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2017-08-13, 07:29 AM
With little in the way of expectations or knowledge what she would find in the big, wide world outside of the confines of her tribe, Eshalyn D'Hista has been travelling for four months since she left. Nowhere to really come back to, as only the slow erosion of her will by throne or the slow death by poison await her back home, she started to wander aimlessly, wherever her feet took her. Seeking thrills, new sights, fun company, and opportunities to test her might and mettle, she accompanied caravans, worked for people desperately seeking help, delved into ancient ruins, whatever came up. Success followed where she went. However, there is one problem, one hurdle that has been growing to daunting heights, threatening to crush Eshalyn's spirit...

Wandering the city of Selkys, quickly having adapted to the biome that is called "city", Eshalyn's boredom is becoming maddening. The bandits attacking trade caravans are laughable to her and when it is known she is with one, no one even attacks at all, making for a long, slow, and boring journey. The threats she helps people with run the gamut of simple thugs, giant rats, and so damn many goblins and orcs. Likewise, she is getting quite sick of crushing her way through skeletons and zombies day in, day out. No treasure like those in legends and stories. The pay is bad, compared to the riches she is carrying with her (and the thieves trying to steal her riches are becoming annoying). The people around her are so ordinary and they in turn are mostly intimidated by the powerful barbarian who is so unused to their culture, and those who do feel the allure are hardly worth mentioning.

Whatever she hoped for, this is not it. Not by a long shot. Her tribe back home was already mostly inferior to her, but this is just... urgh. When the most exciting things she experiences are the stories and songs of some bards about things that allegedly happened long ago, you know you are in for disappointment.

However, something does penetrate through the veil of oncoming depression. She finds herself in a park, near a large statue. It is old, but meticulously kept in good shape. The statue of a handsome human man, in glorious armor and with his sword held high, his presence undeniable, even though it is just an ordinary statue. Eshalyn has seen this depiction and variants of it in many places in the "civilized" lands. Each was made by an artist of different skill, but each one was undeniably deeply inspired by the subject.

The legendary Herald of Dawn, Doran Valen, he who walked the Path to Glory and became the champion of the Three, he who ushered in a golden age whose effects are still felt to this day, even after centuries.

A bard sings before the statue, and several have gathered, including Eshalyn. His song tells of his bravery, his benevolence, his will that never faltered, no matter the hardships. And of the latter, there were plenty, as he walked the Path to Glory, the challenges set before him by Jannissera, the Oracle of the Three, in the Eyrie of Stars. Many since have sought to step into his footsteps, yet few ever returned from the Eyrie of Stars, and those who did bore the everlasting burden of defeat, their will overcome by fear and never to step before Jannissera again, haunted by her beauty and the shame of having repaid her guidance with failure, until they drew their last breath.

This all sounds like another fairy tale on the surface, but she saw the statues, she heard the glowing way these stories are told. Thinking back, she thinks she has seen an old man or woman sitting in a tavern somewhere, looking like their glory days long faded away, listening to the stories of the hero, muttering the name of Jannissera into their tankard as they wipe away tears. This Eyrie of Stars, it could in fact be real. And if it is a challenge so daunting that only one ever managed to complete it...

2017-08-13, 10:45 AM
Eshalyn is a figure of great contrasts, on the surface, she all beauty and grace, but when that grace turns to battle, she becomes deadly. If one only looks to the surface, the attraction is undeniable, and for some, her deadly nature is even more of a turn on.
For now, she is not attempting to radiate either, listening instead to the tales of the bard. The one thing all the tales leave it however, is the most important thing. The one thing that can verify all of these stories. Blunt and straightforward, Eshalyn doesnt even wait for this particular tale to end...Yo bard,
a fine tale you tell, but tell us all this. Where can you actually find the Eyrie of the Stars?

2017-08-13, 12:00 PM
Eshalyn's rude interruption of the song causes murmurs and headshaking in the crowd, with the bard's brow furrowing for an instant, before answering with a winning smile "My fair lady, I'd be happy to quench your curiosity, but as you can see, these wonderful people would like to hear the songs. Perhaps we can discuss this further after I am done, over a glass of wine?"

2017-08-13, 04:01 PM
A glare from the barbarian is enough to quiet the murmurs in the crowd, and while Eshalyn is not accustomed to waiting for much, she seems satisfied with the bards response.

2017-08-13, 04:57 PM
The crowd is quickly quieted down by the glare and the bard continues his songs. It is a good performance and Eshalyn can feel that even after centuries, the people still hold the Herald of Dawn in high regard, whereas other figures may have come and gone. True to his word, once the bard finishes, he offers his arm to Eshalyn, and whether or not she goes along with the gesture, he takes her to one of the finer inns, one he can recommend and where he stays at, ordering wine for both of them. His treat, of course.

"My name is Felian Amos, at your service. May I know yours?" he asks, along the way.

Once they receive the wine, he says "So, my fair lady, the tales of the Herald of Dawn have piqued your interest and you wish to know more? Truly, a woman as discerning and inquisitive as she is graceful and charming. If I may be so forward, why do you seek the Eyrie of Stars?"

2017-08-13, 09:52 PM
My name is Eshalyn D'Hista of the tribe of Nyssia. When the waitress shows, she does not order wine, rather, the strongest ale that they can serve. The Eyrie interests me because it seems to pose a challenge actually worthy of my time. I have worked in this world as a caravan guard, my reputation has become such that no brigand will challenge a caravan under my protection. In this city, I can do nothing other than beat up low rank thugs or giant rats. Without something to actually test me, I will surely die of the boredom.

2017-08-14, 07:54 AM
Felian raises his eyebrows in surprise, stopping for a moment. "The Path to Glory is more than worthy of anyone's time. When Doran Valen emerged victorious from it, he left his permanent mark on this world, after all. However, the Path has swallowed and broken many great women and men. It is not a challenge. It is the challenge, judged by the Three themselves."

He lets that sink in a bit. Eshalyn gets the sense that she isn't the first he has guided towards the Eyrie, and that he knows very well what happens to those who go there and try to walk the Path. When Eshalyn remains steadfast, he leans back a bit again, regaining his comely smile. "But I not enough of a fool to stand between a fierce woman like you and the Path, just as everyone should never lose hope about another soul finally conquering the Path."

Felian retrieves parchment, ink, and a quill from his pack, beginning to write down directions. "It is quite a ways to the Eyrie, and there is no shortage of danger. Navigating towards the Eyrie is simple by night. You are familiar with the Guiding Star, yes?" Eshalyn knows it is a star seemingly locked in the night sky, never moving with the others, though its position seems to change depending on where the observer is. The Nyssian tribe calls it the Trickster Star, useless for navigation and leading those who mistake it for another astray, but no one in the tribe knows any more.

"You may have asked yourself why this star is unlike the others around it. That is because it always shows the direction to the Eyrie, no matter where you are in the world. Very confounding wonder of the night sky for our dear scholars of astronomy. So if you ever lose your way, you can use that to orient yourself. However, I know a more expedient way there. The Eyrie is due north of here. Follow the Hero's Road all the way to its end, where you will find the frontier town of Twilight Falls, along with its cascading waterfalls it derives its name of. The Hero's Road is well-kept, with plenty of settlements and inns along the way, so you can make good time following it. At Twilight Falls, you will need to head into the Skyspires, the mountain range at whose feet the town lies. There are many ways towards the Eyrie, and the townspeople will no doubt try to sell you plenty of maps and such, but instead take the path towards Cloudview Lodge, located in the Skyspires. There, you will see the Eyrie, towering above all else. It is a hard climb, from what I hear, though some have constructed patches of stairs here and there in the rock. The higher you come, the shorter the days and the longer the nights will become. Don't be alarmed, that is normal. You will also see more and more stars, above and eventually around you. At the top, you will find the Temple of the Three, Jannissera's home. She will be the one to guide you through whichever tasks the Three have in mind for you."

He hands the completed directions, along with some further notes, to Eshalyn. "I'd recommend that you prepare well for the journey and the Path to Glory, and begin it well-rested. On that note, do you have a place to stay for the night?"

2017-08-14, 03:20 PM
Whether it is a challenge or the challenge remains to be seen. I do not doubt your words, but so far, the challenges away from my tribe have proven to very limited. I am well-rested now, I guess I will spend the night in the flat I have been using until now

2017-08-14, 04:52 PM
"Then I'd suggest you enjoy the amenities of civilization while you can. Company and comforts may well be in short supply on your journey."

2017-08-15, 11:05 AM
Tell me, Felian, you know all the tales of those who have walked the path, but have you ever met one yourself? Have you ever heard a story from the actual person themselves?

2017-08-15, 11:41 AM
(Be sure to post your backstory and all other fluff to the OOC)

Felian nods, somberly. "That I have, as rare as they are. Most do not come back, of those who do, few wish to talk about what happened. Usually, those who are eager to share have not attempted to walk the Path, only wishing for quick fame. Those who failed but survived never learn to live with the fact, haunted by the hardships, by their failure, and Jannissera's disappointment. It also seems like the Path of Glory is not a rigid test, but rather changes with the times. From fragments I could gather, some have attempted to prepare specifically for certain tests they were able to learn about, only to never face them, not even reaching them, or encountering them, but with a twist that exploited their assuredness and led them to their doom or failure. Their tales are not well known. History rarely remembers them."

He pauses briefly, taking a sip of wine. "Is there something you want to hear about specifically?"

2017-08-15, 02:09 PM
Theres nothing I want to hear about. But maybe theres something you want to hear about. Hear about my story and how I conquered and finished the Path. And how you were there, and how being able to tell of that would make you the world's most famous bard.

2017-08-15, 03:01 PM
"If you manage to conquer the Path, I do would like to make a song or two about that," Felian quips, most likely speaking for every bard of the world. "You certainly would face another challenge by the Three, though: getting the weak bard up to the Eyrie in one piece, as well as back down."

2017-08-16, 08:11 AM
But there would also be someone who would have my back,,,but if you arent up for it, I understand.

2017-08-16, 02:01 PM
Felian is silent for a moment, then suddenly downs all his wine in one go. "This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me and, well, the more original the source, the better. I just hope I'll live to tell the tale. Well then, let's drink to the occasion. Copiously. Better I forget that I was thinking of chickening out than having it gnaw at me on the way."

2017-08-17, 07:44 AM
Eshalyn lifts her mug of ale to toast the agreement.

2017-08-17, 08:27 AM
And thus, the drinking begins, with the evening slowly giving way to the night. Eshalyn is putting away the dwarven ale mug after mug, which is having a nice kick to it, Felian sticking to wine (though pays for both), able to hold his liquor as well. Both sides becoming increasingly inebriated, Felian shares stories of people and their misadventures in trying to achieve fame like Doran Valen, but without walking the Path, leading to all sorts of shenanigans and pretty much always ending in failure. As the night goes on, the laughs become more frequent and louder.

For example, there's a swashbuckler who attempted to woo and rescue all queens, princesses, and duchesses, engineering situations with help of some rather questionable people, which backfired spectacularly when they found out and had him enchanted to fall in love with a troll lady he now thinks is a goddess of love. There's also a witch who attempted to eclipse Jannissera's beauty, obsession growing to the point it started to warp her perception of beauty, until she had herself "sculpted" and then petrified, convinced she'd be the most beautiful forevermore. The statue eventually was dumped into the ocean by passersby who didn't know about the whole story, just wanting to get rid of the ghastly thing.

"Of course, the statues made in your honor will be a sight to behold. Wouldn't want to think about how much money would be offered by artists to have you model naked for them though, phew. Could buy your own duchy right there," Felian cheerfully comments, chuckling, the table filled with empty mugs.

2017-08-18, 08:47 AM
I have little interest in a duchy, there are those who would make me a queen in my own lands, and I left, having no patience for such things.
A throne is nothing more than an anchor to your life. But, for now, I think we have drunk this Inn dry and I would like to have at least the semblance of a proper head when we start out.

2017-08-19, 10:13 AM
Felian agrees and asks to meet her in front of the inn tomorrow, before stumbling towards his room.

The next day, Eshalyn waits a little until Felian, geared up for travel, arrives on his horse, looking pretty hungover, but still ready for the journey. "Mornin'. Well, no time like the present. Where's your horse?"

2017-08-19, 01:44 PM
Eshalyn looks quizzically at Felian. Ive never ridden a horse in my life.

2017-08-19, 02:37 PM
Felian looks back just as confused. "Do... do you intend to walk all the way to the Eyrie?"

2017-08-19, 04:58 PM
Well, I've never been on a long journey and Ive never even been on a horse. Hell, I wouldnt even know how much one of them cost? I do have some gold left over from my last job.

2017-08-19, 05:10 PM
"Well, it's quite a ways away, surely going by horse would be much faster."

(Felian has no idea about Eshalyn's monk speed, which I think is at 70ft due to the monk's belt and thus faster than any horse. Also, please write down your speed on your sheet)

2017-08-19, 07:33 PM
Not fast enough? NOT FAST ENOUGH? Felian doesnt even need sense motive to realize he somehow gave offense to the barbarian. I trained in the Kalbesa monastery, lets see if your stupid nag can keep up with me. With that, Eshalyn takes off at top speed.

2017-08-20, 03:35 AM
Eshalyn rushes out of the city and out onto the road. It takes a while for Felian to catch back up to the running monkarian, and only once she stops to let him do so.

"My apologies, my apologies! I didn't know you had that sort of training and the monks I usually meet are nowhere near as fast," Felian tries to assuage Eshalyn's bruised ego, followed by a small awkward pause and Felian trying to change the topic. "So... you are part of a barbarian tribe, but also trained in a monastery? That's a story I would like to hear about, and your future admirers as well, I am sure."

2017-08-20, 10:06 AM
I left the tribe for a monastery because there were those in my tribe who would have set me up as the Queen. And given the way my tribe operates, there would have been those who would have poisoned me and my supporters to end it. With retaliation from my faction in response. Even if we had "won", it would have been a loss as the throne would have been an anchor on my life.

2017-08-20, 01:37 PM
"I don't think I've ever heard of anyone not wanting to be a queen if they had the chance. Does sound like a fairly vicious tribe, though," Felian says. Over the course of the next few days, they travel the road north, ever closer to their destination, following the Guiding Star. Sometimes they travel in silence, sometimes Felian asks Eshalyn about life in the tribe and what she has been doing since leaving or at the monastery. At the inns where they stay, the bard is often seen recording what he has learned about and what happened so far.

About two-thirds the way to the Skyspires, the Hero's Road passes through a pine tree forest. Eshalyn has a certain suspicion, which comes true when bandits suddenly emerge from the dark shade of the trees, surrounding the travellers. 11 men and women, armed and clearly looking at all the valuables Eshalyn is carrying.

"Y'know what we want. Hand it over or get shanked. Your choice."

2017-08-21, 02:11 PM
Eshalyn sighs...so predictable and they dont even have the lingo straight. I will forgive the fact that you clearly do not know me, since obviously being in some sort of urban area would not suit you, else you would know who you were trying to accost. You now have one chance to make good your escape, or you will add considerably to your collection of bruises.

2017-08-21, 04:36 PM
"I'm sure we can find a more amicable-" Felian begins, but the bandits cut him off.

"Talking big for a little girl. Guess you like getting cut up." The leader gestures, siccing his lackeys at Eshalyn and Felian. "Get 'em!"

(Eshalyn acts first)

2017-08-22, 08:03 AM
Before the leader can even think that something is happening, Eshalyn is on him with her battle focus already in place, her first attack being a fist to the face, plus stunning effect. Her second and third shots follow faster than the eye can see (a la Bruce Lee), even if he is already falling and although they are non-lethal, her strategy is to KO the leader so quickly, she breaks the morale of the band.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage + Stun
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

2017-08-22, 08:05 AM
[roll0] confirm & [roll1] damage

2017-08-22, 09:07 AM
(Since Eshalyn needs to move to the leader, she can only attack once)

Eshalyn is up in the leader's grill frighteningly quick, her attack connecting and knocking the wind out of him, stunning him for the moment. The others blink in surprise, then quickly rush to their leader's defense, ignoring the feeble bard. Seven people surround her, stabbing and slashing at her, while the remaining three launch crossbow bolts at her. But even with their advantage in numbers and their many attacks, only one glancing blow lands on Eshalyn, just barely, and not causing as much harm as one would expect (4 damage after DR).

Felian, unsure what to do and just as surprised to see Eshalyn handle herself this well, begins to play his lute, Eshalyn feeling uplifted by the sounds.

(Eshalyn's turn. Gets effects of Inspire Courage +2)

2017-08-22, 10:04 AM
Eshalyn moves quickly, aiming to demoralize the group by eliminating numbers. The closest bandit receives a punch to the face with a stunning boost, a roundhouse kick to the second and a elbow smash to the third, still doing non-lethal damage

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage + Stun
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

2017-08-23, 04:52 AM
Eshalyn punches three bandits straight out, all three dropping like potato sacks. The leader regains control over his body, only to see two of the bandits in melee begin to run, shouting "What the hell is going on?!" in panic, with one of the archers also taking off. The remaining attacks are too feeble to hit Eshalyn.

(Eshalyn's turn, she gets an AoO against the two fleeing bandits. Three conscious bandits in melee range (including the leader), two archer bandits still firing)

2017-08-23, 11:08 AM
Eshalyn is a whirl of action in battle, both of the fleeing bandits get targeted by AoO
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
while the leader gets another stun shot and his associates get one each
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage +stun
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage

2017-08-23, 12:34 PM
And in short order, Eshalyn is surrounded by men and women laying at her feet, having had their daylights knocked out. The archers who didn't take off before now thoroughly question their life choices, turn around, and run, not wanting to fall to the "she-devil".

"That was... rather impressive," Felian says, stunned by the display (and probably feeling a little useless, given he could only contribute his song).

2017-08-23, 09:22 PM
Eshalyn comes out of her battle focus condition, and calmly walks over to the bandit leader, going down into a squat in front of him. You should have listened more carefully to the stories coming out of town about a barbarian guard that made her caravans invulnerable. They werent just stories. If you are smart, you'll have learned your lesson, without the loss of life. Eshalyn stands, not even bothering with whatever meager lucre the bandits have, turning to Felian...are we ready to continue?

2017-08-24, 12:54 PM
"Yes... quite," Felian says, trying to get his act together.

The journey continues with few interruptions until they get to the Skyspires, and thus the frontier village of Twilight Falls, named after the many waterfalls tumbling down from the immense mountain range. Of course, people want to sell the apparent adventurers all sorts of garbage and maps, only to be turned away by Eshalyn's stare. Felian has to leave his horse behind in the village, further slowing down the journey for Eshalyn. If Eshalyn has seen mountains before, they are nothing compared to the Skyspires, which is becoming very clear in the coming days as they travel up the path to Cloudview Lodge. Felian has his difficulties with keeping pace with the nimble barbarian, but keeps his cursing to a minimum, though he can't do much about his exhaustion every evening.

Finally, they arrive at the lodge, built sturdy and with its quite welcoming charm after such a journey. On one side of it, Eshalyn can gaze upon the lands below and the clouds in the evening sky above. However, on the other side, the mountains part and reveal her destination: the Eyrie of Stars.

A gigantic rock needle jutting out amidst a valley in the heart of the mountain range, exceeding all formations around it in height, with a grand temple visible on the distant peak. Eshalyn is unsure how she wasn't able to see the Eyrie before. And looking at it, Eshalyn feels there is nothing like it in the world, filling her with awe and anticipation, feeling the draw of destiny towards its peak.

"Here it is, Cloudview Lodge, and there, the Eyrie," Felian says between exhausted gasps, arms briefly flailing towards either object. "I suggest... I suggest we rest here for the night and... prepare. Right."

