View Full Version : Disney Songs

2007-08-11, 11:21 AM
My family are self confessed Disney fanatics.
There's a rack reserved exclusively for Disney DVDs, everyone is identified as a different character and we only ever use the plates or glasses that match us, and we own a Mickey Mouse ice cream maker, waffle maker and a toaster (which is Evil by the by).

Whenever I'm on the computer, I usually have my media player up, and it's playing a selection of songs that I've picked out from all the others as my favourite.
It occured to me today, that probably over half of these are Disney songs, from Toy Story to Beauty and the Beast, all taken from the numerous collection CDs we have. Whenever the song changes, there's a really good chance it's a Disney song.

I'm just wondering, does anybody else listen to Disney songs this much, or is it just another sign that I'm just as addicted as the rest of the family?

2007-08-11, 11:35 AM
My personal favourite is the theme from Der Führer's Face* but Aladdin also has plenty of quality tunes. Altogether now... Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Ali Ababwa!

*Its on YouTube but I'm not sure if its safe to link to such a propaganda piece.

2007-08-11, 11:42 AM
Surely no Disney song has ever beaten "I wanna be like you" from Jungle Book? I hate Disney with a passion for what they've done to Winne the Pooh and US law, but I do make an exception for that movie and particularly its songs.

2007-08-11, 12:11 PM
Aladdin was always my favorite movie and soundtrack of classic (which, being 21, I define as "before 1996") Disney. The Fox and the Hound is a great example of having really great, orchestrated incidental music, and a really terrible vocal number. Fantasia is solid gold, especially for "The Night on Bald Mountain", or whatever the proper name is. The Lion King is good, except for the obviously Elton John piece. You know the one I mean.

And finally, I never liked The Little Mermaid. So naturally, I love this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbazH6aE2g). (Warning warning warning: way, way more violent and gory than what you'd expect in this thread. Click at own risk.)

2007-08-11, 12:29 PM
I don't think I can pick a single movie whose music stands above the rest; it has truly been a 70 year-long commitment to excellence in music and animation standards. The quality of the stories themselves have risen and fallen, and I abhor the entire Disney Princess concept and what was said above of what Pooh has become (although the first generation of Disney Pooh was amazing).

Okay, I can pick one. The Little Mermaid. "Les poissons, les poissons, hee hee hee, hon hon hon!"

2007-08-11, 04:41 PM
I can shoow you the wooooorld...








Fantasia has always had a special place in my heart as well. I got to play it in the Disney Studio back in high school. Ah, memories.

2007-08-11, 04:58 PM
Okay, I can pick one. The Little Mermaid. "Les poissons, les poissons, hee hee hee, hon hon hon!"

I forgot about that song. Okay, that brings the Little Mermaid soundtrack as a whole up to average.

2007-08-11, 05:28 PM
I really don't like Disney and hate pretty much every song they've made. This is especially true for The Lion King musical, whose "Morning Report" song has the power to make me kill.

However, the one exception is the theme from Duck Tales. How can you possibly resist singing along with that?

Life is like a hurricane...HERE! IN! DUCK! BURG!
Lasers, racecars, aeroplanes. IT'S! A! DUCK! BLUR!

Fantasia rocks unbelievably. Fantasia 2000 loses points for playing abridged versions of the pieces and only selected movements, and for using whales in space.

2007-08-11, 05:33 PM
Life is like a hurricane...HERE! IN! DUCK! BURG!
Lasers, racecars, aeroplanes. IT'S! A! DUCK! BLUR!

I had forgotten about that! I'm mostly in agreement with you, but you are right, that was pretty awsome. Gosh it's been awhile. Points for bringing it up.

Also, I don't think Fantasia really qualifies as "Dizney music." I mean, it was all done by actual composers. It easily has my favorite music of any Dizney movie, but I would like that music had Fantasia not existed. Also, I wasn't a fan of Mickey as the sorcerer's aprentice.

2007-08-11, 06:08 PM
I just listened to The Bare Necessities.

I think I ruined my entire childhood.:smalleek:

2007-08-11, 10:47 PM
M I C - K E Y M O U S E!

