View Full Version : DM Help Tutorial Session for New Players?

2017-08-24, 08:56 AM
I'm looking to run a session 0 before starting Tomb of Annihilation with a new group. 3 of the 5 players haven't played 5e before, with one of them having 0 experience with TTRPGs at all. Basically, I'm looking to run a quick tutorial/prologue kind of session with them to introduce them to the rules and concepts, and I'm looking for things to include.

I've already decided that there needs to be at least one each of the following: combat encounter, social encounter, trap, short/long rest, skill check encounter.

Is there anything else? And anybody got any ideas of the above I can use? Obviously all starting at level 1.

The idea of the prologue is that the PCs are on their way to Baldur's Gate to see Syndra Sylvane (who kicks off the adventure module), and are currently at the Friendly Arm Inn - 3 days from Baldur's Gate. I was thinking that maybe a patron had been mauled to death in the beer garden?:xykon:

2017-08-24, 04:20 PM
Sounds pretty good. Get some info gathering, tracking, monster slaying done. Then have a short rest after the 'bossfight'. Return to the inn for a good night's rest, then set off towards town for the proper questing to get underway.

Maybe tempt them with a small sidequest along the way there to see if they're the kind that followa the plot, or is liable to off-script.

2017-08-24, 04:33 PM
Lost Mines of Phandelver is designed for this purpose. Depending on how quickly you play, t can be finished in one session, but more than likely, you can just run through the first section.