View Full Version : Ways to Cure Blindness via monsters, SLA's, & Supernatural abilities, but NOT spells?

2017-08-25, 01:07 AM
Due to some campaign-specific details, spellcasting is extra dangerous, damaging, and taboo. So I'm looking for other means of curing Blindness. So far, the only thing I'm coming up with is creatures that get Heal as an SLA: Astra Devas and Rukarazyll's are the only two I've come across so far (at least they are the only ones that don't also have racial spellcasting).

Monsters with spellcasting (such as a Trumpet Archon) are treated the same as classed-casters, and for my purposes they will not fulfill the need I have. Nor will the Supernatural ability to heal blindness that Healers get, because it can't be obtained without being a spellcaster.

So far I have been unable to find a monster with Remove Blindness as an SLA, so as of right now, Heal seems to be my only option. Are there any other options I'm forgetting or overlooking? Obviously a scroll or wand of Remove Blindness could be scrounged up, with great difficulty, or a demonic cult priest sought out to have Remove Blindness cast, but if some other way can be found in the rules, it would likely be a better option, given the campaign in question.

Any ideas?

2017-08-25, 01:09 AM
How about via magic items?

There's this one I can think of which is mostly harmless, probably low-risk, and definitely not spellcasting: the eye of vecna.

Mr Adventurer
2017-08-25, 01:09 AM
High level Dragon Shaman?

2017-08-25, 01:24 AM
How about via magic items?

There's this one I can think of which is mostly harmless, probably low-risk, and definitely not spellcasting: the eye of vecna.Hahahaha. Creative, but not what I'm going for. Your first sentence did get me to check Keoghtom's Ointment and a Strand of Prayer Beads, though, and the Strand of Prayer Beads does actually have a means of curing blindness.

High level Dragon Shaman?

Ah! An 11th level Dragon Shaman. Excellent. This will work quite nicely.

I of course welcome any additional options people might think of. The Dragon Shaman will work nicely, but some other option may spawn greater ideas and campaign creativity.

Edit: Just thought of another option. A 17th level Crusader with the 9th level Devoted Spirit maneuver that produces a Heal effect. The Dragon Shaman is a better option.

2017-08-25, 01:26 AM
DM: "You got birthday, you entered a new aging categ.."
PC: "Iron Heart Surge says NO!"

Removes any condition that bothers your for longer than 1 round.

IHS-maneuver helps with all kind of stuff. :smallwink:

2017-08-25, 01:41 AM
DM: "You got birthday, you entered a new aging categ.."
PC: "Iron Heart Surge says NO!"

Removes any condition that bothers your for longer than 1 round.

IHS-maneuver helps with all kind of stuff. :smallwink:
Do note that due to poor editing, some tables interpret it as requiring the condition to be measured in rounds, and not something like "Permanent". It might work in this case though, but would require two feats (or a feat and an item) and at least 10th level.

Also age category isn't a condition.

Mr Adventurer
2017-08-25, 01:50 AM
I think there's a Paladin ACF that works in a similar easy to the DS healing pool.

2017-08-25, 02:24 AM
Hahahaha. Creative, but not what I'm going for. Your first sentence did get me to check Keoghtom's Ointment and a Strand of Prayer Beads, though, and the Strand of Prayer Beads does actually have a means of curing blindness.
If you have access to MIC, there's goggles of the golden sun (part of the Raiment of the Four) which grants immunity to Blindness while worn.

Regalia of the Phoenix has the raptor mask which imparts the same immunity.

A potion of remove blindness / deafness might also be viable, but that's a bit closer to spellcasting.

2017-08-25, 02:43 AM
If you have access to MIC, there's goggles of the golden sun (part of the Raiment of the Four) which grants immunity to Blindness while worn.

Eh, that's like casting Death Ward on the corpse of someone who was just subjected to Power Word Kill, hoping it will stop it after the fact. I'm not looking to prevent blindness, but rather to cure it. Regardless of whatever RAW interpretation someone wants to come to, no DM would let the goggles remove the blind condition after the fact; they're good at preventing it, not curing it.

Also, I just looked the googles up. They "grant immunity to blindness and dazzling effects." I read that as "immunity to blindness ... effects," not "immunity to blindness." In other words, the googles prevent blindness from happening, they don't restore sight after the damaging blindness effect has happened.

2017-08-25, 02:44 AM
do you count warlocks as spellcasters?
otherwise there are a few invocations capable of this too.

