincrease business through sex appeal. Therefore the male server is obviously a spy, or some other person interested in gathering information. Therefore he is the BBEG, looking to figure public opinion.

2007-08-10, 07:29 PM
I shall endeavor to be seen as a benevolent dictator in the area immediately surrounding my centre of power. Only beyond 5-12 leagues shal my depredations become clear. Also my centre of power shall be a distance from the apparent centre of prosperity I create. I shall appear to be an ineffective undersecretary to the chief advisor to the local ruler of the area by judicious enchantment so it appears that any ideas I suggest are hopelessly incompetent and said advisor does the exact opposite. I can then direct events whilst appearing truly good. Better yet I will suggest these ideas to a truly advisor who IS that incompetent.

2007-08-10, 08:04 PM
Once I have taken over an area and begin my reign of terror, one of the decrees that I will enact is a universal ban on mirrors. All mirrors will be confiscated and destroyed quite publicly, no one will be allowed to own, make or sell mirrors, the punishment for doing so will be severe. Once the rag-tag group of adventurers storm into my inner sanctum confidently unveiling a mirror to me and expecting me to suddenly turn to ash or melt or some-such I will have a good laugh and only then utterly destroy the woefully under prepared group.

Inyssius Tor
2007-08-10, 08:05 PM
Ah, 220. There's a good one...

2007-08-10, 08:52 PM
I have no qualms about the use of orbital weapons on personal rivals or roving bands of overarmed and dangerous misfits. Personal honor and style are fine and all but how is a one on four fight supposed to be fair anyhow?

2007-08-10, 08:55 PM
...I just noticed that the title of this thread is "Evil OverLOAD list." Anyway.

On Equipment:
A. All of my superweapons of doom will be magically bonded to my heart so that in the (unlikely) event of my death, they will explode with disintegrating energy. And none of that nonsense where the bond works both ways. The destruction of my weapons should only be a minor inconvenience to me, not a weakness.
B. My troops will be equipped with the finest-quality full plate, but each suit will be magically enchanted to be usable only by the person it is issued to. Any other person wearing it should be unable to move. These suits will also be glamered to make handsome troops appear hideous. Any glamers that are cast on my troops' suits of armor will be modified automatically by the enchantments in the suit to allow me to see through them.
C. I will always have ranks in the Use Magic Device Skill. I will always have wands of various utility spells (such as fly, teleport, etc) in my belt.
D. I will make sure that the energies produced by any of my superweapons is completely harness and possibly beneficial to me.

On Subordinates:
E. My legions of terror will always be Lawful Neutral, not Chaotic Evil. That way, they will not question my orders and are apathetic to morality. This also makes them immune to Smite Evil. Furthermore, they will not perform excessive acts of brutality which might possibly cause the peasants to initiate an uprising.
F. Any Chaotic Evil mercenaries that we happen to hire will be sent to frontline duty. They like killing in melee anyway, and will likely die there before they betray me.
G. I will not, under any circumstances, hire sardonic, ruggedly handsome Chaotic Evil rangers with tragic pasts. (aka the Bishop Rule. See Neverwinter Nights 2.)
H. My legions of terror will be well-trained in both melee and archery. They will never, however, march into the frontlines. They will always stay far away in organized ranks, raining arrow shower after arrow shower on my enemies. (This way, they will not see who they are hitting and will retain their Lawful Neutral alignment, since they will have no chance to feel sorry about who they hit.)
I. The undead will go to the front lines. They are resilient, have unsettling appearances, and will not complain if accidentally struck by friendly fire. They will be kept FAR away from my regular troops. Undead who explode into noxious clouds of disease-carrying slime when killed will be the first to attack. Any Chaotic Evil mercenaries who attack thereafter will contract the disease and will eventually die. This prevents them from betraying me.
J. I will only summon devils if I am a half-fiend myself, whose father is the superior of the fiends in question. I will always ask my father if he ever questioned the loyalty of said fiends. If he did, they will not be summoned.

On Tactics:
K. I will always send encounters of at least "Overpowering" level against the PCs. Why send 10th level assassins against 1st level PCs? Why not?
L. Whenever I give the PCs an evil overlord speech, I will ready an action that involves striking him while he is making a righteous response.
M. I will search long and heard for a feat that allows me to make Attacks of Opportunity when PCs are making righteous speeches or responses.
N. I will always strike the wizard with spells that will prevent him from casting anything.

O. I will keep my subjects in a mindless trance by providing them with magical devices that constantly produce major image effects, free of charge. Such images will produce visions of tranquility, peace and security, or possibly mindless entertainment and bad jokes. These images will be personally selected by myself and will be programmed by my cabal of intelligent and unquestioningly loyal Lawful Neutral wizards. They will most definitely be interested in preserving order.

