View Full Version : DM Help Monster needing stat suggestions!

2017-08-27, 11:50 AM
I've got an idea for a monster, but I don't know how to stat it properly. As in, I know how to stat monsters, but I don't know how to stat this one in particular. I'm looking for either suggested stats or for monster suggestions that I should take a look at to use as a starting point.

So, the monster in question. The PCs are going to encounter a mirror of evil cloning (your reflection steps out and attacks you, etc.) but with a twist. This mirror has been shattered, and glass shards litter the floor. Each glass shard will produce a clone of what it reflects, producing a horde of tiny evil PC clones that attack. I'm thinking of statting it as a swarm, but I have no idea how I should do this.

The PCs are a mix of 1st and 2nd level characters, but I like pushing them. I've been hurling them at CR 3's with great success so far. This is a one off, so the stats don't need to scale.

Also, I've modified an axe beak so it has a 2d6 burning hands and 28 hp. Does that sound like a CR 1 monster?

As always, thanks for any and all help!