View Full Version : The Lion and the Necromancer [IC]

2017-08-21, 10:40 AM
You are being made to wait.

Whether that's a power play or not is of course difficult to say. It's certainly possible that the Magistrate is merely held up with official duties. He does oversee rather a large chunk of the Domain. Even if his purview was only the metropolis of Shegan he would be frantically busy on a daily basis. When you factor in its various subsidiaries that spiral out, the little hamlets sprinkled throughout the great fields and it's remarkable that he has any time at all.

Still, he did say to be here at Noon. And noon has come and gone. And you are left waiting.

At least the room you wait in is rather nice. The office itself is a squat granite slab near the center of the city. They say the Necromancer installed it himself, razing the manor house of the nobles that once ruled the area and hurling the office fully formed to lodge in the scorched earth in its place. But where the exterior is brutalist and terrifying, the inside is rather plush and inviting. The walls are lined with a lovely rich rosewood, the couches and chairs well stuffed and very soft. The waiting room is perhaps somewhat overly large, the exceptionally high ceiling giving a slight echoed quality to the small coughs and noises made by those waiting alongside you.

And still you wait.

The Magistrates office is in Shegan the... Let's say fourth largest city in the Necromancer's domain. You have been waiting for at least an hour.
Feel free to chat among yourselves or not. I'll post again this evening or earlier if the muse strikes. :smalltongue:
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?533499-The-Lion-and-the-Necromancer-OOC&p=22295354)

2017-08-21, 11:22 AM
A small halfling girl with red hair and a freckled faces wipes her lips after vomiting in a plant in the corner. "So why are you fine folks here?" She sits down on a chair.

"I'm guessing one of those pissants who think cause they are taller'n me they are better'n me an cause they are wealthier they can tread on me decided they didn't like me showin em whats what so daddy or mommy told the Necromancer or somethin...". She holds her hands behind her head. "Also anyone of you got a drink? I could use one..."

Dante Falcon
2017-08-21, 07:00 PM
Sitting back in a chair with one leg crossed over the other was a rather lanky human, who had at one point been looking attentively around the room but in boredom had lapsed into quiet. It was rather evident that at some point he'd suffered some pretty horrific injuries to his face, despite any healing done it was misshapen, nearly any line of symmetry gone and he had no shame in showing it. The hood on his cloak was down displaying a calm exterior. Or it would be calm if not for the foot tapping to a frantic beat only he could hear.

"That was certainly charming. To your second question, I'm afraid not, drink has never appealed to me." He certainly speaks well though, displaying he was either well learned, read, or talented. Or some combination.

"To the first, I would advise not answering with too much specificity. In a house of magic it is unfortunately easy to listen in on others, and you might put yourself in more trouble than you already are in by admitting to something they were unaware of. I have my suspicions as to why I'm here however."

2017-08-21, 09:19 PM
Jasper shuffled a deck of cards, calm and relaxed, but he never took his eyes off the other two. Impatience wasn't really an issue, but after over an hour, it'd be strange if he weren't. "Maybe the Magistrate's a fan of magic. I mean, who isn't?" He flashed a dazzling smile at Nyssa. "Pick a card?" Jasper fanned the deck in front of her.

2017-08-21, 10:43 PM
Nyssa hadn't been paying attention, until she was directly addressed. Too many awful things were running through her mind. Why had she even bothered to come? She was sure she'd just walked willingly to her own execution, like a cow to slaughter. She should have run. She should have done anything but come here.

Her leg jiggles up and down, she can't stop fidgeting in her anxiety. When Jasper asks her to pick a card, she snaps out of it, registering what he'd said.

"Magic? Who me? No, I hate magic..."

She looks away, after forcing a very unconvincing fake laugh. It comes out more manic, and frankly unhinged, than she intended.

2017-08-22, 08:17 AM
There is a gentle pop as one of the walls swings open just slightly, a door appearing from what had a moment ago appeared to be a solid continuous whole. Striding out of the door, nee hole, a thin harried seeming fellow, dressed in a crimson waist coat. He looks as though he sees the sun rarely at best, his complexion being the color of pale milk. Oddly so is his hair, a shock of disjointed white spilling out of the top of his head, looking almost like a dandelion. He is inspecting an iron pocket watch as he strides, just shy of sprinting towards the exit. He nearly makes it out when he stops himself, wheeling around mid stride to peer curiously at you four. Checks his watch again. Lets out a small noise of discontent, a bit like a recently kicked vole.