2017-08-25, 07:41 AM
Eshalyn considers both the mountain and the waterfalls, neither of which she had seen before. Her lands are those of swamps and bogs, there are no mountains there and while there is plenty of running water, without level changes it just does that. Then she considers her travelling companion, and his condition. We will remain here for two days, to recover from our journeys so far and to prepare for the next tests, which will probably be even greater.
The monk part of her nature does not require these sorts of rests and comforts, but the barbarian part of her is interested in what this biodome has to offer. She heads towards the lodge with Felian

2017-08-26, 08:06 AM
Entering the lodge, they are greeted by the warmth of a hearth. The wood interior is quite welcoming, just inviting them to rest and take things slow for a bit. Behind a bar stands an older man with a trimmed silvery beard and hair, with golde-hued spectacles low on his nose. He shows a relaxed smile as he is wiping a glass.

"Ah, welcome, welcome. Do come in and make sure to give the door a bit more of a shove. Has trouble locking properly recently." He inspects the glass, finds it to his satisfaction, and puts it away, while Eshalyn and Felian start to soak up some warmth. "My name is Eren Whitewood, welcome to my Cloudview Lodge. What can I get you? A warm drink? Dinner? Or or two rooms?"

2017-08-27, 11:28 AM
A mug of your most potent ale. A meal, heavy on the meat and light on the rabbit food. And we will be taking a room for two nights, at least.
Eshalyn takes several gold coins out of her pouch, to let the innkeep see she is more than able to pay. My companion usually takes a slightly lighter fare

2017-08-27, 03:56 PM
"Certainly, certainly," Eren says with a chuckle, not doubting Eshalyn's ability to pay. "It's two gold per person per day, and I can assure you the stay is very much worth it. Dinner will be ready in half an hour." He goes to retrieve a key while he asks "So, I take it you are mostly passing through?"

2017-08-28, 09:35 AM
Unsure of whether or not that price includes the food and drink, Eshalyn counts out 10 gold, which should cover everything, and not have her haggling over every copper piece of what she wants. The 'civilized' world of haggling is something she has never gotten used to. We are headed to the Eyrie,
but need to spend some time recovering before we make the final climb. So to answer your question, yes we are just passing through.

2017-09-02, 08:30 AM
(Alright, let's try this then. Doing the first challenge and seeing how it goes.)

Eshalyn and Felian rest and prepare at the lodge. Eshalyn takes a look at the environment and plans a climbing route, Felian gathering provisions. The bard also is hard at work writing about the journey in his book. Eshalyn once catches a glimpse of the book when he is away, the current draft of the text flowing effortlessly with evocative language, giving Eshalyn a good view on how "normal" people see her and describing her deeds with the glamor they deserve (though she also reads that Felian feels the ice between them is far from broken). She even finds drawings of the surroundings and herself, the latter quite flattering, both in regards of her beauty as well as her prowess. Felian also sings a few songs for the people at the lodge, the performances quite captivating.

Once they head off to the Eyrie, by far the most grueling part of the journey begins. Getting to the rocky gigantic pillar isn't an issue, but getting up very much is. The Eyrie is surrounded with signs of many having fallen from it, as they see rusted and withered pieces of equipment, sometimes even bones. The climb is extremely difficult and long, even more so with Eshalyn having to get Felian up to the top as well, the bard lacking her athletic talent, though his magic does manage to help him a bit. They have to pause twice on the way up, huddled together for the night on small ledges, with freezing winds battering them. Throughout the last bit, Eshalyn is getting the impression that she is getting into touching distance of the heavens, night falling and the stars coming closer and closer... until they seemingly are surrounding her and night no longer seems to end, illuminated by the stars.

Finally, they reach the top, standing before the gigantic temple, with stars resting on the temple and the floor. Even Eshalyn feels exhausted, the rigors of nature and her training in the past pleasurable walks in the park in comparison. Felian, while exhausted, does seem to forget about the fact for a moment, admiring the Eyrie of Stars. They head inside, the huge double doors opening for them and closing behind them. Eshalyn and Felian are surrounded by warmth for the first time in what feels like a long while, and are astonished by the temple inside, showing craftsmanship beyond the ability of mortals, marble and gold and what feels like solid moonlight seen around them, with reliefs, painted ceilings, and statues depicting the Three, fate, and in one section, Doran Valen, so far the only victor (this rendition being quite breathtaking compared to even the craftmanship of the better statues in the mortal lands below).

Their feet seem to know the way, like they are being guided, until they stand in the central chamber. The sides and top of the room are filled with intricate patterns of threads made of starlight, the symbol of the Three, representing fate. On a large raised pedestial, with stairs leading up to them, however, is a sight that leaves even Eshalyn speechless.

An unusually big woman of pale complexion is floating above floor, like half asleep, half lounging, with night-and-starlight hair almost forming a halo around her flawless face. Like ancient depiction of the gods, she is naked, with floating veils as if made of the light of aurorae hiding the most tantalizing sights except for vague outlines. The woman slowly opens her eyes with a sigh, her starlight gaze falling upon Eshalyn and Felian. Eshalyn feels her heart beating hard and fast in her chest, like she is meeting a goddess in the flesh, her beauty and grace nigh impossible to comprehend. This is Jannissera, she just knows. Eshalyn has seen incredibly beautiful women among her tribe, she has seen the depictions of the legendary queen Salmissra, and they don't even remotely compare to Jannissera. Felian is at a complete loss for words, his mouth agape. And Eshalyn finds that so is her own.

"Ah, another challenger. Lovely," Jannissera says, the sound sweeter than the finest music and seemingly layered by whispers that make Eshalyn shiver in delight like loving caresses. Yet the legendary oracle does not seem very enthused by the new arrivals. And she doesn't even seem to acknowledge Felian, with Eshalyn feeling like she is barely making any impression on the oracle. "Yes, yes, welcome, brave traveller. Not many manage to reach the Eyrie of Stars, et cetera, et cetera." In fact, if Eshalyn had to guess, Jannissera sounds incredibly bored.

"I am Jannissera, oracle of the Three and keeper of the Path to Glory. Travel it to its completion and your true destiny is in your grasp. Or, more likely, fail and die or be left broken. The Three shall judge your progress and for those daring to try and change their fate only get this one moment to turn around and leave in one piece, unlike the fools in the past decades who didn't, following her delusions bolstered by titles and their little deeds, only to inevitably fail." The oracle leans her head against her knuckles, as if her arm were resting on something other than thin air. Eshalyn doesn't recall any stories about the legendary Jannissera being this lacking in motivation, bordering on cynical depression.

2017-09-02, 02:40 PM
In her homeland, construction is done using mostly reeds and ferns woven together, and in the homes of the very rich, wooden logs and planks. Thus, the construction of the temple does awe Eshalyn, as does the artistic renditions. The gold is not as impressive, the main river of her city runs through one of the richest gold fields known before it comes to its sluggish conclusion at the ocean, making panning for the mineral a profitable enterprise (if you can avoid one of the four venomous snakes that inhabit it).
The sight of Jannissera is also enough to take Eshalyn's breath away. Not one who is normally attracted to women, the "goddess" is one who might make her rethink that attitude. But her bored defeatism, and feeling that Eshalyn is "just another challenger" is enough to get her dander up. Hearing about everyone else who listed their titles and deeds, Eshalyn doesnt bother to mention them, opting for the more direct route.

My name isss Essshalyn D'Hisssta, of the tribe of Nyssia and I am unlike any fool that have come before me, and that includesss the legendary Doran. I will not be broken by your challengesss, and we ssshall sssee who can remake their fate.

2017-09-02, 03:32 PM
Jannissera sighs, as if Eshalyn just ticked another box on the loser flag checklist while trying to avoid a different one. "Yes, they liked to say that as well."

She shifts forward, as if now resting her arms on an invisible pillow, crossed beneath her hidden chest, making Eshalyn's and Felian's hearts skip a beat or two, while Jannissera either is unaware or doesn't care.

"But it seems you want to submit yourself to the Three's challenges and walk the Path, and as I am charged with guiding all challengers, I shall grant hospitality to you and your accessories. Once you are ready to brave the first step of the Path, I shall tell you what lies ahead of you and what stipulations you must heed. And no, the Three are not keen on those who try to weasel through challenges on technicalities. Either your victory is clear or it does not mean anything. Needless to say, attempts at deception are utterly futile in the face of fate."

Jannissera gazes deep into Eshalyn's eyes, and her soul. With stepping up to the challenge, no secrets remain before the oracle. "Eshalyn D'Hista is admitted to the Path to Glory. May she walk towards her golden future, lest she falls to depths untold." Eshalyn feels this has been said to many, including Doran Valen. There is a finality to the sentence, like there is no turning back now, as well as a sense of anticipation. And the faintest, faintest sense of hope coming from the oracle amidst the disappointment fostered by hundreds of failures before Eshalyn.

2017-09-02, 11:08 PM
There isss no time like the presssent, and no point to delaying. I am ready for the firssst ssstep now

2017-09-03, 09:42 AM
"At least you aren't one of the lazy challengers," Jannissera says. "The first step of the Path is to cross Taldrossa's Maw before the sun sets. Nice and simple for a start, wouldn't you agree?"

Jannissera shifts herself more upright and when she next speaks, her voice fills the room, the threads of starlight brightening and humming with resonance. "Eshalyn D'Hista takes the first step of the Path. The Three shall be watching." The oracle's voice fills Eshalyn's very being as the light grows blinding.

When Eshalyn's senses return, she is standing upon grass, with a cool breeze moving past. Before her, she sees a gigantic chasm gaping in the ground, sharp rocks jutting into the emptiness like serrated fangs. She cannot even see the bottom of the chasm, seeing only blackness, along with the sound of howling wind in the depths. In the far distance, mountains rise on the other side, so far that even with her prodigious speed, she'd need an hour or two at least to reach them, making the chasm as big as a city. Between the mountains is a gap and judging by the sun behind her, that is where the sun will set. Between both sides of the chasm is a gigantic, multi-layered web of silvery threads, spanning the distance, with a few pillars jutting out from the dark, used as supports for the web. The web is tight at the edge of the chasm, with a great many threads there to carry it, so starting out it won't be too hard to walk, but with a chasm like Taldrossa's Maw below, mistakes can quickly lead to death.

The sun just started to crawl over the horizon behind Eshalyn. The clock is ticking. The first step of the Path is before her.

2017-09-03, 11:17 AM
Eshalyn moves to the edge of the chasm, and looks out over the threads, both in front of her and off to the distance, as far as she can see. She attempts to decipher any sort of pattern to threads, and make plans to plot a course, not just for starting out but for a distance, trying to see which threads (if any) end up leading to a dead end and which threads hold the promise of a continuing path as well as leading to the support pillars where someone can catch their breath for a break


2017-09-04, 09:49 AM
Given the web form of the threads, it's not like one only follows a single thread, a lot of them crossing and being connected to others, horizontally and vertically. Neither is there a clear path leading from pillar to pillar, nor are the pillars arranged in ways that would make them all ideal stations along the way and still make it in time. That and the further the web gets from Eshalyn, the harder it becomes to recognize where to go.

In the end, she sees roughly two ways to get to the first pillar somewhat on the way across the chasm. She can go there in a curve, following the seemingly thicker parts of the web, or go straight, where the web looks like it will have larger gaps.

2017-09-04, 10:53 AM
Eshalyn readies herself with her ki power of feather balance (which she can activate as a swift action) and begins to make her way across the web to the first pillar, using the straight path.

Dont know how many you need

2017-09-05, 04:16 PM
(No need to do multiple rolls, one is enough. Also, Feather Balance cannot be used on reaction, it has to be activated prior to making rolls. And the one minute duration will only cover a very small amount of the distance. It is a tactical resource for short moments, but Eshalyn will be on those threads for hours.)

The first tentative steps reveal a pretty steady web, with enough close to each other to offer a lot of relative safety in terms of where to step. Despite the web structure, the threads don't seem to be sticky (or significantly so), allowing Eshalyn to move with relative ease. Trying to ignore the gaping chasm beneath, she begins to walk the web, taking the more direct and riskier path. After a good half hour, she is in the middle of the thinner path, and she can feel a bit more sway in the threads she walks compared to the more stable sections she walked before and the ones she chose not to walk. On the upside, she is making good time in this early morning hour.

Suddenly, a short gale howls by, shaking the web, but Eshalyn's section even more, threatening to throw herr off-balance as the thread swings.

(Make an Acrobatics check to avoid falling. No, you can activate Feather Balance to help.)

2017-09-05, 06:27 PM
(Short distance for each one, but she does have a whole bunch of them, but point taken)

The wind tries to catch Eshalyn off balance and she steadies herself as she slows her progress


2017-09-06, 01:01 PM
Caught in the gale, the thread swings violently, making Eshalyn lose her balance and fall. Her limbs brush the thread she was on and a few more as she goes further down, making her spin and turn, practically bouncing her around and disorienting her, until she is tangled enough to be caught on the last layer of the web. Thus, she dangles over the gaping blackness below, with the top of the web pretty far above her, with Eshalyn wildly hanging in a mess of threads.

2017-09-06, 01:46 PM
Unimpressed with her situation and her performance, Eshalyn gains a new appreciation for what sort of quest she has gotten herself into. However, musing about the future will not solve anything. Her first task is to untangle herself from the webs, fortunately she has some experience with this sort of thing
Once free, she gamely climbs back to her old position, ready to continue

2017-09-07, 01:18 PM
Eshalyn frees herself and begins the complicated climb back up. The swaying of the web, the lack of stability, and the winds make it a tricky journey, forcing Eshalyn to constantly re-evaluate her path up and seek alternate routes. Finally, she makes it back topside and continues her way to the pillar. The sun has risen a good bit by the time she reaches the pillar, with a lot still ahead of her.

At the pillar, Eshalyn sees several ways to leave it in various directions, connected at various heights, the web covering a large part of the pillar. Due to having moved to the pillar, she is now close to the "side" of the web, the web reaching further into the chasm, held by various pillars and gradually narrowing as it approaches what could be the middle of the chasm.

2017-09-08, 07:01 AM
Once again, Eshalyn looks over the web to plot her path, trying to take a long range look at things.
Knowing that she has lost a lot of time and needing to make it up, as soon as she has her path set, she draws on her ki and uses her feather balance, and relying on it to keep her upright, races across at her monk speed for the one minute that her balance is near perfect
38 since its 20+18

2017-09-09, 09:53 AM
Eshalyn identifies a path on her level kind of zigzagging in the general direction of the other side of the chasm. Still relatively dense in terms of threads, thus mistakes might not lose her as much time. However, she also sees another path, further up the pillar, leading straighter towards the other side, even seeming to ever so slightly have a bit of a decline to it. Riskier, sure, as there is little in the way of support, but on the upside, she could build up a good bit of speed. She'd need to climb up the pillar, though, towards where the web around the rock is denser, seemingly with webs within webs, where the higher path is connected to the rock.

2017-09-10, 07:03 AM
(I assume this means before I use my first feather balance)

Youre not going to be a hero by taking the sssafe path. Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Eshalyn begins the climb towards the higher path, climbing is not a big skill of hers, but she does okay

[roll1] in case the first one fails

She looks the situation over once more to get her settings straight, activates her ki power of feather balance and then speeds off down the web, picking up speed from the slope, but making sure to slow and brake, moments before her balance reverts to normal.

2017-09-10, 01:23 PM
Eshalyn starts her climb, towards the thicker part of the web holding her preferred path. It is a tricky climb, having to switch between threads and rock wall. Two thirds the way up, when the climb gets trickier, Eshalyn slips, but manages to hold on to a nearby webbing, stopping her fall, bouncing against threads. Only that these threads seem different. As they are very sticky and now clinging to Eshalyn. With the web shaking, Eshalyn becomes aware of a skittering sound, soon seeing a giant spider covered in scintillating colors emerge from a distant hole in the rocky pillar, coming to see what prey its web has caught, approaching quickly.

2017-09-11, 08:02 AM
While spiders and snakes tend to get lumped together, they are by no means friends and allies, and Eshalyn is more than willing to give this one a punch in the nose to make the point. She readies herself for the fight.


2017-09-11, 03:18 PM
The spider is on Eshalyn in mere moments, crawling with frightening speed through its web, it's poison-dripping bite missing the barbarian monk only barely. The disgusting creature is huge compared to Eshalyn and she is unsure whether there are more of its kind, as the fight for survival in dizzying heights begins.

(Eshalyn's turn. Eshalyn is entangled, freeing herself is a standard action by attempting an Escape Artist or Strength check. In addition to your actions, make an Acrobatics check each round.)

2017-09-12, 07:21 AM
ssstupid websss Eshalyn attempts to free herself from the entangling strands, along with making sure she doesn't fall again to her death

[roll0] escape artist
[roll1] balance

2017-09-13, 01:20 PM
Eshalyn tears herself free of the web, but with everything that is going on and the rapid motion and sudden release, she suddenly feels herself falling again. However, she quickly manages to catch herself on a thread, grabbing it, swinging under it and acrobatically regaining her footing on top of it. Glancing up, she'd guess that she has lost 10 to 20 feet of vertical progress, with the giant spider coming barelling down the webs and rockside, snatching at Eshalyn. This time, it is just fast enough to catch her, scraping her arm, dealing 10 damage (after DR). Eshalyn can feel the poison burning in the wound.

(DC 17 Fortitude check or take 2 Strength damage from poison. Eshalyn's turn.)

2017-09-13, 01:41 PM
Eshalyn's ki is more than enough to shake off the poison's effect, and for her part, she finally gets to bop the spider for its impudence

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

2017-09-13, 01:42 PM
crit threat

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage

2017-09-14, 12:48 PM
Eshalyn's inner strength helps her shake off the poison's sting and in the same moment, she truly finds her balance. Her assault is vicious, hands darting forward like snake bites, both crushing and stabbing the spider's body, inflicting quite visible harm. The creature screams, losing grip and falling a bit, past Eshalyn, until it is caught in the web. However, it needs time to reorient itself and regain its "footing", leaving Eshalyn free for a moment to climb further up or descend upon the disoriented spider.

(Eshalyn's turn. +5 to all movement related checks this round due to her Balance result.)

2017-09-14, 06:57 PM
There is no honor in killing a silly spider Hoping that the beatdown she applied to the spider makes it decide that a different meal is in order, Eshalyn continues her climb back to the pillar to resume her travels.

[roll0] climb
[roll1] balance

2017-09-16, 03:39 AM
Eshalyn scrambles up the side of the pillar, but even with the lack of being harassed and now knowing about the spider webs, progress isn't as fast as she would like, only getting her back to her previous position. Down below, the wounded spider regains its balance and with Eshalyn still being close, it moves towards getting revenge. Meanwhile, out of the corner of her eye, Eshalyn can see another set of legs come out of a hole off in the distance.

(Eshalyn's turn. The spider down below is just out of melee range, moving 5ft lower would move it into range.)

2017-09-16, 09:02 AM
Eshalyn sighs as the spider refuses to see sense. As well, the spider probably doesnt expect her to deal with it by kicking it in the head, she can attack it before it thinks it is in range. Her boots connect three times with the thing.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

2017-09-16, 03:23 PM
Descending upon the spider, Eshalyn launches a harrowing assault, the many blows cracking the beast's head. Convulsing and balling up, the spider tumbles down once more, this time not moving anymore when it is caught in the net, except for a twitch or two going through the dead body. Eshalyn can see another spider emerging from a hole, though it doesn't yet seem to have noticed her, instead looking down to the dead spider.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2017-09-16, 04:17 PM
Eshalyn continues her climb once again, this time trying to avoid the spider's eyes. As well, she knows full well that spiders often feel the vibrations of their web strands, and thus she also tries to take care not to touch the ones running back to the hole, if possible.

