View Full Version : Way of the Wicked: Knot of Thorns [IC]

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2017-08-25, 10:56 AM
A few days ago, you were prisoners in the infamous Branderscar Prison, from which no one had escaped. With the covert assistance of a mysterious, beautiful woman named Tiadora, who told you that she represented someone who wanted to meet you, you became the first to escape, bringing with you an ogre named Grumblejack who had been imprisoned as well.

At the remote manor house where Tiadora directed you to come to find her and her mysterious patron, you met him: a handsome, surprisingly young-looking man who introduced himself as Cardinal Adrastus Thorn, last High Priest of Hextor in Talingarde. Like you, he bore the brand of a condemned prisoner. He offered you power and vengeance if you would swear an oath, in blood, to serve him in the destruction of Talingarde. Seeing little choice--it seemed certain that he would kill you out of hand if you refused--you agreed.


After that, the Cardinal told you, "Tiadora will lead you to the basement of this domicile. There you will find nine chambers each more dangerous than the last. Somewhere hidden within these chambers is a pendant of silver and sapphire. Recover the pendant and bring it to me. Let nothing and no one stand in your way."

Silver Night
2017-08-25, 12:19 PM

"Hextor's will be done, Master.
We will return with the pendant." Seva is, perhaps, eager to prove herself after the failure of being captured.

2017-08-25, 01:18 PM
After signing...

A moment, milord. Might I take a moment to read this twice over?

She takes a seat in the floor with her knees to the side, awaiting a better look at the small text.

2017-08-25, 03:43 PM
Ilnesh takes a moment to scan the document -

"I agree with the terms as stated. Let us begin, so our trial may be over." He glances over at the rest of the party, taking a moment to take them all in. A look of unease comes over him, but he speaks no more.

Silver Night
2017-08-25, 04:10 PM

Seva is a fairly tall woman, with a solid build. She is wearing a plain but well maintained breastplate over unremarkable traveling clothes. She has a martial air to her, though her holy symbol marks her as a cleric of Hextor.

2017-08-25, 10:07 PM
Vosnak studies the contract, memorizing it, then hands it back. While the others read it the psion's mind silently discusses with his psicrystal at the base of his neck about the near and long term consequences. Long term was a relative thing. For the others long term was decades at best. For him as an elan it could be much much longer. The others didn't know that, and had no need to know.

His thoughts moved on to the immediate situation. Nine chambers below this manor. Each more dangerous than the last. Sounds like the death mazes he had read various accounts of in the library. Each was very different so the details weren't very helpful. The key point normally consisted of distractions to conceal where the real death would come from.

"Shall we have a quick meal before we see if we can solve the puzzles down below without losing some of our number?"

Vosnak will bring a wineskin and some of the more portable food with him, for snacking on later.

2017-08-25, 11:41 PM

The girl had not spoken much since your escape. She was armed with a mundane crossbow and a dagger. She wore no armor and stood quietly observing the party to see everyone's reaction to signing the document. She had signed the document so quickly you're not sure if she even read it.

Oddly, she now wore a silver holy symbol of Pelor.

2017-08-26, 08:35 AM
I hold no secret as I return the document.

I suppose I agree. To the basement, then?

I look to Ilnesh and make a subtle head gesture, suggesting "after you."

2017-08-26, 11:02 AM
The dark skinned man nods, a slight frown spreading across his face. He pats down his leather armor, looking around for a way down to the basement.

"I'd love to, but I'm not exactly sure where we're going... "

2017-08-26, 06:08 PM
The six of you descend a set of stone stairs, through an archway and into an unfurnished chamber beyond. Inscribed upon the archway in the common tongue is: “Deception is a tool. Self-deception is death. Deceive always your enemy but never yourself.” The room beyond is lit by a small oil lantern hanging from the center of the chamber. There is only one door visible, in the east wall.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing). You're all on the stairs until you say otherwise.

Silver Night
2017-08-26, 07:55 PM

Are any of you skilled in finding traps? I can offer some small divine aid in resisting any negative effects in the room - to one person.

2017-08-26, 09:43 PM

"Finding traps? No. Once one is found I may be of help." He holds up the ring on his necklace that is shining, drawing attention to the words on the archway. 'I've read about these types of mazes. Each one is so different from each other. Few have warnings though. I would take heed to it. 'Deceive always your enemy but never yourself.' Here, we are the enemy. Expect to be deceived. We have no time limit so far, so let's use extreme patience and caution."

2017-08-26, 10:22 PM

"I've some experience in finding and removing traps - although I don't see why we would be the enemy in this case. There is a short pause, in which Ilnesh descends to the edge of the stairs, and lightly touches the bricks, keeping a sharp eye out for a reaction. "Even so, I can't imagine we would be wrapped into such a contract then simply allowed to walk through an empty room."

2017-08-26, 10:51 PM

"Relative to these chambers we are the enemy. Our host did say each chamber is more dangerous than the last."

Sarin the psicrystal is on my shoulder and on the lookout with it's sight (XPH p22):
"can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though the psicrystal still can't discern invisible or ethereal beings." Sighted range is 40'.

Vosnak is psionically focused.

Silver Night
2017-08-27, 12:29 AM

Seva addresses Ilnesh, "If you will be looking for trickery, allow me to offer you some small protection."

If Ilnesh agrees, she will cast Conviction on him. +2 to all saves for 2 minutes.

2017-08-27, 11:09 AM
You all seem so certain that this room is filled with traps. We are guests here, asked to retrieve some trinket. Why delay any longer?

Persuasion roll to lead or follow? [roll0]

2017-08-27, 11:26 AM

Looks up at the semi-plated woman. "I don't see why we should rush. Even if there is no danger, I would prefer to make sure." he shifts to face Seva. "I would appreciate some protection from whatever there may be, but if each chamber increases the danger,
perhaps you would prefer to hold off for a more dire moment. With that, Ilnesh slowly trails a hand on the ground, head turning and looking for oddities, holes in the walls, or other indicators of traps.

Perception roll (search) for traps. [roll0]

2017-08-27, 11:45 AM
Vosnak raises an eyebrow at the heavily armored human. "Really, why delay?" The question is asked as if from an older instructor full of knowledge to a student, yet the one asking looks to be in his early 20s. "We're told there are dangers in each room, we don't see any yet, so you assume there is no danger? Perhaps too hard a hit to your head while sparring? If you are inclined to die so quickly why bother leaving Branderscar in the first place? I'd suggest letting Ilnesh do his thing and be ready to protect him if need be, since he seems to be the only one of us with such skills." Vosnak gives a nod of encouragement to Ilnesh.

2017-08-27, 11:50 AM

The girl has her crossbow out, alert, and seemingly ignoring the conversation, but starts laughing politely after Vosnak speaks.

Silver Night
2017-08-27, 02:23 PM

"Very well." She readies her flail instead of magic, in case the threat isn't something built into the room.

2017-08-27, 06:46 PM
Sictona just smiles and waits for her cohort to finish with his... looking.

2017-08-28, 06:13 AM
Ilnesh sees nothing out of place.

As a general note, you can take 20 on searching if you want; it takes two minutes per square searched.

2017-08-28, 12:06 PM
Grunts lightly, and takes a tentative step forward towards the center of the room, treading lightly.
"I don't see any issue at a glance, but I'm going to inspect the room thoroughly."

stepping onto D4, gonna take that suggestion to take 20 on the search, looking through blocks E4-I4 for a total of 10 minutes.

2017-08-28, 12:28 PM
With a playful tone:

Well, while he is busy... I'm Sictona. Friends call me Sic, though. I'm not entirely sure why.

2017-08-28, 12:44 PM
The floor at H4 shifts more than it should when you put weight on it. You suspect a trapdoor.

2017-08-28, 02:43 PM
A grin slowly spreads across the face of the man midstep. He leans back, raising a hand to catch the attention of the rest.
Seems our new entourage was right to be cautious Sictona. Make sure you follow exactly where I step - and don't fall for this trap.
He prods the trapped section of the floor with his foot, then turns back to focus on getting to the other side of the room. As he works, he speaks.
You may call me Ilnesh. Better to go by nesh in public.

Going to work my way around the trapdoor towards the door far end, taking 20 for H5 then I.

2017-08-28, 02:53 PM
The psion lightens up too. "I'm Vosnak. I'm guessing our various skills will be needed at some point down here. We'll just have to be patient."

Once Ilnesh moves into the room a bit, Vosnak moves in, staying to where Ilnesh had already searched. His magical light gives a steadier light than the torch above. He starts to take a seat on the floor but then Ilnesh finds the trap and Vosnak holds still. "Nicely done." He takes a knee at the edge of the trap, trying to get a glimmer of the signs of a trap that Ilnesh had found while the rogue continues his search.

2017-08-28, 03:42 PM
You determine that the trapdoor takes up the floor in H4, H5, I4, and I5.

Silver Night
2017-08-28, 11:51 PM

Seva enters the room, staying back a bit to let the experts work, flail at the ready in case the trap is just a distraction, "I am Seva. I am a servant of Hextor."

2017-08-29, 10:33 AM

"Well, this really is an easy start. The area in front of the eastern door is a trapdoor. About ten by ten. I'm fairly certain I can leap across, but I don't know about the rest of you. Perhaps a rope? Or a way to jam the hinge of the trapdoor, make it a little easier to cross."

He gently drums his fingers along his thigh as he speaks, slowly pivoting to look at everyone in the group.

2017-08-29, 01:30 PM
You hear a jostling sound approaching from behind you, then heavy footfalls descending the stairs. Soon, a man appears from the shadows. He is human, dressed in a fine black velvet robe embroidered with silver stitching, and wielding a darkwood staff with a polished finish, tipped with steel on each end. He has long black hair that doesn't appear to have been combed this morning, and a beard that does not extend past the corners of his mouth. He stops, out of breath, and leans his staff against the archway you came in through. Then, clasping his hands in a peculiar triangular posture in front of his sternum, he bows formally.

Ixe: "Greetings. I am Ixe, student of the Dark Arts, and fugitive of Branderscar Prison. I apologize for my tardiness, and am at your service. ...uh, so what are we all doing now?"

Silver Night
2017-08-29, 04:23 PM

"There is a trap door, we are just discussing ways to traverse it." She produces a length of rope from her pack, "I've got rope. If you are able to leap it you could assist the rest of us over Ilnesh."

2017-08-29, 06:50 PM
Vosnak, far less formal, gives a friendly nod in greeting to the latecomer. "Thorn told you about the challenges yes? Each one more dangerous? And you saw the writing above as you came in about deception? Apparently one down, 8 to go."

"Once someone is across the rest can just skirt the corner with help. No need to go fully across the pit, no?"

Silver Night
2017-08-29, 10:38 PM
Vosnak, far less formal, gives a friendly nod in greeting to the latecomer. "Thorn told you about the challenges yes? Each one more dangerous? And you saw the writing above as you came in about deception? Apparently one down, 8 to go."

