View Full Version : When Xanthar's comes out how will you handle pre-existing UA characters

2017-08-16, 02:01 PM
So, I'm curious how other DMs plan on handling pre-existing UA character when Xanthar's guide to everything comes out.

Say, you are playing a College of Glamour Bard and the College of Glamour is in the guide, but it is different. Do make the play more to official? Do they continue to play the old version? What do you plan on doing?

2017-08-16, 02:07 PM
So, I'm curious how other DMs plan on handling pre-existing UA character when Xanthar's guide to everything comes out.

Say, you are playing a College of Glamour Bard and the College of Glamour is in the guide, but it is different. Do make the play more to official? Do they continue to play the old version? What do you plan on doing?

I will make them move to the official most likely unless I decide it's just bad. Mostly for literal bookkeeping reasons, so I don't have to open up or keep a binder full of pdfs. I prefer to quickly thumb through my PHB

2017-08-16, 02:09 PM
I'd probably talk to the players affected and see what they want to do. Unless it is a really unbalancing change, there's probably not much that couldn't be worked through with a chat. Remember that a minor change to you, the DM, to a class might be a major, character-breaking change to the player. So just talk it out and it should be fine.

I'd likely let them keep their old version for this campaign if they wanted to, but any new characters created would have to go by the official version.

Christopher K.
2017-08-16, 02:23 PM
I'm hoping that there isn't much which changes my players' characters, but I'll opt for the bound, "finished" version over the UA version unless one of my players has a specific reason not to.

2017-08-16, 02:27 PM
Switch to new text and minor reincarnation: same race and stat totals, rebuild the character as you please. Reason being: the updates could change quite a lot, and may invalidate the direction someone was trying to take their character. Players always appreciate the chance to change things they don't like, anyway.