View Full Version : Chorton's guild Blue 2 Bluer harder

2017-08-21, 10:01 PM
Heather for her part, had her own mission in the coming weeks. Although she had worked well with Menja in delivering Princess Au'buki to the wedding, what her next job was, was something Menja simply couldn't help with. Heather was being retained as a King's court wizard, due to their previous one dying and the apprentice not being up to stuff just yet. She was being called to perform wizardly duties with her divination and teach the apprentice some more complicated spells.

But don't worry, Chorton has jobs for the rest of you.

"This is another story about a princess. She hasn't been kidnapped." Chorton starts off as way of explanation. "She left of her own accord and that's the concern. She's the crown princess of the Asluzuian empire, an elven kingdom. She's found religion. Normally we wouldn't get involved, but her parents are paying quite well, and... she's found the religion of Pelor. Which my sources tell me on that material plane world, is a primarily human god. Almost exclusively in fact."

"She isn't being mind controlled. That was the first thing her parents checked, but unless they keep her under-guard twenty four seven she'll just leave at the first opportunity. Something is up with her drive for this religion. Her parents want her home, and her mind cleared. That may involve making her have a crisis of faith, that may involve finding out if the church has something on her, and removing that leverage. That may involve convincing her to try to stay and home and convert the court, or something else of course. Are there any questions?"

2017-08-22, 06:46 AM
The slightly transparent nymph, clothed in magic items that are enchanted to pass through walls with her, sighs, and says "Gods. Lovely. Always 'nice' when they get involved in things. Conversions are often prompted by friends, family, relatives, mates, or prospective mates... is there any indication of who brought that particular bit of corruption to her, or failing that, some form of contacts & relations list?"

Lord Bayushi
2017-08-22, 07:08 AM
The serpent creature Corivar balanced his form coiled around the chair provided, and used a simple cantrip to manipulate his mug of what the legged ones called 'coffee.' Alchemically, he mused, the combination of chlorogenic acids in the bean extract was complemented by the disaccharide cubes, but it was truly the phenolic compounds in the small amount of ethanol matrix commonly referred to as 'whiskey' that made the compound complete. Though he no longer required such sustenance since his transformation, he ingested certain compounds for the pleasure of the experience, his slightly spiked coffee among them. He sipped from the mug periodically as Chorton addressed the group. In between sips, his bright yellow tongue darted in and out of his mouth, a subconscious habit.

"Have the elven-breed sovereigns considered allowing an influential member of another, more racially or politically appropriate religious faction to attempt to sway the neonate toward another deity?" He spoke to the group in general, thinking out loud. "If she was manipulated into following the human-breed god, could it not be a simple matter to manipulate her to follow the elven-breed equivalent instead? At the very least it could allow her a forum to divulge the nature and fervor of her sudden faith and it's origins."

"Does the elven-breed royal neonate have a name," he continued, "or simply a title, like certain performers among the legged ones?" He used the same cantrip to manipulate a pen and some parchment to jot down notes.

2017-08-22, 10:15 AM
Quill, as others called the floating brain, had dressed It's vestigial body in a comically sized scholar's outfit since it was roughly a fifth the size of that most important organ and now did nothing short of being useless or a means to hold magical items. The gems, mainly topaz and amethyst, of its headband and bracers glistened in the light as it maintained its position floating at eye level of whoever was speaking. Every few seconds it would bob as if it was nodding along, vestigial body swaying under it, and it waited patiently for a moment to speak. The silver ink pen that it used for its magic was pulled out of its pocket with telekinetic force and a pair of golden glyphs was written within the air once such a break presented itself. From the glyphs it pulled out a proper ink pen and journal as it used telekinesis to join the serpentine companion in taking notes.

Politely it waited for another brief pause before it sent telepathically, its voice like a cool breeze devoid of emotion, "I would like to check out some books from the library before we leave. Anything on this Pelor and similar deities from the racially appropriate pantheon, the Asluzuian empire and surrounding lands, relationships between humans and elves in that particular region of space and time. Ultimately if she isn't being blackmailed and there isn't racial tension among the less enlightened races then we may want to talk to the court itself. Pelor, much as my goddess Shelyn, likely wouldn't turn down a devotee and could accept a change of appearance." Once It finished speaking it let the journal and ink pen circle around it's useless body, silver ink pen still it's telekinetic grasp.

2017-08-22, 03:44 PM
The slightly transparent nymph, clothed in magic items that are enchanted to pass through walls with her, sighs, and says "Gods. Lovely. Always 'nice' when they get involved in things. Conversions are often prompted by friends, family, relatives, mates, or prospective mates... is there any indication of who brought that particular bit of corruption to her, or failing that, some form of contacts & relations list?"

"It would have to be a friend or a mate. As family or relatives would have convinced her to follow some Elven god. That at least narrows it down to outside the court."

The serpent creature Corivar balanced his form coiled around the chair provided, and used a simple cantrip to manipulate his mug of what the legged ones called 'coffee.' Alchemically, he mused, the combination of chlorogenic acids in the bean extract was complemented by the disaccharide cubes, but it was truly the phenolic compounds in the small amount of ethanol matrix commonly referred to as 'whiskey' that made the compound complete. Though he no longer required such sustenance since his transformation, he ingested certain compounds for the pleasure of the experience, his slightly spiked coffee among them. He sipped from the mug periodically as Chorton addressed the group. In between sips, his bright yellow tongue darted in and out of his mouth, a subconscious habit.

"Have the elven-breed sovereigns considered allowing an influential member of another, more racially or politically appropriate religious faction to attempt to sway the neonate toward another deity?" He spoke to the group in general, thinking out loud. "If she was manipulated into following the human-breed god, could it not be a simple matter to manipulate her to follow the elven-breed equivalent instead? At the very least it could allow her a forum to divulge the nature and fervor of her sudden faith and it's origins."

"Does the elven-breed royal neonate have a name," he continued, "or simply a title, like certain performers among the legged ones?" He used the same cantrip to manipulate a pen and some parchment to jot down notes.

"Well all nobles are educated in the basics of the elven gods from an early age. They probably have figured that if she was going to take to a religion so strongly, she would have before now." Chorton explains. "Their may just not be a priest with the charisma to convince her to follow more acceptable gods. As for her name, it's." Chorton continues looking at his notes. "Princess Nyna of the Forest."

Quill, as others called the floating brain, had dressed It's vestigial body in a comically sized scholar's outfit since it was roughly a fifth the size of that most important organ and now did nothing short of being useless or a means to hold magical items. The gems, mainly topaz and amethyst, of its headband and bracers glistened in the light as it maintained its position floating at eye level of whoever was speaking. Every few seconds it would bob as if it was nodding along, vestigial body swaying under it, and it waited patiently for a moment to speak. The silver ink pen that it used for its magic was pulled out of its pocket with telekinetic force and a pair of golden glyphs was written within the air once such a break presented itself. From the glyphs it pulled out a proper ink pen and journal as it used telekinesis to join the serpentine companion in taking notes.

Politely it waited for another brief pause before it sent telepathically, its voice like a cool breeze devoid of emotion, "I would like to check out some books from the library before we leave. Anything on this Pelor and similar deities from the racially appropriate pantheon, the Asluzuian empire and surrounding lands, relationships between humans and elves in that particular region of space and time. Ultimately if she isn't being blackmailed and there isn't racial tension among the less enlightened races then we may want to talk to the court itself. Pelor, much as my goddess Shelyn, likely wouldn't turn down a devotee and could accept a change of appearance." Once It finished speaking it let the journal and ink pen circle around it's useless body, silver ink pen still it's telekinetic grasp.

"I'll tell the librarian to help you find the books necessary. Return them in the condition they were in." Chorton warns sternly.

2017-08-22, 05:17 PM
One ghost raises an eyebrow at the other, and says "I can likely answer any question you have about Pelor at least as well as our library. I've made extensive study of deities in general. The 'almost' on Pelor's worship is well-supported; Saint Jalnir the Gentle, for instance, was half-orc. Which may be useful if the princess has mostly-standard elven views...."+31 Kn(Religion) modifier over here.

2017-08-22, 09:24 PM
The strange shape of light that had been quietly sparkling in a corner suddenly coalesces, the image of a handsome, androgynous creature emerging from within the glittering energy. Sikhī bows their head to the group. "Religion is a wierd thing. People needing a voice for their morality I suppose. So we find the Princess, check if she's in a pickle, and help her come back to her family? Are they hiring the guild for prestige, or because they think something more dangerous is going on?"

2017-08-22, 09:42 PM
The strange shape of light that had been quietly sparkling in a corner suddenly coalesces, the image of a handsome, androgynous creature emerging from within the glittering energy. Sikhī bows their head to the group. "Religion is a wierd thing. People needing a voice for their morality I suppose. So we find the Princess, check if she's in a pickle, and help her come back to her family? Are they hiring the guild for prestige, or because they think something more dangerous is going on?"

"In case the church backs the princess and refuses to let you simply take her." Chorton replies. "Not that I think you will unless something's dangerous about the church. But you also have people among you, who can be quite convincing." Chorton adds.

2017-08-22, 10:41 PM
"I'll tell the librarian to help you find the books necessary. Return them in the condition they were in." Chorton warns sternly.
Quill gave another bob and sent "Of course, sir. I don't have the means to handle them physically anyway" with just a touch of humor that seems odd coming from such a monotone voice normally.

One ghost raises an eyebrow at the other, and says "I can likely answer any question you have about Pelor at least as well as our library. I've made extensive study of deities in general. The 'almost' on Pelor's worship is well-supported; Saint Jalnir the Gentle, for instance, was half-orc. Which may be useful if the princess has mostly-standard elven views...."+31 Kn(Religion) modifier over here.
The Contemplative adjusted it's facing toward the nymph and gave another bob, sending "That would be appreciated. It's important that one researches their next story before they begin writing it." It then floated silently toward the library while maintaining a position within one hundred feet so that it may still communicate, unless it was stopped by someone else, and gave a bob toward the librarian. It had spent countless years here and knew the rough location of where it needed to be without bothering anyone else and, true to it's word, didn't physically touch a book as it began to manipulate up to 11 of them at a time while using a bit more of it's mental ability to write down notes almost as fast as his mind could turn the pages. With each book it manipulated the silver ink pen to form a golden hand written in languages long lost that then opened it before putting it back in the same spot, under the same condition it had been found in.

I don't know if you actually care about that nonsense or not but I'll spend as long as I can researching things. I have a +30 History, +25 Arcane/Nature/Planes/Religion, +20 Others (although the religion I'll just use Jack_Smith's knowledge for). I'll look for whatever I can relating to the world we're about to go to and the noble family, etc etc, just so we don't look like complete tourists when we arrive.

Lord Bayushi
2017-08-23, 06:33 AM
The naga took another sip from his mug while the others spoke. He continued with his own questions once there was a pause to do so. "Is the neonate Nyna of age, as the elven-breed define it culturally, to make decisions of her own? If so, and she is free of dire influences or blackmail, and still decides on her evangelical path, what are we to do?"

2017-08-24, 04:55 PM
The nymph considers the Naga's question, and adds "That is indeed a good question... how does local law view her?" while she reviews her knowledge of Pelor's requirements, rituals, and ceremonies

Kn(religion): Taking 10: 10+31=41: Requirements, rituals, ceremonies, and rights of a Pelorite?

What does Pelor require of worshippers in terms of marriage, worship, holy days, and so on?
What rituals and ceremonies is a new pelorite expected to go through?
What rituals and ceremonies is a pelorite expected to observe regularly?
What does the Church of Pelor grant a worshipper that they don't to regular folks?
Kn(Local/Geography/Nobility/Planes): Taking 10: 10+18=28: What's the law that applies to the princess regarding adulthood, choice of deity, and so on?

After a little bit, the specter adds "Regardless, we should probably get going. I imagine that our customer is eager to have the matter resolved." And begins to head there.

2017-08-25, 01:29 AM
The naga took another sip from his mug while the others spoke. He continued with his own questions once there was a pause to do so. "Is the neonate Nyna of age, as the elven-breed define it culturally, to make decisions of her own? If so, and she is free of dire influences or blackmail, and still decides on her evangelical path, what are we to do?"

"You are to convince her. In whatever way you deem fit." Chorton replies.

The nymph considers the Naga's question, and adds "That is indeed a good question... how does local law view her?" while she reviews her knowledge of Pelor's requirements, rituals, and ceremonies

Kn(religion): Taking 10: 10+31=41: Requirements, rituals, ceremonies, and rights of a Pelorite?

What does Pelor require of worshippers in terms of marriage, worship, holy days, and so on?
What rituals and ceremonies is a new pelorite expected to go through?
What rituals and ceremonies is a pelorite expected to observe regularly?
What does the Church of Pelor grant a worshipper that they don't to regular folks?
Kn(Local/Geography/Nobility/Planes): Taking 10: 10+18=28: What's the law that applies to the princess regarding adulthood, choice of deity, and so on?

After a little bit, the specter adds "Regardless, we should probably get going. I imagine that our customer is eager to have the matter resolved." And begins to head there.

"She would be considered an adult by elven standards. However, as a noble she is expected to fulfill certain obligations. Obligations that I'm led to believe are impossible to fulfill if she's in a abbey half a country away." Chorton explains.

Pelor has slight homophobic tendencies in marriage. Humans are expected to multiply and be fruitful, although an unknown gay affair is not considered a problem.
Pelor clerics pray in the mornings. And their holy days start at the solstice and end around harvest time.
New clerics cannot take the cloth until they have destroyed at least one undead.
The most common rite is the blessing of the sun kissed field. Where farmer's harvests are increased.
Cheaper healing. Military training. Room and board in exchange for being a guard or arm of the faith.

2017-08-25, 09:43 AM
The statuesque warrior, Menja, had thus far remained silent, choosing to think on the coming mission rather than try to defend the gods from the comments of her companions.

Finally, as the others prepare to leave, she stands. "I will go along to ensure nothing untoward is happening here and to preserve the good name of the Guild, of course. But I will not force Nyna to worship a god other than the one she chooses, given that Pelor is a Good deity. I will lend my voice in conversation, but not conversion. I trust this is acceptable?" She looks toward Chortan at this, but glances at her companions as well, in case they have any objections that need addressing.

Assuming there are none, she nods. "Where can we find Nyna? Will one of the gates be taking us near her? And, more importantly,
should we speak to her family or her first?"

2017-08-25, 01:53 PM
"Acceptable. She's right now traveling out of elven lands with a group of priests. You should talk to her family first to get a better idea of what goes on in her head." Chorton replies.

2017-08-25, 02:13 PM
Quill started to put away the books it had been researching once it's comrades seemed ready to leave, organizing notes as it floated back to join everyone else. Another flash of golden words and they were put away within the extradimensional space it kept its belongings along with the ink pen it used to consolidate what already existed. It's cold voice swept over their minds as it sent "I have done what I could. Let us go and expand upon our knowledge while we discuss theirs."

2017-08-25, 07:36 PM
The transparent fey comments to Menja "Do keep in mind, at best we have a fragment of the story of what's actually going on at this point. Can you imagine, say, some clerics of Erythnul tricking the lady into thinking she's heading off to join the church of Pelor, when they're actually leading her to be sacrificed? I'd rather not limit our courses of action until we've got more solid information, if it's all the same to you. If I do find she's off to be sacrificed, I'm liable to want to get her out of that situation even if I can't convince her that's what's going on. But yes, let's go get more information. If there's a nearby gate, then well. If not, I can probably find a suitable path of shadows there if nobody else has a faster method."

Lord Bayushi
2017-08-25, 10:02 PM
The serpent uncoiled from the chair it was perched on and slithered through the air, into the antechamber just outside the room. It's possessions were in a pile at the side of the room, it slithered into each strap, belt, and bandoleer with a practiced ease, and with a magical shiver, shifted into a shape of a male elf of average build. His facial features were much his own, the addition of hair and a finely trimmed beard to accent his slightly slimmer and longer nose and chin. He returned to the table making slight adjustments to his gear and clothing, grabbing the now empty mug and scrubbing it clean with another cantrip.

"There may be little mystery here at all. A rebellious youth seeking out what her parents disapprove of seems as likely a story as any other. None the less, we should see if there is a puzzle to be solved. I'm ill equipped to travel between the planes without scrolls or other implements, so I will be grateful for any assistance in our timely arrival."

He placed his mug into the haversack hung like a satchel at his side, gathering his writing utensils and notes into it shortly thereafter. "I am ready to commence as soon as the rest of you are."

Corivar will make a Knowledge (Local) roll for appropriate dress for the area and a Linguistics roll for an appropriate accent. Due to the limitations of the die roller and how the Tenacious Inspiration ability works, I have to split up the rolls whenever I'm using my inspiration ability.
So, Knowledge (Local) [roll0] plus [roll1]
and Linguistics [roll2] plus [roll3]

2017-08-27, 07:52 PM
The strangely 'perfect' apparition leans back against the wall, smiling at the rest of the gathered group. "I'm with Menja, personally as well. As is Royal Eyes, being forced away from one's deity isn't something to take lightly. But I'm sure if the other theory is right and she's being coerced, we'll be able to figure it out!" they push themselves off the wall, a bright and airy demeanor to their step, walks into the center of the room, and offers out their hands. "I have Plane Shift prepared, so unless someone else wants to pilot? And don't forget to suppress any natural inclinations against magic, did that once and left a poor fellow two planes away because he forgot to take off his protective mantle."

