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2017-08-12, 10:19 AM
Let me start by saying this game has been available for sale for over 5 years. There are gaming groups that have played online and posted it to the youtube. Each of the 7 books in the 6 book series is only 10 dollars. and you can even get a few of them for free if you know where to look on the web.

I know this, and I am not worried about anyone copying or reading ahead. This game is already unique. This group of players has never played this game with this group of characters and with me as the GM. So Let us play this game. And let's make it OUR Way of the Wicked.

And now the title crawl.

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were marched in from the gate house blindfolded and gagged. If you stumbled, the guards dragged you to your feet to keep you moving. Insided You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals. Not cruel and sadistic, a guard smears a burn salve on your brand.

Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit.

Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered. You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles allowing you to move enough to rest your hands behind your neck, or stand if you tired of sitting. But you cannot walk more than a step, the prisoner to your side is only an arm's reach away. Once you are secured, the blindfolds are removed and you are left in your cell. A guard is posted right outside the cell block day and night.

Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure. Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken?

Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom. For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

2017-08-12, 10:26 AM
And now let us go around the table. Please introduce your character.

Describe what they look like. Tell us what crime you committed. Tell us how you got caught. We will assume that the order you post is the order you are sitting left to right in your cell. (First to post sits on the far left. Last to post sits on the far right.)

Signify that you are speaking aloud with bold text, and internal thoughts with italics. Pick a color that I will use as a marker on maps for your character.

And finally make your first roll of the game. a perception check to determine what you could see/hear on your way in.

2017-08-12, 12:53 PM
The first man in the room, if indeed he can be called that, slumps to the ground in a lurching clank of metal and stone. A strangled sound escapes his throat, a few seconds later identifiable as laughter. His bald pate glistens dimly with a few scattered droplets of sweat, skin too dark to be fully human reflecting the flickering torchlight. A pair of short tusks or fangs stick up from his lower jaw, clearly betraying his Orcish heritage.

The rags which hide his torso and upper legs couldn't possibly disguise the bulging muscles of his shoulders and arms. With each ragged chortle, his chest rises and falls, revealing a wide-framed chest beneath the tatters. His fingers contract and release almost spasmodically, occasionally closing into a fist before flying open once more- grasping at some unknown and invisible thread.

Perhaps it's more a matter of rumors, but the sorcerer was captured for arson. The leader of a smallish band of brigands, he pressed an attack on a small frontier town- not small enough, however, to lack an official station of Talingarde soldiers. He torched the barracks, some say without any torches, and four of the guardsmen perished in the blaze.

All in all, however, his paltry band was in over their heads. His men were hanged the next day, but he was sent to Branderscar to be made an example of.

When he speaks, the unnamed sorcerer will use purple, and most of his discussions will be curt and impolite. You worthless, forsaken bast***s deserve no better! :smallbiggrin:

The man's gaze remains somewhere amidst the middle of the stones that make the floor, his eerie chuckling raising plentiful questions about his mental state. For the moment, he takes no notice of his companions, and makes no effort to introduce himself.

2017-08-12, 12:55 PM
The Talin hanging from the chains is of average height, his slim muscled body not quite filling out his prison rags. His brown hair is kept short and brown stubble is on his plain face. Indeed, in most ways, Inigo looks quite unremarkable, except for two characteristics. His eyes, the same shade of brown as his hair constantly look about with an almost distant, dead look to them. And his calloused right hand seems to instinctively clench and loosen, as if expecting a hilt of some sort to be there.

As he looked about the dank cell the guards had stuffed him in, his thoughts wandered back to not only his arrival to the prison, but events that had set him on course to be here. "Karfeld and Cornwell...you both will wish you had walked by my shop if I should ever get out of here," he mumbled at almost a whisper. The men he had murdered had all deserved what had come to them...they had all bought in to the idea that the Crown would protect them. He had proved that wrong for the short amount of time he had been free. He had to admit that he felt something similar to joy when we saw the look or revulsion on Prat Cornwell's face when that Knight realized what was in the stew he had eaten. If he got out, Inigo would need to be better at hiding the evidence of his mission...if he ever got out.

His thoughts interrupted by the half-orc's chortling, he looked up to get a measure of who his last few days will be spent with.

2017-08-12, 12:57 PM
Apologies for the double post. Forgot to include Perception roll in my last post.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-12, 01:50 PM
In the middle, a woman sits crosslegged. Her red hair is a tangled, filthy mess, streaked with soot from the brand and dirt of an unidentifiable source. She takes deep breaths, eyes closed, focusing on the pain from the brand and a stitched-shut but still obviously recent wound to her lower back.

Eventually, she reopens her eyes and exhales slowly, muttering to herself, "So this is Mitra's mercy, then. Fitting. Yet another lie."

When she hears the half-orc laughing, she frowns and gives him a glare, but says nothing, content to sit and remain in silence.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-12, 02:25 PM
In apparent response to the woman's comment of 'mercy', the laughter takes on a more pointed timbre. Instead of being generic rumbles of unknown relevance, he clearly scoffs at the thought of Mitra's mercy. "Mercy, my left foot," he grumbles, before lapsing into silence.

Somehow, the sudden absence of sound is all the more obvious for it.

An opportunity for forgotten perception checks!


2017-08-12, 04:00 PM

Amber Tash

A young female, no longer a girl, is chained to the wall along with the others in the cell. Her smooth skin is a pink hue, much more red than the usual human skin colour. Eyes a deep orange colour, almost as if her pupils are set aflame. Light hair waves from her head, covering one ear, while on the other side her ear is visible, where the top elongates to a point while the side is rounded and curves to the point. Curved horns jut out from her forehead. Set just above her ears are long, thin, curved and gray horns, while two small pinkish horns set just at the end of her eyebrows jut out, following the curve of the other horns, but stopping far earlier. Those with knowledge of the planes know she is a tiefling (Knowledge (planes) DC 10), though even to those without it is clear she is no ordinary human. Her hair is a mess, she looks tired, or rather, sleep depraved, she has cried earlier, the rags she wears do not suit her and the manacles holding her hands are stuck together, to ensure she can not use her hands to cast spells.
The female tiefling sits with a look of pain and agony on her face. Her branding had been inadequate the first time, for she was resistant to fire and heat. Many curses involving Hell and her origins had followed during the attempts that followed and eventually she had screamed loudly.

Amber Tash, convicted for the crime of arson, setting part of her home village of Silverby and its church ablaze. Counted as murderer of those that perished in the flames and to blame for desecrating the holy church of Mitra. Caught by Inquisitor Brandon Silverthorne after his investigations led him out of Silvery, along the path of her escape and through towns where she had stolen from the locals and disguised herself. The chase had not taken long, for her eyes had betrayed her as she had lacked the means to cover them up during her hurried escape.

Wincing as she heard them speak about Mitra's mercy, it was the words of the man speaking about a shop that led to Amber's whimpered sentence: "I miss the shop.."

Amber Tash has 120ft Darkvision and Low-light vision.
Perception: [roll0]

2017-08-12, 05:29 PM
Next to the red haired woman is another, though it is apparent that neither are related. This woman is slender, barely any muscle on her, yet she's still willing to test the chains. She seems unconcerned about the burning pain in her forearm, instead taking in her surroundings. "Hah! You don't know the half of it. Those Mitrans are too hypocritical to know what mercy is." she speaks Talin fluently, though with a moderate accent. She returns to inspecting her surroundings and the manacles.

Perception [roll0]
Also checking the manacles to see if they're loose enough to cast a cantrip, and if the floor will hold a decent puddle.

2017-08-12, 09:23 PM
Raising his gaze to look at the others chained to the wall with cold eyes, the average looking Talin quipped in a parched voice, "The only issue I got with Mitra is it's connection with the Crown." Then, noting Amber's unique physiology, Inigo followed up with, "Good to know that you ain't here just cause of the way you look then. Not that it matter what you can burn with us in the situation we are in."

2017-08-13, 04:53 AM
Amber Tash

For a moment, the orange specks in her face were gone as she blinked. For a moment, she was distracted from her pain as she looked baffled at the average looking human, Inigo Brice. Her eyebrows tensed, her teeth gritted while her cheek hardened. She stared strictly at the ever so average looking man. "I am" She spat out the following word. "not" Her eyebrows moved up, as if to note how baffling that was to her. "here because of the way I look?" She drew in breath through her nose, trying to keep a boiling anger under control. Her body tensed, her expression more and more a scowl. "They killed my mom!" Amber's arms trembled. "She was sick, but they would not help her because I asked for help." Standing up, she took the little step she could forward. "They did not heal her, because of the way I looked! They held Mitra's church shut!" Leaning forward, only her chains holding her back, she shouted. "I spit upon Mitra's mercy!" And literally, she spit in the center of the cell, as to prove her point.

Anger and fury were evident from the glare looking at the man who had spoke last. She backed off to the wall, but it took her a few moments of deep, angry breathing, before she regained enough wits to speak. "You are not here because of the way you look!" Anger mixed with jalousy, envy, had spoken. Now she spoke with a hint of disgust. "What kind of shop did you run to be here?" She dared the average man to answer, challenged Inigo Brice to speak up.

2017-08-13, 08:03 AM
A temper on that one, Inigo thought as a cold smile crossed his face and he adjusted his position to try and get more comfortable. "It wasn't the shop that got me here...but I can see why it might confuse you." Pausing as he thought on the merit and drawback of sharing his story. Then, with a grunt and a shrug he continued, "Ever hear of the Talin Butcher? Well, before I was known as that...I was a meat butcher in Matharyn. Seen enough people foolish enough to follow the Crown that it was time to show them that House Darius can't protect them. Was able to show that to five people until those bastards Sir Balin of Karfeld and Prat of Cornwell found me out." Slumping a bit more in his chains, the cold-eyed Inigo continued, "But I assume everyone else here has done something that the Crown or Church thinks just as against their 'good sensibilities' as that."

2017-08-13, 09:51 AM
"Hush in there" cries one of the guards from the door. "You'd best not insult Mitra loud enough for us to hear it.

"Yeah," calls the other. "We can do things. and this second voice laughs like an idiot.

2017-08-13, 10:06 AM
Mira shudders and says, "W-wait that was you? Oh...Oh Mit-" She cuts of, then shakes her head and continues, "Oh gods. My family ate those stews you sick bastard. "

2017-08-13, 10:28 AM
Amber Tash

Amber cooled down as she listened to Inigo. She shook her head when he mentioned the Talin Butcher, indicating she had not heard of him. When he further explained why he had killed people, there was a look of confusion on Amber's face, a lack of comprehension. She nods, to confirm his assumption that those present had done wrong by the Crown or Church, in at least her case. Interrupted by the guards, she grumbles. "I'll be burned anyways. Mitra abandoned me." Though she only speaks it out, not calling to the guards. She recalls the pain of the brand and the prospect of dying was bad enough, she needed no further roughing up.

Speaking at bit lower volume, she also shared her reason for being here. "I set Silverby and its church on fire." She then turned to Mira with a look of confusion on her face. "What do stews have to do with anything?"

2017-08-13, 10:30 AM

The last man on the chain has watched the others attempt to break the chains. Despite his own considerable bulk, he doesn't seem inclined to try it himself.

"Yeah. Mercy", he spits. "My name is Caleb. I'm in here for Heresy.". He pauses, but senses that no-one seems particularly talkative.

"The strong are put in this world to rule, the weak to serve. Power does not need to apologize for itself. These truths and others got me in here."

In hushed tones, he continues: "Yeah, keep talking, tough guys. I've heard of the professionals who work here. A couple of guards don't scare me".

2017-08-13, 10:33 AM
Perception [roll0]

2017-08-13, 11:35 AM
The Half-Orc stayed silent. From time to time his eyes flickered from one speaker to the next, but a carefully flat expression keeps his thoughts hidden to himself.

His gaze lingers on the woman so casually talking about lighting a church ablaze. In particular, they follow the curvature of her cheekbones to her ears and horns. His eyebrows furrow slightly in thought or consideration, though he adds no commentary.

He snorts quietly at the guards' threats. The left corner of his lips curls up into a distinctly unfriendly smile.

2017-08-13, 11:39 AM
"The Talin Butcher? Never heard of you. Then again, I just got back to Talingarde a few months ago, after a few decades absence. Neither of which were welcome, mind."

The red haired woman stretches as much as she is able, before resting against the wall. "Though I'm glad to see everything I've known about the church hasn't changed since I was a lass. Preaching about freedom, equality, and tolerance while refusing service to someone 'different', and enforced servitude are right up their alley."

She turns and yells at the door, "And what are you going to do about it, huh? I've experienced your worst tenfold by the time I was your age. At best you'd bore me to sleep! And if you'd try anything else, you'd just be proving us right. So why don't you be a good little ignorant, and let us get our beauty sleep for our big day."

Not the brightest move, but Gail's spent too much time in this position to not be annoyed by being back in it.

Are we going to get an OOC thread?

2017-08-13, 12:35 PM
An eyebrow raising at Mira's outburst, Inigo sarcastically quipped back, "Apologies that your family's sensibilities were not taken into consideration in my planning. You see, adding those fools to the stews was a simple means to get rid of the evidence without raising too much suspicion. I have to ask though, how did they like them? I have never tried those particular stews myself."

Any further comments related to Mitra don't really get a response from the slim yet muscled Inigo, suggesting that the dark haired murderer doesn't have any strong belief in religion. The guards' shouted warning doesn't elicit much of a response either, his time at his work having taught him how to keep composed around those tasked with enforcing morals and laws. Then not focused on someone speaking, the former butcher's eyes flick over occasionally to the now silent half-orc.

2017-08-13, 02:40 PM
Mira makes a low sound in the back of her throat in response to Inigo's question, just after chuckling at the last fellow. She looks at him, shrugs, and says, "Well, I'd say the people who put you in here were a good bit stronger than you. And yet you don't strike me as one to sit down and accept your fate."

2017-08-13, 03:54 PM
Amber Tash

Amber Tash looked at Caleb while he spoke and listed to hear how he talked about the guards. His stated fearless was overshadowed by the red haired woman's, as she yelled at the door to the guards. Amber softly winced, on one hand hoping that the guards would not show, but on the other hand envious of the woman's courage to stand up for herself.

Her attention quickly shifted however, as Inigo Brice's words sunk in. Baffled she repeated him. "You put other people in stews?" Amber visibly shivered of disgust. "Eww, yuck! Gross! That's just sick!" She quickly looked to the other side and leaned away from Inigo's direction.

2017-08-13, 07:36 PM
"So quick to call their wrath upon yourself?" the Half-Orc muttered, too quietly to be heard past his immediate companions. He shakes his head, either in disgust or disbelief as the echoes of the woman's cries fade, their absence beckoning the guards' response.

Anyone looking his direction at mention of Human stews would note the feral grin of amusement playing on his lips.

2017-08-13, 09:56 PM
There is the sound of of keys in the lock as the two guards enter the cell block. they approach your cell tapping their clubs on the bars. "I warned you about keeping quiet." the first said.

The Second smirks as if he's the smartest man in the world. "So now we're going to tell you about how the bathroom works."

First guy begins "If you have to go, you go. We aren't taking you to the latrine."

The second keeps smirking. "Tell them when their cells get cleaned."

"They get cleaned about noon. The warden comes in and casts some spell that gets rid of your waste. which by the way already happened today."

"Use the big fancy word Danny. The big word." the number two guy laughs.

"Excrement." Danny apparently the first guard's name. "So you'd best do what we say, or we tell the Warden to skip cleaning. And he will. He hates cleaning.

"And you might want to hold it until then or you'll be smelling it! And sitting in it. Your ex-cement! guard #2 laughs. They turn and walk away oblivious to anything you'd say. Mostly because the unnamed second guard can not stop laughing at his potty humor.

2017-08-13, 10:48 PM
The red-haired-woman-who-has-yet-to-introduce-herself grits her teeth. "Standard humiliation tactics. Can't say I didn't enjoy being on the other side of it. At least here they don't have to touch us directly for cleaning." She shudders, remembering her lifetime of such treatment. Unfortunately for her, these shackles of higher quality than what she was used to.

2017-08-14, 05:00 AM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4409/35752052933_2676752730_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WthBKK)

You have a moment to look around and get your bearings. The walls and floors are made of stone. All of you are chained to this wall facing the door to the cell. The wall of the cell is just bars spaced three inches apart connected with a three cross pieces to make slipping through them difficult. The door to the cell is apparent as it has more crosspieces making it resemble a grate. To your left, high up on the ceiling in the cell block's hallway is a skylight, the lone window in the room and the best source of light. It cast shadows to your left, meaning with the Guard's statement that it is past noon, you must be on the North wall and facing South.

To the West of you is another stone wall, but this wall has a solid steel door on it with heavy deadbolts on this side. You can hear the clank of manacles and the shuffling of feet coming from it. There is a tiny window in the door to allow the guards to see into this reinforced cell.

