View Full Version : [3.5] Looking For Book (of NPCs)

2017-08-27, 06:12 AM
I remember a book kicking around a few years back (might have been published as a PDF only): it was a listing of everyday NPCs i.e. blacksmiths, merchant, city guards etc.

I think they all had NPC class levels only.

The name was something like "Libris Cetera: The Book of Everyone Else".

Does anyone know the book I mean? And if so, anyone know where I can buy a copy?

Cheers - T

[edit] Never mind. It was called Librum Ceteri, and I found a copy I obtained ages ago on an external HDD.

2017-08-27, 07:24 AM
That has got to be one of the most obscure gaming books out there.

The only references I can find are this thread (top of Google’s list) and a thread from 2007 in which you cite this book as one of your favorites.

Who was the publisher? Amazon and Abebooks have nothing on it, at least not by title.

2017-08-27, 05:10 PM
Some googling turned up an enworld thread (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?26167-AMBIENT-Everyone-Else-quot-Librum-Ceteri-quot) where the author talks about releasing "Everyone Else: A Book of Innkeepers, Farmers & More (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/16606/Everyone-Else-A-Book-of-Innkeepers-Farmers--More?it=1)". The post is a little hard to read, but it seems to match the description since they mention unofficially calling the book Librum Ceteri.

2017-08-27, 06:26 PM
Enemies and Allies.

2017-08-28, 02:46 AM
Some googling turned up an enworld thread (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?26167-AMBIENT-Everyone-Else-quot-Librum-Ceteri-quot) where the author talks about releasing "Everyone Else: A Book of Innkeepers, Farmers & More (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/16606/Everyone-Else-A-Book-of-Innkeepers-Farmers--More?it=1)". The post is a little hard to read, but it seems to match the description since they mention unofficially calling the book Librum Ceteri.

Yep, that's the one.

Who was the publisher? Amazon and Abebooks have nothing on it, at least not by title.

I suspect it may have been released as a PDF only. It was made by Richard Ruthman and Michael S Thibault; I believe the company name is Ambient Inc.

Very handy resource.

You can get it online here: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/16606/Everyone-Else-A-Book-of-Innkeepers-Farmers--More?it=1