View Full Version : Index What type of games does everyone like i'm curious?

2017-08-25, 08:58 AM
I personally prefer RPGs, action and adventure games i love the sense of progression you get with those games though that got me thinking
"I'm not the only one who feels this way right? Then that means people can think about games like this too"

My question is what is your favorite type of game and why?


2017-08-27, 03:02 PM
Definitely not the only one. My favourite type is RPGs and stealth action games. I can appreciate all sorts of games on an individual basis (strategy, adventure, card games, even platformers, very rarely racing games or FPS but done that too), but I always come back to RPGs and stealth action games.

2017-08-27, 03:15 PM
I used to think I like particular genres and not others.

But the more games I play, the more I think there are simply games that suck and games that don't.

2017-08-29, 01:14 AM
The games I like changes depending on my mood. I tend to like (western) RPGs, and games with action combat. Things that have a class and character building system, and even more so if they have replayability. Im less fond of JRPGs and the like, because they tend to be more one-track and there's not a lot of point in going back to play them. Not all of them of course, there's some that I really liked a lot, but usually I like the western games more.

When I'm feeling more like I just want to relax I like some simpler simulation type games, things like harvest moon or stardew valley.

Honest Tiefling
2017-08-29, 01:19 AM
I somehow think that most people are likely to say RPGs of one stripe or another here. I think I would be genuinely confused if someone didn't say that? Is there a single person here who doesn't own a Bioware RPG or a Final Fantasy?

As for the sense of progression...Yeah. I like getting that next level, seeing what that next level does and trying to build characters. You're not alone in that.

I am also quite fond of Point n' Click Adventure games, but I used to play those as a kid.

2017-08-29, 02:06 PM
There's quite a number of game types I like. Some simulations, strategy games (preferably complex ones) both turn-based and real-time, RPGs, adventure games, point and click adventures, puzzle games...

What I pretty much never like are shooters. Also, anything that requires good reflexes.

2017-08-29, 03:18 PM
Hmm... this is going to be a long list, but whatevs.

Games genres that I enjoy:
RPGs (including jRPGs and western RPGs like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls)
Fighting games (particularly Street Fighter, Marvel VS Capcom, SMASH Bros., Soul Calibur, and similar games... NOT Mortal Kombat-style games)
Action-Adventure and Action-RPG games (Legend of Zelda, Assassin's Creed, Diablo, Torchlight)
FPS games (but only non-realistic ones, so stuff like Halo, not Call of Duty)
Any of the above that contain RPG elements (Mass Effect, Far Cry, DB Xenoverse)
Oldschool Platformers (Mario, Megaman)
Puzzle games
Racing games
City-building and Base-building games (Sim City, Rimworld, Prison Architect)

2017-08-29, 10:40 PM
Primarily RPG games(any type of rpgs. JRPG, Western RPGs, Open-World RPG's, MMO RPG's, etc, etc), but I also greatly enjoy building-type games, both JUST building games(Cities:SKylines for example), or Building games with other gameplay(Strategy games like Civlization, Sorcerer Kings, etc). Beyond that, I've recently gotten into Overwatch, so I can no longer say I hate FPS(just 98% of them). And I do enjoy games like Resident Evil, or games like Bayonetta. Some Platformers(Mario games and the likes), but not all.

I do not enjoy most FPS(as already stated), and most racing type games. Dislike "artsy" games where the only purpose is to walk around in beautiful landscapes, just to boring for me. I like puzzles in games, but I don't like Puzzle games(with the exception of Puzzles and Dragons, it's got enough rpg card-collection flair to keep my interest).

2017-08-29, 11:33 PM
Big two for me are probably RPGs and fighting games. Primarily JRPGs, since the one western RPG dev I really liked, Bioware, has moved into making more open-world style games, which I don't particularly like. For fighting games, I tend to love ArcSys games above the rest, especially BlazBlue (which got me into the genre) and Persona Arena (which crosses my favorite RPG franchise with my other favorite genre), but Marvel vs Capcom is a close second, and Capcom in general tends to make fighting games whose gameplay I enjoy (though they've tended to have a lot of other flaws).

