View Full Version : In need of some Name Help!!!!

2017-08-16, 03:01 PM
Hello all, i am getting a rare opportunity to sit down and do some world building for my current setting for my players and wanted to finally get some names and city's planed out that will be a factor later on in the story.

I was wondering if I could get some of the awesome folks around here to help me out some.

I am thinking of naming the 7 continents after the 7 heavenly virtues and almost having the story arcs on that continent be almost about the opposite.

Also looking for some city ideas if anyone has some to offer..... thanks all $!!!

2017-08-17, 02:11 AM
As many ideas with Biblical roots, its important to expand on what you mean exactly. For example the virtue of fortitude could also be seen as courage, which leads to a slightly different feal. Similarly somebody could see the 7 virtues and think of the virtues that contrast the 7 deadly sins. The later may be easier to work with for your duality.

2017-08-17, 02:28 AM
This (http://www.seventhsanctum.com/index.php) is my favorite website to go to for help coming up with names and concepts for things.

2017-08-17, 06:15 AM
Thanks for the website! That can help a lot.

I had been calling one continent Valoria, as in for Valor. Which I feel links into courage. One country, where they are spending a lot of time, has a villain that is turning what use to be massive city filled with poverty to a utopia to make sure he has people as followers. The end goal is he plans to sacrifice the entire city.

But ya, I'm really bad with naming stuff.....