View Full Version : Want to be evul! ( fixed )

2017-08-14, 12:01 PM
Fixed :) got what i want

2017-08-14, 12:05 PM
rule #0
check with party and dm before donig something like that.

being evil isn't particularly related to your stats at any rate.
build-wise there's a lot of different things you can do with those stats; so i'm not sure what kidn of build advice you're looking for.

Mike Miller
2017-08-14, 12:12 PM
Joining a game.

always played the good guy, last 15 years i pretty much only played good, but recently started loving the bad guy cape :)

need the braintrust here as the stats lock me somewhat.

i can use PM and ONE additional book.

feats are pretty much free to go from any book as long it it`s a BOOK ( not mag)

want to be really evil character, killing because i can, npc and party members, as well as handling myself in rp and doing the evil deeds with rp and politics

stats rolled.
str. 11
Dex: 17
Int: 11

and one stat can be subbed with a 17

I am not playing rogue, that`s pretty much the end of it.

LE Druid could be fun, swap out the 11 WIS for 17 WIS

2017-08-14, 12:17 PM
Honestly sounds to me like a Cleric of a Chaotic Evil God

2017-08-14, 12:23 PM
LE Druid could be fun, swap out the 11 WIS for 17 WIS

Pretty sure druid requires one of your two alignment flavors to be neutral.

Mike Miller
2017-08-14, 12:34 PM
Pretty sure druid requires one of your two alignment flavors to be neutral.

Then NE >.>
It's been a while since I've actually cared about alignment restrictions

2017-08-14, 12:35 PM
want to be really evil character, killing because i can, npc and party members

So you want to kill your fellow PCs just because you can? Unless your fellow players are on board with PVP, the best advice I can give is to not show up for the game; it'll run a lot more smoothly without you.

Sam K
2017-08-14, 01:41 PM
I would agree: stay away from intra party conflicts unless everyone has agreed to them. And even then, think twice...

But if you want to be evil with those stats:

NE evil druid. Use the free 17 on wis. Your dex and con will keep you alive until wildshape comes online. Once wild shape comes online, you're a bear that is followed by a bear and throws bears at your enemies.

Concept: Apex predator. In a really bad way. Walt Disney may have most people thinking that nature is all cute and fluffy and the animals all get along (except for the one bad animal which is totally cool ganging up on), but you know better. You embody the predators domination of the prey in ways which most humans find repulsive. Just like predators will begin eating while they prey is still alive, and a new dominant male will kill the offspring of the old leader to make sure the females will mate with him sooner (seriously, lions do this), you take what you can with no regards for morals - only relative strength. The beauty of this concept is that you can work just fine with parties (even the most powerful predators need to hunt in packs to bring down the greatest prey). You don't have to be chaotic stupid: other packs are more powerful than yours (for now...) and you may need to submit to them, avoid them or join them until you can dominate them. But those too weak to stand up to you are prey to be disposed of as you please; just like a cat will play with a dying mouse or a nest of baby birds, you will play with vanquished foes... or their offspring.

Just be careful... you may not want to go back to being good!

2017-08-14, 01:47 PM
So you want to kill your fellow PCs just because you can? Unless your fellow players are on board with PVP, the best advice I can give is to not show up for the game; it'll run a lot more smoothly without you.

Think i should explain this one better. i`m not going into the game to kill fellow players. but i want to be able to hold my own and be able to take them out if they go after me for my evil deeds in game

2017-08-14, 01:54 PM
With those stats, you could make for a good (evil) Bard. Unless the party is on board with your evil activities, you may wish to keep them none the wiser to your goings-ons. To that end, consider reading up on The Joker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?99903-Batman-s-Bane-The-Joker).