Although you can not see them, the Guards sit outside the cell block playing cards.

2017-08-14, 06:27 AM
Mira shudders at the thought of sitting in their own waste. She gives her manacles an experimental tug, curious as to whether or not they might be able to be pull them apart, and peers at the window, looking for a chance to make her attempt to get out of the shackles when the guards aren't looking.

2017-08-14, 08:22 AM
Ignoring the tiefling's squeamishness at hearing the details of his crime for the moment, Inigo also begins looking about, flicking through the details he recalls from his arrival to the prison in his head. The guards are confident...which is to be expected, the murderer thought. The guards may be a bit over confident however...for now they know of a latrine. While likely not the most pleasant room in this prison, it could be a good way out...or at least offer a bit of privacy...should he get free of the manacles somehow. With that, Inigo focuses his attention on the manacle themselves, craning his neck up and down to get a sense for the quality of the locks more out of habit than any thought that he might be able to get free.

[roll0] to get a sense for the lock quality

2017-08-14, 09:08 AM
The Half-Orc only rolls his eyes at the guards apparent humor. He's seen much worse- hell he's done much worse to some of the poor sots captured during his band's raids. "Pitiful," he mutters. "They don't give a sh!t about anybody, but can't bring themselves to really get mean. They're weak." He raises one side of his lip in a tiny, silent snarl.

Apparently unconcerned with the guards, he looks down at his hands. Chains rustle quietly as he moves his hands back and forth, testing their slack and toughness.

Important question: do the manacles prevent spells with somatic components from being cast?

2017-08-14, 11:50 AM
The manacles look to be of high quality, and should have a DC of 25. Inigo will note that the locks have a build up of rust and clearly have not been maintained. This lowers the DC to 20. The only additional challenge is a -2 circumstance penalty from having your hands chained above your head.

Attempting to slip out of the manacles is a Escape Artist DC 30.The window/skylight is in the ceiling and is about 15ft up.

The manacles are attached via a chain that has been fed through a ring above your heads. If you want to move your left hand freely, you must be standing and you must raise your right hand. This makes spell casting difficult. It will count the same as being entangled for a concentration check. DC 15+spell level verses a 20+caster level + relevant ability

After a while, the sunlight offered by the skylight above. starts to climb up the east wall. It grows later in the day. The two guards come in again. "We need to mention food." the first one says. The second starts to echo, but Danny silences him with a motion of his hand. You will be given bread and water from our kitchen twice a day. On your final day, if you are to be hung or beheaded. you will not be given food. Though you are condemned to die for you crimes, you will not defecate yourself in your last act. "

The second guard starts laughing again. Danny had used another big word.

Danny continues "Those of you facing the flames will receive food. The flames will burn everything. It won't matter. Before your execution you will be offered a drink of wine. It will be drugged to lessen you pain and MITRA'S FOOT!"

From the tiny window in the steel door, a human thigh bone is tossed like a dart at the two guards. It barely misses Danny but smacks Guard #2 in the face, his nose now a bloody mess.

"Little uns!" An Ogre taunts from the window. Little uns come in and play!" It clanks an open end of manacles against the bars.

The ogre laughs happily as Danny lifts the second up and drags him back out of the cell block.

The Ogre lifts his hands up in victory "Grumblejack!" He sings. "Grumble Grumble Grumblejack!" You can hear the sound of his feet dancing in celebration.

2017-08-14, 01:32 PM
"Nice one, Grumblejack! I will buy you a beer when we get out of here", Caleb laughs.

2017-08-14, 01:38 PM
The Half Orc peers strangely at his hands, causing the occasional tiny spark to fling towards the ceiling, dissipating harmlessly. As the guards begin to enter, he immediately stops, leaving no trace of his previous behavior for them to stumble upon.

His gaze peers flatly into Danny as he speaks, making no obvious indication of having heard or understood the man. He simply stands and stares, dull disinterest plain on his face.

The bone projectile draws a short snort of amusement from the Half Orc's misshapen snout. He continues to snicker as the guards collectively hobble from the hallway. "Well thrown, Grumblejack- when we get out? Hah." he growls, in-between chuckles.

As the moments tick by, his attention returns to his hands. His expression flickers from satisfaction to angry glares somewhat randomly, as sparks flicker into and out of existence beyond his fingers.

With a DC 15 concentration check, against modifiers of +6, I've got 60% odds to succeed at a cantrip (the aptly named, spark (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/spark)). I'm assuming that we are free to pass the time with repeated attempts, some succeeding others failing.

To that end, I'm just posting under the assumption that he has mixed results, and is pleased when he's able to make the spell happen, and irritated when he is not. Though actually, now that I read closer, the spell calls for verbal or somatic components. For the sake of continuity, I'll leave the post as-is, assuming he's trying to make the spark happen by somatic gestures.

2017-08-14, 02:35 PM
Mira also laughs out loud and, noting the rust, strains mightily against the chains, attempting to tear them from the wall and free herself to enter the melee.

Strength check: [roll0]

2017-08-14, 02:47 PM
Though intrigued by the events unfolding outside of the jail cell, Inigo frowns as he sees Mira straining against the chains. "Hope you are just testing the chains there," Inigo states at a whisper, "Not sure if you noticed, but there are two doors between us and them that are, in all likelihood, locked. It's probably better to try an escape after we have some sort of plan in place than thrash about like that."

2017-08-14, 02:53 PM
Amber Tash

"Ewwww.. ewww." Amber muttered in disgusted reaction to the guards explaining their cell was their bathroom. Shivering as she thought about it again, she looked at the red haired woman, who proclaimed it to be standard humiliation tactics. For Amber, there was nothing standard about it as she still looked disgusted. When the man with a dark skin, bald head and tusked mouth speaks up, Amber looks at him in surprise. First for what he said, but a moment later because of the tusks. "They're not mean yet?" She asks a bit bewildered, looking at how he moves in a strange fashion with his hand, followed by looking with curiosity at what she thought had been a spark.

When the guards came again, Amber tried to make herself small, not liking their arrival. When she heard that she at least would not need to be too hungry on her last day, it did little to comfort her, after all, she had no desire to face the fire. Not that she got much of a chance to think about that further, as something flies through the air unexpectedly, a bone smacking against one of the guards. The one making the loud sound from the heavily reinforced cell next to them seemed to be the source of the assault. Surprise had made way for fear however, which showed on her face as she looked at the bloody thigh bone lying on the floor which had moments ago struck the guard who was now bying carried away.

Her eyes moved from the bone to the stone wall and the steel door besides them, a scared look still visible on her face. Listening for a few moments to whoever was in there singing and dancing, she gulped. Her eyes shot for a moment to Caleb, raising her eyebrows in disbelief. Shaking it off, she looked at the cell next to them again, the scared look returned for a moment. After a few moments, she whispers to those close to her, esnuring Grumblejack would not be able to hear her. "Any idea.. what Grumblejack is?"

2017-08-14, 06:14 PM
"They're not mean yet?" For the first time, his laughter takes on a note of mirth. He laughs for several seconds before stifling his entertainment in favor of words. As he speaks, a decidedly malicious expression melds into place over his grin. "You must be the most naive murderer ever. If you're lucky, I'll show you what mean looks like soon enough..."
The guards enter and depart, one struck by the bone.

As Mira tries the chains, the Half Orc shakes his head in disgust. "Save your strength, daft girl," the condescending jibe comes. "They just told us that they'll be feeding us and letting us off this chain sooner or later." He goes back to studiously focusing on his fingers and the occasional flicker of light beyond.

"Any idea.. what Grumblejack is?"
"Big. Strong. Doesn't like the guards. I think he's an ally."

2017-08-15, 02:52 PM
Amber Tash

Before the guards had arrived, Amber continued her look of bewilderment towards the tusked man after he laughed for several seconds and spoke how if she was lucky, he would show what mean looks like. She tried to figure out if him being mean would be directed to the guards or, well, to her, but she clearly hoped the former.

When the guards left and the tusked man answered her question about Grumblejack, though she still looked scared, she seemed to consider his answer. Her eyes moving to the cell block next to them, and then back at the tusked man, looking at his height and the clear muscular physique. In a hesitant and slightly hushed tone she started repeating him. "Big. Strong. Doesn't like the guards. So.. that makes you an ally too?" She looked at him, though after some moments her head shifted to look towards the woman that had pulled strongly against her chains, as she seemed to meet the same description, before looking back at the tusked man.

2017-08-15, 05:11 PM
The Half Orc raises an eyebrow at his unexpected echo. He turns to face the girl, meeting her gaze with a narrow-eyed stare, his face otherwise expressionless. When she turns her gaze to the other woman, he snorts and breaks into a smile. "Hah. You're not as dumb as you look."

Just so we're on the same page, *I* don't think you're dumb. The sorcerer might not even think you're dumb, but he's kind of a huge @sshole. So.... :smallbiggrin:

Please don't take anything I say in-character personally, but feel free to roleplay your own characters as if they did.

When she looks back, his attention has already returned to his hands, and the intermittent sparks that cause his expression to shift between satisfaction and ever-increasing annoyance so spasmodically. Out of the corner of his mouth, he mutters, "Assuming you're no friend to the guards..."

2017-08-15, 08:16 PM
Mira sighs as her considerable strength fails to break the chains and mutters, "Right. Time for Plan B..." She looks at the door into Grumblejack's cell, then asks the guards, "Hey, how chained up in there is he? I don't want to be stuck here when he breaks loose."

2017-08-16, 02:56 PM
Though having just met the tiefling, Inigo decided that she just might be a bit too squeamish for her own good. So instead, the murderer keeps his attention focused on Mira, interested as well in learning more about the state of the creature in the next cell over. "Yeah...I aim to get all the meals due me before I die. And that means not turning into a meal for something else."

2017-08-16, 08:41 PM
After Danny drags his number two away, there are no guard interruptions for hours. Then, around what might be dinner time, a group of six guards come into the cell led by a fat well-dressed sergeant of the watch. The guards are all buisness. Each wears a chain shirt and uniform with the coat of arms of Branderscar Prison (A yellow Mitran Sunburst behind a blue silhouette of the castle.). Each carries a Heavy Steel Shield and a sword sheathed at the hip. Four carry a club wrapped in leather, while the other two have bows and arrows notched. You recognize Danny among the archers, but number two is not present. Three guards approach Grumblejack's cell with their shields raised high and overlapping The shields are round and also bear Branderscar's coat of arms. They march towards the door with purpose. Grumblejack tosses a random bone and it harmlessly bounces off the shield wall. You can hear the beast grumble in disappointment.

Reaching his door, middle guard uses his shield to cover the window in Grumblejack's cell. The other two turn to face the your cell. Clubs at the ready and two arrows drawn back, the Sergeant speaks. “You there!” he points are Caleb. 'That's the scum we want. Get 'em unshackled. If any makes trouble, they'll earn a thrashing!” Each of you recognize this man. After your blindfold was removed, this is the one who was holding the smoking brand. He had been laughing after burning your skin. At the moment though his voice sounds dazed. The archers hold steady while two guards switch to their swords. The third unlocks the door and with the swordsmen flanking him enters your cell.

“Today's your lucky day scum. You've got a vistor. How you ever managed such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn't want to keep her waiting.” They unlock Caleb's manacles and motion for him to march. If he goes with them, he is at the center of the group guided by sword point. If he resists or hesitates, they club him with their pommels and drag him.

About a half hour later Caleb returns and is placed back in his chains.

2017-08-16, 10:23 PM
Mira passes the half hour in silence, her barest ideas of escape withering away as Caleb is taken away. Instead she opts to meditate, focusing her frustrations inwards as she was taught to do, forming a steely facade against the world.

2017-08-17, 04:15 AM
Looking back at the tusked man, she sees him busy with the sparks again. She looks to be consider his words about how she looks. In the end she gives as slight shrug. Hearing him mutter, she nods shortly to confirm she is no friend to the guards.

In the hours that follow, with no guard in sight, Amber mentions to all: "My name is Amber Tash, by the way."

When the guards eventually come, having ignored earlier mentions from her fellow prisoners, Amber is surprised to see the amount of guards arriving. Her hours in prison have left her uncomfortable with her situation, which is an understatement. She tries to make herself smaller as the guards enter the cell. While her face shows she is scared, her eyes betray a growing hatred. The hatred is especially visible when she looks at the Sergeant who branded her.

Wondering what Caleb was doing kept her occupied for only a little while in this boring and awful prison. When he was brought back and the guards had left once more, Amber spoke up, though perhaps mostly out of boredom and something to distract her from her hunger. "What was all that about, Caleb?"

2017-08-17, 09:43 AM
The Half-Orc interrupts his odd meditation with a snort at mention of the Tiefling girl's name. He makes no comment other than the curt exhalation.

At the sight of so many guards, he instinctively begins backing away. He can't pull very far before pulling the chain tight. With a raised lip, he snarls, and makes a conscious effort to master his fear. Stepping back towards them, he gains a small amount of slack, though still woefully inefficient to allow him to really defend himself or fight back. With a grim and stoic expression, he awaits whatever punishment or ministrations the guards bring.

When they ultimately ignore him, he is relieved, though his posture hides it effectively. He stands still as they unchain Caleb, unwilling for the moment to take his chances against such odds.

He never says a word to the guards, though his flat glare contains all the animosity in the world.

2017-08-17, 12:56 PM
Watching at they unchained and hauled Caleb away, Inigo kept quiet, simply leveling his dead stare at the man who had branded him. If he had the chance to get free, he would do to him what he had done to Handor for laying a hand on him...if he could get free.

Figuring that none of them were in a position to use any additional information he gave against him, Inigo shrugged his shoulders again as he muttered, "The name is Inigo Brice. With the right tools, I can probably get out of these manacles and offer a proper greeting. Unfortunately, I don't have my tools on me."

2017-08-17, 11:02 PM
Adding pictures of the NPCs

Sergeant Tomas Blackerly
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4351/36450694122_ecbbd92604_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Xx2kru)

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4438/36222993010_d7ac326d84.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/XbUiQf)

2017-08-18, 06:02 AM
"Tools like these, Inigo?"

From beneath his grimy rags, Caleb produces a fine, lacy veil. After seemingly playing with it for a few seconds, he draws out a set of lockpicks. "Asmodeus provides. But we're not out yet." He passes the tools to his chainmate. "There's going to be a price to pay. I can not tell you what, or whom. Anyone who disagrees with those terms is welcome to stay here and try their luck against the pyre or the headsman."

2017-08-18, 06:52 AM
Mira frowns and says, "I...I really don't like the sound of that." She sighs, shakes her head, then says, "But these are hard times." And honestly, I can probably wriggle out of whatever deal this is.

She glances at the veil, trying to figure out if there's anything else that it can produce, and asks Caleb, "You have a shield in there? Or a longsword?"

2017-08-18, 08:41 AM
Looking at Caleb with genuine surprise, Inigo's face creases slightly as he considered the Asmodean. "And I hope that came from your visitor. If you had it with you this whole time, I'd hate to think where you were hiding something like that," Inigo whispered. Nonetheless, he takes any offered tools, hiding them as best as he can in the meantime and grins. At a whisper, Inigo continued, "Well with that in hand...maybe an escape can indeed happen. Before we do that, might be good to get a plan in place. At least one that will help us take care of Danny and anyone else that might be sitting out there. What can you all contribute to this plan? Outside of my willingness to kill and affinity for locks, I can move about quietly when needed and get into places undetected."

2017-08-18, 09:42 AM
"Can not or will not?" The other redhead frowns, considering her options. "Fine. I can't say that I didn't willingly do the things worthy of this place, and at least I have a choice this time."

"As for what I can do, not much in combat, I'm afraid." She grimaces clearly uncomfortable with telling complete strangers her skill set. But she knows she'll have to in order to survive. "I have some control over water, and can inspire the combat abilities of myself and others, though not at the same time, and not for long. Otherwise , I have a couple spells that I used to delay people whenever I had to escape." She wasn't going to tell them that most of those escapes ended up in failure.

2017-08-18, 09:44 AM
Mira shrugs and says, "I really need at least a shield to be useful. I guess I could try to talk my way out of here, but that does kinda rely of having a credible threat or something they want."

2017-08-18, 11:42 AM
For the record, after the guards put Caleb back in his chains, they left the cell block and returned to where they were before. the extra guards go back to their posts, a few are now off-duty, and the two outside the cell block are playing cards again. It's Blackjack because you can hear one occasionally say hit me. The prisoners are alone in the cell block.

Inigo can tell that these are masterwork lockpicks. They add a +2 bonus to the disable device check. The DC of his locks are now 20. Oncce his hands are undone, he no longer suffers the -2 DC for having his hands bound so the DC of others will be only 18.

