View Full Version : Favorite OOTS Character Tournament: 13 Block Wildcard Rush

2017-08-22, 07:02 PM
[voting has closed]

These are the characters in the 13 Wildcard Block of Favorite OOTS Character Tournament:

13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 88
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 64
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 63
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 18
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 17
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 14
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 14
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 13
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 12
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 12
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 11

The number by each character's name is the sum of the points awarded to the character on all ballots in the Character Popularity Poll thread over the past week. The characters in the Wildcard Blocks are ones that somebody loved, but not enough people gave them points to make it to the Top 12 who have automatic seeding. So they have to fight it out one more time and only one can go on to get the 13th seed.

Whoever wins the 13
th seed goes on to face the 4th Seed in Round 1 of the Tournament. So the character who wins this will take on Roy Greenhilt, one on one.

You may give 1 point, 2 points, or no points to every character. (Calling them nods, as in "TWO NODS FOR GREYVIEW!!" has caught on, so I will call them that henceforth.) 1 nod means you have positive feelings for that character, and 2 means that you have STRONG positive feelings about that character. You don't have to specifically say you are giving a character 0, if you omit someone from your ballot, that is the assumption, and that would be for any character you have no significant positive feelings about-- whether or not that means you actively dislike the character or are just "meh".

The qualifications for "Favorite" are personal and up to the decision of each balloter alone. This is not a competition for who would win in a fight, or who is the most moral... UNLESS that is what makes them YOUR favorite.

The Wildcards especially are where characters that are favorites of only a few compete, so now is the time to make your case for why we should give a nod, or two, to a character we had never thought much about before.


2017-08-22, 07:18 PM
Celia - 2
Malack - 1

2017-08-22, 07:29 PM
Malack 1 nod
Kazumi Kato 2 nods
Gred 1 nod

2017-08-22, 07:56 PM
Julio Scoundrél 2
Blackwing 2
Laurin Shattersmith 2
Hinjo 1
Ho Thanh 1
Kazumi Kato 1
Malack 1
The Oracle 1

2017-08-22, 09:14 PM
2 Nods: Scoundrél and Malack.
1 Nod: Blackwing and Gannji.

2017-08-22, 09:49 PM
1 nod each for Blackwing, Celia, Greg, and the Oracle.
2 nods each for all others except Gannji and Ho Thanh.

The Curt Jester
2017-08-22, 10:08 PM
13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 2
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 1
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 1
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 0
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 1
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 1
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 1
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 1
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

2017-08-22, 10:17 PM
Blackwing - 2 Nods
Julio Scoundrél - 1 Nod
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley - 2 Nods

2017-08-22, 11:03 PM
Celia - 2 nods
Blackwing - 2 nods
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley - 1 nod
Laurin Shattersmith - 1 nod
Ho Thanh - 1 nod

Present 2.0
2017-08-22, 11:09 PM
2 nods for Malack and Laurin

1 nod for Hinjo

2017-08-22, 11:28 PM
Somebody please help me understand the amount of love Shattersmith gets.

Her noteworthy characteristics:

1) She is a psion.
2) Her daughter is a plumber, and she keeps her evil ways secret from her.
3) ???

She has shineys that float around her head, but I'm pretty sure that's only noteworthy if you're Blackwing.

I just don't get it. She doesn't seem any more or less interesting than Myron Shewdanker. What am I missing?

2017-08-22, 11:38 PM
I suppose she has the whole irrational hatred of elves thing too... But yeah, we haven't seen much of her, what we have seen shows her as a cool, nuanced character who has well explained reasoning behind her actions, (as opposed to evil for the sake of evil, or following Tarquin for the sake of following someone.)
I suspect we'll see a lot more good stuff from her in the future, there's just not much to go on so far...

2017-08-23, 12:52 AM
Somebody please help me understand the amount of love Shattersmith gets.

Her noteworthy characteristics:

1) She is a psion.
2) Her daughter is a plumber, and she keeps her evil ways secret from her.
3) ???

She has shineys that float around her head, but I'm pretty sure that's only noteworthy if you're Blackwing.

I just don't get it. She doesn't seem any more or less interesting than Myron Shewdanker. What am I missing?

3)She has some resentment toward the Elves for their lives of (relative) luxury.

I think the Giant has done a really elegant job characterizing Laurin and her morality with a few choice details. Between her (seemingly sincere) motivation to give her daughter a better life, and the way she expresses herself toward Vaarsuvius in their duel, my impression of her is someone with a working-class background, deeply committed to family, with enough of a gangster's mentality to accept the life she's committed to but to also want better things for her daughter, who takes great pride in the fact that her daughter has honest work, and who holds resentment and suspicion of people who were born into wealth and luxury, and didn't have to work for or earn it.