[roll0] climb
[roll1] stealth
[roll2] perception

2017-09-17, 07:15 AM
Eshalyn begins her climb, and given the many things she needs to look out for, her attempts at stealth are quite taxing. Fortunately, she makes up for it by scouting for a secure route, letting her slip up the pillar while the living spider is starting to descend to the dead one, perhaps to devour it. With the distance between them, Eshalyn now has a bit of an edge and is much closer to her destination.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2017-09-17, 08:57 AM
Eshalyn uses the pillar to conceal herself, meaning she no longer has to worry about stealth. Her main goal is now to climb and to avoid using the webs that the spider is standing on, as that would give herself away far more than any sort of visual or audio clue. She knows that spiders usually end up devouring their mates, although that is more common right after mating, so the spider will probably be headed for a better source of food anyway.

[roll0] climb
[roll1] perception

2017-09-18, 12:51 PM
Eshalyn is getting close to her destination, the thread leading her further along the web, with the sun approaching its zenith. However, as she climbs, bracing against stone and threads, she does knock loose a rock, alerting the spider far below of her presence. With a screech, it starts to chase its new prey with frightening speed. Eshalyn is not far from her escape route, but she will still need to hurry to escape the beast.

2017-09-18, 01:36 PM
Eshalyn pauses for only a second (swift action) to activate her feather balance power and then speedily climbs the last of the distance and moves off on the webs at monk speed, trusting her ki to keep her upright and on the webs.

[roll0] climb

2017-09-19, 08:14 AM
Eshalyn scrambles to reach her exit, not having to worry about balance, but having trouble scaling the rest of the pillar. Just as she reaches the thread, the spider catches up and while it can't stop Eshalyn, it still bites her leg, tearing at her flesh and injecting poison. Boosted by her supernatural powers, Eshalyn begins to run down the thread, then begins to slide once speed picks up on the downward angle. Behind her, the pillar quickly becomes smaller and the spider cannot follow, screeching in frustration.

The sun is rapidly approaching noon above her, but she at least has earned some calm as she slides on the long, long thread towards the middle of the chasm. She can start to feel the first signs of fatigue in her body, as she has been balancing, climbing, fighting, and running for hours on the web, and took the challenge immediately after the last part of her climb up to the Eyrie. The spiderbite wounds sting, with the rapidly passing wind at least providing some cooling.

(15 damage after DR, DC 17 to avoid taking 2 strength damage. Poison damage can be erased with Diamond Body. Current HP: 95/120)

2017-09-19, 08:28 AM

As soon as Eshalyn feels her sense of balance returning to normal, she brings herself to a halt. Her first action is to use her ki to expel any left over spider venom in her. She uncorks two of her potions of healing and downs them both


She pauses at that point to assess where she is, and where she should head, from where she is


2017-09-20, 12:09 PM
Right now, there is no other way for Eshalyn than forward, further down the thread, guiding her straight to the middle. The pathing once back on the web is relatively easy. But she sees the next big challenge soon. Under the noon sun, she soon realizes that the entire web is narrowing... until it becomes a single thread in the middle of the chasm, the only thing connecting both sides, with two pillars flanking the single thread. They are dozens of feet away from the thin thread, allowing it to sway a lot, no doubt, even thought right now it looks like it lies perfectly still in the air.

The single thread spans a long distance, allowing no mistakes, and no doubt will be the most difficult part of her journey in terms of maintaining her balance.

2017-09-20, 12:44 PM
Eshalyn carefully makes her way to the point of the single thread, making sure not to fall at this point
Once she reaches that spot, she considers her situation carefully. She has plenty of ki left in her, so once again she expends a point to activate feather balance to facilitate her movement. Unlike her previous time under ki, she does not use her monk speed, proceeding at only a normal pace. She has a long way to go, but falling here looks like it would be deadly, with no underlying strands to catch her. If she cannot cover the thread in a minute, she activates another each time she reaches her limit.
auto 20 = 38

2017-09-20, 03:15 PM
The distance to be covered is long and harrowing. Eshalyn remains upright due to her supernatural ability without problem, but as she approaches the pillars, she can feel the wind pick up. With herself being a big target for the rushing air, the thread sways as she walks. Even before reaching the pillars surrounding the middle portion of the thread, Eshalyn knows she is burning through her ki fast, with the sun slowly beginning its merciless descent back down from its zenith.

As she reaches the pillars and thus the middle section of the thread, much to her dismay she notices that the wind rushes even stronger between them... and that the pillars are infested with the spiders, though the thread does not touch their webs. They have not noticed the barbarian... yet.

Eshalyn is faced with a decision. Does she rush past with her remaining ki, avoiding the terrible danger and escaping the spiders before they can do anything to her, leaving her without any ki for the rest of her journey? Or does she try to get by the spiders stealthily, preserving her ki for whatever the web may throw at her later and evading the beasts' notice, but also progressing more slowly (perhaps even more so if she needs to cling to the thread)?

2017-09-21, 07:55 PM
Eshalyn opts for choice of stealth, moving as silently as she can pas the spiders. Normally, she would be inclined to take them on, but they have the advantage of balance and numbers
[roll0] balance
[roll1] stealth

2017-09-22, 12:18 PM
Eshalyn makes good progress, able to deal with the conditions handily. She manages to adjust well. As she goes, she makes a few noises, having to stop briefly to watch if she has been discovered. However, on the upside, she also notices almost invisible webs above the thread, since her attention isn't taken up as much by balancing, and manages to evade them. So far, so good. However, it is unclear how many more mistakes in terms of stealth she can afford.

(Eshalyn gets +5 on her next Acrobatics roll and next Stealth roll due to her good result, and her good result helped her avoid getting caught in webs)

2017-09-22, 12:25 PM
Eshalyn is able to hold down the barbarian part of her nature that screams at the slow progress she is making, and continues as she has to now, moving carefully to avoid noises and yet keep her balance

[roll0] balance
[roll1] stealth

2017-09-23, 10:14 AM
After all her troubles so far, Eshalyn seems to be hitting her stride, navigating the thread and the buffetting winds with grace, shifting her weight expertly to move around the web strings in her way. Not needing to stop, as she doesn't cause any noise and doesn't have to make extra sure to keep her balance to not touch the sticky webs, the barbarian monk makes great progress, moving like a ghost. She heard the skittering above grow a bit louder during her previous attempt at navigating the string, the little noises agitating the spiders without yet alerting them outright. Now, she hears the noises grow less frequent, the giant vermin forgetting about the disturbance. About two thirds of the way done, only a little left untils he clears the dual pillars.

(The next round once again gets the +5 bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth due to another great Acrobatics result. In addition, the Stealth check allowed Eshalyn to counter the agitation she caused in the spiders before.)

2017-09-23, 11:23 AM
Resisting the urge to rush and get the last little bit done, Eshalyn continues her patient approach. Its a good thing she has monk training in her, or this sort of approach would just not fit with her barbarian ideals. She does promise herself that once past this bit, she is going to break out the speed mode again, to make up for lost time

[roll0] balance
[roll1] stealth

2017-09-23, 01:13 PM
And just like that, Eshalyn manages to get past the middle of the web in good time. Looking up, Eshalyn notices that it is the early afternoon. The more immediate parts of the web ahead are relatively straightforward in terms of navigation.

2017-09-23, 05:46 PM
With a healthy supply of ki still left to her, Eshalyn swings herself back up to the main threads, activates her feather balance and takes off, determined to make up time, both for her fall and her battles. As she did in the past, she reactivates it the moment she feels her balance returning to normal, she will do one reactivation to give her two minutes of speedy progress.

2017-09-24, 08:03 AM
Eshalyn begins to make up for lost time, rushing across the web for an hour or two in relative peace.

Under the afternoon sun, she is beginning to hear flapping noises. Looking around, she doesn't spot anything, only to look to the side and be face to face with a woman with curious emerald eyes, her face a mixture of milky white and violet patterns, little colorful feathers making up her hair. She says something in a language unfamiliar to Eshalyn, having a sort of musical tone to it, and when Eshalyn doesn't seem to understand, she says in a curious, sweet, and heavily accented voice: "Friend?"

Another flap and she is a little further away, Eshalyn seeing a slender feminine body wrapped in green, yellow, and blue cloths, her arms wings that are of scintillating colors much like the feathers on her head, her legs ending in avian feet, little trinkets and a few pieces of jewelry found on her body. The avian young woman seems to circle Eshalyn, curiously examining her with wonder in a most adorable way, and getting a few good looks at her, many women would kill to be as beautiful/cute as her.

The flapping wings do make it a bit more difficult to balance, though not too much. But more importantly, the little break does make Eshalyn realize just how sore and fatigued her body is getting from hours upon hours of difficult balancing straining her muscles, not to mention everything else. The young woman seems to pick up on that, searches for common words, eventually bringing forth "Sleep?"

2017-09-25, 11:16 AM
Hoping that she is understood, Eshalyn replies in common, making sure to pronounce her words very carefully and straining to keep the sibilant hiss out of her voice.

Friend? Yes, if you mean me no harm. But Sleep, no. I must make it to the other side of the chasm before nightfall.

2017-09-27, 04:41 AM
The winged woman seems to try to understand what Eshalyn is saying, though at the very least the "friend" part seems to be well-received. After a moment of hovering near Eshalyn, she takes off towards the top of a pillar ahead of Eshalyn that no threads lead to. After a minute or two, Eshalyn can spot her returning, a small vial with a blue-ish liquid in it dangling from one of her feet. "Friend, drink. Is good."

2017-09-27, 08:16 AM
Eshalyn is pretty good at reading people, even those that are not of her race.
If nothing registers, she downs the potion, hoping her fatigue will be reduced.

2017-09-27, 09:19 AM
Eshalyn sees no danger in drinking the potion, the liquid cool as she downs it. And much to her surprise, the little bit in the vial does seem to reduce her aches, at least a little bit.

"Like?" the winged woman asks, then motions towards the top of the pillar with her head. "More home. Guest?" she asks expectantly.

2017-09-27, 11:26 AM
Itsss nice, thank you. And thank you for the invitation, I would love to visssit your home, but I am pressed for time. I mussst be over to the other ssside by sssundown.

2017-09-27, 11:37 AM
It takes a moment, but eventually, the winged woman seems to understand, looking incredibly sad and lonely. Quietly, she leaves Eshalyn, flying back up to the pillar, the barbarian monk not seeing her return.

Eshalyn continues, having to maneuver around the pillar in a wide arc, now in the last third of the web, with the sun mercilessly continuing its path through the afternoon. After another hour, she comes to a high thicket of strings, like a huge wall. The most direct path, of course, would lead through it, probably requiring a good bit of flexibility and keeping an eye on her surroundings, since visibility is very low. She could try to climb on top, though the wind seems to move the uppermost strings which might suggest a less obstructed, but more taxing route. Or walk around, but that might very well be the longest path of all.

2017-09-27, 12:56 PM

As the woman prepares to leave, Eshalyn calls out to her. Wait. While I have to make it acrossss, theresss nothing in the rulesss that I cant have company. Why don't you come with me, we can talk, and maybe when I get finissshed, I can come to visssit.

2017-09-28, 01:05 PM
(At ret-con point of time)

The winged woman stops and turns around. She is having noticable trouble understanding what Eshalyn is saying. "With you?" she asks, perhaps some of the few words she could interpret more clearly. If Eshalyn had to guess, she never has been far from home, seeming a little scared even, but her loneliness and fascination with Eshalyn seem to be pushing her towards going with her.

2017-09-28, 01:42 PM
Eshalyn points to herself. Friend She points to the woman. Friend She makes a motion as if walking along, pointing at herself and the woman We walk, we talk. My name is Essshalyn.

2017-09-29, 07:02 PM
The winged woman seems to understand, hesitating at first, before nodding with a little smile. "Essshalyn," she repeats with the barbarian's accent intact, which might come across as mocking or awkward from others. But with how the young woman says her name, it makes Eshalyn just feel good. Not in the way Jannissera's every look and word make Eshalyn's heart beat faster and her desires crave the Oracle more and more. The winged young woman plays with the name, almost sings it, in a way Eshalyn has not heard before, as if she is appreciating the human in a wholly unique way, creating a warm, fuzzy, somewhat flattering feeling.

On the way, Eshalyn discovers that the young woman apparently does not have a name, with the human getting the feeling she was never given a name and thinks it is wrong to just give herself a name. She asks Eshalyn about places she's been to, what her favorite star is, and while she doesn't necessarily understand completely, she seems to drink in how Eshalyn says her answers. Eshalyn also feels that her motions are watched closely, in a way like someone would listen facets of a song, appreciating little nuances most would miss (and that, perhaps, even Eshalyn herself might be oblivious to).

When they reach the thicket of threads, the winged young woman is looking a little unsure, like she rarely has been to this part of the web.

2017-10-01, 08:20 AM
(along the way)Eshalyn points at herself Essshalyn She then points at the woman Tiara If she seems to accept it, she will refer to her as Tiara from that point on.
When she gets to the thicket, she points for Tiara to fly over it. Ssshout if you sssee sssomthing moving. Hopefully, this will give her warning of danger. She activates her feather balance ki to help keep her upright, and then moves through the thicket, her natural ability to wiggle out of bonds helping her.
[roll0] this seemed most appropriate

2017-10-01, 12:51 PM
The winged young woman is surprised at that she is given a name, but repeats it and smiles.

At the thicket, it takes Tiara a moment, but eventually, she nods and flies up. Eshalyn is moving through the thicket at a good pace, despite visibility quickly becoming a big issue, winding her way through the thicket with her natural grace and agility. She can at times hear Tiara fly overhead, staying a pretty steady course. Eshalyn soon realizes that Tiara is deliberately acting as a point of orientation for Eshalyn, helping her keep a straight course, which would have been extremely difficult without help. Tiara may have trouble understanding Eshalyn, but the winged woman is smart enough to know what Eshalyn is doing and how to help her (and is able to sense where Eshalyn is).

After a while, Tiara does alert Eshalyn, quietly. There is movement in the thicket, ahead of her, but it seems like it hasn't noticed Eshalyn yet (and it seems it could be circumvented). Tiara's voice reaches Eshalyn like a quiet whisper carried by the wind, finally asking "How help Essshalyn?"

2017-10-08, 08:32 AM
If Tiara can see Eshalyn, she makes a motion with her hand, a wide sweeping turn showing her going around whatever is ahead of her. Hopefully she gets the message, Eshalyn is not about to ruin her advantage of not being detected yet. Once she gives the signal, she starts to move, making a wide sweep around whatever is ahead of her.

assuming feather fall still active, so no acrobatics check

2017-10-09, 08:59 AM
Eshalyn feels the air around her more than usually as she does the gesture. After a few tense moments, she hears the whisper on the wind again, despite Tiara being so far, beginning her path around whatever else is there. She moves unheard, unseen, visibility getting worse and worse, her ears almost starting to play tricks on her (was that the skitter of a spider?). Every now and then, she hears a whisper to stop, then after a while a go. Eshalyn only very dimly is aware of the sunlight, filtering through the thick web as it sinks mercilessly closer and closer towards the horizon.

Suddenly, she hears a "No move. No talk." in her ear. Visibility is almost zero for Eshalyn and she hasn't detected anything yet. The clock is ticking, yet Tiara wants her to stay where she is. There is no way Eshalyn could properly defend herself in that thicket.

Does Eshalyn do as Tiara says?

2017-10-10, 01:24 PM
With no way to defend herself. Eshalyn choses to trust what Tiara is suggesting, and holds herself perfectly still and silent.

2017-10-11, 09:56 AM
Remaining still, Eshalyn can only listen. A minute or two passes, until she notices the light seems to dim. Eshalyn hears whispering winds, almost like voices, as the dark seems to seep through the web nearby, bringing cold creeping into her body. It becomes darker and darker, Eshalyn not seeing anything, but just... sensing things moving past her, hearing whispers that give her goosebumps, feeling like ice even without touching her. As the tide comes, it eventually goes, the sunlight returning.

Eshalyn hears Tiara. "Go, Essshalyn." At the same time, Eshalyn feels her body is in a cold sweat, with the strain of her journey only having worsened from the cold and forcing herself to stand still, positively aching now.

Soon, Eshalyn emerges from the thicket. She sees the sun sinking into the narrow valley in the mountainside ahead of her. Time is starting to run out, but not much is left. Her body screams for rest, but she is so close to her goal, to the other side of the chasm, to solid ground beneath her feet.

Tiara comes down to her, glad to see her alive and (relatively) well.

2017-10-11, 01:35 PM
Eshalyn draws a deep breath, readying for the final push. I have to be acrossss, before nightfall. I am going to run fassster than you have ever ssseen. Using a feather balance once again, she sets a pace that would make any monk proud as she speeds across the webs, coming to halt just before her power runs out, and checks to see where she stands, and if she has any ki left at all.

2017-10-12, 12:51 PM
Eshalyn races against the sinking sun, across the silvery threads, straining against the limits of her body. Even after her magical balance fully runs out, she keeps going at top speed, the sun sinking deeper and deeper between the mountains rising up before her. She has to focus on her breathing, keep it steady, even as her muscles are burning from the non-stop balance act, running, fighting, her wounds stinging. She feels Tiara is always with her, the steady soft sounds of her wing arms helping Eshalyn's rhythm.

The sunlight is almost blinding as it shines almost straight ahead of her, reflecting of the thickening web before her. Eshalyn's legs begin to feel shaky, balance becoming harder, thirst and hunger ravaging her insides. The steady beating of the wings takes her mind away from all that, ever so slightly, her body almost on auto-pilot, even as her body is rebelling harder and harder.

The moment Eshalyn sets foot on solid ground, the other side of Taldrossa's Maw, it feels like she shatters a barrier. She has overcome the odds, the limits of her own body, the first trial of a legendary ordeal so many have failed to accomplish.

Eshalyn feels within the depth of her soul that after this challenge, the hardest of her life thus far, she has emerged victorious from the first step of the Path to Glory, and The Three see her worth.

All of her fatigue mixes with the rush of victory, sending Eshalyn stumbling on the solid ground, never having put her body through such rigors, not even during her training or during her travels. She expects to meet hard, cold ground, only to land softly, caught by Tiara from behind, gently laid against the winged woman's body, her wings closing around Eshalyn's front, like the softest feathery blanket. So nice, so warm, so soft, soothing her strained body along with Tiara's humming caressing her tired mind (and the feathers tickle in a most lovely way from time to time).

"You win, Essshalyn," Tiara says warmly after finding the closest Common words to express herself, the words sounding so very good to Eshalyn. The barbarian monk can feel that to formally complete this step of the path, she is to walk between the mountain sides towards the sun that now is beginning to touch the horizon, but she knows there is no rush.

2017-10-13, 02:17 PM
Eshalyn is too tired to think, too tired to even consider the fact that she has accomplished the feat...and its only the first step on what will probably be a very long road. Rignt now, about the only thing she can consider is that at least one of her potions would give her the energy to complete the quest, by walking through the two mountains. If Tiara will help her stand, she will set about drinking it, and then see if she can still walk the rest of the way.

2017-10-14, 01:51 PM
Eshalyn is helped onto her feet, leaning on Tiara as she downs the potion, soothing her aches a tiny bit, enough it turns out. Her stance is shaky, but she is standing and walking. She begins her victory walk, with Tiara alongside her, with her own sort of grace given her differently shaped legs.