Beyond those, action games, especially the over-the-top sort embodied by Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and, well, pretty much everything Platinum Games makes. Then there's strategy games, visual novels (well, mainly Ace Attorney), and platformers, all good. Oh, and card games - well, Hearthstone, anyway. I've tried a couple of others, and liked them, but with the way they work I can't really play more than one for any real period of time, so I stick with my favorite/the one I've been playing since it was in beta and thus have a huge card collection in.

2017-08-29, 11:39 PM
Western RPGs, shooters, beat-em-ups. Some puzzle games as well, particularly narrative ones like Portal and Stanley Parable.

Thanks to Dream Daddy I've discovered that I might be able to get into dating sims as well.

2017-08-30, 01:16 AM
I play a few types of games but the one I pick has to have some element I like.

-The gameplay has to be at least partially skill based. Usually in one of either two ways: twitch reaction skills like a fighting game, shooter, or action RPG, or it must be tactical. Both is best, which is probably why I love Starcraft so much. Puzzle games mostly count as some sort of skill based slightly tactical game, but it has to be the right type of puzzles. I haven't really figured out where the dividing line is for me, but Portal drew my attention, as did the silly little star charts in Dragon Age: Inquisition (I probably enjoyed those more than the rest of the gameplay), and the Riddler puzzles from the Arkham games. But Candy Crush style puzzles I played for about 10 minutes then never had the desire to play again.

-If the game has a story it's best if it is really amazingly written, or I can completely ignore it. Again, if you can do both that's pretty amazing. Probably why I like Dark Souls. But then I have disliked every Elder Scrolls game I've played and that does this as well. But that's more for the last point.

-If the game is focused on a story, the gameplay cannot be boring as hell. Which is sadly a point that almost every JRPG I have ever played fails to live up to. Picking a move from a list and waiting for each character to go one after another until the next round is boring gameplay. Randomly button mashing is boring gameplay.

-Grinding is terrible, if you make me grind I will hate you and your game forever. Another point against the stereotypical JRPG.

-I hate "exploration" in a sense. Generally, I prefer a relatively small intimate map where I can puzzle out the secrets and every section has something new and interesting: The Batman: Arkham games does this very well, as does Dark Souls. But when the map gets huge, and exploration means wander around a mostly empty hillside for hours fighting animals to collect a bunch of bear anuses for some fetch quest so you can increase one level in your guild so you can get a neat pair of pants. Then you have lost me, and I tend to think your game is a waste of time, like every Bethesda game ever.

And failing all that, a game I can just play for .5 to 1 hour as a time waster, with some strategic elements is always good. Starcraft is reigning king, but I play a bit more League of Legends than I probably should, especially since I've been growing to resent the game, but still keep playing it for some reason.

2017-08-30, 01:50 AM
Played various things growing up (top 3 fondest memories are probably Diablo 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and Pokemon Gold).

Eventually I came to terms with the fact that I'm pretty much a full Spike, and I derive most of my enjoyment from competing against other people. Played Starcraft 2 for a while, now playing Heroes of the Storm and some Hearthstone.

2017-08-30, 02:06 AM
I love exploration in games, but there's very few games that do it well. If I explore, I want to occasionally find something I've never seen before. Preferably, not just a color variant of the same enemy.

I agree on grinding. If I do something once in a game, I've usually proven to myself that I can do it, and I've seen what it looks like. So I don't want to do it again.

2017-08-30, 02:09 AM
Primarily RPGs and FPS games (a good mix of both is, of course, even better), with a smattering of action-y games like Kingdom Hearts or Dragon's Dogma . I like a good hack and slash beat 'em up style game like God Hand or Devil May Cry, but good examples of those are hard to find. A good stealth game like Dishonored is always great, but I'm kinda picky with those.

Also 3D platformers like the Jak and Daxter series but that's basically a dead genre at this point.

It's hard to separate a lot of genres ATM since there's so much blending though. It could easily be argued that everything I listed as examples of games I like fall under the RPG label, for instance, since so many games crib RPG progression elements now.

The one genre I can definitively say I don't really enjoy is the MOBA genre. I have never found a MOBA I liked. Everything from the control scheme to the perspective to the progression puts me off of them. The only one I come close to liking is Heroes of the Storm and that's mostly just because I have friends who love it and feel obligated to play it every now and then.

