View Full Version : Sseth as a warlock patron

2017-08-23, 10:13 AM
If you wanted to work up sseth as a warlock patron, how would you go about it?

What sorts of abilities might fit?

I'd like to avoid too much overlap with yuan ti racials, so things like poison immunity aren't ideal, but perhaps a transformation, or physical change to include reptilian parts?

Maybe conjure animals (snakes) on the spell list...

I'm just starting out at this, any suggstions appreciated!

Edit: Sseth has a clearly defined agenda in the campaign, and his general goals, methods and means of communication with his followers are things I've already had to sort out... So at least that's done. I've basically got the fluff and the types of risks he'll define. Just looking for suggestions on rewards...

2017-08-23, 10:45 AM
If you ask me, there should be an ability that allows you to turn into a swarm of snakes. It's always been a dream of mine to fall backwards (like a trust fall) and then just dissolve into hundreds of snakes when I hit the ground.

2017-08-23, 11:35 AM
Was going to say GOO, knew PHB mentioned one of the serpent gods in GOO fluff but it's Dendar (pg.109). Looking at stat block and fluff for yuan-ti mind whisperer in volo's (pg. 203 -204) seems like fiend w/ variant spell list. Their Sseth's Blessing feature is the fiendlocks Dark One's Blessing just renamed

So rename DOB as Sseth's Blessing and replace either fiend patron's 6th or 14th level feature w/ mind whisperer's Mind Fangs ability (not sure if allowed to post its description) or make it a blade pact invocation

on page 98 of volo's there's an optional trait for pureblood yuan-ti that allows you to transform into a medium sized giant poisonous snake or large sized constrictor along w/ other optional yuan-ti abilities. think these are meant for monsters not players but might be allowed so long as replace a yuan ti feature w/ it, like w/ the variant tieflings in scag or a patron feature of similar power

2017-08-23, 12:41 PM
I would actually say a refluff of the Undying Light Patron. Change the additional spells from fire/radiant to acid/poison, and all of the self-healing is effectively your snake patron's giving you obscene regeneration. You'll need to replace the capstone, though.

You could ask your DM to allow a Tomb of Levistus variant, lets say Swarm of Sseth, to have to transform into a pile of snakes rather than having the warlock Ice Block himself.