As they walk between the mountains, the sun slowly disappears beneath the horizon. They soon reach what seems to be a round platform of sorts, and as the sunlight fades, stars emerge, gently falling from the skies, swirling around Eshalyn standing in the middle of the platform. Tiara watches with wonder as Eshalyn is illuminated and eventually gently lifted up by the starlight.

Jannissera's perfect voice fills the air, grand and beautiful, sending pleasurable shivers down Eshalyn's spine and making Tiara smile in surprise, then seemingly recognition.

"And beneath the gaze of the Three, it is done. Eshalyn D'Hista has taken the first step of the Path to Glory and emerges victorious." The proclamation seems to make all the stars around her and in the sky shine brighter, like a wave going through them and into Eshalyn. Never has she seen and felt something so wondrous. Before all she can see becomes light, Eshalyn catches a glimpse of Tiara, smiling for her, knowingly, as if they'll soon see each other again.

When the light fades, Eshalyn is once again standing in the Oracle's Chamber upon the Eyrie of Stars. Before her floats Jannissera's unbelievably beautiful form, another reward all on its own after the more than taxing ordeal. And now, Eshalyn even has the attention of the Oracle of the Three, bigger than any human could be, especially since she comes closer than she was before, though her ethereal robes still concealing just enough in a most tantalizing way.

"Finally, an actual contender," Jannissera notes in a most pleased fashion. She comes a little bit closer still and reaches out to Eshalyn, touching her forehead with infinite gentleness, Eshalyn feeling divine inspiration flow through her tired body, letting her know it is okay to rest now. Her touch becomes a brief caress of Eshalyn's cheek and neck, Eshalyn instinctivey leaning into the Oracle's touch a bit. "The Three are pleased. Now rest, Eshalyn. Your quarters are ready for you. Cirza will tend to your every need." Instinctively, Eshalyn knows the location of her quarters, not far away, where a grand room most luxurious awaits her, with all amenities she could wish for.

2017-10-15, 01:10 PM
Eshalyn is not quits sure what to make of her feelings. She is not a virgin, not by a long shot, but her experience up until now has been uniformly with men. She was aware that some of the prieetesses of her tribe practiced this, but it was always more a matter of dominance and control, and even if it was wasnt, getting mixed up in priestess business was the last thing on her mind when she lived there. Priestesses were always only of two minds in regard to her, wanting to put her on throne to advance Salmiissra (and control her) or getting her out of the way as a threat to their own position, the presence of the real goddess in the flesh reducing a priestess power. As well, getting mixed up with a being that might even be demi-goddess herself is not something her barbarian nature would take well to. Serving a goddess, that was okay...being intimate with one was something else again.

2017-10-15, 06:27 PM
Eshalyn continues to be uncomfortable about her situation, fortunately she has an instinctive knowledge of where her quarters are, and she is probably expected to be completely exhausted after this ordeal. She mumbles some thank yous about being congratulated on finishing it...by what the Oracle is saying, she is the first to do so in some time and has perhaps given hope for a new champion to emerge and moves towards her chambers.

2017-10-16, 06:50 AM
Memories of Jannissera haunt Eshalyn as she makes her way through the temple upon the Eyrie, much slower than she is used to. Once outside the Oracle's chambers, she makes a right and walks down the hallway, makes another right, and soon finds herself in front of a large doorway, Eshalyn knowing her quarters are behind it. In the round room before the door, a tall woman stands in the middle, nearly as tall as Jannissera, and thus towering over Eshalyn. She is wearing a golden helmet of sorts, also covering the upper half of her face with seemingly no way for her to see, golden silks leaving her shoulders and midsection free, and a golden short skirt, grasping a silver spear in one hand and a silver shield in the other. Long hair black as night reaches down to the small of her back.

Eshalyn knows this to be Cirza, as Jannissera mentioned, and most likely there to protect and serve the current challenger. Her muscular and toned physique frankly leave Eshalyn in a bit of awe, especially since they do not detract from her beauty, but rather enhance it (though Jannissera easily eclipses her when it comes to appearance). Her body is a well-honed machine, trained and conditioned and maintained to perfection, something Eshalyn is able to appreciate more than most, given she has been perfecting her own body for a long time now (even if she eschews strength in favor of grace and speed). She also seems preternaturally still, almost like a statue.

When Eshalyn approaches, Cirza kneels down on one knee, laying down her spear and bowing her head. "Greetings and congratulations, Lady D'Hista. I am at your service, ask of me what you desire," she says, her voice rich and with a quiet strength. After a moment, she rises again and leads Eshalyn through the door parting before them. Once rounding a dividing wall, they stand in a grand, luxurious room that would be fit for the most glorious of queens. Fresh, delicious looking food and drink, comfortable furniture, a luxurious bath seemingly always ready, but most importantly among all others, a huge, incredibly inviting-looking bed.

"Your companion is currently resting. Call for me if you have a wish," Cirza says, bows her head to Eshalyn and leaves the room, most likely to continue her vigil outside (unless Eshalyn has a wish). Eshalyn sees Felian lying towards the left side of the bed (still leaving a huge amount of space).

2017-10-16, 08:46 AM
Moments ago, Eshalyn had been torn between something her body said she wanted, but her mind did not. Now she was torn between 3 choices, all of which she really needed. The soreness of her muscles screamed for the bath, the ravenous appetite called for food (funny how that was something that just came on her now) and the overall exhaustion made a claim for the bed. In the end, the muscles won out, and Eshalyn chose the bath, stripping down completely and soaking in it for quite some time. Once that was dealt with, she made big inroads into the generous spread of the repast, and once that was finished, which would cause even more sleepiness, she curled up into the bed and allowed her body to finally rest after the most gruelling test of her life.

2017-10-18, 09:48 AM
The comforts of the bath, meal, and bed are heavenly, but even with them, Eshalyn has trouble falling asleep at first, her body and mind needing time to wind down, both feeling like lead. Ever so slowly, she drifts asleep, exhausted, but with the warm feeling of her victory.

She is dimly aware of singing at some point, then slowly realizes she is lying naked upon grass (and surprisingly, she doesn't feel cold), looking at the night sky. Turning her head, she'd gather she is back in the Maw, on one of the rock needles. Nearby, there is a makeshift home built between rock outcroppings, overhangs and whatnot, like a mostly open house, with all sorts of trinkets scattered throughout several levels. The song draws her gaze back into the starry sky, where she watches Tiara fly gracefully while singing in her strange tongue, all of which soothes Eshalyn's body and mind. She is pretty sure this is a dream, a very vivid one, in itself a new experience, never having truly been aware of being in a dream and able to act however she liked. Even in the dream, her fatigue follows her.

As the song ends, Tiara gently lands beside Eshalyn, smiling down to her. "Essshalyn here!" the happiness in her voice and face are very much apparent. Tiara shows no reaction towards Eshalyn's lack of clothes or her beauty, which compared to most of the civilized world as well as her home tribe is unusual, to say the least. The young woman inclines her head, asks "Sleep?", then takes off to her nearby home (the winds tickling Eshalyn's skin), then quickly returning with a flask with the blue liquid she had offered to Eshalyn during her journey. "Drink. Good," she encourages.

As Eshalyn drinks the liquid, she feels her aches lessening, making her feel light. Tiara smiles, saying "Tiara home," one armwing sweeping towards the structure only rudimentarily meant to be traversed by someone who can't fly.

2017-10-19, 07:09 AM
Dreams being full of prophecy are very common in Eshalyn's tribe, even if she personally has not experienced one, although this seems to be less about prophecy and more about something is going on in the world. She drinks the potion readily, not fearing anything happening to her in a dream and then stands. Your home is lovely, but ssseemsss to be built for people with the ability to fly. Sssomething I am not equipped for.

2017-10-21, 04:02 AM
Tiara looks to her home, then back to Eshalyn, then back to her home, then back to Eshalyn. Something seems to click and she flies up, grabbing Eshalyn by her upper arms with her feet, lifting her up to a level of her home. Tiara doesn't look very strong, so perhaps another bit of dream logic? Eshalyn is set down on some cloths, seemingly pulled out of a small cave that has some heavy curtains in front of it that seem water-resistant, probably to give Tiara a place to seek shelter in bad or cold weather (which is also where what could be her bed is). The winged woman excitedly flies off and comes back with various trinkets, like some pendants and bangles, a glass orb, an elaborate tankard, a little statue of a beautiful woman, a box of matches, a pillow and such, showing Eshalyn them, letting her touch them, then bringing them back, just so very happy to have company.

Eventually, she looks to Eshalyn curiously. "Move?" she says, then seems to be unsatisfied with the word she said, struggling to find a more fitting one. "Dance?" she eventually asks, hoping to be understood. Eshalyn remembers Tiara examining her every motion with appreciation few possess back on the web, but the significance of asking a naked woman to dance (or whatever she meant) for her seems to be lost on her. Tiara also seems to be frustrated with her lacking ability to understand and speak Common.

2017-10-22, 05:58 PM
Eshalyn checks out all the trinkets that Tiara has collected, complimenting her on the artistry of each one. When Tiara asks her to dance, Eshalyn pauses for a moment, her form of dance is an almost hypnotic movement, reminiscent of the way a snake immobilizes prey before a strike, but then again, this is just a dream and she is not about to attack Tiara either. She stretches a few times, luckily being in a dream means that her muscles are not suffering from the exhaustion of her web journey, and then begins her snake sidewinder.


2017-10-23, 12:46 PM
Despite feeling a certain tiredness in her body, Eshalyn's dance is effortless to her, Tiara getting to witness perhaps Eshalyn's finest performance to date. Elated by her victory and her achievement, Eshalyn just lets inspiration run free, enchanting Tiara, who recognizes and appreciates her artistry more than anyone. It is a liberating feeling, in a way, the motions taking her stress and tiredness away, the liquid she drank earlier seeming to unfold its full effect. And she feels something else, too. Like there is a presence, of the stars, watching her, faintly. But it seems to come from Tiara. In hindsight, it is the thing Eshalyn was missing during her victory without knowing it. She can sense that Tiara would love to say what is on her mind, but she does not have the words, only managing "Essshalyn, be-"

The very next moment, Eshalyn is awake in her bed, so wonderfully comfortable, with Felian nearby. She feels like she has never slept better, still feeling her muscles, but instead of being sore and tired, they feel more like after a fantastic workout or after achieving a runner's high. The strange dream eagerly wants to slip her mind, with realization setting in that she has rarely felt better, feeling stronger, more in tune with herself. A little part of her mind is telling her that she shouldn't be feeling this good after a day like yesterday, even with her marvellous constitution and training. But she does. She wonders if Jannissera can see it too.

Eshalyn gains a level and a permanent +2 bonus to Strength and Charisma. The strength bonus does not impact her appearance.

2017-10-25, 12:22 PM
Hoping to keep the memories of her dance alive, Eshalyn gets out of bed, and starts to go through the motions again, feeling the changes in her muscles and how they react now. After about 15-20 minutes of this, she returns to the breakfast table to see if the foods have been renewed.

2017-10-26, 08:32 AM
Eshalyn's body feels... lighter, more responsive, the added strength making every motion that much easier. But there is more. As she ends her dance, she looks into the large mirror in the room, seeing her body having visibly changed, if subtly so. Her form a bit more toned, her stance and gait more elegant, her curves and skin and hair a little more perfect. She can still feel the burn of the past day, so more rest is probably a very good idea, at least for a day, but she doesn't feel sore or tired. She feels great, actually.

She also notices Felian, who has been spellbound by the dance for its entire duration and, currently, very much at a loss for words because of it and because of Eshalyn. He, too, seems a little different, though that may be because she mostly remembers him struggling to keep up with Eshalyn. A young and handsome man, in hindsight seeing why so many women in the city and especially at the inn were smiling to him the way they were, with his songs and singing voice probably adding quite a bit.

Felian eventually finds his voice (and tries to hide his other reactions). "G-good morning, Eshalyn. Cirza told me you successfully took the first step, congratulations. When you feel like it, I'd love to hear about your experience. I have been working on the songs about your journey here in the meantime."

As he speaks, Cirza enters the room, with a large tablet, setting the table with fresh, delicious looking and smelling food and drink. "Thank you, Cirza," Felian says, a little bashful, and when the amazonian, tall woman's unseen gaze seems to turn to him, he seems to almost shyly avoid looking back at where Cirza's eyes are hidden by the helmet.

"You are welcome," she answers with her strong, yet smooth voice, before turning to Eshalyn. "If you desire massages or other care, do not hesitate to ask. I am here to serve, Lady D'Hista," she says like it was the most normal thing in the world. If Eshalyn has no requests or questions, the warrior woman takes her leave, moving swiftly and quietly, despite her tall, muscular frame.

2017-10-27, 07:33 AM
A massssage sssoundsss like a wonderful idea, I had no idea that moving acrossss thossse websss would be ssso taxing. On mussscless I didn't even think I would be usssing, Maybe you can do it while I recount my adventuresss to my bardic mussse

2017-11-01, 09:29 AM
Eshalyn goes into great detail (when she can) in recounting the actions in her quest to Felian, including a lot of descriptions about the battles with the spiders. She is sure that Felian, as a bard, will make them even more grandiose, so she gives him plenty of detail to work with.

2017-11-02, 01:14 PM
The more Eshalyn tells of her tale, the more it inspires Felian. Halfway through the story, Eshalyn knows that she picked well: the bard lives for bringing such tales to life and giving them the treatment they deserve. He seems to write incredibly fast as he listens, asking questions where needed, and just glowing at hearing about the adventure. At the end of the tale, Eshalyn comfortably dozes off while dimly aware of the quiet scratching of Felian's quill, Cirza silently leaving the room. She doesn't know how much time has passed, just enjoying the rest, still feeling the effects of the blueish liquid faintly within herself. When she fully wakes again, she is treated to Felian previewing what he is currently working on, the tales leading up to the Eyrie. He says that the works are still rough, but the songs, poems, and stories (including a few humorous and at times self-deprecating anecdotes and ditties) make time fly by quick. Eshalyn gets an outside perspective on herself, with her ups and downs, the latter not detracting from her, but rather making this larger-than-life woman seem more real and thus more impressive.

Before she knows it, the night grows near again, and despite having rested so much, Eshalyn has no trouble with falling asleep. Once more, she awakes at Tiara's home, the slender winged woman gliding through the sky as if it were a dance of her own, ecstatic that "Essshalyn" is visiting her again, giving her more of the blue-ish liquid, and once more asking her for a dance. Her difficulty with communicating with Eshalyn weighs on Tiara, but what is important for her is that Eshalyn is visiting her. Time flies incredibly fast in the dream, Eshalyn feeling like she barely arrived before she wakes up again.

Gentle sunlight streams through the ceiling, announcing the morning... and Eshalyn feels incredible, like born anew, the sensation of Tiara's elixir still a little there, further refreshing her. The recovery has been fast, even by her standards, but now, she feels ready to take on the world.

2017-11-06, 12:19 PM
As she did the day before, Eshalyn wakes and stretches the moment she gets out of bed. Slowly but surely the stretching turns into dancing, her body going through the motions that are practically memorized to her, allowing her mind to wander while her body almost moves on its own. She considers Tiara, her bird-like friend and their inability to communicate. She remembers more powerful Grand Masters in the monastery who could speak any language as a result of their monk powers...if she could get herself to that level of skill, she could communicate with ease. Her mind also wanders over to Felian, his stories will help to spread her fame once she completes the trials, and even while she is doing so. She wonders if he will ever mean something more to her, romance has not been a big part of her life until now, even if she is not a virgin, just long term relationships not something she has experience with.

2017-11-07, 10:50 AM
Tiara radiates elation whenever Eshalyn comes to visit her, a break from her loneliness. To hardly be able to talk to her and having difficulty understanding her must be a bitter experience, so close, yet so far from her newfound friend. Should Eshalyn reach that state of enlightenment allowing her to speak with all that lives, she can only imagine the tears of joy that might be shed...

As for Felian, once more, he is mesmerized by Eshalyn, though not trying to stare. She can feel how she inspires him, his mind working tirelessly to find the words to make all who hear him weep at her beauty and be awed by her bravery and feats.

"Good morning. You, uhm, seem well today." Slowly, he tries to shake off that wonder, just enough to not be tongue-tied. "Will you take the next step today?"

2017-11-08, 09:03 AM
Without even breaking step, Eshalyn answers the bard...The timing of my ssstepsss iss the choice of the Oracle it ssseemss. If ssshe willsss it today, I am ready to do ssso. If not, I am sssure I can find sssomething to fill my time The last is said with some sort of innuendo.

2017-11-08, 04:25 PM
And for all his way with words (normally), Felian picks up on the last bit and is at a loss. Before he can say much, Cirza arrives with fresh food. "You decide when to take the next step, Lady D'Hista. Unless it becomes apparent that you are beginning to procrastinate instead of needing time to prepare and recover."

2017-11-09, 02:54 PM
In that cassse, I am more than ready to go Positioning herself so that Felian can get a tantalizing look at her rear. Lead on to your missstressss ssso that I can take next ssstep now letting Felian see the sway of her rear as she follows Cirza.

2017-11-09, 04:55 PM
Eshalyn can practically feel Felian's gaze (and multiple takes) as she walks, with Cirza beside her probably not helping matters. Perhaps it is a good thing that Felian gets some time to process Eshalyn's sudden interest in him.

Cirza leads Eshalyn back to Jannissera's chamber, and even before they enter, they hear humming and wordless trance-like singing, rich and resonant, but also haunting in a way. Eshalyn gets the feeling that she is getting the faintest glimpse at the matters of the divine, perhaps beyond mortal comprehension. The sounds seem to caress and flow through her mind and soul, and as the Oracle sings, Eshalyn briefly thinks about Tiara, how she sung in her strange language as she did her aerial dance in the moonlight, so small and lost in comparison, yet heartwarming, like calling for someone to come to her side and keep loneliness at bay for a while.

As they enter, Eshalyn's heart skips a beat again upon first exposure to the Oracle Jannissera, floating among the humming silvery starlight threads, ethereal robes slowly moving without caring for such paltry things like gravity, tantalizing, yet never revealing. Her song ends perfectly at the point where they enter, her eyes seemingly regaining sight and turning to Eshalyn. The Oracle allows herself to smile in anticipation. The smile of wanting to see someone succeed, to see a worthy challenger of the Path. Though her beauty and presence are still hard to believe, Eshalyn feels a little more clear-headed.

"My, even for someone with esoteric abilities such as yourself, you recover fast," Jannissera notes, one corner of her mouth rising a little higher. "Good morning, Eshalyn. Since you had time to reflect, how does the Path seem to you now?" She looks to Cirza, with a slight nod. "Thank you, Cirza." The sightless warrior woman bows deeply and leaves the room, silent as death, as always.

2017-11-11, 11:44 AM
I had almossst given up hope of finding a challenge in thessse landsss, the challenge of my home tribe being jussst to sssurvive the ever presscent threat of assssassssination, but even thisss firssst ssstep was beyond anything I have ever done. But my training asss a monk ssservesss me well,
my id isss renewed daily and I am ready for the next step.
Asss an assside, do you happen to know any good tattoo artissstsss?

2017-11-12, 07:24 AM
Jannissera seems pleased at hearing what Eshalyn says, then quirks an eyebrow in curiosity. "Seeking to decorate your body, are we?" the Oracle asks, leaning in by "laying" on her front in the air, towards Eshalyn, chin resting on the back of her hand.

"There are no such artists to be found anywhere nearby, and as long as you walk the Path, your place is here or on the Path. But that doesn't mean you can't get what you seek. I'm curious: what did you have in mind and where?"