Kaptin Keen
2017-08-30, 02:30 AM
I will slog through almost any game if it has a good story. Exception: Undertale.

That said, I seem to no longer have the reaction speed I used to, so slowing things down to an old mans pace helps a lot. That means I tend to enjoy stealth games over pure shooter/action game, for instance.

And then I've played ... just, all the RPG's. And liked most of them, though as one might imagine not the ones with less than par stories.

2017-08-30, 07:35 PM
I've always had particular soft spots for platformers and RPGs. However, I find I can enjoy most genres, including bullet-hell and top-down shooters, puzzle, adventure, interactive fiction, simulation, fighting, and occasionally racing games.
One notable exception is FPS. The last FPS I enjoyed playing was Duck Hunt (NES), and even then I preferred the multiplayer mode in which I played the duck and someone else did the shooting. I have not enjoyed any FPS since then.

2017-08-30, 11:43 PM
I mostly play a mix of highly competitive games (Esports and the like) and Japanese browser/mobile games with lots of waifu. A rotation of Kancolle, Fate Grand Order, and Overwatch is my current poison. I think I like being able to switch from highly skill based games to mindless grinding with the occasional big payoff every few weeks.

I have a hard time thinking of a game genre that I dislike; most genres have at least one standout I'm a fan of. I guess puzzle games would be my least favorite - I've always felt like there's too narrow a line between not being challenging at all and not having a solution I can find in any decent length of time.

Lord Raziere
2017-08-31, 03:53 AM
well currently I'm on DLC-parts of Dark Souls 3, beginning Dragon Age Inquisition after finishing both Dragon Origins and DA2, have Stellaris even though I'm not good at it, and am planning on getting around to The Witcher 3, so I'd say I'm mostly roleplaying game type of person, but with a liking for combat and action to be a big part of it. I like playing a character, but also defeating my enemies in combat and being badass because of it. this includes Pokemon, Paper Mario and various other rpgs like Chrono Trigger. also all the smash bros games.

though I've also played Undertale on true pacifist and liked it, so there is one exception to that.

I liked Age of Empires 3 more than I do Stellaris.

I also play hearthstone, get the new card back every month. I like it.

I've played Skyrim the whole way through got mods for it, but sandbox set ups are not interesting to me. They just feel.......boring. flat. and for some reason, empty. there is only so much fun you can have killing things so easily with your mod-weapon that its like "ok, now there is nothing that possibly defeat me, time to move on".

I used to play World of Warcraft a lot, got a character all the way up to 90, got a lot of mounts, pandaria and so on.....then things happened and its all gone, and I will NOT be going back because screw grinding to get all my mounts back. screw that. I mean I do wish I could ride around in the engineering helicopter, motorcycle and all my dragons again while destroying fools in that, but not if I have to pay 15 dollars a month for it while basically going through all the most boring parts of the game all over again.

only shooters I ever played was Halo games, stopped caring after Halo 3, never found an FPS that I liked much after. well, there was Mass Effect, but you know how that turned out.

2017-08-31, 12:12 PM
I like just about everything, except sports and maybe horror. Most of my favorite games, though, are RPGs or FPSes. Or FPS-RPGs. :smalltongue:

(Also, I love MMOs, but I try to stay away from them these days. I inevitably get sucked in just long enough to spend some money then immediately lose interest.)

2017-08-31, 03:34 PM
I guess I would say most Western RPG's and RTS games, some TBS games, some sim games, very occasionally a bit of MOBA. Plus whatever Hearthstone counts as.

2017-08-31, 03:37 PM
That'd be a CCG (collectible card game). Separated from a TCG (trading card game) in that...you can't trade, since they'd lose money that way.

2017-08-31, 03:43 PM
I used to like playing a lot of FPS and Action games, but now I am old-ish and my reflexes aren't as good, it seems that unless there is something really STELLAR about a game of that type the frustration I get from not being as good as I used to be turns me off. Skyrim, Starbound and Monaco are the most recent things that hit my sweet spots enough to break through the frustration.

Seems kinda contrary to what I said, but I do still love my 2d fighters. Guilty Gear for life.

I spent most of my time playing turn-based strategy games... Endless Space 2 and Stellaris are both a lot of fun. I am clearly a masochist as I still play Sword of the Stars 2 with some regularity, as well.

