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View Full Version : Zach Best Family Benefit Bundle

2017-08-17, 10:46 AM
So Zach Best, owner of Conjecture Games and author of CRGE, BOLD, UNO and TOSS is in hospice. This is a very sad time. Zach is generous with his time and helped me out when I was just getting started publishing on my own. Without his feedback I may have given up. We put together a bundle of DrivethruRPG, which is currently their second hottest title. All proceeds from purchases of Zach's Book go to Zach's family, and then it also lets you get the bundle for free. You can find the bundle here. (http://drivethrurpg.com/product/218759/Zach-Best-Family-Benefit-Bundle-BUNDLE?affiliate_id=319435)

Many thanks to the publishers who have added the following titles:

Matt Sanders of Dwarves in a Trenchcoat for adding his Bags of Flavour supplement

Steven Creech of DragonWing for including Darkwalkers, Well of the Twice-Born and Lore of the Gods
Robert Marriner-Dodds of Dragon Turtle for adding Dragon Drop Adventures 5E

John WS Marvin of Dread Unicorn for adding Gods and Icons, The Gods Have Spoken, and The Sun Below supplements

John Watts of Gypsy Knight Games for Hub Federation Ground Forces and Inroduction to Clement Sector.

CS Barnhart of Mad Martian for Ice Kingdoms: The Temple of Drawoh Rock

David Schirduan of Technical Grimoire for Mythic Mortals

Chris Stieha of thunder bunnyt press for several issues of his RND zine

Scott Malthouse of Trollish Delver Games for Romance of the Perilous Land

Joidi Black of Pinnacle Entertainment group for Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition

Bill DeFranza of BD Games for The Baron's Gold

Daniel Fox of Grim & Perilous Studios for ZWEIHANDER Grim & Perilous RPG

The bundle runs through tomorrow. Zach's book is currently an electrum seller. Let's show him and his family how awesome we can be by getting it to gold!