View Full Version : What to use money on?

2017-08-21, 12:40 PM
So in my campaign, magic items are customized and are discussed beforehand with the GM. Points go for flavor.

Example 1:

My tempest cleric has fullplate that can be taken on/off as a free action, and which gives thunder+lightning resistance.

Example 2:

Our dragonborn sorceress has an amulet that lets her get extra breath attacks and which makes her breath attack scale.

Example 3:

Our halfling assassin has a short sword that can create its own poison, up to a certain gold allowance each day.

Example 4:

Our gnome warlock has glasses which within 30ft lets her detect magic. As she levels up the kind of information and the range increases. This has proven to actually be pretty useful.


None of us will be finding or buying any magical items. Which has led to me wondering what gold should be spent on. Any advice?

2017-08-21, 12:47 PM
Expensive spell Components, or skill training

Booze, parties, loose men and women... invest in businesses... buy vast tracks or land... donate to churches and charities... hire mercenary armies, or train and equip more loyal forces... but political influence... amass a lavish retirement fund

Basically, anything that real people flush with cash would blow it on, instead of scrounging every penny for the magic item treadmill of 3.X and 4e. In those editions I felt guilty spending any cash on 'roleplaying frivolities' instead of directly improving my character's adventuring capability... gold is a secondary EXP bank anymore

2017-08-21, 01:08 PM
Yeah. I've already started buying alcohol. And our elven rogue has spent all of his money on a frivolously fancy spyglass. My plan, such as it was, was to just collect as much gold as possible for a nice retirement.

But in the meantime, are there any mundane items that are especially useful? I already have a silver warhammer...are there rules for adamantine or other materials? Or any potions that are of special use?

2017-08-21, 01:18 PM
I have always liked the idea of buying custom equipment.

Doesn't have to be magic, can just be made from special materials. I have a list of 10 different materials that things can be crafted from, both weapons and armor, and it adds different properties to them. For quite a bit more money, you can make alloys combining the various materials together to make even stronger things, then at any point you want, you can enchant them to add +1 to +3. If you have someone with the right proficiencies and is a caster, they can enchant the items themselves, but it doesn't lower the price too much since the materials needed are the bulk of the expense.

I played Pathfinder for too long and i'm just too used to being able to buy useful items instead of relying on DM fiat or pure luck, both of which aren't particularly satisfying.

But my games are in my own world which has a greatly different economy. I also don't magically generate new gold in the world constantly, just move it around. Also most wealth is more abstract instead of actual coinage. Having a major bank and having bank notes worth varying amounts is a far better way to make expensive purchases than carrying around wheelbarrows full of gold. And having access to wheelbarrows full of gold is quite rare anyway.

2017-08-21, 01:33 PM
Well, just ask yourself "What would my Chracter do if he had a ****ton of Money?" You can tell your other Players that dto, because chances are all of you will be sitting on more Gold than any Dragon before long.

As a Cleric for example you could try to expand the Influence of your Church. You could buy People to build Churches in Villages that don't have them. You could make a big Shelter for the poor in a Big City, where you help People but also Indoctrinate them to your Faith.

Your Sorcress could try to get some other Casters together, to try and actually create some Magic items.

If you Assassin does not already have a Guild like that, he could open up an Assassins/Thieves/Poisoners Guilds. Just recruit trainers and poor People from the Slums, make a base in the underground/in an abondend Warehouse, and there ya go.

So he is a Warlock? Time to get Cuthulus Cult started! Fhtagen! If he gets enough Cultists Together his Patron might give him Boon!

Of course these are all just Ideas. There are so many things you can do with Money. You could even hire a Mercenary Army, and try to Conquer a small Kingdom, or a City for starters. If you characters rather just Party all day and night long thats fine as well.

So,... What does your Character want to do with this ****load of Money?

sky red hunter
2017-08-21, 03:03 PM
Buy some trading ships, hire crews, make more money, build a keep, fund private mercenary group, fund a secret information gathering guild, knowledge is power, use monetary power to influence political agenda, use information and financial clout to rise to the top, become king/emperor/sultan.

Build a keep in a barren but exploitable area, construct buildings for housing and commercial use, found new city, trade, expand, rule.

Hire lesser adventurers and basically play pokemon with them, make a party, take em on adventures, gain exp and level em up!

2017-08-21, 03:40 PM
Excuse me if I'm derailing the thread a bit, but..
Could I, and perhaps the rest of us, have some stats on that Dragonborn Sorceress' necklace?
I'm curious as to how your DM 'fixed' the breath weapon. Perhaps I could talk the DM of my upcoming game into letting my Dragonborn come upon a similar item.

2017-08-21, 07:26 PM
Fielding an army of 1000 men costs 60, 000gp per month. Probably more like 100, 000 when you take support and administration into account.

Quit piddling around with adventuring and take over a country.