View Full Version : DM Help Looking for a speical box

2017-08-12, 04:29 PM
Hullos...first post....be gentle (or not)/grin....

trying to set up a mini school/ university area in one of my games...and while "stocking" it...I cant seem to remember where a specific item is located book-wise...
Im not sure if its D20 or possibly 2nd edition..

The item in question ((from my memory) is a Chest...like a standard sea chest/footlocker. in its standard form its just a normal chest when op pend...but , with the right command word/key/etc....it can be activated into multiple different items.

specifically.. the chest top can be pulled "up" and it becomes a multi drawer dresser, And/or top slides open and pulls up and its a chest with ...6ft tall hanging closet., And /Or ..it also transforms into a similar sized bookshelf/ amorie with a secret locked compartment.

For the life of me..i cant remember which book has this item.. MIGHT be from a sea themed book/adventure...might be from a "collection" type book..

If anyone can find this items proper name and which books its in..id greatly appreciate it..
my thanks in advance.