2017-11-13, 08:52 AM
Using her hands to point, Eshalyn outlines what she wants. I want a sssnnake coiled twice around my waissst, then running up my body,
between my breastsss and then resssting itsss head on my ssshoulder, where it could ssstrike at any moment. Greensss, bluesss and purplesss

2017-11-14, 03:02 PM
"Hmm, interesting... but it would be a pity to have it inked. It would only fade and crack with time like increasingly distant memory, and we cannot have that for one who strives to become one of the greatest of champions. So, how about this: you deliver another impressive victory, and I shall immortalize your spirit animal on your body with light itself."

Jannissera pauses only briefly. "Speaking of which, the Three have spoken. And it seems they think you are ready for the deep end. You are to ascend through Oldawa's Rings, three gladiatorial arenas layered upon each other. It is a spectacle for the people of Oldawa, normally for seeing prisoners attempt to gain their freedom, or challengers to gain fame, only to inevitably get butchered. You are to conquer the Rings' challenges, and return from them."

2017-11-14, 03:23 PM
Iss there a time limit? Will you provide me travel there? Are all battlesss to the death?

2017-11-14, 03:34 PM
"There is no time limit, though you may only get limited time to rest between arenas. I will bring you there, as before. And yes, all battles are to the death. Oldawa's people are decadent, their small kingdom as rich and independent as it is cancerous with its own corruption. Hardly worthy of a real hero, but the Three have decided that its bloodsport will serve as a proper test, and it is not my place to question their wisdom."

2017-11-15, 08:46 AM
That anssswersss all of my quessstionsss then. Wisssh me luck that last bit addressed to Felian and letsss go

2017-11-15, 04:42 PM
(Felian is not present)

At that, Jannissera shifts more upright, her voice filling the room as the starlight around them brightens and humming resonance is heard. "Eshalyn D'Hista takes the second step of the Path. The Three shall be watching." Once again, Jannissera's voice is felt in Eshalyn's entirety as the light becomes blinding.

The light eventually is replaced with utter darkness, the resonance with silence. It takes a moment for her senses to adjust, finding herself in a room with rough stone walls and a stench of sweat and rot. Behind her is a closed steel gate, the floor is covered in sand, and on the other side of the room is the single source of dim light, seeping through a closed crossbar gate. As she approaches, she hears the noises of a crowd, a large one. There is a spot right in front of the crossbars, likely where the challenger is expected to stand, Eshalyn having a moment to prepare herself.

2017-11-16, 03:24 PM
Eshalyn stands in the spot, a look of calm on her face. This is the arena she knows best, the webs were an unfamiliar challenge. This time, she is ready for what is to come.

2017-11-18, 07:57 AM
The gate opens and Eshalyn steps into the arena. The large circle is flooded with a reddish light, with huge ranks of cheering spectators all around. Despite being so large, it feels confining, with the ceiling above feeling oppressing, the sand riddled with blood splashes... and the edge of the arena covered in piles of mutilated bodies, some of them strewn about the arena, too. The audience is clearly looking forward to a spectacle, and a bloody one. On the other side, two veiled figures enter the arena, reminding Eshalyn of dancers, but their limbs seem too long, their torsos elongated, both walking bent forward, with curved blades in both hands. They move with an eery grace, fluid and inhuman.

To the right side of the arena (from Eshalyn's perspective), among the ranks, is a throne, upon which a man seemingly in his thirties sits, with a mane of black hair, bare-chested, with a lavish cloak and clothes, sculpted and alluringly handsome. By his sides sit what look to be female companions, enamored with him.

"The Three have sent us a new challenger! Eshalyn D'Hista!" His powerful voice intones, the crowd roaring in response. "Challenger, before you stand the Sisters of Dust, and by the edges of this very arena, you see all who have fallen before them, including several past hopefuls walking the path. This is but the first of the three Rings. May your strikes be swift and without mercy, for theirs will be just that. Now, let the fight begin!" And with that, the Sisters of Dust cross their blades above their heads, the crowd roars once more, and the sands shift, creating dunes sprinkled with red and bodies, seemingly ever shifting, sometimes suddenly emerging from the ground, sometimes disappearing just as fast, sometimes transitioning, merging, parting. The Sisters begin to head towards the center of the arena, swift and silent as death, moving as one.

(Eshalyn's turn. She can reach the Sisters in one turn if she does a charge attack, or she can spend the turn maneuvering herself into an advantageous position or otherwise preparing)

2017-11-18, 11:40 AM
Eshalyn activates her ki to take her flurry beyond what any normal monk can do, and makes a half move towards the middle of the ring, aiming to get between the two sisters so that she can attack them both in the next round.

2017-11-19, 07:24 AM
The crowd roars in anticipation as the combatants rush towards one another, and the Sisters happily take the offer to flank Eshalyn. They surround her within seconds and unleash a storm of sweeping strikes, coordinated to such a degree that each strike covers what the other can't. It is easy to see how so many mutilated bodies have been piled up. But Eshalyn is very much used to fighting against superior numbers, and against formidable opponents. Flowing between their attacks, the spectacle excites the crowd further. The Sisters only strike air, except once. The Sister whose veils reminds Eshalyn of sand (the others of ash) manages to cut Eshalyn, diminished by her inherent toughness (dealing 7 damage after DR). It is not much, and Eshalyn has yet to retaliate.

However, Eshalyn is good at reading her opponents. The Sisters are building momentum, their strikes becoming more and more accurate, the patterns tighter. If she leaves their dance uninterrupted, things might go south quick.

(Eshalyn's turn. Due to Improved Uncanny Dodge, the Sisters get no flanking bonuses. Their combat momentum is separate from that)

2017-11-19, 10:02 AM
The sisters have walked right into the trap Eshalyn prepared for them, their flanking "advantage" doing them no good. Now she launches the second part of her plan. Her controlled battle skill becomes active and she spins, throwing a huge roundhouse right at the first sister (plus stunning fist). Using her momentum, her back foot connects with the second sister's head (plus second use of stunning fist). Her turn becomes a blur of motion as she spins around, a second roundhouse fist into the first sister, followed by a last kick in the chest to the second sister.

[roll0] attack & [roll]2d6+8[roll] damage + Stunning Fist
[roll1] attack & [roll]2d6+8[roll] damage + Stunning Fist
[roll2] attack & [roll]2d6+8[roll] damage
[roll3] attack & [roll]2d6+8[roll] damage

2017-11-19, 10:04 AM
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage

2017-11-19, 10:06 AM
damnit, forgot to roll for the crit damage in the first place...and that was a crit on the confirm, woohoo

2017-11-20, 03:56 PM
The sand Sister is briefly knocked off balance by Eshalyn's stunning fist as the barbarian begins her assault, with the ash Sister taking a nasty beating. The crowd is growing louder at the display of violence. The ash Sister, even with the wounds she has taken, continues her dance, her momentum slowed, but not disrupted, becoming faster and more aggressive. She retaliates swiftly, this time managing to cut Eshalyn's midriff (10 damage after DR). The sand sister starts to recover, about to join the dance once more.

(Eshalyn's turn. 103 HP left)

2017-11-21, 09:04 AM
(Note: didn't specify it before, but Eshalyn's attacks are non-lethal, no penalty on attacks due to monk ability)

With one opponent momentarily down, Eshalyn can concentrate all of her attacks on the one sister. She deals a shot to her midriff and then she doubles over, deals an uppercut to her jaw. With the head (hopefully) snapping back, she leaps just enough to deal two roundhouse kicks to her head once again.

attack & [roll[2d6+8 damage
attack & [roll[2d6+8 damage
attack & [roll[2d6+8 damage
attack & [roll[2d6+8 damage

2017-11-21, 09:05 AM
(damn damage rolls)

2017-11-22, 03:22 PM
Eshalyn's withering assault finds purchase, only the last kick going wide. The ashen Sister might soon go down, no sounds of pain escaping her hidden face, but her grace diminished, her body language speaking volumes. The crowd is excited, but Eshalyn also begins to hear calls for more blood and brutality, people picking up on Eshalyn going for a knockout rather than a kill.

It is like the people's rising lust for violence manifests, the Sisters' blades igniting in grey flame, quickly continuing her assault. It must be a spectacle of motion and light, as Eshalyn dances between the strikes. The sand around them begins to whip up, the ground shifting. It is the sand-veiled woman who scores a hit, cutting and searing (16 damage after DR).

In battle, Eshalyn can see much that lays hidden beneath the exterior of people. It would be easy to see the Sisters as unfeeling monsters. But she sees the sand-veiled woman fight harder to protect her sister. She sees sorrow and an absence of hope in both, only having each other. Eshalyn sees malformed sisters fighting for continued existence beneath the eyes of the hungry crowd, until the arena will chew them up and spit their remains to the side among the corpses they created.

The sands beneath the three warriors erupts upwards as a massive dune comes into being within heartbeats. Eshalyn finds herself far above the ground, sliding rapidly down the side of the dune, the Sisters of Dust not far from her, quickly closing in, as if they could skate on the shifting sand.

(Eshalyn's turn. She is within melee reach of both. If you'd like, feel free to add stunts as desired. 87 HP left)

2017-11-22, 09:00 PM
Eshalyn ignores the demands of the crowd, she fights the way she chooses, and not to satisfy their demands. Her furious assault continues on the heavily damaged sister, trying to knock her out first
(I dont know if I can shift attacks if she drops after the first few, if I can, I will)

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2017-11-23, 12:39 PM
As she slides down, Eshalyn scores just a single hit, not enough to send the ashen Sister tumbling to the ground, but she isn't far from it now. On the downward slope, the Sisters of Dust find back to their rhythm and exploit their mobility, attacking Eshalyn from a great many angles, scoring two hits (21 damage after DR), cutting and searing. Sensing Eshalyn's coming retaliation, the ashen Sister slides further away, while the sand-veiled one remains in melee distance. By now, the crowd is starting to cheer for the Sisters to kill Eshalyn, disappointed in Eshalyn's lack of brutality.

(Eshalyn's turn. 66 HP left)

2017-11-23, 02:18 PM
Beginning to get a bit disappointed in her inability to put the Sisters away, Eshalyn redoubles her efforts, if she cant work the sister that is close to unconscious, she will just have to be satisfied with this one. Again, she sends a hard punch at the midriff, this time following with a knee lift into the bent over form, followed by two spinning leg kicks.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2017-11-23, 03:55 PM
The first attack is a miss, but all others hit, the final kick sending the sand-veiled sister tumbling to the ground as they reach just that, rolling and sliding until her body comes to a halt, not getting back up again. Seeing her sister fall, the ash-veiled woman, unable to tell if she is still alive or not in the chaos (and among the loud mix of cheering and booing), seems to shake for a moment, only to carve through the sands below her and forward. A storm of sand-and-grey-fire-blades springs into existance, rushing towards Eshalyn, cutting into her (16 damage after DR), with the woman throwing more and more from a distance in a rage. The blades that go wide crash into the arena side, carve through the dunes, and one shatters against an invisible shield in front of the audience.

(Eshalyn's turn. 50 HP left)

2017-11-23, 06:26 PM
Covering the distance to her opponent would be challenge for anyone else, but for Eshalyn it is nothing. She seems to flicker almost and then is standing right in front of the sister. Abundant Step=Dimension Door as a move action No doubts caught off guard, the sister is subjected to four fists flying almost too fast to be seen (take that, Bruce Lee)

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2017-11-24, 05:38 AM
Only a single attack hits, but it is finally enough to send the ashen Sister to the ground. The crowd can't seem to agree on booing or cheering at the outcome. Nevertheless, Eshalyn emerges victorious from the first, bloody and corpse-strewn Ring. She watches the crowd for a while, eventually noticing that the sand-veiled Sister has dragged herself over to her unconscious sibling, just far enough to grasp her hand, her strength not allowing for much more, both utterly defeated.

"Well fought, Eshalyn D'Hista. As the King of Oldawa, I recognize your victory over the first Ring." Eshalyn sees the gate the Sisters of Dust came out of open, evidently meant as her exit. "Well then, finish your opponents and await ascension to the second Ring." And the crowd shouts for Eshalyn to finish off the Sisters.

2017-11-24, 07:38 AM
Eshalyn moves over to stand above the sisters. Snakes do not kill for malicious reasons, they kill because they are hungry. Eshalyn is not hungry now, nor is she ever a cannibal. When Eshalyn killed in the past, such as with the spiders, she was killing a near mindless animal. She is not about to kill these two women for no reason, especially not to satisfy the bloodlust of a corrupt empire.
Asss you sssaid, I have already defeated the first ring. Find sssome other toy to ssslake your blood lussst, you will not find it here
And with that, she even uses some of her power to cure the two sisters.
(Away from sheet right now, not sure how much curing power I have, but I spread it between the two).

2017-11-24, 10:01 AM
And just like that, Eshalyn makes herself the resident Bad Guy for the crowd, who are booing loudly now. The king doesn't seem concerned in the least, letting the people vent, smiling smugly.

Eshalyn finds an almost lipless mouth beneath the sand-like veil, carefully pouring the liquid further insult to the crowd, giving the strange woman just enough strength back to slowly rise, carrying her unconscious sister, their lanky proportions put even more starkly into focus. The crowd begins to throw objects into the arena as one sisters carries the other back towards the open gate, one laborous step at a time.

2017-11-24, 11:07 AM
Without saying a word, Eshalyn takes the body of the unconscious sister, knowing that the other cannot support her. As well, she lends her body to support her movements, ignoring the crowd that she is probably incensing beyond what any other competitor did.

2017-11-26, 07:26 AM
The crowd is positively furious, Eshalyn having completed the heel turn. As soon as they are through the gate, it closes behind them. They are faced with a winding staircase after a mostly empty hall, leading them up to an area made to rest and prepare. Sparse, with a few bunks, some water, and a fire. But most importantly, some quiet. A dark-skinned woman, clad only in sparse silks (also noting, strangely enough, a slight bulge), awaits them, reading as a slave to Eshalyn. The sand-veiled sister and Eshalyn carry the unconscious one to one of the larger bunks, lying her down on it, her sister then sitting beside her, holding her hand. The sand-veiled sister's head turns to Eshalyn (who really gets some time to look at the gaunt women up close, with their blue-ish skin and strange proportions) and while she does not speak (can she speak?), Eshalyn gets a certain sense from her.

Thank you.

The slave woman adresses Eshalyn with a calm, even voice. "You may rest and recover here, Lady D'Hista. The Second Ring awaits you at nightfall, so you have several hours to yourself. As you are a walker of the Path to Glory, I am at your service, to tend to your wounds, needs, and desires."

2017-11-26, 09:12 AM
Nightfall? I have only a few hoursss to recover before they throw me out again? A pity that the women she just fought hadnt used non-lethal force, at least that she could recover from in time for the next fight. I need ressst, and I dont sssuppossse there isss any healer down here?

2017-11-26, 10:32 AM
"Not in the magical sense, mi'lady, I am sorry. I will tend to your wounds as best I can," the slave woman says, bowing deeply. With her insight into human behavior, Eshalyn can tell that the slave genuinely wishes she could do more, and that there seems to be a bond with the Sisters, both parties regarding each other with kindness. "May I?"

If Eshalyn agrees, the slave retrieves medical supplies, beginning to gently clean Eshalyn's wounds, applying a green paste that soothes the pain, and applying bandages. Her touch is caring, calming, and as she works, she seems to add errant touches that lessen the pain and create a pleasant sensation, like untying invisible, unfelt knots. She once briefly looks to the Sisters, then nods before turning back to Eshalyn. "The Sisters offer to watch over you should you desire to sleep."

When the slave is done with the bandaging, while the wounds are still there, Eshalyn is much more at ease, with the woman still kneeling before her. "I... can provide more relaxation and distraction, but I am unsure whether it would be... welcome, or desired. But it is the least I could do for sparing the Sisters."

2017-11-27, 12:10 PM
In any other sssituation, I would accept your offer. But they are throwing me to the lionsss again, and sssince I disappointed the crowd ssso much by not sssatisssfying their blood lussst, I imagine I am not going to get an easssy foe. With no real chance to ressst either. I need the sssleep more.

2017-11-28, 06:23 AM
"Of course, mi'lady," the slave woman says. When Eshalyn lies down, she feels the hardly comfortable bunk. Sleeping in an environment hostile to her, wounded nonetheless, might be the bigger issue. But she knows the Sisters and the slave will protect her, and the treatment she received dulls the pain enough to drift off to sleep.

Once again, she "wakes" naked upon grass, looking at a starry sky, with the moon shining brightly. It looks like dew drops fall from the celestial body, drifting down to the top of Tiara's home, where the winged young woman gathers them in flasks as blue-hued liquid as she sings in her strange tongue. Eshalyn feels heavy, her body aching. After a few moments, Tiara's song suddenly halts, her head perking up, spotting Eshalyn in the grass. "Essshalyn!" Happily she glides over, landing next to her friend, but her smile turns into shock and concern, seeing all the wounds.

With haste, Tiara pushes off the ground, back to the top of her home, gathering a flask beneath a funnel with her bird-like feet, and bringing it over to Eshalyn. When she sees her friend can hardly move, Tiara awkwardly takes the flask between her wings, bringing it to her own mouth, then places it back down. Bending down to Eshalyn, she places her lips to one of her wounds and Eshalyn feels the blue liquid seep into it, soothing the pain. Tiara repeats the process for every cut, and once done, she takes another dose and puts her lips to Eshalyn's, feeding her the liquid. It spreads through Eshalyn, gradually removing her aches, closing her wounds, making her feel lighter as Tiara warms her friend with her body and one of her wings, not wanting to see her friend suffer anymore.

2017-11-28, 08:39 AM
Thisss iss the price I pay for walking the path asss I do. I could have sssnaped their necksss in sssecondsss. But I would not sssatissfy the blood lussst of the corrupt, and ssso I had to take much more of a beating than I ssshould. Eshalyn knows that Tiara probably doesn't understand half of what she says, but it feels good to talk anyway.

2017-11-29, 12:53 PM
Eshalyn gets a sense of fearing for her from Tiara, as well as caring for her. The soft plumage tickles her skin. "Tiara here," the winged young woman says, not knowing the words to fully express herself.

2017-11-30, 12:28 PM
And I thank you for being here Eshalyn just hopes she recovers enough for the next round of battles.

2017-12-02, 06:20 AM
Tiara smiles as Eshalyn watches the starry sky. A moment later, shalyn awakes on her bunk. The light of the setting sun filters into the room dimly. The Sisters of Dust seem to have recovered, sitting on their larger bunk, holding hands in silence and watching Eshalyn awake. The slave woman is closeby, as well.

Checking beneath her bandages, Eshalyn finds that the wounds are pretty much gone, only minor discomfort remaining, still feeling the after-effects of the blue moon drop liquid.

(Eshalyn has been restored to full HP)

2017-12-02, 08:19 AM
You fought well, with honor and ssskill. Sssomething that I believe isss rare in thisss corrupt kingdom. I dont know what happensss to people who lossse but sssurvive in the arena...sssomehow, I think it isss nothing they have had to deal with.

2017-12-02, 05:29 PM
The sisters bow their heads in response, silent, graceful.

"It is unprecedented. It is difficult to say what may happen now. Perhaps they will be forced to fight again. Perhaps something worse. I don't want to think of it," the slave woman says.

2017-12-02, 09:58 PM
Perhapsss we could issssue a challenge? The three of usss againssst any of their choice. Isss there any precedent

2017-12-03, 04:20 AM
The sisters incline their heads at this notion. The slave woman is surprised at the suggestion. "I don't think this ever happened, either. Usually, a single combatant has to ascend through the Rings, either killing their enemies, or dying themselves. The audience was furious at you winning and the Sisters failing to stop you, and the Rings are there to satisfy the people. Perhaps them demanding to see all three of you defeated will force the king's hand, lest their anger at you might be directed towards him."