2017-08-18, 02:38 PM
Amber Tash

Wide-eyed Amber looks at the tools Caleb produces from his rags. Clearly impressed, this is replaced by shock as she looks at Caleb in new light as he states Asmodeus provides. It is the banned religion in Talingarde. Amber gulps as she hears him speak. Looking at the others and their reaction, she clearly hesitates to speak up at first. Looking at Inigo, then scanning over the others, Amber breathed a bit faster as hope of escape gave rise to excitement.

Speaking hushed like Inigo, she forgot that the guards would not be able to hear them over their game of cards. Looking at Caleb, she addressed him first, with a scared look in her face. "I... Look, I, I want to escape. But I don't, I won't do it in exchange for my soul!" She shivered for a moment, then looked away. Trying to sound more normal, she spoke again, glancing at Inigo and the others. "I can make clothes and disguises, or talk people into buying new clothes, but I guess those won't be useful here. I'm okay at hiding and can see better than most in the dark. And uhm.." She bites her lip for a moment as she speaks hesitantly. "..I think I'm a.. witch, or something. I can create fire.. sometimes. And, uh, sparks, like him." She nudges towards the tusked man who had been trying to create sparks before, with some success, despite the manacles before.

2017-08-18, 06:57 PM
The Half-Orc looks on with apprehension, as Caleb produces some... veil? His apprehension blends into appreciation and interest at the appearance of thieve's picks. As the manacles gently clank loose from Inigo's wrists, he smiles. "You have piqued my interest," he admits, a hair begrudgingly. "I'm in no hurry to experience a blaze from the inside," he comments, before openly laughing at the groups various responses to prices and souls.

"The hells with your soul, and mine too, while we're at it. Unlock this door, and I'll get you a sword." A glare of hatred suggests the deaths of their overseers.

"Like she said," he adds, with a flick of his wrist and a brilliant spark, "this is just the least of it."

Not one to play his cards early, he can also produce claws for several rounds a day. If he doesn't get dropped quickly, I suspect I can get us a few sets of armor and weapons. :smallbiggrin::smallcool:

2017-08-19, 01:15 AM

Caleb laughs at the Tiefling girl's consternation. At first, a small chuckle, then he covers his mouth with his hands and shakes silently for a long, drawn-out minute. As he looks up, there are tears of laughter in his eyes. "Oh, my sweet, sweet devil-child. Even if Mitra's Golden Hall was open for the likes of you, don't you realize what that brand on your arm means?"

He turns away from her. "Inigo? Any time you're ready, please".

After he's been unshackled, he gets up, rolls his shoulders, and continues to address Amber. "Mitra already shut his door in your face once, didn't he? But as I said, you're welcome to stay here and burn instead. Or, you can trust that everything you've been told about Asmodeus is as much a lie as everything you know about Mitra's love and mercy.". He turns to the rest of his fellow prisoners. "The price is going to be a favor. Maybe more than one. And you may find yourself thinking that what is asked of you is not a fair trade for the help we're receiving today. That would be a mistake. We are not being offered lockpicks and daggers" - Caleb draws out two daggers - "we are trading away the pyre and the chopping block; that is the price you should be considering. If you step out through that cell door, you have accepted those terms."

Caleb holds out two daggers hilt-first, encouraging others to accept them. After that, he fumbles with the veil again and drops all pretense of mundane sleight of hand, as he hakes out a pile of simple but clean clothes.

2017-08-19, 07:57 AM
Not liking the idea of springing the manacles without a plan in place, Inigo nonetheless whispered, "Only if you promise to avoid the preaching there priest." Then, turning his head to face whoever is the closest to the door, he continued, "Keep an eye and ear out and let me know if the guards start moving this way."

Then, slipping a few tools from the kit, the murderer craned his neck up to see what he was doing as he attempted to free his hands. As he worked, he continued, "Once the manacles are taken care of, I can try to work the door and we can try to catch the guards by surprise. Best if we can draw them into the cell block so I can flank them and cut off any chance of escape."

Rolling to free his hands. Once that is done, I will roll a few more rolls to free his feet and the other people int eh cell. [roll0]

2017-08-19, 08:40 AM
His hands now free, Inigo gets to work on the other manacles.

EDIT: Barring any unwanted results that might happen from these rolls, Inigo would work to free people in the following order:
Caleb, Mira, Amber, the half-orc, and Gail. He would take one of the daggers that Caleb offered.

2017-08-19, 08:50 AM
Mira sighs at Caleb's preaching and replies, "The only difference between Asmodeus and Mitra is that one of them is at least honest about the pecking order. Ironic, really, considering his titles." She sighs, looks at Amber, and says, "Dear, no god is going to accept you. You have a choice between being hated, being a toy, or being...Well, not free, but not subservient to a ruler that cannot be cast down."

She then mutters to Inigo, "Pop me next, if you could. I can easily draw the guards in here."

OOC point here, Mira's evil might not be self-evident at this point, but it's because she's a fairly subtle kind. She's the revolutionary that establishes a dictatorial reign of terror after assuming power, all the while assuming that they are doing the best thing for the people that they rule.

2017-08-19, 10:24 AM
You discover that when unlocked, the manacles will close, but do not automatically relock unless the keys or lock pick relock them. Thus they can be made to look like they are still locked even though you are free.

2017-08-19, 11:24 AM
After fiddling a bit with his foot shackles, Inigo gets his feet freed, which as it turns out also releases everyone's feet. (Seriously that is what the book says. There is only one lock for everyone's feet. I'm having trouble visualizing it, but hey this would get tedious if we had to do two locks for everyone.)

Caleb is freed next. Followed by Mira. need more rolls for the rest.

And the guards failed their perception checks for hearing the three failures.

2017-08-19, 02:20 PM
With fear Amber looked at her own brand. She swallowed and breathed heavier. The laughing Caleb had put her on edge. Trying to discern a deeper meaning to the brand than marking her a prisoner here, suddenly a realisation seemed to hit her, which left her gasping for air for a second.

Wincing, she gritted her teeth. Looking up at Caleb after he is freed, doubt draws on her face as he claims everything she heard about Asmodeus is a lie. Frowning, he interest seems to be piques. Her mouth opens slowly as she has a questioning, curious expression. But then she closes her mouth, hearing how the price will be a favour. She cannot help but sigh of relief.

Turning to listen to Mira she considers her words and gives a nod in response. Looking at Caleb again, she clearly states with a look of determination: "I'm coming too."

2017-08-19, 07:37 PM
"Damnit, boy, let me loose!" The Half-Orc hisses. "I'll flay those guards and sear their bones if they try to interfere!" He looks around incredulously at the rest of the group, largely unarmed and entirely unarmored.

With a quiet hiss, he blinks and his pupils take on the vertical slits of cats and reptiles. With a grin, he displays suddenly-sharpened teeth and raises his hands. Wicked-looking claws have replaced his fingers. Thick, muscled, and covered with blood-red scales, they look more than capable of rending flesh from bone- giving no small measure of credence to his words. After a few seconds, he shakes his arms as if to relax his muscles and blinks. His pupils have returned to normal, and the scales coating his hands have disappeared.

He stares at Inigo intently, breathing heavily. "Loose. Me."

That will be one of the 8 rounds per day that he can manifest claws. I suspect we'll be armed soon enough that they won't all be needed, and to be frank, his wisdom isn't very high. :smallbiggrin::smallcool:

Related, feel free to not have your character respond strictly as the skills say he should. For the sake of a frame of reference, here's the intimidate check (without any circumstantial anything for being part Dragon). [roll0]

2017-08-20, 11:47 AM
Cringing as his tool clinked and rattled against the metal manacle, Inigo breathed a quite sigh of relief when he realized that the guards hadn't heard his mistake. Continuing his work, he moved over to Amber as he whispered in response to the belligerent half-orc. "Save your ire for the guards their half-orc. And don't call me boy, unless you look forward to facing the pyre youself."

As he continued to work the locks, he simultaneously continued vocalizing the ideas he had for an escape. "Somoen keep an eye out for any guard movement. Those who are free will need to slip back in the manacles quickly so that the guards aren't tipped off."


2017-08-20, 12:08 PM
The Half-Orc's glare turns entirely flat. He responds "Be careful who you insult-" His lips twitch as if trying to decide whether or not he'll say more. For a few seconds he remains silent, as his hands clench and relax spasmodically. "You won't be lighting any pyres anytime soon."

That strikes me as a decidedly unreasonable response to that kind of display of power and intimidation (compared to none of any sort from anyone else), but it's your character.

2017-08-20, 01:56 PM
Caleb find a pair of breeches and a tunic in the pile of fresh clothes, and quickly changes out of his rags, trying to twist and contort himself to preserve some modesty. He wraps a coil of rope over his shoulder, hangs a pentacle pendant wrought in chain-motif silver around his neck, and sets a bullseye lantern down next to the two unclaimed daggers.

"Oi! Half-orc! Are you any kind of fireproof?", he shout-whispers.

"Inigo! You wanna sneak up on the guards, or do you wanna unlock Grumblejack?".

2017-08-20, 02:18 PM
Amber Tash

Amber was happy she was not chained next to the tusked man, or half-orc. Shying away from the man with scary teeth and claws with a frightened look, she swiftly went out of her manacles when Inigo freed her. Almost tripping over the red-haired woman next to her and she tried to move another step away from the half-orc, not wanting to stand between Inigo and him, as Inigo had favoured freeing her before him. "Thanks." She whispered to Inigo, while offering an apologetic nod towards the red-hair woman who she had almost tripped over.

Looking surprised at what Caleb manages to reveal, she then moves to the corner of the cell closest to the exit, following Inigo's instructions to watch for guard movement. "They still haven't brough food, so we need to be careful." Looking at Caleb and the objects he had produced, she voices her worry towards Caleb. "You sure we shouldn't have waited until the cover of night?" A moment later, she adds out of curiosity for the odd request: "And uhm, why fireproof?"

2017-08-20, 10:02 PM
"Oi! What's that then in there?" One of the guards calls. There's the clank of the lock turning. A guard is coming in.

Grumblejack throws a human skull across the hallway with a shout. "Hey! Grumblejack sing. Grumblejack smash. Grumblejack dance and make the guards wet pants. "

"It's just the ogre. another new voice calls. We're under orders to let it tire itself out. It will eventually starve itself and we can drag it out later."

You don't hear the second side of the conversation. You hear what follows.

"OF COURSE it is inhumane. Those bones are the bones of the two guard who got him in that cell. He eats people!"

Grumblejack laughs as he hears them talking about him.

"you owe grumblejack more than a beer now."

2017-08-21, 08:27 AM
Holding his breath as he heard movement from the guards, Inigo was about to dart for the dagger when Grumblejack suddenly threw the bone across the room. Stopping so that there was no other sudden movement from the spry man, Inigo slowly and silently let of his held breath as the guards went back to what they were doing. Turning his head and giving Caleb a look that stated, "Does that answer your question", he went back to work on the locks freeing the other cell mates. Taking special care around the half-orc, Inigo prepared to spring back in case the arsonist decided to lash out.

Once the others were free, Inigo whispered, "Might be good to avoid any unnecessary shouting, unless you want the guards to come in before we are ready. After what the ogre did, I'd say he's a bit smarter than we first thought. I am all for a stealthy approach, but that doesn't mean we can't bring him along...so long as we can come to some form of understanding with the beast. Anyone good with words interested in talking to it?" As he spoke, he went over and took up one of the daggers, before heading over to the cell door and got to work unlocking it, figuring that with Caleb already dressed in the new clothes, waiting any longer to form a plan and find the opportune time would do them more harm than good. "Once we are ready to move, we can lure them in and I can attack from surprise while others simultaneously charge." Once the cell door was unlocked, Inigo bundled up the tools and slip them under his prison rags.

[roll0] to unlock the cell door. [roll1] to hide the tools. Note, Inigo will take a dagger, unless there are any objections. Also, I did have my reasons for responding the way I did to the half-orc's intimidation and happy to discuss this in private chat with you Farmerbink, if you would like.

2017-08-21, 09:17 AM
The Half-Orc smiles when Grumblejack lobs a skull. "An ally, indeed," he quips, straining against his chains to get a look at the beast. When Inigo comes by to unlock his gauntlets, he remains still, but struggles (and ultimately fails) to hide a smirk of entertainment. He makes no particular move to the more suitable clothing until one of his cellmates points out the problems being seen in public (assuming they escape) in obvious prison garb. Begrudgingly, he snatches a folded pile of clothes and strides forward in the cell to get a better glimpse at their oversized neighbor as he dresses.

"Might be good to avoid any unnecessary shouting, unless you want the guards to come in before we are ready.""I am ready," the sorcerer interjects. He lets the man continue talking otherwise. From his vantage by the cell bars, he peers at the Ogre, getting his first good look.

"Oy, Ogre. We mean to be free of this pitiful prison. If we loose you from that cell, will you fight with us?"

First attempt, generic diplomacy: [roll0]

Edit: hot dang, that's a convenient time for a nat 20, no? :smallbiggrin: I'm guessing the below contingency is unneeded... which is probably good. Even successful intimidates against ogres are unlikely to end well....

If that fails, he'll go for intimidate, raising his voice slightly and claiming his Draconic ancestry (He won't waste another round of claws just talking- the Ogre will have a chance to see that soon enough). [roll1] (counting -4 penalty for being a size category smaller than he)

2017-08-21, 09:58 AM
She doesn't rub her wrists when freed, but instead stares forward with annoyance. "...g hate being bound." you hear her mutter under her breath. With a sigh, she rolls her shoulders, cracks her neck and back, and does a couple stretches. "Right. So how do we want to do this? Free Grumblejack first, then take the guards out? Or do we want to take out the guards ourselves, and come back with a peace offering of 'food'? Not sure which he'd appreciate more."

Genuinely curious to see how long Gail can go without giving her name :smallamused:

2017-08-21, 10:40 AM
Everyone is now unchained and free to get dressed or not get dressed.

The pile of clothing contains 10 shirt/tunics, 4 a Maroon, 6 dark green. The current style for tunics in Talingarde is for the tunic sleeves to be to the elbow, and the to be knee length on both men and women. A belt is worn over the tunic. there are 6 belts included in the pile along with 5 pairs of pants and 5 skirts. The skirts are of varying length and all a saddle Brown. The current style for women is calf length. The pants are all Slate grey it is common for peasants to roll the cuffs of their pants so length is not important. Both pants and skirts have drawstrings. There are 9 pairs of sandals with the clothing, flip-flops really.

This clothing represents common clothing found among the lower rural classes. Except for the flip-flops. Those are super cheap and would only be worn inside.

Grumblejack smiles and says "Grumblejack promise to fight guards and eat guards. Grumblejack promise to not fight you and not eat you."

2017-08-21, 11:01 AM
Mira wastes no time getting dressed, and nods to Inigo, saying, "You'd best be ready to put those daggers to good use here. Or if not, give me one so I can use it. Because I, for one, am confident we can take down the guards without putting my neck on the line by freeing a cannibalistic ogre."

2017-08-21, 11:13 AM
With it looking like he gang would move ahead soon, Inigo slips on a change of clothing, stating, "Fine, we can figure out the ogre once the guards out there are taken care of. If someone is keen to follow me, then we can take position near the door so that when the guards come in next, we are ready to spring." Dagger in hand and once they have free roam of the room, Inigo then moves over to take position near the entrance to the cell block and keeps out of sight from the guards as he does.


OOC: With that roll, Inigo has become one with the cellblock ;)

2017-08-21, 11:45 AM
The other redhead also wastes no time replacing the offending rags with something more comfortable preferring the maroon over the green.

She decides to wait to for everyone to get ready before taking a position.

2017-08-21, 11:51 AM
Mira nods to Inigo and says, "Just say when. I'll cause a distraction."

2017-08-21, 11:57 AM
The Half Orc, now dressed in simple gray slacks and and a dark green tunic, makes no attempt to hide his surprise when it becomes apparent that they won't be freeing the Ogre. In hushed, incredulous tones, he whispers (hoping to not be heard by the Ogre), "You have the chance to make allies with an Ogre and you squander it?? He already 'took care' of two of the guards!"

Shaking his head, he retreats near the door of Grumblejack's cell. "I will try to see you freed, large friend. It may take some time." Scowling he turns back to his cellmates and the door that leads from the cellblock. With an unhappy look, he shrugs to Mira. "Distract away."

2017-08-21, 03:27 PM
Amber Tash

Startled, Amber looked how the human skull flew through the hallway. When she heard that the skull belonged to the former guard, she shivered a moment. She looked at the others, realising that if the guard did want to come here, they would have little time

With everybody getting dressed, there would be no denying what they were planning. So she quickly moved to the clothes, took out a maroon tunic, a saddle brown skirt of the stylish length, a belt and slipped in the sandals as she exchanged her rags for the clothes.