He quickly steps back and finally settles on looking at the Professor.
"The Knave of Hearts. Or is that not how the trick is done?"

Dante Falcon
2017-08-22, 05:25 PM
Zeike's head turned to see the opening wall, eyes opening slightly wider as the only indication of surprise to the newly revealed way of egress. With the entrance of the newcomer he inclined his head in sign of greeting and shrugged. "I think you're supposed to pick the card first. Otherwise you're both right and wrong. One of those cards probably is the Knave you seek. And I'd bet at least one isn't."

2017-08-22, 09:39 PM
Jasper chuckled to himself. "Well, let's see..." He frowned at one card and flipped it to reveal the Six of Diamonds. "That's not it. Unless..." Jasper flicked the Six, and it became the Knave of Hearts. "Ah! Much better." He returned the deck to his pocket and smiled at the newcomer. "Good afternoon, sir. Would you happen to know when the Magistrate will be ready for us?"

2017-08-22, 11:23 PM
Peering closer the waist coated fellow checks between his watch and the card. With a heavy click that echoes off the walls he shuts the watch, the Necromancer's sigil now apparent on the face plate.
"Now I see one Knave but I was supposed to receive four... One of each suit, I believe."
He turns his head slowly, fixing his gaze on each waiting party in turn.
"Well, this is a remarkable feat of legerdemain. Here they are one and all."
Reaching a hand out into the air he snaps his fingers and a quartet of envelopes appear, each sealed with wax matching the color of his waistcoat.
"Perhaps not as impressive, but it seems I've managed my own little conjuring."
For a moment, just a moment one of the envelopes slips a little in his fingers. He catches it without disturbing the pose, but a slight look of panic flashes across his eyes.
"I have for each of you a pair of offers. Both employment. If you could each be so kind as to only read the missive directed to yourself."
Placing the envelopes next to Jasper he walks quickly back through the door, the wall swinging shut and seemingly sealing behind him.

2017-08-22, 11:28 PM
The halfling scrambles over and gets a look at the envelopes looking for one with her name on it. Work had been slow lately and she was starting to have to dip into her savings for drink money! That wouldn't stand!

2017-08-22, 11:38 PM
A skittish magistrate. Would wonders never cease. Definitely worth making a note of. Jasper pawed through the envelopes, making sure to read the names on the ones that weren't his. By, happenstance, his envelope was on the very bottom of the pile. Yes, 'happenstance.' He quickly tore open his envelope to read whatever was inside.

2017-08-22, 11:40 PM
Nyssa breathes a sigh of relief at the mention of employment. So she wasn't strong enough for the Necromancer to have her executed. Yet.

She notices the Magistrate's strange behavior, but thinks little of it for the moment. Instead, she takes the envelope with her name on it, and reads the message inside.

Dante Falcon
2017-08-22, 11:49 PM
With a sigh he uncrossed his legs, standing and crossing languidly to the offered letters to take his last, making note of which name it was addressed to before returning to the chair he had occupied. Once comfortable again he opened it to read.

2017-08-23, 05:31 PM
The envelopes when cracked give off a faint scent of anise, a slight perfumed puff as supple white paper is pulled forth. The writing on the paper is surprisingly ornate, typeset by the looks of it, a form letter save for a few spots where blank sections have been filled in with a slightly jittery jangly script.


It has come to the attention of the Necromancer that you are in violation of his laws. You are found to be an impediment to peace, prosperity, and the general growth and well being of the Domain. You are to put in it plain but poetic, a weed among our fields. Still, the Necromancer is merciful, and you may as of yet be of some use.

There are three sorts of weeds. Small, medium, and large. Those largest weeds are a cancer. They draw too much upon our resources, they choke out fruitful plants, they are covered in thorns, and if let to grow they take deep roots and spread their wickedness. Thankfully they can be easily grasped, and are therefore swiftly yanked out and burned. Then there are the smallest weeds, that which are to small even to pull. A mere annoyance, and at times even pleasant, adding as they do a bit of color. And it would be a waste of time to scrabble among stones to grab at them. Then there are weeds that come between. If left alone they will go from pleasant nuisance to severe problem. And they are just now large enough to be plucked free with ease. But, they may be put to some ethnobotanical use.