2017-08-25, 02:53 AM
I think there's a Paladin ACF that works in a similar easy to the DS healing pool.

Hmmm.... I figured it would be in Complete Champion, but it's not there. I'm curious where this might be, if it does exist.

I found one other solution to my little problem. Myconid Soverigns can make potions of Remove Blindness/Deafness as a Supernatural ability.

2017-08-25, 02:54 AM
do you count warlocks as spellcasters?
otherwise there are a few invocations capable of this too.

I do count them as spellcasters for this campaign, but I'm still curious what invocations these might be.

2017-08-25, 03:25 AM
Shadowcaster (ToM) mysteries are explicitly not spells (but function as such in some respects).
They have a variant of Heal (Unveil - oddly a divination effect) as a 6th level mystery and Break Enchantment (dont remember exact name) as a 5th level mystery.
You can apply the feat Favored mystery or wait until 13th level so they become spell like abilities.

2017-08-25, 03:42 AM
Eh, that's like casting Death Ward on the corpse of someone who was just subjected to Power Word Kill, hoping it will stop it after the fact. I'm not looking to prevent blindness, but rather to cure it. Regardless of whatever RAW interpretation someone wants to come to, no DM would let the goggles remove the blind condition after the fact; they're good at preventing it, not curing it.

Also, I just looked the googles up. They "grant immunity to blindness and dazzling effects." I read that as "immunity to blindness ... effects," not "immunity to blindness." In other words, the googles prevent blindness from happening, they don't restore sight after the damaging blindness effect has happened.

Ah... yeah, I think you're correct. I was too hasty in my reading.

Anyway, more ways to cope:

- "Pools" are a thing in Dungeonscape (p.152); they can be magical, and one of the magical effects is removing blindness / deafness.

- A Blindfold of True Darkness from MIC (p.75) will give you Blindsight 30 ft., and turn you blind if you're not already blind. No loss if you are, except the 9k gp retail price.

2017-08-25, 03:48 AM
I do count them as spellcasters for this campaign, but I'm still curious what invocations these might be.

If the blindness was applied magically (spell/SLA/item whatsoever) it is subject to Dispel Magic and its 3 invocation equivalents: Relentless/Voracious Dispelling and Devour Magic.
Further there is also Caster's Lament (Break Enchantment).

2017-08-25, 03:51 AM
do you count warlocks as spellcasters?
otherwise there are a few invocations capable of this too.

There's also a couple of utterances which help - Breath of Cleansing can allow the ally a second save against an ongoing effect, reversed spell rebirth can end the spell responsible, and Breath of Recovery can cure the creature. Notably, invocations and utterances are both SLAs, not spells.

Psionics have some abilities which work too, IIRC.

Mr Adventurer
2017-08-25, 04:07 AM
Hmmm.... I figured it would be in Complete Champion, but it's not there. I'm curious where this might be, if it does exist.

I found one other solution to my little problem. Myconid Soverigns can make potions of Remove Blindness/Deafness as a Supernatural ability.

I thought so too so perhaps I am mistaken.

2017-08-25, 05:56 AM
Limited wish by performing a sacrifice could duplicate a remove blindness/deafness spell. Wish as an SLA could also do the same, or even a regenerate spell if your eyes themselves were damaged, and there are a fair few creatures capable of using wish as an SLA: Efreeti are the obvious ones, but solars too, glabrezu can use wish 1/month, but demand that you perform deeds that bring about great evil and suffering if the wish itself isn't used for evil, pit fiends can also use wish 1/year, but will likely require your soul in exchange. Any level 6 fiend of corruption is also capable of using wish as an SLA, but doing so does cost them xp like a normal wish.

2017-08-31, 03:22 PM
If the blindness was applied magically (spell/SLA/item whatsoever) it is subject to Dispel Magic...

The blindness was the result of a failed saving throw while within the area of a Murderous Mist spell.

Effect: Cloud spreads in a 30-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text

... Anyone within the cloud takes 2d6 points of damage and is permanently blinded. If a creature within the area makes a successful Reflex saving
throw, it takes only half damage and is not blinded.
I don't think Dispel Magic will get rid of this one. It's not like Blindness/Deafness, which has a duration of permanent.

Lots of excellent ideas. Thank you everyone. I have been able to plan how the PC's will be able to get ahold of a cure. Thank you.