"Once someone is across the rest can just skirt the corner with help. No need to go fully across the pit, no?"

"That makes sense. I suggest just to be safe we check the area on either side of the trap door to be sure, and then proceed."

2017-08-30, 08:29 AM
Ilnesh gets low to the ground again.

Gonna search the two adjacent to the door, and then the door itself. If it's locked:

2017-08-30, 09:57 AM
"Are we certain that we're not "being deceived"? Surely there is more to this challenge than meets the eye... Cardinal Thorn is no simpleton, this labyrinth is meant to test our decision-making as well as our technical skills."

Ixe watches Ilneth. He appears anxious, and keeps glancing around the room. At some point, Ixe turns his attention to the rest of the room.

(( While Ilneth works, Ixe will begin searching the walls in the rest of the room, beginning with the north wall, and moving west to east. ))
Perception check: (taking 20) +1 (rank) -2 (Wisdom penalty) = 19.

2017-08-30, 10:46 AM
The small girl has a bored look on her face but maintains her crossbow at the ready. You had remembered her as being incredibly alert and vocal during your escape from Brandascar but today she's barely said a word.

2017-08-30, 11:09 AM
As Ilnesh moves his way around the trapdoor, he replies, though his head stay down focused on his work.
"I did entertain the thought that we are meant to go down the trapdoor, but if anything that would be "deceiving ourselves" by overthinking it."
He pauses for a moment, turning over his shoulder to look at Ixe. "Don't let your nerves get to you, this is meant to be the easiest challenge we face."

2017-08-30, 08:49 PM

"Sic, Seva, you two seem the strongest of us. One of you two help Nesh lean over to open the door? We can then throw something through the door to check for more surprises."

2017-08-30, 08:54 PM
Ilneth finds no traps around the door or on it, but when he opens it, behind it is a blank wall.

2017-08-30, 10:24 PM
Vosnak freezes in place when the blank wall is revealed. "Watch your step, there's more to this room." He raises his magical light to fill more of the room.

Silver Night
2017-08-30, 11:37 PM

"Well, if the door isn't there, we can check the rest of the room. But it seems possible that the trap door is the door out."

2017-08-31, 07:10 AM
Ilneth: "I did entertain the thought that we are meant to go down the trapdoor, but if anything that would be "deceiving ourselves" by overthinking it."

Seva: "Well, if the door isn't there, we can check the rest of the room. But it seems possible that the trap door is the door out."

Ixe: "I do have a pattern of over-thinking situations... yet it seems plausible that the false platform is a test, to see if we can bypass it skillfully, rather than simply fall inside. And at any rate... it seems to be the only way forward."

Even so, you notice that Ixe stands well away from the edge of the pit, as you contemplate opening it.

2017-08-31, 08:57 AM
For a moment Nesh contemplates touching the blank wall behind the door, then steps back instead and reaches for the rope looped on his belt, eyeing Sic and Seva.

"Would one of you mind being my anchor? I'd like to scale the inside of the trapdoor and see if I can find anything useful."

He glances up at the floating crystal emitting light, then continues.

"And a light source would be appreciated."

2017-08-31, 01:49 PM
Vosnak's demeanor is very calm, having spent countless hours searching through tomes and scrolls for specific information back at the city's library on a monthly basis.

"We could push the trap open with weapons or poles. Should give us an idea if it's worth going down there. Otherwise, Ilnesh could search the walls for a secret door? Let us know how we can help. So far we haven't had to make use of magic. Better to conserve resources if we can. " Vosnak looks around, initially at the entrance they came from, then the room in general.

Using Knowledge (Architecture). Thinking about the layout of house (manor, mansion?) above and where the entrance was relative to the building above. Figuring the basement would generally follow the same property as above, which way would this maze tend to be? Example: if the stairs down were in the NW corner of the house, then the basement probably extends to the east and south.

Ilnesh is using Take 20s so there is plenty of time. Take 20 = 25

2017-08-31, 02:17 PM

The small girl's boredom begins to turn to annoyance and finally she starts speaking, "Ixe has the right idea searching the rest of the room. But you're not going to find a hidden passage briefly scanning the wall. Let's all take part of the chamber and go over it meticulously. Seva, take the north wall, I'll take the south wall, Ixe you take the west wall. The rest of you can mess around with the trapdoor and see if anything is down there."

She lowers her crossbow finally and takes the south east corner and begins searching slowly spending two minutes searching each five foot section of the wall.

Reminder, Search is now Perception and based off wisdom.

Listen, Search, and Spot are folded into Perception (Wis). Anyone who has any of the three as a class skill has Perception as a class skill. Perception counts as any or all of the three for prestige class or feat prerequisites (that is, “must have Listen 2 and Spot 4” becomes “must have Perception 4”).
Take 20 in each part of the wall please (that is, spend two minutes searching each portion of the wall).
Ixe if you have your familiar with you, you have a +2 bonus to perception since it grants you the alertness feat. What familiar did you choose?

2017-08-31, 04:18 PM
Sic sighs in exasperation, already annoyed by the situation.

Fine, fine, knock on all the walls you must. I'll be lowering this tiny man into a hole. Do let me know if you find anything sharp down there...

Sictona is roughly 200lb with gear, for purposes of using as counter weight.

2017-08-31, 09:45 PM
Ilnesh raises an eyebrow at being called "tiny man", and bites back a retort. He watches the crossbow-wielding woman go into action, and nods assured things would be taken care of up here.
He drops his pack, handing Sictona his silk rope as he ties the other end around himself.

"Mind using your big sword to push open the trapdoor? I'd like to get a look down rather than jump in blindly."

With gear, Ilnesh is just over 200 - without pack, just under.

Silver Night
2017-08-31, 11:28 PM

Seva will wait to see if anything exciting is hidden by the trap door before searching 'her' section of the wall.

2017-09-01, 01:31 AM
He glances up at the floating crystal emitting light, then continues.

Ixe looks up at the levitating jewel. He quirks an eyebrow in puzzlement, yet says nothing.

Ilneth: "And a light source would be appreciated."

Ixe obligingly removes his backpack, opens it, then rummages around until he retrieves a long, metallic rod with a gold tip. He strikes the tip on the nearby wall, and it bursts into a soft, golden light, emitting no smoke or heat. He passes the sunrod to Neth.

Jeyne: "...Ixe you take the west wall.

Perception check: (taking 20) +1 (rank) -2 (Wisdom modifier) = 19

Ixe if you have your familiar with you, you have a +2 bonus to perception since it grants you the alertness feat. What familiar did you choose?

Ixe has no familiar, nor has he ever had one.

2017-09-01, 08:14 AM
While the rooms Tiadora led you through were somewhat confusing, you think the descending stairs were on the northwest side of the mansion.

The trapdoor proves somewhat resistant to opening, but when the pressure on it equals a halfling stepping on it, it abruptly swings open and stays open. It's ten feet deep and lined with spikes.

2017-09-01, 08:28 AM
Sic almost bursts in laughter. She exclaims with seeming excitement Oh look,
sharp things! She regains composure slightly. Well, suppose you won't be needing me to lower you down anytime soon? Or are you intending to investigate just how sharp they are?

I suspect the holy hell out of the wall AND pit, and would like to make will saves against both in the event of illusion. Kosher?

2017-09-01, 08:41 AM
Ilnesh looks down into the trap, cracking a grin at the mirth behind him. It might be a good idea to go down and check it out all the same. 'Deception is a tool.' and I'd hate to be made a fool of not an hour into this contract. He grips the edge of the pit, lowering himself down so that his his body is inside. Hanging from the side, he gets a little over halfway down himself before allowing the rope to take his weight. If he is lowered, he will gently touch the spikes.

2017-09-01, 09:18 AM
The spikes Ilnesh touches feel somewhat blunt. It appears that Cardinal Thorn didn't necessarily want falling into the trap to be potentially fatal, though he had no problem with it being painful. From inside the pit, Ilnesh can read text written on the wall, "You were deceived. Pain is your reward."

Ixe finds nothing searching north and south of the staircase that brought you into the cellar; Jeyne finds a secret door in the middle of the south wall.

I'm taking Seva as watching what's going on in the pit until otherwise stated.

2017-09-01, 09:53 AM
The small girl turns to Ixe and smiles, "Ixe you were right. You're pretty smart." With that she picks up her crossbow and opens the secret door.

She turns to Seva and stops smiling and gives her a look that strikes you as sad,
"Seva, the definition of honorable is bringing or worthy of honor. The definition of honor is high respect or esteem. I signed a contract indicating I'll treat you fairly and honorably, so don't worry. If you ask me to do something, I won't ignore you. That's... disrespectful. It's not wise to treat a member of a group that must be unified against our common enemy dishonorably. But..." she pauses a moment and looks down at the holy symbol of Pelor hanging around her neck, "I understand that not everyone cleaves to their god's tenants as deeply as I do."

Silver Night
2017-09-02, 03:17 AM

"Had there been something ready to come out of the pit I preferred not to have my back to it that I might get to searching a wall 30 seconds earlier. In the interests of harmony I will explain to you the reasons why I am ignoring your next request, should I disagree with it or choose to modify it. Or you may simply ask. You worry about your god and your honor, and I will worry about mine." Seva frowns slightly, perhaps concerned, "And possibly you should have requested that Ilnesh examine that door before attempting to open it."

When nothing exciting was in the pit (once it opened), Seva would have moved on to the wall. Taking 20 for 24 on her section (the north wall). Sorry if that wasn't clear from my other post.

2017-09-02, 05:53 AM
The girl smiles, "I really should have, but waiting for Ilnesh to examine the door before speaking didn't have the same dramatic effect. You'll have to forgive my love of theatrics. I'm a flawed creature, what can I say. But," and with this she smiles as if embarrassed, and holds her holy symbol "I had hoped to only deceive my enemies with this, never ourselves. A wise man once said that deception is a tool after all."

The small girl looks at everyone else before speaking again, "While some of you have been a servant of Hextor for about an hour, and, let's be honest with ourselves, your options were serve or die, I've served him my whole life. I've given him my whole life and I understand more than any of you can know the price of failure. While I've been given a second chance, a most rare event, this is your first. If you choose to betray our patron and god, your first loyalty, I will send you to him myself."

2017-09-02, 08:27 AM
Sic almost seems off-put by the religious speech, but continues to smile. She helps Ilnesh back out of the pit when he(?) is finished inspecting the pit.

Oh Ilnesh, be a dear and make certain this door isn't fake too?

The words come off condescending and demeaning, but who should take the offense is anyone's guess.

Taking a 20 on Strength check to help pull him(?) out of the hole. Also, I haven't looked much into 3.5 changelings, do they have assigned gender? I frankly wouldn't know, and neither would Sictona.

