View Full Version : Dragon Age: The Sinful March

2017-08-22, 08:49 AM
All of you have been a group of mercenaries for a few years now. You've had quite wild adventures here in Ferelden, and the last one deposited you in the little town of Haven.

The blight ended about a year ago when an elven mage plunged spellfire down the archedemon's throat. More on this later.

2017-08-22, 07:22 PM
When Valornor has time off. He likes to spend it in the woodlands, outside of the walled village of Haven. In western Ferelden, on the eastern slopes of the Frostback Mountains.


The layout below doesn't seem to come close to matching the picture up above. So I don't know what the deal was with that. As for the numbers on the layout. I looked, but couldn't find a map key for it anywhere. So I guess 2 & 3 go together, Same with 4 & 5. As well as 6, 7 & 8. How about we say that the building that is to the most upper right portion of the layout is the Haven Inn with it's small attached stable. Where the PCs are staying. Does that sound good? I hope so, as I added it to the layout.

The Inn's not a perfect fit. But I think it will work well enough. Again, there was no available key. I think you should beable to figure everything out well enough. The original is suppose to have a second floor. But I think in a out of the way place like Haven. The rooms on the single floor is plenty enough.

2017-08-24, 12:16 AM
Valornor also checks the Chanter's Board at the Chantry, on a regular basis to see if there are any jobs posted there for him and his companions.

2017-08-24, 01:15 AM
Masarian will usually be found down at the lake in quiet contemplation or at the inn helping care for the horses that are stabled there.

While he is still a bit leery about being around humans, even after all this time, Masarian usually ends up telling stories to the local children. Between the kids and animals, Masarian has found a group who doesn't judge based on appearance or social standing.

If not at either of those places, Masarian has been known to visit the chantry looking at the board or at the inn, where he takes his meals.

2017-08-28, 03:06 PM
Masarian makes his way over to the chantry and quietly walks inside. Looking around he hopes to find out information on the rumors of the job.

"Have you heard anything about the templars recruiting for an excursion westward"

2017-08-31, 03:22 PM
Ever since they had reached the small village on the slopes of the Frostback Mountains, Hrala had grown quieter and grumpier than usual. She should've protested when they had decided to go west to Haven, Hrala thought. It was too close to home, former home, she reminded herself, and with it came a lot of painful memories about her failings. Aside from brooding alone somewhere in the Inn, she had made some coin on the side by breaking up fights at the Inn between drunken fools and trained some young men and women basic swordplay.

The prospect of joining up with some Templars to go further west, sat alright with her.

2017-08-31, 06:20 PM
Masarian makes his way over to the chantry and quietly walks inside. Looking around he hopes to find out information on the rumors of the job.

"Have you heard anything about the templars recruiting for an excursion westward"

The mother there said: I have recieved a few letters that this church would be used as a base of operations by some Knight-Commander, but the letters arrived weeks ago.

2017-09-01, 04:28 AM
"Thank you holy one. I'll find my friends and let them know."

Masarian then leaves the Chantry and goes in search of his fellow mercenaries.

2017-09-01, 12:03 PM
Valornor gathered with his fellow mercenaries, Hrala and Masarian. Back at the Haven Inn. Hearing Masarian tell of what he learned at the Chantry. The Dalish scout said. "One would think this Knight-Commander would arrived well before now if he was coming. We have already heard news that they've been through Farthing, Frostkeep and Rainesfere. One only know how long it has taken that news, after the fact, to reach us here in out of the way Haven. So I think we can safely assume, if the Wardens had plans to come to Haven, those plans were somehow changed. There is only one route by which a large group of men can move westward. That is on the road to Orlais at the northern end of the Frostback Mountains. An the most likely place where one would gather in such large numbers for such a venture. Would be at the Gates of Orzammar.

I propose we three and anyone else from here in Haven who wishes to join use. Take the rest of this day to prepare. Then rise at the crack of dawn on the morrow. An after a hearty breakfast, set out northward. Along the western bank of the Grey Deer River. Until it turns westward into the mountains. Crossing the summer heat lowered river, we will continue north to Frostkeep from there. Then on to the Gates of Orzammar. What say the both of you to that?"

2017-09-01, 02:23 PM
Valornor gathered with his fellow mercenaries, Hrala and Masarian. Back at the Haven Inn. Hearing Masarian tell of what he learned at the Chantry. The Dalish scout said. "One would think this Knight-Commander would arrived well before now if he was coming. We have already heard news that they've been through Farthing, Frostkeep and Rainesfere. One only know how long it has taken that news, after the fact, to reach us here in out of the way Haven. So I think we can safely assume, if the Wardens had plans to come to Haven, those plans were somehow changed. There is only one route by which a large group of men can move westward. That is on the road to Orlais at the northern end of the Frostback Mountains. An the most likely place where one would gather in such large numbers for such a venture. Would be at the Gates of Orzammar.

I propose we three and anyone else from here in Haven who wishes to join use. Take the rest of this day to prepare. Then rise at the crack of dawn on the morrow. An after a hearty breakfast, set out northward. Along the western bank of the Grey Deer River. Until it turns westward into the mountains. Crossing the summer heat lowered river, we will continue north to Frostkeep from there. Then on to the Gates of Orzammar. What say the both of you to that?"

"Sounds good to me, we have been here to long anyway. I'll start my preparations right away."

2017-09-03, 04:16 PM
As the Dalish layed out his plan, Hrala nodded. "The sooner we get out of this village the better. Maybe there's a trader heading for Orzammar, who wouldn't mind paying us some coin for some professional protection on the road. We sure can use it."

2017-09-03, 09:11 PM
In response to Hrala's suggestion, the Dalish scout said. "Normally that would be a real good idea. But a trader doesn't move that fast and stops over in every little village and hamlet. From the sound of it, I think it would be best to get to Orzammar as quick as possible."

The rest of the day and evening Valornor and the others spread word of their plans. So rising a rooster's first crow, very early the next morning. They had breakfast and ready to go as the top of the sun began to rise above the eastern horizon. Will anyone be accompanying them? Or is it just the three of them heading towards Orzammar?

As was discussed earlier the first leg of their journey will take them from Haven to Frostkeep. Depending on what they learn there. Will decide where they go next.

2017-09-17, 05:06 PM
I got myself a random encounter chart, one for each region. This will be the frostbacks, so here is the roll: [roll0]

... well dang.

Everyone make me perception checks. If you have the smelling or hearing tags, and them.

2017-09-21, 02:22 PM
Masarian looks around the area that they are currently walking in. A sudden shiver rolls through his body and it wasn't from the cold.

"Something doesn't feel right, we shoild be on guard."

2017-09-24, 07:44 PM
Masarian is right, although only him and Hrala detect the five darkspawn that jump upon the party. They look like furless werewolves, and they let out a shriek as they charge on the party.

Initiative for Shrieks: Dragon die: [roll0]
Regular dies: [roll1], [roll2] + 6

People who saw the darkspawn act on surprise round.