You are guilty of the following crimes:murder for profit, evasion of justice, charlatanry
disorderly behavior whilst drunken, assault and battery, theft, mercantile fraud
sorcerery, the hiding of an unlicensed spell-caster, evasion of justice
the dispensation of incendiary tales, false claims to prophecy, the hiding of an unlicensed spell-caster
From your weedy misdeeds the Necromancer has seen fit to make nettle tea.

You are hereby deputized to act on behalf of the magistrate to investigate
a rash of murders and mischief in the lower quarters of the city. There have been numerous people reported as falling down suddenly in the street, bloodied and dying. Several minor cases of vandalism have also been reported in the area. It is unknown if the two are connected but you are expected to solve both problems within a fortnight.
a rash of murders and mischief in the lower quarters of the city. There have been numerous people reported as falling down suddenly in the street, bloodied and dying. Several minor cases of vandalism have also been reported in the area. It is unknown if the two are connected but you are expected to solve both problems within a fortnight.
a rash of murders and mischief in the lower quarters of the city. There have been numerous people reported as falling down suddenly in the street, bloodied and dying. Several minor cases of vandalism have also been reported in the area. It is unknown if the two are connected but you are expected to solve both problems within a fortnight.
a rash of murders and mischief in the lower quarters of the city. There have been numerous people reported as falling down suddenly in the street, bloodied and dying. Several minor cases of vandalism have also been reported in the area. It is unknown if the two are connected but you are expected to solve both problems within a fortnight.

Any attempt to shirk this offer of employment will be considered an acceptance of a separate offer to toil in the fields.

March, Magistrate of Shegan
March, Magistrate of Shegan
March, Magistrate of Shegan
March, Magistrate of Shegan

2017-08-23, 05:46 PM
Berna mutters under her breath when she reads the letter. After she finishes the letter she holds it up and slaps the list of crimes. "Racists... just cause i'm a halfling i'm a thief now!?"

She shakes it vigorously "I am absolutely a drunk and have committed assault and battery, but that thievin is just profilin! I bash for coin and I bash for drink! I let others keep the things they earn!"

She pauses a moment and rereads the last one. "I can't actually attest to any of that one... might have been a result of the first one..."

She grumbles and folds her arms, looking more like a really short dwarf than a jolly halfling.

2017-08-23, 10:25 PM
Something furious and inhuman flashed in Jasper’s eyes, easy enough to dismiss as a trick of the light. His letter, meanwhile, had vanished. He looked around the room, gauging the reactions of his allies to whatever news they had received. They certainly weren't killers. Any fool could see that. Well, if Jasper wanted to slake his curiousity, there was only one way. "What's the good word? Did we all get the same gig, or did the Magistrate gather us all out of convenience?"

2017-08-23, 10:54 PM
Nyssa nearly drops her envelope when she reads the introduction of her letter. So, the Necromancer already knew what she was. She silently cursed herself for not running. Now there was nothing that could be done. She had to do this task, or be killed. When she'd finished, she bit her lip, and nervously looked up at Jasper.

"I... I don't know what we're supposed to do. I'm apparently supposed to solve murders, somehow."

She scowls briefly, and crumples up her letter.

"I'm no investigator... I'm just going to be useless."

She sniffles, and looks away from the group.

Dante Falcon
2017-08-23, 11:23 PM
Zeike read through, stifling a laugh at the opening and then falling quiet. After finishing it the first time he paused and his eyes returned to somewhere in the middle of the page where he stared, chewing on his lower lip. Now, what precisely did -that- accusation mean. Two out of three were correct but he couldn't recall anytime he had claimed to be more than he is. Usually he did the opposite.

"Investigating murders in the lower city and possibly related vandalism. That's the verdict on this end."

2017-08-24, 07:11 AM
Hardened criminal or delicate flower? Why not both, as they say. Well, it wouldn't do to have her like this the entire time. Jasper slid across the bench to Nyssa. "Hey," he began quietly, "You wouldn't be here if you were useless. It's just a matter of figuring out your strengths. We'll find something for you to contribute. Promise." Jasper laid a hand on her shoulder with a soft little smile. "After all, what's a magician without his lovely assistant?"

2017-08-25, 12:04 AM
Nyssa smiles just a little.