2017-08-28, 03:52 PM
Menja nods in agreement. "As I said, I won't attempt to sway her from a Good god she chooses. If she is being tricked or coerced, it is not a choice.

That said, I believe we're ready to depart? Chortan, which gate are we to use?"

2017-08-30, 12:43 AM
Chorton gives you directions to an inn about a mile away.

The portal takes you to a building you were told that you were just outside the Elven capital, about 6 hours riding speed away. A inn used as a rest spot on a major road called the Moss trail road.

-Oh.- A young pretty elven boy calls out in elvish, before focusing for a moment and speaking in common. "It's um. How. You are from the city of many doors, correct?" He speaks hesitatingly as you realize you crawled out of a small fireplace. "How may I help you? You are on Moss trail road outside of Asluzuian the Capital city of Asluzuian empire. Do you have any questions?" He asks as your eyes take in the area you realize you are in a large tavern area of the inn.

2017-08-30, 07:10 AM
Darshee, disguised as a living elf, takes a moment to consider that in elven lands, she probably ought to either switch appearances a bit or learn Elvish decides to solve the problem by silently casting both Tongues (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/tongues/) and Cultural Adaptation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/cultural-adaptation/) before responding in elvish "Perceptive of you. What's your name? You can call me Darshee. And yes, we do have some questions. We understand that there was a party of Pelorites that came through recently, possibly with a new convert? We'd like to learn about them, and maybe meet with them."

2017-08-30, 02:29 PM
The elf boy shakes his head for a few moments, before snapping his fingers in realization. "Oh you mean the group of humans with that one elf? They didn't stop here, we offered them discounts but they gave us dirty looks and implied that they were force marching for pretty much as long as their was daylight." He replies.

2017-08-30, 02:55 PM
Quill for it's part didn't bother hiding what it was, or what all sentient life that focused on the mind would eventually become, as it performed the same motions necessary to start recording this newest chapter. Location, flora, fauna, and especially speech were recorded as they happened. For a second, though, it paused it's writing and sent to the child in an elvish monotone "Do you recall what direction and how long ago it was? Any information would be helpful."

2017-08-30, 03:20 PM
-It was a couple of days ago. And she went heading to the west. May I ask why?- The young elf boy asks concerned.

Lord Bayushi
2017-08-30, 07:14 PM
The elven version of Corivar adjusted his hat as he took in his surroundings. As he normally did in such disguises, he clinched his pipe in his teeth to help remind him to keep his tongue behind his lips. He started to light the pipe with magic, but, seeing that they had company that might not be used to such demonstrations, he walked over to the fireplace and used a tinder instead.

"We have business with the party in question, though first we must visit the capital," he stated in Elven. "You said that the humans reacted harshly to you and your fellows as they passed through. How about the elf woman with them, did she have a similar demeanor?"

Perception check to take in whatever might be present in our surroundings or interesting details about our contact: [roll0] plus [roll1]

2017-08-30, 07:51 PM
The elven version of Corivar adjusted his hat as he took in his surroundings. As he normally did in such disguises, he clinched his pipe in his teeth to help remind him to keep his tongue behind his lips. He started to light the pipe with magic, but, seeing that they had company that might not be used to such demonstrations, he walked over to the fireplace and used a tinder instead.

"We have business with the party in question, though first we must visit the capital," he stated in Elven. "You said that the humans reacted harshly to you and your fellows as they passed through. How about the elf woman with them, did she have a similar demeanor?"

Perception check to take in whatever might be present in our surroundings or interesting details about our contact: [roll0] plus [roll1]

"She.... Seemed a little confused and she herself wasn't hostile, but she went along with the group." The boy replies. "What business?" He asks concerned.

There doesn't seem to be anything particular unique about your surroundings or the contact.

2017-08-30, 07:53 PM
Menja offers a polite nod to their host, but chooses to remain in the background for this discussion. She does raise an eyebrow in curiosity when the boy mentions the hostile attitude of the Humans, filing it away for future reference.

The warrior glances through the windows briefly before standing with the rest of the group, absorbing the information.

2017-08-31, 06:55 AM
The apparition in the guise of a living elf, considers the boy, and says "The short answer is that the lady's parents are worried for her, would like us to make sure everything turns out OK, and to see her safely home. But then, all decent parents are worried for their children and want that, no? That said..." Darshee turns to her companions "... we may not have time to visit the palace. When we were given the contract, she was still there, so it made sense to start by going that way. If she's already a few days gone, that's not going to work out well."

Sense Motive:[roll0]: I'd like to know how bad the 'Peolorites' were to the boy. Are we talking people who are simply in a hurry and didn't want a sales pitch (which he was giving them), are we talking "active cruelty", or are we talking somewhere in the middle? It's a fairly important distinction, and it's also the type of thing perceptions can mess up - hence the sense motive check to see where his perceptions are slanting things. Additionally, there's often the desire to not slander others, so he could be sugar-coating for that reason.

2017-09-03, 11:31 AM
Somewhere inbetween, certainly rude but they didn't come to blows or anything.

How fast are you following the group guys. List whatever travel speeds you're going at, and how many hours a day you're willing to move.

2017-09-04, 06:18 PM
Having been quiet for most of this conversation, Sikhi steps forwards, a soft smile on their features. "Well, these people don't seem particularly... friendly, and our friend Darshee is correct, time is of the essence. Besides, we'll learn more from the fair lady ourselves than from her friends. If it pleases the more tactical members of our group, I could follow the road as a beam of light to find how far head they are?"

So Sikhī can turn into a beam of light, which lets them travel without effort for 150ft/round. It says it works like the Bralani's wind form ability, which would let them move at 600ft per round, but I'm not quite sure if it works like that, happy for GM to make a call.

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-05, 06:11 AM
Corivar's elven guise continued to smoke his pipe, eyeing the others with interest. "We could simply chase them down, but then what? We have no official documentation stating our status as envoys of the..." He thought for a moment about their company before proceeding, "Young woman's family, and no one there knows who we are, or why we were sent for. We could claim we have good reason to be there, but we have no evidence to the effect. We could manufacture such evidence, but the deception could be uncovered, and we will have lost the option for gaining trust and working in good faith."

He paused for a moment to take another puff. "If, instead, we continue to the capital as planned, we may gain valuable insight into the situation surrounding the young woman. In addition, we could obtain documentation from her family stating that we are valid agents with legitimate grounds for wanting to speak with her. We are almost certainly swift enough as a group to overtake the lead that they have, or will have should we go first to the capital as planned, as they seem limited to mundane means, whereas we are not. I, personally, would prefer we proceed as originally planned, if for no other reason as to provide legitimacy to our claims once we meet with the young woman and her party."

2017-09-05, 06:42 AM
The ghost hesitates "Which takes priority: Clear legitimacy, or the young lady's safety? We've got some reason to believe that the supposed Pelorites aren't who they say they are - those who are mean for no clear reason are usually far from Good, and Pelor bears that honorific - and if they're not who we think, they may not be going where we think, and it's also uncertain what happens when she arrives. Plus, if I can get a good look at them, I can probably tell you whether or not they're hiding any unexpected religious symbols, and that's something that may settle the matter in short order."

2017-09-05, 07:46 AM
Quill pauses in its writing and appears to look around at the group. It sent to them "It sounds like we need to split up. Sikhi could scout ahead, as well as anyone else capable of keeping pace. The rest of us can visit the palace, get a writ or whatever term this nation uses, and hone in on the scout's position. "

2017-09-05, 04:28 PM
Menja shakes her head "I am in favor of securing legitimacy first. We need the information, and, if nothing else, seeing the Pelorites' reaction to a legitimate command might give us more insight.

2017-09-05, 05:48 PM
The ghost considers "True. Hopefully we do outrun them. Still... perhaps someone who's good at avoiding notice? Todorakh perhaps? I can check in via Sending at intervals readily enough."
Has Todorakh's player vanished? If so, then most of the downsides of splitting up the party vanish. Additionally, Todorakh's good at both tracking (Scent ability and decent ranks in Survival) and Stealth, plus has a good speed. If the player's vanished, we can just handwaive that he's following them as a scout while we get the appropriate paperwork in order and interview family.

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-06, 03:51 PM
"I doubt that Chorton would be very happy with us requesting additional support at this time, so we will have to use who we have. We should make haste to the capital, then, to keep our quarry's lead to a minimum." Corivar bowed to their host, then headed for the door.

2017-09-06, 04:22 PM
"Alright then, it seems that most of us are not in favor of my scouting, and alas I would be rather conspicuous in my light form. To the city it is!" Sikhī says, following Corivar out.

2017-09-06, 07:06 PM
Menja offers a friendly nod and smile to the boy. "Thank you for your time and information, young one. Be safe."

She turns to follow her companions.

2017-09-06, 11:18 PM
It is only a couple of hours to the Elven capital Asluzuian at your travel speeds.

Although at first you are questioned extremely warily by the guards, once you explain your mission you are let under heavy guard to the palace.

The Capital is a place of more natural beauty then most of you probably imagined a capital having, with countless treehouses, buildings cut into rock carved cliff faces. And at the top of the cliff, lies the elven palace near a beautiful emerald waterfall.

As you actually enter the palace and the King and Queen look relieved to see you, the guard practically vanishes.

"Oh thank you, thank you oh so much for coming. Is there anything we can do to help you get our daughter back." The queen replies.

2017-09-07, 06:44 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros, in the guise of a living elf, bows and says "Your majesties, there are a few things we would like; we would like a suitable proper writ to present in case we are challenged... and we would also like some background on how the conversion came about. It is uncommon for such things to come out of nowhere, and insight into the circumstances and initiator of her conversion will likely aide in untangling the mess. We would like to perhaps interview her recent acquaintances."

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-07, 06:53 AM
The elven Corivar gave a proper bow, though the physical motion had a strange fluidity to it that called to mind a slither rather than a courtly gesture. He conversed in fluent Elven, but made no attempt to hide his native accent, thinking it was possible that the royal couple might take offense to any attempt to assume the nuances of their native dialect. "Peace and prosperity to your kingdom and family, your royal majesties," he began. "I am Corivar, and, on behalf of Chorton and his guild, we thank you for your hospitality and patronage. We are happy to be of service and hope to bring this unfortunate matter to a swift and happy close."

Following the formal greeting, he waited for a nod of acknowledgement before righting himself and proceeding more plainly. "We understand that the royal Princess has been gone for two days now, so we must make haste, which, I am afraid, requires us to beseech you for aid in a manner that is less formal than your position demands, and for that, I apologize." He bowed his head and, again, he waited for a nod before he continued. "First, if it would please your majesties, as my associate suggested, we would request a formal writ of our service to you, to include documentation of your wish that we return your daughter safely home, so that we may present it to the royal Princess and her party, on your behalf."

He gave a solid pause for interjection before continuing. "Second, if it would please your majesties, we would request that you have all of the royal Princess' close friends and servants be called together so that we may conduct brief interviews with them, in private if possible. Lastly, if it would please your majesties, we would request the opportunity to examine the royal Princess' personal chambers, with the utmost discretion, in the hopes that something present may help us to understand and correct the circumstances leading to her recent change of heart, and through that knowledge, help us to show her how she has gone astray and help to lead her back." Having finished his requests, he stepped back in line with the others, allowing them the opportunity to speak.

Well, that's a fine time to be ninja'ed

2017-09-07, 04:36 PM
Menja enters the chambers and inclines her head to the royalty. She seems about to speak when her companions offer up an excellent introduction, so she merely stares frankly at couple. She waits for their response so as to not interrupt them.

In case it's needed, Sense Motive for a "hunch" as they respond - assuming they don't give a one-word answer, that should be about a minute between everyone who is speaking. Are they hiding anything from us? Do they seem especially concerned for their daughter, or about something else? Which of the two seems to have the real authority? Anything similar important things that I'm able to pick up.

2017-09-09, 02:51 PM
You sense that the queen is the real power here. You get a mix of genuine worry about their daughter from both of them, a worry about the coming succession crisis if her daughter is not returned. And a distant third of worry about her own power. You also note that while the guard has vanished the King and queen don't seem particularly worried about their safety from you, even though most of you are powerful monsters.

At the request for writs, the queen nods. "That is forward thinking and reasonable, I shall have the scribe draw one up at once." She replies a finger over her lips.

"It was that blasted cleric." The king snarls, to wish the queen places a hand on his arm. "We recently entertained a human diplomat from the neighboring kingdom Slarin." She starts placing her arms across. "The diplomat was nice, professional and lied every second word as diplomats are want to do. Nothing out of him, or most of his routine was out of the ordinary."

"But. He had this incredibly beautiful cleric of Pelor with him. My daughter fell in love at first sight." The queen replies. "Young love. And this cleric used my daughter's love of her, to whisper lies in her ears. That humans were superior. That their drive and abomination would make them outstrip us." She continued.

"She ran away. To join some human cult. Pelor's a sun god. Humans are his primary worshipers, but... I've never before heard a cleric of Pelor sprout this pro human nonsense...."

She looks helpless for a second before turning to Corivar. "We can and will of course gather everyone of her friends in the capital. But she has friends in the outlying and border territories, do you think it's a good use of time to send for those as well?" She questions with a **** of her head.

2017-09-09, 06:14 PM
Menja offers a glance to the king as he speaks, then returns her attention to the queen. "We are sworn to investigate, of course,
but I do warn you that your daughter may well and truly be lost to you, in one sense. There may be no foul play involved.

"That said, we will do what we can. I do not feel that it is a good use of time to recall everyone who has met Nyna, though. We will need to catch up to the group sooner rather than later, so we can conduct our interviews and be on our way."

Menja glances at the others, leaving room for objections.

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-09, 11:28 PM
Corivar gave Menja a sideways look. "Of course, my companion doesn't mean to say that it is unlikely that we will be able to return the royal Princess to your majesties, only to state that there is a very slight possibility that the she has made this decision well-informed and without any form of manipulation or coercion. We simply have not collected any evidence as of yet, so we don't want to make unfounded claims."

He shook his head at the idea of sending for distant friends. "As we said, haste is an issue, so only her friends, servants, and associates within the capital need be called. In the meantime, I would suggest that some of us search the royal Princess' chambers, with as much escort as your majesties deem appropriate, while the rest of us start conducting interviews. As her closest servants should be nearby and available readily, they would seem to be best people to start interviewing."

He looked at his companions. "My personal talents would probably be better spent in the chambers. I admit, having never worked with any of you before, that I can't be a good judge of where each of you would be best employed."

2017-09-10, 02:38 AM
Quill pauses briefly in its writing to psionically add to the conversation "It may be feasible to gather her other friends from beyond the palace while we track down your daughter. When we return with her, or at least news of her, we can add their responses to the tale and create a satisfying conclusion. Otherwise I believe my companions have a course of action for us to pursue." It's writ, when it was obtained, was worked into the sheets of paper that it was writing on with a mental note to add a copy to it's report.

It shifted position when talk turned to what should be done by each party member and, sending exclusively to the party, "I will accompany the questioning. I can innately detect their thoughts just as easily as I speak using telepathy. Will you require aid or do you have something already providing you with additional competence and luck? Mundane or scrolls for the task at hand? If any of you require such then feel free to request such and Shelyn will provide for you as She has for me."

I can Inspire Competence for +3 and/or do the Luck Blessing for a "roll twice and take the better result".

Bard Performances have Lingering Performance and Epic Tales (so I could not even be in the room for the three rounds). I have 28 rounds remaining.
Blessing lasts a minute. I have 8 uses remaining.

Also if there's any random gear that's needed just say so. I have 900 gold pieces of mundane/scrolls/potions I can grab before needing to restock that ability.

Party Buffer HOOOOO!

2017-09-10, 09:23 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros quirks her mouth up slightly at 'blasted cleric' as she reads the lips of the royals, but bites her nonexistent tongue as she reads the thought from Quill. She has little to add, though, beyond a quick question to the king "What are your preferences regarding magical mental manipulation during the interviews of witnesses? Would charming any of her friends that seem uncooperative be out of line?" as she mentally replies to Quill Interviews can take quite some time... how long can you keep it up? I may be able to help you with that...Oh, right. We have a bard in the party now! Look up a Nymph's Inspiration ability, then look up Darshee's Charisma modifier. We'll need to get you a token.

2017-09-10, 05:33 PM
"In truth," Sikhī says, placing one of the spears on the ground and leaning on it. "My skills lie in battle, as much as I dislike that fact, it is my calling." they laugh, lightly. "I'm not of much use save as perhaps a lightbulb!"

2017-09-11, 07:56 PM
"We grant you permission to search Princess Nyna's quarters. Please use as much discretion as will not impede your task." The queen allows graciously, as she calls a few guards and gives hushed orders, to the effect of some of them being sent with Corivar, and others rounding up the help that interacted with Nyna the most.