For a moment Amber looks between Mira, who wanted to let the ogre where he was, and the half-orc, who had just convinced the ogre to fight along and not fight, or eat, them. She squeezed her own hands together, glancing between them, biting her lip for a moment, but then clearly deciding not to say anything about the subject at the moment.

Looking around for only a moment extra, she then looks at Inigo before hefollows Inigo, hoping she will be of use alongside him. Gently placing her feet on the floor, she carefully tried to be silent as she moved in a crouched position towards the door. She tries to take up a position behind Inigo where she can hide, but with a clear reach towards the door to use something like say, a cone of fire burning from her hands.

Stealth: [roll0]

2017-08-21, 04:41 PM
Mira nods and says, "I'll take this as a majority vote." She steps out in front of the door and calls out, "Hello, boys! Is this a violation of prison policy?" She rattles at the bars, and should one of the guards come too close, spit in their face.

Using my Antagonize Feat to drive the guards into a wild rage and force them to attack me: [roll0]

2017-08-22, 09:46 PM
Hearing Mira call out, the other redhead scrambles to get into position.

Stealth [roll0]

2017-08-23, 12:15 PM
Caleb hunches over in a wrestler's stance.

2017-08-23, 09:42 PM
I have created a map of where everyone is based on where they described themselves in their posts.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4380/36720945226_06aebdca8a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/XWUrFh)

"Mitra's eye!" cries one of the guards. "She's outside of her cell."
"Let's put her back in her place! says the other one. drawing their clubs and entering the cell block to attack Mira.

Because they have been antagonized, they are forced to make an attack this round. As I read the description of the feat and the notes in the book, that means they don't have time to pick up their shields, or arm themselves with their swords and/or ranged weapons. They leave their shields, swords, and bows in the guardroom.

Combat will be starting. roll initiative and declare your actions.

2017-08-23, 10:42 PM
Initiative [roll0]
I will likely wait until Gail's turn to act, most likely start an Inspire Courage.
the map needs more jpeg :smallamused:

2017-08-24, 02:32 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Perhaps at the start of next combat you, archon_huskie, roll all our and the enemy's initiatives at once? That would certainly speed combat up compared to each of us rolling for initiative and only after everybody having posted the first round can start. That is, if the others agree with this suggestion.

2017-08-24, 04:47 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

If the guards are still flat-footed when I'm up, I'm going to move up and grapple one of them: [roll1]. Otherwise, I plan to hang back and let the guys with claws, spells and daggers handle this.

2017-08-24, 07:03 AM
Mira smirks as she notes the guards leaving their weapons behind. She looks at one and says, "Really? Do you not know who I am? Do you not know how many anonymous soldiers I've killed over the years? Look at you, you don't even have a name tag. You've got no chance." With that, she takes a step back into the cell, trying to lure the soldiers in one at a time.

Initiative: [roll0]
Demoralize Check to make the nearest guard Shaken: [roll1]

2017-08-24, 08:15 AM
The dagger feeling almost comfortable in Inigo's hand, he keeps it hidden behind his back to keep any reflection from giving away his position and waits for his opportunity to attack.

[roll0] As soon as a guard steps through into striking distance, Inigo will attack from stealth, hoping for a sneak attack. [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2017-08-24, 07:19 PM
The sorcerer mostly looks on from the back, curious to see how well his newfound companions manage themselves. He walks forward slowly, carefully assessing the way the guards fight.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

[roll0] initiative

move forward (but not past the blue dot)
ready an action to use my claws, if a guard enters threatened space
[roll1] attack
[roll2] CC
[roll3] dmg
[roll4] tentative crit bonus
I fully support Zwean's suggestion. My own late posting is a great example of how long it can take for something as trivial as initiative. Please feel free to roll initiative for us, and then tell us who gets to act first ;-D

2017-08-26, 12:44 PM
I will be making a post on Sunday. For now I have to go to work. (yes a Saturday shift)

2017-08-26, 11:04 PM
I have created a OOC thread.

Now I sleep. cause I have a 8AMshift now instead of a 3PM shift.

2017-08-28, 03:16 PM
Mira backs up as the guards enter. So focused on Mira are they that they don't notice Inigo or Amber. They walk right past them leaving the door opened. In the guard room, their swords, bows and arrows and shields are leaning against the wall by the stairs. The first guard scowls as Mira's words stike home. He had forgotten his name tag. The Sergeant's discipline was relaxed on this issue and he only demanded full Class A Uniform for the Warden's inspections and scheduled visitors. He swings overhand bothered and distracted at this dig at his professionalism . . . and fumbles . . . He slightly adjusts his grip on his club before attacking. And he manages to smack himself on the back of his head. He sways back and forth before crumpling to the floor. His club rolling to Mira's feet.

Gail begins her bardic performance granting a +1 moral bonus to her allies attack and damage rolls. (assuming she's reciting an epic poem or speech to use her Perform: oration and using Perform Dance would require her allies to have line of sight and Mira and Caleb have their backs to her.)

Caleb approaches Guard 2 and initiates a grapple. This provokes an AoO for Guard 2, he swings and misses as Caleb puts the guard into a headlock. Guard 2 stuggles as he still must make an attack on Mira with his club. He swings his club and barely misses the red haired warrior.

With Guard 1 on the ground, and Gail's words in his ears, Inigo has no trouble finding a spot of exposed flesh, free from the links of a chain shirt to slide his dagger in. He severs a vital artery and vein in the neck and the Guard begins to bleed out. Guard 1 is dead.

X walks forward away from GrumbleJack's cell.

20 Mira Demoralizes Guard #1 with a quote from Austin Powers 3
15 Guard 1 Goes to club Mira but clubs himself 4 non lethal damage knocked prone dropped weapon
12 Amber no action
7 Gail
7 Caleb -Grapples a guard if flat-footed Guard 2 has not acted. Caleb grapples Guard 2
7 Guard 2 goes to club Mira, misses.
5 Inigo – sneak attack Guard 1 hits because guard is prone and kills Guard 1 because of the +1 from Inspire Courage
2 X – moves forward but not past Caleb no guards enter his threatened space.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4387/36068157903_44cee7a1f5_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WXdJKr)

2017-08-29, 10:18 AM
The sorcerer smirks. "This is the quality of warrior seen fit to defend the infamous Branderscar?" He speaks to Caleb, though his eyes remain focused on the living guard. "We might not have needed your friends' help, anyway."

He steps forward, retrieving the fallen club, and swings it at the remaining guard with a decidedly contemptuous glare.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

move up and attack guard 2:
[roll0] club
[roll1] CC
[roll2] damage
[roll3] tentative crit bonus

2017-08-29, 01:02 PM
Mira grins as she deftly dodges the guards' clubs, and smirks as she replies to X as she attempts to stomp on the prone guard's head, "Don't blame them, they're just idiots. Blame the system that put them in place."

Unarmed attack, I guess? [roll0]

2017-08-29, 02:19 PM
Amber Tash

Amber struggles at the close quarters combat. She was all anxious and pent up, ready to unleash her wave of fire on the unsuspecting guards. However, standing besides her were Mira and Inigo. The guards moved forward, provoked by Mira's words, and as the melee developed, she could not find any moment in which it would be safe to unleash that much fire in such a narrow passageway where the others were also present. In the time she tried to figure out how to use her fire, or an alternative, she saw one of the guards knock himself out to be finished by Inigo, while Caleb grabs the other in a stranglehold.

Now, she could try to assist, but with the second guard grappled and surrounded, she figured she could be of better use. "I'll go check nobody else hears us." And with that said, Amber sneaks towards the door the guards came through, carefully placing her feet as she attempts to listen closely. Assuming nobody else can be heard and there is a door atop the stairs, she makes her way towards the stairs to keep her ears and eyes out for any other guards in the vicinity, and if need be, warn the others of their presence or impending arrival.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2017-08-30, 06:23 AM
Caleb holds on to the unconscious form of the second guard for a bit, then drops him to the floor like a sack of potatoes. "Alright, I think it's time to let our new friend join our escape", he says to Inigo. He picks up the club that guard #2 was wielding.

2017-08-30, 08:54 AM
Assuming that the 2nd guard goes down before Inigo's turn

Inigo looks to the dagger in his hand for a moment, it feels good gripping the hilt, even if it wasn't a cleaver or filleting knife. Caleb's words catching Inigo's attention, the murderer replies, "Do we know if the ogre is willing to play it our way. While mass slaughter and carnage might be the way of it later...for now, I recommend the subtle approach. At least until we have a lay of the land and know the numbers we are facing." Hoping his wisdom showed through in his words, Inigo continued, "Once that has been communicated, I am happy to have the ogre free. I will help in searching the next room, I am sure there are some keys or the like that will make getting that door open a bit quicker." He leaves the downed guards be for now as he moved into the guard room to search for keys as well as anything that help the group escape.

[roll0] roll to search for anything of value in the next room.

2017-08-30, 05:14 PM
What follows is a quick beat down of the remaining guard. He is clubbed in the gut and kicked in the face. His body goes limp. He lives, but for now he is unconscious. Combat over.

Amber darts to the stone stairwell and finds a spiral staircase leading down. There is no railing and a single torch burns in a sconce.

Inigo finds in the guard room. Two longswords, two heavy Steel Shield, and two longbows with a quiver of 20 arrows each. There is a small table and two stools. A deck of cards is on the table. Your escape attempt has interrupted their game of Gin. The score pad shows B winning over R by 13 points. The room is lit by a sconce holding a torch. It is a fresh torch. There is a comically large fireplace bare of any ashes. It has a chimney that goes up and down. There is warmth coming from below and the smell of warm Balentyne sauce waifs up, a popular sauce for freshwater Pike caught in Lake Tarik.

There is a peg holding what you recognize as the master keys to the cells and manacles next to the fireplace.

And assuming someone will check the guards, each is wearing a prison guard uniform. The Guard uniform is the same as the Sergeant's but sleeveless and lacks the coat of arms of Branderscar. under the uniform is a chain shirt. Each carries a tiny key to a padlock. Each key is labeled 5 and 11 respectively.

The first guard to go down had a signal horn attached to his belt.

2017-08-30, 05:52 PM
The ex-pirate stops her performance, and begins walking up to the rest of the group. Hearing Inigo's suggestion, she quickly agrees. "Having keys would be a great tool for our escape. No need to spend extra time with the picks.However..." She looks back towards the ogre's cell, "we really aren't in a position to be choosy about our allies. And he already said he wouldn't fight us.Lets face it, stealth alone won't get us out. We're mostly unarmed, and unarmored. We could use the muscle." She moves to strip Guard1 of anything useful before giving his corpse to Grumblejack.

Perception (if needed) while looting the body [roll0]

2017-08-30, 08:30 PM
Mira follows Inigo into the guardroom and grins as she sees their equipment. She picks up a sword, shield, and uniform, sliding the armor on over her tunic before saying, "Ah, feels better already. It's not plate, but it'll do." She then glaces at the other redhead and says, "Hold on now, let's not be hasty. If we can come up with a plan to escape without using the ogre, we should. I trust him about as far as I could throw him."

2017-08-30, 08:30 PM
The Half-Orc grunts, already reaching for the keys. "Finally, someone else speaks sense." He tosses the keys to Gail, and begins removing the guards' armor and uniforms.

"Who wants what?" With little regard for the value and usefulness of the items, he begins distributing the spoils to whoever voices their claim or desire. He continues to wield one of the clubs, giving no indication of any desire to part with it.

2017-08-31, 09:30 AM
Taking the two labeled padlock keys and stuffing them under his shirt, he then takes a closer look at the chimney before saying, "Might be able to find out a bit more about this place through the chimney. Hang on." With that, Inigo does his best to find solid hand and foot holds before attempting to scale the chimney, looking to hopefully get a peak of outside and the layout of the prison grounds.


2017-08-31, 01:14 PM

Caleb pulls a chain shirt over his head, and gets his arms stuck inside it, struggling hopelessly. "A little help here?"

2017-09-02, 06:47 AM
Amber Tash

Carefully, Amber steps back to the others. "There's a stair going down and nobody seems to be coming up, so they likely haven't noticed us yet." With interest, she glances towards Inigo going down the chimney, wondering if that route will give him the information he seeks. She then steps over to Caleb. "Let me help you." She states and with some prodding, pulling and an instruction here and there, gets the chain shirt properly on Caleb, her experience in a tailor's shop paying off making the help go smooth. "There you go." She states, followed by a piece of advice so next time he won't get his arms stuck so easily inside. "If you put the uniform over it, then the two of you.." Amber motions towards Mira, who has now put in a guard's uniform. "..can pretend to be guards as we move on."

Looking at the items, she scratches her head for a moment. "If there's a club or dagger left at the end, I'll take it, but otherwise I think it's much better in somebody else's hands." She then looks from the half-orc and the red-haired woman with the key to Grumblejack's cell in her hands, wondering if the ogre is going to indeed be set free.

2017-09-02, 12:08 PM
Grumblejack's Cell is locked by three deadbolts that can be slid aside once a padlock holding a chain wrapped around then is removed. Grumblejack waits patiently at the door to his cell watching you all intently. When offered the corpse of Guard 1, he waves his hand. "Grumblejack promised two other little 'uns that 'un of them would be the next 'un Grumblejack eats. Promises are important to keep."

Inigo climbs to the top of the chimney. He is able to see the layout of the prison. I will be sending him an image of what he sees via PM later today or Sunday Morning.

Second guard is still unconscious in the cell block.

2017-09-02, 12:19 PM

Caleb nods his thanks. He strips off his tunic and struggles into the guard's uniform, holding his arms out for inspection. Then he picks up a longbow and straps on the sling that holds it in place. "Might as well look the part", he explains.

Caleb looks intently at the chimney, awaiting news from Inigo.

2017-09-02, 05:01 PM
Mira nods at Amber's suggestion and says, "Good idea." She looks down at the chains and says, "Hmm...It looks like these can be held shut without locking them. I think I have a plan for how we can get out. What crimes were you all convicted of again? Murder for the Talin Butcher, obviously, and arson for you?" She gestures at Amber, continuing, "Heresy, of course for you, Caleb, but that doesn't really matter now, as you're going to be helping me talk our ways out of here."

2017-09-02, 05:32 PM
With a grunt, the Half-Orc moves towards the Ogre's cell. Lips pursed in thought, he notices the still-breathing guard amidst the bars. With brutal efficiency, He uses his club to make sure the man never rises again. He smiles at Mira, in his disconcerting way. "Add murder to the list- though I suppose I've not been convicted..."

Whistling softly, he moves to Grumblejack's cell and begins the semi-arduous process of releasing the Ogre. As he works with his fingers, he comments over his shoulder, "I certainly hope we won't just be talking..."

2017-09-02, 06:04 PM
Mira looks at X and says, "Oi, back off of that. I can talk us out of here. Not as much a giant ogre that doesn't understand the concept of stealth. Or, as he would put it 'not eatin' the lil 'un.'" She puts on a sarcastic and insulting mockery of Grumblejack's voice as she finishes.

2017-09-03, 11:58 AM
"Grumblejack have no problem with being sneaky. Grumblejack quiet as death! One time, Grumblejack sneak up on a farmer to steal sheep. The farmer turned around and look me straight in the eyes. He so scared, little man make water. Grumblejack asked him if he saw anything. Farmer say no." The orge folds his arms in front of himself pleased that he has proven his point. "See...Grumblejack VERY stealthy!"

2017-09-03, 12:23 PM
The Half-Orc strains to maintain his composure. With forced neutrality, he turns briefly from his task of unlocking the brute to face Mira. He gestures with a hand, as if to show off Grumblejack. "There you have it, madam. A VERY stealthy Ogre! Now, if you'll give me a moment, our very stealthy friendly Ogre has a promise to keep."

Without worrying of his companions, the Sorcerer unlocks the Ogre's chains.

2017-09-03, 01:50 PM
Returning to the guardroom from the chimney only a bit sootier for wear. "I got a good view of the prison grounds. We are near a choppy sea on an island near the mainland. Two guards with longbows man the wall around the gatehouse. Another two guards along the castle wall armed with longbows and swords too. Looks like some sort of tower is build into the wall, somewhere that direction," Inigo reports, pointing towards the corner of the guardroom that the stairs descent towards. Seeing what the others are doing. "Without knowing more about when guard's change shifts, I say we'll need to move shortly," Inigo continued to say to the person closest to him. "I will head down the chimney and see what I can see of what looks to be the kitchen. Back as quick as you blink."

With that, Inigo heads down the chimney, doing his best to use the square, close walls to descend quickly, yet smoothly.