2017-09-02, 10:02 AM
As Ilnesh crawls out if the trap, his eyebrows rise in surprise seeing the secret door to the south, but the emotion quickly gives way to a simple frown as Sic speaks.

Easily done, although the door is already open.

The sentence is short and curt. He hands Ixe the sunrod before addressing the small girl, speaking normally once more.

Good luck with that, you could have sent yourself to Hextor by opening the door so.

With that, he leans into the doorway, searching carefully for subterfuge.

A couple things:
Changelings have definite gender.
Ilnesh has not been in changeling form from the moment there was a chance to escape Branderscar. Instead, he looks like this (with leather armor etc):
Sorry that wasn't clearer, I'll post pictures whenever he changes shape from now on. Whether you guys know he's a changeling or no is up to Kish, depending on if we had our own cells.
Finally, taking 20 on that search for a total of 23.

2017-09-02, 10:27 AM
Jeyne: "Ixe you were right. You're pretty smart."

Taken aback by a compliment from such a beautiful woman which (as far as he can tell) was meant genuinely, Ixe stares at her, unable to formulate a reply. Eventually he nods, then looks away, as if he does not want to offend her by his staring.

When Ilnesh returns the sunrod to him, he takes it, holding his staff in one hand, and holds the light aloft, so that everyone can get a better view of what they are doing.

Jeyne: "A wise man once said that deception is a tool after all."

At this, Ixe grins conspiratorially at Jeyne. Her wit is indeed as sharp as a blade!

"While some of you have been a servant of Hextor for about an hour, and, let's be honest with ourselves, your options were serve or die... If you choose to betray our patron and god, your first loyalty, I will send you to him myself."

Ixe certainly would have balked at signing such a contract, had we RolePlayed out the encounter. He is, after all, chaotic in alignment, nor does he consider himself in any way to have Hextor as a patron deity, simply because Cardinal Thorn put us up to it. I do understand the importance of getting this adventure moving though.

2017-09-02, 12:58 PM
The small girl, who still hasn't said her name, smiles as if embarrassed when addressed by Ilnesh. Then with a cute smile she looks up at him and says, "I appreciate your concern. It won't happen again. After you."

2017-09-02, 04:01 PM
Ilnesh holds eye contact with the small girl for a moment, his face carefully composed.

Only you've yet to introduce yourself. Lady of Hextor, do you know the man we serve?

2017-09-02, 04:24 PM
Seva finds another secret door in the middle of the north wall.

Through the south door is a short passage that ends in an archway. Written on the archway is, "Knowledge is the purest power. Beware the burn of ignorance, but trust not sources you cannot verify."

The ground of the room behind the archway is dirty and dusty, though you can't see more from where you are. You sense a distinct drop in temperature to the south.

If anyone has Knowledge: Dungeoneering, please make a roll now, but the results will show up later.

2017-09-02, 08:36 PM
The girl had looked at the passageway that Ixe's sunrod revealed, reading it quickly, before turning back to Ilnesh.

She shakes her head, "No. Thankfully." Smiling sadly she says, "Those I knew turned on me. This Cardinal...our master by contract and second loyalty... I had thought we were the first to escape Branderscar Prison but he was branded just like us... I've never heard of him."

With a look that you take to mean she's thinking harder than she should, she meets your gaze and continues, "I signed the contract as Jeyne Tavelyn. I suppose that's as true of a name as I'll ever have. Sometimes names are like clothes..." She looks at you like you wouldn't understand, "Nevermind. I'm Jeyne."

Suddenly she shivers and glares down the southern passageway.

Silver Night
2017-09-02, 09:27 PM

"Ilnesh, would you take a look at this door for anything untoward?" She indicates the secret door on the north wall.

2017-09-03, 02:38 PM
Ilnesh smirks as he walks towards the north side of the room to inspect and open the door
Names and clothes, expendable both. He is a strange man indeed Jayne, especially with these riddles. I suppose they mean we should be curious and explore these passages, but explore them cautiously. Feel free to light up the southern passage and search it thoroughly while I take care of this side.

taking 20 (23) to search the north door for traps then open it.

2017-09-04, 02:29 PM
There are no traps on the north secret door. Behind the door is a small niche containing a pedestal. On the pedestal is a jewel that glows with a pale blue light. Behind the pedestal, on the wall of the niche, are the words, "You have seen through deception to uncover a useful tool."

2017-09-04, 07:05 PM
Ilnesh sighs upon reading the text on the wall.
What do we trust, the wall that says it's telling the truth, or the wall that says to beware lies?

2017-09-04, 08:29 PM
Obviously, they are both lies... Perhaps we can find yet another way? Or perhaps something to expedite this ordeal?

Silver Night
2017-09-04, 09:02 PM

"Perhaps we can come back for the gem if we need it, unless the way behind us is cut off. Ilnesh, I suspect you will be the one of us that works the hardest during this endeavor. It would be a good idea I think to confirm that that hallway is safe."

2017-09-04, 09:18 PM
Vosnak had kept quiet for a bit. He would have warned about opening the secret door to the south without having it checked first but his attention was on Ilnesh in the pit. His interest is piqued when the jewel is found. He goes and takes a closer look. "Between the initial archway, the pit's message, and the message here with the jewel it seems Master Thorn is trying to impart lessons. This jewel should be a boon to us somehow, else we would be frozen in inaction from here on out." He picks up the jewel for a closer inspection.

Know (Gem) [roll0] (if not Take 10 for 15 / Take 20 for 25)
Yes, a weird knowledge to have, but it is requirement for a PRC I plan on taking.

2017-09-04, 09:24 PM
It's very cold to the touch, almost like a piece of ice, though ice would have melted well before you found it. It looks like it's sealed quartz, with some kind of liquid inside.

2017-09-04, 09:45 PM
"Interesting. Quartz with some kind of liquid in it, and it's all very cold. Not worth wasting a detect magic just for it I think. We can save that for later." He puts the jewel in a side pouch of his backpack and rubs his hands to warm them up. He moves up far enough to see the writing on the next archway and to light Ilnesh's way. He smiles with the praising of knowledge, the very thing that he lives for.

2017-09-04, 10:30 PM
"I don't think haste will help us here Sictona." gesturing towards the open trapdoor.
Ilnesh nods towards the southern chamber."As is evident Seva, but we still need a way out of this room - I suspect the cold crystal has something to do with the cold corridor. Someone bring a light, I'll sweep for clues."

going into the cold spot in the southern corner and searching for traps or gem shaped indents. Taking 20 (23)

2017-09-05, 07:34 PM
Vosnak moves up with Ilnesh, staying 10' back and keeping alert with the unseen assistance of his psicrystal. His light extends beyond both of them. "We do not seem to be in a rush. Take your time. I expect these puzzles to become deadly at some point."

Silver Night
2017-09-05, 11:14 PM

Seva follows also, ready for less subtle threats.

2017-09-05, 11:57 PM
Holding the sunrod high, Ixe follows along warily behind them...

2017-09-06, 03:57 PM
Sictona offers to take lead or side lead, depending on hallway wideness, as to try and take the brunt of any force that might surprise us.

2017-09-07, 07:17 AM
450 XP each for avoiding the pit trap and finding both secret doors.

Another square room is also lit with a small oil lantern that hangs from the ceiling. There is a small amount of frost on the lantern’s glass panes. There are a number of tracks on the dusty floor, and the room is cold. Closed doors are in the middle of the south, east, and west walls; they look identical from here in the dim light.

It looks like at least a dozen people have approached the east and south doors. No one seems to have approached the west door.

2017-09-07, 09:30 AM
Sictona offers to take lead or side lead, depending on hallway wideness, as to try and take the brunt of any force that might surprise us.

Ixe follows closely behind Sictona, with one hand holding the sunrod high, and the other tightly clutching his quarterstaff. He appears nervous, subconsciously clenching his jaw. As they enter the room, he stops, taking in his surroundings.

Perception check: 1d20 +1 (rank) -2 (Wisdom penalty) = 15 (http://orokos.com/roll/548185)

Ixe turns his attention first to the lantern next to the entrance. He cautiously reaches out his hand to touch it, seeing if it can be opened, trying to turn it at it's base, and otherwise searching for any hidden catches, levers, or other secrets...

2017-09-07, 11:29 AM
Vosnak moves into the room following Ilnesh but stops short of the lantern hanging from the ceiling. His own magical light supplements that from the ceiling and Ixe's sunrod. From there he studies the room and ponders the new advice aloud while he shivers a bit. "Knowledge is the purest power. Beware the burn of ignorance, but trust not sources you cannot verify... Our ignorance is what is in here. A fire trap of some sort? Yet we have this sudden chill, from where?"

Move to F13.
Perception [roll0]

2017-09-07, 11:32 AM
Frost shows on the lantern's panes. It can be moved relatively freely, though the chain suspending it from the ceiling doesn't readily break. From the center of the room, you can see a strange violet mold covering the west door.

2017-09-07, 02:04 PM
Vosnak gazes around the room. His eyes meet the door to the west and he stops. He moves his light some to get a better view. "Wait... STOP! That door is covered with mold. Mold you don't want to even get near to. More cold should kill it. Back up." He pauses as he rethinks about what he is about to do. Instead he pulls out the liquid filled quartz jewel from his backpack. "Knowledge is power." He smiles, moves to the center of the room for a more direct shot, then throws the jewel at the door.

Move to F14 then throw. Was going to use Energy Ray (Cold) but let's try this first.

2017-09-07, 02:31 PM
The jewel smashes on the door and the violet mold crumbles and falls to the floor.

2017-09-07, 02:43 PM
Ilnesh watches Vosnak do his work, smiling slightly.
"... And trust not sources you cannot verify. I trust you can take care of that door now. Allow me to handle the other two."
Ilnesh steps across the room towards the other doors, inspecting them for any odd coatings before testing them for traps.

Perception ([roll0]) on doors/floor, then taking 20 on the door itself if its clean.

2017-09-07, 03:30 PM
You detect some pressure on the other side of the east door. It appears that something will be propelled through it into the room with you when it is opened. The south door is the same.

2017-09-07, 09:11 PM
"Seems to me the only way out of this room is the mossy door. These other two have some sort of mechanism triggered by the door being opened, and carries some force behind it. Allow me...

Ilnesh approaches the western door, but pauses just short of opening it, brow furrowed as he turns to face the group. "Seems odd, isn't every chamber meant to increase the difficulty? The danger was upped, but the solutions remain simple."

2017-09-07, 09:58 PM
"This room could have been difficult to overcome if we hadn't searched the northern wall in the last room", Jeyne says smiling at Seva then turning to Vosnak, "And definitely had one never heard of an... endothermic mold that feeds on heat. Serendipitous for us and perhaps evidence that our master chose wisely to free us from Brandascar. Let us not let our guard down. I doubt our true enemies will leave us hints on how to defeat them."