Aaaaaaand lastly the game that takes up most of my time these days kinda defies genres. it is Space Station 13. It's... weird. I guess it's an MMO? But it's not that massive.

2017-09-13, 02:53 PM
I like different action games. Also I play casual games like Sable Maze: Nightmare Shadows from time to time. Recently I've opened a gambling world for myself. I've found a great game - three musketeers by red tger. It has fun animation and it is very interesting to join famous musketeers even if only in game. Also I like the possibility to play a three musketeers game online (https://mr.bet/game/view/demo/three-musketeers) without installation on my computer.

2017-09-13, 05:23 PM
I used to think I like particular genres and not others.

But the more games I play, the more I think there are simply games that suck and games that don't.
I was getting on to say something along these lines.

However, there are some genres I really don't care for, like racing and sports.

2017-09-26, 05:38 PM
I've been playing 4X games a lot. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and the Rhye's and Fall of Civilization and Fall From Heaven mods for Civilization IV.

Also played a brief game of Nethack recently. Always a classic. I never get all that far, but I'm not really concerned with beating it.

I somehow think that most people are likely to say RPGs of one stripe or another here. I think I would be genuinely confused if someone didn't say that? Is there a single person here who doesn't own a Bioware RPG or a Final Fantasy?
Well, I'm not a subforum regular, so I don't know how "here" I am in the relevant sense. I don't think we share a geographical location less specific than the planet Earth, and I'm pretty sure there are lots people on Earth with, like, no videogames at all?

Aw, that's kind of sad. :(

But, wait, the opening post didn't even specify videogames, did it? What other games does everyone like?

Aaaaaaand lastly the game that takes up most of my time these days kinda defies genres. it is Space Station 13. It's... weird. I guess it's an MMO? But it's not that massive.
It definitely seems interesting, from what I've read about it (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Space_Station_13). Maybe kind of similar to Paranioa in some ways, although with a far greater number of defined specific jobs for the player characters.

2017-10-20, 06:37 PM
Recently (actually, off and on for years) I've been on an indie game kick. Specifically, GameMaker: Studio games.

2017-10-23, 06:48 AM
I love games that make me feel miserable, regretful, and contemplative for at least some portion of the story. The more misery I experience, and the more I end up blaming on myself rather than the game, the better. Some examples include the following. Spec Ops: The Line, Undertale, Papers Please, This War of Mine, Dark Souls 1, STALKER, LISA, Dishonored, Hotline Miami, RUINER.

I'm also enamored with Total War. I think I just enjoy snowballing and picking on the clumsy, incompetent battle AI. I particularly like M2TW and RTW. Empire just wasn't the same, I think it's a crime that Jeff Van Dyck wasn't doing the music. The warhammer ones didn't even catch my interest; that kind of uninspired WoW-style kitchen sink fantasy sickens me tremendously. Thankfully I have Europa Barbarorum to keep things fresh; it has a kind of charm and passion about it, like there's a very dutiful PhD historian pressing his dissertation into my face every time I open up a notification or unit description.

2017-10-23, 10:11 AM
I like games that have a good story such as Legend of Zelda, Fallout, Mass Effect, etc. However, I do enjoy a game that you can sit down and just 100% like a Lego game or the one I am currently 100%-ing is Ori and the Blind Forest.:smallbiggrin:

2017-11-15, 07:33 AM
I like RPGs, adventure and action games.
Right now i'm playing PUBg but i'm not good at it xD

2017-11-15, 11:43 AM
I play Battle.Net games almost exclusively these days. Starcraft 2 just released a new map and a new co-op commander, I do weekly tasks in Destiny 2, I'm playing the Diablo 3 season, and I play Hearthstone on mobile.

I heard Hand of Fate 2 dropped recently so I'm going to pick that up to play during the holiday.

2017-11-16, 01:35 PM
Grand-strategy games have always been my favorite genre -- the Total War series, Paradox games, 4x titles like Birth of the Federation and Age of Wonders 3, etc. Western RPG's like Neverwinter Nights and Pillars of Eternity come in a strong second.

2017-11-16, 08:30 PM
I still need to try out Pillars of Eternity. And a few others (I've *only* done the BG series and Planescape: Torment).