2017-09-03, 02:50 PM
Having finished searching the corpse, the woman grins as she finds a set of keys. "Excellent. This will make getting out a bit easier." She also grabs a longsword, and the other shield, thinking she could probably use them a little better than the dainty lady. "My crime? Officially, its desertion, but they probably just chucked me in here because I was part of a pirate crew, completely ignoring the fact that I was a slave." She whistles a tune as she walks towards the ogre's cage, twirling the keys around her finger. She'll have to ask the sneak if he saw any boats when he gets back.

2017-09-03, 03:42 PM
The Half-Orc strains to maintain his composure. With forced neutrality, he turns briefly from his task of unlocking the brute to face Mira. He gestures with a hand, as if to show off Grumblejack. "There you have it, madam. A VERY stealthy Ogre! Now, if you'll give me a moment, our very stealthy friendly Ogre has a promise to keep."

Without worrying of his companions, the Sorcerer unlocks the Ogre's chains.

Mira chokes as she hears the lock click and says, "You idiot! You just killed us all!" She takes a defensive stance with shield and sword raised at Grumblejack, waiting for the ogre to make the first move.

2017-09-03, 03:49 PM
Amber Tash

Amber nods to Mira, acknowledging arson as crime. To Inigo, as he departs down again, she offers: "Good luck. There's a stair going down, though." The latter mentioned too late as he heads down again.

Seeing Gail, nor anyone else, take the last dagger, Amber does so, ensuring she also takes the dagger's sheath and putting it on her belt. She then moves from the guardroom to the entry between the cells and the guardroom, watching how the situation regarding the ogre develops. She does stand ready to back off into the guardroom should things go awry.

2017-09-03, 11:12 PM

"Mira, ENOUGH! We are freeing the Ogre. It's not about loyalty. It's not about trust. It 's about the guards standing between us and freedom."

2017-09-04, 01:14 PM
The Half-Orc locks eyes with Grumblejack, just before the final click heralds the Ogre's release. In a quiet voice, he speaks to the huge figure as if to an equal. "Mind your promises, Grumblejack, and you will have all the food and fun you desire. By the smoldering hearts of my Crimson-winged ancestors, I swear it!" With a click, he steps back, letting the huge padlocks fall noisily to the floor.

He smiles up at the Ogre, as Grumblejack presses through the doorway. "Now, we can have some fun!" His eyes twinkle with manic glee. Turning back to the rest of the party, The Sorcerer puts his back to Grumblejack. "Nonsense, Mira! He was captured once, though we know the guards paid for it in blood. Still, we can promise Grumblejack the freedom to go as he please! He is no beast to consider his word as meaningless!"

For what it's worth, I apologize if I just got us all killed! :smallbiggrin:

2017-09-07, 05:40 PM
As the door swings open, the Ogre steps into the hallway. He looks up to the ceiling and flexes his muscles. "Grumblejack." he whispers changing his pose. "Grumblejack." You get the impression that he's listening to his theme song in his head. You all also note that this is an ogre who has been kept in a cell with two dead bodies for who knows how long. He smells.

"Hello Dragon 'un." He says to X.
"Hello Smart 'un." He says to Mira.
"Hello Priesty 'un." He says to Caleb
"Hello Red 'un." He says to Gail
"Hello," he says to Amber noticing her horns and touching his own horns, "Pretty 'un."
""Where's the 'un who owes me a beer?" He asks of Inigo.

Inigo is carefully climbing down the fireplace when one of his feet slips. A thick layer of soot breaks off the wall and falls into the fire making a noticeable noise and mess of dust in the fire below.

“Gregor?” a woman's voice calls, “Did Sam sweep the chimney this week?”

“With his short arms? Woman you know he's all talk.”

Inigo manages to recover and avoid falling, but he is certain now that the chimney leads down to the kitchen there is a fire in the fireplace below him.

2017-09-07, 06:11 PM
The Half-Orc inclines his head with a smile. An apt title. I like it. He takes on an unreadable expression as the Ogre describes the person who advised agains this release as 'smart.' Still, it seems neither Mira nor Grumblejack are interested in making the first attack, so that's all as well.

About halfway through the huge figure's introductions, the sorcerer begins to step away. He prowls into the guardroom, and out of the immediate range of Grumblejack's notable odor. He carefully approaches the stairs, listening to Inigo's unorthodox attempt at reconnaissance. "Take care," he whispers towards the fireplace, unsure if even Inigo can hear him.

Still, he's not yet so eager to be the first person down the steps, unarmored and not wearing a guardsman's uniform.

2017-09-07, 08:01 PM
Mira retches as the stench of the ogre reaches her nose, and plugs them with her fingers before saying, "Right. Since stealth is...No longer an option." She sighs and then says, gesturing to the stairs, "Down we go."

2017-09-08, 12:49 AM
Caleb (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1297300)

"I'll buy you a lot more than one beer when we're out of here", he says to Grumblejack.

Caleb gestures to Mira to wait, as he saunters down the stair.

2017-09-08, 01:04 AM
Caleb intends to find a spot where he can catch the guards in a 30' burst while the stairwell shields his comrades. He trusts in bluff [roll0], disguise [roll1], and luck to get close enough. If he succeeds:

Caleb ambles down the stair, his booted feet, uniformed legs and tunic coming into sight of the guards below. He jumps out of the stair, presenting his silver pentacle to their surprised faces. "Have you heard the Word of Asmodeus? He hates you and wants you to be on fire". The pentacle glows with purple light for a moment. The guards each take 2 points of damage, then roll a DC 11 Will save. Those who fail catch on fire, immediately taking damage with more to come if they don't make DC 15 reflex saves on their turn. Roll for channel energy [roll2], rolls for fire [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6].

2017-09-08, 09:34 AM
Not wanting to risk any other possibly mishaps that could cause him to end up in the stew below, Inigo ascended back up the chimney just as the ogre squeezed through the door. Instinctively tightening his grip on his dagger, the former butcher did his best to keep calm, knowing that the ogre would be a useful asset should the group end up in melee.

"The kitchen is below us. Seems there are about three people there. Don't think they are guards," Inigo stated as the group prepared to move down the stairs. Before Inigo could recommend they still try and be stealthy however, he cussed as he saw Caleb rush down the stairs, intoning Asmodeus' name. "Subtle," he muttered to Amber sarcastically as he readied himself for the upcoming combat.

2017-09-08, 03:51 PM
As Caleb charges down the stairs, the Half-Orc mutters with a wry smirk, "Ya can't blame that on me." He gives way to anyone else looking to hurry, before following the outspoken cleric into the kitchen.

2017-09-08, 04:24 PM
Amber Tash

As the Ogre steps out and actually.. compliments her, Amber nervously gives a wry smile and then wisely steps back. It also helps with backing out of the foul odour coming from the large creature.

Seeing Inigo climb up, Amber nods in acknowledgement of the information. Quickly looking at the stairs as Caleb proclaims his faith and Inigo cusses, she then replies to Inigo's statement with a sarcastic tone of her own. "Very." Smirking for a moment about the joke, she then grabs the dagger tightly and follows along with the others downstairs, keeping to the back.

2017-09-08, 05:38 PM
Mira rolls her eyes as she hears Caleb intone about Asmodeus, muttering, "Great. Just great." She sighs, then looks at Inigo and says, "At least we can agree on one thing," then heads downstairs to assess the damage done by the zealous cleric.

2017-09-08, 07:20 PM
Giving her sword a few swings to get a feel of the weight, the now equipped redhead follows the others down.

2017-09-11, 09:18 PM
Surprise round
PCs go down the stairs with their weapons ready.
The stairwell opens not into a kitchen, but a hallway. Stone masonry finely fitted together comprises the walls and there are four doors in this hallway. One at the end which is a large double wooden door and presumably the entrance. On the right wall is a single wooden door in the middle of the hallway. The left has two doors about evenly spaced. Two guards stand in the middle leaning against the wall, their swords sheathed, but shields strapped to their arms. They are dressed identically to the two guards you defeated upstairs, save that these two wear helmets.
Caleb strolls up unnoticed by the guards. He is almost upon them when they notice him. "Have you heard the Word of Asmodeus? He hates you and wants you to be on fire." he says channeling the fires of hell upon them.

And thus the two guards begin to burn. And to be clear, they are on fire. Not their clothing, not their hair, but their flesh is on fire. Both guards hollow in pain. This reveals another difference between them and the guards upstairs. From the sound of their screams of pain, and the pitch of their voices, these guards are both female.

Initiative order & action
Amber – 21
Guard 2 – 21 stop drop and roll
Guard 1 – 14 stop drop and roll
Gail – 12
X- 11
Inigo – 6
Mira - 6
Caleb - 2

2017-09-12, 04:05 AM
Amber Tash

Amber had intended to keep to the back, but as they moved down the stairs, she saw the flames licking off the bodies as Caleb holds up the pentacle. With the flickering of the flames reflected in her eyes, she listened to the screams of agony. Before she fully realised it herself, Amber had dashed forward to make use of the beautiful opportunity presented before her to exploit. "You heard him!" A deep breath, a rustling of fingers as she spoke an indiscernable word, swinging her arm to thrust her hand forward and scorching flames rolled from the pale-skinned tiefling foward, enveloping the already burning guards.

Move action: Move forward to a distance so the 15ft Burning Hands cone hits both guards.
Standard action: Cast Burning Hands, 15ft cone of fire damage on both guards. [roll0] damage, DC 15 for half damage.

Any creature in the area of the flames takes 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4).
Flammable materials burn if the flames touch them. A character can extinguish burning items as a full-round action.

2017-09-12, 07:49 PM
The Half Orc's measured gait manages to make even his hustling form appear to be a deliberate prowl. Without bothering with any sort of introduction, he approaches the nearest guard with full intent of introducing her to the business end of his acquired club.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +3 (1d6+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

I'm not sure, but I suspect this attack may resolve against a prone target, if indeed they are falling prone to try to put out the fires.
[roll0] club attack
[roll1] CC (23, x2)
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus dmg

2017-09-12, 09:02 PM
With a yell, the weaker redhead rushes towards the downed guards, her sword raised.
But seriously, how long until somebody asks for her name?:smallbiggrin:
Attacking the one that X didn't attack
[roll0] charge. If charging isn't possible, lower by 2
[roll1] damage

2017-09-13, 08:22 AM
Inigo rushing forwards, his lightfooted movement is still quite quiet in the bustle of the developing assault. Dagger in hand, he rushes in to surroud one of the prone guards, stabbing at the women with merciless efficiency.

Move action to close with the guards. With the number of people saround the prone guards, I am assuming that there is a place that Inigo can reach to set up a flank. If not,
reduce attack rool by 2 and ignore sneak damage. Attack vs prone guard 2

2017-09-13, 12:00 PM
Mira winces as she realizes the guards are women and steps forwards, saying, "I'd have given you the chance to surrender, but...You're in our way," and swipes at the nearest one with her new armament.


2017-09-14, 09:23 PM
Death by club!!! [roll0], damage [roll1]

2017-09-15, 01:50 PM
Amber Tash

Seeing the others move to strike the guards, Amber follows up if there is still room in the fight to join without leaving an opportunity to the guards to strike. Holding her dagger tightly, she seeks for an opening to strike.

If there's still room in the melee, Amber will move to strike whichever target she can get to with her dagger.
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2017-09-15, 09:58 PM
While the lady guards drop to the ground, the fugitives from justice rush them. Sword swings miss the prone guards, but the unnamed Sorcerer and the priest manage to bash the head of the left most guard she goes still. the right most guard manages to get the flames out but not to her benefit. the lack of fire allows Inigo to casually grip her hair and end her life with a quick slash across the throat.

The southern door on the left hallway opens. You see the Sergeant who'd branded you peek into the hallway. He quickly shuts the door and locks it.

Grumblejack, being a large creature has been squeezing his way down a stairway designed by Dwarves for medium creatures. He gets to the bottom of the stairs at the end of combat.

2017-09-16, 12:23 PM
Seeing the Sergeant peek his head out, Inigo glares as the man quickly retreats. There's the bastard, the former butcher thought as he leaves the body and makes his way to the door. As he moves, he calls to Grumblejack, "Keep an eye on the doors big guy. The rest of us have a bit of business with the Sergeant." Once he nears the door, he draws out the tools given to him with the goal of getting to work on unlocking the door.

OOC: Uncertain if we are still running in combat rounds or not. Let me know and I can change.

2017-09-16, 09:45 PM
The sorcerer looks on with some small satisfaction as the object of his violence falls still. As Inigo begins his work on the door, the Half-Orc turns back to their oversized companion. For a few moments, he waits- listening to the rogue strive to impose his will upon the locks between their company and the sergeant.

If Inigo doesn't pass on the first attempt, he will direct Grumblejack to kick the door in.

2017-09-17, 06:05 AM
Amber Tash

"Phew.." Amber lets out when both guards are dropped. When she sees the Sergeant responsible for the branding, her face turns into a scowl as she looks with a piercing glare at the door. She nods to Inigo as he gets to work, then moves to the guard which got slashed across the throat by Inigo. There, she looks through the guard's pockets, to see if there are any keys or other useful items present.

2017-09-17, 09:05 AM
As Inigo starts to work on the lock, Mira knocks on the door a few times as far away from the lock as she can, and calls, "Hello in there! I'm sure you're aware of the situation you're in, so why not come out and make things easier for the both of us?! We might even let you live, or at least kill you less painfully than we did the guards on the way down! I'm sure you heard them screaming!"


2017-09-17, 09:05 AM
"Red" leans against the wall, annoyed that she missed a free target. "Don't be like that, Mr. Butcher. I'm sure Grumblejack would like to have a polite conversation with the good Sergeant as well." She considers frisking the corpses with the other frail lady, but decides to save her energy for her captor.

2017-09-17, 02:02 PM
The proper tools in hand, Inigo sets to work to undo the lock that hold the door shut. He cusses as his work seems to only jam up the lock further. Stuffing the tools in his pocket, he takes up his dagger again and moves to the side as he says, "Alright, fine. If the Sargeant doesn't cooperate, have at it Grumblejack. If you get through the door, then you get first swing."


2017-09-17, 04:54 PM
The Half Orc smiles, the expression surprisingly mirthful. "Yes, and do try to give us a good view, would you?" He steps back as the Ogre approaches, but not too far back. His eager expression betrays any pretense that the fanged arcanist is disinterested in the proceedings.

Still, he gives the huge figure a wide berth.

2017-09-18, 03:34 AM
Caleb hefts a sword from one of the dead guards, gives it a few test swings, and tosses it back on the floor, giving his club a few appreciative slaps against his open palm.

2017-09-19, 01:24 AM
Amber finds a key marked #2 on the woman's body. Because the body was on fire not the cothing, and was extinguished in one round, the armor shield and weapons are still in good condition. Chain shirt, Longsword, Heavy Steel Shield, longbow and quiver of 20 arrows. Her guard uniform however is soaked in her own blood now.

The other woman is still on fire in the stone hallway. Anything that isn't metal is now burning and the smells of sizzling hair and flesh starts to fill the hallway.

Cabel, taking his first good look at his club notices that it is covered with a leather padding. This type of club is designed to subdue, but not kill opponents.

(In game mechanic terms the clubs do non-lethal damage and half of its damage is non-lethal. This means, the guard upstairs who was knocked unconscious would still be alive if X hadn't declared that he was bashing the man's head in until certain death. And this woman was not killed by being clubbed. Rather she was knocked unconscious and then burned to death as she was still on fire.)

Grumblejack is confused for a moment as he's just been told to watch a door and then to break down a door. The Moment is brief has he realizes that he has a chance to hurt a guard who imprisoned him. “Grumblejack.” He says flexing his biceps. “GRUMBLEJACK!” he repeats leaping at the door. [roll0]

2017-09-19, 01:28 AM
He slams hard into the door. the door waivers but holds. This time Grumblejack raises his foot and smashes it into the door. [roll0] This time, using better technique the door gives way as the lock gives along with the hinges. Grumblejack stumbles into a darkened room. This means nothing to an ogre though his eyes dart about the room. "Sargey 'un not in here. he declares. He points to a door across the way. "Maybe in there."

2017-09-19, 10:11 AM
"Hang on there big guy. Let's see what you have found first," Inigo replies, dagger still out. Then, approaching the door that the Sergeant had peeked out of and Grumblejack then smashed open, Inigo takes a peek in to see what can be seen.

2017-09-19, 10:40 AM
Caleb walks into the room behind Inigo, pausing to appreciate the devastation wrought on the door.

2017-09-19, 12:04 PM
The Half-Orc follows his companions. "I like the way you think, Grumblejack. I bet he is behind that door!" His hands crackle with latent energy as the moment's excitement threatens to overwhelm him.

Holy crap, +NINE!? O_o


2017-09-19, 10:28 PM
Gail steps into the room and smirks, "And you didn't want to bring him along."