Mickey Mouse! Donald Duck....

That song is almost too addictive.

2007-08-12, 12:49 AM
Except for those of us who are now forever associating it with Full Metal Jacket. Now that song scares me.

2007-08-12, 01:15 AM
I've never liked the movie Fantasia. I heard the music recently, and I like that, but that's just because it's actual music not composed for the movie. It just creeped me out as a kid, and I've never liked it since then. That said, i like Disney movies, and in fact watched quite a few of the old ones while at college. I don't listen to the songs on my own, but when the movies going, I can sing along with everyone else.

2007-08-12, 01:43 AM
M I C - K E Y M O U S E!

Mickey Mouse! Donald Duck....

That song is almost too addictive.

No... stop!
That's the tune that my toaster plays when the toast is done.
But, it does it with a saracastic tone of voice. It's only different pitched beeps, so it's quite a feat, but it's still Evil.

2007-08-12, 01:53 AM
I use Out There from The Hunchback of Notre Dame as an audition piece. I love that song.

2007-08-12, 04:49 AM
The best thing Disney ever did was, in my eyes, Fantasia.

However, I love the Kingdom Hearts game. Can I count Sanctuary from kingdom Hearts II as a Disney song? :smallwink:

RMS Oceanic
2007-08-12, 02:34 PM
It's hard to go wrong with Disney Music. Perhaps my favourite Disney song is Hellfire from Hunchback, as it highlights the motivations of the single most interesting Disney antagonist of the 90's.

On the Pixar side, When She Loved Me from Toy Story 2 wins for it's bittersweet story. My sister still keeps crying at it.

2007-08-12, 03:06 PM
I agree with the Duckberg theme song. It's now stuck in my head.
Hellfire from Hunchback is amazing too, and all the monastic music from it is perfect for the film.
Jungle Book has from bleedin' fantastic songs. Wanna Be Like You just sums up the song.

And the usual stuff. A strange fact: Black Cauldron has no songs written for it but it is a wonderful diversin from the normal style of Disney.

Winnie the Pooh did not deserve the Disney treatment, niether did a few others whose names I can't recall. Sword In The Stone, and those Princesses who do nothing and get what they want. I prefer the villains mainly.
And, a strange thing but, the absolute silence when Bambi finds out his mum dies when the entire film apart from that segment is full of incidental music.
Oh, and Reflections from Mulan is touching.

EDIT: the radio just started playing When You Wish Upon A Star from Pinnochio. Great song.

2007-08-13, 08:28 AM
What about "How do ya do, Shake Hands" and "The UNbirthday Song" from Alice in Wonderland... WEIRD movie, but very very funny at the same time.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat
How I Wonder Where You're At
Up above the world so high
Like a TeaTray in the Sky.

And from their non animated movies, I've always liked "Whale of a Tale" from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea

Did I mention that I have both hard cover musical score books? *grin*

OH! And most of the music from Oliver and Company is great!

HUbby isn't into cartoons, but I've been slowly collecting all the classics for when kidlet is old enough to enjoy them.

2007-08-13, 08:43 AM
What about "How do ya do, Shake Hands" and "The UNbirthday Song" from Alice in Wonderland... WEIRD movie, but very very funny at the same time.

They show how an anthropomorphic walrus calmly invites a bunch of anthropomorphic clams and then boil them alive and eat them! The whole "Alice in Wonderland" story is messed up.

Am I the only one who considered the "Night on Bald Mountain" segment in Fantasia the greatest part of the film? Music-wise and visual-wise.

2007-08-13, 08:45 AM
Am I the only one who considered the "Night on Bald Mountain" segment in Fantasia the greatest part of the film? Music-wise and visual-wise.

No, you're not.
I love Night on Bald Mountain.
Perhaps the best part of Kingdom Hearts was jumping down a hole to suddenly fine a volcano waking up to be Chernabog, as the music plays and he summons the spirits of the dead.
Ahhh... brilliant.

