View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Seeing Sound [Halp!]

2017-08-24, 07:57 PM
So, I'm trying to think of how to word a low-level ability that lets one 'see' sound. I don't mean echolocation (using sound to see), I mean the sort of power that would allow a deaf person to "see" a loud noise with their eyes. Granted, with a source of constant noise this ability might double as echolocation (since you could see the soundwaves interact with objects in the area).

Last wording I used was:
You can, as a bonus action, perceive sound within 30ft of you as though it were rainbow-like waves of color, the color and brilliance varying based on tone and intensity. This allows you to treat hearing as vision, and can allow you to "see" in areas without light if significant noise is being made. This effect lasts for 1 round.

I fear that wording is still too vague, and possibly too strong as well. I'd also prefer a wording that allows for using one's eyes to understand spoken words. I'd toss out some other possible wordings but I know better than to overload an initial post when seeking aid. >.>

2017-08-25, 09:37 AM
So, I'm trying to think of how to word a low-level ability that lets one 'see' sound. I don't mean echolocation (using sound to see), I mean the sort of power that would allow a deaf person to "see" a loud noise with their eyes. Granted, with a source of constant noise this ability might double as echolocation (since you could see the soundwaves interact with objects in the area).

Last wording I used was:
You can, as a bonus action, perceive sound within 30ft of you as though it were rainbow-like waves of color, the color and brilliance varying based on tone and intensity. This allows you to treat hearing as vision, and can allow you to "see" in areas without light if significant noise is being made. This effect lasts for 1 round.

I fear that wording is still too vague, and possibly too strong as well. I'd also prefer a wording that allows for using one's eyes to understand spoken words. I'd toss out some other possible wordings but I know better than to overload an initial post when seeking aid. >.>

The fact that it's a sense which requires a bonus action means it has to have some level of potency. I'd make it explicit that it allows you to see invisible creatures that don't Stealth below your Perception (passive or active is your choice) and realize when visual audio-less illusions are false. Also, "this allows you to treat vision as hearing," as the other way around does exactly what you said you didn't want to do.

2017-08-25, 02:44 PM
@JBPuffin: In the process of responding to your post I realized where I went wrong here: I wasn't being direct enough regarding what the ability actually did, and got too caught up in wordings similar to what I had. Rather embarrassing, given how often I've given similar advice to others. Thanks for knocking me out of slump!

Right, let's start with end goals:

Primary - Hear using eyes.
Secondary - Ability to see in noisy dark places.

New wording (note that "form eyes" is clear in context of the class, as is the eyes being sturdy):

You can form eyes capable of both hearing and vision. Such eyes are as sturdy as usual, giving you advantage on saving throws against being deafened.

Furthermore, you may, as a bonus action, alter your vision to perceive sound as multicolored light. This allows you to see in dark but noisy areas and quickly locate the sources of loud noises as though they were flashing lights. A shouting human casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet, while a softly talking human would only shed dim light in a 5-foot radius. The faint glow of even more subtle noises may be visible in dark, quiet environments. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.

Well, it's wordier than I'd like but I think it is definitely a lot clearer regarding what it does and does not do. I think the conditional darkvision and advantage VS deafen is sufficient power-wise (I changed it to a 10-minute dismissable duration instead of one round, however). As long as you spend combat screaming vision will not be a concern. :P