View Full Version : All the Luck, ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!

2017-08-27, 07:01 PM
So I was talking with a few friends about doing a new session where we're going to try all the stupid things that, while cool, aren't really viable in a typical game. So far the party includes a marshal, a truenamer, and a druid who ate her animal companion and swore off magic to punch things in the face as a bear. Given that, I've decided to come back to a concept I'd largely given up on, making a character focused on luck.

A quick trawl through my books shows 3 prestige classes (two 5 level classes (fatespinner and fortune's friend) and one 10 level class (luckstealer)) and 21 feats (the [Luck] feats and Dallah Thaun's Luck) that help out that concept. Unfortunately those classes all have prereqs so I can't just be a Luckstealer 10/ Fatespinner 5/ Fortune's Friend 5. Looking at those prerequisites makes it pretty clear I should start with an arcane casting class that gets 3rd levels about the normal time (sorry hexblade, as well as you work with the concept you can't easily meet the prereqs). Given this it seems like Wizard is the obvious choice, since that gets you 3rd's at 5.

So, anyone know any other arcane casters that can get 3rd level spells at level 5, any other feats that work well with the concept, or any other cool ways to bring this kind of concept together?

2017-08-27, 07:21 PM
residual rebound (unearthed arcana) goes perfectly with survivors luck, granting you a handful of opportunities to target a spell back on the caster.

Then fearless and protected destinies are human racial feats from races of destiny that grant you another rerolled save.

Change fate is a level 5 psywarrior/psion/wilder power that just gives you natural 20s on rolls at a cost of 500 xp.

2017-08-27, 11:33 PM
If you can squeeze some Binder in there (Anima Mage?) and bind Balam, you get re-roll on one attack, save or skill check every 5 rounds (4 rounds if you invest in the rapid Recovery feat chain). Will require 10 levels of Binder, so may be difficult to fit in with your existing build.

2017-08-27, 11:55 PM
The obvious one you should already know about is the Luck Domain for a Cleric. Clerics can benefit from caster advancement of Fortune's Friend, though the 3 lost caster levels kinda hurts. Luckstealer is also compatible if you are a Halfling.

The feat Luck Devotion from Complete Champion can be decent (depending on your build).

There's also the Lucky Dice soulmeld from Magic of Incarnum.

== == ==

So, a 20 level build might go like:

+ Wis
+ Cha (to fuel Luck Devotion and qualify Dallah Thaun's Luck)
+ Dex
Be a ranged attacker / support.

Cloistered Cleric (Knowledge, Luck, Liberation) levels 1-5 -- note that Liberation allows re-rolls of failed saves vs. certain types of spell, so it's in-theme too
Fortune's Friend levels 6-10
Luckstealer levels 11-20

Level 1 (with 2 Flaws): Luck Devotion, Good Karma, Advantageous Avoidance, and if you're that Hafling race which gets a bonus feat, take Unbelievable Luck
- Use a crossbow.
- You are ranged support.

Level 3: either a [Reserve] feat (Fiery Burst / Winter's Blast) or a [Luck] feat, depending on how much you need to contribute to combat

Level 6 (Fortune's Friend 2): Better Lucky than Good + Dumb Luck

Level 8 (Fortune's Friend 4): Survivor's Luck

Level 9: Dallah Thaun's Luck

... and then into Luckstealer.

2017-08-28, 08:32 AM
I built Monty Took, a character incorporating nearly every luck reroll in the game along with a method of generating unlimited luck rerolls back in mindbender (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?224008-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-In-The-Playground-XXVII/page9)

2017-08-28, 03:21 PM
If you go wizard, Dragon Magazine had the Anagakok. It's a wizard with Luck based class abilties. They also can't read and are a little weird, so make sure you know what you're getting into.

Edit: it was Dragon Magazine 344

2017-08-29, 01:24 AM
Action Points might be worth looking into as well, given that they are mechanically similar.
Also, consider the Sorcerer ACF that gives you a domain instead of going Cleric; I believe some of the Luck mechanics use Charisma, and if you get to go Epic, taking whatever is left of those 3 PrC's before going epic Luckstealer might be worth it.

2017-08-29, 12:41 PM
I'm gonna second the Sorcerer ACF that lets you get a domain so that you can snag the Luck domain (and with it, the "Third Time's The Charm" luck feat if you're so inclined.)

Luckthief is probably the best single class to look at; it doesn't seem as shiny as Fatespinner at first glance, but its ability to directly influence your luck by making other people less lucky (which doubles as a way to generate luck rerolls according to a sidebar in Complete Scoundrel) is worth it.

There is a Lucky weapon enhancement. It's practically unnecessary with everything else you'll have going for ya, but for the sake of theme it's nice.

Drow of the Underdark has a ring that, in addition to some other bonus, always gives you a free reroll on Initiatve checks.

In terms of some spells to keep an eye on: Unluck is one you should consider eventually (REALLY start using luck against your opponents, though this is probably better if you can get it as an aura via a homebrewed rod or something). The spell Ruin Delver's Fortune might not initially seem like a lucky spell, but it *does* have Fortune in its name which has gotta be worth something. It's also a spell that, as an immediate action, could give you the Evasion class feature, temporary hit points, immunity to poison, or other things that *feel* lucky (not to mention luck bonuses equal to your Charisma modifier.)

I made a lucky halfling once, and it was a blast, so I wish you well. Your character won't be able to do anything... but you'll at least be able to do it over and over until it gets done right.

2017-08-31, 11:11 AM
Oh and a few feats to consider:
Dragon Compendium has Fey Bloodline and Fey's Fate, the latter of which gives you a Luck bonus to saves.
Dragon Magic has Gold Dragon Heritage and Gold Dragon Lineage, the latter of which can grant you and all your allies a Luck bonus to a save by trading a spell slot; it has a limited window you can use it in based on CHA.
Initiate of Tymora from Champions of Valor gives you some lucky spells and a Luck Domain compatible once per day after you roll Luck bonus; it is only for Clerics however, but I don't see any other incompatibilities.
Luck of Heroes from PgtF gives a +1 Luck bonus to saves and AC and is Halfling compatible.

2017-08-31, 12:05 PM
Martial study Shadow Blade technique gives you two D20 on a melee attack

2017-08-31, 12:08 PM
Bard or trickster spellthief would work well.

2017-08-31, 12:32 PM
Just watch out for mysterious cue balls that give you undeniable truths. They tend to be volatile.

2017-08-31, 03:54 PM
Just watch out for mysterious cue balls that give you undeniable truths. They tend to be volatile.

Speaking of balls, Phaant's Luckstones (Ghostwalk p.72). One shot items that allow a re-roll as per the Luck Domain power. Expensive at 1,000gp a pop, though. On the plus side, they are slot-less.