That's a compelling character right there, created with just a few choice lines in two or three strips, and that description doesn't cover, for example, the fact that she's savvy enough to know how to handle Tarquin and get what she wants from him.

2017-08-23, 12:55 AM
I would have given a nod to Malack if it wasn't for pro-Blackwing strategic voting. Every strip involving Blackwing is gold. Plus, I really think that at least one of the Order's menagerie members deserves to qualify for the main draw given how important those animal characters have become in the strip, and Everybody's Favourite Raven has the best shot. So:

Blackwing - 2
Kazumi Kato - 1
Julio - 1
Oracle - 1

2017-08-23, 12:57 AM
I had completely forgotten her resentment of elites. That definitely makes her (relative) popularity less of a headscratcher for me, thank you.

2017-08-23, 12:58 AM
As far as my case for my other 2-nods: Every good epic needs a swashbuckler, and Julio is a lot of fun in that role (plus he's Elan's mentor!). Blackwing is important to the plot in his role as Vaarsuvius' conscience, but more importantly, he's hilarious.

2017-08-23, 01:04 AM
Julio Scoundrél also committed the finest pun in history: "I've got some nerve causing a commotion."

2017-08-23, 01:26 AM
Malack: 2
Blackwing: 1
Celia: 1
Hinjo: 1
Laurin: 1

2017-08-23, 07:18 AM
Malack 2
Blackwing 1
Celia 0
Lord Hinjo 1
Ho Thanh 0
Gannji 0
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 2
Kazumi Kato 1
Julio Scoundrél 1
Laurin Shattersmith 1
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 2

2017-08-23, 07:43 AM
Malack 1
Blackwing 2
Celia 2
Lord Hinjo 1
Ho Thanh 1
Gannji 1
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 0
Kazumi Kato 1
Julio Scoundrél 1
Laurin Shattersmith 0
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

I don't have any very strong feelings about the people in this block except for Celia, just because of how she behaves, and the humor she adds to Don't Split the Party. Blackwing would normally have gotten no votes from me, but in the previous book, Blood runs in the Family she played a much bigger role in the story, and i liked it. Especially how she behaved in her battle with Qarr, that being one of my favorite parts of the book.

Jaxzan Proditor
2017-08-23, 07:48 AM
Malack: 2
Blackwing: 2
Celia: 1
Lord Hinjo: 1
Ho Thanh: 0
Gannji: 2
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield: 0
Kazumi Kato: 1
Julio Scoundrél: 1
Lauren Shartersmith: 0
Oracle of Sunken Valley: 2

2017-08-23, 07:53 AM
Malack 1
Blackwing 1
Celia 1
Lord Hinjo 1
Ho Thanh 1
Gannji 1
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 1
Kazumi Kato 1
Julio Scoundrél 2
Laurin Shattersmith 2
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

2017-08-23, 07:54 AM
Blackwing 2
Malack 1
Celia 1
Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

2017-08-23, 09:37 AM
Blackwing 1
Ho Thanh 1
Kazumi Kato 1
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 2

2017-08-23, 12:31 PM
Malack: 1
Blackwing: 1
Celia: 2
Lord Hinjo: 0
Ho Thanh: 0
Gannji: 0
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield: 0
Kazumi Kato: 0
Julio Scoundrél: 0
Laurin Shattersmith: 2
Oracle of Sunken Valley: 1

2017-08-23, 01:03 PM
2 Malack
2 Blackwing
2 Celia
2 Hinjo
1 Gannji
1 Kazumi Kato
1 Julio Scoundrél

2017-08-23, 02:11 PM
13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 1 nod
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 2 nods
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 2 nods
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 2 nods
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1 nod

2017-08-23, 02:32 PM
My Points:

13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 1
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 2
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 1
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 0
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 1
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 1
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 2
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 1
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

And I refuse to call them nodds!

2017-08-23, 02:57 PM
Here are running totals through Rogan:

13 Block Nods 2s SdPts
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 27 9 64
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 27 7 88
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 18 6 12
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 18 3 11
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 17 6 63
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 16 3 13
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 15 5 12
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 13 2 18
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 7 1 14
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 6 1 14
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 6 0 17

It is absolutely neck and neck between Malack and Blackwing for the race to take on Roy in the first round...

Both Scoundrél and the Oracle are greatly outperforming their seeding.

2017-08-23, 04:08 PM
I just counted the amount of nods two or three times for both Malack and Blackwing, as I was surprised by the tie. I counted only 24 nods for Malack, but 27 for Blackwing. Is there another post you are collecting votes from?

2017-08-23, 04:24 PM
2 for Gannji
2 for Ho Thanh
1 for Hinjo

2017-08-23, 04:41 PM
I just counted the amount of nods two or three times for both Malack and Blackwing, as I was surprised by the tie. I counted only 24 nods for Malack, but 27 for Blackwing. Is there another post you are collecting votes from?