"That makes me feel a little better. Especially knowing that I'm not in this alone."

She looks to Berna, who hadn't mentioned her job yet.

"We are all in this together, right?"

2017-08-25, 10:46 AM
Berna is currently drinking from a flask and holds up a finger.

She wipes her mouth. "Just a merry @#$%ing band of thieves and criminals it seems!"

She puts the flask away. "Alright lets get this done with."

Dante Falcon
2017-08-26, 02:51 AM
Zeike looked up from his paper finally, folding it up and tucking it back within his cloak, making movements towards the door. "With that out of the way, name's Zeike. I'm here mainly because I have a proficiency for magic and that the telling of tales can be risky here. Especially in what could be considered incendiary material. You three can wait here if you want but I'd rather get a head start on this so I can go back to doing exactly that again." With a smirk he walked out of the door at a slightly slowed pace to allow the others to catch up if they hesitated.

Besides, he needed the walk to excise the remainder of that nervous energy.

2017-08-26, 04:41 PM
The lower quarter is at the best of times noisy and bustling. Where in the more refined sections of the city people may make their living at softly spoken intimations of commerce here mercantile workings are good deal more direct. Buskers and barkers harangue you as you walk the surprisingly wide avenues, leaning out from under awnings of every imaginable color. Here and there the storefronts break way for an alley, and occasionally a park of sorts, an opening replete with trees and flowers. It is said the Necromancer insisted in this feature being added to any city under his dominion, his reasons as mysterious as any other aspect of your beloved dictator.

In so much noise an motion however silence and still air stand out. And there tucked down one of the alleys is a moment of utter stillness. A few members of the city guard are nervously arrayed around a shrouded over mound. It takes little imagination to suppose that the canvas hidden lump is a body. The trees and flowers around the gathering are in disarray, branches and stems bent and splintered as though a great wind had swept through only this small area.

2017-08-26, 11:31 PM
"Oh good," Jasper muttered. "I was worried we'd have to wait for someone to keel over." While the guards likely wouldn't be helpful, they at least wouldn't be much of an obstacle. Jasper strode towards the group and fixed his attention on the highest ranking (or least nervous) one. "What happened here?" he asked calmly yet firmly while taking a knee next to the body.

2017-08-27, 01:06 PM
The guards, likely seeing an opportunity to exert a form of control over what is, to be fair, a vast and formless world that can make us each feel very small and adrift at the best of times, snap to a sort of attention. Their ranks somewhat closed, a guard with hints of grey at his temples and a nice shiny insignia of rank upon his breastplate steps forward to speak.
"This area is closed off. Unless you have some sort of official business here be on your way."

2017-08-27, 02:22 PM
Jasper smiles coolly up at the guard. "Apologies. Let me start over." He rose to his feet and reached out a gloved hand. "Hi. My name's Jasper. These fine people and I are special investigators, tasked by the Magistrate himself to solve a spate of strange deaths. Now, would this person's death fall into that category? Because, if not, we'll be on our way."

2017-08-27, 02:50 PM
He peers at your group suspiciously, but with a sigh seems to give himself over to the possibility.
"I suppose more hands could do no harm. Aye, it's one of the recent... We suspect killings, but it would be hard to say."
He pulls back the sheet and the other guards turn their heads away. The shape beneath was indeed a body, specifically one in a guard's breastplate. The breastplate itself is heavily perforated, punctures spaced every few inches or so with no readily apparent pattern other then prevalence.
"He was supposed to retire next week. Damn shame."
Skill checks? Why sure, that'd be a darn fine way to examine the body. Off the top of my head, Craft to examine the breastplate, Heal to examine the body... Hell, you can get weird and try a Survival or Know Nature to figure out if this was a giant woodpecker at work. As usual for my games, with the right post most things will do... Something. Although Swim would probably be useless regardless of post quality. Perception will result in a more thorough description of the body, but has a higher DC then a specialized skill and will result in more general description.

2017-08-27, 10:15 PM
Nyssa, glad to have something to do after following the others into town, tries to be helpful right off the bat. She kneels down to examine the body, to see if she can at least rule something out, which is better than nothing.

I'm gonna roll Knowledge (Arcana) to determine if he was killed via magic.


2017-08-27, 10:19 PM
Berna gives the body a once over. She's used to roughing folks up so maybe she could spot something about how it was done. She isn't a doctor or anything, but she had good eyes and that helped.