2007-08-10, 08:56 PM
If I am a massive red dragon who shapeshifts to join the party, I will not commit any evil acts at this time and generally be as wonderful a friend as possible. I might even strike up some sort of romantic fling with the most powerful member of the group. I will then lead them to my cave after months and months of adventuring and slaying evil, turn into my true form, and simply dunk them in lava. I will UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE eat the resourceful one because he just might have a wind up cymbal monkey, some string, and two bags of holding.

And yes, this actually happened... the dragon almost won. *sniffle* Thank you The, where ever you are, for the coolest D&D story ever!

2007-08-10, 08:59 PM
I shall not have intimate relations with Balors.

2007-08-10, 09:19 PM
I will not allow my sexy (and supposedly evil) daughter to interact with the Player Characters (or see them, preferably).

2007-08-10, 09:23 PM
To the point, I will not have children. An eternity of longevity is enough. I do not need heirs.

2007-08-10, 09:27 PM
Nah, you need them to sacrifice in order to live longer, don't you?

Citizen Joe
2007-08-10, 09:44 PM
You need them to be organ donors

2007-08-10, 10:11 PM
I wasn't paying attention.

Should I have children, I will have them Feebleminded for their own health. If their mother, one of my several consorts/concubines, should object to this treatment, they will be hit with at least two pixie arrows to insure they remember nothing.

All children I have are only vessles for spells like Magic Jar, and are only to keep adventurers from figuring out my identity. They are to be kept in isolated from everyone and kept in good health untill they are needed. As such I will keep twenty such vessels alive at all times.

All women that become my consorts/concubines will be hit with two pixie arrows if they meet my prerequisites. After all, with spells like Mind Blank and Non-Detection it's hard to tell who's on your side.

2007-08-11, 03:32 AM
1)Acquire an heir (preferably someone that will be romantic interest for one of the PC (preferably the Paladin))
2)Become a lich
3)Turn said heir in my phylactery (or some part of them that they cant live with out, ie: their Skull)
4)Wipe the memory of said heir, and set them up so that they can be one of the adventurers that tries to kill me, then revel that they are my heir, and I did everything to make there life better (always good to pull the whole “Luke I am you father” routine) then tell my heir that I hope they don’t make my mistakes…
5)Hopefully I can get my heir to join me, and if the preferable stuff for #1 has worked out, the party paladin will also join my side, or have such a crisis of faith that they will break their vow, and thus be render harmless.
6)If alleles fails the hopeful love of the paladin is my phylactery, and the paladin wont let the rest of the party kill my heir, in the unlikely event that they fined out….
Just my two cp
Feel free to comment; revisions are what make planes fool proof :smallsmile: .

2007-08-11, 04:04 AM
3)Turn said heir in my phylactery (or some part of them that they cant live with out, ie: their Skull)

Why risk it? Just make the heir's skull register like a phylactery, but have the real phylactery somewhere else. If they then against all logic kill your heir, your unlife is not at risk.

2007-08-11, 05:23 AM
A. Have your close minions/shock troops, at least the ones you can afford to have as an alignment other than LG/LN etc., be werewolves, wererats, and so on. Combined with the lack of undead in the surrounding areas (you've been paying attention so far, right?) and a cunning facade of a werewolf lord, the PC's will be prepared for and use completely pointless tactics against you. If some guy has a magic, bludgeoning, and silver weapon, kill him first.

B. Rust monsters. Cheap, easy to feed. Breed/enchant them with improved invisibility, silence 10' radius, or if you've got a lot of time/money, antimagic fields.

C. Small animated braziers with Incense of Obsession (only 200 gp a pop) that hang around lit whenever the party is resting. Generally this will not seem like a threat, and nothing bad is happening while they're around. But the effect has no saving throw. If you have air vents (for the comfort of your LN minions) have them scurry around in there. Come to think of it, they don't actually list a duration, although it's easy enough to go with the incense of meditation's 8 hours.

Iudex Fatarum
2007-08-13, 03:40 AM
be sure that the person posing as me is a half-celestial or a aasimar. They can quite easily be second in command of the local church to a good deity and their father (remember half-celestial). Who would suspect the half-celestial is actualy LN or LE and helping you take over the world.

I will never make public apearences on the full moon and will make sure that I make some of my minions weres of some sort, I on the other hand will not be a lycanthrope and will instead laugh when they draw their silver weapons. I will also ban silver weapons from my area, and claim its because some lycanthropes are good and I don't want prejudices against people. but who will believe that.

I will never kill a full family and never absolutly never let it be traceable to me. i.e. have a masked assasin kill the family and then arest him, when I am judging him and he claims I'm guilty just claim its ludicrous and hold them in contempt

2007-08-13, 10:46 AM
I will not turn into a snake. There are much, much better Polymorph/Shapechange subjects.