Looking towards the Sisters of Dust holding hands, they seem to give each other a reassuring squeeze before nodding their consent.

We are with you.

The slave woman moves a bit closer to Eshalyn. "The battle in the Second Ring will begin soon. May I see your wounds, mi'lady?"

2017-12-04, 12:33 PM
Look them over, but be quick about it. Im sssure you have plenty of contactsss that can ssspread the word that the sssissstersss and Essshalyn challenge anyone to knock them off their perch. Whissspered in the right earsss and that will rile up the crowdsss

2017-12-05, 04:00 PM
The slave woman is astounded to find only faint reminders of Eshalyn's wounds. Clearly while her treatment promoted the healing, it wouldn't have been this effective. As for spreading rumors, she says "The fight will start soon, not enough time to anger the crowd beforehand. Alternatively, you could just walk out together without prior announcement. Defy the rules to anger the crowd into forcing the fight to happen."

2017-12-05, 08:08 PM
Eshalyn looks to the two sisters, fortunately all the damage she did to them was of the non-lethal variety and they should have recovered quickly. What do you sssay, ssshould we go out there asss one and force a ssshowdown?

2017-12-06, 02:18 AM
The sisters briefly look at each other, Eshalyn seeing them having a choice for the first time in a long while. Then they look back to the human warrior and nod in perfect synchronicity.

2017-12-06, 08:03 AM
Then letsss go become the new terrorsss of the arena.

2017-12-07, 12:52 PM
As the three warriors rise, the slave woman bows slightly. "I shall pray for your victory and survival."

All three walk to the gate, hearing the noises of the crowd, like Eshalyn did before the first fight. But the crowd sounds a little different. More intent on her blood, invested to see her go down. The gate opens and they move into the arena. Where the first Ring was grimy with sand, blood, and corpses, and threateningly lit, the second Ring is more like a tournament hall. Clean, functional, but leaving no mistake about the importance of the event. Sleek, elegant, and perhaps a bit severe.

Eshalyn can feel a rhythm shared with the Sisters of Dust, both of them moving in perfect synchronicity with the barbarian woman in the middle, like one deadly unit. The moment they step into the light, the crowd's noises get low for a brief period, before erupting into anger. The king, once again sitting on his throne with companions to both sides, rises at the sight and the crowd's reaction. He stares silently at the three for a while, the warriors taking their places in the arena, the crowd venting. There are irritation, but also bemusement on his face, warring for dominance.

He raises his hand, signaling the crowd to quiet, all of them knowing he is about to adress these affronts to their customs. "Quite a brazen display, I have to say. What is the meaning of this?" His voice is powerful, filling the arena easily, but still managing to maintain his composure. For now.

2017-12-08, 06:54 PM
(Sorry, thought I had responded)

Eshalyn steps forward from between the two women. Thessse two women fought with honor, even in their losssss, which isss more than any of thisss kingdom can sssay, and we are now sssissstersss. We fight as one and we challenge you to sssend any force againsst usss.


2017-12-11, 03:00 PM
The sisters underline Eshalyn's words by crossing their blades as she finishes, their magical fire illuminating the three of them, all of which prompts a rather violent reaction from the crowd. Eshalyn feels anger in them, but also that they are uncertain and confused and trying to cover just that. From the sisters, she feels defiance and the spark of hope. She does not know the significance of their flames, but she can feel it in their presence and the crowd.

"Well then," the king says, his brow furrowed. "if you wish to trample upon the Path to Glory, I shall grant your wish."

The opposite gate opens. After a while, Eshalyn sees two men drag out a scrawny looking young man and throw him onto the polished ground without much ceremony, immediately turning back around, the gate closing behind them. The crowd is shouting for him to get to his feet as the young man, very visibly shaking in fear, slowly picks himself off the ground, keeping his head low and his arms close to his chest. He looks malnourished, beaten, scarred, only able to glance towards the three women, clearly recognizing the sisters (and they him, showing the subtlest hint of sympathy), before crossing his thin arms before his face. The crowd grows louder, telling him to stop sniveling and start killing.

"Chorus," the king speaks, heard even over the raging crowd, the young man fearfully looking over his shoulder, up at the ruler. "today, it is not your life that is on the line. Lose today, and the lives of your sisters shall be forfeit." Suddenly, the young man called Chorus is like frozen in place, an expression of shock clear on his face. Slowly, he lets his arms hang, staring at the ground, yet nowhere in particular, the workings of his mind imagining a great many things. The shaking returns, more violent than before. Parts of the front rows of the bloodthirsty crowd seem to try to retreat from the edge, even with the invisible shielding in place.

The sisters, blades burning with their ashen color, tense, holding no hostility towards the young man, yet bracing for a storm.

Dispensing with theatrics, the king speaks "Begin."

Chorus does not move yet, standing there in horror.

2017-12-11, 03:25 PM
Eshalyn turns to one of the sisters, whispering a response...You recognize him...who isss he and why isss thisss happening?

2017-12-12, 05:09 PM
Both sisters seem to glance to Eshalyn, who receives a burst of impressions and thoughts.

Chorus, the second Ring's slave, just as the sisters are the first Ring's.
27 men and women of a crime syndicate slaughtered by something shaken awake by his fears.
Forced into fighting to provide for his sisters and ensure their safety.
Does not want to fight, does not want to murder, but does it for his sisters he can't look in the eye anymore.
Peaceful encounters between Chorus and the sisters, as well as in the arms of the slave woman known as Zarina.
Terror felt before, during, and after every fight for his life.
Countless waking nightmares from the king's words spoken just now, driving him into a corner, knowing what horrible fates are in store for his sisters if he fails.
Something terrible will awaken soon.

Eshalyn feels a sense of dire urgency, like she has only moments before all hell will break loose, the crowd shouting, Chorus' body shaking and his palms pressed against his eyes as he breathes heavily, faster and faster.

2017-12-13, 09:21 AM
ssso either way, their blood lussst isss ssslacked...we knock him out and they kill hisss sssissstersss. or he killsss usss. We ssshall sssee what we ssshall sssee
Eshalyn begins to advance straight towards the young man, indicating to the sisters to approach from the left and the right. Give him too many opponents to deal with at once, although Eshalyn is sure that will change suddenly.

2017-12-14, 03:32 PM
The king drove him into a corner. Fear and desperation are what make Chorus dangerous.

The sisters and Eshalyn close in smoothly, cutting off all escape routes. The young man, Chorus, looks through the gaps between his crossed arms at them for a moment, Eshalyn seeing someone who does not want to fight them, wouldn't even wish anything bad upon them, but has to. Black begins to spread through his veins and as he screams, echoed by many ghostly voices, liquid shadow erupts around him in rapidly expanding spirals. The three GODDESSES warrior women just barely evade this DAMN eruption, THIS freezing cold and whipping winds hurtling past them along with the shadow which rips gashes into the KING floor and walls. The shielding before the audience lights up, preventing the attack from tearing into the audience, exciting it, but also startling those near the points of impact.

Liquid shadow shifts around Chorus' shaking form, rising up beside and from him, looming overhead with clawed tendrils, dark silhouettes forming, merging, and dividing around him.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2017-12-16, 08:36 AM
Eshalyn uses her ki to cover the distance between Chorus and herself, striking 3 times with her fist as she comes out of non-space.
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
As it was with the sisters, her attacks are still non-lethal, she agrees with Chorus that the real enemy is the king but for now, she cannot get at him. She uses none of her stun power, probing first to see what his defenses are like.

2017-12-16, 01:02 PM
(I am assuming you used Abundant Step? Since that is a move action, you can only attack once, as Flurry of Blows only adds to full attacks)

Eshalyn crosses the distance. The instant of the transmission from here to there through the void, normally bereft of absolutely all sensory input, is filled with reverberating screams layered atop one another, over and over. When she reappears, Eshalyn has no issue connecting a strike with Chorus, feeling his thin body, the reaction to being subjected to violence far too regularly. What she doesn't see at first is why she is hurting (12 damage after DR) and being hurtled through the air. As she spins in the air, she sees a huge liquid shadow limb drawing back after the punch that just launched her. As Eshalyn spins herself in a display of astounding dexterity, she sees the sisters move in perfect synchronicity, launching waves of pure grey fire towards Chorus in an unending barrage while mostly evading the assault of slashing shadows clawing at them.

Eshalyn lands on her feet, sliding for a short moment, then narrowly evades a slam from an extremely long shadow limb reaching all the way across the arena before getting cut off by the sisters, the limb splashing to the ground as black liquid. The many attacks flung about strain the audience's shielding hard, the shadow attacks especially seeming to spread terror in some, seeing some people with their heads in their hands or trying to get away.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2017-12-17, 10:34 AM
Eshalyn tries a slightly different tactic, pulling out her bow and launching 2 arrows against Chorus, trying to stay out of range of his retaliatory shadows

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage

2017-12-18, 04:40 AM
(The attack bonuses are weirdly low. Adjusting the attacks)

Eshalyn's arrows hit, but don't seem to do much harm compared to her previous attack. However, it becomes apparent that Chorus' power is still escalating... and getting out of hand, the young man seeming almost unconscious, a host for what ahs been let loose. The sisters keep up their barrages, burning away shadow and searing Chorus, themselves accumulating cuts. Eshalyn sees the liquid on the ground move, suddenly getting stabbed by spikes rushing out of it (15 damage after DR). The ashen-veiled sister is hit by a tentacle, lifting her up and slamming her against the shielding... which lights up and gives way, launching the sister into the crowd, while crushing screaming members of the audience. Terror spreads through the crowd on that side of the arena, while the other side only shouts louder. The king's brow furrows, but he does not yet do anything.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2017-12-18, 01:54 PM
Eshalyn sees how pointless her arrows are, and decides to throw herself back into the battle fully. She approaches Chorus again, this time putting herself in between Chorus and where the king is seated. She unleashes her flurry as well as activating her ki and her battle skill to power her attacks to their full potential, trying to take down Chorus as fast as possible. To that end, she also adds in a stunning fist on her first two attacks...her damage is still non-lethal.
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage + Stun
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage + Stun
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

and if I just happen to get thrown through the shielding in front of the king....

2017-12-19, 04:53 PM
Eshalyn quickly circles around Chorus and connects with her strike, channelling her ki. The strike reverberates through the tides of liquid shadow, disrupting the attacks on the sisters, with the ashen-veiled sister quickly able to rejoin the fight in the arena below. Shadowy limbs lose cohesion and splash to the ground, retreating towards Chorus. For a split second, Eshalyn feels like Chorus emerges from the depths he has been burried in, just for a little moment, understanding. And Eshalyn is caught by a shadow eruption. She feels cold and pain, but not as much as she perhaps should (7 damage after DR), the eruption slamming with her against the shielding, which a moment later cracks ominously, shattering just long enough to allow Eshalyn through.

Now the King is starting to look concerned, with Eshalyn soaring in the air above him, the female companions by his side terrified.

(Eshalyn's turn. She starts in the air, the downward movement won't cause damage and counts as a free action on her turn)

2017-12-19, 09:46 PM
With Chorus momentarily stunned (or at least thats what it looks like), Eshalyn leaves that battle for the sisters. Hopefully they continue to try and subdue him but even if they dont, what she is about to do could be even more of game changer. She plummets directly down toward the king, readying her full attack, with ki bonus attack on him as well (you said falling was a free action, so she should be able to full attack him...if not just resolve the ones she gets). Not only does she try to knock him out (via non-lethal attack, she adds in a pair of stun attacks to boot)

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage + Stun
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage + Stun
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

As she attacks the king, she wonders if this was the real point of the test, to change the course of a kingdom, rather than just fight like an animal

2017-12-21, 04:16 PM
The king very much was not expecting this to happen. Sure that the shield before him would not break. Sure that his guards and mages would prevent anything bad from happening. Sure that while not pleased with him, Eshalyn wouldn't attack him if given the chance.

As the woman pounces upon him and knocks his lights out, he doesn't have time to realize that he was very, very wrong. Bruised and unconscious, he is slumped on his throne, his companions scrambling to get away, terrified, the guards stunned at what just happened, although trying to close in. Behind Eshalyn, the sisters attack Chorus, or rather whatever force is still pouring from him, slashing and snatching at them.

However, everyone takes note of what just happened. And in a single moment, the comfortable distance to all the horrible things happening for their amusement is erased for the audience. Eshalyn feels that this is a decisive moment. A long overdue reality check for this kingdom. An act of defiance that wasn't thought possible. Something is taking note of Eshalyn's actions. But she doesn't feel the telltale elation of victory signaling the completion of this step of the Path.

The audience descend into chaos in an instant, and immediately, Eshalyn can feel this directly affects whatever the liquid shadow is. First, it had started to subside with the king defeated, but the raw base terror of these many people seem to push that terrifying force, burrying Chorus deeper. The guards and mages near the king don't know whether they should try to reign in the crowd, try to engage Eshalyn, or try to contain the increasingly out of control Chorus.

(Eshalyn's turn. She pretty much caught the king entirely off guard and dealt extra damage to him from her fall)

2017-12-23, 08:41 AM
Eshalyn stands above the vanquished king, speaking in a loud and clear voice, for once the sibilant s is not a part of her speech. PEOPLE OF OLDAWA, HEAR ME. For too long you have under this king who has no honor, who makes you take delight in the suffering and pain of others no different from yourselves. You have a chance to change that now, and the way to prove it is before you. Cast off the rule of the king and cast off the calls for blood, instead pray for Chorus and for peace, and do not empower the evil that is possessing him. Show whatever that is that love conquers all


2017-12-24, 07:41 PM
Eshalyn's voice rings out, powerful, clear, even with the cacophony of panic and violence trying to drown it. The guards and mages are taken aback, and Eshalyn is sure the people heard her. Yet it doesn't seem like they want to listen, to complacent in their way of life perhaps, too afraid of change, or not wanting to consider turning against the king. The shadow pouring from Chorus keeps hammering the sisters down below, with them trying to burn the monstrous entity with their flames.

However, it turns out someone indeed listened, and was given the courage to do something. Eshalyn notices a robed, hooded figure nearby, in plain view, hesitating for a moment before casting off her robe. "Stop!" And almost in an instant, the panicking crowd freezes in place, turning to stare at the owner of that voice, mesmerized. The surreal moment was caused by a young woman in her prime, Eshalyn being struck by her beauty and noticing the crowd's panic shifting into outright lust. Her voice, despite the command she gave, still had a sultry element to it, with green lustful eyes, deep-red hair, unbelievable curves, and clothes more than accentuating them adding to it all. But Eshalyn also sees this one looks unnaturally attractive. She has heard tales of succubi, but... they shape themselves into ideal women of any given race, whereas this one feels more like a... construct almost literally created to be serve base desires. An hourglass figure and curves just beyond what should be possible, legs that are far too long for a normal human, an almost eery symmetry of features. Like someone tried to replicate Jannissera, but missed the point, lacked the skill, and ended up making a mockery of her. Though it seems the people of Oldawa see none of those as wrong or out of place, simply wanting "the princess".

The young woman, whether she actually is the princess or not, opens her mouth, and closes it, shifting (erotic to the crowd, nervous and uncomfortable to Eshalyn), before starting to speak. "Calm yourselves! The fight is over and no harm will come to you." Once again, there is the sultry undercurrent, making the crowd shiver in delight, but the princess is talking more confidently than she probably feels, and the sultry tone doesn't even seem to be on purpose. Still, Eshalyn can see that with the crowd no longer panicking, Chorus' evil is subsiding, the shadow losing coherence and flowing back into him, the sisters watching.

"The kinglet this get out of hand, and as part of the royal family, it is my responsibility to make this right. The wounded will be cared for. Everyone else, please go home, calmly, and await further announcements." And the crowd actually does as told, practically eating out of the princess' hand, though casting no shortage of glances towards her. She walks over to Eshalyn, people making way for her. She is very close for a moment, Eshalyn breathing in her fragrance and feeling a sexual intensity wash over her. "Please play along," she whispers, pleading and freaked out, clearly fearing physical violence from Eshalyn, as well as how everyone but Eshalyn, the sisters, and Chorus are looking at her as they leave. Down below, Chorus' darkness has disappeared, one of the sisters catching him before he can fall to the ground, wounded and barely conscious and so very clearly afraid and ashamed.

2017-12-25, 05:53 PM
Although not quite sure of how she should deal with this "princess" but her power over the crowd is serving her purpose, and that has to be a good thing. The counterpoint of her appearance to Jannissera makes her appreciate the Oracle more which is also unusual to her. For now, she holds out her hand in a symbol of peace, to cement their "alliance", at least in terms of dealing with the immediate crisis.

2017-12-26, 05:25 PM
There is visible relief on the "princess'es" face, taking the offered hand, Eshalyn feeling wonderfully smooth skin (and a slight shiver going through herself). The young woman turns to the guards. "Please take the king to his chambers. Keep him fed, treat his wounds, but do not let him leave or follow his orders," she says. The guards, male and female, look hesitant, but also wanting to listen, torn. The "princess" stiffens slightly, in anticipation of something she doesn't like, then purrs "Can you do that, for me?" with a smile, and with that, the guards follow her command without a second thought, seeking to impress.

Once they are gone, only the fighters and the "princess" remain in the arena. The latter's countenance changes, shivering, needing a moment before she looks to Eshalyn and the sisters. "Please head to the waiting chambers of the third Ring. You won't be forced to fight anymore, it's just that they will offer you more security and privacy." If Eshalyn allows, she leads the way for her (after donning her robe again, trying to conceal her body, but her curves still being outlines by it) while the sisters carry the unconscious Chorus inside. Eshalyn notices the sway in her hips, stirring something in the warrior, though perhaps not on purpose.

Inside, the dark-skinned slave woman (Eshalyn now knowing her name is Zarina) awaits them, looking concerned. The quarters look much better than the ones between the first and second Ring, with individual rooms and cleaner surroundings. "Please take Chorus to one of the rooms, I will soon treat all of your wounds," she says, the sisters doing so, after each one touches Eshalyn's cheek. They seem to know the "princess", showing no hostility towards her, though she seems uncomfortable around them.

"You both did something very brave. I am praying to the Three that it will turn out for the best," Zarina says to Eshalyn and the "princess", who looks unsettled, but tries her best not to let it affect herself.

"I hope so, too," the "princess" says, then turns to Eshalyn. "My name is Valessa. I... I will try to get you declared as the winner of the Rings and free all of you from this wretched place. Though I dread what may come next for this kingdom and where my place in it will be..."

2017-12-27, 09:21 PM
The people trussst she knows it isnt trust, but whatever and will follow you and there isnt much doubt why Your place is yours to make and if you believe in yourself, you will be able to end these macabre fights. There will already be talk of how the possession of Chorus ended, do not waste your chance, consolidate your position now.
Eshalyn waits for the princess to leave, she still has not felt the elation of victory, but maybe being declared the victor will bring it for her.

2017-12-28, 05:22 PM
Valessa, too, seems to know the first part of what Eshalyn says isn't as she says. She also feels that she is not wanted anywhere near Eshalyn. Glancing towards the exit, Valessa doesn't seem keen on going out there and claiming power. "I..." she starts, hesitates, then settles for "thank you for what you did."

Seemingly mentally readying herself, Valessa looks to Zarina. "Will I see you later?" To which the slave woman nods in responds ("Of course"), calming some of Valessa's nerves before she leaves.