2017-09-07, 10:25 PM
Vosnak turns and gives Jeyne a respectful nod and smile then turns back towards the door. "Shame to destroy a nice jewel like that but I figured it better to conserve my power when we had an object that might do the trick." With curiosity he visually checks out the crumbled remains of the mold, watching for any sign of it still thriving.

Silver Night
2017-09-08, 12:18 AM

Seva moves to cover Ilnesh in case the west door conceals danger. She makes sure she is not immediately in the path of either of the other doors.

2017-09-08, 09:25 AM
With Seva at his back, Ilnesh shrugs and pulls open the western door.

2017-09-08, 12:58 PM
On the other side of the door, a corridor leads around to the south. Written directly opposite the door are the words, "You have found the true path."

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2017-09-08, 01:10 PM

"Two down, seven to go." From his voice it seems he is actually enjoying the challenges.

2017-09-08, 02:13 PM
Fantastic. Carry on.

2017-09-08, 02:39 PM
Ilnesh continues into the hallway, moving slowly once more, looking about for anything odd on the walls. "Think hallways count as a room?"

Silver Night
2017-09-09, 02:45 AM

Seva stays in position to back Ilnesh up.

2017-09-10, 08:47 PM

"Nine chambers was specified, but only time will tell." He keeps 10 feet behind Ilnesh to keep him supplied with light.

2017-09-11, 04:11 PM
Ixe: "Our success is encouraging, yet I am unsettled by the ease with which we have come this far. And, yes, I do think that hallways count as chambers."

(( Moving to E13. Ixe will continue to move with the group. ))

2017-09-11, 07:00 PM
Ilnesh looks about at the surrounding group.
"Give me a hand - search the walls while I search the ground ahead for traps.
We have time, so I plan to search the eastern half thoroughly.
With that, he commences his slow, thorough search process.

taking 20 (23) on C14 - C21.

Silver Night
2017-09-11, 10:46 PM

Seva does as asked, carefully searching the walls as they go.

Taking 20, so 24

2017-09-12, 10:10 AM
You make slow progress down the corridor; Ilnesh and Seva find nothing nonobvious.

Hurricane Irma has passed over and I have electricity again. Also, the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2017-09-12, 10:44 AM
Ixe looks on awkwardly as Ilnesh expertly inspects every square inch of the floor they are about to pass over. He looks side-to-side as Vosnak and Seva likewise cautiously search each stone of the surrounding walls, alert to any sign of danger. Hoping to be helpful, he begins to poke and prod at the stone ceiling of the corridor with the metal tip of his staff. Then, realizing that this is making far too much noise (as well as the fact that, if he does find something, it is likely to fall on him), he stops, sighing uselessly.

2017-09-12, 04:21 PM
Ilnesh is totally engrossed in his work. As he reaches the end of the hallway and stares down at the bend, he stands up and stretches, a frown furrowing his brow. He takes a tentative step to the east, then another, pausing to listen for any odd sounds. If none occur, he strides down to the bend, peering down it.

perception when listening. [roll0]
then moving to J20 if all is well.

2017-09-12, 06:23 PM
You hear nothing over the movements of your companions. Around the corner, you see another wooden door. Predictably, it appears to have something written on it, though you can't read it from here.

2017-09-12, 08:41 PM
"Looks like hallways are just that." Ilnesh mumbles to himself, signaling to the others to come forward with an open hand. Without waiting, he moves up to the door, inspecting the text.

2017-09-12, 09:08 PM
Vosnak is very patient while Ilnesh searches along the wall. Ixe's tapping of the ceiling then stopping on his own accord attracted Vosnak's attention while his psicrystal kept on the look out for him. "Dark Arts you say? Yes, that would get you swift passage to Brandescar. Didn't hide your secret well enough hmm? My crime was the opposite, exposing what the church wanted to keep secret. They've made enemies now." Vosnak is happy to continue the conversation.

Once Ilnesh decides to skip ahead to the next door Vosnak keeps up, ensuring to tread where the trapfinder did, lighting the way for those ahead of him.

2017-09-12, 11:35 PM
The inscription on the door reads, “Know your enemy. Shatter all that blinds you and then burn your adversary to ashes.”

2017-09-13, 12:06 AM

She had been following closely behind those searching with her crossbow at the ready. Ignoring those talking she maintained a focus on her surroundings never lowering her heavy crossbow that looked so large in her small hands. Just from carrying her gear she looked like she was beginning to break a sweat.

As the light hit the inscriptions she quickly smiled and whispered, "Remember the prison guards I burned alive? I've got more of that when we need it."

2017-09-13, 10:33 AM
Vosnak: "Dark Arts you say? ... Didn't hide your secret well enough hmm?"

Ixe: "Indeed. It was not easy to find someone capable of instructing me, and more difficult still to prostr- that is, persuade - him into taking me on as a student. I was admonished several times to conceal my forbidden knowledge, but, did I listen? No.

It was Love that drove me to recklessness. Rebecca - how I do miss her company. Though her husband held her heart for many years, he eventually left her, after she died bearing his child. I rescued her from a horrible fate - rotting away, in a cold grave, like that - and we had hoped to spend many happy years together, had not Sir Balin intervened." He sighs wistfully.

Vosnak: "My crime was the opposite, exposing what the church wanted to keep secret. They've made enemies now."

Ixe: <intrigued> "Long have I resented the Pelorite's iron grip on what the citizens of Talingarde may or may not 'know'. What, exactly, did you expose?"

The inscription on the door reads, “Know your enemy. Shatter all that blinds you and then burn your adversary to ashes.”

Ixe pauses. He looks sideways at Jeyne, hefting her loaded weapon, ready for anything. He then takes a noticeable step towards the rear.

Ixe: "kakhard zrah" ((Casting Mage Armor upon himself))

2017-09-13, 03:22 PM
Ilnesh taps his foot as he considers the text on the door. As Vosnak and Ixe speak he slowly nods, turning back to face them and the approaching Jeyne. "As much as I support the stealthy approach, this text calls for action, but try not to jump in setting everything ablaze. We must first identify the enemy.".
He clicks his heels together, and a blade springs out of the sole of his right boot. He looks it over with satisfaction for a moment before pushing it back into place on the stone floor. In its stead he pulls a plain dagger out of the back of his boot.
"Ready for number three?"

Silver Night
2017-09-13, 08:47 PM

"Might this one be literal, and if so should at least some of us shield our eyes in case there is something that will indeed blind us inside? perhaps in particular someone with a ranged combat ability if there is something to 'break'."

Seva will follow her own suggestion, at least for the initial entry.

2017-09-13, 09:38 PM
Vosnak looks at Ixe with some shock as he tells his bizarre tale. "Love? Sounds more like twisted obsession. You realize she is totally gone now right? Soul and body. Time to put all that behind you. If you want revenge you'll need to put her in the past. Focus on learning to keep hidden and on our tasks. I learned that when the Pelorites began forcing their hand upon all, the followers of other gods, good and evil, hid their knowledge so not all would be lost forever. I found one such stash hidden under in a cathedral to Pelor. Ends up it used to be a cathedral to another god but most of those records had been expunged. I found the truth and to cover it up they made me disappear."

He joins the others to read the new words of wisdom. "Wise idea Seva. We can all close our eyes to avoid a blinding experience. My crystal can not be blinded and will let me know what there is to see as long as it isn't invisible. I am ready for the door, but remember this is only number 3 so let's preserve our powers if possible."

Vosnak will stand back from the door but where the crystal will be able to see into the room. He closes his eyes until Sarin informs him what is going on.

2017-09-13, 09:59 PM

As the group focuses on the door Jeyne falls back with Ixe and speaks quietly to him, "Love makes us all fools. I think it's sweet. What did Rebecca look like?"

She pauses a second then blushes and says, "Nevermind we have more important things to focus on - and I should stay alert. I don't have any armor or protection."

Spellcraft to identify Ixe's spell: [roll0] vs DC 16

2017-09-14, 11:28 AM
As the group discuss the door and their entry to the next room, Ilnesh inspects the door for any traps.
"It won't do for us to be in disarray when we step through the door, since most of us will be effectively blind one way or another. All it takes is a few seconds of that to cause significant damage, even with verbal warning from Vosnak. I can delay my entrance a moment "
He steps to the side of the door, nodding to Sictona and Seva. "After you."
Ilnesh doesn't close his eyes, but he stands to the side of the door, planning to go in after the door is opened.

taking 20 (23) on door search

2017-09-14, 11:36 AM
You find no traps on the door.

2017-09-14, 10:05 PM
While the party waits on Ilnesh's study of the door, Vosnak silently chats with his psicrystal. At one point he nods his head and a brief shimmer is seen around his body then goes away.

Manifesting Inertial Armor. +4 AC to me and the psicrystal for 2 hours. 1PP spent, 13 left.

Silver Night
2017-09-14, 11:43 PM

Seva will open the door, if the others seem to be ready. Since she is going through first she will abandon the not-looking idea, though she will initially try to avert her eyes from the main part of the room.

2017-09-15, 09:31 AM
On the other side of the door is pitch darkness. The light from Ixe's sunrod and Vosnak's crystal stops at the threshold in a way that becomes more unambiguously unnatural as they move closer to the door.

2017-09-15, 09:54 AM
"Sarin, what do you see?" The green crystal around Vosnak's neck animates with many legs and climbs on top of his head.

Psicystal isn't affected by magical darkness and can "see" 40ft (darkness and silence ignored). Invisible and ethereal still effective. It doesn't have to climb up, just done for storytelling.

Perception rolls (non sight for Vosnak)
Vosna [roll0]
Sarin: [roll1]
EDIT from OOC:
Vosna (1d20+3)[10]
Sarin: (1d20+4)[11]

2017-09-15, 10:38 AM
The crystal reports a room the same size as the previous two, with doors in the north and east. In the middle, instead of the ceiling lamp that was in the previous two, is a pedestal with some kind of globe on it.

2017-09-15, 12:10 PM

"No signs of an adversary. The room is the same size as the others. Doors to the left and across. In the middle is a pedestal with some kind of globe on it. If there are traps in there they'll be difficult to detect."

2017-09-15, 03:11 PM
Ilnesh tuts as he looks at the eerily black wall, sliding his dagger away. "I don't know how well I can navigate and search for traps without being able to see. Maybe now is the time for some magic?"

2017-09-15, 04:44 PM
"Let's try this magic first." Vosnak takes his simple silk necklace off and holds the attached magically glowing ring into the darkness, ready to pull back his hand back if Sarin alerts him.

2017-09-15, 07:44 PM
"Is the globe made of glass?" The small girl asks.

[roll0] spellcraft to determine what she thinks it is.

2017-09-15, 07:58 PM
To Sarin, the globe appears to be solid and black.

Silver Night
2017-09-16, 09:10 PM

"If one of you has something you can shoot the globe with - if you can hit it - that might be a start. I have a couple javelins, but even using detect magic to locate it it might be tricky. It sounds like we might need fire immediately after shattering it though."