Does anyone want to go with Corivar? Or are you staying in the throne room till the help arrives?

2017-09-11, 08:08 PM
Menja elects to wait with the group - she's more of a people person than a clue-finding person.

2017-09-12, 06:59 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros follows Corivar to start by examining the bedroom; who knows? Maybe there's a diary or something hidden away.

Perception: [roll0] to find anything of relevance.
Of likely note: Ring of X-Ray vision. Darshee can see through many solid objects... and of course, anything leaded against such is of particular interest anyway.

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-12, 07:21 AM
Once in the chambers, Corivar drew his Lens of Detection (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/lens-of-detection/) and began looking for clues. He also cast Detect Magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-magic/) periodically to look for magical auras.

Perception check [roll0] + [roll1].

2017-09-12, 08:08 AM
Quill for It's part stays within the chambers, floating in silence, until it is time for the interviews.

2017-09-13, 11:22 PM
Although Corivar detects no magical auras, it is not long until you find a small compartment hidden into the bed frame. In it lies a lead box, that when opened reveals a book glowing with faint evocation magic. Do you open this book?

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-14, 01:48 AM
"Ah ha," Corivar exclaimed once he found the book to call his companion's attention to it. "What do we have here?" He looked at the book vary carefully before proceeding, using his expertise to detect, and if necessary, disarm any protections it may have, be they magical or mundane.

As an Investigator, Corivar has the Trapfinding class feature. With the lens, and the bonus for finding traps, my Perception check for traps: [roll0] + [2d8b1] (EDIT: Oops, screwed up the extra die, I'll roll it in the OOC thread)

Should any traps be detected, after warning the any others to keep a safe distance, he will use his Brass Spider (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/brass-spider/) in it's capacity as MW Thieves' Tools, for a Disable Device check: [roll1]

2017-09-14, 10:17 AM
Corviar does find that the book is trapped, but he nudges open the book slightly and messes with one of the runes which disables the magic harmlessly.

The book now open starts as a diary talking about normal Elven politics. Do you read further, jump to a specific day?

2017-09-14, 05:06 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros makes a suggestion "Perhaps start at the end, then work our way backwards to when the diplomat arrived? It's likely that plans and things will be late in the book."

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-14, 05:30 PM
Chorton nodded at Darshee's suggestion. "Indeed." He then turned to Quill, using a simple cantrip (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/message/) to carry the message to him in a hushed whisper, "I can read the contents to you like this, if you can then use your abilities to carry them to minds of the others, then we can all be privy to what is written, with a minimum of eavesdropping."

He turned to the final entry, reading it in a hushed whisper still clearly heard by the spectral brain.

2017-09-15, 02:00 AM
With a bob as if the brain was just floating Quill sent to the group "Very well, let us join in thought and determine what the princess was thinking." True to the request it sent along, verbatim, the journal's contents to the rest of the group while it fought the urge to copy it down for it's own records.

2017-09-15, 02:52 AM
Sikhī leans on one of their spears more heavily, and leans over to Menja. "Comrade Menja, I appreciate that we're on the same side in relation to the young girl's ultimate right to choose her own path. But this mention... specter of human superiority, well, it makes Royal particularly nervous... they say, eyes flickering a deep, burnished gold for a moment. "If we find it was mere words unenhanced by enchantment that swayed her, but those words were falsehoods, and of evil mind, I am curious as to what your reaction would be."

2017-09-18, 12:25 AM
The final entry is a passionate love letter to a woman called Helena which you can only assume is the cleric in question.

"We must save the elves from themselves. We elves are lazy. We live nearly a thousand years, and we are only as advanced as the human races with their century life span. For the sake of future prosperity, we must persuade the king of Slarin to declare war on my parents. Conquer the elves so that all the natural resources of this place, can be put to use instead of being left to rot on the vine. My... my heart hurts, my hands tremble. But I know what I must do."

2017-09-18, 06:13 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros blinks after reading the words from Corivar's lips, and replies "Of course they're not greatly further advanced. When it comes to the good ideas, all races exchange them - whether that's freely as gifts, at price in trade, unwittingly as they get stolen, or unwillingly by force. Plus, of course, the age of the individuals of a species doesn't sayanything at all about how advanced they can be - one generation teaches the next, after all. Are the prior entries any more sensible?"

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-18, 06:42 AM
Corivar withheld further comment a moment while he quickly read over the next oldest entries, so that they could have a fuller perspective before discussion. He continued to read to Quill in a whisper, so that the others could be relayed the information in short order as well.

He will go over the entries for the week or two prior for a more clear framework of 'how' the Princess came to such a drastic set of conclusions.

2017-09-19, 09:27 PM
Menja glances at her companion, then offers a reassuring smile. "A decision built on lies is not a decision at all, is it? Without a doubt, I would seek to rectify the situation by exposing the falsehood if possible." Menja pauses for a moment, frowning and staring into the middle distance.

"I am not so naive as to think that every decision must be constantly respected - after all, I have built much of my life on working to encourage people to make better decisions. Does that satisfy you?"

2017-09-20, 02:06 AM
"It's not about satisfying us.. just something I was curious about" Sikhī replies, mostly ignoring the information coming to them through the link, allowing Royal Eyes to do the thinking for the pair. They sigh, and close their eyes for a moment. "My own brethren would likely say such plans need to be fought with violence. Immediately and swiftly. I take a more relaxed view, but... well, I'm sure we've both seen ugly things."

2017-09-21, 12:31 AM
Quill continues to telepathically relay the contents of the journal while it begins to recall what it found during it's research about what the princess is talking about. As topics come up it continues to sort through it's memories, occasionally pulling sheets of paper from a brief flash of golden light to read it before it disappears in another golden light. If it didn't find anything then it would simply file away the gaps for future questions once they're done with their preliminary fact finding.

From that researching I did before we have to ask the natives their information:
Knowledge Geography on where Slarin is: [roll0]
Knowledge Nobility to know what kind of kingdom Slarin is: [roll1]
Knowledge Local to figure out if Slarin could be the main Pelor-worshipping place here (if Religion instead then add +5 to the result): [roll2]

2017-09-21, 11:07 PM
Corivar withheld further comment a moment while he quickly read over the next oldest entries, so that they could have a fuller perspective before discussion. He continued to read to Quill in a whisper, so that the others could be relayed the information in short order as well.

He will go over the entries for the week or two prior for a more clear framework of 'how' the Princess came to such a drastic set of conclusions.

You read more tales of infatuation. The human cleric spending every late night with the princess long after everyone else in the diplomatic routine seemed to need to sleep.

Overtime the passages turn from loving Helena in despite of what she sees as poor logic. Then starting to be swayed especially discussing the elves long life spans, then starting to agree to the war.

Quill continues to telepathically relay the contents of the journal while it begins to recall what it found during it's research about what the princess is talking about. As topics come up it continues to sort through it's memories, occasionally pulling sheets of paper from a brief flash of golden light to read it before it disappears in another golden light. If it didn't find anything then it would simply file away the gaps for future questions once they're done with their preliminary fact finding.

From that researching I did before we have to ask the natives their information:
Knowledge Geography on where Slarin is: [roll0]
Knowledge Nobility to know what kind of kingdom Slarin is: [roll1]
Knowledge Local to figure out if Slarin could be the main Pelor-worshipping place here (if Religion instead then add +5 to the result): [roll2]

Knowledge checks It is the nation immediate to the west. Slarin is a male only bloodline monarchy.

Slarin isn't a theocracy. But like most human nations, Pelor is the most common faith.

2017-09-23, 07:30 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros considers, and suggests "What do you think the odds are that the priests are actually Pelorites at this point? Might be some splinter cult, but it seems far more likely that some third party wants a war to weaken both nations, and is trying to slander Pelor in the process. Thoughts?"

2017-09-23, 11:11 PM
Quill bobbed and sent to it's party "It is likely that the country used Pelor as a cover. Currently we should investigate this Slarin involvement before we tackle the possibility of a third party, though." It shifted to look at the king and queen and included them in the next bit as it sent "What was it that the diplomat came to your nation for? Have your nations had much contact in the past and if so then how has it gone?"

Lord Bayushi
2017-09-26, 06:41 AM
Corivar took a moment to thumb through the entries concerning the diplomat as Quill had requested, relaying any information he found. As he did so, he added "Well, it would seem that it is definitely in the royal neonate's best interest, and that of her country, to be returned home as soon as possible. I find it highly unlikely that anyone that is a devoted worshiper of Pelor would act to turn nations against one another, especially for such petty reasoning as racial bias."

"However," he added, "The motivations of her manipulator and the overall extent of said plot, while certainly interesting, hardly pertain to our mission or mandate. We were hired to return the elf-breed home, not to interfere with said plots or politics. While I'm not privy to the negotiations for our fees, I am sure that Chorton would be less than pleased for us to greatly exceed our mandate without at least giving him the option to renegotiate our contract. That leaves us the much simpler problem of locating our quarry and separating her from her manipulators, by whatever means prove necessary, and returning her here forth with."

2017-09-27, 05:07 AM
The aware ghost shakes her head at the unaware "There'd be no point for Slarin to start a war in this manner unless there's already a third party they need to manipulate. If they want a war, they'd just attack. The only reason not to would be some third party that will intervene if they do that, but not if they 'have cause' by whatever phrasing. Far more likely that Slarin's a victim too. Regardless, convincing the princess to come home makes either setup fall apart."

2017-10-04, 10:53 PM
Quill bobbed and sent to it's party "It is likely that the country used Pelor as a cover. Currently we should investigate this Slarin involvement before we tackle the possibility of a third party, though." It shifted to look at the king and queen and included them in the next bit as it sent "What was it that the diplomat came to your nation for? Have your nations had much contact in the past and if so then how has it gone?"

The queen smiles warmly. "Just standard diplomat items. Trade goods, the possibility of marriage, we've had plenty of contact in the past." She explains.

2017-10-07, 06:59 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros considers, and says "Well, I imagine that's about the limit of what we'll learn from here... shall we join the others in interviewing her friends, or do you think they're done and we're about ready to go talk to the lady herself?"

Lord Bayushi
2017-10-09, 06:26 AM
The elven guise of the naga shut the book, returning it to the hidden nook where he had found it. "I fear there is little more of consequence to learn from interviews, provided that the information in the journal is accurate. Given the care taken to hide and protect it's contents, I have little reason to believe it isn't."

He took care to try to return anything disrupted by their presence to it's previous condition, though he did so in haste. "We should try to learn the quickest route to the capital of Slarin, as it is likely that is where they are headed if the princess intends to meet with the king. Cutting them off would be preferable to chasing them."

2017-10-09, 12:38 PM
Quill bobbed it's acceptance of the plan while it sent "That sounds as good of a plan as any. It may be ideal to set up some place where they're likely to enter so that we can question them and figure out where things went south." To the queen he added "What route did the diplomats take to get to your kingdom? Do you have a map that we can use to help guide us?"

2017-10-16, 06:27 PM
"We shall have the scribes gather the best maps we have to offer. We believe they would have taken Moss trail road for as long as they have been moving. It's the most direct route. If they have been moving at normal speeds, they should still be in the kingdom."

"If they haven't, well we still have intelligence on the main roads that would take them to the capital of Slarin." The queen continues.

Within a few minutes you have copies of the maps in question.

How do you intend to find or catch up with the group?

2017-10-17, 07:01 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros says "All right then... gather round... I imagine we'll want to get in front of them and greet them on the way. We know they were doing a forced-march, and the lead is a divine caster, and that they were on horseback. That and the time gives us a pretty good idea how far along they'll be...." Darshee makes sure to take suitable input from anyone suggesting a different plan, and if no other course of action is suggested, does the casting.

I'm the closest we have to a teleporter in the group, with Shadow Walk. 50 mph, can take the whole party at no penalty.That should have been how we got here, too. I'll need to know how many of the spells I expend doing this (Distance), but can keep it up basically 23 hours a day. I can get Transport Via Plants, but don't have it prepared today. Oh well, next adventure.

2017-10-18, 03:39 PM
Quill bobbed closer and sent "Let us be on our way then, it seems like our best option. We can greet them roughly...here..." The quill it used to take notes floated over to the map and hovered roughly at where the last casting would deposit them, assuming it wasn't more than a day ahead of the other party.

2017-10-18, 03:44 PM
Sikhī gives their spears a swift spin before depositing them in their slots across their back and steps forwards, grinning. "Lets be off then. Sorry for not being as much help in that part of matters, but rest assured I've been listening, friends."

2017-10-21, 12:31 AM
[It will actually only take 1 casting of shadow walk to overtake the human (and elf) party. How far ahead do you want to go? And what preparations do you want to make? ]

2017-10-21, 06:13 PM
Darshee drops everyone off an hour's ride ahead of where they expect the clerics to be, and renews both Tongues, Cultural Adaptation, and Enhanced Diplomacy on herself, focusing on the princess's specific culture based on knowledge gleaned from her diary.

I figure I'll be starting with talking. First two last 10 minutes/level; Enhanced Diplomacy only lasts a minute, but is an at-will cantrip.

Basically, that just gives me a +4 to Diplomacy (2 Circumstance, 2 Competence) and ensures that whatever language they choose to speak in, I've got it.

2017-10-21, 08:42 PM
Once it was floating on the road Quill shifted in stance, the only indication of such being the appearance of ghostly wings before those too faded. It seemed to ponder it's next action before it decided to float off to one side and simply wait for the group to arrive.
Look at me with no real buffing to do. I'll go ahead and officially get in the Stance of the Silver Crane so I can get that Protection from Evil, just in case.

Lord Bayushi
2017-10-22, 01:58 AM
Corivar took the opportunity to tie several ropes to trees at one end of the road, and made marks on trees on the opposite side so that, once the arrival of the princess' party was eminent, it was a simple matter to have several ropes tied at body to shoulder height of a rider across the forward path of the road. These preparations were many yards behind the others, and were finalized and concealed via his enchanted smoking bottle once their forward most scouts confirmed the party was sighted. As a result, once the party arrived, the road ahead was engulfed in magical smoke, which concealed a few rope obstacles which, while possibly painful, were certainly not lethal to either beast nor rider.

Using some rope and his Eversmoking Bottle, Corivar will cut off the path beyond our party, but will do so only once their arrival is immediate so as not to warn them too much of the encounter ahead, and not to block other potential traffic. Trusting the VERY charismatic nymph ghost to do the talking, he will stand inside the edge of the bottle's smoke cloud, which by design would be about 40 ft from the meeting area. The smoke should provide him full concealment while not hampering his ability to see due to his Cloud Sight ability. He will have his crossbow in hand, though not initially pointed at anyone, and will maintain his Altered elven form, and his Stance of Piercing Rays, should things turn badly.

2017-10-22, 02:49 PM
Sikhī simply steps a few feet in front of the group, and sits down in the middle of the road, spears across his lap. He tends to dislike buffing himself unnessercarily. And with any luck, there will be no battle to come. With any luck, he'll be entirely superfluous to this battle.

"How long before we expect them, friends? And do we have a plan for how to speak to them first?" he asks, looking back and raising an eyebrow at the group.

2017-10-25, 09:16 PM
Darshee. As you see the horses and the elven rider, and human riders.

They look at you strangely. They move to avoid trampling you. But they don't seem to be slowing down to talk.

What do you do?

2017-10-26, 06:53 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros shouts after them "You don't want to just trample through that!" wondering if they'll listen, or hit the ropes Corivar so thoughtfully set up and clouded.

Meanwhile, she checks them out with X-Ray vision, to see if they're hiding anything of note - curious letters, (un)holy symbols, and so on - where they can't easily be seen as she makes sure to follow them with her eyes so she can read their lips if they reply.If desired:
Kn(Religion): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Edit: Also: Can I get the relative positioning of the group? Is the princess in the front, middle, back, sides, what? Readying an action to cast "Fairy Ring Retreat", with the designated people of "our party" and "the princess" - but not her horse or companions - in front of the princess if nobody slows down to talk. I cast silently, so if they're past me, focusing on the road ahead while hurrying the horses, they may have trouble realizing it's there to avoid it. I can customize the setup of the fairy ring retreat, so the entry is fifteen feet up, above a big, thick, soft pad of moss. Otherwise, a nice big open field. The idea being to drop her into a safe trap away from the priests if it comes to a fight.

2017-10-26, 01:50 PM
Noticing the fog appearing before them. The riders stop their horses. Most of them are armored, but the two in the middle are not, the princess and what you can only assume is the cleric that captured the princess's heart.

They wear their holy symbols openly. But... Something seems off, this doesn't seem to be pelor's holy symbol. There are some slight modifications to it.

"What is the meaning of this?" Helena questions hand on her hip as she glares sternly at Darshee.

2017-10-27, 06:46 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros shakes her head while reading their lips, and replies saying "I had nothing to do with the fog, nor the ropes that some 'genius' ..." she rolls her eyes "...strung up in it. I do want to talk to the beautiful lady you're escorting, though." Darshee smiles coyly at the princess, and flutters her eyes.
OK. Do you want to describe the differences in detail, do you have a picture, or will a knowledge check suffice to figure out which sect / cult (or to figure out that it's just 'off' because they don't use holy symbols but also don't want to use the 'right' one so as not to tip off Pelor - I can see an Oracle doing that, for instance) (rolled earlier in spoiler)? With the description so far, these cases cannot be distinguished. At the same time, the holy symbol that they're wearing openly would be obvious and easy to see. And my character has a decent modifier on Kn(Religion).