2017-08-28, 06:46 AM
Well, if anyone here was equipped to solve a murder, it would be Jasper. From what the Magistrate said, there shouldn't be any defensive wounds, but he checks the guard's hands all the same. Then he thinks back over the past eight years. Jasper was far from the only assassin. Many a noble had been cut down without his aid, and he tried to keep abreast of as many deaths as he could. Knowledge was power and all that. Maybe a rival that he knew of was responsible for this.

Okay, two rolls, one slightly more important than the other.

Perception (checking for defensive wounds for formality's sake) [roll0]

Knowledge: Nobility (for murders similar to this one)
[roll1] (that's supposed to be +7 so add 1to the result)

Dante Falcon
2017-08-28, 07:18 AM
Zeike had always appreciated these little clearings. Bits of calm in the otherwise chaotic surroundings of city life. Despite the current disturbance the atmosphere calm remained, though more with the stillness of death, as opposed to the tranquility of life. It seemed his allies were checking the body, but the location was interesting and if the disarray was any indication this hadn't been clean or quiet. It's possible someone witnessed the scuffle, probable if there was an establishment with high amounts of traffic nearby.

With a quick look around to gather his location in the city he tried to remember if there were any businesses or houses with high amounts of foot traffic nearby.

Knowledge Local if applicable

2017-08-28, 04:30 PM
You're almost positive there's trees nearby. Ah! There they are! Leafy bastards!
The punctures seem reasonably mundane, as do the holes that appear just past the metal, biting into flesh. There's no seeming effects of the elements that would indicate a ray spell was used. However... There's a little bit of an odd pattern near the eyes. A speckling discoloration near his shuttered eyelids.

His hands are rough and callused, a common working man's marks, but none of the scars or scrapes seem recent enough to be from an attempt to save his own life.

An assassin's eye shows that this doesn't bear the marks of a calculated killing. It's both too out in the open and too secluded at once. A killing designed to stir up unrest would have been in full view of the public. A targeted killing would be in a place where the body wouldn't be found for at least a few days, or would appear natural. This death seems... Random.
These holes are small. Like... Really small. Whatever weapon did this was scarcely larger then a knitting needle. And it didn't leave anything behind in the wound. You've hunted deer, and you've gouged at eyes. If you're using horns, fingers, or any sort of natural part to deal wounds like this you'd leave behind a little part of yourself, scraped off on the armor. There'd be gouges and scratches from where strikes went wild. None of that here. Clean holes, with only a little spilt blood to discolor them.

2017-08-29, 08:09 PM
Jasper stared at the dead man in silence for quite a while. "Seems random," he said aloud. "I mean, if your goal is to put on a show, you don't leave center stage." Jasper gestured at the nearby marketplace. "Same time, foot traffic means the body would be discovered within a couple hours." He glanced around at the others. "Any of you got anything?"

2017-08-29, 09:16 PM
"Wounds're too clean...." She folds her arms. "Take it from someone who constantly gets in dustups, there is always somethin to tell ya what ya hurt someone with..."

2017-08-29, 10:57 PM
Nyssa frowns, and gets back to her feet.

"I don't think it was magic, but that's about all I can tell. Did any of you notice his eyes, though?"

She points it out.

"Does anyone recognize this pattern?"

2017-08-30, 10:21 PM
Jasper smiled. "You know, I can't say that I did." He leaned over to get a closer look at what Nyssa was talking about.

Dante Falcon
2017-08-31, 12:19 AM
Zeike emitted a clack of annoyance, ignoring the other questions for now and probably too deep in his own head.. It seemed he wasn't as familiar with this part of the city as he thought. But Jasper was and told him what he needed to know. Not public, but not private. A high risk target in a guard. No obvious trace of magic nor weapon. Two questions floated up to the surface. The first he could ascertain for himself, moving to the body and kneeling down, holding his breath to evade the stench of rot as much as possible. He put out a hand and rubbed a finger over several of the puncture wounds, looking to see if the armor had bent inwards towards his body, or if something had exploded outwards. With magic you can never tell. After examining the one side he looked around at the group.

"Everyone good here? Cause I'd like to see the other side of his wounds as well if there are any. And some help to at least roll it on his side." Upon receiving an affirmation he rolled the body on its side to check each of the punctures there as well.