2017-09-18, 08:02 AM
"Can't shoot what we can't see short of a lucky shot. Sarin can help me guide someone to the pedestal to smash it. I and Jeyne have fire to attack whatever follows. I'm told the globe looks solid. Probably needs a solid hit."

When someone goes, assume I'm guiding them via Sarin's help.

2017-09-18, 10:23 AM
Vosnak's ring does not illuminate the darkness; as his hand moves into the room its light is extinguished.

2017-09-18, 10:48 AM

Jeyne points her heavy crossbow aiming at what she imagines is the center of the room and fires her heavy crossbow.

The recoil takes her by surprise and she comically screams as the crossbow slams into her ribcage and then drops the crossbow on the ground.

Embarrassed she picks up the crossbow and hands it to Ilnesh, "Perhaps you'd be a better shot."

Heavy Crossbow [roll0] vs AC ?? and [roll1] (low misses) for concealment for [roll2] points of damage.

2017-09-18, 07:36 PM
Ilnesh winces as Jeyne drops the crossbow. He accepts it from her when she offers, accompanied by a single nod. With a steadying breath he hefts the crossbow to shoulder level, firing towards the center of the room with little delay.

[roll0] vs AC [roll1] for concealment and [roll2] for damage.

2017-09-18, 07:57 PM
"I have 18 more bolts." Jeyne says giving another one to Ilnesh.

2017-09-18, 08:09 PM
"I'll give it one or two more shots. No need to waste crossbow fire." Again, Ilnesh aligns the crossbow and takes a shot into the black chamber, listening for the telltale difference in sound.
[roll0] and for darkness [roll1] and damage is [roll2]

2017-09-18, 08:13 PM
Jeyne shrugs while handing him another, "They don't always break. The crossbow is for show anyway, I think it was obvious I've never fired one before."


Low is broken.

2017-09-18, 08:35 PM
"Again." An edge of frustration is Ilnesh's voice as he takes his third shot.
Attack 1d20+6-4 (Heavy crossbow, rogues are not proficient in. My mistake on the earlier rolls, they should all be at a -4 penalty) Concealment [roll0] and damage [roll1]

2017-09-18, 08:45 PM
Ilnesh reaches for a handful of bolts, firing over and over into the room. He furrows his brow with frustration at the earlier missed shots.

Here we go....
Attack1: [roll0] Concealment [roll1] Damage [roll2] and breaking [roll3]
Attack2: [roll4] Concealment [roll5] Damage [roll6] and breaking [roll7]
Attack3: [roll8] Concealment [roll9] Damage [roll10] and breaking [roll11]
Attack4: [roll12] Concealment [roll13] Damage [roll14] and breaking [roll15]
Attack5: [roll16] Concealment [roll17] Damage [roll18] and breaking [roll19]
Attack6: [roll20] Concealment [roll21] Damage [roll22] and breaking [roll23]
Attack7: [roll24] Concealment [roll25] Damage [roll26] and breaking [roll27]
Attack8: [roll28] Concealment [roll29] Damage [roll30] and breaking [roll31]
Attack9: [roll32] Concealment [roll33] Damage [roll34] and breaking [roll35]
Attack10: [roll36] Concealment [roll37] Damage [roll38] and breaking [roll39]

2017-09-18, 08:51 PM
Vosnak did a little shake of his head in disbelief of what they were trying. Even with the verbal guidance from Sarin through him they could have a hundred bolts and end up with the same results.

"The target is a solid sphere. Even if you get lucky enough it will probably just ricochet off of it. Sic and Seva have the best weapons to deal with that. I don't believe there will be a trap between here and the pedestal. It wouldn't fit the theme. I suggest Sic goes and shatters it while we are ready to deal with the second phase. I can direct you to the sphere as you go and keep an eye out for anyting coming at you."

Was trying to get my post in before all the extra shots. Argh.

2017-09-18, 09:12 PM
Jeyne shrugs, "We almost hit it that last time, she said hopefully, "Let's just hit it once and see what it does. The heavy crossbow utilizes an incredible amount of force. If we land a straight blow, it might not deflect off."

I'm assuming that the first time Ilnesh lands a shot we will stop and see what happens and determine if it did anything.

2017-09-19, 11:47 AM
Ixe: «sighing» "I will go forward. Please hold your fire. If I should meet with disaster, I trust that you will drag me back upstairs? Excellent."

Without waiting for feedback, Ixe strides forward, and is enveloped by the magical darkness. He gently waves his staff back and forth in front of him, tapping on the floor, the way that a blind man might do.

If he should reach the pedestal without incident, he carefully reaches up, groping for the globe, and lifting it off its base.

Man all of us posting at the same time is really messing up the flow of the play by post. Assume this post is before Ixe's post #140 as a way to explain why Ixe didn't enter the shadow.

Jeyne: The small girl suddenly grabs Ixe's arm softly as he's about to enter the darkness, "Wait... have faith in me as I had faith in you."

With the next shot ending the darkness Jeyne lets go of Ixe's arm, and smiles at him warmly.

2017-09-19, 11:51 AM
The seventh crossbow bolt finally strikes the globe, which smashes. With it in pieces, your light sources illuminate the room in front of you.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2017-09-19, 12:14 PM
Ixe turns to Seva. With an oddly out-of-place formal bow, he says: "You may have the honor of leading the way. If danger should arise, We will do my best to take cov... I mean, to take care of you."

2017-09-19, 12:15 PM

The small girl suddenly grabs Ixe's arm softly as he's about to enter the darkness, "Wait... have faith in me as I had faith in you."

With the next shot ending the darkness Jeyne lets go of Ixe's arm, and smiles at him warmly.

Man all of us posting at the same time is really messing up the flow of the play by post. Assume this post is before Ixe's post #140 as a way to explain why Ixe didn't enter the shadow.

2017-09-19, 12:32 PM
The small girl suddenly grabs Ixe's arm softly as he's about to enter the darkness, "Wait... have faith in me as I had faith in you." With the next shot ending the darkness Jeyne lets go of Ixe's arm, and smiles at him warmly.

Ixe looks very confused at first, unsure of how to react. After a few moments, though, he haltingly returns her smile. "I do have faith in you... strange as it may seem, I do... Lady Jeyne." The emphasis is on the word Lady. Ixe then congratulates Ilnesh: "Nice shot."

Man all of us posting at the same time is really messing up the flow of the play by post. Assume this post is before Ixe's post #140 as a way to explain why Ixe didn't enter the shadow.

(( I know, but I love the game so much. I check it multiple times per day on my days off and I would do so every day if I had the time. This is my only campaign that I'm in right now, I look forward to its continuing development! ))

2017-09-19, 12:47 PM
Ilnesh raises an eyebrow at the necromancer as he offers Jeyne her crossbow again. "You have an odd definition of a good shot Ixe."

Silver Night
2017-09-19, 11:50 PM

"Now that there is light, I'm happy to lead the way - but we should probably check for traps first and someone should perhaps be ready with the fire."

Seva will indeed step in first, if Ilnesh wants to do the honors of checking for traps right inside the room.

2017-09-20, 06:49 AM
Vosnak grins. "Short of being exhausted for the day, I'm always ready with fire, cold, electricity, and sonic. If Jeyne can set them on fire I may be able to ensure they keep burning."

"The curiosity is who or what is our adversary? We've made plenty of noise so it's invisible or waiting out of sight. Coming through one of those doors or a secret door? Perhaps stepping on a spot to release it? If so I'd guess it to be near the pedestal or one of the other doors." It's an intellectual puzzle that has him more intrigued than the probable threat of death in there. A product of too much time reading in the library and not really having faced the real thing yet. He does have Sarin to keep watch, who is always vigilant.

2017-09-20, 02:12 PM
Ilnesh nods, the beginnings of mirth twisting his lips into a smile. "As Vosnak said, so far the rooms have followed their themes. I doubt there are any traps to hinder us here, but I will check the doorways." Ilnesh strides to the northern doorway and begins searching it over for traps, careful not to step on the fragments of the shattered orb.
Doing my thing, taking 20. (23)

2017-09-20, 10:21 PM

While they are talking she reloads the heavy crossbow and then follows five feet behind Ilnesh. She holds her crossbow but you can tell she's keeping her casting hand free while she moves through the room.

2017-09-21, 01:42 PM
As Ilnesh steps into the room, a shadow emerges from the south wall and flies at him. "LIFE ENERGY TO CONSUME," it hums bizarrely.

Shadow attacks Ilnesh, incorporeal: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Strength damage Critical damage: [roll3] Strength damage

>> Sictona [19]
>> Jeyne [19]
Shadow [16]
Seva [15]
Ilnesh [12]
Vosnak [7]
Ixe [7]

After being surprised by the shadow, Sictona and Jeyne can act before it acts again. Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2017-09-21, 01:59 PM

Jeyne, who had been following Illnesh thought she had been ready. But she wasn't looking for shadows. As it flew across the room at Illnesh she was already preparing her spell. With a quick arcane utterance she flourished her hands and for a split second nothing happened.

"Consume this.", she said simply as a torrent of flame burst forth from her hands.

Move to M14
Cast: Burning Hands Cone (Affects N15, N16, N17, O15, O16, P15)

Fire Damage: [roll0] DC 14 for half

2017-09-21, 09:58 PM
"Hiding IN the wall, didn't think of that." A brief low, bass pitched hum is heard. A small ball of fire appears in front of Vosnak's forehead then it zips at the shadow.

Move to L15 then use Energy Ray (Fire) at it. Spend 1PP.
Ranged Touch attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss on a 1: [roll2]

AC: 17
AC vs incorporeal: 15
PP remaining: 12

2017-09-22, 11:01 AM
Jeyne's burst of fire chars the shadow, which makes a pained noise and turns to attempt to clasp her. Vosnak aims a lance of fire at it, but it passes through harmlessly.

Shadow attacks Jeyne, touch: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Strength damage Critical damage: [roll3] Strength damage

>> Seva [15]
>> Ilnesh [12]
Vosnak [7]
>> Ixe [7]
Jeyne [19]
Shadow [16]

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) is updated; Vosnak's action resolved a little later than it was posted. Seva, Ilnesh, and Ixe are up.

2017-09-22, 12:42 PM
Eyes wide with alarm and hands clenched with resolve, Ixe levels a single outstretched finger directly at the incorporeal nightmare. He practically spits out the arcane syllables: "khangarel ankanonin". A instantaneous beam of positive energy flashes in the shadow's direction.

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 = 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/552650)

(( Damn! I'm completely incompetent! Well fortunately it's not going to hurt anybody if it hits one of us... the crappy thing is that I only prepared that spell once, because I thought open/close and mage hand would be useful for traps... ))

2017-09-22, 01:30 PM
With the creature moving rapidly towards the group in the doorframe, Ilnesh draws one of his daggers and attempts to plunge it into the shifting form.

