View Full Version : Original System Not sure if I'm in the right place

2017-08-18, 03:05 PM
So I wrote a game about RPing in a Criminal sandbox (so like Saints Row or Grand Theft Auto). Several games about a number of things actually, but the one that's the subject of this post is called Crime and Chaos. It's looking for players. I'm gonna be playing on rpol.net, but you'll need adult access to the site before you can see this one. http://rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=68007&date=1502662445

2017-08-18, 05:21 PM
If you want to talk shop about mechanics etc, this is the right spot. If you're just looking for playtesters, you'll want a mod to move this to the recruiting section over in PbP.

The major appeal of those criminal sandbox games, at least from my perspective, was the graphics, and at least in Saints Row one could already create a character identity (not full-on personality, but it was enough). What inspired you to write this?

2017-08-26, 06:30 PM
The graphics :D

That's a joke, although not too obnoxiously far from the truth. I based the dice pool sizes off GTA V online characters, and I ended up writing a bunch of GTA crunch, but started including a variety of fluff from a lot of different sources. Also I decided not having any specific branding on it was better than worrying over whether the respective production companies would try to hack on me over it.

If the mods want to move it they can, because it is about getting people to play it... although if they don't discussion of it here isn't out of the question either. (although I'd rather it in the playtest)