2007-08-13, 07:24 PM
1. I will be a dragon
2. I will take 10 levels in dragon ascendent
3. I will take one level in sorceror( for 9th level spells)
4. I will get on IO's good side
5. I will cast genises to create a demilpane of infinite treasure and minions
6. I will go there and cast posses a wyrmling dragon, then become a dracolich
7. my phylactyry will be a copper coin, majic aurad and there will be a giant glowing necromantic crystal in the centre of my hoard
8. I will then posses another dragon who will dig a little nook in the outlands and cast astral projection to travel to a remote prime
9. once there I will posses another dragon who will become the beloved LG dragon king of that world
10. 10,00 years later I will delagate responsibility to one of my heirs and cast astral projection again and go to another prime.
11. I will then posses whoever I want and do whatever I want.

I call it the 4 dragon security plan.

2007-08-13, 09:53 PM
I will use a Living Disjunction with the Psionic Hole feat as my failsafe weapon. If I am going to go down there will be hell to pay.

I will not make a deal with any daemons of devils for even the slightest amount of power. In fact I shall forbid such agreements. Besides the Abberations and Fae give cooler pact powers.

I will make a note of having a part of Hell specifically invaded and claimed in my name. That way if I happen to die I will at least have property to rule in my absence from the world. I will also ensure that the occupying forces will be relying on me to help them leave. This should motivate them to recover my soul on the off chance that it did not end up in my part of hell.

Inyssius Tor
2007-08-13, 11:26 PM
In fact, I will not enter a pact with any sort of higher power unless absolutely necessary.

Demons are unreliable, prone to fits of destructive rage, contract-breaking, backstabbing and subordinate-eating; worse, I risk gaining the above attributes by using them as a source of power.

Devils are also prone to subordinate-eating, and I would certainly be used as a pawn in their power-plays. Moreover, it would seriously damage my plans if (for example) Levistus's boat were to hit an iceberg at an inconvenient time; being raided by Asmodeus's goons as I find my Levistus-given powers draining away = not fun.

The unspeakable horrors of the Far Realm are specifically known for chaos and insanity, two things that cannot be tolerated in any plan ever. Bad idea.

Good outsiders are the last people you want to see ever, and they probably will be if you try to deal with them; chaotic outsiders are completely useless, and lawful outsiders will kill you based on any number of arbitrary yet unbreakable Mechanus-exclusive forgotten statutes (and they have Inevitables, who will all want to kill you before too long).

Fey are known for all of the above simultaneously.

2007-08-14, 08:12 AM
tecnicly the far realms aren't chaotic.

2007-08-14, 08:28 AM
As an arternative to having NO children, I will have lots of them. The infighting(for position/lust/love) will keep their minds alert, and it provides plenty of potential commanders for the armies. I will, of course, use great amounts of mis-information and outright lies with them.

Also, Good people will have a hard time justifying killing a child's 'Dear Father/Grandfather'.

2007-08-14, 08:31 AM
I will take nonassociated class levels.

I will stay out of Charge range of the Frenzied Berserker.

If I am undead, I will install a trap of Harm, triggered on when someone stands in the same square as my throne. It will reset every round.

When the party enters my chambers, I will attempt to turn the most frequently-abused member of the party. Even if it's the party Samurai, he'll still be a better minion than most of the things I have to stock my dungeon with.

2007-08-14, 09:10 AM
Entry into my Legions of Terror will require a minimum of 10 Wisdom, as well as decent ranks in spot, listen, and sense motive.

I will set stringent testing requirements for entry into my Legions of Terror. One test will involve placing the applicant in a room with an open door, and releasing a Frenzied Berserker into the dungeon. If the subject doesn't hear it coming, or doesn't have the sense to close the door, the subject will still enter my Legions of Terror, but start out in the Undead Division.

2007-08-14, 09:41 AM
I will glamer my robes and make them appear as full plate. Whenever I appear in public I will carry around a THW in said robes. I will manipulate propaganda to establish my reputation as a great martial combatant.

When I encounter a PC party, I will laugh as I make all of the will saves the casters throw at me, and then drop the stupid THW and kill the arcane casters, then deal with everyone else.

2007-08-14, 10:08 AM
I will become a positive energy powered creature not an undead for the following reasons
1. You retain all the perks of living such as joy, emotion food and the ability to partake of all 7 of the sins
2. You are still imortal
3. no nasty undead control spells
4. you can laugh at holy symbols
5. you do not have a I'm evil sign on you.

2007-08-14, 10:55 AM
tecnicly the far realms aren't chaotic.No, they're just weird.

At a certain point, the distinction between 'chaos' and 'weirdness' blurs into invisibility. The Far Realms lie beyond this point.

2007-08-14, 11:47 AM
I will legitimize my power by *GASP* actually using my powers to do some good and making sure everyone hears about those first while all of my evil deeds I will do covertly and not out in the open. this way, the public will be on my side and will take issues to these adventurers fighting me.