Ilnesh AC: 16. Touch AC: 14.
Melee dagger attack +flank [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak attack (if applicable) [roll2]
Incorporeal [roll3]

Silver Night
2017-09-23, 08:40 PM

Seva attempts to attack with a (small) amount of positive energy.

Touch attack: [roll0] 1 point of damage if it hits. As it is positive energy no miss chance.

2017-09-24, 09:41 AM
Jeyne collapses to the floor, conscious but unable to move. Ilnesh's dagger passes harmlessly through the shadow, and Ixe's spell hits the floor at his feet. Seva touches the shadow, which flinches. It hums in frustration, "MUST FEED! CAN'T FEED!" and turns to clasp Seva.

Shadow attacks Seva, touch: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Strength damage Critical damage: [roll3] Strength damage

>> Seva [15]
>> Ilnesh [12]
>> Vosnak [7]
>> Ixe [7]
Jeyne [19]
Shadow [16]

Seva, Ilnesh, Vosnak, and Ixe are up.

Silver Night
2017-09-24, 07:21 PM

Seva grunts as she feels strength drain from her. She casts magic weapon on her flail, "You can't feed on someone else, creature?"

2017-09-24, 07:50 PM
"NEED ENERGY," the shadow replies.

2017-09-24, 08:17 PM
Seeing Seva cast a spell on her flail, Ilnesh swipes his dagger through the shadow, attempting to grant her a momentary advantage when she attacks. His mouth sets in a grim line as he swings.

melee is not my expertise, but here we go... [roll0] vs AC10 to aid Seva.


2017-09-24, 09:23 PM
Vosnak fires off another small ball of fire at the shadow, accompanied by a brief low hum again.

"Stop feeding on us or you will be destroyed. Then you will never get to feed again. You've had enough for today."

Move to L15 then Energy Ray (Fire). Spend 1PP.
Ranged Touch attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss on a 1: [roll2]

AC: 17
AC vs incorporeal: 15
PP remaining: 11

2017-09-25, 05:36 PM
Ixe steps around Seva to square M14, standing astride Jeyne as she lies helplessly on the ground. He levels his tense, trembling index finger directly at the shade they now confront.

Ixe: "My first bolt of positive energy was but a warning shot, to let you know of my true power. Now, flee, you nightmare, or your accursed existence will be burned away with a bolt of the very energy you hoped to consume!"

Intimidate skill check: 1d20 +1 (rank) +2 (Charisma modifier) = [roll0]

2017-09-26, 06:55 AM
"WILL NOT STARVE!" the shadow says. It shrinks back from Ixe, but reaches for Ilnesh.

Shadow attacks Ilnesh, touch: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Strength damage Critical damage: [roll3] Strength damage

>> Seva [15]
>> Ilnesh [12]
>> Vosnak [7]
>> Ixe [7]
Jeyne [19]
Shadow [16]

Seva, Ilnesh, Vosnak, and Ixe are up.

Silver Night
2017-09-26, 09:06 PM

Seva swings with her flail! Hopefully the limited enchantment she placed on it will make it effective!

Attack: [roll0] +2 if we have flanking?
Miss: [roll1] miss on 1
Damage: [roll2]

2017-09-26, 10:33 PM
Ilnesh shudders as the shadows grasp takes hold. He swings desperately at it to fend it off.

Here we goo.. Attack: [roll0] Crit threat: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Sneak Attack [roll3] Incorporeal: [roll4]

2017-09-26, 10:39 PM
Vosnak was befuddled. From what he had read some of their attacks should be hurting it but even with accurate shots and blows everything just passed through the shadow. Jeyne's burst of fire did hurt it. He had to keep trying with his own fire. Another orb of fire launched its way at the shadow.

Energy Ray (Fire). Spend 1PP.
Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss on a 1: [roll2]

AC: 17
AC vs incorporeal: 15
PP remaining: 10

2017-09-27, 10:50 AM
Increasingly panicked, Ixe begins to whiff uselessly at the shadow with his quarterstaff. The best he can do now, is to hopefully allow Seva get an opening to attack...

Aid Another action: 1d20 +1 (Strength bonus) = [roll0]

2017-09-27, 12:31 PM
The shadow makes a frustrated noise, even as every attack misses it or goes harmlessly through it. "CANNOT TASTE...MUST FEED!" It turns to grasp Ixe.

Shadow attacks Ixe, touch: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Strength damage Critical damage: [roll3] Strength damage

>> Seva [15]
>> Ilnesh [12]
>> Vosnak [7]
>> Ixe [7]
Jeyne [19]
Shadow [16]

Seva, Ilnesh, Vosnak, and Ixe are up.

2017-09-29, 08:24 AM
Recoiling in absolute horror at the threat of the shadow's deathly caress, Ixe drops his staff, and uses both hands to grab Jeyne by the straps of her pack, using a full-round action to drag her backwards, down the hallway from whence they came.

He then bends over at the waist, until his face is a mere 6 six inches from her own. Prying up one of her eyelids with his thumb, he scrunches up his face in an almost comical expression, squinting one eye while peering into her pupil with the other.

Ixe: "...Jeyne?"

(( This action will not resolve until after Seva, Vosnak, and Ilnesh act. The Aid Another action benefiting Seva is still good. ))

2017-09-29, 10:07 AM
Vosnak's brain went into overdrive as yet more attacks were ineffective against it. Some other way to deal with it? It wants life energy as food. Another ball of fire blasted from Vosnak at the shadow. Nothing says we have to be the food. Nothing down here to offer it. Back upstairs? With all those servants they must have animals for food. Yes, that might work.

"Shadow, if you want energy stop your attack and we'll get you energy without it trying to kill you. Otherwise one of our attacks will finish you off."

Energy Ray (Fire). Spend 1PP.
Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss on a 1: [roll2]

AC: 17
AC vs incorporeal: 15
PP remaining: 9

Might be good for Ilnesh to move to O13 so Seva can get flanking.

2017-09-29, 10:11 AM
Vosnak's fire beam hits the shadow, but it's hard to tell how badly damaged a shadow is. The shadow might hesitate; in a few seconds it's hard to tell. "FEED?" it asks, in what is definitely a questioning tone.

2017-09-29, 10:33 AM
Yes, FEED. Move away and we'll stop hurting you. Then we will come back with food for you. Move back!"

2017-09-29, 12:32 PM
Sensing the sudden lull in combat, Ilnesh stalks a few steps north to split the shadows attention. He tenses, ready to attempt to distract it if it shows any more aggression.
Going to O13 to get that sweet flanking bonus, holding action to aid Seva if there's another attack.

Silver Night
2017-09-29, 10:52 PM

"I'm sure there is some strapping creature or slave we can bring you. Very strong."

Persuasion: [roll0]

If it doesn't seem like it is going to stop:

Attack: [roll1]
Miss Chance: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-09-30, 06:12 AM
The shadow focuses on Seva. "FOOD. BRING FOOD." It doesn't actively back down, but it's not attacking at the moment, either.

2017-09-30, 09:08 AM
Ilnesh breaks his silence as he listens to the plan. He makes a soothing gesture with his hand as he speaks. "Of course. Every time you listen to us, you get closer to having food."

Persuasion [roll0]

2017-09-30, 10:01 AM
Not knowing what to make of Jeyne's condition, but understanding now how to proceed, Ixe picks up his staff and traces his way back to the stairs, leading out of the labyrinth and to the mansion above. Once there, he looks around for a pair of likely fools to act as bait, unconcerned with their plight.

Ixe: "You two. One of our number has fallen. Accompany me downstairs, and help us carry her."

Ixe leads them, unawares, back to where the Party is waiting...

2017-09-30, 02:03 PM
Ixe finds two slaves in the library; they follow him back down into the maze without a word. Meanwhile, the shadow remains hovering--neither attacking, nor adopting a less threatening pose.

2017-09-30, 07:05 PM
As they wait, Ilnesh moves closer to Seva, whispering to her as they watch the shadow. "How do we know this thing won't follow us even if Ixe succeeds?"

2017-09-30, 07:13 PM
Vosnak takes the temporary truce as a chance to get a good look at the shadow without getting too close. Who ever gets that chance? He had never considered it during his life in the Great Library. His curiosity grabs hold. "What has Thorn told you and ordered you to do?"

Ixe returns with two servants. Vosnak had been thinking of pigs or goats so it took him by surprise. They were seemingly mindless during the group's time upstairs. Them or us for the shadow? They were of no other use in the grander plan. Might even be mercy from that pathetic life.

"Perhaps just one for now?"

2017-10-01, 01:03 PM
Vosnak: "Perhaps just one for now?"

Ixe nods in agreement.

Ixe: "Slave: enter this room with the pedestal. Wait there for further... instruction." He watches what happens next with morbid curiosity.

2017-10-01, 04:45 PM
The shadow seems confused by the question. "NO ONE SPEAK. DEAD FLESH-ONE HURT ME."

When Ixe directs one of the slaves into the room, the shadow immediately floats over to him and reaches into his chest. He pales, sinks to the floor, and finally stops breathing. The shadow turns and floats toward the other slave, and toward Ixe.

And there I pause for reactions. You can backfill having asked the shadow more questions; it took Ixe a little while to find the slaves. Relatedly, Jeyne finds enough of her strength has come back that she can move a little, and can talk freely, though she's still too weak to stand.

Silver Night
2017-10-01, 07:02 PM

"Hopefully we don't need to reimburse the Cardinal for the slaves."

2017-10-01, 08:12 PM
Ilnesh watches the shadow kill the slave with no remorse, simply noting the ease with which it saps life, and how it leapt out of the wall to engage them. He answers Seva a moment after she comments. "I should hope one with the assets to break out of Branderscar and then remotely break out even more people will not get hung up on the details of how we got through here." He glances down at Jeyne on the ground as slight frown of distaste spreads. "Immediately, it would be best to see if she can continue to help. She was admittedly ready to burn away whatever threatened us. His attention shifts to Ixe, watching the proclaimed necromancers reaction to the shade approaching him. He shifts uncomfortably under the weight of his pack.

2017-10-02, 12:36 PM
(( Does it seem that the shadow is able to leave the room that we encountered it in? Am I currently standing in the room? ))

Ixe: "Shadow, you may also have this slave; if you answer one more question: Have you seen a sapphire pendant within the confines of this dungeon? This is a matter of great importance..."

Ixe shows no sign of fear or concern as the shadow approaches.

2017-10-02, 03:16 PM
I didn't read what Ixe had said as indicating reentering the room, meaning the shadow has just demonstrated it can leave the room.

"NO," the shadow replies, and seizes the other slave. Her eyes widen as she slowly crumples to the floor and stops breathing.

The shadow turns and floats off into the wall.

2017-10-02, 05:05 PM

The small girl blinks her eyes for the first time since she hit the ground. You can see her struggling to lift her arm before giving up. She doesn't speak however.

