View Full Version : Player Help Best Buffer?

2017-08-25, 12:10 PM
Hello all.
Recently my DM announced he would start a new campaign, after our last one died out, and based on what went down last time, I'm figuring that I want to play a buffer (especially after I read the guide to being a GOD), but I don't quite know which class I want to play, because they all have their upsides. I don't really want to do BFC because last time we didn't use a grid, and debuffing requires high DCs, which could cause a book thrown if I optimize too much.

I'm currently considering either a Wizard, Sorc, Cleric, or Favored Soul

NOTE: I just want a simple answer, without too much optimization; we're all pretty new and the last party was...

Human Bard 8 (This was the guy that didn't care much)
Elf Wizard 5/Cleric 3 (Was planning to go wizard but then thought we needed healing)
Gnome Druid 8 (Was Half-Elf Ranger 5/Druid 1, but then I realized how bad that character was)
Human Ranger 5/Barbarian 3
Elf Rogue 8
XXXXX Warlock 8 (The DM's shady character; who I think was supposed to backstab us later on)

2017-08-25, 12:18 PM
Have you considered a bard? Buffing is like 75% of their schtick

2017-08-25, 12:40 PM
Wizard, Bard, Cleric are all fine buffers. Bard uses songs with a backup set of spells while the others have their spells as their only real shtick, but those spells include whammies like Haste, Polymorph, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment, (Greater) Invisibility, Enlarge Person, Heroes' Feast, Freedom of Movement, Spell Resistance, Resist Energy, etc. With Cleric you'll want to use your domains to pick key spells from the Wizard-list (Haste for example occurs in Time and Celerity domains). You might also want to consider some way of chaining your buffs (Warweaver, Divine Metamagic: Chain Spell or such - buffing multiple teammates at once makes the action many times more efficient provided you have multiple teammates that actually fight; if you go Cleric, you can wade in yourself and also buff yourself).

Note, you want high caster level (items and build choices that boost caster level are great) both, to increase many spells' effect and to counteract dispelling (which is common vs. buffs). This is doubly useful on buffers compared to everything else. Also, you can always just use a backing of summons (which also benefit of your buffs) and battlefield control (spells like Grease, Ice Slick, Web, Stinking Cloud and even Glitterdust have effects even if the enemy makes their save so you don't mind them making it, and all the optimization you need to buff the DC is high casting stat) to complement your buffing and to have more targets to buff (Haste on 9 creatures is way stronger than Haste on 4).

2017-08-25, 02:15 PM
For a fairly straightforward buffer, I suggest a base of Wizard 5/War Weaver 5. War Weaver (Heroes of Battle) is probably the best buffing PrC in the game. Their main schtick is an "Eldritch Tapestry," a link to everyone in the party. Once created, you can have a single casting affect everyone in the Tapestry. Cast Protection from Energy once, and everyone gets the benefit. Later on, you can even pre-cast spells into your Tapestry and release them all as a move action. It's an almost unbelievable economy of slots and actions.

2017-08-26, 02:16 AM
I know you said simple, but Archivist is an option, if you're willing to manage a prayer book. Gets access to all divine spells (with some DM permission/assistance), and can also gives small party boosts with Dark Knowledge.

2017-08-26, 02:21 AM
Why not a mystic theurge using wizard and cleric? Those two classes have the majority of buffs, and you can simply ignore all the non-buffing spells you don't need. It's a pretty simple build without any complicated bells and whistles.

2017-08-26, 03:01 AM
Well it depends on What you want. I also second Bard as main choice, because he is easier to Play, and nicely Buffs the whole Group, you will also be the Social Monkey. The Sorcerer is not as good for Buffing, mainly because he has so little Spells known, if you spend them all on Buffing, you might find yourself helpless when seperated from your Party. The Wizard is the best of all Buffers, his downside is that he can't change his Spells flexibly, and that the Wizard has the most Paperwork of all Classes in the Game! I played a High Lvl Wizard once Treantmonk Godstyle, the Spell list and the Paperwork are a PAIN in the Butt, simply because you have so many options avivaible at all times.

So straight bard, is good and nice.

2017-08-26, 05:58 AM
Bardsader with a focus on White Raven and Devoted Spirit can be a (melee) buffer/healer.

2017-08-27, 06:38 AM
In all actuality, I'd be like Sha'ir is the best, based on the flexibility of their casting, and the fact that they can cast from the whole wiz/sorc list. Sha'ir/War Weaver is is a fine choice. One of the better points is it doesn't have to have a spell book.

Second up would be wizard with spontaneous divination and some means to get rid of his spell book, be that eidetic spell caster ACF, or Tattoo Spells.
Just get rid of the book.

Hiro Quester
2017-08-27, 12:21 PM
Combine the above suggestions, with bard 9/war weaver1/sublime chord1(or 2)/war weaver+4/other bardic PrC 4 (or 5).

Sublime chord gives you higher-level spells to blast or BFC or whatever else you want to use once your party is buffed.

Maximize UMD (class skill for bard, and cha-based) and attune yourself to custom runestaves with low-level buff spells on the wiz/sorc list you don't have access to normally.

Take melodic casting feat to be able to cast while singing. And learn harmonize spell (or get a custom magic item) to be able to use bardic music as a move action.

Like Grod pointed out, war weaver's grants the ability to target your whole party with any low-level buffs, and being able to discharge a slate of buffs to the party in the first round is an awesome ability; it the first round everyone is flying, invisible, protected from fire, and +4 to con and dex (or whatever).

Though a cleric probably has the best slate of partybuffs in the game, it depends on using high-level spells for mass versions of those spells (mass deathward, etc).

The bard has the arcane casting to use war weaver well, access to healing spells to cast into the weave (to heal all your allies), etc.

Plus bardic music. That kind of buffing is not to be underestimated.

Especially with Heartfire fanner as the PrC, if you have access to dragon mag (314, as I recall). Progresses all bardic musics (independent of bard level, as long as you have ranks in Perform). Plus Bardic music that grants temporary use of any fighter bonus feat each recipient chooses, and bardic music that pays for party members' metamagic uses.

2017-08-27, 02:06 PM
The best buffer is a simulacrum, preferably of an Illithid Savant or two. Buy a buffer with money, spend your class levels on something useful, like monk. :smalltongue: