View Full Version : Magical Monsters vs Werewolf PC

2017-08-28, 10:57 AM
Hey y'all, this question may be a bit much, but I'm hoping you guys have a better collective memory of the MM than I do, so maybe you can help.

I have a werewolf PC in a 1v1 campaign. That immunity is fun for both of us, as it makes me think outside the box for what I throw at him, and makes him feel BA when mooks can't touch him.

However, to make my life easier, does anyone have a compilation of monsters who's attacks are considered magical? Even just naming the ones off the top of your head will suffice, I'll just use this post as reference.

As always, thanks for any and all input!

2017-08-28, 12:20 PM
Adventurers with silvered weapons hunting werewolves(Van Helsing). Druids with spells or wildshapes. Sorcerer Kobolds tho whether these are things you can find stat blocks for or if you can make them yourself I don't know.

2017-08-28, 03:11 PM
After he gets some reputation, he may start finding group of adventuring contracted to kill him (they will go around with silvered weapons).

For specific creatures.

*All Angels.
*Banshees (or anything that only does spell attacks)
*All variations of Beholders (though their bite attack is not magical)
*Demilich and liches
*Pit Fiend
*Anything that says mage on its name or any caster class (Drow Mage, priestess of lolth, etc...)
*Flame Skull
*Any creature that does normal attacks that do not make Slashing, blugeoning or piercing damage (like Ghosts)
*Golems (all of them)
*Magmin (Fire)
*Mind Flayers
*Nagas (mainly casters)
*Suahing Priestess
*All Sphinxies
*All Yugoloths

Note: There are many creature that do 2 types of damage, one that is the were-something is inmune to, and another that they are never inmune to (sometimes the secondary damage is the biggest one, so it could still be quite useful)

2017-08-28, 03:50 PM
You may add potentially any high elf: they can choose combat cantrip. Tieflings with Hellish Rebuke get one shot. Dragonborn have breath, as to half-dragons and true dragons.

2017-08-28, 03:53 PM
You may add potentially any high elf: they can choose combat cantrip. Tieflings with Hellish Rebuke get one shot. Dragonborn have breath, as to half-dragons and true dragons.

I guess with the HE, i ignored DB, HD and TD cause they don't have a constant way to make that kind of damage. (Though any of those could be casters)