View Full Version : Need some advice for my 6th-level Wizard

2017-08-18, 07:17 PM
My Wizard leveled to 6th during my group's recent session and has acquired a total of 12,500 gp. I'm trying to decide what to spend the money on before my next session. I have the Craft Wondrous Items feat and I am thinking about creating some useful items for myself. I was leaning towards something that boosts my Int score, but I'd like to get some suggestions from you fine folk first. The campaign is a very Monty Haul type and the DM is letting us get away with quite a lot. I am free to use any d20 source material, so the cheesier the better.

Also, I have a question about PrC. I've never multiclassed or taken a Prestige Class before. Is the level you gain the class features of a PrC based on the class level or the character level? To use an example, an Arcane Archer gains Seeker Arrow at "4th level" per the DM. Is this the 4th level of Arcane Archer or your total character level? I believe it's the former but I would like to be sure.

Thanks guys.

Fouredged Sword
2017-08-18, 08:05 PM
You cannot go wrong with a headband of +int, a peripat of +con, a cloak of resistance, and gloves of +dex, more or less in that order.

2017-08-18, 08:13 PM
Also, I have a question about PrC. I've never multiclassed or taken a Prestige Class before. Is the level you gain the class features of a PrC based on the class level or the character level? To use an example, an Arcane Archer gains Seeker Arrow at "4th level" per the DM. Is this the 4th level of Arcane Archer or your total character level? I believe it's the former but I would like to be sure.

It refers to class level unless it says otherwise. A wizard 4/fighter 1/arcane archer 2 will have the class features of a 4th level wizard, a 1st level fighter, and a 2nd level arcane archer. Their BAB and saves will be the sum of what the tables show at those levels.

2017-08-18, 08:41 PM
My Wizard leveled to 6th [...] The campaign is a very Monty Haul type and the DM is letting us get away with quite a lot. I am free to use any d20 source material, so the cheesier the better.

Wizards don't need money to pull cheese, unless it gives you more spell/day or more spells in your spellbook.

2017-08-19, 01:02 AM
Wow. 5 posts in before someone mentions Bunkos. Ill edit a link in so you can get to shopping.


There ya go. Its quite a decent shopping list. If you want some advice, grab an Int booster, an initiative booster (a +1 warning gauntlet is my go to), save booster (either the vest or cloak), healers belt (more is better. Use them up and switch them out as needed), handy haversack, and a ship in a box (its nice to be able to create an easily forafyable position with just a word. May have to lean it against something or put it in a trench first though).

Also, some shapesand. Why cast fly to get the party over an obsticle when you can just create a ladder or bridge. Or a zepplin. Or a gnome submersable. Or a catapult.

2017-08-19, 01:32 AM
Circlet of Rapid Casting in Magic Item Compendium, base price is 15k but cost to create is 7500. It requires Craft Wondrous Item and Quicken Spell, but you have some options if you don't have that feat.

You could get another character or NPC who has that feat to help you craft it, they'll need to assist you for eight hours a day for the eight days it takes to make it. I'm not sure how much they would charge for that, a trained hireling is 3 sp per day (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#spellcastingAndServices) but I don't know if any NPCs who would have Quicken Spell would be willing to work for so little.

You could hire an NPC Psion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#spellcastingAndServices) to use Psychic Reformation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psychicReformation.htm) on you to gain that feat, then use it on you again after you've made the item to trade the feat out for another one. That can also help you meet the prerequisites for a prestige class you're wanting to take. At the standard rate, each use of that power will cost you 280 gp, plus 125 gp per level you want to go back, plus 25 xp per level you want to go back. For example, if you want to trade out your 6th level feat for Quicken Spell so you can make that item, it costs you 405 gp and 25 xp. If you then want to repick your feats and skills from 3rd through 6th level to qualify for a prestige class, it's 780 gp and 100 xp.

You can add an Enhancement bonus to Intelligence to any existing head slot item, such as the above circlet, for the same price as a separate Headband of Intelligence. This is on page 234 of the Magic Item Compendium. So you could make the Circlet of Rapid Casting for 7500 gp plus whatever else it costs you, add a +2 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence for another 2,000 gp, and still have quite a bit left for an Anklet of Translocation and a Healing Belt, or other useful/necessary items (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items).

2017-08-19, 02:17 AM
If all d20 is on the table Kingdom of Kalamar Players Guide (the official 3.0 one) has braces that simply add +1 to all arcane save DCs. They cost 2000.