Zarina leads Eshalyn to one of the rooms, where she finds a decent bedroom. "Relax for now, I will be with you shortly, after taking care of the others' wounds." And indeed, Zarina is not gone for long, also having healing supplies with her. She goes to work with practiced ease, cleaning and treating Eshalyn's wounds, those gentle touches also lessening the pain and discomfort as she did the first time.

"What do you plan on doing next?" she asks as she works.

2017-12-29, 10:58 AM
Eshalyn seems a lot more relaxed with the thought of a woman tending to her now, she visibly relaxes under Zarina's treatment, and doesn't freeze up when she touches certain spots.
I walk The Path, and my courssse is called by the Prophet. I know when I complete each ssstep and I have not felt that yet. Perhapsss it will come when I am declared the victor of the Ringsss, but perhapsss there is sssomething elssse I mussst do here.

2017-12-29, 12:26 PM
"We will have to wait and see then. I do not know what the Three have related to you through Sacred Oracle Jannissera, but one can hope they have retained their straightforward wordings of their tasks, even if the bards so love to gussy those up needlessly." Zarina smiles as she sees Eshalyn relax, and once the wounds are cleaned, treated, and covered, she continues her magical touches, bringing further relaxation and comfort. "It will be an... interesting time. It won't be easy to change the nature of a kingdom's people. Especially not for a new queen not even past her third birthday. But destiny has commanded as such through you, so we, too, will have to wait and see."

2017-12-29, 10:39 PM
not passst her third birthday? Ssshe appearsss to be much older than that, ssso I assssume ssshe isss not natural?

2017-12-30, 06:01 AM
"As should be obvious by her body. Made by decree of the king. The kingdom is ruled by sating the population's base desires and them in turn going along with anything the king does. Doing that becomes harder and harder. Valessa was to be the solution, made to embody the people's deepest desires, as warped as they may be, and having power over them because of that. I am her caretaker and teacher, as I was taught to please both men and women, given the tools, then had my ability to feel physical pleasure removed. I was to make her perfectly desirable and capable to fulfill any pleasure, which I have done to the best of my ability. But I refused to make her into a puppet, a wicked enchantress, or a mindless slave to the desires that have been wired into her and she feels every waking moment. And since even the king wasn't immune to her presence, I was able to continue with that. Today, she witnessed a true heroine for the first time, and thus hope for change, the same going for the sisters and Chorus. And for that, I cannot thank you enough." Zarina's smile deepens the blissful relaxation Eshalyn experiences.

"My offer from before still stands, Lady D'Hista, and we have plenty of time now. Unless, of course, there is someone else you would rather have your first experience with." There is no pressure, just the offer.

2017-12-31, 07:34 PM
And for once, Eshalyn nods her agreement.

2018-01-02, 08:14 PM
I think I would rather ressst. No offenssse to you, but I am interesssted in hearing what my actionsss have causssed, and I am ssstill not sssure that my battlesss are done.

2018-01-03, 05:34 AM
Zarina smiles. "Of course, Lady D'Hista." She leaves Eshalyn be for now, with the warrior drifting to sleep soon after from her treatments. Once more, she awakes beneath the starry sky, the wind feeling especially nice this time. Tiara is right there with her, bringing the moondew, spreading it over her wounds wit her mouth, then feeding her some of the liquid, before taking her into her wings. The winged woman doesn't want to see Eshalyn hurt, but she can feel that things are better this time. The feathers tickle and are the most comfortable Eshalyn has ever felt.

The dream has hardly started when she awakes from her nap to a knock on her door. Valessa enters the room soon after, keeping a respectful distance, seeming shy in front of Eshalyn. "I have declared you the victor of the Rings, Lady D'Hista," she says quietly, dressed to hide most of her body and avoiding looking at Eshalyn to keep her desires in check. "The people accepted it. There will be fights in the Rings in the future, but no longer forced nor to the death. Proper tournaments with honorable combat."

There is an awkward silence after her words. "Has... has that fulfilled your task?"

2018-01-03, 09:33 AM
Sssomething isss missssing. I feel a tingle when my tasssk isss done, I don't feel that yet. Have you taken power over the king asss you ssshould?

2018-01-03, 05:34 PM
"I... I have been recognized as the current leader of the kingdom. Did the Three command you to topple the king?" Valessa asks.

2018-01-04, 09:43 AM
I wasss tasssked to conquer the ringsss, they didn't ssset any ressstrictionsss on how I did ssso, and you have declared me the victor. I don't sssee what isss misssing
Eshalyn is not used to prayer, in fact, in her land it was often something employed by the priestesses to exercise control. But in this case, she doesn't see any other path. Kneeling, in the forms she used in her old life, she prays as best she can to the Three, to find out what more she has to do.

2018-01-04, 10:29 AM
Never having been a particularly spiritual person (and suspecting that, ultimately, neither are the Nyssian priestesses, religion long having given way to politics and power plays), Eshalyn is unsure how to really go about the whole process of achieving divine communion. Mentally talking towards the aether doesn't seem to achieve much, or offering praise and the like. Finally, she turns to what the masters in the monastery had tried and failed to teach Eshalyn when she was more interested in the physical aspects of monk life. She empties her mind, meditates, and directs her thoughts towards the Three. That is the plan at least. Actually achieving the whole emptying of mind is kind of tricky when the desire to empty one's mind also is a thought to begin with. The general confusion about why she hasn't succeeded yet doesn't help.

Noticing that she distracts Eshalyn in presence as well as appearance, Valessa takes her leave.

Slowly, Eshalyn comes to rest. Having no real thing to grasp in terms of the Three, her mind grasps the next best thing: Jannissera. The Oracle slowly fills Eshalyn's mind, feeling every aspect of her to the exclusion of all else, considering her like a complex concept of nature.

Eshalyn, you surprise me. Eshalyn quickly learns that it is one thing to stand in front of a demigoddess and look at her with eyes and hear her with ears and exchange words with lips and tongue and voice box. It is quite another to have her fill one's being, so much more direct and whole, no longer having to squeeze her glory down into the confines of three dimensions of space racing along the arrow of time. This way, there is no filter.

I didn't see you as the praying type. Every word rapturous beauty, every impression enough to make one weep in Her grace, spirit feeling uplifted and floating in glory. It is not hard to see anymore what keeps true priestesses going, even when everything around them is going to hell.

Laughs fill Eshalyn's soul. Ah, I see. I did tell you that the Three will not let you succeed on technicalities. You are to ascend through the Rings and conquer their challenges. I count three Rings, and two wins. Getting yourself rewarded a bit prematurely, aren't we?

2018-01-04, 11:26 AM
Eshalyn rises from her spot and goes in search of either Valessa or whoever serves as a master of the rings, it seems like a returning champion is about to make a special guest appearance...which likely wont go over well with the crowd.

2018-01-04, 04:31 PM
Eshalyn finds Zarina and hearing what she wants, she takes the warrior out of the Rings and to the palace. On the way, people give Eshalyn a wide berth, but there isn't aggression. Conflict between what happened yesterday and what Valessa announced.

The palace is opulent, bordering on garish. Pure decadence to stun the population into awe and it is working. When entering the palace, the people there seem like they are living as servants of a fairy queen. In the courtroom, they find Valessa, dressed in a royal gown (if still quite revealing), the people around her looking like they were in the presence of a goddess. Seeing Eshalyn, Valessa asks the others present to leave them, all of them happily doing as she requests.

Once they are gone, Valessa's composure falters a little. "Have the Three guided you?"

2018-01-05, 08:47 AM
The Three have sssaid that I mussst be a real champion, rather than one anointed. I would asssk that you ssschedule a third match for me, in the top ring...bill it asss a returning champion or sssome sssuch.

2018-01-05, 11:14 AM
Valessa blinks. "Do you require an audience?"

2018-01-06, 09:16 AM
They did not sssay, ssso I sssuppossse it doesssnt matter. If you charge an admisssssion, it could be a way to get your treasssury back full for your new leaderssship.

2018-01-06, 04:25 PM
Valessa doesn't seem to care much about further riches. "Then all we need is for your opponent to agree to a duel."

With Eshalyn and Zarina in tow, she heads back to the Rings, close to the palace. They enter the highest level, if only the backstage area, if one could call it that. They see markings pointing towards the chambers of the "champion" of the third Ring, but they make a right first. They head towards a heavy door marked as Armory. Valessa lays a hand on it, causing glyphs to glow and disappear. Heading inside with her companions, the princess points towards a gigantic axe, standing out amidst arrays of equipment. "We will need that. Could I ask you to carry it to the quarters of your opponent as we go there?"

2018-01-07, 07:45 AM
Normally an axe, even a gigantic one, would be an easy task for a barbarian, but its an unfamiliar weapon to Eshalyn...even its weight is a potential issue as she relies on speed and subtly, not brute force. But shes not exactly some sort of mage weakling either, so she makes due carrying it to where Valessa leads. Presumably, its some sort of ceremonial challenge

2018-01-07, 01:16 PM
They walk to the "champion"'s chambers, Valessa knocking on the large door. "It is Valessa."

After a short while, a deep, rumbling voice invites them to enter. Inside, the quarters look more austere than Eshalyn may have expected, though it seems some things have been deliberately removed, unnecessary things done away with. A place to sleep, a place to bathe, a place to eat, a place to train. The room is spacious, and it needs to be, for the inhabitant is a massive minotaur. His fur is showing grey blotches, but to think him old and frail would be far from anyone's mind with the kind of muscle on his frame. He is standing upright, towering, looking down at the three, physically, not in attitude.

"I hope you are well, Barrosh," Valessa says. The minotaur's head dips, indicating a bow.

"Better, since the end of the blood sport," he answers, Eshalyn able to feel his voice in her bones. He looks to Eshalyn, more specifically the axe.

"I would like to return this to you, with all the apologies I can offer for the king's transgressions and as the new... new queen." The last word still seems to be difficult for Valessa.

Barrosh steps forward (Eshalyn feeling each one as well), reaching for the axe with surprising care. Once he holds it, he steps back, feels its weight and shape, like it has been a long time.

"This is Eshalyn, walker of the Path to Glory. She has been responsible for this change. To complete this step of the Path, she needs to complete all three Rings on her own merit. Could I ask you to serve as her opponent for the third Ring? Not as a deathmatch, but as an honorable duel."

Barrosh considers for a while in silence. "It has been a long, long time since honor had any place in the Rings. I do would like to be a warrior again, not a butcher like the king wanted me to be." He looks to Eshalyn again. "A trained Nyssian that made it this far." He nods, knowing, approving. "This axe has been with me for a long time. It bites deep into vile creatures, but never an honorable opponent. They still feel the impact, but it won't crush their bones or take their lives." Another beat of silence.

"If you can accept an aging minotaur as your opponent for the third Ring, I would be happy to once again feel what it is like to engage in honorable combat against a worthy opponent."

2018-01-09, 07:20 AM
Eshalyn considers the minotaur as she looks him over, just because someone is old, doesn't mean they are frail and weak, something her masters in the monastery taught her time and time again. The sheer size of the minotaur is also overwhelming, but there are methods to use that weight against them, ways she has been taught as well. It would be an honor to have you asss my lassst opponent.

2018-01-10, 03:30 PM
Barrosh nods. "Then I shall give you a battle worthy of the Path, champion." He sounds happy. Zarina says "I will help Barrosh prepare."

Valessa brings Eshalyn to the other side, to the gate from where she will emerge, with the quarters Eshalyn stayed at nearby. "You will have a bit of time to prepare. I... I will not waste this chance. I don't know how yet, but I'll make Oldawa a better place. And I..." Valessa hesitates, looking into Eshalyn's eyes. The warrior knows when she is desired by another, and she can feel it very clearly from Valessa, along with the adoration for a true heroine. In a different universe, Eshalyn may return to Oldawa or stop walking the Path now, get to know Valessa, find love with her, staying by the new queen's side and be fulfilled by her and Zarina. A part of Valessa certainly wishes for that possible future, improbable as it may be.

After a bout of silence, she says "You will always be welcome here and be known by everyone as our savior. I would love to welcome you back as the heroine eclipsing even the Herald of Dawn." Valessa smiles, full of warmth, full of hope. And artificial as her body may be, Eshalyn's eye is drawn as Valessa walks away, to leave Eshalyn in peace to prepare, who allowed her to grasp a truer beauty.


When Eshalyn steps into the ring, she sees a most glorious arena. Elevated, filled with gold and black colors, the palace rising in the background. Never has she seen such a place, feeling the challenges ahead, and that once, this was a place for the worthiest of warriors, unblemished by what the king made of it. On the spectator rungs, she sees Valessa and Zarina, but also the Sisters and Chorus (who has three young women with him, all a bit older than him and clearly related). They all stand witness to Eshalyn's step on the Path. A few people of Oldawa are trickling in, scattered, perhaps to bask in Valessa's presence.

Barrosh emerges from the other gate, wearing silvery armor and wielding his axe, glowing with golden energy. He stands and raises his axe. "Hail to Oldawa's young queen, may her reign be long and prosperous." The scattered people cheer, and the Sisters and Chorus (and his sisters) join in. Valessa smiles, grateful for the trust, Zarina encouragingly squeezing her hand and smiling to her.

Then Barrosh turns to Eshalyn and bows. "And hail to you, Lady Eshalyn D'Hista, walker of the Path. May your steps be sure and your strikes true."

Once Eshalyn says or does whatever she wants to (or not), Valessa speaks, her voice filling the arena, not thundering like the king, instead like she were talking face to face with everyone present, caring and uplifting. "Today, the Rings will be graced with a battle between the most worthy of warriors. It has been far too long. And starting today, the Rings will be annointed with glory and honor, not with senseless slaughter. Warriors, may fortune smile upon you. Begin." Another cheer erupts, by more people, citizens still trickling in, a bit faster now.

Eshalyn feels the drive of the Path. This is it, the finale of the second step on the Path to Glory. No longer as a butcher to sate a people hungry for carnage. But as a true warrior. Never has she been seen quite like this before, recognized, getting a first taste of glory she has been long denied, whether from lacking challenges or people not truly grasping her skill.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2018-01-12, 10:48 AM
Eshalyn repeats the minotaurs hail to the new queen, stressing the Queen and adding her name to the salute. She then acknowledges the minotaur as a true champion, and that the games are now worthy of the combat they are about to enter. She then approaches warily, not wanting to rush in and give the minotaur the advantage. Her first set of strikes must be full, and if the minotaur rushes her, she will be able to react and use that against him.

2018-01-13, 02:54 PM
Seeing Eshalyn takes on a defensive posture, Barrosh begins to close the distance and he does so quickly, thundering stomps along the way. In no time, he is in front of Eshalyn, towering over her, and goes for an overhead strike, connecting with a massive hit (26 nonlethal damage after DR). Eshalyn expects cuts, fractured bones, but neither happens. There is pain, definitely, but true to his word, no lasting wounds are left, despite everything.

(Eshalyn's turn)

2018-01-14, 08:46 PM
Eshalyn tries to slide under the attack, she still gets hit, but now finds herself in a better position to attack; as well forcing him to close and attack first allows her a full counter attack. Her barbarian battle skill is active, she takes a monk flurry and uses her ki for a 4 attack on the minotaur. She concentrates on hitting him low, trying to bring him down to her level (I know I cant, but its fluff description), she tries to kick the back of both knees, swinging out of both of those strikes into a punch into his midriff, followed by a kidney shot from her elbow.
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
Like the minotaur, her attacks are nonlethal and she holds her stun attack in reserve for now

2018-01-15, 04:08 PM
Eshalyn zips around the minotaur, scoring several hits, with Barrosh going down to one knee, limiting his movement and leverage for his axe. But he has more tricks up his proverbial sleeve. Suddenly, his huge hand darts forward, slamming Eshalyn onto the ground (5 nonlethal damage after DR). He gets up and slams his axe downwards, only very narrowly missing Eshalyn as she rolls out of the way in the last moment.

More people begin to fill the arena, some cheers starting, too.

(Eshalyn's turn. She is currently prone)

2018-01-16, 07:02 PM
Eshalyn rolls to a different position against Barrosh, rising to her feet as she does so. Limited in her attacks, she settles for a single powerful strike, trying to stun the minotaur

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage + stun

2018-01-17, 02:04 AM
Eshalyn's strike hits and she can feel the changes of ki within Barrosh, telling her that the stun takes hold. Yet instead of stopping him, it rather seems to slow him, which she finds out as she barely evades a sideswipe of his axe, feeling the wind batter her as it passes. The minotaur seems to enjoy this fight, and so does the growing crowd, as they are getting to see a spectacular bout without any need for bloodshed.

2018-01-17, 08:08 PM
Eshalyn takes advantage of the slowed state of the minotaur as she swirls away from his axe strike. Her pirouette takes her behind him where she gives a backhand blow from her fist. Her motion never stops as she comes around his side with a roundhouse punch from her other hand. Continuing along, she gets to the front of Barrosh, whereupon she kicks out with both feet, aiming to cripple either or both knees.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2018-01-19, 07:41 AM
Two of Eshalyn's attacks fail to get through Barrosh's armor, while the other two strike true. The minotaur stumbles back and Eshalyn realizes too late that this is just part of his counterattack's wind-up, feeling the axe-head crash into her from below (21 nonlethal damage after DR) and launch her through the air. He takes a stance, not following yet.

(Eshalyn's turn. She starts in the air and if she doesn't do something to get out of her flight trajectory, she'll land at the edge of the arena before she takes her actions. She will need a double move or charge to get back into melee range from there)

2018-01-19, 06:26 PM
Eshalyn curses under her breath as she flies through the air, hard to enough damage what seems like a brick wall and then flung out of attack range. At least she is able to land on her feet without further damage, and without ado charges back to fight again.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
Dont know if she gets at least one attack at the end of a double move, so I put it in, just in case

2018-01-20, 03:10 PM
Charging back into action, Eshalyn steps into Barrosh's trap, using his superior reach against her when a sudden broadside attack hits her on the way (15 nonlethal damage after DR), though it doesn't manage to stop Eshalyn in her tracks, the warrior scoring another hit as well. The damage Eshalyn has inflicted so far is starting to pile up, and the minotaur knows that he has to keep Eshalyn from unleashed her barrages of attacks to win. Thus, jumps up briefly and slams his axe down, seemingly missing Eshalyn, but sending a shockwave racing across the ground, hitting Eshalyn (8 nonlethal damage after DR) and threatening to topple her.

By now, there is a pretty large crowd, cheering for both sides.

(Eshalyn's turn. 75 nonlethal damage taken thus far. Reflex DC 19 or fall prone)

2018-01-21, 11:15 AM
Eshalyn manages to survive the mini-earthquake and focuses on what might be her one chance to launch a full flurry against the minotaur, knowing that her own capacity to withstand damage is dwindling. She doesnt even bother with the potential stun, she is out to finish the battle know. Her fist rockets out to connect with the minotaurs midriff, followed by a knee lift into his head when he doubles over. Using his body as leverage, she swings up, dealing two kicks to him in the process.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2018-01-22, 05:29 PM
With renewed ferocity, Eshalyn scores crushing hits felt by Barrosh. The minotaur, too, unleashes what he can, giving his all in this fight, winding up for a huge swing... only to have Eshalyn jump over it, the warrior feeling the tremendous winds caused by the powerful attack, sweeping through the entire arena. When she lands, however, she realizes Barrosh has a trick up his sleeve, continuing the motion, with the axe suddenly being very close again. Eshalyn brings up her hands in time to prevent it from connecting with her face, but the defensive maneuver does rob her of some stamina (24 nonlethal damage after DR).