Also: Keep in mind, just because they're wearing a holy symbol openly doesn't mean I'm NOT going to check for hidden ones (including covered tattoos or the birthmark ones), especially as easy as it is for me to check with the ring of X-ray vision left active. I'm assuming that, say, a Trickery deity wouldn't have a problem with clerics pulling one over on someone via using a symbol of another deity that is just-slightly-off, 'desecrated' in some way, or whatever ... but they'll probably keep one that matches their deity on hand for when they cast a spell that needs it.

And now that they're talking:
Diplomancy: [roll0] (includes buffs from earlier - I'm actually more concerned about the princess than her escort)
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2017-10-27, 10:40 AM
Ah yes, with her centuries of knowledge, Darshee recognizes the symbol as a symbol of Pelor the burning hate. A devilish creature that claims to be the true form of Pelor.

Pelor the burning hate, takes Pelor's gentle sun, and turns it into a god of dehydration, deserts, skin cancer, and human supremacy. Pelor the burning hate only hates undead because they cannot suffer as living creatures do.

They do not seem to have any other holy symbols however.

The princess blushes as Darshee flutters her eyes, prompting an annoyed noise hand on hip, and eyeroll from Helena.

"Did mother send you?" She asks looking to your elven looking ears. "I.... Have to give her credit for thinking of something so outside the box as getting me to fall in love again. But I'm not coming home anytime soon." She remarks.

2017-10-28, 07:09 PM
Quill for it's part shifted in position slightly as it began to read the thoughts of those so thoughtfully stopped after a brief confirmation that none of them are shown to be evil. The floating brain made a mental note for those that are protected or otherwise prevent it's abilities from working while not making any real effort to hide it's form.

Gonna go ahead and Detect Evil them just to be sure they're either not evil or at least prepared for such divinations.
Then I'll go ahead and Detect Thoughts the group.
DC 22 to stop the actual surface thought reading from the group.

2017-10-29, 01:37 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies honestly "I am involved in a contract with your parents, although the specific wording was 'In whatever way you deem fit' for that regard. But no; I've no real intent of seducing you, I'm merely pointing out that if you're that easy to fluster, then while what you're feeling may be very passionate and could be called love without stretching the definition too much... it's not precisely what you think."

She sighs as she continues "Which appears to be the theme of the day. Take Pelor worship as an example. There's a lot of beliefs about Pelor. The most common have him as 'The Sun Father' and 'The Shining One'. That'd be the mainstream Pelor worship that most are familiar with. But that's not the only belief about him. There's also a sect that calls him 'The burning hate', and even some that believe he's basically just Zarus in hiding. Having laid eyes on the symbol, I can now confirm your lover there is not of the mainstream variety... but of course, you don't necessarily trust me. That's actually OK. There's a straightforward way to clear this up. I'll offer you a deal: I'll take all of us - you, your lover, her guards, my companions, and myself - to Slarin's capital via a Shadow Walk spell... and drop us all off in a large and mainstream temple of Pelor, the sort you think of when you think of Pelor worship. You ask them to confirm that your lover's Symbol is legitimate. If I'm mistaken, they'll sort that out very quickly and you'll be that much closer to your goal. If not, I can take you home the same way. Does this sound good?" Diplomancy's request clause. I'm asking the princess, not her lover, to agree: [roll0] (includes the listed buffs from earlier).

2017-10-29, 09:10 PM
Quill for it's part shifted in position slightly as it began to read the thoughts of those so thoughtfully stopped after a brief confirmation that none of them are shown to be evil. The floating brain made a mental note for those that are protected or otherwise prevent it's abilities from working while not making any real effort to hide it's form.

Gonna go ahead and Detect Evil them just to be sure they're either not evil or at least prepared for such divinations.
Then I'll go ahead and Detect Thoughts the group.
DC 22 to stop the actual surface thought reading from the group.

Detect evil eventually pings on every single one of the riders, with the exception of Helena, and the princess.

Do you still read their thoughts?

Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies honestly "I am involved in a contract with your parents, although the specific wording was 'In whatever way you deem fit' for that regard. But no; I've no real intent of seducing you, I'm merely pointing out that if you're that easy to fluster, then while what you're feeling may be very passionate and could be called love without stretching the definition too much... it's not precisely what you think."

She sighs as she continues "Which appears to be the theme of the day. Take Pelor worship as an example. There's a lot of beliefs about Pelor. The most common have him as 'The Sun Father' and 'The Shining One'. That'd be the mainstream Pelor worship that most are familiar with. But that's not the only belief about him. There's also a sect that calls him 'The burning hate', and even some that believe he's basically just Zarus in hiding. Having laid eyes on the symbol, I can now confirm your lover there is not of the mainstream variety... but of course, you don't necessarily trust me. That's actually OK. There's a straightforward way to clear this up. I'll offer you a deal: I'll take all of us - you, your lover, her guards, my companions, and myself - to Slarin's capital via a Shadow Walk spell... and drop us all off in a large and mainstream temple of Pelor, the sort you think of when you think of Pelor worship. You ask them to confirm that your lover's Symbol is legitimate. If I'm mistaken, they'll sort that out very quickly and you'll be that much closer to your goal. If not, I can take you home the same way. Does this sound good?" Diplomancy's request clause. I'm asking the princess, not her lover, to agree: [roll0] (includes the listed buffs from earlier).

"I... Cannot believe you." Nyna of the Forest replies. "I know enough about magic, to be able to tell that I could identify your spell. And I'm sure you would. I do not know, if you would target us all however, and would have no way of knowing at the moment of casting."

"However. I can't really, and have no intention of stopping you from riding along us. It may be a pain to keep up however. We've been taking long days." She remarks.

2017-10-30, 07:07 AM
"I... Cannot believe you." Nyna of the Forest replies. "I know enough about magic, to be able to tell that I could identify your spell. And I'm sure you would. I do not know, if you would target us all however, and would have no way of knowing at the moment of casting."

"However. I can't really, and have no intention of stopping you from riding along us. It may be a pain to keep up however. We've been taking long days." She remarks.
Darshee nods her head slightly and says "If you can identify spells, then I can address the concern related to being unable to stop it once I start casting. First off: It's your parents that hired us - and we stopped and got a writ from them, if you need some evidence of that - so you know we're not going to do anything harmful to you. If you hold your lover tight, any area-based spell I might cast would also include you... and any hostile targeted spell that could get around that... well, if that was our planned method, we wouldn't need your cooperation, so that's clearly not the route we're trying. Shadow Walk is a touch spell - as are most transport spells - and so I don't have to discharge the effects immediately; I can hold the charge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat/#TOC-Touch-Spells-in-Combat) long enough for you to not only recognize what I'm casting, but to communicate that to anyone nearby. Once you are satisfied that it is, indeed, Shadow Walk, then we can go. So if I just cast the one spell, and you know what it is, and it includes you, then you can be reasonably sure that the spell is not going to harm your other half. Additionally, while it's warped, you can see the material realm while using Shadow Walk - which means that if you know how to navigate, you will also be able to confirm we're going in the promised direction. I cannot risk abandoning you to get lost on the Plane of Shadow, so I also can't simply use that route to take you back to your parents without your cooperation; you might let go. Logic can tell you that I fully intend to do exactly what I say. I'm not the one you have to trust for you to agree. To agree, you have to trust is that your lover has been honest with you. If she has been honest, then we're going to a stronghold of her faith, and she has nothing to fear there. So the real question is: Do you trust her?"

Sense motive:
How is the lover taking this speech? [roll0]
How are the guards taking it? [roll1]
How is the princess taking it? [roll2]

2017-10-30, 03:04 PM
You can't read Helena in the slightest.
The guards/diplomat seem a little concerned, but for the moment they trust Helena more.
Princess Nyna seems to be utterly unconcerned or unconvinced by your proclamations.

You can only take 13 creature correct. Are you leaving the rest of the group and the horses, to transport the diplomat, guard, Nyna, and Helena? The riders themselves number 10. So you could bring up to three people.

"That is fair. As long as you understand that if you abandon any of my group, I will immediately bolt to whatever the material or plane of shadow has for me." Princess Nyna of the Forest proclaims. "Is that acceptable?"

2017-10-30, 05:28 PM
With a smile, the lanky creature sitting in the road unfolds itself, and Sikhī walks forwards, smiling brightly. "Always the consummate diplomat" they say, smiling at Darshee, and inclining their head towards the princess. "Sikhī, Princess." they address, holding their spears pointed down at the ground non-threateningly.

2017-10-31, 06:28 AM
The disguised spirit replies with "As long as you don't count the horses. I don't have that kind of carriage. They'll probably just wander home anyway. Are you ready to go?"

2017-10-31, 12:35 PM
The disguised spirit replies with "As long as you don't count the horses. I don't have that kind of carriage. They'll probably just wander home anyway. Are you ready to go?"

Princess Nyna looks at the rest of her group as Helena nods.

"Yes we are." She replies with her own nod.

Lord Bayushi
2017-11-01, 06:00 AM
Having watched and listened to the discourse, Corivar took a few moments to untie his ropes and coil them up to be returned to his pack. With a simple command word, the magic vial spewing forth smoke closed, and the cloud began to clear. He gathered the bottle back up as well, and returned his crossbow to it's slung position behind his back, before emerging from the clearing cloud to join the others.

He moved to Sikhi's side, giving a formal bow to the princess when noticed, but acknowledging all others with a simple nod. "You may call me Corivar, your highness. So glad that this has been such an agreeable meeting."

2017-11-01, 06:37 AM
The disguised lady nods, then replies "OK then..." as she walks over to a suitably shady spot, and casts the specified spell, holding the charge until everyone is ready.

2017-11-02, 04:40 PM
Sikhī pauses as they look over to the shadowed area. "We may make our own way there... Royal doesn't like shadowy places, particularly." they say, giving a small laugh before jumping into the air and transforming into a sphere of bright light, making shadows of it's own all around, before it starts to move away, gathering speed quickly.

2017-11-04, 09:07 PM
Quill paused in it's bobbing and sent to it's team "We should leave the riders. Each one of them is evil and I don't suspect that the princess entirely realizes the situation. The diplomat isn't, however." Still it pressed on with the invasion of the newcomer's thoughts. It would explain itself if it came up but otherwise saw no reason to request permission to invade minds.

2017-11-05, 09:43 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies along the telepathic link "Leaving them gets them out of our way, but introduces another complication - namely, the princess leaving in transit - and keep in mind, we're here to convince the princess to go home, in addition to whatever else we may choose to do along the way. Also consider: If I leave them here, then they're free to go about their natural inclinations. If I take them with... well, what do you think will happen to people openly wearing a symbol of heresy when I drop them off in a bastion of the base church? I suppose I could leave them behind if you wish to insist, but it doesn't seem like a good idea. I actually expect the consort to break the chain somewhere in the mix for that reason... please be ready, and do call Sikhī back if you can. I'd rather we have a full group if they exit early."

2017-11-12, 11:34 PM
And so you all go in transport with the shadow walk.

Even on the plane of shadow, several hours later the capital city of Slairn is fantastic. A mutlilayer tiered city set into the side of a mountain. The temple of Pelor is obvious even in the shadow plane. A mirror of reflected sunlight at the top of the city, the largest building by far. A jewel blazing with the radiance of the sun god.

There may be an issue. The carvings on the temple are of the proper Pelor holy symbol.

But on the temple walls, and the city walls banners portray the corrupted symbol Helena uses.

What do you do?

2017-11-14, 08:04 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros curses under her breath in both infernal and abyssal on the approach, then shrugs and says "Well, we'll be exiting in a moment... lets see if we can find an old, experienced priest to distinguish, as the symbols are quite similar."

2017-11-14, 02:03 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros curses under her breath in both infernal and abyssal on the approach, then shrugs and says "Well, we'll be exiting in a moment... lets see if we can find an old, experienced priest to distinguish, as the symbols are quite similar."

Helena gives you a superior smirk. Seeming to both hear you, and understand both languages.

2017-11-14, 05:14 PM
The beam of light streaming across the landscape seems to pause as it approaches the edge of the city, hovering for a short time before descending to land near the Temple of Pelor, making little attempt to hide themselves as Sikhī coalesces once again, a few minutes ahead of when the others would be likely to arrive.

2017-11-14, 11:23 PM
Quill doesn't seem to ever turn off it's detection abilities the entire time they travel or when they land. At the same time it pulls forth sheets to record the latest journey, copying down what it sees and what it hears from the surface thoughts. Once it's finished it sends out "There should be no issue with finding such a thing, right? Given a few words I should be able to make ourselves seem more favorable to the natives if such is desired or even needed."

2017-11-15, 07:56 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros targets the largest open area in the center of the church, knowing full well that there's going to be some shuffling.

Standard is : [roll0] * 100 feet in a random direction. Just for giggles, rolling a d8 for direction: [roll1] (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). If that's occupied, it's [roll2] * 1,000 feet in the same direction. If THAT is occupied, we go to nearest available spot, and everyone's fatigued without a save. Note that I'm immune to fatigue.

2017-11-15, 10:51 AM
Seven hundred feet puts you just outside the church.

"So. We are here, what do you wish to show me?" Princess Nyna pipes up.

2017-11-20, 07:53 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies with "Oh, I was hoping to get you to talk to a priest" as she leads everyone towards the door, "But I suppose that the big carvings on the church should be significant. Still, we did agree to talk to a priest, no?"

OK, probably enough time to let others chime in.

Also: Need two bits of Heresy to spout later:
1: Something that the princess and a "normal" priest of Pelor would be fine with, but a Burning Hate sect person would find super offensive.
2: Something that the princess and a "normal" priest of Pelor would find super offensive, but a Burning Hate sect person would find perfectly fine.

Kn(Religion): [roll0]
Kn(Religion): [roll1]

2017-11-28, 10:56 AM
1 Any sort of human-other race relations would be heresy to a burning hate Pelorite. You have to assume they trust Helena alot for her to be able to seduce the Elven princess.

2 A Pelorite would find suffering to be horrifying, and a burning hate thinks it builds character.

"As you wish, do you feel up to selecting the priest in question?" Princess Nyna asks with a warm smile.

2017-12-01, 08:03 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies "Certainly lady Nyna. Sikhī, would you please get the door?"

2017-12-02, 03:11 PM
Moving to join the group as they burst into existence, Sikhī smiles beatifically and nods at Darshee. "I'd love to." they say, moving to the doors and placing hands upon it, testing to see if a push would open the doors

2017-12-03, 12:19 AM
Moving to join the group as they burst into existence, Sikhī smiles beatifically and nods at Darshee. "I'd love to." they say, moving to the doors and placing hands upon it, testing to see if a push would open the doors

A push does open the door.

Are you looking for anything specific in your cleric of choice?

2017-12-04, 08:12 AM
The disguised ghost pauses before entering a sanctum of a deity that hates undead with a burning passion, and says "Ah, right. I'm still not going to be welcome here after that one incident a while back. Sikhī, are you up for taking the lead for a bit? I'll be nearby. Some guidance for you:" Switching to Druidic, she deliberately avoids proper nouns as she says "You'll notice that the holy symbol on the walls of this place doesn't quite match up with what the diplomatic envoy is wearing. If the priest's symbol matches that which went with the envoy, then we need to get the priest to say her symbol is legitimate... and deeply offend the princess by way of the differences between the two sects. If the priest's symbol matches the one on the walls, then we need to get the priest to explain the differences between what the two symbols represent. It's possible, though unlikely, that we'll find a priest with a symbol matching one that actually follows another - some priests are rather stupid, after all - in which case you can distinguish based on beliefs. The 'standard' church will have no problems with human-other relations, the one that seems to be working on taking over the town will hate it with a burning passion. Likewise, the segment clearly working on taking over the town thinks suffering builds character, while the 'standard' church will find the idea horrifying. That'll give you a good idea what to drop into the conversation, and how to ID people. Do you think you'll be OK taking the lead, or should I risk that they've got this place tuned to highlight me?"

The Ghaele gets Truespeech, which works like Tongues, so Sikhī should understand that just fine. Meanwhile, it's a Secret language, which makes it unavailable through 'normal' channels.
If Sikhī is OK with trying this, then I cast invisibility, walk around the corner out of sight (in case of True Seeing / See Invisibility), then use the ground for Total Cover (obliviating the need for a hide check) and come back walking through the rock, using the Ring of X-Ray vision to navigate and follow along.

2017-12-04, 12:50 PM
Quill continues to bob along in the background, idly checking thoughts and taking notes. Briefly it considers writing something that'll help inspire some confidence but ultimately decides that such an effort shouldn't be needed right now.

2017-12-04, 05:59 PM
Darshee considers a moment more, and thinks at Quill in case his telepathy is listening: There are fair odds that regardless of which faction is in control of that building, they won't like you - in the "attack on sight" sense. As we need to convince the princess, do you mind perhaps waiting outside or concealing yourself very well unless there's a fight anyway?

