View Full Version : Sorcerer or Wizard? What caster should I play

2017-08-12, 04:48 PM
So I'm about to start playing in my very first D&D campaign ever. It's 5e rules with a custom world and story (which I know next to nothing about yet) and i will be playing with some acquaintances from a Discord server I'm part of. So far, our composition is this:
Dragonborn Ranger
Halfling Rogue
Gnome Barbarian
Human Cleric
Monk (don't know race yet)

and then there's me. I told them I would be playing a sorcerer, and have the character sheet made up and everything, but now I'm starting to reconsider. I'm going to be the only full arcane caster in the party. I doubt anyone else will change their race or class (and I don't want to try and tell them they should and crap on their fun) so the responsibility of all things arcane will fall on me. Should I go ahead with my plans to play a sorcerer (draconic origins btw) or should I perhaps consider making a wizard character? Which do you guys think would be better for this situation?

(also, this is my first time posting here, so, hello!)

2017-08-12, 04:55 PM

Sorcerers tend to be about blasting stuff. Wizards can blast stuff too, but generally are more effective as utility support with a variety combat support and control spells.

2017-08-12, 05:01 PM
Do what you believe will be the most fun for you. Not all parties absolutely have to cover all of the standard bases perfectly. If that leaves the group without access to (spell which would have been an ideal or "standard" solution for some circumstance), well, you'll all have to improvise and figure out something that works for your group rather than playing things out according to a preset formula.

It is my opinion that the greatest fun lies in coming up with a solution that works for your party/group and the given situation, not in having a party that covers all of the standard bases and can apply the standard peri-optimal solutions to every encounter, but as you are the one playing the game it is up to you.

2017-08-12, 05:14 PM
It is my opinion that the greatest fun lies in coming up with a solution that works for your party/group and the given situation, not in having a party that covers all of the standard bases and can apply the standard peri-optimal solutions to every encounter, but as you are the one playing the game it is up to you.

I second that opinion. As a sorceror, you will be doing the same thing with your character that Aeson describes your whole party doing: improvising with limited resources. I've never played a sorceror but that's probably part of their appeal.

Also, you have a large and diverse party so chances are good that someone in the party will have skill-based solutions for any given problem also.

2017-08-12, 05:32 PM

Sorcerer works but WORKING those abilities tends to ruin things.

2017-08-12, 06:20 PM
I've had fun at both. Sorc might be a little easier for a new player than Wiz, but if you're starting at a reasonably low level (1-3) then you shouldn't find either to be overwhelming. You might want to read a class guide for each from the Notable Threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?377491)--I particularly like (Sorcs) "How To Rend Fiends and Immolate People" by EvilAnagram and (Wiz) How to Be a God by Treantmonk--and see if that helps you decide.

I assume, from specifying Dragon sorc, that you're leaning toward being a blaster. That's great, and whichever route you take, make sure you have some blasting spells...but don't go overboard with it. If you've got ten spells, and eight of them are attacks, that's overboard. You probably want maybe three attacks, a couple of emergency reactions, and the rest utilities.

2017-08-12, 06:33 PM
I agree with the others on choosing what works best for you and then figuring out solutions in that fashion.

We have a party of two fighters, one ranger, and a Sorceror and we get by just fine.

I just wanted to add that a Sorceror can pull some fun buffing Shenanigans via Twin spell.

In our current group my Sorceror is a master of the four elements and likes to twin cast flight on the two fighters as a way to suprise airborn or entrenched foes.

You could try twinning any concentration spell:
Enlarge your fighter and shrink theirs, dual haste someone, twin charms, etc....

2017-08-12, 06:54 PM
Sorcerers are quite complex actually. If you decide to play one I highly reccommend you read the guide in my sig.

2017-08-12, 06:57 PM
The sorcerer can get access to the wild magic archetype which lets you improve or weaken enemy saving throws (a big deal) and gives you access to wild f*cking magic!

2017-08-12, 07:17 PM
Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I'm a worrier by nature, but this has all helped me make my decision. I was a little concerned because none of us are playing focused on Intelligence, so we'll be a little lacking in that department, but I agree that figuring out how to work around that stuff could be fun! And I am excited about the potential for Twinning buffs (got lots of attackers who will benefit from Haste).

Thanks everyone!