View Full Version : Optimization Best multiclass for Ranger?

2017-08-21, 12:17 AM
Hey, so I was looking into multiclassing my character and I can't make any decisions without outside opinions so...

Some background: my character is a wood elf ranger (generic, I know) in a party with a druid, a rogue, and a fighter. My character and the rogue do mostly ranged attacks with our two tanks(the fighter and half-orc druid) and my animal companion doing melee. We don't have much in the way of healing so I was thinking I'd multiclass as a nature cleric or something. I know my dm would easily fit it into the story because he's a rockstar, but before I make my final decision I wanted to get some other opinions. Maybe some kind of paladin? Idk, I want to keep her woodsy and natural, you know?

Any help is appreciated 😊😚

2017-08-21, 12:30 AM
Nature Cleric, Ancients Paladin and Fey Warlock are all options if you're looking for Woodsy flavor, just be careful of stat requirements when you go multiclassing
Fighter 2 and Rogue 2 are good just for general combat effectiveness

It largely depends on two things:
1) How important is the flavor/feel to you? Is pure power a secondary concern?
3) How do you want to go about combat? Are you even that worried about combat power?

Also what level are you expecting to get up to?

2017-08-21, 12:39 AM
You can already heal as a ranger
-goodberry is a good way to wake people up from dead and a good 10hp
-heal wound can be upcast
-you have the Druid who should at the very least keep a heal in his bank pocket

Healing with goodberry is the most efficient but you have plenty of emergency heal potential

Best way to heal is to not get hit at all
-crowd control and killing

Plus as beast master you need to stay ranger For it to gain anything. Especially health

2017-08-21, 12:42 AM
Also also, are you using the PHB or the UA revised ranger? There's a significant difference between the two.

2017-08-21, 12:47 AM
If you're playing the phb Ranger subclass of the beastmaster, i strongly advise not to multiclass further than 2 levels at maximum, your pet won't survive anything if it doesn't level with you (which only works for ranger levels).

The healing you want could come from druid (healing word and goodberry) or cleric (cure wounds, healing word), but whether you restrict yourself to the nature domain is up to you and your gm. There should be deities of life (=better healers) with a nature-y theme, maybe check out the sword coast adventurer's guide or google (but stay away from a site called danddwiki, too much homebrew without any clarification what's officially and what isn't). Or you work something out with your gm.

Paladin is a good healer - if you can afford the MC cost of a 13 in cha and str, which you as a ranger probably can't since you need 13 dex and wis to MC "out" of it.

2017-08-21, 03:38 AM
Hey, so I was looking into multiclassing my character and I can't make any decisions without outside opinions so...

Some background: my character is a wood elf ranger (generic, I know) in a party with a druid, a rogue, and a fighter. My character and the rogue do mostly ranged attacks with our two tanks(the fighter and half-orc druid) and my animal companion doing melee. We don't have much in the way of healing so I was thinking I'd multiclass as a nature cleric or something. I know my dm would easily fit it into the story because he's a rockstar, but before I make my final decision I wanted to get some other opinions. Maybe some kind of paladin? Idk, I want to keep her woodsy and natural, you know?

Any help is appreciated ����

I like monk, you already have the stats. But rogue and fighter are also good options

But rogue sneak attack and cunning action are tops for an archer. Being able to hide as a bonus action and then next round attack with advantage is awesome. Coupled with pass without a trace and now expertise in stealth from rogue... its almost guaranteed.

6 shadow monk does something similar in regards to gaining advantage

2017-08-21, 07:57 AM
If you're using any Unearthed Arcana, I strongly advise Cleric.

Any Cleric will do, Nature easily fits the best flavor-wise, but mechanically I love Forge because of the Shield spell and +1 to a Weapon or Armor, and nets Heavy Armor Proficiency (though you may not have the Strength for it). Light works wonders for Warding Flare, it's an excellent use of your Reaction and doesn't cost any spell slots, and you get Faerie Fire, but it's Channel Divinity scales with Cleric levels.

Regardless of Domain, you also get Bless and Healing Word, which your whole party will appreciate.

And Cleric nets you a couple Cantrips as well. If you're using UA, give Death some consideration since it synergizes with Toll the Dead from the Starter Spells. As long as your character is level 5, that can be 2d12 damage to two enemies per turn. That's not bad, and having a decent offensive Cantrip that uses a saving throw is good to have in your back pocket for when enemies have high AC and your attack rolls aren't cutting it.

Sir cryosin
2017-08-21, 08:01 AM
If it just healing you have cure wounds also just pick up the healer feat. Your party has healing you have cure wounds. The Druid has cure wounds, healing word. Fighter has his second wind and everyone can spend hit dice on short rest.

2017-08-21, 08:04 AM
If healing is a problem, just take 1 level of Life Cleric. That way your Goodberries will heal 4hp instead of 1. Bless and cantrips can't hurt either.

2017-08-21, 08:09 AM
Don't you already have access to alot of healing? With both you and the druid having access to both goodberry and cure wounds and your hit die for healing on short rest.

2017-08-21, 01:13 PM
Hey, so I was looking into multiclassing my character and I can't make any decisions without outside opinions so...

Some background: my character is a wood elf ranger (generic, I know) in a party with a druid, a rogue, and a fighter. My character and the rogue do mostly ranged attacks with our two tanks(the fighter and half-orc druid) and my animal companion doing melee. We don't have much in the way of healing so I was thinking I'd multiclass as a nature cleric or something. I know my dm would easily fit it into the story because he's a rockstar, but before I make my final decision I wanted to get some other opinions. Maybe some kind of paladin? Idk, I want to keep her woodsy and natural, you know?

Any help is appreciated 😊😚
If you want some healing, then the best option by far is dipping one level in Life Cleric: more potent healing, Life Goodberries and even option to grab heavy armor if you don't mind losing speed and don't have max DEX yet.

Can also be easily fluffed imo (just say your rockstar just developed a strong love for life, told about it in his songs, and ended up waking a vocation of devoting his life to a Life God or something?).

It is by no mean a bad choice. In fact, it's even a potentially better choice in the fact that you could swap your current (or so I guess) Hunter's Mark for Bless: a 2nd level upcast would be enough to cover your whole party, and the end benefit will certainly be much much better overall than "just" Hunter's Mark (you enhance to-hit -so ultimately damage- of 4 characters, as well as their saves -so better survivability too-).

For a single level dip, it is probably the top choice.
For true multiclasses, Cleric is still very nice of course but Rogue is very great (but you already have a Rogue pal, beware the tip-toeing), as Battlemaster Fighter (same) and Druid (same).
So I'd say that for your particular context, just a single dip in (Life) Cleric is the best for now, then keep Ranger unless you feel even that is insufficient for your party (but then I'd say there is maybe a problem with party teamwork and coordination, or DM putting too big of a challenge), in which case going Cleric up to 5 would be a very decent choice (more spell slots, Aid, Beacon of Hope). As would be taking the Healer feat. ;)