2007-08-13, 09:36 AM
They show how an anthropomorphic walrus calmly invites a bunch of anthropomorphic clams and then boil them alive and eat them! The whole "Alice in Wonderland" story is messed up.Apparently that whole poem is a commentary on the imperial rivalry between the French and British Empires. Regardless, I do love that Disney version and I used to be able to recite it from memory.

2007-08-13, 10:40 AM
Apparently that whole poem is a commentary on the imperial rivalry between the French and British Empires. Regardless, I do love that Disney version and I used to be able to recite it from memory.
I heard it was a metaphor for organized religion. But that was from the bad guy in a Kevin Smith movie, so he was probably making it up/high.

2007-08-13, 11:57 AM
Except for those of us who are now forever associating it with Full Metal Jacket. Now that song scares me.

Great single piece of cultural subversion. Chilling.

It's hard to go wrong with Disney Music. Perhaps my favourite Disney song is Hellfire from Hunchback, as it highlights the motivations of the single most interesting Disney antagonist of the 90's.

That song is the only redeeming feature of that execrable cinematic blasphemy! It's way too good a jewel for the setting. :smallamused:

Other great Disney songs:

"Hi Ho (Hi Ho, It's Off to Work We Go)" (Snow White)
"I Wanna be like You" & "Bear Necessities" (Jungle Book)
"When I See an Elephant Fly" (Dumbo)
"Be Our Guest" & "Gaston!" (B&tB)

"Fantasia" was, is and ever shall be, amazing. :smallcool:

2007-08-13, 12:15 PM
Winner. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyS3weMlxLA)

Close second. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64)

2007-08-13, 12:19 PM
Unfortunatle I last saw that when I was five and I can't remember any of it.
I also agree with Bosssmiley that Hellfire was far too good to be in Hunchback; although some of the animation was absolutely fantastic. In particular the burning scene and the seige of Notre Dame; as well as some of the Paris cityscapes.

Oliver & Company is another good film full of brilliant songs.

And one always knows a good (or at least catchy) Disney song because it'll stick in your head even if you don't like it.
However the music in Sword in the Stone was bad except that weird Merlin song; and Arthur sounded like a pre-teen Californian!! They could have at least used English actors for heavens sake.

I'm da Rogue!
2007-08-13, 01:59 PM
Aladdin was always my favorite movie and soundtrack of classic (which, being 21, I define as "before 1996") Disney.

My thoughts exactly.

2007-08-13, 03:36 PM
Best Disney song has gotta be Bear Nessesities or however you spell it.

2007-08-14, 12:09 PM
They show how an anthropomorphic walrus calmly invites a bunch of anthropomorphic clams and then boil them alive and eat them! The whole "Alice in Wonderland" story is messed up.

Yes well, Lewis Carrol was a lil off his rocker in the first place. The Walrus and the Carpenter in the movie is actually the shortened version of the real poem. Same ending, only the Carpenter actually got some of the oysters too. Considering the book, and its' sequel, the cartoon is actually pretty tame... scarily enough. I have the complete works of Carroll, including all his poetry. The guy was definitely out there. I'm tellin ya.. there's got to be something in the water in Britain... Carroll, Pratchett, Douglas Adams... yeah... definitely something in the water.

2007-08-14, 01:12 PM
Yeah I love my disney. So do most of my friends. Id say that the last "classic" disney was Lion King. Everything sorta went down after that. Cept for Pixar. Pixar rocks :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-14, 02:26 PM
Yes well, Lewis Carrol was a lil off his rocker in the first place. The Walrus and the Carpenter in the movie is actually the shortened version of the real poem. Same ending, only the Carpenter actually got some of the oysters too. Considering the book, and its' sequel, the cartoon is actually pretty tame... scarily enough. I have the complete works of Carroll, including all his poetry. The guy was definitely out there. I'm tellin ya.. there's got to be something in the water in Britain... Carroll, Pratchett, Douglas Adams... yeah... definitely something in the water.
Aww, thankyou:smallredface: . We're very proud of them, plus they are funny; too bad about some of our other famous people.