2017-09-20, 02:13 PM
Amber Tash

Quickly pocketing the key, Amber sighs as she looks at the uniforms. She casts a last glance over the other equipment as she knows she lacks the skill to properly use them. Then she moves to follow the others through the door.

2017-09-20, 03:15 PM
Mira grumbles at Gail, "I could have taken the door down on my first try." However, she's happy to not put that to the test, allowing Grumblejack to go for the other door as well.

2017-09-20, 09:18 PM
The room you have entered is a private office. It is lit by the light of the hallway and a sliver of light coming from under the door Grumble jack indicated. There is a desk on the south wall and a couple of chairs. On the northern wall hangs a tapestry of Branderscar's coat of arms. The desk is covered in paperwork, the sergeant's previous task before being disturbed. There are two empty torch scones and two extinguished lanterns hanging from the empty scones.

Grumblejack crosses the room and makes for the door. He goes to punch it, but then tries the handle first. It slides open. “heh. Always check first.” he says.

2017-09-21, 09:09 AM
The sorcerer immediately crosses the room to the papers strewn about on the desk. In passing, he snarls at the tapestry, and unleashes a small cascade of sparks from his fingertips to start it smoldering. Casting the spark orison with somatic components to light flammable materials on fire. :smallbiggrin:

He ignores the slowly growing fire as he turns his attention to what may be important documents. "I wouldn't tarry long in here. It's going to get hot," he mutters with a smirk. He pores over the documents, completely unconcerned as to the Ogre giving chase and the fire starting to grow.

2017-09-21, 09:23 AM
The ex-slave scowls. "Burn the place down AFTER we're out, not before." She, too, casts a spell on the tapestry, but instead of creating flames, she created water.

2017-09-22, 07:24 AM
Mira can't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation as Grumblejack opens the door, but then opens her mouth in shock as X tries to set the room on fire. She nods gratefully to the woman who summoned water and moves with haste to pick up the papers and read them as she says, "Besides, these could be useful."

2017-09-22, 08:29 AM
Not needing any other evidence to back it, Inigo thinks, That half-orc is a tad unstable. Entering the room after the flame is put out, Inigo also does a quick scan, but leaves most of the searching efforts to the other escapees. He was more concerned about where the Sergeant had gone. Dagger out, standing on the side without hinges, he listens carefully at the door to see if he can make out any movement on the other side.


2017-09-22, 06:38 PM
Grumblejack enters the room behind the door. “Big Bedroom,” the Ogre says.

Inigo can see into the sergeant's quarters. He does not display military discipline in keeping this room tiny. His bed is not made, and dirty clothing sits in a pile in a corner. The sheets need a wash. The room is lit by four lanterns. Like the office, the lanterns are hung from sconces meant for torches. The room is as long as the hallway (80ft) and half as wide (40ft) It lacks windows and the only decorations on the wall are a portrait of the sergeant in full dress uniform with medals, and another portrait of a fully nude red-headed woman lying on his bed. Additionally, there are no decorations of the Mitran faith in this room. It is unusual for a man of the Sergeant's position to not have one.

The tapestry starts to blacken and burn, but the ex-slave's quick extinguishing leaves only black marks on the artwork.

Mira and X, reading the papers by the light from the hallway and the bedroom, easily find a map of the prison within the stacks of papers. To learn what information can be learned from the papers, make an INT roll.

2017-09-23, 01:25 PM
The Half-Orc looks up, disappointed by his companion's apparent knack for smothering blazes. "You know, stone has to get much hotter than that to burn, right? We weren't in any serious danger." He resumes flipping through the papers, setting aside one that clearly sports a map of the prison.

For the papes! [roll0]

"Big bedroom, but no sergeant?" he asks, as Grumblejack and Inigo devote their attention to their captor's living quarters.

2017-09-23, 02:36 PM
Amber Tash

Inside the room, Amber waits for news from Inigo as he listens to the door, or from the ones rummaging through the papers. Stepping a bit closer to the last group, she mentions: "I found a key marked with a two on the guard, so if you find anything related, let me know."

2017-09-24, 09:11 PM
After a few moments of reading, it is very obvious from the papers gathered here that Sergeant Tomas Blackerly has been embezzling funds from the prison. Notably he comissioned a portrait of himself with prison funds that were to go for furniture and lock repairs, and there is a letter from an Irena thanking him for a lovely evening and fulfilling one of her fantasies. She stresses the importance of not letting her family ever seeing 'it."

2017-09-25, 08:03 AM
Looking about the bed chambers for some place that the Sergeant could be hiding, Inigo makes a note to search the room for intently later. For now though, the butcher's mind was on one mission. "Where did that Bastard go?" he muttered to himself. Moving about the room, Inigo checks in cabinets, armoires and other areas big enough to fit a man. Calling back into the other room as he searched, Inigo said, "I don't see him in here. Don't let him get passed you all."

[roll0] to search the bed chambers for the Sergeant, and anything of value.

2017-09-25, 06:16 PM
The Half-Orc grunts. "No danger of that. Hmmm... Seems the good sergeant isn't half so good as he'd like the people to believe.


He spits on the floor of the antechamber in clear disgust.

2017-09-25, 09:39 PM
Mira smirks as she reads the letters, muttering to herself, "Typical. Just typical. And they say rebelling against this ****e is wrong." She looks at Inigo and says, "Tell me if you find him. I want to have a word before you take care of your business."

2017-09-26, 01:45 AM
Caleb looks around. "So, he managed to get out, somehow. I expect the rest of this trip to get messy and bloody. Let's get moving, time is not on our side here."

2017-09-26, 07:03 PM
Under the bed, Inigo finds a Strong Iron lockbox. It has the best lock he's seen in the prison so far.

In the wardrobe, Grumblejack finds a flask labeled "Blackerly's 'medicine'" he sniffs it. "Smell bad." says the smelly ogre.

2017-09-27, 09:25 AM
Finding the locked strong box just as Caleb mentions moving on, Inigo makes a mental note of it. Surely Blackerly has the keys to this box on his person. If they can take out Blackerly, they would be able to get into the box much faster than if he tried to open it himself. "Hang on to that. It might come in handy," he told the Ogre as he moved back out into the now smokey office area. Any thing labeled medicine was likely to be needed by the Sergeant.

OOC: Quick question. Is there another door in Blackerly's office? It looks like there is a room north of the office with a door leading to there from the office on the map, but can't tell for certain. If so, Inigo would go to that door and attempt to open it.

2017-09-27, 09:35 AM
Mira glaces at the bottle, then chuckles and looks at Inigo, saying, "I...Don't think that's medicine." She smirks, laughs, then takes the bottle from Grumblejack, taking a sniff herself.

2017-09-27, 08:45 PM
The Half-Orc follows his companions into the sergeant's bedchambers, and immediately begins chuckling at the clearly unorthodox decorations. "She's a looker, ain't she?" he mutters, staring openly at the artist's rendition of a nude woman. "Wonder if that's what she really looks like in person. Guess money has its perks, eh?"

He shrugs at Mira's comment, "One man's medicine..." and eagerly agrees with Caleb. "He's got the right of it, let's move on before we're forced to move on."

2017-09-28, 05:30 AM
Amber Tash

Listening to the others, she eventually follows into the bedchambers. "Uh." She lets out at seeing the picture, then lets out a dismissive hiss. "What did you find in the papers then?" She inquires, looking at the half-orc and Mira.

2017-09-28, 10:46 AM
The Half-Orc grunts. "Bastard's stealing money...." A slow, feral grin spreads across his face before he chuckles and continues. "Not that I strongly oppose the practice, but I don't pretend to be a nice guy."

2017-09-30, 01:06 AM
Back to combat!

Conferring with the map, Inigo sees that there is in fact another door in Blackerly's office. It is on the north wall, right were the tapestry is. It did its job by covering the door. Alas, as Inigo moves the tapestry aside, Blackerly makes his move. He has waited for as much of the group as possible to move into his quarters.

He slams open the door. [roll0] If it hits, Inigo takes [roll1] Blackerly runs out of the room to the hallway. Inigo does get an attack of opportunity on Blackerly though.

The group hears a familiar solider shout “Sir! the Keys!”


2017-10-02, 02:53 PM
Cursing as the door clips Inigo roughly in the shoulder, the lithe man lashes out with his dagger.


OOC:Taking AOO for now. Will need to know enemy and ally placements before determining his round action.

2017-10-04, 08:52 AM

If you need a reminder:
Yellow - Grumblejack
Maroon - Gail
lavender - X
Blue- Caleb
Red - Amber
Gray - Mira
light blue - Inigo

Black-Srg Blackerly
White - guards

2017-10-04, 11:14 AM
Though eager to chase down the man who had branded him, Inigo was not keen on leading the charge, especially after the hit he had just taken. Instead, he backpedals into Blackerly's bedchamber and moves to the side, shouting, "Found him...and I think he had brought friends!"

OOC: Move action to move into bedchamber and south to stand against the wall, next to the doorway

2017-10-04, 11:33 AM
Mira levels her blade and sights Blackerly down the blade, then charges through the bedchamber and out into the hall, looking to impale the corrupt Sergeant on her longsword.

Charge Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-04, 08:24 PM
"Fantastic," the Half-Orc breathes. "It's no fun just killing one man." He hurries into the antechamber, not far behind Mira.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

Double move should put me close to where Gail and Inigo are. Each square is 10x10, right?

2017-10-04, 10:46 PM
"Damnit! Don't let him get away!" Gail cursed, pushing some magic into her throat.

Front lines aren't the best spot for me at the moment.
Since Mira and I share the same initiative, enjoy the +1 to attack and damage from my Inspire Courage.
move ~15' east to back up against the wall.

BP/day - 9/11

2017-10-05, 07:01 AM
Amber Tash (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1297481)

Amber rolled her eyes upon hearing the news about money spent by Blackerly. She then was surprised by Blackerly rushing out in the edge of her vision and the shout of the guards. Moving back into the office, she finds herself just coming short to move and cast a spell, so instead she moves forward, next to the others at the door.

Move actions: Move 50ft east and 10ft south.

2017-10-07, 11:47 PM
Caleb charges at the sergeant, laying into him with his club. [roll0], damage [roll1]Caleb charges at the door, finishing with a devastating kick at the door. Str check:

2017-10-09, 06:47 AM
Hurt, Inigo backs up into the bedchamber. Mira charges forward striking the corrupt Blackerly in his fat belly. Gail summoning the power of her voice shouts her encouragement. Her magic aids Mira's attack put an extra power behind her strike. Amber, not as timid as she was upstairs in chains, runs toward the fight to stand by Gail. Caleb Rushes forward and strikes Blackerly with his guard club, also aided by Gail's magic shout.

Grumblejack for his part casually picks up Blackerly's heavy iron lock box. He smiles a wicked smile as he plods forward, squeezing through the doorway. The Ogre understands that this box is Blackerly's, and he intends to smash it into Sargey's face.

“Prisoners are loose!,” Danny shouts stating the obvious. Blackerly takes a careful step back from his attackers and lobs a keyring down the hall. Guard #2 catches it and swfitly unlocks the door. The three guards run in quickly relocking the door behind them.

Blackerly, understanding his position turns to face Mira and Blackerly shield raised and sword at the ready. “Parley?” he offers.

The door between 8 and 14 was the door Grumblejack smashed in. I copy and pasted some floor tiles in its place.
These are 10 by 10 squares. I am mentally dividing each into 4 smaller squares.
Guard's 1 and 3 had readied actions to rush into Room 12, so their new initiative is now 3.


2017-10-09, 12:48 PM
Mira snarles, "Mercy is for the just," disgusted by Blackerly's cowardice, then cuts at his neck, hoping that her speed and strength will be enough to decapitate the man.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-09, 09:10 PM
"What for?" the Half-Orc asks, of no one in particular. He dashes forward, trying to swarm the sergeant. He lashes out with the club, but the blow seems guarded, half-hearted somehow.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +3 (1d6+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

Move to the sergeant
Attack with the club (which if I recall does half non-lethal?)
Edit: rolls do not include Gail's bardic bonuses.
[roll0] attack
[roll1] crit confirmation
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2017-10-10, 02:01 PM
Amber Tash

"Psh!" A disapproving hiss at Blackerly as he offers parley. Stepping to the side, Amber has a snarling, angry expression towards the officer. Her brows tense as she intently looks at him with a focused look as she brings up her hand, green tendrils of acid following her movement and swirling through her fingers motions to gather in a glob of acid. With a final snarl, she lobs the magically conjured acid at the officer responsible for her scar.

Move 10ft diagonally to the left-top. Cast Acid Splash on Blacklerly.

Ranged Touch Attack (+3 -4 shooting in melee):[roll0]
Acid Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-12, 03:17 PM
Not wanting to expose himself too much with his injuries, Inigo moves past Grumblejack, taking up a position behind Mira while remaining in the office as he waits for an opportunity to slip into the hall. Unlike the others, he does not respond to Blackerly's request, the other convicts' action and words being statement enough.

Double move to end up back in the office, dagger in hand and looking for a chance to move in and strike. Ending move 10' distance from the 4 on the map.

Inigo Brice (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=321370)
Male LE Human (Talin) Rogue, Level 1, Init 4, HP 4/8, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16, Fort 0, Ref 6, Will 3, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger +4 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
(+4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 8

2017-10-13, 04:11 AM
Caleb steps forward, and at the same time steps forward and to the right, and the two Calebs swing their clubs at Blackerly. A feeling of burning certainty fills the minds of his fellow prisoners.

Move action, Copycat to produce a single mirror image. Swift action Divine Vessel to hand out a +2 bonus within 15'. 5' step and attack: , damage 1d6+5[/roll] EDIT: 7 damage

2017-10-13, 09:45 AM
"Awww, you want to parlay? Here's my offer: you surrender, and we'll give you a matching brand on your face. Personally, I think you could make it work." Gail taunts him, continuing to enhance her voice.

BP: 8/11

2017-10-14, 01:44 PM

Following Grumblejack's lead, Inigo rejoins the group, still at the back and still hurt from having the door open in his face.

Mira slashes at his face while Gail suggests that he surrenders. But the bulky man is able to duck.

X swings his club striking the Sergeant's shoulder, but his armor absorbs the impact.

Caleb does his magic thing and all (except Gail and Grumblejack who are too far away) feel the presence and divine power of Asmodeus You are allies of his cleric and the God-fiend is with you in this battle. And the presence is assured with Caleb's spell as there are now two of them striking the captain of the guards here in Branderscar prison. He manages a solid strike to the overweight guard's head.

Amber is feeling confident as she casts her own spell. She flings the Acid at the man who branded her (multiple times because it had to be extra hot and held on longer to get through her resistance.) The Acid is a liquid and hits the man square in the chest. his shirt soaks it in and the acid seeps between the rings of his chain shirt. (also it is 4 damage because of Gail's performance.)(Also Also, that presence you are feeling from Caleb, It makes itself very clear to you that it had guided your spell. Without that bonus, you would not have hit.)

Grumblejack wants to get his hands on Sargey. But with everyone in in his way, he can't just push them little 'uns aside. he hefts the iron lock box in his hands. Has to be a way . . . the ogre is musing a thought inside his mind.

"Very well," Thomas Blackerly says backing up again still with his shield raised. "I accept your offer. I surrender."

So I try to be consistent on this, but I don't always get it right. When your attack roll is less than 10. I describe it as a complete miss. If it is between 10 and the touch AC, I describe it as being dodged. between the touch AC and the shield mod, I call it blocked, Between shield mod and Full AC I call it absorbed by the armor. I do this to give you an idea of how close your attack was and so you have an idea of what your opponent's skill is.

2017-10-15, 10:01 AM
"Hmph." the Half-Orc grunts, eyeing the sergeant. He drops the commandeered club and steps forward to begin restraining the sergeant. "As long as you don't resist, I'll keep the Ogre from pulverizing your head, Human. Sit still."

As an afterthought, he turns to his companions, his own body in the way of immediate attack. "They didn't surrender," he comments, hooking a thumb at the room where the guardsmen fled. "Go pulverize them, while we have a chat with the sergeant."

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +3 (1d6+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 5/5
Claws: 7/8

As long as the sergeant doesn't resist or fight back, X will, for the moment, try to get in the way of incoming attacks (while beginning the process of binding the sergeant with a rope or belt or something).