2017-10-02, 09:04 PM
Ixe kneels on the ground beside Jeyne, and removes his backpack. He unrolls his bedroll, and helps her to move from the cold stone floor, onto the padded mat, placing the worn pillow under her neck.

Ixe: «comfortingly» "...it's gone. Your arcane power is, indeed, formidable... though it seems that it was not necessary for you to go through that. For that, I am sorry."

Ixe squats in the middle of the corridor, folds his legs underneath him, and props his head up in the palms of his hands. He seems to be studying Jeyne quite intently.

Ixe: ((speaking to the group)) "I don't know, should I take her back upstairs and hope that she recovers? Or do you think the Cardinal would perceive that as Weakness?" I am sure that I can lift her...

Bluff check: 1d20 +1 (rank) +2 (charisma bonus) = 10 (http://orokos.com/roll/555345)

(( Something about the way that Ixe is staring at Jeyne right now suggests to you that his reasons for wanting to look after her in her helpless condition may not stem entirely from gentlemanly concern... ))

2017-10-03, 12:13 PM
Ilnesh looks down at Ixe with a calm, calculating gaze, and sheathes his dagger. "Now, to finish what I started." He steps over to the northern door and looks it over for traps, taking his time. "The cardinal expects us to work through our problems as a group. It isn't a good precedent to go back to him as soon as we hit a barrier."
Taking 20 on the search = 23

2017-10-03, 09:16 PM

"If it were a normal shadow my loss of strength would take days to recover and if I was rendered completely paralyzed I'd immediately die and turn into a shadow. That didn't happen. It's effect seems more like a spells temporary reduction. I'm already able to move. If you give me some time I might be able to stand." Jeyne says helpfully, "Or else you can drag me around and I'll just sling magic missiles from the ground."

Silver Night
2017-10-05, 02:08 AM
"Let's drag her for now. As she says, no need to stand to throw magic around."

2017-10-05, 08:43 AM
Vosnak watches as Ixe aids the helpless petite warmage while offering the shadow the life energy of the two slaves. He wonders if anyone else there notices the dichotomy.

"Yes, we're not leaving her behind for the shadow to snack on later. She's small and light, two of us can prop her up while Ilnesh finds the way and Seva stays ready for a fight."

2017-10-05, 08:43 AM
Ixe: «amused» "We could suspend her from her backpack by my quarterstaff, and carry it by each end like a milkmaid's yoke." He favors Jeyne with a conspiratorial smile, then hauls himself to his feet using the aforementioned staff.

Ixe enters the room, and looks around carefully. He pays particular attention to the central pedestal.

Ixe: "Cardinal Thorn said that the pendant would be located somewhere in this maze. He did not specify that it would be in the final chamber, or that the gauntlet would be linear."

Ixe: "haytnaberel gaghtni drrnery" (( Casting detect secret doors. Duration is 2 minutes. ))

2017-10-05, 01:57 PM
Ixe waits patiently while Ilnesh completes his meticulous inspection of the doors. He seems preoccupied with his own thoughts. After a minute, he engages Jeyne in a conversation.

Ixe: "Lady Jeyne... you have yet to share with us, how it was that you came to be in Branderscar Prison. Forgive me, but your innocent demeanor belies your dedication to the Herald of Hell. And I could not help but notice, though our brands are blistered and painful, that your own is pink and healing over. Clearly, you have been in prison for more than a few days. Do you care to tell us your tale?"

2017-10-05, 06:00 PM
As Ilnesh inspects the door, Jeyne's strength continues to return. Ilnesh finds no traps on the door.

Jeyne's Strength is currently 2.

2017-10-06, 01:59 PM
Ilnesh finishes his meticulous search and quickly opens the door, peering in.

2017-10-06, 07:52 PM

The small girl drops her backpack and her heavy crossbow and stands up if able to, ready to face what's in the next room.

While they wait she does reply to Ixe, "I was betrayed by those who assumed I had betrayed our lord. I hadn't betrayed him, I simply failed him. Regardless I deserved my fate. My true loyalties were made public and I was arrested. That was eight months ago. I was branded six months ago and held until it was appropriate to carry out my sentence. Which, fortunately for me, was when our master decided to break us out." Her answers seem very short and to the point. You suspect that there is far more to her story but clearly she doesn't want to share them.

2017-10-07, 11:01 AM
Behind the door, a short passage ends in another wooden door. Written on that door are the words, "Cruelty is a tool, not a pastime. To destroy useful resources is to hobble your own pursuit of power."

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) updated.

2017-10-07, 11:12 AM
"Cruelty is a tool, not a pastime. To destroy useful resources is to hobble your own pursuit of power."

Ixe: "Yes... as our recent use of Tiadora's mind-slaves has shown. This labyrinth is filled not just with challenges, but with valuable lessons. I shall be certain to thank the Cardinal for this educational experience... if we survive it, I mean." It's difficult to tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

Ixe: "Once we are clear of the room with the pedestal, does anyone object if I open the other door? I can do so from afar, so that if there are traps, we shall not run afoul of them. It would be useful to know if we have a choice of paths forward."

2017-10-07, 02:04 PM
Ilnesh steps forward and pulls open the doors with the lesson written on them, raising his voice to speak with Ixe as he does so. "By all means, feel free to do so once we are in the clear. It should help us make sure we don't miss any opportunities."

2017-10-07, 05:55 PM
Ilnesh pulls the door open, revealing what appears to be an empty, featureless 30 x 30 stone room with no other exits.

Silver Night
2017-10-07, 09:21 PM

"Would you care to check the entrance for traps? We can search inside or I can summon a creature to run around in there and trigger any traps, given it's a rather large room."

2017-10-08, 05:36 PM
Ilnesh nods to Seva. "That may be in order. However, I think we should open the other door first and see what it holds before deciding to spend resources on this room."

2017-10-08, 07:37 PM
Ixe waits until the whole of the Party has safely entered the hall to the north. Then, standing in square R11, he peers around the corner. Focusing his intellect and gesturing at the eastern door, he intones:

Ixe: "bat’ s’ mot" (( casting Open / Close on the far door ))

(( I am fulfilled that I got to do something! ))

2017-10-09, 06:00 AM
The eastern door swings open, revealing a corridor that bends to the north.

2017-10-09, 09:39 AM
"I'll leave this room to you then Seva. It might be worth searching for secret doors too.
Ilnesh then trots across to T-14, peering down the northern hallway. "I will try to clear the way ahead a little."

2017-10-09, 10:38 AM
Ahead of Ilnesh, the corridor turns to the east.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S3fMekLZ-lkVBSCVnDf6xDVxBLItK9xja5nNoS92qek/edit?usp=sharing) updated.

2017-10-09, 09:56 PM
As Ilnesh begins to head back into the shadow's room to head to the east door, Vosnak speaks up. "We can be sure each room has a challenge. Better to at least find out what this one consists of before possibly setting off another. We have the luxury of time at this point. I think we should take advantage of Ilnesh's skills in this room before we consume limited magics. Nothing obvious, so it must be something hidden."

Silver Night
2017-10-09, 11:54 PM

I think it best to wait for Ilnesh to finish scouting, whatever we do, in case entering initiates this challenge.

2017-10-10, 05:47 PM
Ixe: «overeagerly» "I want to see what the next inscription says."

2017-10-11, 02:01 AM
Although he hears Vosnak speak, Ilnesh continues. "I won't be long." He trots down the passageway till he encounters something of interest, then will return to the room with the rest of the party.

2017-10-11, 11:36 PM

She ignores the advice given to wait. At some point she begins searching the square she's in and despite her weakened strength begins searching the walls going north spending 2 minutes per five feet.

She follows the wall, spending 2 minutes (taking 20) searching while slowly moving north.

2017-10-12, 03:28 PM
As Jeyne begins to slowly search the room you discovered, Ilnesh walks casually down the hall and looks around the corner.

Around the corner is a wooden door, as far as you can tell identical to the others you've seen in the labyrinth. It reads, "The chosen are revealed by their might. The weak deserve no sympathy."

2017-10-13, 02:17 AM
She ignores the advice given to wait. At some point she begins searching the square she's in and despite her weakened strength begins searching the walls going north spending 2 minutes per five feet.

Seeing that she has entered the room, Ixe hastily steps forward also. One hand is on his quarterstaff, and the other hand clutches his spell component pouch. He appears worried.

(( If nothing immediate happens when Jeyne or I enter, then I will begin inspecting the wall opposite to the one Jeyne is searching. I will take 20 also, though, this results in a total of 19. ( When I level, I am definitely putting some points into Perception!) ))

2017-10-13, 08:02 AM
Ilnesh pauses at the inscription and reads it, then makes his way back to the group. "It only seems to be another room up next. We should finish this one before moving on." He takes a moment to watch where the others are searching before moving to the third wall and searching it thoroughly. As he does so, he muses on the nature of this room's riddle. I don't see much to be cruel to here, unless there is another creature in the wall."

Taking 20 =23. I've also assumed Ilnesh's 3 STR damage is back to normal

Silver Night
2017-10-14, 03:05 AM
Seeing as it is an otherwise empty room, Seva starts on the floor.

Also taking 20 on the search.

2017-10-15, 09:29 AM
Searching the empty-looking room, you find a secret door in the west wall; no secret doors are apparent in the east wall, north wall, or floor.

2017-10-15, 09:40 AM

The girls takes a couple of steps back away from the secret door. She moves as if still weakened by the shadow.

2017-10-16, 08:38 AM
"Interesting. Let's see what's in there." Vosnak moves further into the room. Mentally, he's filling in the map in his head.

Move to O5.
i didn't say it but it had been in my head and I should have specified. Using Autohypnosis to keep a mental map of the maze. With all the take 20s, of searching, plenty of time for Take 20s on Autohypnosis.

Silver Night
2017-10-16, 11:15 PM

Seva prepares in case anything exciting comes from the secret door.

2017-10-17, 10:57 AM
Ilnesh cuts across to Jeyne, pressing open the door and peering in.
moving over to N7

2017-10-17, 11:11 AM
The door opens, revealing a niche with a terrified-looking, wounded boy in it. He looks about 16. He wears a dirty tabard which depicts the sunburst symbol of Pelor. He cringes away from you as the door opens.

You recognize the tabard as denoting affiliation with the Knights of the Alerion, an order devoted to Pelor, consisting mostly of paladins.

2017-10-17, 12:47 PM
(Nobility and Royalty) [roll0]
A smile tugs at Ilnesh's mouth as he sees the boy inside. "Seems I was right, there was a creature in the wall. He turns to the group, back to the presumable paladin-in-training."We keep him till he's useful, according to the room. I'm impressed by the preparation involved in getting him here. It can't be easy getting a Knight of the Alerion or his squire here.