Well, Carrol did smoke opium and apparrently he had a more than serious crush on his employers' yougest daughter, Alice.
That aside, I have to disagree with North partially. Mulan was a wonderful story. Full stop. Music, animation and story all came together in something so...so...wow. Feminist poem from China 2 000 - 3 000 years ago becomes a touching, funny story. And the songs rock.
However, if one considers Home On The Range, and several others *shudder*

Another good song: Pink Elephants from Dumbo; Did You Ever See A Elephant fly? from Dumbo.

2007-08-14, 04:18 PM
Not to mention CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, and Neil Gaiman

2007-08-14, 04:53 PM
Not to mention CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, and Neil Gaiman

Man I really agree with Gaiman being someone who's drunk a bit too much brittish water :) Those books are just ... weird but very cool :)

And about the topic, I listen to disney a lot, and actually have disney dvd's playing once in a while just to give me some background noise :) Personal favorites are Mulan, Goofy Movie and Beauty and the Beast :) Mulan seems different from other movies in that you either like it or you don't, whereas most Disney Movies have something in em for everyone :) Overall, OP I wouldn't say you're weird :P

Blue Paladin
2007-08-14, 04:59 PM
Disney music?
The Enchanted Tiki Room
Grim Grinning Ghosts
The Ballad of Davy Crockett
Pecos Bill (especially the Wally Boag version)
classic (1977) Space Mountain
the new (2005) Space Mountain

Disneyland counts :)

Oh fine. I know that Disney does movies too.
When I See An Elephant Fly - Dumbo
Once Upon A Dream - Sleeping Beauty
A Spoonful of Sugar - Mary Poppins
Let's Go Fly a Kite - Mary Poppins
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
Kiss The Girl - The Little Mermaid
Les Poissons - The Little Mermaid
Belle - Beauty and the Beast
Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
A Whole New World - Aladdin
What's This? - The Nightmare Before Christmas

And of course, the inimitable, indescribable, indefatigable, [insert in- word here]
Professor Ludwig von Drake

2007-08-14, 05:01 PM
My favourite Disney movie is probably Beauty and the Beast, followed closely by Aladdin, and then the Lion King.

I can't ever help myself after watching Beauty and the Beast. Afterwards, at every possible opportunity I'm like "Noone [verbs] like Gaston!"

"Noone's Dawn of War is running as slowly as Gaston's!"
"Perhaps you should defrag your computer?"
"Noone's computer has been defragmented recently quite like Gaston's!"
"I don't know what else to tell you."
"You just fear the horde of Gaston's daemons! You know that none usurp the teachings of the God-Emperor like Gaston!"

2007-08-14, 09:42 PM
Queerly(whoops!:smalltongue:), I actually enjoyed TLM more than one might suspect.:smallwink:

2007-08-15, 12:33 AM
Hmm my favorite Disney music... it's hard to say. there have been so many. There are a few songs and performances though that have stuck withme. Songs I find myself singing when I'm stressed or in the car, or just feeling good.

These are in no particular order:

The Theme from Gummy Bears: Dashing and daring courageous and caring faithful and friendly with stories to share, all through the forest they sing out in chorus marching along as thier song fills the air... Gummy Bears.....

"Part Of Your World": from The Little mermaid. I had a huge crush as a teenager on the voice actress. "I easily fall in love with strong female singing voices." :) I also loved "Under The Sea" & "Kiss The Girl"

I can play Under The sea on my face from slapping my cheeks. :)

"Beauty & The Beast" from the same titled movie, and "A Whole New World" from Alladin. (I prefered the radio version of both.) are both great.

"Circle Of Life" from the Lion King,
"I can Go The Distance" from Hercules,
"Reflections" & "Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan.
From Tarzan I liked "You'll be in My Heart"

"Chim Chiminy", "Spoonful of Sugar", & "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Marry Poppins: I often find myself whistiling those songs when I'm in a good mood, or am out walking.

Hmm my favorite two disney songs though have got to be:
"When you Wish Apun a Star" from Pinnochio, &
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from Cinderella. Both of these are gret for whistling.