2017-12-05, 05:23 PM
Sikhī inclines their head respectfully to the Ghost, and smiles. "Of course, my dear companion. Look after yourself" they reply, before leading the way into the church, permitting their own slight divine radiance to shine a little brighter. Once within, they smile beatifically, looking around for an appropriate source of authority.

2017-12-06, 10:49 PM
Quill shifted in position before it bobbed in apparent agreement, strengthed as it floated toward one of the sides and paused for a moment as it seemed to think of how to hide itself. Ultimately it decided to make a place for itself within a nearby shrubbery, using it's telekinetic powers to move the branches and leaves even if it's body normally wouldn't do such, and seemingly disappeared from view. Still it waited and observed, though, and sent back "This is the best that I can do currently."

Seemingly one of my higher skills. [roll0]

If possible then I'd like to still act as a telepathic hub so that we can maintain communication.

2017-12-06, 11:39 PM
Sikhī inclines their head respectfully to the Ghost, and smiles. "Of course, my dear companion. Look after yourself" they reply, before leading the way into the church, permitting their own slight divine radiance to shine a little brighter. Once within, they smile beatifically, looking around for an appropriate source of authority.

Make me a perception, or diplomacy check, depending on how you're getting the info.

2017-12-07, 12:07 AM
Sikhī inclines their head respectfully to the Ghost, and smiles. "Of course, my dear companion. Look after yourself" they reply, before leading the way into the church, permitting their own slight divine radiance to shine a little brighter. Once within, they smile beatifically, looking around for an appropriate source of authority.

Helena and Nyna follow you in. The other guards seem to wander off to the church barrack unless stopped.

"Helena!" One middle aged lady replies, you're guessing she's the leader based on the gold trim at the edge of her fine robes. "It is a pleasure to see you again! I see you brought the princess. Did annexation negotiations go better then I dared prayed?" She said brightly.

What do you do?

2017-12-09, 02:44 PM
What's she wearing symbol wise?

2017-12-09, 10:44 PM
Helena's symbol.

2017-12-10, 09:49 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros takes a moment to silently cast Glimpse of Truth (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/glimpse-of-truth/) from inside the stone, to see what can be seen, and relays the result back to Quill across that ghosts telepathic channel.
50 GP material component provided by Robe of Components - which puts it at it's limit for today.

Edit: Added link

2017-12-11, 09:06 PM
"Hello, good priestess, pleasure to meet you" Sikhī says, inclining their head. "The negotiations have not, alas gone as well as you might have hoped, yet. There's a few issues to clear up, I'm afraid." they continue, before starting and looking slightly embarassed, their eyes flickering gold for just a moment. "Ah, please forgive me. I am Sikhī, and in this I am.. lets say a seeker of truth"

2017-12-11, 09:52 PM
As you look around. You notice that Helena is polymorphed into the shape of a woman.

Her true form is better described as
This demon could easily be mistaken for a beautiful woman at a glance, a lithe and graceful fi gure destined to infl ame desire in those around her. A closer look, however, reveals sharp talons, vacant white eyes, and cloven feet, distorting and perverting that beauty into something far more disturbing. Burnt and broken fragments of wings protrude from her back, and her four writhing, ten-foot-long, sting-tipped tails give testament to her ruinous nature.

Knowledge the planes check please.

"What issues?" The priestess replies quizzically as she looks over to Helena, who is just looking at you confidently.

2017-12-12, 06:36 PM
Quill mentally sighs as the telepathic message comes in, followed by the description. It briefly scours it's notes on such things before it eventually sends back what it's found to both Darshee and Sikhi. For a moment it debates internally if it wants to get ready for potential combat and instead decides to just float in it's hiding place and wait for a potential combat.

I'll take 10 given the description for a 35, then pass along the fact that Helena may just be a succubi to the others (assuming a 35 is sufficient to figure that out and that it is actually a succubi).

2017-12-12, 07:27 PM
I'm going to give you a -2 penalty for only having a description to work off of. That's still a 33, which is enough to figure out that she's a lilitu, a type of demon that takes great delight in turning worshipers of normal priests, into worshipers of demon lords.

2017-12-12, 07:32 PM
FTR, Sikhī has constant Detect Evil

Sikhī takes a look around the church, still smiling beatifically. "I am something of a connoisseur of mortal religions, priestess, and some of the doctrines Helena here have espoused have been worrying. I seek elucidation, you see." they frown for a moment, focusing on the woman's robes. "If I may ask, your symbol there, it is different to that upon the church walls. Are you and Helena from different sects, perhaps?"

2017-12-19, 07:53 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros manuevers herself to directly underneath the priestess and asks across the telepathic channel So... do you think we could get away with controlling the priestess? At this point we know Helena's a demon intent on corrupting the place... and apparently already quite well along ... and that the priestess here appears to be along for the ride so far. There's a little risk in trying, of course, and I'd like to double-check that playing both sides of the conversation doesn't rile anyone too much. Plus I'd need a brief distraction to make it work anyway... Quill, do you think you'd be up for an enabling-ruckus? Ready an action to use Malevolence (Will DC 31) on the priestess if people are suddenly distracted. Trying not to be seen, regardless of the result. Note also that a failure to posses means I go back to the square I was in. So if I do so from directly underground, I end up with total cover on a failure.

Stealth: [roll0] (Includes the +20 Invisibility bonus... but with a demon around, there's fair odds of True Seeing, so not relying on just that, and using the ground as cover to hide 'normally')

2017-12-19, 06:48 PM
Quill gave a telepathic "I will do my best. Please state when you would like the distraction and I will attempt to hide the deceiver using a smokestick" in response. The floating brain moved to where it had a clear shot on those talking and gave a silent prayer to Shelyn that this part of the tale went well.

This mess here...
Move: Get in a better position while maintaining stealth if at all possible. [roll0]
Swift: Get in Elemental Nimbus Stance.
Standard: Change Active Energy Type to Water.

When the call comes and it's time to act:
Random Readied Maneuver from Warpriest: [roll1]

Swift: Use Extradimensional Assembly to grab two Smokesticks (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances/#TOC-Smokestick), using Deep Pockets to account for random gear.
Standard: Use Ghost's Telekinesis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/telekinesis) instead of dealing with more Spheres of Power hilarity. Chucking the two Smokesticks and up to 13 random objects that are within ten feet of me. One smoke stick is going toward Helena, the other toward the Priestess, and the remaining random debris is going toward everyone I can see that isn't Sikhi or Darshee that's within the temple and within 150 feet of my little barrage. [roll2] round recharge.
Move: Scooting away from the cleared out area while hopefully drawing some attention to the outside from those that are inside.

2017-12-19, 07:04 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies to Quill across the telepathic channel I was mostly thinking a big noise or something, rather than something that makes everyone think they're under attack. I'll only need a moment if it works, if it doesn't I'm back underground, and I'm already invisible for the attempt. Throwing smoke into the room would make the deception a harder sell. Knocking over a big statue or something outside, maybe getting a few of the less cosmopolitan local humans to scream at your nonstandard appearance, or something.

2017-12-27, 05:41 PM
Quill paused in it's plan and bobbed slightly in the air before it started to look around for a suitable statue to pull down. Once it found a nice one it used it's telekinesis to yank it off and crash against the ground until it shattered into suitable pieces that it could then orbit around it's body.
Going with the same general actions up to chucking smoke bombs at people.
Telekinesis lets me lift 375 pounds.

Alternatively I can make a Huge Item weightless or a Gargantuan Item weigh half as much, and then use Telekinesis, and then break it into pieces. I could then use Orbit+Lighten to have the broken up item circle around me, apparently.

2018-01-02, 04:16 PM
Genth starts to pull on a nearby statue. It's a small one due to the density of stone, more of a altar-head then anything but he yanks it to the ground with a resounding crash as the statue shatters to multiple large pieces on the floor.

Darshee attempts to use the distraction to possess the priestess. And succeeds. Her will overshadowing the priestess as she feels life and breath return to her in her puppeted body.

Darshee and Genth, what do you do?

2018-01-03, 08:05 AM
In the possessed middle-aged priestess body, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros tries to imitate the original's mannerisms and tone as she replies to the question "Oh, those. Yeah, we haven't corrected them yet, we're still purging the remains of that cult from this area. This used to be a temple of some crazy sect that believed Pelor was a soft, saying things like 'Justice and freedom are brought about through charity, modesty, and perseverance,' 'We should all live in harmony with the non-human races', 'the truly strong don't need to prove their power', and other such rot. Everyone important knows that suffering builds character, humans are the best and we should keep ourselves pure from the idiotic taint of the other races, and that the strong deserve to have what they can take by force." She pauses briefly before continuing "As to the annexation plan... it seems to be running just fine... now that the filthy elven royal spawn is here, we just need to kill her with one of the guards' weapons, animate her as a zombie, get a Gentle Repose and Daywalker running on the corpse, then have her go try to assassinate some noble or other. A nice failed high-profile assassination attempt is a great motivation for the holdouts that don't want to go to war, it being the royal brat will wipe out most naysayers who think it's a frame job, and of course anyone who wants verification will bring the corpse back to us for a Commune or Speak with Dead to confirm everything. It'll even make a good pretext later for the purges of all elven blood to get the country pure for any holdouts to our right way of thinking. Congratulations on bringing her to us still breathing, Helena; even I can't believe how stupid elves can be sometimes, I figured we'd be making do with the wrong wounds on the body, maybe fixing them with Dress Corpse, but this is much better... would you please go fetch one of the royal guards' weapons so we can do this properly?"

Across Quill's mental channel, the corrupt nature spirit says I'm in. Let's get this wrapped up quickly... I find this speech very distasteful.

Bluff seems like an obvious first choice: [roll0]
Plus Diplomacy for the request to Helena to go fetch one of the royal guards' weapons. I imagine Helena is at least "neutral" with respect to this body already: [roll1]

2018-01-03, 03:48 PM
Slowly but surely Quill gathers up the rubble with flashes of light and golden writing on the larger ones so that it could cause them to casually orbit it's body. It waited a few seconds to see if anyone would comply with the demands it could partially make out from it's place near the entrance before it took matters into it's telekinetic hands. If it didn't need to grab one from it's bottomless extradimensional storage then it would instead grab a weapon one of the guards had set down. Once armed, one way or another, it moved the weapon toward the possessed priestess while attempting to make it appear that it's what the deity wanted.

Using Orbit and Lighten to gather up the rubble. Then waiting a moment to confirm I have to move on with the next part.

If no one gives the priestess a weapon then Quill'll:
Grab it from his Deep Pockets.
Grab an abandoned guard's weapon.

Once armed Quill'll use good ole Telekinesis sphere to make it appear that the will of the Priestess is drawing a weapon to her.
Untrained Bluff if it's needed: [roll0]

2018-01-04, 06:05 PM
Helena just rolls her eyes, and puts a hand on her hip, as Princess Nyna takes a step back out of fear.

"Okay, which one of you is doing this." She remarks annoyed. "Is it you?" She glares at Quill. "Or one of your friends." She remarks.

2018-01-06, 05:07 PM
"Well, we wished to accomplish this without too much violence or invasion. This woman is unfortunately under the spell of Helena here. Who happens to be a demon." Sikhī sighs. And I do feel the need to protest at the deception. I could have revealed evil here without the need for it. they reply over the telepathic channel, before turning the Helena. "You know what I am, demon, and we know what you are. Would you awfully mind revealing yourself, before I am forced to banish you back to the Abyss? " they ask, quite politely no less.

2018-01-06, 11:33 PM
"Well, we wished to accomplish this without too much violence or invasion. This woman is unfortunately under the spell of Helena here. Who happens to be a demon." Sikhī sighs. And I do feel the need to protest at the deception. I could have revealed evil here without the need for it. they reply over the telepathic channel, before turning the Helena. "You know what I am, demon, and we know what you are. Would you awfully mind revealing yourself, before I am forced to banish you back to the Abyss? " they ask, quite politely no less.

"I am under no spell!" Nyna protests vehemently. "That was one of the first thing's mom and dad tried."

2018-01-07, 06:06 PM
Sikhī bows to Nyna "Not you, dear princess." they say, quite politely. "The Priestess here. And I warrant a fair number of others within this Holy place. I wished to do this more subtly, but the presence of a Demon is something that I, and in particular Royal cannot abide for much longer." as they mention Royal, their eyes flash a bright red shade.

2018-01-09, 06:19 PM
Quill shifted in it's floating to properly face Helena and stated to both the party and the demon "It was assumed that if you're going to deface a temple then it's alright if I do so as well. I'll create a proper masterpiece to replace the rubble that now circles my body." Another mental sigh followed as it added, including the princess this time, "We are aware that a spell was unlikely. Lilitu tend to be deceptive in nature, though, and the mundane methods of infatuation work fine. Truthfully I imagine the guards are likely charlatans as well; they're certainly evil and not immune to simple checks."

2018-01-10, 09:12 PM
Sikhī bows to Nyna "Not you, dear princess." they say, quite politely. "The Priestess here. And I warrant a fair number of others within this Holy place. I wished to do this more subtly, but the presence of a Demon is something that I, and in particular Royal cannot abide for much longer." as they mention Royal, their eyes flash a bright red shade.

"Yes, yes. Taking a page out of my mother's handbook. A demon. A witch, Vamp any other names you'd like to call Helena, you know why wait, we can get this over with quicker." Nyna remarks hand on her hip.

"No one is under any spells, but the spells given by the grace of Pelor, long may the sun shine in the sky." Helena intones.

Quill shifted in it's floating to properly face Helena and stated to both the party and the demon "It was assumed that if you're going to deface a temple then it's alright if I do so as well. I'll create a proper masterpiece to replace the rubble that now circles my body." Another mental sigh followed as it added, including the princess this time, "We are aware that a spell was unlikely. Lilitu tend to be deceptive in nature, though, and the mundane methods of infatuation work fine. Truthfully I imagine the guards are likely charlatans as well; they're certainly evil and not immune to simple checks."

"So what. You think she's a super succubus or something? I mean I've kissed her a dozen times, and I'm still fine." Nyna remarks. This earns a few grimaces from the other priests around, but they seem to trust Helena for the moment.

2018-01-11, 12:11 AM
Quill almost looks upset, even if a brain would otherwise be incapable of such a thing. A brief flash of light and a paper emerges, floating briefly in front of it's front, before it moved it over to Nyna with the information she apparently needed. It's voice was one of mild annoyance as it sent "It would be best if a princess learns all that she can." At the same time it glanced briefly around before it floated to the doorway and waited just outside while it pinged those involved for what they were thinking concerning this entire charade.

Gonna go ahead and use Detect Thoughts again, trying to get the priests that grimaced at the princess's last statement in addition to the others. DC 22 will save and I'll cast it again if they succeed on it since right now I have the 18 seconds or so to spend until they make the save.

2018-01-11, 07:42 AM
Still disguised in someone else's flesh, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros says "Well... if she is a disguised demon... then it seems like a True Seeing spell, Antimagic Field, or maybe Dispel Magic would reveal that, no? Do any of you have those handy?"

2018-01-11, 08:52 PM
Sikhī sighs. "Not without fifteen minutes of prayer I'm afraid, and even then, one could accuse us of illusion or similar." they say, softly. They seem withdrawn a little, shaking their head slightly

2018-01-12, 07:44 AM
Using the priestess' flesh, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros says "Well... I suppose my poor abilities will have to do. Forgive me, Helena, but we do need to remove all doubt."Casting Greater Dispel Magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/dispel-magic/) (twice, if people actually let me).
Requires a dispel check for every ongoing spell or effect for each casting (starts with the hardest and works it's way down, to a max of 3 successful dispels per casting). I don't know how many effects are there, so just doing a bunch.


2018-01-16, 06:13 PM
Helena's eyes bulge as her taking form starts shifting. In the course of a few seconds, this average heighted woman, grows to about twice her size. Four sting like tails burst from her back. Large burnt off wings sprawl for her shoulders, as horns grow and curve back out of her forehead. In place of her hands are wretched claws.

"Welp. So much more for that." She snarls. "By the grace of Pelor, kill them all." She says with a snap of the fingers, as the remainder of the statues start to animate.

Please roll init.

2018-01-16, 06:53 PM
Sikhī sighs softly, and their eyes flash a bright red shade. https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180116/b2135377cc0de238be1a7bcfad799002.png (https://fontmeme.com/danmachi-font/) comes their voice, suddenly changed, deep and almost feral in tones, the Outsider sinking into a battle stance.

Initiative [roll0]

2018-01-16, 09:49 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros gets the flesh bag she's wearing moving.

... sorry; editing error, just noted it. That should be +14, not +17, so a 26 rather than a 29

2018-01-17, 04:12 PM
Quill just bobs along, prepared to pelt the area with increasingly large pieces of debris and foul up movement.

