View Full Version : ITEM WORKSHOP: Werewolf Skin

Captain Kablam
2017-08-23, 10:57 AM
No not to be confused with that (http://goosebumps.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolf_Skin) Werewolf Skin, and if such an item(s) already exists, feel free to call me a fool. But what kinds of items could you make from the pelt of a deadly werewolf? And yes let's assume that said werewolf doesn't revert to humanoid form upon being slain.


3.5 rules
curses and debuffs are fine, (I mean this is an item made from the skin of a sentient and cursed living person, pretty sure this counts as evil)
Price tag under 20,000g

Alternatively, if it'll count only as a special material such as Dragon Hide, what would be it's properties?

2017-08-23, 11:49 AM
an item made from the skin of a sentient and cursed living person

As is an armor made from the skin of a dragon, is that considered as evil ?

Captain Kablam
2017-08-23, 12:02 PM
As is an armor made from the skin of a dragon, is that considered as evil ?

There's actually a decent discussion to be had on that point. Dragons are different in that they are sentient. It does come down to how much you value sentience I suppose. More so than that there's the utility angle of it. For example I could see a druid, who sees all life as connected seeing no harm in skinning another person just as there's no harm in doing so to a dragon, the difference being that one has more use than the other.

2017-08-23, 12:13 PM
Yup, I agree with you.
Since a slain werewolf revert to its original form, that means you would visually have the skin of an humanoid.
I guess if the item made from it would be visible (like a cloak) it would give a modifier to interactions with characters of the same/close races.

Captain Kablam
2017-08-23, 12:23 PM
Since a slain werewolf revert to its original form, that means you would visually have the skin of an humanoid.

But I'm saying that doesn't happen. Let's say you keep the beast alive if you skin it (which seems more evil), what have you got then?

2017-08-23, 12:40 PM
Well, you've got hide or leather. It's just animal skin. Maybe slightly tough skin. Might give DR/Silver.

Lvl 2 Expert
2017-08-24, 01:39 AM
Well, you've got hide or leather. It's just animal skin. Maybe slightly tough skin. Might give DR/Silver.

Because of a lifetime spend avoiding the material?

EDIT: I'm an idiot, I was confused by the completely RAW way of writing that down.

2017-08-24, 02:09 AM
The magic item compendium has the "Hair shirt of suffering" 3,400gp, gives a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor, and can cure serious wounds 1/day at CL9. The picture (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/a/a3/HairShirtOfSuffering.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150809041516) seems quite apt.

There is also the shirt of the moon, also from magic item compendium, 15,000gp and gives DR3/silver.

2017-08-24, 09:30 AM
No not to be confused with that (http://goosebumps.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolf_Skin) Werewolf Skin, and if such an item(s) already exists, feel free to call me a fool. But what kinds of items could you make from the pelt of a deadly werewolf? And yes let's assume that said werewolf doesn't revert to humanoid form upon being slain.


3.5 rules
curses and debuffs are fine, (I mean this is an item made from the skin of a sentient and cursed living person, pretty sure this counts as evil)
Price tag under 20,000g

Alternatively, if it'll count only as a special material such as Dragon Hide, what would be it's properties?

Leather Armor, Cloak, Boots, Gloves, Belt(s), and Backpack all spring to mind immediately as typical uses for leather (which a hide basically is). There's also the option of getting enough to make a ship sail out of, but it might sprout fur or something in the light of the full moon.

The main problem is that the rules specify that werewolves revert on death, so if you want a hybrid wolf form hide to work with, as far as I'm aware, you would have to skin them alive. This isn't impossible (I'm sure there's a spell for Flensing targets somewhere in 3.5, and if not, get a wizard to make it). And if you're already not worried about being a horrible person and have access to high level spells, you can team up with a cleric to Flense the skin off and then Regenerate a new amount to repeat the process with. You know, assuming the werewolf survives the process.

Thematically, a cloak that lets you turn into a wolf would fit with the nature of the curse that werewolves suffer from, and as a cursed item, it would probably inflict the werewolf curse on it's wearer on the first full moon after donning it, making it possible for the cloak to serve as a furry little werewolf incubator.

Gloves of dexterity, belts of strength, a furry cloak of elvenkind, and so on would all be more regular magical items that would fit the theme.

Fouredged Sword
2017-08-24, 09:34 AM
Obviously the werewolf needs to be skinned alive to make a cloak, with a silver knife of course. An evil act to be sure, despite the evil nature of the creature tortured.

If you wanted it to be a thematic and useful item consider an at will application of Aspect of the Wolf per the druid spell. It wouldn't be horridly expensive. Use as a standard action and turn into a wolf for 10 minutes. Very useful, not overpowered, and yet a unique and practical item for many different situations.