When I hear either of those two songs I think disney. i think disneyland, I think about fun times, I remember being a small child, those songs say childhood to me. And chilhood was a good time.

Someone once asked the question, do children have as much fun with childhood as adult have with adultery?

I'd say yes the children had more fun.

2007-08-15, 01:00 AM
I am an eighteen year old rapping latino rapper and I can safely say with my machismo intact that....


but theres a special place in my heart for aladdin (the first cartoon movie to star a brown guy) and Fantasia (and you youre not awestruck and slack jawed everytime you see that film you must not have any emotions cuz that there is straight up STIRRING!)

I'm da Rogue!
2007-08-15, 08:38 AM

"Chim Chiminy", "Spoonful of Sugar", & "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Marry Poppins: I often find myself whistiling those songs when I'm in a good mood, or am out walking.

Marry Poppins was my fav movie as a 7 year-old :smallsmile:

Chim chiminy is a song that makes me sad in a wonderful way... so beautiful..

2007-08-15, 08:57 AM
While not a big fan of Disney movies, I am a huge fan of Tim Burton, thus I am a fan of Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (by fan, let me put it this way: I own the special edition CD [with zip-up Jack's Head case], DVD, a hooded sweatshirt, a longsleeve, two t-shirts, a bowling shirt, 2 beanies, a trucker's cap, a picture frame, several pins/badges/buttons, a chain wallet, and a messenger bag, all bearing either Jack or some other character from the movie. Scary part is, I'll be picking up more paraphernalia soon because our local bookstore now stocks TNBC merch... I know, I'm a sad sad man.) thus but default, I am a fan of Disney's, I guess. I don't really listen to a lot of Disney music besides, obviously, TNBC. There are bits and pieces I enjoy. Music from the Jungle Book, Fantasia (although as previously mentioned the music is done by classical composers and not Disney Originals), and that's really it for me. Obviously, my favourite song is from TNBC, but it hasn't been mentioned yet, which is Jack's Obsession (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psnpi4_65cQ&mode=related&search=). Great song. Close 2nd to that would be Jack's Lament. As for someone mentioning Night on Bald Mountain as best part of Fantasia? I agree wholeheartedly. The whole thing sends shivers down my spine every time I see it.

Elliot Kane
2007-08-15, 09:53 AM
I love The Little Mermaid, and mostly that's down to the music. Skye Sweetnam did a superb 'alternative' version of Part Of Your World that's on one of the Disney Mania albums somewhere. Took a bit of getting used to as I love the original and she turned it into a rebel anthem, but well worth finding if you can :)

If they ever get Christina Aguilera to do the whole of Mulan, I'll watch it as that girl has a great voice, but otherwise it doesn't interest me. Her version of Reflections is beyond awesome.

Beauty & The Beast is great, too. Probably my favourite Disney film, overall. I also like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella - both great films :)

2007-08-15, 11:04 AM
Pete's Dragon has a pretty terrific soundtrack. I'm not at all sure about the titles here. But "We got a bill of sale right here" is just funny enough to be creepy and creepy enough to be funny. Doc Terminus got some of the best/funniest ones - "Passamaquoddy" and "Every Little Piece." "Candle on the Water" ranks up as one of the best love songs Disney ever made (even if the arrangement in the movie leaves a lot to be desired). The song is just begging to be made into a choral version. "I saw a Dragon!" is great, just for the sheer absurdity of a Disney movie featuring a song sung by the town drunk.

2007-08-15, 11:09 AM
Apparently that whole poem is a commentary on the imperial rivalry between the French and British Empires. Regardless, I do love that Disney version and I used to be able to recite it from memory.
Really? I'd always heard it was supposed to be a comment on Eastern (walrus) and Western (carpenter) religions. Though I suppose the French/British interpretation could work as well.

2007-08-15, 11:43 AM
A few great songs that come to my mind are:

Spirit Stallion of Cimarron - You can't take me (performed by Bryan Adams)
The road to El Dorado - Friends never say goodbye
Princess Monnoke - "Ending" (I mean the tune that goes while credits are being displayed)
Mulan - I'll make a man out of you (
(Be a man)
We must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon)

(I don't know if any of those are Disney's cartoons cos I never pay attention to which studio makes the movie).