Init: [roll0]
And because it can't hurt:
Arcana 1 [roll1]
Arcana 2 [roll2]
Spellcraft [roll3]
(to go with Darshee's rolls)

2018-01-24, 12:15 AM

Quill =30
Darshee =26
Guard 8 =23
Guard 2 =20
Statue 1 =19
Helena =18
Guard 3 =18
Nyna =17
Sihki =16
Statue 2 =15
Guard 4 =15
Guard 1 =14
Guard 5 =12
Guard 6 =11
Guard 7 =8

Quill and Darshee you start us off.

2018-01-24, 11:47 PM
Quill almost mentally sighs once more as it gets in a good position. Then it wills the rubble to go streaking towards the demon, slamming into it on potentially three separate occasions. Each hit is met with a flash of light, a touch of frost, and the rubble remained floating in the air.

Move: If I can then I'll try and close the distance (also if I have to).

Swift: Use Eldritch Fang Flurry.

Standard: Telekinesis + Stuff.
First, using the action to move all of my rubble right at Helena.
Bludgeoning her with what amounts to, I guess, 3 Colossal Statues due to Lighten/Powerful Telekinesis/Forceful Telekinesis.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Bludgeoning, [roll2] (doesn't matter cause she has resist 10) Cold Damage, [roll3] Force Damage. DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] Bludgeoning, [roll6] (doesn't matter cause she has resist 10) Cold Damage, [roll7] Force Damage. DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] Bludgeoning, [roll10] (doesn't matter cause she has resist 10) Cold Damage, [roll11] Force Damage. DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

After all that, leave the rubble all around the area and concentrate on leaving it floating for round 2. Preparing to also muck up their turn too with Greater Trips and further maneuvers.

2018-01-25, 08:09 AM
Still in the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros shouts "Kill the Demon! I'll try to manage the statues" trying to convince the guards and other priests to join the fray against the demon in the confusion.

Bluff:[roll0] to try and get the onlookers to obey.
Casting Wall of Stone (Druid Domain spell). Reflex DC 21, attempting to contain the statues. I don't know the size or spacing, so hard for me to get specific here. CL 13, so 13 5-foot squares (if it's necessary, I'll use the "You can double the wall’s area by halving its thickness" clause to try and grab both). The point is breaking line of sight to all targets and making it hard for them to hear orders. Constructs are generally very stupid, so this will hopefully make them not attack anything (no targets). Still, if they do start pounding on the walls... hardness 8, 45 (or 22 if the double/half clause is needed) HP, and half-damage from most attacks means at least a few rounds where the constructs aren't doing much.

2018-01-26, 12:52 AM
The first two statues you send at Helena impact her, however she manages to heave herself over the third one lunging into the air as she avoids the last one.

Darshee's spell walls over the statues managing to get both of them.

Two of the guards start moving, one of them takes the command of demon a little less literally then you probably wished attempting to stab Nyna. Giving her a nasty cut to her arm with their sword.

The other one swings at Helena but it bounces off her scales.

Statue 1 fails to move, which Helena responds by sighing. "Break the walls and kill them all. Can't get decent help now a days." She remarks.

Helena points out a claw at Genth. "Come on, don't you want to help your friend?" She asks dangerously. But you manage to resist her enchantment.

Using a spell like ability.

Caster level check [roll0]
Save [roll1]
Second save [roll2]

And "Nyna. I suggest you help your one true love before I'm ripped from your grasp. The words almost come out too quick to hear.

Nyna save [roll3]

A third guard takes a swing at Nyna but misses.

Genth it is your turn, what do you do?

2018-01-26, 04:29 AM
Quill sends out a mental "Tsk, tsk. You can't leave your story just yet" as the demon attempts to flee the rubble and the priests don't go after the proper demon. They would learn quickly enough what they could do in the field it was creating. If that wasn't bad enough, the brain sent a warning to any harm that came toward the Princess in an attempt to stop it.

Because I have enough AOOs (like 10):
Each guard that attempts to go after Not Helena gets an AOO in the form of a trip attempt with some flying rubble.
Helena: [roll0]
Guard 1: [roll1]
Guard 3: [roll2]

Each success generates an AOO from Greater Trip.
Prone Attack against Helena:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Bludgeoning, [roll5] Cold, [roll6] Force
DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Prone Attack against Guard 1:
Attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] Bludgeoning, [roll9] Cold, [roll10] Force
DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Prone Attack against Guard 3:
Attack: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] Bludgeoning, [roll13] Cold, [roll14] Force
DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

In addition I'll use my Immediate Action to either False Wind the attack against the princess (assuming it still ends up happening) or Silver Crane's Resurgence the spell (assuming she failed it).
If the former: [roll15] versus the attack roll to negate said attack.

2018-01-28, 05:33 PM
Sikhī's manner has completely changed, their spears in their hands within an instant as they leap for the demon, weapons dashing out in a brutal display of slices and thrusts, each weapon leaving a light blue trail in the air, crackling with holy energy which tears viciously at the demon's flesh.

Swift Action switch into the Twin Hunters stance.

Charge, drawing weapons, and Raging Hunter Pounce at the end of the attack for a full attack

With Maut Bhala - All the Bleeds Stack, and is from a Good Source

Attack 1 [roll0] | [roll1] +1 Bleed, + [roll2] Holy Damage
Attack 2 [roll3] | [roll4] +1 Bleed, + [roll5] Holy Damage
Attack 3 [roll6] | [roll7] +1 Bleed, + [roll8] Holy Damage

With Daana Ke Ant

Attack 1 [roll9] | [roll10] + [roll11] Holy Damage
Attack 2 [roll12] | [roll13] + [roll14] Holy Damage
Attack 3 [roll15] | [roll16] + [roll17] Holy Damage

With the first successful hit, will unleash the Dispel Magic to get rid of the highest-level buff the Demon has that this CL check can beat -


2018-01-28, 05:35 PM
On the Critical Hit with Daana ke Ant


2018-01-29, 03:54 PM
Helena manages to to resist the trip attempt, however the two guards are sent sprawling to the ground and impacted in a ton of rubble.

Sikhi unleashes a barrage of blades however only two manage to strike the demon, an alluring dance manages to make the other attacks wash off.

Nyna for her part hurls two ruby red rays at Sihki. "I won't let you hurt her!" She calls out definitely.


But the rays miss Sihki.

Two of the guards go after Helena, but both miss, her dance proving too hard to hit for them

Three of the remaining guards attack Nyna, two of them hit dealing nasty cuts to her torso.

The stone golem starts pounding at the wall, trying to break free

Slam 1

Slam 2

It is Quill, and Darshee's turn.

Quill =30
Darshee =26
Guard 8 =23 Hp 23/61
Guard 2 =20 Hp 20/61
Statue 1 =19
Helena =18
Guard 3 =18
Nyna =17
Sihki =16
Statue 2 =15
Guard 4 =15
Guard 1 =14
Guard 5 =12
Guard 6 =11
Guard 7 =8

2018-01-30, 06:31 PM
Quill mentally sighed as it chucked further rubble in the way of the guards, sending out a harsh "You're attacking the wrong one!" in response to the attack that still managed to get through. When it finally felt prepared it sent to the meatbag "Go and spread your tale a little faster this time." It then chucked more rubble at the demon with the true purpose of patching up the priestess.

A couple AOOs against the guards attacking the princess:
Guard 3: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Bludgeoning, [roll3] Cold, 9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22800323&postcount=247) Force
DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Guard 4: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] Bludgeoning, [roll7] Cold, 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22800323&postcount=247) Force
DC 24 Fortitude or be Blinded, DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Guard 5: Will get that False Wind in case that 37 beats their attack roll.

Move: Bardic Inspiration -> Inspire Action (Standard) -> Darshee

Standard: Silver Knight's Blade
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] Bludgeoning, [roll10] Cold, 16 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22800323&postcount=247) Sacred Damage. Healing the Princess a like amount if she got hurt after all this nonsense.
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Free: Guardian's Shield Princess

Swift used with Counter.

2018-01-31, 07:35 AM
Still in her current skinsuit, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros launches two bolts of negative energy at the demon, attempting to sap it's life force as she says "Pelor grants many blessings with which I can smite you!"

Cast Enervation (page of Spell Knowledge + a UMD check I can't fail) once due to the extra standard from Quill, once on my turn.

Enervation 1:
Touch Attack: [roll0] +/- meatsuit's Dex mod.
SR penetration: [roll1]
Effect: [roll2] negative levels

Enervation 2:
Touch Attack: [roll3] +/- meatsuit's Dex mod.
SR penetration: [roll4]
Effect: [roll5] negative levels

... and Bluff to keep this from blowing cover for the guards/princess [roll6].

2018-02-01, 04:51 PM
Quill's AoO's go off, however the demoness manages to avoid the rubble again, lunging over and twirling in mid air as she jumps over the barrage.

However both of Darshee's rays miss the Helena as she shimmes in and out.

The first golem attempts to smash the wall.



The two guards attempt to get up, does Quill attempt to AoO.

Helena for her part flicks her four stingers, and starts stabbing them in the direction of Sihki

Stinger 1
Sihki's fort save [roll8]
Wis damage [roll9]

Stinger 2
Sihki's fort save [roll14]
Wis damage [roll15]

Stinger 3
Sihki's fort save [roll20]
Wis damage [roll21]

Stinger 4
Sihki's fort save [roll26]
Wis damage [roll27]

She then intones a few words at Sihki extremely quickly. "I suggest you get your comrades to stand down before I tear them apart, the ghosts, wherever that nymph one is as well."

Sihki [roll28]
Second save [roll29]

Sihki takes 12 points of damage, and falls for Helena's suggestion.

Helena's claws start attacking the guard, who tries to swing at her.


Claw 2

Nyna fires another ruby red ray at Sihki if he makes his save.


It is sihki's turn.

Quill =30
Darshee =26
Guard 8 =23 Hp 23/61
Guard 2 =20 Hp 20/61
Statue 1 =19
Helena =18
Guard 3 =18
Nyna =17
Sihki =16
Statue 2 =15
Guard 4 =15 Hp 16/61
Guard 1 =14 Hp 16/61
Guard 5 =12
Guard 6 =11
Guard 7 =8

2018-02-02, 02:57 AM
Sikhi barely takes notice as the stingers jab at their flesh, stepping forwards and back to minimize their hurt upon them. For a moment, they frown, looking at the wounds they have inflicted already, and a brief struggle seems to go on. They take a step back, and move their weapons in a complex motion, trails of light blue energy emerging from the tips before they speak a few ringing words, the blue light flashing and rushing to try and envelop the enemy

5 foot step back to 15 feet away, then casting Dismissal. Can effect up to 26HD worth of creatures if they fail a DC25 Will Save (Demons and Azata hate eachother, so a +2 to that DC)

Spell Resistance Check - [roll0]

2018-02-08, 05:00 PM
Helena manages to resist the effect of Sihki's spell, even as you manage to penetrate her magic resistance, her will is adamant.

Statue 2 attempts to finish smashing the wall.



Guard 4 and 5 attempt to attack Nyna, getting up and then rushing her. As the other three guards miss Helena.

It is Quill and Darshee's turn.

2018-02-11, 05:48 PM
Still in the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros verbally says "Oh, shut up, would you?" as she relays across the telepathic channel provided by Quill Quill, I'm going to Silence one of those rocks; keep it close to the beast, please. and casts a Silence spell on one of the floating rocks under Quill's control.

Bluff for the lie to Sikhī: [roll0]. If he's convinced we're engaging in a plan to run away, he won't do anything to convince us to run away, and can spend all his actions on beating up the demon.
Given that he currently wants to have us run away - due to the suggestion - I'd suggest that he at least falls under the "wants to believe it" modifier if nothing else (not included in the roll). (No longer needed - missed the ruling in the discussion about Holy Aura)
Action: Silence, on one of the rocks floating near the demon.

2018-02-11, 11:21 PM
Quill mentally sighed as it chucked further rubble in the way of the guards, sending out a harsh "You're attacking the wrong one!" in response to them not learning the damned lesson. When it finally felt prepared it sent to the Outsider "Go and spread your tale a little faster this time." It finally chucked more rubble at the demon with to see if it could knock her down to the ground and heal Sikhi. As it's part of the plan it did keep the rubble floating near Helena that was enchanted further.

A couple AOOs against the guards attacking the princess:
Guard 4: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Bludgeoning, [roll3] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Guard 5: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] Bludgeoning, [roll7] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Move: Bardic Inspiration -> Inspire Action (Standard) -> Sikhi if it looks like they're going with the plan, Darshee otherwise.

Swift: Silver Crane's Blessing in case the below hits. Healing Sikhi for [roll8] hopefully.

Standard: Grounding Shot against Helena
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] Bludgeoning, [roll11] Cold, [roll12] Bludgeoning Damage.
Sleight of Hand vs Fly Check: [roll13] or she falls to the ground.
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Free: Guardian's Shield Sikhi (for 11 rounds)
Princess's last for another 10 rounds. Both grant Protection from Evil and 18 Temporary HP.

And for further consideration:
FOOL: [roll14]
Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] Bludgeoning, [roll17] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

FOOL: [roll18]
Attack: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20] Bludgeoning, [roll21] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

FOOL: [roll22]
Attack: [roll23]
Damage: [roll24] Bludgeoning, [roll25] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

(And for those rare ones that I miss completely)
FOOL: [roll26]
Attack: [roll27]
Damage: [roll28] Bludgeoning, [roll29] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

FOOL: [roll30]
Attack: [roll31]
Damage: [roll32] Bludgeoning, [roll33] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

FOOL: [roll34]
Attack: [roll35]
Damage: [roll36] Bludgeoning, [roll37] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

2018-02-20, 11:17 PM
Sihki's attacks kill guard 4 and 5. Their blood pools out from their torso, and stains the unholy ground.

Helena swivels around the grounding shot, and actually manages to resist all the tripping attempts, keeping her feet and tentacles on the ground to avoid being knocked down.

Guard 8 and 2 take swings at Nyna. (I assume AoO's happen.)

The first golem having broken free of the wall moves up attempting to slam it's fist into Sihki


Helena snarling, attempts to simply lay her hands on Quill. "Was saving this for myself, but!"

She casts heal.

Helena's touch attack [roll4]
Quill's will save [roll5]

Quill takes 75 points of positive energy damage.

Guard 3 attacks Helena, but she effortlessly avoids his sword stroke.

Nyna attempts burning Quill along with Helena.

Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Miss chance [roll8]

It is Sihki's turn

Quill =30
Darshee =26
Guard 8 =23 Hp 23/61
Guard 2 =20 Hp 20/61
Statue 1 =19
Helena =18
Guard 3 =18
Nyna =17
Sihki =16
Statue 2 =15
Guard 5 =12
Guard 6 =11
Guard 7 =8

2018-02-21, 01:42 AM
As time seems to slow around the Azata, Sikhī smiles. Their weapons drop for a moment as they concentrate, and starts to glow, crackles of holy lightning bursting around them, before they lay into Helena with speed and power.

Free Standard Action to cast Divine Favor, giving +3 Attack, Damage

Full Attack

Maut Bhala

[roll0] | [roll1] + [roll2]
[roll3] | [roll4] + [roll5]
[roll6] | [roll7] + [roll8]

Daana Ke Ant

[roll9] | [roll10] + [roll11]
[roll12] | [roll13] + [roll14]
[roll15] | [roll16] + [roll17]

Bunch of Fort Saves vs Unholy Aura


2018-02-22, 03:58 PM
Helena for her part manages to dodge the attacks, sweeping around the swords silently.

The second golem silently charges before swinging once at Sihki.


Three of the surviving guards attempt to kill Helena but they are as gnats to her.

Quill, Darshee it is your turn.

2018-02-26, 10:23 PM
If Quill could frown then it would, shifting to send to the meatbag being controlled by Darshee "And once more, move faster for this tale." The brain then moved in the way of Helana in it's attempt to move away from the demon.

Move: Bardic Performance -> Inspire Action (Darshee)
Standard: Corrupting Touch (and hopefully Deathly Delusions) In reality I believe I'll be moving to the other side, but that's entirely up to you.
Corrupting Touch: [roll0] Damage, DC 27 Fortitude Save for half, DC 22 Fortitude Save or be Staggered. Immunity to Magical Aging protects against this.

Deathly Delusions: [roll1] minutes of nightmares if it fails a DC 27 Will Save.

And then the nonsense of AOOs:

Trip: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Bludgeoning, [roll5] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Trip: [roll6]
Attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] Bludgeoning, [roll9] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Trip: [roll10]
Attack: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] Bludgeoning, [roll13] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Trip: [roll14]
Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] Bludgeoning, [roll17] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Trip: [roll18]
Attack: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20] Bludgeoning, [roll21] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

Trip: [roll22]
Attack: [roll23]
Damage: [roll24] Bludgeoning, [roll25] Cold
DC 22 Fortitude or be Staggered

2018-02-26, 10:27 PM
Chuckling, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros says "Try luring the golems into the ring... that'll get rid of them..." as she casts a spell to block the gap where the other golem is liable to come out.