2017-08-31, 11:28 AM
Upon closer inspection the faint inward curl of the metal at the points of puncture indicate that whatever perforated the body did so from the outside. He got pierced from without, not exploded or burrowed out from within. The wounds themselves seem to slope upwards, as though whatever caused them was striking from below.

Dante Falcon
2017-09-01, 06:52 AM
Zeike's eyes narrowed as he stood up and stepped away from the body. Ignoring the question of what kills in that manner the question of why was even more confusing. It was extremely distinctive and likely not as easily executed as other viable killing methods. The body was still here and recognizable so it most likely wasn't some kind of rogue creature, and the halfling girl didn't seem to recognize the used weapon. Although he didn't know her background so that might not be indicative. Speaking of, did she say her name?

"Those wounds are all aimed up and all are from objects moving inward, as if he was shot from below by several people at different angles. Not that I doubt your expertise" he nods to Nyssa "but this seems too perfectly orchestrated to not at least involve magic. And it raises a million questions as to why. I didn't see anything around his eyes."

Zeike looked to the guards. "Do you happen to know this man's name and any particularly useful information about him? Where he patrolled, any problems, so on? I have some feelers I'd like to put out and those will help my contact collect information more efficiently."

2017-09-08, 06:18 PM
The Sergeant thinks for a moment, picking his brain for the right words to describe the fallen.
"Sullivan. He worked the markets. As far as I know he was well liked. A little simple perhaps... That's not fair. Earnest. Direct. Didn't have the head to sneak or scheme."
People can now look at each other's spoilers as enough information has been shared to render further secrecy counter productive. Please ignore any references to careers in Jaspar's. He is but a humble stage man. Anyone who wants to can make a Spellcraft check to figure out the source of the speckling near the eyes.

2017-09-08, 08:12 PM
When Jasper seems not to recognize the speckles at first glance, Nyssa racks her brain, trying to think of anything she might know. If she'd heard of them before, now was the time to remember it.


2017-09-21, 03:28 PM
That faint speckling pattern is a rather intense light burn. Something you would get from having your eyes far to close to an intense light.
Someone set off a flare right in front of this man, startling and blinding him right before he died.

(Flare as in the spell Flare. :smalltongue:)

2017-09-23, 01:26 PM
"Wait... I recognize these markings."

Nyssa squats down again, pointing at the victim's eyes.

"They're burns. The distinctive pattern means they were caused by a Flare spell. So he was blinded and stunned before he was killed."

She looks up at the others.

"Any idea what could have done that? Or who?"

Dante Falcon
2017-09-24, 01:33 AM
"A rogue caster perhaps? No offense to present company of course. Information is otherwise lacking. Might I make a suggestion? I know a bard in town I'd like to contact who can get some feelers out but this is the only body that we have information on. If the rest of you can perhaps gather information on the previous murders and associated crimes we might get a better picture. I'll likely get stuck running an errand for the bard in exchange for his help but it might get us a headstart on finding the culprits or their trail.

The guards were now forgotten to Zeike who was looking at his current compatriots, awaiting any responses.

2017-09-26, 08:35 PM
Jasper drummed his fingers against his thigh, then nodded in approval. The pieces were there, but they hadn't come together just yet. He turned to the guard in charge. "Now, in addition to the other deaths, the Magistrate also spoke of vandalism incidents that could be related. Do you have any further details about that?" Jasper flashed his most dazzling smile. "Also, I believe I failed to ask your name."

2017-10-03, 04:19 PM
"Zaltzman, Sir. And the incidents have been... Minor. A few broken signs. Some drapery torn down. To be honest, it may just be a rash of bad weather. Some onlookers said they saw the items in question get caught up in the wind."
Wait, what did he say?

"Zaltzman, Sir. And the incidents have been... Minor. A few broken signs. Some drapery torn down. To be honest, it may just be a rash of bad weather. Some onlookers said they saw the items in question get caught up in the wind."

2017-10-03, 04:24 PM
Berna sips from her flask. "No idea what could have done it." She puts the flask away. "I'm really much more of a when you find the problem i punch the problem kind of person."

2017-10-07, 11:33 PM
"So the wind kicks up, and then people die." Jasper nodded. "I mean, unless you want to look at signs and banners, we should probably check out the other victims."