Btw every time I try to find that song I mentioned from "Road to El Dorado" its always performed by Elton John and Backstreet Boys and this kinda annoys me. Plus the song doesn't sound almost anything like that one in the movie. Anybody has normal version (with Elton only)? I would be very grateful.

2007-08-15, 01:45 PM
Hercules is the most underrated Disney film going.

If I had to pick a favourite song...either Friend Like Me or Be Prepared. The first is so delightfully wacky, the latter is so insidious...I loves them both.

2007-08-15, 02:25 PM
Nightmare Before Christmas is NOT a Disney movie.
Neither is Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron, The Road To El Dorado or Princess Monoke. Although they have good soundtracks.

I agree with the Hercules soundtrack and Petes' Dragon. We have that on tape but I forget where it is.

And how could noone mention Whoo Framed Roger Rabbit? Weird songs, plot and Jessica.

2007-08-15, 02:58 PM
I had nothing against Hercules's soundtrack. It was pretty good, and different enough from "typical" Disney to be refreshing.

It was the plot, and my love for actual Greek mythology that kept me from enjoying it.

Em Blackleaf
2007-08-15, 03:21 PM
I do have a Disney's Greatest CD, and who doesn't like Disneyland?
As for the movies and songs, my favorite movie has always been Fantasia but I also really like Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Mary Poppins and my favorite Disney songs are "Topsy Turvy" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame and "Ev'rybody Wants To Be a Cat" from Aristocats.

As for a Mickey Mouse toaster, that's a little obsessed.

2007-08-15, 03:25 PM
Hercules is the most underrated Disney film going.

In my opinion, Most Underated goes to The Emperor's New Groove. :D

2007-08-15, 03:29 PM
Emperors' New Groove is OK. And I never said I liked the plot. Providing you ignore the ENTIRE plot it's a good film.

Roger Rabbit is an amzing thing for Disney to make. The same goes for nearly all the live action - animaton mixes they did. Although the 'cocknry' accent by the chinmey sweeper (whoever he was) was atrocious.

2007-08-15, 03:48 PM
Although the 'cocknry' accent by the chinmey sweeper (whoever he was) was atrocious.

That would be (Ahem. Stupid filter. It'll bleep that, but not his last name? Weird.) Mister Richard van Dyke, in "Mary Poppins." He does get the undisputed title of "Worst cockney accent ever recorded."

Elliot Kane
2007-08-15, 05:42 PM
Hercules annoyed me intensely by constantly mis-pronouncing 'Satyr'. It's not that hard, you'd think...

2007-08-15, 09:52 PM
Nightmare Before Christmas is NOT a Disney movie.

Actually, it's Touchstone/Buena Vista, which are both owned by Disney. It's also under Skellington Pictures. Guess who owns that? :D

From their Wiki:

"Touchstone Pictures (also known as Touchstone Films in its early years) is one of several alternate film labels of The Walt Disney Company, established in 1984."

that's why they sell TNBC merch all over Disneyland, and why every TNBC item you buy can be legitimised by TWO things. 1) It will always say "Tim Burton's" on it, and 2) it will always have an official Disney Merchandise tag.


2007-08-16, 01:35 AM
As for a Mickey Mouse toaster, that's a little obsessed.

Fittingly, the thing is posessed.
To this day I am afraid that while making lunch one day it will kill me.
You know it toasts Mickey Mouse faces on the bread? Yeah.
The Waffle Maker makes them Mickey Mouse shaped too. Then you just feel bad about eating them.

Nightmare Before Christmas is NOT a Disney movie.
Neither is Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron, The Road To El Dorado or Princess Monoke. Although they have good soundtracks.

Well actually, while Disney didn't make it, Disney are the ones who distributed Princess Mononoke in the English speaking regions.

2007-08-16, 09:49 AM
Walt Disney owns everything. Duh. If it's not Turner, Warner Brothers, or Viacom I mean.