The crowd is on the edge of their seats, cheering loudly, every exchange of blows having them guessing at the outcome.

(Eshalyn's turn. 99 nonlethal damage taken)

2018-01-23, 07:36 PM
Eshalyn now abandons all attempts at being subtle or even stylish, she just hammers away at whatever body part is directly in front her, trying to push the minotaur into unconsciousness.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2018-01-24, 03:42 PM
With her last strength, Eshalyn attacks her opponent. The crowd is getting louder. Barrosh takes a hit, but blocks the next two, breathing heavily, already winding up a counterattack that might be the last one he needs. Everyone is holding their breath.

And Eshalyn's very last hit knocks Barrosh off balance, stumbling back a few steps, trying to steady himself, but it is no use. He falls to one knee, propping himself up on his axe, breathing heavily. He seems happy. "It was a glorious fight," his deep voice rumbles. "and I feel no shame in yielding to you."

Valessa steps forward, her voice strong, filling the entire arena, full of elation and a new beauty. "People of Oldawa, I present to you the first champion in many years to conquer the Rings: Eshalyn D'Hista!"

And the crowd erupts in cheers and standing ovations. Among them are Valessa and Zarina, smiling to her, arms hooked and exchanging looks full of meaning and promise with each other. Chorus and his sisters cheer to Eshalyn. The Sisters of Dust move in perfect synchronicity, like a hauntingly beautiful mirrored dance, Eshalyn getting the feeling as if they were inviting the Three to recognize her victory. Barrosh slowly stands up, smiling and nodding.

Eshalyn finally feels it, the rush of victory, even sweeter than the first time. Electric, radiant, throughout her whole body. Despite it being the middle of the day, stars emerge in the sky, and around Eshalyn, illuminating and elevating her.

Jannissera's perfect voice, too, sweeter than the first time, tenfold, sending those wonderful shivers down Eshalyn's spine, every syllable utter bliss.

"And beneath the gaze of the Three, it is done. Eshalyn D'Hista has taken the second step of the Path to Glory and emerges victorious." The words are heard by all, and all raise their hands to the sky, united in worship of the Three, of Jannissera, and their champion, Eshalyn.

As the starlight shines brighter, Eshalyn sees the signs of new hope, rekindled hope, of a new chapter beginning.

When the light gives way, she is once again in Jannissera's hall, stars and starlight threads illuminating her, ethereal robes billowing. Eshalyn has seen the Oracle several times before, but every time she is struck by her beauty as if it were the first time, yet also heightened by the appreciation gained through experience.

"Another impressive victory I desired to see from you, and that is what you gave me. Needless to say, the Three are pleased. As am I." A smile and a look enough to make Eshalyn weak in the knees. She comes closer, Eshalyn smelling her fragrance, intoxicating and wonderful. "You fulfilled your end, and I intend to fulfill mine: to weave your spirit animal into your skin with light, to never fade or crack."

2018-01-25, 07:10 PM
The experience that Eshalyn had with Zarina has changed the barbarian, the way she views women and such. While she wont actually give voice to it, Jannissera can tell just by looking at her.

Yesss, I assume you remember the sssnake I want?

2018-01-26, 05:26 AM
"Oh yes. A fun little design to mull over between watching the fights. But before we get started," Jannissera says, doing a little flourish with her hand, dimming the lights. Eshalyn becomes more aware of the tall demigoddess' presence, and the heightening intimacy, whether intended or not. "there is an important choice to make. Like there are many different inks, I have several... materials to work with, if you will. Namely, what kind of light to weave into your lovely skin. Do note that the final tattoo will not glow or shine, unless you will it to."

Jannissera raises her hand, starlight collecting around it, pulling it down and pinching it between her fingers, Eshalyn seeing a starlight thread seeming infinitely thin, yet drawing a distinct line, cold and subtle, with slightly varying spots of brightness like a natural pattern. "The first is starlight, associated with the Three's aspect of the past. Often perhaps thought as the least of the lights of the sky, tiny little dots amidst the black, easily outshone. But hidden as they may often be, they hold secrets and see much. Starlight represents subtlety and knowledge and perception, it represents walking hidden paths and uncovering secret truths. Outsmarting your enemies, perhaps already defeating them before the fight even begins." Eshalyn can feel the light's properties and what it represents, and Cirza comes to mind unbidden, the ever-vigilant amazonian guardian of this place (and after the experience with Zarina, the memory of Cirza's body has nearly as much of an effect on her as remembering Jannissera).

The starlight thread unravels and Jannissera makes a come hither gesture, sunlight streaming into the room in few, thin tendrils, charmed into the Oracle's hand and woven by her touch. The sunlight thread shines with glorious radiance, bold and warm. "The second is sunlight, associated with the Three's aspect of the present. The light most present in the minds of all, outshining all, sometimes warm and nurturing, sometimes searing and unforgiving. Sunlight represents bravery and strength and passion, it represents being a trailblazer creating new paths and pushing through hardship. Defeating your enemies, leading and inspiring your allies, burning twice as bright." As Eshalyn feels the light, and she has to think of Jannissera, radiant in every part of her being.

The sunlight thread disappears and Jannissera hums, holding out her hands. The light of the moon dances to her hands, the resulting thread elegant and silvery, shimmering and shifting in radiance like the phases of the moon. "And last is moonlight, associated with the Three's aspect of the future. The evershifting light illuminating the dark of night, conjuring thoughts of change, romance, lunacy, at times thought to protect those in need, at times seen as laughing and uncaring as it casts ever deeper shadows. Moonlight represents trickery and adaptability and elegance, it represents circumventing obstacles and changing or defying the rules, sidestepping the well-treaded and obvious paths into the unknown. Outmaneuvering your enemies, making their heads spin until they don't know up from down or left from right, daring them and yourself, and moving with an unrivaled ease, physically, mentally, emotionally, doing things people did not know were possible." The moonlight is very familiar to Eshalyn, already seeing beautiful Tiara fly-dance in the nightsky above her home, hearing her sing her strange care-free songs, distilling the moon, feeling the touch of her feathers.

The moonlight slinks out of Jannissera's hands before reforming as a small sphere of light between Jannissera and Eshalyn, along with a sphere of starlight and one of sunlight. "It is an important choice to make, as it says a lot about you and the destiny you want to create for yourself. I am partial to sunlight due to personal preference, as well as seeing many of its qualities in you. But a case could also be made for moonlight. You do not seem to be the type for starlight at first glance, but then again, those best-suited for it never are so obvious. Choose with your heart."

Eshalyn sees the three options, feeling them, with each represented by one of the larger-than-life women she has met since coming to the Eyrie of Stars.

2018-01-27, 11:16 PM
Moonlight isss my choice, for ssseveral reasssonsss. Ssstarlight isss the passst, and for me, the passst is the passt and done. Trickery and elegance, defying the rulesss, making enemiesss headsss ssspin, that isss me.

2018-01-30, 06:52 PM
Being with the Oracle would probably be the culmination of her quest, at least to her mind, and that is not now. She does take a moment to admire her new tattoo, complimenting her on the work she has done. She does have two people she really wants to show it off to now, Felian and when she falls asleep, Tiara

2018-01-31, 07:08 AM
Eshalyn heads back to her quarters, seeing Cirza standing vigilant as ever (the warrior greeting her, and despite her eyes being hidden, Eshalyn feels a look at her tattoo). Inside the chambers, rounding the divider, Eshalyn sees Felian bathing, back turned. On the table are stacks of paper. Evidently, he has been hard at work in the meantime.

2018-01-31, 09:35 PM
Eshalyn clears her throat to announce her presence, making sure to pose so that Felian sees the whole of her bodyart

2018-02-01, 06:16 AM
Felian starts at the sound, turning around quick with a bit of a splash, then pretty much freezes in place as she sees Eshalyn and her new addition in full glory. He takes all of her in, speechless (and getting a bit red in the face), Eshalyn's tattoo giving off its subtle shifting glow as the rest of her is framed in sunlight filtering through the ceiling. Though having trouble finding words to react (or perhaps having too many words and trying to find the right one), the bard's reaction speaks volumes.

"Gorgeous. I mean, the tattoo. I mean, you as well. I mean-" And Felian converts the words that don't want to come out right into bubbles as he slides just enough beneath the water to spare himself the extra embarassment.

2018-02-03, 07:44 PM
When I wake, I can tell you how the battlesss went, I sssee that you have been hard at work. I didnt know that what I have done would fill so many pagesss.

2018-02-04, 08:30 AM
Felian reaches over the edge of the bath tub, grabs a towel and slings it around his waist before traipsing over to a nearby folding screen. Eshalyn gets a good view of his handsome body, one that would make many a woman swoon. She feels like she never actually noticed before to this degree.

"You are a living inspiration, Eshalyn. Your every action is larger than life, your drive awes me, every step is poetry in motion. Perhaps you never noticed because you are not used to being anything else, but to mere mortals like me, it is very noticable. So I do not just write and sing of your deeds, but almost more importantly, I also try to convey you. The glorious heroine, the passionate warrior, the strong and beautiful woman. If I cannot manage that, I would betray your trust and be a failure as a bard. Hence I revise and refine a lot. To do you justice." And behind the folding screen while getting dressed, he can probably say that without Eshalyn seeing him blush.

2018-02-05, 08:48 PM
Flowery words and exaggerations are part and parcel of a bard's trade. But they are still nice to hear. Maybe thawing her cool to him, just a bit. But it was a hard battle against the minotaur and she does need rest. Along with a visit to show her tattoo to Tiara. She lies down on the bed, but positions herself so that there is no way that Felian can lie on it as well, without touching her.

2018-02-06, 08:26 AM
Sleep comes quickly to the champion, drifting down into comfort, then deeper, until she awakes upon familiar grass, naked, but not cold. Tiara's song finds her, the winged woman soaring in the starry sky, beneath the full moon. No, not full. Almost. And it has been that way every time she has come here, just as it has always been night, no matter when Eshalyn went to sleep. Strangely locked in stasis, and the rest of this place with it.

Eshalyn listens to the song, not knowing any of the words, feeling them suffuse her... and begin to reveal meaning. The song, so soothing and beautiful before, reveals layer upon layer. Sadness and loneliness, calling for the moon that has left her, for the world to move once more. Hope and excitement, for this could be the night her calls are heard, even though she has been calling for so long. The joy of the flight and the song. The disappointment of nothing joining her. The words do not make sense to Eshalyn's ears and mind, but they do to her soul, as her tattoo glows with the light of the moon, answering the call.

Moonlight shines upwards to meet its true source, catching Tiara's attention, spotting it, then Eshalyn. Even so far away, Eshalyn can see first the surprise, then a smile of ecstatic joy, sweeter than any honey Eshalyn has tasted. Tiara's song builds, her motions becoming more energetic, guiding light to moon, and as the song crescendos, she spirals up in front of the moon as it is filled and completed. Light gathers around Tiara, enveloping her, intensifying, before bursting into radiant motes of light. And in their midst, against the full moon, is Tiara, six winged, matured, radiating serene joy, her body clad in the light itself. Eshalyn feels as if the gears of the world are starting to turn again, at least in this place.

Tiara gently floats down to where Eshalyn lies. The warrior feels this form of her friend is fleeting, like the full moon, dazzlingly beautiful in a way that is so different from the breathtaking (and seductive) Jannissera and the impressive (and imposing) Cirza. The next time Eshalyn will come to visit, Tiara will be different again, yet still Tiara, but it is only a matter of time until this fleeting moment returns once more.

Eshalyn is gathered into Tiara's wings, infinitely soft and uplifting, feeling her fatigue evaporate as Tiara hugs her tightly. The moonlight clothes feels refreshing yet cozily warm at the same time, Eshalyn unsure whether she is feeling the soft feathers and curves of Tiara's body as well. "You returned the moon to me, Essshalyn! I have been waiting and calling for so long, never giving up hope. What a wonderful day it was when I met you!" Tiara speaks in her own tongue, Eshalyn's soul understanding, the winged woman's joy infectious.

2018-02-07, 08:18 PM
Eshalyn has heard stories of members of her order who were so in tune with nature that they could speak any language, even communicate with animals if they were intelligent enough. Shes not sure if she has achieved this level of mastery, or if this is just being so in tune with Tiara that it works, but she feels like one barrier between them has been partially broken. She embraces Tiara back, and then pulls away just enough so that she can see her tattoo and the source of the moonlight. My reward, from the Oracle herssself, as prize for finissshing my next ssstage. Fassshioned from moonlight, not paint, ssso it will never fade or ssstain.

2018-02-09, 01:58 PM
Tiara admires the tattoo, tracing part of it with her wing feathers as she does so, tickling Eshalyn's skin and soul. The barbarian can see how the moonlight plays upon the texture and color of her feathers in intriguing ways. "It suits and expresses you so well! Jannissera is liking you a lot. She made you a beautiful companion." Tiara smiles and chuckles, beautiful and adorable at the same time.

"Thank you, I am quite inclined to agree," a voice speaks, feminine, equal parts sultry and smooth, Eshalyn hearing it coming from right beside her ear. When she turns her head, she sees her tattoo having risen from Eshalyn's skin, into the form of an actual snake, as gorgeous as the tattoo itself. Looking down, Eshalyn sees the snake's body seamlessly merge to her skin, continuing as tattoo. The sensation of the snake, mysterious and dangerous... feels oddly comfortable, and natural. "After all, I wasss ssshaped upon the sssoul of a legend in the making." And the snake (she?) seems to be quite partial to Eshalyn. Tiara does not seem surprised in the least that the tattoo partially manifested itself, moves, thinks, and speaks.

The snake turns to Eshalyn, gazing upon her for a moment, before making a motion akin to a bow and speaking. "Hello, Missstressss Essshalyn. No, Jannissssera did not make me on purpossse, but asss the Oracle, perhapsss she sssaw me coming. But now, I am here, happy to ssserve... and ready for missschief." The snake's motions have a hypnotic quality to them, though not one that would ever affect Eshalyn. "Or not, if you'd prefer me asss jussst a tattoo." The snake's tongue darts out briefly, in a way Eshalyn would describe as cheeky.

2018-02-09, 02:22 PM
Eshalyn considers the snake for a moment, before her reply. I think I would like to keep you asss a sssecret weapon. Manifessst yourssself asss you choossse among people we know but when meeting a ssstranger, keep yourssself concealed. Then if you are needed, you can ssstrike by sssurprisssse. Oh, and give that bard of mine a good fright when we firssst meet. I think I shall name you Zither.

2018-02-09, 04:58 PM
"Oh, he'll be making the highessst of notesss," Zither answers, with a low laugh almost sounding sinister in its anticipation. Eshalyn can feel Zither moving on her body before settling perfectly back into being Eshalyn's tattoo. Think of me and ssspeak in your mind, and I will hear and anssswer, whether I am with you or far away.

When Eshalyn looks up again, she sees Tiara standing atop of her multi-tiered house. Eshalyn remembers how she needed to be carried up there by the winged woman. "Come! Come, Essshalyn!" she calls out with joy, holding her wings as if Eshalyn would leap into another embrace any moment. Then she remembers what the barbarian said to her the other night and seems to have an idea. Walking to a pot, she reaches inside with one of her bird-like feet and throws something in the air. In the moonlight, a scattering cloud of red flower petals dances on the wind between Eshalyn and Tiara. The barbarian gets the feeling that Tiara thinks this should be plenty of help to reach her, seeing how she danced on thin web strings before.

Frankly, it seems impossible, even with her ki. But yet... Eshalyn has rarely felt lighter on her feet, and rarely has she seen someone so confident in her as Tiara. Moonlight is about bending or breaking the rules, Jannissera said.

2018-02-10, 05:05 PM
Eshalyn takes a breath and focuses that power of her ki that makes her as light as feather. One might think that someone would try to go up such a "ladder" slowly, but Eshalyn realizes that the secret is to be off the petal before it knows you have arrived. She scoots up the red petals


2018-02-10, 07:01 PM
Eshalyn steps and leaps towards the petals, knowing the theory, but not quite knowing what to expect in practice. The waking mind certainly is saying "no" right now, even with her supernatural abilities as they are. Yet Eshalyn dances upon the petals, moving smoothly among the shifting, swirling cloud, climbing higher and higher. She experiences the sensation of flow, just doing, feeling Zither coiled around her in tattoo form, with unshakable faith in her mistress, seeing Tiara waiting for her, encouraging her more with every step. One last leap and the barbarian has ascended to the top of Tiara's home, now safely wrapped in Tiara's wings, the winged woman laughing with a deep joy. She has always liked seeing Eshalyn move. In hindsight, what she just did feels so obvious and natural to Eshalyn, like the world tried to tell her it wasn't possible and she never challenged that assumption until Tiara nudged something awake to try it anyway.

Up on top, Tiara lifts the bottle in which she collects the moon dew, offering it to Eshalyn. It is refreshing as always, arguably even more so now, the blue liquid in harmony with her soul and tattoo. Zither seems to enjoy Eshalyn drinking the liquid, shifting around her a bit like the equivalent of a cat stretching in the sun. The barbarian has completed taxing and difficult tasks, overcoming them has let her go above and beyond her previous limits. The tattoo, and this moment, contribute as well.

Eshalyn advances from level 10 to level 12 (one for finishing the second Step, one for her moon attunement). She gains the usual +1 Cha and +1 ability point of her choice (except Charisma) on level 12. She also gains the following:

+2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity
Eshalyn gains the Light Steps ki power. When she spends ki to activate Feather Balance and/or Light Steps, both powers last for the whole day.
Zither, her tattoo. She is similar to a familiar (treat Eshalyn's level as her wizard level in this regard) and functions like a viper. They can communicate telepathically at any distance. Zither can either stay in tattoo form or manifest as a snake. While she can bite and poison people (and talk to them), she is not meant to be a combatant on her own.
If you want, you can change Eshalyn's appearance in small ways due to her moon attunement, once. This can be as mundane or supernatural as you like, as long as her appearance doesn't change drastically. For example, there could now be an unfelt wind letting her hair and clothes move. There could be a certain light in her eyes now or her pupils could be slitted now. Her hair color could change. Her body could subtly change to better suit her without affecting her capabilities or comfort (for example, muscle definition could now be hidden and curves idealized without making her weaker or getting in the way, or muscle definition could become more apparent but in a way that further accentuates and enhances her appearance without adding bulk)
Her items grow stronger: Amulet of Mighty Fists is now +2, Gauntlets of Dexterity are now +4, Circlet of Persuasion is now +6

2018-02-13, 07:58 AM
For once, Eshalyn drinks the liquid while not being in pain, damaged, or fatigued and can finally appreciate its other qualities such as taste, texture and even aroma. For sure, this would fetch a good price in the outside world, but it is not for them.

2018-02-14, 02:28 PM
Tiara smiles to Eshalyn. "You are going soon," she says, the mood turning a little bittersweet, time just seeming to rush by. "Will you come visit again soon?" With an expression clearly hoping for a yes. Zither shifts, telepathically transmitting something between a squee and an aww. Please say yes.

The winged woman, moonlight dancing on her pristine feathers and beautiful face, is quiet for a moment, before saying "There is something off with The Path and the Eyrie. Something hidden from sight and hearing, tugging strings. Whatever it is, do not let it know that you know. Do what you desire, do not let yourself be limited." Tiara looks to Zither, touching her head with feathertips, the snake enjoying the attention. "Watch over Essshalyn, Zither."

Eshalyn still hears Tiara's words in her mind as she realizes she is lying in a bed again, feels the softness of the feathers of her peculiar guardian angel. Beside her lies the sleeping bard. And Zither is starting to fulfill Eshalyn's request to give Felian a good scare...