View Full Version : New Thurgery

Fouredged Sword
2017-08-14, 11:32 AM
So, somebody posted a thread about mystic thurge and asked about advancing it's double casting with a PRC. Now, obviously you can't, but that got me thinking.

How broken would it be to have PRC's that merged two casting trees rather than advancing both.

I am thinking something like the following.

Requires 3rd level arcane or divine spells and 1st level of the opposite (divine if 3rd level arcane spells, arcane if 3rd level divine spells)

Each level advances a single casting class of any type (arcane or divine).

1st level - Can replace a arcane material component with a divine focus or a divine focus with arcane material components.
2nd level - advances both spellcasting classes
3rd level - You ignore arcane spell failure if you currently meet any divine armor and or equipment restrictions (such as no metal armor on druids).
4nd level - advances both spellcasting classes
5th level - You gain magical versatility pool equal to twice your mystic thurge level. You may use this pool to prepare a spell from any spell list from any class you have spellcasting from in a spell slot from any spellcasting class you have. Doing so consumed pool points equal to the spell level prepared. This spell does not need to be a spell known, nor does it need to be in a spellbook or prayer book. The spell still counts as a spell of the original spellcasting class, deriving save DC and attribute requirement from that class, but spellcaster level from the class that provided the slot.
6nd level - advances both spellcasting classes
7th level - Your spellcasting is fully merged. You can count any spell as arcane or divine at the time of casting. Your spells count as being cast as any of your casting classes, as you desire. This includes save DC and attribute requirement to cast.
8th level - advances both spellcasting classes
9th level - Your caster level for any given spell is the sum of all caster levels you have that have the spell on their spell list.
10th level - advances both spellcasting classes, Both spellcasting classes gain bonus spells from high attribute scores from both attributes used in each class. If both classes use the same attribute, simply double the bonus spell slots from a high attribute for both spellcasting classes.

How broken is this and would it be worth taking. It would turn a thurge into a 10/5 casting progression with a geometer like merging of the casting lists, but more so.

2017-08-14, 11:56 AM
Well, there's already Rainbow Servant, which does the whole "merging the spell lists" thing.

Other than that, you have a couple of distinct abilities in there:
1) Replace components.
2) Ignore ASF.
3) Spellpool-like ability.
4) Southern Magician-style "can cast any spell as arcane or divine".
5) Stacking CL, similar to Psiotheurgy.
6) Huge stack of bonus spell slots from double ability scores.

Some of these are really powerful (CL, spell slots), some aren't so interesting (components, ASF). Overall, it'd be really strong towards the end, but weak at the start, which is exactly the way theurges already are (although "the end" may be epic for regular MT builds). I'd recommend putting some more power in the first levels, and reducing the bonus slots/CL a bit. Also, have a look at the Mind Mage for inspiration.