Free: Kn(Arcana) to predict golem path based on their orders and where people and things are: [roll0]
Standard: Cast Fairy Ring Retreat, keyed to the two golems. The arrangement is a giant cube, with the entrance being at the top-middle face (at caster level 13, I get 39 ten-foot cubes; 30 feet wide by 30 feet long by 40 feet tall would be 36 ten-foot cubes; I'll use the extra three to make a nice deep pit in the middle for the golems to fall into, so they can take 7d6 falling damage). If it's attuned, all you have to do to go in is go through the ring (no separate action required). Once in there... they fall, and if they climb out of the pit see a bunch of fey (close enough to humanoid) that they can attack. Catch: They work like Unseen Servants, and those things only take damage from area effects. They can pound on them until the spell expires in 26 hours. Or until the trap gets dispelled.


Because I'm sorely lacking in useful actions while in my meatsuit.

2018-03-08, 11:40 PM
[OOC notes I kinda lost my notes due to hard drive failure. I'll try to recreate them as best as possible, but...]

Helena yelps in pain from the corrupting touch, the aging itself seeming to have no effect on the timeless entity but not actually being immune to the effect, she only manages to resist the worst of the effects.

She is even tripped, and hit one by Quill. Helena is starting to look like she's being roughed up.

The first golem disappears into the fairy ring.

Helena, magically silent, getting roughed up, proceeds to teleport away with greater teleport.

The guards are as gnats to you. How to do intend to subdue them though before someone raises the alarm?

2018-03-09, 07:44 AM
Oh. I get TWO actions. Sorry, missed that I was inspired. OK....
As the beast retreats... at least for now... Darshee, still in her meatsuit, attempts to take control of the situation. "OK, now that the demon's run away, our priorities are the golems... please lure them into the mushroom ring... you all can run through it safely, but it'll get rid of the golems for a day" as she quietly concentrates and tries to remove the Suggestionfrom the princess.

Bluff to get the guards to go along with it: [roll0]
Concentration in case anyone tries to disrupt (Druid spell, 3rd level, so DC 21): [roll1]
Dispel Check: [roll2] (failed concentration)

2018-03-22, 10:58 PM
"Where did she go, where did she go!" Nyna starts shouting, seeming to be aware that the demoness teleported away.

"What did you make her do!?" Nyna remarks, as the golems are lured into the ring.

The guards, realizing that they are in a situation far above their pay grade start to flee. Does anyone stop them.

2018-03-23, 02:37 AM
Quill barely recognized that it caused any pain to the demon but at least noticed that she left. The stones were briefly left to float where they were as the brain looked around and sent out to everyone present. "Natives, you have bared witness to the mistress of lies that you've known as Helena. She has attempted to sway you with her words. Thankfully we have driven her away and freed you from her clutches. You must still remain ever vigilant for her, though, lest she returns to spread her vile words once more." It then adjusted to face Nyna and added "Please sit, we will be with you in a little bit to personally aid your transition."

Standard?: Charm Blessing (Dominance Aura) on Self.

Move: Bardic Inspiration -> Whispering Campaign, Denounce Helena.

Swift: Use Dominance Aura to Command the Princess to take a seat.

2018-03-27, 06:40 AM
Still in the meatsuit, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros waits to see what the guards will do as she quietly asks Quill across the telepathic channel the other ghost makes By any chance do you have something to clean the Suggestion off of the princess? I'm tapped out in that regard.

2018-03-29, 08:45 PM
Nyna not of her own will proceeds to sit down on the floor. Looking for all the world like a petulant little girl.

"You forced her to take that form, and you tried to kill her!" Princess Nyna lets out.

2018-04-10, 08:09 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros walks the priestess over to the little girl, and sits down next to her, asking "Are you trained in recognizing spells, perchance?"

2018-04-10, 08:46 PM
Sikhī slowly descends to the floor, frowning slightly as the fury of Royal fades from their being. "I may not agree with the forceful nature of what just transpired, Princess..." they sigh, and wander over to sit down beside Darshee and Nyna, looking down. "I'm not good at such things, I see a fiend and my traveler reacts. Nyna, if what we are saying were true, would that matter for you? If Helena was truly a being of incomparable evil, using you to her twisted ends, would that matter?"

2018-04-11, 04:00 AM
Quill took on the role of a dispassionate observer as it remained at the entrance to the temple. It moved the rubble to an out of the way section for someone better suited at masonry to deal with. Every few seconds it ushered a quick "Please stay seated until we work this out" whenever the princess tried to get up or storm out. Once satisfied it used the last command to send to a guard "Please get a stonemason to help repair the damage caused."

Finally it turned to the group and sent "Could you please explain the situation to us? We only know so much about what's happened. Maybe if Helena told you a name to call her." It doubted that the princess knew Helena's true name but figured it couldn't hurt to try.

2018-04-18, 10:45 PM
"I'm somewhat trained in the art of recognizing spells, but I'm not a wizard." Nyna mentions.

You see her struggle obviously before continuing. "I.... I don't know that it matters. I... I love her..... I guess... I'm not sure who she is. But Helena, that strange, lovely charismatic cleric. I love her."

2018-04-20, 06:32 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros, still using the priestess as a meat-puppet, then asks "Were you able to recognize the spell I cast twice?"

2018-04-22, 12:50 AM
Quill pondered for a moment before it sent "If you'd prefer then I can get rid of the memory surrounding this battle or the memory of you falling in love with her. I'll need an appropriate gem to store the memories inside of, though. For those curious I imagine Sequester Thoughts will be appropriate for the circumstances." It didn't bother adding that it could probably make her a willing creature if she didn't want to have her mind wiped of this entire thing.

2018-04-27, 01:32 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros, still using the priestess as a meat-puppet, then asks "Were you able to recognize the spell I cast twice?"

"No... The battlefield was chaotic... I didn't hear you clearly, and common is not my first tongue." Nyna replies.

Quill pondered for a moment before it sent "If you'd prefer then I can get rid of the memory surrounding this battle or the memory of you falling in love with her. I'll need an appropriate gem to store the memories inside of, though. For those curious I imagine Sequester Thoughts will be appropriate for the circumstances." It didn't bother adding that it could probably make her a willing creature if she didn't want to have her mind wiped of this entire thing.

"What, no... No! I'm not okay with this!" Nyna says actually starting to get up now, and start backing away.

2018-04-27, 05:14 AM
Sikhīs eyes flicker a bright, golden-tinged red for a moment. "That would be a foolish idea, comrade. Fleeing memories is no way to live." Royal says, briefly speaking through their mouth.

2018-04-27, 07:09 AM
"No... The battlefield was chaotic... I didn't hear you clearly, and common is not my first tongue." Nyna replies.
Still using the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros lets out a breath, and says "Well, it was a Dispel, but you may not want to simply accept my word on that... perhaps, then, you should avoid committing to anything long-term until you've had a chance to reflect on things. Take a couple of days in an inn and review the past. If she was a good person, that will be reflected in how she treated the folks around her, no? Was she kind to the palace servants, did she treat the server with respect when she treated you to a meal out, was she gentle with the animals around the palace, and so on?"

"What, no... No! I'm not okay with this!" Nyna says actually starting to get up now, and start backing away.
"And you're making a good choice there. Memory wiping is rarely a good idea, especially for the more painful lessons; it means one will need to learn them again, later."

2018-05-04, 11:53 PM
It's not like the floating brain could shrug. Instead it sent "Very well, we won't remove the memory." It shifted its attention then to the priests and sent to them "Excuse me but could you direct me to Helena's chambers?" At the same time it probed their memories in an attempt to find better proof of the misdeeds.

2018-05-11, 11:50 PM
Still using the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros lets out a breath, and says "Well, it was a Dispel, but you may not want to simply accept my word on that... perhaps, then, you should avoid committing to anything long-term until you've had a chance to reflect on things. Take a couple of days in an inn and review the past. If she was a good person, that will be reflected in how she treated the folks around her, no? Was she kind to the palace servants, did she treat the server with respect when she treated you to a meal out, was she gentle with the animals around the palace, and so on?"

"And you're making a good choice there. Memory wiping is rarely a good idea, especially for the more painful lessons; it means one will need to learn them again, later."

"She didn't really like touching them.... But... as long as they weren't mouthpieces for my parents, she treated them cordially." Nyna responds.

It's not like the floating brain could shrug. Instead it sent "Very well, we won't remove the memory." It shifted its attention then to the priests and sent to them "Excuse me but could you direct me to Helena's chambers?" At the same time it probed their memories in an attempt to find better proof of the misdeeds.

"Why do you need access to her chambers." One of the priests asks stepping forward

[What effect are you using to probe memories?

2018-05-13, 07:39 AM
Still in the meat puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros asks "Your parents are the king and queen, aren't they? I imagine that you'll have generally spent time in the palace and the immediately surrounding countryside... how many folks have you encountered for who were not working - directly or indirectly - for your parents? It's always easy enough to find an excuse to be mean to someone."

2018-05-16, 02:06 AM
(Detect Thoughts (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-thoughts/) at will, DC 22)

Quill took a moment to process the question before it responded. "I simply wish to learn all that I can. Is there a reason you wouldn't allow me too? You can observe me if that would ease your consciousness."

2018-05-17, 11:04 PM
Still in the meat puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros asks "Your parents are the king and queen, aren't they? I imagine that you'll have generally spent time in the palace and the immediately surrounding countryside... how many folks have you encountered for who were not working - directly or indirectly - for your parents? It's always easy enough to find an excuse to be mean to someone."

"Right, because everyone who works for you is a carbon copy of your views." Nyna says sarcastically.

(Detect Thoughts (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-thoughts/) at will, DC 22)

Quill took a moment to process the question before it responded. "I simply wish to learn all that I can. Is there a reason you wouldn't allow me too? You can observe me if that would ease your consciousness."

You find similar surface thoughts of racism, the weak needing to be made strong, and of the glorious sun.

"Because you are not a pelorite. Are you?" The priest replies.

2018-05-21, 12:53 AM
If the Contemplative could sigh then it would at that exact moment. Instead it made sure it's front was facing the priest as it sent with just a touch of disbelief "Does Pelor allow demons? Last I checked he didn't." For a moment he thought of forcing the issue but opted for a more diplomatic approach.

2018-05-25, 07:05 PM
Still in the meat puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros considers, and says "You show a surprising amount of loyalty to your lover... pity she doesn't reciprocate; she seems to have abandoned you very easily."

2018-05-25, 08:44 PM
If the Contemplative could sigh then it would at that exact moment. Instead it made sure it's front was facing the priest as it sent with just a touch of disbelief "Does Pelor allow demons? Last I checked he didn't." For a moment he thought of forcing the issue but opted for a more diplomatic approach.

"Exactly this is an internal church manner and we will handle it ourselves." The priest replies.

Still in the meat puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros considers, and says "You show a surprising amount of loyalty to your lover... pity she doesn't reciprocate; she seems to have abandoned you very easily."

"She... She.... She wasn't that injured was she..." Nyna starts looking down, seeming about to cry.

2018-05-25, 09:22 PM
"She... She.... She wasn't that injured was she..." Nyna starts looking down, seeming about to cry.
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros fakes sympathy reasonably effectively as she mentally grits her teeth at what she's doing to the poor girl "Oh, don't cry... I'm sure it's not as bad as all that... if she retreated that easily I'm sure she's got a planned safehouse... surely she trusted you with the location so that you could meet up with her if something like this happened...." Meanwhile, she thinks at Quill This would be a great time to get a bead on the Princess's thoughts... if there is a safehouse, we could ambush her there. If not, it'd be good to know that.
There's no lying involved, but I am being manipulative here, so going ahead and rolling bluff: [roll0]

2018-05-27, 11:41 PM
"Exactly this is an internal church manner and we will handle it ourselves." The priest replies.

Quill bobbed along as it sent "It took us to reveal the demon hidden among you. I'm offering to be an extra set of senses to insure that nothing gets missed in the resulting investigation. You're more than welcome to confirm my intentions. Unless there's a reason you don't want the truth to be found." Like always the Contemplative scanned minds to see if its accusations had an effect on the humans around it.

2018-06-03, 12:07 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros fakes sympathy reasonably effectively as she mentally grits her teeth at what she's doing to the poor girl "Oh, don't cry... I'm sure it's not as bad as all that... if she retreated that easily I'm sure she's got a planned safehouse... surely she trusted you with the location so that you could meet up with her if something like this happened...." Meanwhile, she thinks at Quill This would be a great time to get a bead on the Princess's thoughts... if there is a safehouse, we could ambush her there. If not, it'd be good to know that.
There's no lying involved, but I am being manipulative here, so going ahead and rolling bluff: [roll0]

Nyna shakes her head. "I... I mean maybe she didn't expect you three to attack her. I mean..... Happens all the time, right?" She says clearly sounding hollow even to her ears.

Quill bobbed along as it sent "It took us to reveal the demon hidden among you. I'm offering to be an extra set of senses to insure that nothing gets missed in the resulting investigation. You're more than welcome to confirm my intentions. Unless there's a reason you don't want the truth to be found." Like always the Contemplative scanned minds to see if its accusations had an effect on the humans around it.

A few of the guards seem convinced, but the priest seems steadfast. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the church." He replies his voice sounding strained.

2018-06-05, 09:35 PM
Nyna shakes her head. "I... I mean maybe she didn't expect you three to attack her. I mean..... Happens all the time, right?" She says clearly sounding hollow even to her ears.

Still in the meat puppet, and cringing internally, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros continues "Well... maybe... did she trust you with her secrets? After a shock like that, I know what I'd be doing; I'd be looking to sort out who seems to have been honest and had good intentions all along - but what are you going to do?"

And... diplomancy has a note about making someone thing it's their own idea by adding in a little bluff. I'm trying to maneuver her into thinking it's her own idea to go home with the mercenaries to her folks.
Diplomancy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

A few of the guards seem convinced, but the priest seems steadfast. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the church." He replies his voice sounding strained.
Hearing the argument, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros rolls the meat-puppet's eyes, and calls out "Oh, let the one abomination track down and kill the other. If it wins, then we're cleared of the foul demon that was corrupting Pelor's pure Word. If it loses, there's one less abomination we'll have to purge with Pelor's Holy Fire. Moreover, the victor is liable to be injured in the fight. No matter which way that fight goes, Pelor wins. The faster those two get together, the better. Just restrict it to the places we'll need to thoroughly search and cleanse anyway: those places where "Helena" spent her time."
Unsure if this should be diplomancy, bluff, or both. Regardless, I've got the same modifier for both of them: [roll2]
And a second roll in case it should be a combination: [roll3]

... should I get a circumstance bonus for being in the body of a trusted individual, or perhaps a bluff they want to believe (the priest sounds strained, which suggests the priest doesn't want to get into a fight with the abomination in front of him, and this gives him a chain of logic - originated by someone else he can blame if it goes wrong - that he can use towards that end)? Eh, not including it in the above rolls; please add it if it makes sense.

2018-06-15, 08:51 PM
Nyna at first shakes her head. "I can't really...." Before sighing. "But.... I don't really have much of a choice do I..... After all this.... I can't really trust myself.... Can I." She turns to Quill. "Sir.... When you finish here. Can you bring me home?" She asks nervously.

The priest who's taking charge looks at the puppet cleric. "I suppose you are right.... Would you care to be the escort in question that the abomination will need?"

2018-06-16, 11:28 AM
With a bob of it's brain, Quill sent "We will. I'll try and perform my investigation as quickly as possible." It then floated next to Darshee's meat puppet at a respectable distance and angle. It made it as clear as possible that the Contemplative only wished to thoroughly investigate the area Helena had been in.

I have a constant Detect Magic and At Will Detect Thoughts and Detect Evil. I'll be using Detect Thoughts first, then Evil, then Magic. I'll also be using telekinesis to more or less move everything around and scanning in case she has lead plating or something to try and block divinations.

2018-06-18, 09:03 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros closes the meat puppet's eyes for a moment, sighs, and replies "... figures. Fine. I'll put my money where my mouth is, so to speak... ugh." She turns to the princess "Well... I hope our conversation has been enlightening..." and heads over to quill to 'guide the abomination' around, making sure to seem to be very suspicious and watching him carefully.
I figure a little bluff is called for somewhere in here:

2018-06-23, 11:52 PM
The priests seem to believe the possessed priest.

Your detect thoughts doesn't seem to pick anything up, whereever she went it doesn't seem to be here.

Detect magic doesn't pick up anything either.

Detect evil registers a dim aura of evil, that still permeates the room.

What do you do?

2018-06-24, 04:22 AM
First Quill concentrates on the aura of evil for the full eighteen seconds. Then the Contemplative catalogues literally everything, going through whatever it's telekinesis can lift while maintaining several ink pens to make the work pass as quick as possible. After a moment it sends "Divinations only picked up a dim aura of evil. Here's what I've found physically" and pulls out the lists of all that it had found within just in case it missed something.

Taking 20 if I can, otherwise: [roll0]

2018-06-25, 06:29 AM
Still in the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros avoids responding physicaly, so as not to give away the game, an instead replies across Quill's telepathic channel Well, it's your show at this point. Once you're done I'll need to march the priestess around back, let her go, and then come pick you up at the front. I'd prefer to minimize the exposure time between when she's able to tell folks what happen, and the time before we leave. Hopefully I can figure out how to lock her in a closet or something.