Mr Croup
2007-08-16, 09:57 AM
I've always had a great affection for Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and Portobello Road is definitely one of my favorite Disney movie songs.

Blue Paladin
2007-08-16, 10:19 AM
Road to El Dorado & Spirit are both from Dreamworks.

More on topic, There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow and, if medleys are allowed, America Sings. Oh and yes, Gummi Bears. I forgot about the Disney Afternoon... DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck...

2007-08-16, 12:12 PM
I've always had a great affection for Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and Portobello Road is definitely one of my favorite Disney movie songs.

That was a good song, I'd nearly forgotten about it.

It does kind of sadden me that almost nobody younger than I am has ever heard "Zip a Dee Doo Dah." I understand that Song of the South is Disney past they're not particularly proud of, but I wish they'd re-release it. It's part of film history.

2007-08-16, 12:15 PM
I like Song Of The SOuth; I'd nearly forgotten about that. Love it.

Mr Croup
2007-08-16, 12:16 PM
In general I'm not terribly fond of Disney's release model, and their whole "vault" nonsense. While yes, it does drive demand up when they release something "from the vault," it's just annoying to not be able to have access to the films for purchase all the time.

2007-08-16, 01:09 PM
Hey, at least when Pirates of the Caribbean goes in the vault, it should be easy to acquire illegally.

Disney: "That's stealing!"
Viewers: *shrug* "Pirate."

And some of the music from Song of the South is good. Especially "Zip ah dee doo dah." I don't mind not being able to watch it, though.

2007-08-16, 01:24 PM
That was a good song, I'd nearly forgotten about it.

It does kind of sadden me that almost nobody younger than I am has ever heard "Zip a Dee Doo Dah." I understand that Song of the South is Disney past they're not particularly proud of, but I wish they'd re-release it. It's part of film history.

The song itself has been released time and time again, here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcxYwwIL5zQ) for instance. It did win the Academy Award for Best Song in 1947 after all. And I suspect that if you spent any time in the theme parks, you'd be quite sick of the song by the end of it. ^_^

As far as the movie itself goes, I agree that it's a shame that it hasn't been re-released. You can get copies overseas, and it has always been possible to get a bootleg copy into the US if you know someone who can convert videotape into NTSC format, which is how I saw it about five years ago. It could definitely stand a little editing -- someone watching the movie wouldn't necessarily know that all of the action takes place after the war and that this wasn't intended to be a whitewash of the slave/master relationship. And, while you're in there, maybe add in a few historically accurate spirituals as background filler instead of the orchestral music. At that point, I don't think it's the most offensive of Disney movies.

2007-08-16, 02:00 PM
In general I'm not terribly fond of Disney's release model, and their whole "vault" nonsense. While yes, it does drive demand up when they release something "from the vault," it's just annoying to not be able to have access to the films for purchase all the time.

Damn tooting.
You can tell that to the missing Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast DVDs, that for a really stupid reason aren't in my collection.

Em Blackleaf
2007-08-18, 04:03 PM
Fittingly, the thing is posessed.
To this day I am afraid that while making lunch one day it will kill me.
You know it toasts Mickey Mouse faces on the bread? Yeah.
The Waffle Maker makes them Mickey Mouse shaped too. Then you just feel bad about eating them...

That's frightening.
A possessed Mickey Mouse toaster that makes edible Mickey Mouse faces?
I'd suggest you get a less creepy toaster.

2007-08-18, 07:02 PM
I only like the Broadway-esque music, so Classic Disney and the pseudo-southern twangy ones where the voice actors are clearly not singing don't do it for me.

Drella Horror
2007-08-18, 07:11 PM
Being a self-confessed Disney Baby myself, my two favorites are Be Prepared (Scar, from the Lion King), and Poor Unfortunate Souls (Ursula, from the Little Mermaid). Villians rock, and bonus if you're a Disney villian! You get the best songs.

2007-08-19, 09:05 AM
Well, I just played through The Little Mermaid level on Kingdom Hearts II, and I'd forgotten, up to that point, how good 'Part of Your World' actually is.