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View Full Version : Pathfinder Looking for monster classes

2017-08-17, 07:34 PM
I accidentally ran into something online that I never knew DSP ever made - classes that are actually monster races with their powerful abilities spread out over a range of levels.

Upon searching on the pfsrd, I found a few, but I am wondering if DSP or anyone else has created monster classes to mess with?
Its nice to step away from the norm for a bit every now and then :3

2017-08-17, 07:43 PM
Not pathfinder, but there is Savage Species and Dragon magazine #320 and 322 have progressions for metallic and chromatic dragons. If you Google savage progressions, you should get a result for some from wizards of the coast.

2017-08-17, 09:02 PM
Not pathfinder, but there is Savage Species and Dragon magazine #320 and 322 have progressions for metallic and chromatic dragons. If you Google savage progressions, you should get a result for some from wizards of the coast.

I still own about 60gigs or so of PDFs including quite a few hard cover 3.5 books, but we dont use anything from 3.5 for PF for the same reason we dont play 3.5 anymore - no balance over the content.

Savage Species was one of the worst too. I ended up making a build that bordered pun pun right before I quit, using all the cheese I could find, and it all started with the dread blossom swarm.

Thank you for your reply however :)

2017-08-17, 09:45 PM
Well DSP did several more than the couple on the srd. If anyone else has, I haven't found them.