2018-06-29, 11:54 PM
Unfortunately the only unusual thing in the room, is how threadbare it is. For a demon, "Helena" didn't seem to want or need much luxury, and went with what's practical.

Which for a demon that never NEEDS rest or food, means not alot of clutter.

What do you do?

2018-07-02, 06:46 AM
Still in the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros asks a question across Quill's telepathic channel Do you have something that could be used to put my current host to sleep for a while? I'll obviously need to be present when everyone leaves the church here, but my host shouldn't be, and I also don't want her causing a ruckus if she remembers this. So... if you've got a sleep effect, that'd be ideal: You ready yourself to put her down the instant I get out of her, I get out of her, and you put her down before she can scream.

2018-07-03, 12:43 AM
With a mental sighQuill

With a mental sigh, Quill sent ”I doubt they’d listen to what was found with the faint aura of evil. Let me check… How strong does she seem to be?” He had some ability to find what he was looking for but it was just vague enough to not be immediately helpful.

I don’t have any ability innately but do have the ability to pull out 900gp worth of stuff, such as a scroll of Deep Slumber or Catatonia or Sequester Memory. Any 4th level Sorcerer/Cleric/Wizard/etc or 3rd level Bard/Paladin/etc spell.

Alternatively I can Command her (as the spell).

2018-07-03, 06:57 AM
I wouldn't trust item level save DC's.... you said you've got Command? Can you do that without verbal components that so we don't have much to worry about folks listening in? I've got Greater Shadow Enchantment - and everything I cast is has Silent Spell applied - and so can duplicate Dominate Person at my save DC's. If you can keep her quiet for a round or two, I can handle the rest. Actually... for that matter, if we can just lock the door, I have the Silence spell, so... you know what, nevermind. I can do this myself, entirely. Yay!

Still in the meat-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros shrugs and replies across Quill's telepathic channel If it's not convenient, don't worry about it too much. I was hoping to save a few resources. I suppose I can just put a Silence on the room so she can't call for help immediately, lock her in here, disposes, and control her by other means. Just let me know when you're ready to go.

Plan once we're ready to go:
1) Cast Silence to fill the room with a distinct lack of noise (standard)
2) Block the door via Stone Shape to make a stone wall one foot thick, three feet wide, and seven feet tall in the way of the door, anchored to the floor and ceiling.
3) Disposses priestess (standard).
4) Cast Greater Shadow Enchantment(Dominate Person) on the Priestess (repeat until it sticks, targeted spell, so I know if it works or not per the magic overview) (standard)
5) Order her to sit quietly and meditate for a day across the telepathic channel thus generated. (free)
6) Leave via floor. (move)

Small, enclosed space, so she can't get out of the Silence. Not on her, so she's got no save against the silence. Silence, so she's probably stuck unable to cast. There's... a few ways out for her, potentially, but Priests are usually prepared casters, if they're casters at all....

2018-07-09, 08:51 PM
Still in the flesh-puppet, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros begins putting the plan into place. First, she silently casts Silence, then closes the door and shutters any windows, silently casts Stone Shape to block the door using stone from the floor - being careful not to go all the way through said floor - and steps backwards out of her host, immediately casting Shadow Enchantment defensively to Dominate her prior flesh-puppet, and using the freshly-created mental link to order the priestess to sit down and meditate on the events of the day for the next several hours.
Calls for two Will saves on the priestess' part: The first a will disbelief, the second the save vs. the Dominate. Both DC 30.
Passing the first means I need to make a percentile roll. 60% likely to work even if disbeleived, so 1-60 works even if the priestess passes the first save: [roll0].

And SR penetration if needed: [roll1]

2018-07-16, 11:04 PM
The priestess succumbs to Darshee's semi-real enchantments and immediately turns to prayer and meditate this order well within her character.

You've dominated the priest. Are you returning to the princess, or do you have another plan?

2018-07-17, 12:12 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros relays across Quill's telepathy Now, to the best of anyone's knowledge, I am not in the building, I'm simply patiently waiting outside. That wall blocking the door is a comprehensive illusion - it fools most senses, but you should be able to walk through it without a hassle, although anyone who hasn't been informed of this will have problems... try not to let it slip. Given that there's basically nothing here, please collect the princess and the others, and meet me outside... preferably after you take a little rubble into the Fairy Ring Retreat and use it to de-animate those golems with brute force - just keep flying out of range, and they can't touch you. That bit of cleanup will also, of course, give me a bit of time to get back to where the princess expects to see me. If anyone asks about the priestess, you can honestly say she's meditating on today's events.

Just cleaning up before leaving. Quill can of course take his time with the golems - he's out of their reach, they've got targets in reach that they can't do anything about, and he's got ghostly TK to bash them with rocks to his heart's content, and it may as well be at-will because they can't reach him and he can trivially wait for the recharge. Meanwhile, I can just walk through the floor out of the building, and wait at the entrance. Priestess will eventually get out - if nothing else, Stone Shape is just Cleric-3, so at worst she needs to fast for a day or two while she or someone else prepares it to let her out (and Dream Feast is Cleric-1, so she's rather unlikely to starve). Or, you know, someone could grab a hammer and get rid of the wall the old fashioned way. I plan to release her from the domination before we leave the plane.

Oh yes, and a bluff check if needed for Quill to convince him the wall isn't real: [roll0]
Possibly with an ad-hock modifier because he can, in fact, walk through it. Not included in the above, leaving that up to Quill.

2018-07-27, 09:59 AM
If Quill could sideeye the fellow ghost then it would. Instead it accepted the lie and meandered through the wall. Without contacting anyone it went to the Fairy Ring Retreat and began the process of smashing good times. When that was done it left and bobbed roughly twenty feet from the princess and sent to her "We've done what we can here. Are you ready to return?"

2018-08-03, 05:14 PM
"Yes. I am." Nyna says shaking a little bit from nervous energy. "I'd... like to apologize for my attacks, I wasn't myself." She says extending her arm to Darshee.

2018-08-03, 09:00 PM
Side note: Darshee is not present until after they're out of the building, because officially she never went in; she only meets folks as herself outside. So continuing on that assumption...

Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros nods at the girl as she comes out of the building, and gladly takes the proffered hand, as well as those from the rest of the party, saying "Honestly, I have difficulty imagining what you're going through... still, your folks seem to care for you very much, and home is usually a good place for healing. So... here we go..." and casts Shadow Walk to begin the trek back to the palace.
If there's a convenient shadowy area, great: We can Shadow Walk from there. If not, I've got Deeper Darkness as a spell known, so it's just one extra spell slot to make an area of shadowy illumination. I've ticked off the 6th level spell slot for Shadow Walk; please let me know if I also need to tick off the 3rd for Deeper Darkness to enable it.

2018-08-06, 04:09 AM
A weak sway of the body was all that it could muster physically, sending to her "It's not the first time I've been attacked during a mission. I'm not exactly common in most societies outside my own." Likewise it didn't really offer a vestigial limb for the Teleport but didn't stop any attempt to interact with it.

2018-08-06, 10:15 PM
"I've heard that getting attacked is common during adventures, right?" Nyna comments as you start heading to the plane of shadows.

Just the shadow walk is fine.

2018-08-07, 06:59 AM
As they begin the trek through the shadows, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies to Nyna "Yes. As is dying, like what happened to a few of the temple guards. I don't generally let folks see this, to make them more comfortable, so I'll want to replace this once we get a little closer to home, but apparently it's important you see..." her tone hardens and she takes a free hand to scratch off the mask she wears most of the time to keep folks from panicking at the sight of her, showing the undead horror lying underneath "There is a price to be paid by those who 'live by the sword', and no one escapes it forever." She sighs, softens her tone a bit and continues "Go home. Eat a good meal. Give your mother and father a hug. Enjoy life. It has been a long time since I have been able to do so."

Before exiting the plane of shadow, will replace the mundane disguise. Taking ten, for a 39 (take ten, +14 ranks, +3 Class Skill, +14 Cha, -2 for 'different race' = 39).

Gunhaven: As this one seems to be winding down, a question for you: With most of your equipment being part of Ghostly Equipment... how do you plan to upgrade? I'm paying an "incorporeal tax" on most of my stuff, building everything as masterwork improvised weapons and then enchanting them with +1 Ghost Touch so they can be manipulated, walked through walls, and so on - part of why I picked up all the crafting feats (and why I have a +0 Ghost Touch Amulet of Mighty Fists - so I can manipulate things regardless of enchantment, permitting me to make the enchanted stuff in the first place). How are you planning on handling it?

2018-08-10, 01:42 AM
Quill had little reaction to the fact that it's companion is a ghost or truly recognized the fact that they had suffered the same fate. Instead it sent "All solid advice. We'll clear up any loose ends before we leave of course. Perhaps I can help mend relationships between your nations."

I should be able to use Telekinesis to manipulate actual objects. That combined with extradimensional spaces should give me enough to deal with any need for weapons or the like.

Otherwise I'll probably just upgrade what items I have.

2018-08-11, 12:36 AM
"How.... How long?" Nyna asks taking a instinctive step back.

2018-08-11, 11:14 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros sighs, and asks Nyna "Does it really matter? Our guild is full of folks many would consider monsters, some simply more obvious than others. I hide my nature so I don't need to kill folks defending myself as much. In the rare case that it actually becomes relevant... well, obviously I can pull off the disguise"
Hmmm... you know, I hadn't thought about the validity of crafting on a racial supernatural ability. I'd assumed those were fixed once selected. Interesting thought, though.... for now I suppose I'll just keep to my same path. Next time I do such a character, I'll probably just end up going with an Amulet of Grasping Souls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/amulet-of-grasping-souls/) (just recently ran across this; perfect for the character, but oh well, I've already got a way to do what I need, and may as well continue with it). That, ghost touch gauntlets, and Bracers of Armor will permit a spectral to pretend to be solid surprisingly effectively, yet still be able to walk through walls as needed.

2018-08-15, 04:24 AM
Quill bobbed once more and stated simply "Perhaps two weeks, three at the maximum, to get everything back to the way things were." It seemed to realize that that wasn't what the question was directed at and instead builds upon the nature of their guild by sending "We of course try to minimize damage to the areas we seek to help. If we can help maintain our reputation then hopefully we won't run into more trouble than we sign up for."

2018-08-24, 01:53 AM
Quill bobbed once more and stated simply "Perhaps two weeks, three at the maximum, to get everything back to the way things were." It seemed to realize that that wasn't what the question was directed at and instead builds upon the nature of their guild by sending "We of course try to minimize damage to the areas we seek to help. If we can help maintain our reputation then hopefully we won't run into more trouble than we sign up for."

"Oh, um... why do you think it would take that long to get things back, won't mom and dad be happy to see me?" Nyna asks concerned.

2018-08-24, 07:14 AM
"Oh, um... why do you think it would take that long to get things back, won't mom and dad be happy to see me?" Nyna asks concerned.

Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros starts putting her disguise back on as they travel "Oh, they will, but... well, parents have multiple concerns for their children. One of those is making sure you don't engage in dangerous behavior again, which means it's likely you're going to get quite a scolding, so as to make it less likely you'll end up involved in such a circumstance later. They may feel hurt or betrayed by your recent choices, and have some trouble trusting you for a while. You may find it difficult to feel that they love you for a time. Things will not go back to what they were - things never do - but the rough edges will fade with time and things will mostly go back to normal eventually."

She briefly considers "Well... OK, given a bit of time, Quill could mostly undo recent events, likely by the expedient of removing the memories of said events from all major players who will remain in the area. However, that would of necessity include yourself and your folks, which would make it very difficult for us to collect payment."

2018-08-24, 08:20 AM
Quill bobbed along as it sent "Alternatively pamphlets and the like can be seeded throughout the area. They should do enough to denounce and promote everyone involved in that two to three weeks that the status quo will return to previous levels. It should be an effective enough solution."

2018-08-24, 11:50 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros starts putting her disguise back on as they travel "Oh, they will, but... well, parents have multiple concerns for their children. One of those is making sure you don't engage in dangerous behavior again, which means it's likely you're going to get quite a scolding, so as to make it less likely you'll end up involved in such a circumstance later. They may feel hurt or betrayed by your recent choices, and have some trouble trusting you for a while. You may find it difficult to feel that they love you for a time. Things will not go back to what they were - things never do - but the rough edges will fade with time and things will mostly go back to normal eventually."

She briefly considers "Well... OK, given a bit of time, Quill could mostly undo recent events, likely by the expedient of removing the memories of said events from all major players who will remain in the area. However, that would of necessity include yourself and your folks, which would make it very difficult for us to collect payment."

"Why... why wouldn't they trust me, I never lied to them." Nyna protests.

2018-08-25, 10:50 AM
"Why... why wouldn't they trust me, I never lied to them." Nyna protests.
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros sighs as she continues to apply her makeup on the plane of shadow "Keep in mind: I'm largely guessing based on a very short exposure to your parents' personalities, and even at that, the consequences I'm preparing you for are largely temporary - it may take a while, but they'll fade in time. Trust isn't just 'will this person answer me with facts when I ask?' - there's also aspect of 'Does this person have good judgment on matters?' 'Will this person be compromised by another later?' 'Will this person tell me the things I need to know even when I don't ask?' and many others. Someone else tricked you; you've been compromised at least once. That the demon who abandoned you after taking advantage of you slipped past your parents undetected as well has very little impact on how they'll feel about the matter. Feelings are seldom logical or fair, but they're often predictable."

She continues "Among the predictable pieces is that the bad stuff from this will fade with time. You've got a storm coming, that's largely unavoidable now, but how long it takes for the storm to fade into a gentle rain and disperse to a clear sky depends at least partially on you and how you react. If you take a stance of 'I was tricked and this is all completely unfair' or similar and try to reject the consequences, it will take much longer for the consequences to fade away compared to accepting them with a stance of 'I trusted the wrong person, made some mistakes, and am learning from events.' It still won't be quick, but it'll be faster."

2018-08-25, 04:59 PM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros sighs as she continues to apply her makeup on the plane of shadow "Keep in mind: I'm largely guessing based on a very short exposure to your parents' personalities, and even at that, the consequences I'm preparing you for are largely temporary - it may take a while, but they'll fade in time. Trust isn't just 'will this person answer me with facts when I ask?' - there's also aspect of 'Does this person have good judgment on matters?' 'Will this person be compromised by another later?' 'Will this person tell me the things I need to know even when I don't ask?' and many others. Someone else tricked you; you've been compromised at least once. That the demon who abandoned you after taking advantage of you slipped past your parents undetected as well has very little impact on how they'll feel about the matter. Feelings are seldom logical or fair, but they're often predictable."

She continues "Among the predictable pieces is that the bad stuff from this will fade with time. You've got a storm coming, that's largely unavoidable now, but how long it takes for the storm to fade into a gentle rain and disperse to a clear sky depends at least partially on you and how you react. If you take a stance of 'I was tricked and this is all completely unfair' or similar and try to reject the consequences, it will take much longer for the consequences to fade away compared to accepting them with a stance of 'I trusted the wrong person, made some mistakes, and am learning from events.' It still won't be quick, but it'll be faster."

Make me a diplomacy check to impart your words.

2018-08-25, 07:09 PM
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-08-29, 10:04 PM
Nyna nods as she understands.

"It's going to be a lonely while at the castle, huh." She snarks sadly.

2018-08-30, 06:37 AM
Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros replies as she finishes putting on her makeup "Indeed. The life of a princess is not actually one to be envied. Regardless, we should be arriving soon enough."
Not being threatened, so taking ten on the disguise check, and with the -2 for race, gets a 39.

2018-09-05, 03:33 PM
Anything you two do right as you come out? Any spot in particular you come out on?

2018-09-05, 06:38 PM
Far enough from the front door of the palace grounds that we won't be suddenly appearing in a "secure" area regardless of the offset roll. We're working for them and they're expecting us at some point, so official channels make sense.

2018-09-18, 02:20 PM
"Hail..." The guards start as you approach the gate. "Ha... princess!" The taller guard lets out surprised.

"Yes, I have returned.... I'd um like to see my parents..." She remarks.

The guards swiftly start to lead you to the throne rooms, sending a servant before them to alert the rulers.

Nyna's mother is crying of joy openly.

What do you do?

2018-09-20, 09:42 PM
In the well-renewed guise of a living elf, Darshee Elazumin Dazeiros quietly starts a Detect Magic spell while in route, and maintains it, watching the surrounding area. When she reaches the throne room, she bows deeply and says "Greetings your majesties. As there may be some fallout from today's events, we should probably give you a full report... but I imagine that can wait until after you have some time with your daughter. Family is very important, and it is always best to treasure such reunions."

2018-09-21, 09:03 PM
Quill for it's part sent a brief "I'll get started on returning things to the way they were before the fiend." before it floated away. True to it's word it began the process of spreading enough pamphlets to undo the near conflict.

Gonna use Pathfinder Chronicler's Whispering Campaign (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/core-rulebook/pathfinder-chronicler) to start shifting attitudes back towards Friendly in regards to the two nations. I have enough uses probably.