2017-10-17, 12:55 PM

"What do you mean creature? Are you blind? He's one of us." Jeyne moves forward and crouches down in front of the boy, her holy symbol of Pelor hanging from her neck, "I'm Mary, what's your name?"

Silver Night
2017-10-17, 10:38 PM

Seva grunts in agreement with Ilnesh, but keeps herself ready in case the boy is more than he appears.

2017-10-18, 05:24 AM
A seditious smirk slowly spreads across Ixe's face as he realizes what "Mary" is up to. He waits to see what result her masterful manipulation brings...

2017-10-18, 09:44 AM
Ilnesh raises an eyebrow briefly at what "Mary" is doing, but bows his head slightly waiting to see how the boy reacts. He moves back towards Seva and speaks under his breath. "The next room speaks of losing sympathy for the weak. In my opinion that is what the boy is for."

2017-10-18, 03:57 PM
The boy looks dubiously after Ilnesh, but then he looks at Jeyne hopefully. "I'm...Timeon. Timeon of Balentyne. Who are all of you?"

2017-10-18, 05:19 PM
"As I've said, I'm Mary Matherine, 2nd lieutenant, and humble servant of Pelor. My disguised companions here were key to infiltrating this compound. They also believe you're a cultist pretending to be victim. I don't though, I believe you. But you need to be honest with me." Jeyne pauses for effect as if thinking hard, "Timeon how is it that you came to be here. Everyone else here have been devil worshipers. Speak truly, Pelor grants me the ability to perceive falsehoods."

2017-10-18, 08:43 PM
As the others begin to talk Vosnak moves up to see who they have found. He doesn't interrupt Jeyne as he studies the boy from afar. He wonders how long a ploy like that can last. Hopefully the squire will have useful information. Either way, resources were good to keep and the boy could be useful... somehow.

Take 10 for Knowledge for a 15.

Silver Night
2017-10-19, 03:01 AM

Seva offers a grunt, probably an affirmative one, to Ilnesh's information.

2017-10-19, 09:21 AM
"I am a squire to Sir Balin of Karfeld," Timeon says eagerly. "We came here to investigate a rumor of worshipers of Hextor. A nobleman--or at least he looked like one--invited us inside, then he cast some kind of spell that locked the door and told a devil to bring us to his torture chamber. Sir Balin tried to hold them off while I ran...I don't know where he is now, but I heard them searching for me."

2017-10-19, 11:35 AM
Ilnesh sidles up to Vosnak as the squire speaks, speaking gently. "It seems Timothy here came from the path ahead. I'm sure the shadow-creature would have devoured him, or the traps killed him if he had come from the same direction as us. I'm sure we can use that to our advantage. If not that, the next room speaks of the weak deserving no sympathy' - either way, he can be of use."

2017-10-19, 12:50 PM

"Sir Balin of Karfeld is here?" She says incredulously before turning to the group, "We must press forward than and find him."

She extends her hand to help Timeon out of the hole, "I was struck by an undead creature that saps my strength. Can you to carry my bags and wield my heavy crossbow for me? Do you know anything else about this place that might help us out?"

2017-10-19, 03:23 PM
Vosnak nods at Ilnesh's observations and quietly responds so as not to be understood by those in the secret room. "Yes, the boy should know a bit more about down here. Should be useful, but if he is the only thing in this room then doesn't that makes him a planned event from Thorn? Is the boy really a squire or just dressed as one and we become the fools?"

The psion pauses a moment while Jeyne continues her deceit. He didn't catch the whole thing but his psicrystal Sarin quickly filled in the gaps. "Even if he really is the squire and Sir Balin is here, the gig is up once we come across the knight and he recognizes any of us. That would be a shame. Think of a grander scale- having the boy along long term could be very useful for his knowledge of places and people. Jeyne might be closing the lid of that possibility as we speak though." He stops talking to listen to the boy's response.

2017-10-20, 03:03 PM
Ixe furrows his brow and frowns as he ponders the situation. Finally he turns to confer with Seva, Ilnesh, and Vosnak, in a voice no more than a whisper.

Ixe: "It does not make sense that this lad came to be here simply by chance. His story makes no sense. If Sir Balin were indeed present here, we would expect chaos to erupt. Yet, we have only been down here a few hours. For this to occur right now, as we undertake this trial, would be quite the coincidence, no? Don't forget that I was upstairs but moments ago, fetching the two hapless slaves which we fed to the shadow. I heard no sign of such a battle transpiring. Also, it is implausible that this boy ran to hide and ended up here. I see no other exit from this room, other than the one leading to the room with the shadow. He could not have made it past the shadow alone. And if he somehow did enter this chamber through some secret passage, why would he pause to close it behind him? And if he were truly fleeing a creature of such menace, why would he head into the dungeon below? Would not some upstairs room offer a window, or something, through which there would be some hope of egress? And, enter a dead end corridor, then cower there, hoping that the Master of the dungeon will not find him? No, this Story cannot be other than a lie."

"Jeyne is clever, though, and brilliantly manipulative. I am certain these things must have occurred to her. Even if we do not believe the boy's story, it would be well to pretend that we do. I feel comfortable allowing her to handle this situation. And indeed, what else are we to do? Put him back in his chamber and seal the door?"

Ixe pauses for a moment, looking back towards the chamber they just left, then continues.

"There is something else that has been bothering me. The shadow referred to Cardinal Thorn as the "Dead Flesh One". What do you suppose it meant by that?"

2017-10-20, 06:20 PM
"Of course, I can." He takes the bags eagerly. "I heard the nobleman talking to a woman, he said--What are they whispering about?" he asks Jeyne.

2017-10-20, 09:13 PM

Jeyne laughs cutely while touching his arm, "My ears are as good as yours. But we're deep in enemy territory and two of almost almost died fighting the undead so forgive us if we're on edge." Jeyne stands up and addressed the group as if she's in charge, "Sergeant, discussing our next step?"

2017-10-20, 09:55 PM
Ilnesh looks Ixe a moment, contemplating a reply before turning to and speaking to Jayne. His brief look conveys they can continue the conversation soon.
"As agreed I will continue to keep us safe from traps, but it is on your own head if the creature brings the rest of this cultist den down upon us." He casts a quick, impassionate glance to Timothy. "If the child is truly a squire, he will have nothing to fear."

With that, Ilnesh spins on his heel and steps into the hallway that lead into the room as he waits for the rest to prepare to continue. He stay just outside of sight of the boy, listening to the conversation with the hope the squire associates him with threat, and so speaks freely with the rest his companions.

2017-10-23, 11:45 PM
Ixe clasps his hands in front of his sternum, fingers outstretched, and favors Timeon with a formal bow, which seems oddly out of place, given the dank, dusty surroundings as well as the wizard's generally unkempt look. He then turns and follows Ilnesh down the hallway.

2017-10-24, 12:23 AM
As soon as Ixe joins him, Ilnesh hisses to him in a low whisper. "I do not doubt that the Cardinal could have planted the child, but no a matter the cause we must learn to use him." He jabs a long finger into Ixes chest. "Do not arouse his suspicion any more. The child will have no faith in me, but you are not a lost cause, so give him no reason to mistrust you. I will open the door to the next room so he does not see the text, you trust in Jeyne and meet me there with the rest."

If Ixe does not reply, Ilnesh will walk down the hallway to the next door, and wait for the rest there (T5). He will not open the door until they round the corner at (T14).

2017-10-25, 01:48 PM
Ixe frowns resentfully at being poked in the chest, but nods in agreement. As Nesh scouts the way forward, he returns to Jeyne and their new "party member", trying his best to appear reassuring.

Ixe: <to Jeyne> "Sergeant Kleinschwanzer is scouting the way ahead, Ma'am. We are ready to move forward at your command."

<turning to Timeon:> "Fret not, friend. We lower our voice to prevent our discovery. We believe that subtlety is our safest means to ensure our survival. This way, we can locate Sir Balin. He will surely inform us, as to what's going on, and advise us in how to proceed. With the Shining One's blessing, the good and decent folk of this land may yet prevail against these Blasphemers.

...which way did you say that you came to hide down here?"

(( Do I need to make Bluff or Diplomacy checks, or anything like that? ))

Silver Night
2017-10-25, 09:16 PM

Seva proceeds with the others, but keeps quiet - aware, perhaps, that subtle conversational techniques aren't her forte.

2017-10-26, 09:29 AM

She turns to Timeon when Ixe asks him a question, "Yes, please tell us any information you have. We're still in grave danger down here."

While speaking she gives Ixe a nod that seems to mean, yes let's move out. She begins walking slowly forward while talking.

2017-10-27, 04:09 PM
"I came from that way." Timeon gestures to the west door as you reach the room with the shadow, who fortunately does not make an appearance. "While I was hiding in there, I heard the nobleman talking to a woman--I don't know where Sir Balin is; I hope he escaped this terrible madhouse. But he--the nobleman, that is--said I wouldn't be able to escape, wherever I might be hiding, because there are vicious metal cobras in the next room, a secret door across from the stairs hides the way out, a shrieker screams when there is light or movement nearby somewhere, and four drowned men rise when the shrieker cries--most of it didn't make much sense, but it all seemed worth remembering."

2017-10-28, 09:52 PM

Following Timeon's wealth of information, he allows the squire to pass by. "Well done young Timeon. A keen mind is a precious thing. That information will help us get through this death maze. Please speak up if you remember more along the way. Have you been schooled in weapons yet? You can join us in the battles to come." Vosnak puts the boy's information to memory as he awaits an answer.

2017-10-30, 11:58 AM
As he waits for the party to approach, Ilnesh searches the door thoroughly for traps.
Should they round the corner before he is done, he will simply swing the doors open to hide the text on them from Timeon.
That's taking 20 on a search, if it's less than two minutes (which I expect it will) till the party gets here, just a roll and opening the door. Preemptive perception roll: [roll0]

2017-11-01, 09:42 PM
Noticing the party rounding the corner, Ilnesh leans forwards and pulls the door open, hoping this particular room isn't one filled with creatures ready to kill. He peers inside as he awaits the rest of the party.

2017-11-02, 06:20 AM
Vosnak follows around to the next door and he sees Nesh about to open it. "I wouldn't do that just yet. Seems there's 2 metal snakes in there to fight. Better to be ready and formed up for a fight. When everyone is ready I can stand in the back and summon some help once the door opens so we can attack from both sides. Anyone else with ideas?"

2017-11-02, 11:36 PM
Ilnesh pauses while opening the doors briefly, unhappy at the interruption and the fact the boy will see the text, but he backs away from the doors, a slight frown tugging at his mouth. Better indeed. Who will lead then?"

Silver Night
2017-11-03, 12:27 AM

"I can, perhaps they will be vulnerable to a flail. Though do check for any traps, by all means."

2017-11-03, 09:32 AM
"I am, but I don't have my sword," Timeon says.

He looks at the words on the door and frowns. "Are there words like that on other doors you've seen? Some kind of..."