If the sergeant resists, a grapple check will be involved: [roll0]

2017-10-15, 10:24 AM
Mira hrms unhappily at this result, but proves herself unwilling to summarily execute Blackerly, instead making her way down the hall and knocks on the door to the room where the guards have holed up, "Hello in there! Your Sergeant proved himself to be a coward! Not exactly a leader worth following, is he? But I'll give you this once-in-a-lifetime offer!" She chuckles to herself, before continuing, "Literally! Either you open up this door and help us in our little escape, or..." Mira pauses for dramatic effect, then continues, "Well, the ogre will break down this door and likely kill you all messily. There won't be enough left to fit in a matchbox, much less a casket, mostly because he's likely going to eat you! Now then, what do you say?"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2017-10-15, 03:32 PM
Amber Tash

A look of glee appeared for a brief moment on Amber's face as she felt her confidence embolden seeing how she succeeded in her attack. With the power bestowed upon by the cleric, her spell hit true upon the man who had scarred her with such a hideous brand. She was getting ready to cast another spell, but this was disrupted when the officer surrendered and at least the half-orc and Mira seemed to go along with it. Her expression changed, first in one filled with anger, but then one mixed with devious intent. She walked in the hallway and then some steps sideways to make room for the others to enter. Moving her steps in the direction of the room they were branded in, she looked intently towards Blackerly. Standing straight, her eyes glinted with malice as her voice rung with a lust for vengeance. "I'll stoke up the fire."

Move in the hallway, get out of the doorway while avoiding to provoke attacks.
Intimidate Blackerly: [roll0]

2017-10-16, 02:57 AM
One of the Calebs flickers out of existence as they stride up the hallway. Caleb casts an appraising glance at each partner-in-crime to ensure that everyone is ok for now.

2017-10-22, 11:03 AM
Caleb and Mira go to the room the guards ran into. Mira makes her speech.
“No one would be dumb enough to let the Ogre out.” You can hear Danny say in response to Mira's threat.

Amber makes her threat and it does get to Blackerly. (He is shaken for the next 3 rounds. Which affects him mechanically, but doesn't change the action he was planning)

X moves to tie up Blackerly, but Blackerly does in fact resist. He casually avoids X's grapple attempt still keeping his shield up. He resumes moving backwards (5 foot step) so his back is to the door. His heel kicks the door, and a woman perfectly matching the painting on his bedroom wall opens it. On cue Blackerly turns and runs into the mess hall. The door closes behind him followed by the sound of furniture being moved.

Grumblejack has been holding his action. And now he knows to act. He charges forward into the door intending to break it. [roll0]

The door bursts open and Grumblejack falls into the table moved behind it. He spots the woman and Sargey running for a room to the right and a tall gray haired man running to the left. Spotting the woman, Grumblejack mutters “Promise to keep.”

2017-10-22, 11:45 AM

2017-10-22, 12:19 PM
Mira pauses, then looks over to see Grumblejack smashing through a door into the messhall. She shrugs, then says again, "You three are really lucky. Did you hear that? That was the ogre busting through a door after your coward of a Sergeant. Apparently the two of them don't get along. So you have until he gets back to change your minds, or...Uh, well there's a reason I'm not looking over there right now."

Let's try Intimidate again: [roll0]

2017-10-23, 08:37 AM
As the sergeant slips from his grasp, the Half-Orc's lips split into a ferocious snarl. "Fine, then! You can die instead!" he charges after the pompous man, sparing only a moment for an approving glance at Grumblejack's efforts.

Dashing past his oversized ally, sparks begin to coalesce on the sorcerer's hands. With a decidedly unfriendly grin, he presses his hands forward, and a cone of fire erupts from them, rushing towards both the sergeant and his female companion.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +3 (1d6+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 4/5
Claws: 7/8

Move through Grumblejack's space to just beyond (10' north of Blackerly). Cast burning hands to the south.
[roll0] fire damage. Both Blackerly and the woman are within the cone. DC 16 reflex save halves the damage.

2017-10-23, 12:53 PM
Caleb nods approvingly at Mira's words. Then, just to show the guards that this is for real, he gives the door a good old dockside how-do-you-do. [roll0]

2017-10-23, 01:37 PM
Amber Tash

A snarl crosses Amber's face as she sees Blacklerly make a dash for it. She follows the orc and ogre, standing inside the door post as acid manifests in the palm of her hand, streams coalescing from between her fingers to a central point to create a similar glob as before as she casts her incantation and lets the orb of acid fly to the officer.

Move action: Move to stand in the door opening.
Standard action: Cast Orb of Acid at Blacklerly. Amber will suffer from cover, but at least she won't be shooting into melee.

I do not know if any of Gail or Caleb's bonuses still apply. The below rolls assume not, but if they do, feel free to add them, archon_huskie!
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Acid Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-24, 07:37 PM
A look of concern crossed Inigo's face as the escape begins to break down into utter chaos. Moving back into the hallway, Inigo's hissed, "We need those keys! Caleb, keep working on that door! But we need to take out Blackerly as well. Mira, let's go help the others.". With that, Inigo follows the others, following behind the large ogre, dagger in hand.

2017-10-28, 09:07 AM
Mira's words might have an effect, as Danny nor the other two don't reply. Alas there is a door blocking the way so it is hard to gauge their reactions when they simply do not respond.

Caleb kicks the door. At this point, it is worth remembering that the locks on the manacles were in disrepair., and that Blackerly has been skimming money from the prison. But even so, this is the armory. It should be the second most secure place in the building. And this door is reinforced with metal bindings. The door frame on the other hand has not seen maintenance in years. The hinges tear out of the frame for the door to crash on the stone floor.

The fallen door reveal three guards in their pajamas in the middle of hastily donning their chain shirts over their sleeping wear. It is an uncomfortable moment that breaks when Guard #2 mistakenly cries “It's the Ogre!” #2 goes back to getting his chain shirt on. Danny and Guard #3 bend down and pick up their longbows cleverly placed in front of them. (They are picking up the weapons as their move action and drawing loading them as their standard. Danny and Guard #3 will be ale to fire on their next turn.)

To the battle in the Mess Hall, Blackerly and Irene are not faster than X or Amber. They cannot continue to run away before the spells are cast.

Blackerly turns as his lady friend collapses to the floor cooked by the flames. Acid seeps through his armor once again. He weakly begs while pouring a potion down Irene's throat. "Wait! stop! I have a boat you could use. . ."

Grumblejack leaps over tables and slams his fist into the Sergeant's face. Whatever else he was going to say is stopped by his head exploding under the force of Grumblejack.

Irene's burns fade as the potion works its magic. Her dress now has scorch marks on it. She looks up in fear as Grumblejack grins at her. "Promise," the Ogre says wickedly.


2017-10-28, 12:31 PM
Mira's face forms a rictus of tranquil rage as she says, "This is how you treat my offer, then? Die." She rushes forwards, blade aimed at Danny's throat as she swings mercilessly.

Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-28, 06:44 PM
The Half-Orc snorts quietly as Grumblejack pulverizes the injured sergeant. He takes a step back from the woman and Ogre, crossing his arms. "I'm afraid you may have picked decidedly poor company, miss." He stands and watches, morbidly curious as to precisely how Grumblejack plans to continue.

X (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1296746)
M CE Half-Orc Sorcerer 1, Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Claws +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +3 (1d6+3, x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition 1st level spells: 4/5
Claws: 7/8

5-foot step away. Total defense (for AC of 15... lol)

2017-10-29, 06:56 AM
Amber Tash

"Guess that means no branding." Amber exclaims in a halfway angry fashion. The death of the one who branded felt kind of anti-climatic after the prospect of getting to brand him. Shifting her weight around a few times as she looks at the scene, she adds: "I'll go see if the others need help." With Grumblejack present, her presence was not needed. Amber moves along the hallway to serve as reinforcement to the others, just in time to see Mira rush forward past the door knocked down by Caleb.

Two move actions along the hallway to stand near the entrance where the new fight is starting.

2017-10-29, 08:41 AM
Caleb ponders, just for a moment, what would happen if he incinerated Mira along with the guards in the armory.

2017-10-29, 08:46 AM
Eyeballing the distance and deciding that he doesn't have time to grab one of the guards before they can fire, Caleb sprints in and swings his club at a guard. Charge #2, attack [roll0], damage [roll1]. Own AC: 11

2017-10-30, 07:53 AM
Hearing the sounds of begging and pleading stop in the room in front of her, Gail moves to have her magic assist against the remaining guards.

Move to the door to room 12. Since these are 10' squares, that will probably need a double move.
My Inspire Courage (still maintained) should be able to reach most, if not all of that room.

BP 7/11

2017-11-01, 03:47 PM
Having just gotten into range, Inigo is startled by the blood that suddenly splatters his armor and clothing. He would need to remember to not anger that ogre any time in the near future. Blackerly dead, Inigo left the Ogre to it's prize. Spinning on his heel as he darted back out of the room, moving to assist Mira and Caleb in dispatching the guards before they could properly equip themselves.

OOC: Double move to cover 60 feet of distance to get closer to the other guards.

2017-11-02, 05:14 PM
Mira charges with her longsword. Her movements are practiced and swift as she effortlessly takes Danny's head off. It is said that severed head has enough oxygen in it to live for an additional 10 seconds. In Danny's case he is spared watching the slaughter of his co-workers as his face bounces on the floor definitively knocking him out.

Caleb rushes the aptly named #2. He runs to the side giving him some cover and slams his club into the man's belly. #2 vomits, but finishes hastily pulling his Chain Shirt on. He begins reciting a prayer to Mitra.

Guard #3's training fails him. He runs for the door seeing it clear. But as he crosses the threshold, he learns that Amber, Inigo, and the woman who seriously has not revealed her name in character yet, are waiting there for the pj clad man with only on e arrow for his bow.

X is the only one who sees what Grumblejack is going to do to that poor woman.


2017-11-02, 08:22 PM
Mira whirls around, slinging the blood off the end of her blade as she then draws back and then strikes forwards, looking to shove her blade through the other guard's stomach.

Power Attack w/ Flank: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-03, 09:25 AM
Dagger out, Inigo sneers as he launches himself into a roll, attempting to get around the shocked guard so that Inigo's target was between him and one of his fellow escapees before attacking his his dagger. "Not your lucky day friend," If all he says as he attacks.

Move action to set up a flank, using acrobatics to avoid any possible AOO if the guard is wielding a weapon. Standard action to attack from flank. If unable to set up a flank for any reason, kindly decrease final attack roll by 2 and damage roll by 1.

2017-11-03, 04:46 PM
Amber Tash

Amber happily provides the other flank for Inigo, but does not seem to need to actually attack with her dagger, seeing the formidable strike Inigo makes with his dagger.

Move action if needed to provide the flank for Inigo. I'm going to assume that Amber does not need to attack, given dathom's excellent rolls.

2017-11-04, 02:43 PM
Caleb steps around the table, grabs the guard's weapon arm and tries to lift him by the neck. Step and grapple #3, since he doesn't have a melee weapon out. Dropping the club to have both hands available. [roll0]

2017-11-04, 03:57 PM
Mira stabs at #2, but his armor does not allow for her sword to penetrate.
Caleb drops his club and wraps his limbs around the guard. He struggles to break free, but Caleb holds on. "Crap," he says defeated.
And to be clear, this is the same #2 who was so delighted for Danny to describe how to go to the bathroom. He is the one Grumblejack threw a bone at. He still has a broken nose, though it is bandaged.

(Artistic license taken for describing confirmed criticals. This does not conform to game mechanics.)
#3 does not do much better. As he runs past Inigo, the Talin Butcher shows off his acrobatics skills. First he slides under #3 causing the guard to trip and fall on the floor. Inigo follows up by bouncing off the heavy oaken doors of the main gate and cartwheeling back to the guard. He lands straddling the man's defenseless back which yields to the pressure of his dagger. His spinal cord is cut, just below the nape of his neck.

No new map as the final combatant is controlled in Caleb's Grapple.

2017-11-04, 05:00 PM
The voice of the Half-Orc rings down the hallway. "You all about done in there?"

2017-11-04, 09:09 PM
Mira turns out and strolls into the hall, looking satisfied with herself as she heads into the room where Blackerly was as she says to X, "Quite. Now where is that Sergeant. I want to give him a piece of my mind."

2017-11-05, 12:51 AM
As Caleb turns half a step, exposing the guards back to his fellow escapes, he asks him between grunts: "So. Would you rather die for Mithra or live for Asmodeus?".

2017-11-05, 01:31 PM
The Half-Orc's mouth splits into a wide grin at Mira's comment. "You might have trouble with that. Pieces of his mind are all over the place in here." He chuckles quietly at the joke, particularly mirthful for the veracity of the claim.

"Tell the rest of them we've got a boat to catch. The sergeant's little playmate says it'll fit all of us, and her life literally depends on it." A flinty, hard smile replaces the grin as he retrieves the dropped club and turns back into the room with Grumblejack and his snack on a leash. He turns his attention to the snack. "They'll be coming shortly. Now, which way to the waste chute?"

2017-11-06, 02:17 PM
His clothes and arms spattered in the blood of his victim, Inigo rose with a smile of satisfaction on his face. Wiping his blade off on the guard's clothing, Inigo called, "An escape route is all well and good. But let's see what we cane get form the two rooms we discovered first. Seems one of them at least is an armory. Also, if one of these guards or what's left of the Sergeant has any keys, that will be helpful in securing others resources to help in the rest of this escape."

With that, the small man goes about searching the corpses that now littered the hall and armory.

2017-11-06, 10:21 PM
“If you are going to kill me, do it before your sermon.” guard #2 says.

Now that the battle is over the band of villians can take a better look at the Armory. The room is lit by a lantern labeled quarter lamp #3. There are spaces labeled 1-18 for each guard to stow their armor and gear. Stations 13-18 have a chain shirt, heavy steel shield, longsword, and longbow. These stations are dusty and have cobwebs. There is a rack containing 12 more of the leather-wrapped clubs. There is a barrel holding twelve full quivers of arrows (240 arrows total). All the weapons save for the arrows and club have markings identifying them as being the property of Branderscar.

There is a crate of random weapons labeled confiscated. They are a jumbled mess and lack proper care, but none are labeled as being the property of Branderscar. If you look through this crate, tell me what type of weapon you are looking for.

Each guard has a chain shirt, uniform, Heavy shield, longsword, and longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows. The guards in the hallway were burnt so their gear is charred. The bows and quivers have been rendered unuseable. Each Guard also has a numbered key the two burnt guards are #3 and #6. Danny's is #12. Guard3's is #4 and Guard2 is #2. He also has the master keyring containing all the keys to all the locks in the prison. (Blackerly had tossed it to him.)

Sergeant Blackerly has a burnt Sergeant's uniform. He wears chainmail as opposed to a chain shirt and he wielded a masterwork longsword. He also has an empty flask.

There is also the storeroom where Blackerly initially hid that has not been checked yet.

The mess hall is a large room lit by two torches. There is a door to the north labeled Quarters and a double door to the south labeled Kitchen In and Kitchen out This is the room where the staff of the prison eat their meals. It holds a few wooden tables and benches. Cheap ones that broken under Grumblejack's weight as he clambored through to his quarry. Blackerly's burnt body lies propped on on the benches. His face smashed in and oozing blood onto a table. The portly man cause of death may have been fire and Grumblejack's fist, but it should also be known that had he not been skimming money from the prison's funds, he might have instead invested in better upkeep. Stronger door frames, better locks, even a higher quality table in the mess hall might have provided a better barrier against Grumblejack's charge. Blackerly's greed was just as much responsible for his death as our villians. But to say something good about the man, his second to last action was to pour a healing potion down his dying lover's throat.

And where is his skimmed money? Well sitting on the floor across from Blackerly's body is Grumblejack. He holds a lockbox and it makes the rattle of coins when he shakes it. Grumblejack also holds his manacles. One end is chained to his left wrist. The other is around the neck of Irene, Blackerly's lady friend and one of the kitchen maids. She squats, nude, attempting to cover herself. Her ripped dress lays next to Blackerly's feet. She looks to any woman who enters the room pleadingly, hoping for sympathy.

“Animals don't wear clothing.” Grumblejack said. “That's what this 'un told Grumblejack when they brought Grumblejack here. The guards cut off Grumblejack's armor. It was made out of leather cured by me, caught by me, and they burned it in front of me. And this 'un gave Grumblejack food that made Grumblejack weak. So Grumblejack stopped eating to stay strong.”

He grunts, “Grumblejack promised to eat this 'un or ward'un next. But Dragon'un made deal with this 'un. She take us to magic boat, she not snack. She don't take us, she snack.”

2017-11-06, 10:33 PM
Mira takes a quick look at Blackerly's longsword, picks it up, and smirks as she says, "Better and better..." A look of disgust and anger then crosses her face as she looks up and sees the state that Irene is in, and quickly heads back out, collects a guard uniform, then rushes back in as though to prevent something. She tosses Irene the clothes, and looks at Grumblejack as she says, "Luckily for her, she is not and animal. And you are not to treat her as such. Understand?"

