View Full Version : What kinds of things do nixies talk about while hanging out in their pool?

Armored Walrus
2017-08-28, 07:57 AM
So my party is about to have to negotiate with/steal from/destroy and raid a bunch of nixies hanging out in their pool in the middle of a swamp. I'm going to give the party planning tips (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/37995/roleplaying-games/game-structure-party-planning) from the Alexandrian a test run, so I can use them later on in the campaign for some heavier intrigue. I've got a handful of nixies fleshed out, so to speak, with personalities, descriptions, and some key info each of them knows, but I'd like to add some idle gossip between the water nymphs that my party can overhear.

So, if you are a group of magical fey creatures, bound to a body of water in the middle of a swamp, what kinds of discussions do you have? What's important to you? What constitutes a scandal that you'll be whispering about with the other nymphs?

Edit: Note, I'm looking for flavor stuff, here, not topics that will launch side quests. Thanks!

2017-08-28, 08:40 AM
Obnoxious girl talk à la
"Ugh Oberon is sooo hawt!" - "Ikr"
"Didya see those ugly leaves [random fey creature] is wearing lately? Totally gross." - "Ikr"
"Oh my halani celanil, [random fey creature] wants to go out with me, but i'm like no wa-hay!" - "Ikr"

Willie the Duck
2017-08-28, 08:45 AM
Or, alternatively, have them very much go against stereotypes. Have them have some obscure, unrelated conversation like the Pulp Fiction Conversation about tv show pilots or the Rosencranz and Guildenstern are dead one about believing America is a grand conspiracy of cartographers.

2017-08-28, 09:22 AM
Or, alternatively, have them very much go against stereotypes. Have them have some obscure, unrelated conversation like the Pulp Fiction Conversation about tv show pilots or the Rosencranz and Guildenstern are dead one about believing America is a grand conspiracy of cartographers.

"You know how they call a healing potion in Greyhawk?"
- "They don't call it a healing potion?" - "nah, they've got a different loot system there."

2017-08-28, 09:27 AM
Go with the peasant discussion from Monty Python and the Holy Grail discussing how women laying around in ponds handing out cutlery is no decent basis for a form of government.

2017-08-28, 11:39 AM
They are playing a casual game of Bunkers & Badasses.

Full on Racist hate speech directed at Pixies.

Underwater gardening tips.

Proper preparation method for cooking <Party Face Race Goes Here>.

The weather.

Willie the Duck
2017-08-28, 12:16 PM
They are playing a casual game of Bunkers & Badasses.

Papers and Paychecks, it is a FANTASY game they are playing.

2017-08-28, 12:37 PM
Torpedo decoy limit frequencies.

2017-08-28, 12:56 PM
Torpedo decoy limit frequencies.

Define "torpedo" because these are fey type creatures... So many double entendre' possibilities with mermen gossip bits.

2017-08-28, 01:17 PM
Define "torpedo" because these are fey type creatures... So many double entendre' possibilities with mermen gossip bits.


2017-08-28, 01:33 PM


Armored Walrus
2017-08-28, 04:14 PM
Some stuff I can use here. Keep em coming.

2017-08-29, 09:02 AM
How gross and skeezy the Satyrs are.

Sharing great practical jokes Pixies pulled on (some interloper in the forest).

How that Treant couple has been arguing for 100 years and it's getting annoying.

Speculating who will win the upcoming Centaur archery contest.

2017-08-29, 04:23 PM
"In the case of the ball falling near the surface of the Earth, the above described motion cannot continue indefinitely as the ball soon encounters the ground. In the case of a perfectly elastic collision with the ground, the ground provides a force to exactly reverse the ball's velocity. It bounces forever between the ground (z=0) and some maximum height (zmax) that depends on its energy."

"Spring Force (Hooke's Law) F=-kx -- e.g., a force that always pulls the object back to the equilibrium position (x=0)...if x>0, the force is in the negative x direction, etc.
x(t)=A sin(t+): the particle oscillates around equilibrium getting as far away as ±A. The period, T (the time it takes to make one complete oscillation), is determined by (the angular frequency): T=2/. is in turn determined by the strength of the spring, k (called the spring constant) and the mass m: 2=k/m. Thus a strong spring connected to a light particle will oscillate quickly, i.e., with a short period."

"v(t)=A cos(t+): the velocity (v) of the particle also oscillates, i.e., sometimes the particles is moving to the right (positive v) sometimes it is moving to the left (negative v). Notice that the particle has is maximum speed (of A) when the cosine term reaches its extremes of ±1. That happens only when sine is zero (because cos2+sin2=1) and hence the particle is moving through the equilibrium position (x=0). Similarly, the particle is momentarily at rest (v=0) only when the particle is at an extreme position (±A; i.e., if cosine is zero, sine must be ±1)."

"U(x)=½kx2: the potential energy has the property that if you take minus the derivative of it w.r.t. position, you get the force. ½kx2 + constant works; we've set the constant equal to zero."

Nixies are quantum mechanics..