2007-08-14, 12:22 PM
I will never reveal the full scope of my plans to any of my minions, even the most trusted. Spells like Dominate, Speak with Dead and others can in a moment turn my most stalwart companion to the drooling puppet of the enemy and reveal all my secrets.

All of my highranking advisors will have a 'Contingent Destruction" placed upon them to be triggered should they fail their saving throws against any of the above, or similar, spells. A dead minion is a quiet minion.

2007-08-14, 12:30 PM
I shall follow the example of the dreaming dark and make great use of mind seed, programed amniesia and similar spells.

2007-08-14, 12:43 PM
My guide to a Winning Villain:

Rule 1 (or; Anything, you can do, I can do better.):
If there is a super-powerful thing (Feat, Spell, Prestige class) they take, take it too.

A. Play a Gestalt Wizard//Barbarian.
B. Become a Lich (duh!).
C. Cast Alter Self to appear as a noble paladin you killed.
D. Publicly announce retirement from whatever court the noble was in.

E. Aquire several Standard Castles of Doom (SCDs).
F. Cast a Permanency'd Magnificent Mansion (preferably at a high caster level), the entrance to which is in the local rubbish dump, to use as a house and vault (the MMM, not the dump).
G. Place the SCDs in obvious locations.
H. Frequently visit the town from home, to learn gossip.

I. Mull it over for a couple years, to think of all possible problems. Write it down, in detail, and do not use an obviously evil event.

J. Put only fake, yet seemingly amazing, treasures in the SCDs.
K. Keep all valuables at home, cast another house if you need to (put the entrance inside your own).
L. Create your Phylacetry as a rusty fork, Magic Aura it, and hide it under the hidden panel in your dining room table.

M. Put the strong monsters at the fricking front of the SCDs.
N. Put monsters with paralysis (such as Gorgons) or death effects (such as Balors) inside easily unlockable treasure chests, gaurded by kobolds. This is a winner.
O. Tell all minions to swarm spellcasters.
P. Create multiple mirrors of the same invading party. Seperate the party members and set the mirrors on them.
Q. In your guise as a paladin, "battle" powerful cliche BBEG material monsters, in reality Dominating them and using them as end villains in the SCDs.

If all else fails:
R. Time Stop. Dominate warriors and healers. Greater Teleport.
S. Have warriors turn and kill other party members in the middle of a battle, while healers refuse to heal.
T. Have dominated party members kill themselves.

If even that fails:
U. Time Stop. Wail of the Banshee. Power Word Kill. Coup de Grace. Be creative.

If even that fails (Part II):
V. Reread the guide.
W. And try not to suck so hard next time.:biggrin:

2007-08-14, 05:11 PM
heros shall have chains of disguntion and crippling shacles on them if captured

2007-08-19, 10:17 AM
Here's one:
I will build my stronghold in the middle of a lawful city and make sure the city has a law on search warrant. That way when the PC's come and raid my stronghold, I can pull a bunch of legal crap and get all the town guards on my side.

Citizen Joe
2007-08-19, 11:10 AM
Here's one:
I will build my stronghold in the middle of a lawful city and make sure the city has a law on search warrant. That way when the PC's come and raid my stronghold, I can pull a bunch of legal crap and get all the town guards on my side.

My minions will only attack intruders once they crossed my properly posted No Trespassing zone.

Any intruders killed outside that zone shall be dragged into the zone.

Dead intruders will be equipped with iron knives created using a combination of wall of iron and fabricate spells.

2007-08-19, 04:20 PM
Even if I am lawful (I almost certainly wouldn't be!) I will frequently employ discordian tactics. My puzzles will alternate between expected and completely arbitrary solutions. That way when the heroes come to their 'solution' they don't know if this is the thing they should do or not.

I will send minions (preferably mindless) to keep waking the heroes up when they go to sleep. They would be completely harmless but extremely annoying.

I will put a certain symbol of my own devising everywhere. The heroes would go nuts trying to figure out the meaning of it when there is none.

I will make my minions wear pink. This is not to make them seem less harmless. It's to really unnerve the heroes. Fuzzy animal ears, and standard issue teddy bears are also acceptable. Especially if also combined with traditional mean looking monster equipment The line between creepy and absolutely terrifying is both pink and fuzzy people.

The heroes will be unable to properly prepare for situations, and will never be able to tell if things are as they seem.

Mostly though it's just fun. Maybe you can qualify for a special prestige class too.

2007-08-19, 07:16 PM
My entire fortress will be guarded by barriers only passable by answering riddles. There will also be many, many traps of ray of stupidty so they cannot puzzle out the riddle. However if that fails I will have a emergany exit door with a wail of the bansee trap on I will apear to exit through said door while really teleporting.