2017-11-06, 10:34 PM
The Half-Orc frowns appraisingly. So far, they've done quite a bit of damage to Branderscar and its occupants. Good. For a moment, he peeks into the armory, particularly the barrel of confiscated belongings (looking for either a greataxe or a falchion, if one is present). With Grumblejack holding both a jingling lockbox and a leash on their ticket to safety, he doesn't leave for long, however. With or without a heavy-hafted blade, he rejoins his Ogre friend in the mess hall quickly, looking down on the cowering woman with something akin to indifference. He shrugs at Grumblejack when Mira makes her proclamation.

He has the traditional Half-Orc familiarity with greataxes and falchions, and will take either if given the chance.

2017-11-07, 01:01 AM
Caleb searches the lost-and-found for a longspear or boarding pike, a morningstar or heavy mace, and a crossbow and/or sling. Then he goes for the other storeroom.

2017-11-07, 04:29 AM
Grumblejack looks disappointed for a moment. Then a bright smile appears on the ogre's face. "hear dat? The smart 'un wants you treated like a person." he leans in. "dat means your prisoners treat prisoners better than your people. You dont have moral high ground anymore.

Irene reluctantly takes the uniform. She struggles with getting the pants over her hips, but finds no problem with the shirt. Grumblejack refuses to let her wear shoes though. uf she trues to run, she will have to do it barefoot.

2017-11-07, 06:45 AM
Caleb would never be impolite to Grumblejack's face, but now he makes a mental note to not assume that the Ogre is stupid.

2017-11-07, 11:57 AM
the guard's answer given, Inigo makes sure the guard is taken care of before the searching moves too far along. Before Caleb releases the remaining guard and goes to search the armory, Inigo says, "Hold him still Caleb, I'll take care of this one." With that, the Talin Butcher will jab his dagger into the guard's throat, dragging it across to open up the guard's neck.

Taking up the ring of keys, Inigo smirks to himself as he stores it under his shirt before heading into the armory, not interested in what might be happening in the kitchen until he can get some proper equipment. Evaluating what can be found there, the slim man begins shrugging into a chain shirt, deciding that the added protection outweighs the added encumbrance is gives the nimble man's movements. Once that is done, he looks in the box of confiscated weapons, hoping to find a short sword or rapier that would serve the man better than his own dagger.

2017-11-07, 03:20 PM
Amber Tash

Idly standing by as the others did their thing, from Inigo searching about, Caleb trying to persuade a guard and Mira moving to where Grumblejack, the half-orc and the woman are present. She moves out the room when Inigo takes care of the last guard. She smirks as she witnesses the scene around her, her confidence becoming clearer. Walking through the prison that had meant to hold them and already, they have gone through room after room. An idea strikes.

Moving to the room with Grumblejack and the woman, who is now putting on clothes not of her own wardrobe, Amber ignores the woman's situation, though does look at her as she asks: "So, where's your room, your things?"

2017-11-08, 09:21 AM
The ex-pirate, having been silent for a while, idly rubs her throat. Channeling too much magic through it tends to make it sore. And while she isn't close to that point, there's no reason to not let it rest when she can. Knowing that the fighting is over for the moment, she follows the cleric into the armory, to look for a light crossbow and some bolts. Or a basic shortbow, if there isn't one.

2017-11-08, 10:57 PM
The contents of the barrel are as follows:

A heavy mace. A woman's comb with the handle sharped into a shiv (stats same as a dagger). Regular spear, a set of nunchaku, a Falchion, a Scimitar with runes etched into it, a battle axe, a whip, two handcrossbows, and a Glaive.

Unfortunately the hand crossbows lack any bolts to accompany them.

Irene starts to point across the mess hall but then switches to the sergeant's quarters when asked about her room, "I sleep there if I need a nap. I live in the village and walk here everyday. Please I am not a bad person."

" The latrine is in the tower across from the kitchen's door. You will need rope to scale down. Lots of rope."(tower 6a on map)

2017-11-09, 08:58 AM
After getting the chain shirt on and grabbing the hand crossbow in case they come along some bolts during their escape, Inigo moves quickly. Anyone he passes on the way to the Sergeant's office, he quickly tells of the equipment found in the armory. Hearing the ogre's voice coming form the kitchen, Inigo smirks as he darts into the office to check out what might have been stored int he room that the sergeant had originally hidden in behind the tapestry.

2017-11-09, 08:58 AM
The Half-Orc smiles wickedly, pulling the huge blade from the barrel. When he returns to the Ogre, it's leaned over one shoulder lazily, unconcerned with whether or not it nicks a doorway or hall. Somehow, his carriage is different- more confident, more self-assured.

He growls at the woman. "Has anyone seen rope, or do we need to start looking?"

2017-11-09, 04:32 PM
Amber Tash

"Ofcourse.." Amber lets out in an annoyed fashion upon hearing the woman is from the village. She ignores her statement about not being a bad person.

Turning to the half-orc, she asks: "Remind me, why do we want to go to the waste chute? Is the boat there?"

2017-11-09, 09:26 PM
Mira shrugs and says, "That's a good question actually. Let's just...Go down stairs to the boat? Who's going to stop us?"

2017-11-10, 12:28 AM
Caleb picks up the mace, and looks puzzled at the runed scimitar. Then he joins the others at the stair.

2017-11-10, 03:20 PM
The Half-Orc shrugs. "She said so." He points at the captive. "...doesn't seem stupid enough to lie, to me."

2017-11-10, 03:35 PM
Casting Detect magic on the rune-marked scimitar shows no magic on it. It is just a foreign sword with foreign writing on it.

Inigo returns to were he took a door to the face. The storeroom holds the mundane supplies for the prison. There are 6 barrels containing 50 torches each, additionally there are twenty lanterns and four ten gallon kegs of lantern oil, six sentry mannequins wearing guard uniforms, a dozen signal horns all of which are cracked, twenty 50ft lengths of rope, and a barrel labeled 'spoiled emergency rations – for prisoners.' Hanging in a special rack is also to be found several brands with the runic F symbol and a specially made brazier for heating them. Inigo immediately recognizes these items as the brands that marked them. Beyond this the store is empty. It could hold more, but that would have required Blackerly to follow his budget instead of hoarding money for himself.

Irene tries to explain. “The latrine tower has a cavern below it and lets out into the sea. There's a magic feather that turns into a ship. It was part of the noble's escape plan from when Branderscar Prison was Castle Branding back during the Civil War eighty years ago.”

2017-11-11, 11:45 AM
The Half-Orc eyes their captive, despite his words trying his best to ascertain the truth of her statement.
sense motive: [roll0]

He turns back to his unlikely companions with a shrug. "I won't mind if you'd all rather fight your way out. It'd be more fun that way," he comments with a grin, hefting his new blade.

2017-11-11, 05:46 PM
Irene is being truthful and is not trying to trick you. In the sense that she is repeating a story that she believes. She has never been down in the cavern personally, but two guards claim some veteran guards climbed down there when they were rookies and confirmed the story.

To compare a real life example. My High School had a sign at an entrance that said Bomb shelter. And in truth, when built in 1968, the school was reinforced to be less likely to collapse if hit by a conventional bomb. This lead to a rumor that there was a nuclear fallout shelter under the auditorium stocked with expired canned food. The rumor, while believable and often repeated, was not true.

Irene's story is true. the Nobel family who lived in Castle Branding did indeed have an escape route using the cavern and a feather token that turned into a boat. But is the feather token still there, or would Blackerly have climbed down there to steal the token and sell it?

2017-11-12, 07:51 AM
Amber Tash

There's a gleeful look on Amber's face as she answers: "Fighting our way out certainly does sound more exciting!" Clasping her hands together, she looks at the others, unsure if her excitement is shared. Doubt does flash through her facial expression, so she also looks at the others, leaving the voice of reason to somebody else.

"Think there is something useful around?" She adds a conversation topic, asking to nobody in particular, as she looks at the two other doors in the room.

2017-11-13, 01:00 PM
The as-of-yet unidentified pirate grabs a whip, and joins the others. She looks at the detestable branding irons, before an evil thought entered her head. "Here's an idea: they likely know of our violent escape, and would probably tell others of it." She walks over and grabs a runic brand, and grins. "Why not create some decoys?"

2017-11-13, 02:36 PM
The Half-Orc frowns. Despite the appeal of his companion's suggestion, he shakes his head. "It takes too long to heat those things up enough. Besides, didn't you kill all the guards we've seen so far?"

2017-11-13, 08:08 PM
Frowning at the contents of the room, Inigo takes one of the lengths of rope before joining back up with the others. "There are some supplies in that room you arsonists might be interested in," grumbled the Talin Butcher, grimacing slightly at his injuries. "With everything they done to us, I'm all for sticking around and helping to burn this place to the ground," Inigo continues almost maliciously. "If we are going to continue, then it might be smart for anyone who can wear one of these chain shirts to pick one up from the armory. Might be a few shields as well. Then I suggest we try to find the barracks. Each guard has had a key to likely a different lock. Might be some supplies there we can use." Then, as if remembering something, he says to the ogre, "Hey Grumblejack...Let me see that chest, might be something in there worth something. And this key ring might have to way to pen it. let me see what is inside your weapon there and you can keep some of it."

2017-11-14, 11:04 AM
The Half-Orc turns his attention to Inigo with piqued interest. "Oh?" With a gesture he signals to Grumblejack that the Inigo's suggestion of what to do with the chest has merit, but makes no effort to compel the Ogre to comply. Then he walks into the mentioned storeroom. His eyes widen with excitement at the barrels, and he quickly sheathes his blade to begin hauling a pair of them behind him.
Assuming density approximately in line with water, 10 gallons is ~80 pounds. The barrel are probably 10-15 empty, so that puts them at 90ish pounds a piece. That's squarely within X's medium load to move two, and he's not overly concerned with whether or not they spill some.

His prizes in tow, he returns to the room with a manic grin. "Girl, I do hope you're not lying about this cavern. It'd be a pity to burn to death or die of smoke inhalation. Point me to the latrine. Oh, and Grumblejack, you aught to hit people with this instead of the chest. Might make for a decidedly brilliant display." He grins at the thought of burning the place to the ground, perhaps starting with whoever proves foolish enough to stand in their way.

"Let's go."

Barring objection, X will lead the way to the latrine. If they don't find anyone between here and there, he'll set up the barrels outside the room, puncture one, and light them as the last of the rest of the party makes their way down the chute. He'll then follow, hopefully interposing a door that will take a few minutes to burn down.

2017-11-15, 02:50 PM
Amber Tash

Not keen on wearing a chain shirt, as it hampers her magic, Amber shrugs. This turns to wide eyes when she sees with what the half-orc returns. Kegs of lantern oil! Her eyes shine as a gleeful smile makes the way on her face. "Great!" Holding her hands together, she seems a lot more amused at the turn of this situation.

"Didn't you say we needed rope?" She mentions to the half-orc. "I wonder where they keep those then."

2017-11-15, 06:29 PM
He shrugs, prominently displaying the coil looped over a shoulder. "There was more in there." He nods back to the storeroom as he hobbles away, following Irene's directions to the latrines.

2017-11-16, 04:22 AM
"Alright, I'm going to go ahead and look for the boat. Join me once you're done torching the place". Caleb moves ahead to the cave with the alleged boat-feather.

2017-11-19, 12:44 PM
Seeing the wisdom in Inigo's words, the weaker redhead goes to grab a chain shirt. Putting it on, she begins to have difficulty walking. Ugh, this thing is heavy. She gradually makes her way back to the party, and down to the latrine.

Really wish I dumped Wisdom instead of Strength now :P

2017-11-19, 12:49 PM
Mira looks down the latrine and says, "Well...Better than nothing..." as she begins to descend.

2017-11-19, 03:15 PM
Amber Tash

Nodding to the half-orc, Amber goes and fetch more rope. Just in case. Afterwards, she moves along with the others to follow the given directions and use the rope when needed. She looks around a bit more, glancing at the door they did not enter, but then shrugs. She gleefully looks at the barrels the half-orc is carrying along, clearly excited about what is to come.

2017-11-19, 05:39 PM
Grumblejack hands over the chest he carries. “Sounds like lots o' little tings. Gives it extra weight for smashing but throws balance off.” He grins and turns serious, “Grumblejack think that room is barracks. Food smells coming from other room and guards in sleepwear came from somewheres.” The ogre points at the room labeled Quarters. (As Grumblejack does not have class levels yet, he can only read in his native tongue of Giant.) the iron lockbox opens with one of the keys on the master key ring.

The crew quarters hold 4 bunk beds each with 3 bunks each. There are 12 small chests labeled 1-12 scattered around the room. The group currently has keys numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12. Inigo also has a copy of each key on the master key ring.

Contents of Blackerly's chest – a case of twelve bottles labeled Rotgut Whiskey. The bottles themselves are not labeled. He also has 1235gp in a sack.
Chest 1 a set of peasant clothes and a short sword
Chest 2 an Iron Mithran holy symbol and a Mithran holy book.
Chest 3 a well written love letter ending in a propsal of marriage to someone named Michelle and a sapphire engagement ring
Chest 4 a bottle without label that matches the Rotgut Whiskey bottles found in Blackerly's chest.
Chest 5 bottle of Godsmead, a triple distilled apple brandy sweetened with honey. This brand is one of the 13 famous liquors of Daveryn, the major port city on the Eastern coast of Taligarde.
Chest 6 Ink, quill, and a personal journal with the first 6 pages filled. This guard wrote one entry a week. And the top of each page “this week's password is:” Hesterfield is the current week's password. This guard has also kept detailed notes of the illegal gambling games the guards play every night! in Room 3c on the map.
Chest 7 Masterwork lute
Chest 8 A potion of cure light wounds with a hand written note. “In case of trouble, Luv Mum.”
Chest 9 a detailed map of the nearby town of Varyston including Branderscar and the Old Moor Road
Chest 10small coin pouch with 16cp, 12sp, and 5 gp
Chest 11 a set of peasant garb and two decks of cards, one regular, one marked and 120 silver pieces
Chest 12 whetstone, cleaning supplies for chain shirt, extra bowstring, and a small book of military regulations

While the group is finishing looting, Grumblejack gets bored. Irene will have lead Grumblejack into the kitchen and fed him the dinner she was preparing for the guards. This is a hope that if he eats enough, he will not want to eat her. She will also feed any who demand food, fish stew and soft bread.
The kitchen is well stocked with serving and cooking paraphernalia. and there is plenty of food in the pantry. Forty day's worth of perishable and ten days of iron rations (not spoiled) for a prison staff of 15.
There is a large green cloak here that Grumble jack takes and drapes over himself. It fits him surprisingly well. An Iron Cauldron is in the fireplace cooking the fish stew Irene serves.


Once all things are taken care of in the Castle, Irene will lead the group to the latrine. She opens a side door in the kitchen. First thing you all notices is that there are no guards on the wall. And according to Blackerly's papers, there should be guards on the wall. Immediately outside the door is a garden that takes up most of the grounds on this side of the Castle. A few paces from the garden is a lightly pruned shrub. (Knowledge Nature or Survival to identity. DC15)

There are towers along the walls. There is a door at the bottom of each tower. The sun is setting in the west throwing shade and shadows on this side of the Castle. There is a building marked Kennel to the north.

Irene leads you south to the nearest tower. It is labeled Outhouse. There is a second sign here, Occupied.

2017-11-20, 12:21 AM
"Mister Grumblejack, would you kindly knock on the door?" Caleb grins.

2017-11-20, 07:01 PM
As Inigo scoured through the empty barracks, the slim man pocketed any valuable he could. Stuffing the potion into the folds of his clothing, he also took the short sword, sapphire engagement ring and the map. Before leaving, he decides to also take as much of the coin as he could carry, figuring that they would need some coin once they got beyond the prison walls. After that, he joins up with the others and, with a small grin on his face, followed to the outhouse.

In his injured state, he wasn't one to take the lead. Instead, he made enough room for the ogre to try his hand at opening the door. Certainly it would be noisier, but also quicker.

2017-11-20, 07:08 PM
The jingle of Blackerly's ill-gained gold causes the Half Orc to raise his face with an interested expression. "I hope you're not planning on keeping all of that for yourself, Inigo." He continues huffing his barrels into the kitchen, letting his allies do most of the looting. When the return a few minutes later, he has retrieved another pair of barrels and eaten a hearty portion of fish stew, inspired by Grumblejack's demands.

The room reeks of oil, and it quickly becomes apparent that he's also punctured one of the barrels, and it's now leaking, leaving a thick, odorous trail leading back to the store-room where the other barrels remain. "If we're quite done here," he begins. "I think it's about time to leave." Sparks fly dangerously towards the ceiling as excitement threatens to overpower whatever sense the arsonist has.

He waits for his unlikely allies to file out the door before turning back to the puddle of flammable liquid. With near-manic eagerness, he sends a spray of sparks flying towards it, and shuts the door.

Casting the spell spark (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedPlayersGuide/spells/spark.html#spark-). I'm assuming the oil is an acceptable target, though it may not qualify as "fine."