I was getting ready to double-check every ballot between the thread and the spreadsheet when I saw it "FIVE nods for Malack! There's the problem."

Here's a new running totals with the correction and with PeeLee's ballot added.

13 Block Nods 2s SdPts
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 27 9 64
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 24 8 88
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 18 6 12
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 18 3 11
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 17 6 63
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 16 3 13
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 15 5 12
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 14 2 18
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 9 2 14
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 8 1 17
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 6 1 14

With the correction, Blackwing is in the lead, but it is still VERY close.

2017-08-23, 04:42 PM
My Points:

13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack no nods
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing no nods (because strategic vote for Ganji)
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia no nods (because strategic vote for Ganji)
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo no nods
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh no nods
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 2 huge nods
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield I HATE YOU SO MUCH GREG
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato no nods
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 1 nod

https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith I HATE YOU SO MUCH LAURIN
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley no nods

2017-08-23, 05:05 PM
2 blackwing
1 celia
1 ho thanh
1 gannji
2 julio scoundrél
1 kazumi kato

white lancer
2017-08-24, 10:31 AM
13 Block
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 2
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 1
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 1
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 1
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 0
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 0
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 1
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 1
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 0
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 1

Funny how things have changed here...I actually remember a tournament from a few years ago (during the midst of the Blood Runs in the Family arc) where Malack actually took out Roy. He and Tarquin were two of the most popular characters on the forum back then. Since then, opinions on both seem to have cooled a bit (for myself as well), but I still like him the best of this group.

2017-08-24, 12:32 PM
2 points each for Blackwing, Kazumi, Julio, and Laurin

1 each for Hinjo and Thanh

2017-08-24, 01:08 PM
Malack - 1
Blackwing - 2
Lord Hinjo - 1
Gannji - 1
Kazumi Kato - 1
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley - 1

2017-08-24, 06:47 PM
2 points for the Oracle. No other votes.

Liquor Box
2017-08-28, 08:06 PM
2 votes to Malack
2 votes to Celia
1 vote to the Oracle
1 vote to Ganji

2017-08-28, 09:27 PM
Blackwing: 2
Lord Hinjo: 1
The Oracle: 1
Kazumi Kato: 1
Laurin Shattersmith: 1
Gannji: 1
Ho Thanh: 1
Greg: 1

I would have given some points to Malack but he and Blackwing are so close, and I would like to see Blackwing win, so... No points for Malack.

2017-08-29, 06:49 AM
Malack: 2 giant nods
Lord Hinjo: 1 respectful nod
Julio Scoundrél: 1 polite nod
Laurin Shattersmith: 1 pity nod

And for completeness' sake, even though the following individuals get no points from me:

Blackwing: nothing
Celia: nothing
Ho Thanh: nothing
Kazumi Kato: nothing
The Oracle of the Sunken Valley: nothing
Gannji: less than nothing
TVFKA Durkon Thundershield: less than less than nothing.

2017-08-29, 10:55 PM
Ho Thanh-1

2017-08-29, 11:15 PM
This race is closed. bguy's ballot is last. Tallying....


13 Block Nods 2s SdPts
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Blackwing.png Blackwing 36 13 64
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png Malack 32 11 88
http://i.imgur.com/0rxgglh.png Julio Scoundrél 25 8 12
http://i.imgur.com/l0RgN9O.gif The Oracle of the Sunken Valley 24 4 11
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/kazumi.png Kazumi Kato 22 4 13
https://image.ibb.co/gX0gxv/celia.gif Celia 21 7 63
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Laurin_zpswvrc6g35.png Laurin Shattersmith 21 7 12
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hinjo_zps2hvmyl2s.png Lord Hinjo 20 2 18
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/gannjismileysmall.png Gannji 14 3 14
http://i.imgur.com/ZbnIj6z.png Ho Thanh 13 1 17
https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Hel%20Priest_zpsv6pywjna.png TVFKA Durkon Thundershield 7 1 14

In the end, Blackwing outperformed it's seeding slightly by beating Malack, while Celia underperformed her seeding greatly in the middle of the pack.

Blackwing wins the Wildcard going on to Round 1 to face Roy Greenhilt.

It's too bad Roy and Vaarsuvius can't trade partners. Roy v Wrecan and Suvie v Blackwing would be fun!

2017-08-30, 02:47 PM
Malack, Celia, Lord Hinjo, Ho Thanh, Julio Scoundrél

All get a nod.

Malack: a very interesting treatment of a vampire/cleric/evil/non human PC. Nice work, Rich.
Celia: well done.
Lord Hinjo and Ho Thanh: making the best of a bad situation.
Julio: I have to, nautical linkage.


Cannot ever vote for The Oracle of the Sunken Valley. Kobolds as PC's was a mistake the first time they did it. Still a mistake.