View Full Version : Support Crowdfunding my buddy to Cambridge.

2017-08-17, 01:50 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm shamelessly going to plug the gofundme campaign (https://www.gofundme.com/RyanChuaCambridge) of a friend. The good news is that my buddy Ryan got accepted into Cambridge. The bad news is that he can't afford his tuition. I realize that these are hard times right now, mostly because GenCon is happening and we're all throwing our money at every gaming company that is publishing something for this joyous occasion, but I'd still like to ask if there are people out there who are willing to share an amount of money that they won't miss to help make this young man's dream come true. Sharing this on social media will also be greatly appreciated.

Here's a video on the subject (https://youtu.be/Upv-qSrlDCo) made by Ryan's boyfriend.