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2017-08-28, 05:06 PM
These items are intended for my 3.5 conversion of Clive Barker's Undying. They're balanced around spell-point variants, but hopefully can be used in other settings.

This strange crystalline stone seems to be a source of finite power that may be used to increase the power and effectiveness of my spell casting. I must keep my eyes peeled and ears open for its pinkish hue and low hum.

This fist-sized, briolette-cut gemstone resembles a scintillating amethyst throwing off violet sparks. When not in a creature's possession, it levitates in place in the air, sheds light as a candle, and produces a constant resonant hum (Listen DC 0 to notice). It provides a +1 bonus to the bearer's caster level, but only for spells from a particular school.

Strong universal; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation, Price 3,334 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Arcane Whorl
These strange tattoos seem to heighten my ability to channel magic. They also remind me of the tattoos the Trsanti Shaman had when we fought him in the war. With these tattoos, I feel the mana surge into my being. No doubt the more of these I find, the better I can battle these abominations.

This jade scroll has golden rollers at each end and is tightly rolled, yet faint green light pulses from its furled script nonetheless. Once unrolled and read by a spellcaster, it disintegrates into a spiral of green light that applies itself to the reader as a tattoo of an alien and runic design. The tattoos granted by these scrolls are permanent and inherent to the bearer and cannot be dispelled or suppressed.

Every hour, a character regains a spell slot or spell slots with a total level less than or equal to the number of the arcane whorl tattoos he possesses. Prepared casters may choose to either regain prepared spells they have already cast that day, or to regain empty spell slots.

Every hour, a character regains spell points equal to the amount needed to cast a spell whose level is equal to the number of arcane whorl tattoos he possesses.
Strong universal; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, arcane mark, mnemonic enhancer, Price 10,000 gp.

Ether Trap
According to legend, Ether Traps have the ability to tap into another ethereal plane of existence. And in doing so, the traps themselves become black holes in which spirits can be whisked away and temporarily trapped in another dimension. And while I'm certain that these magical weapons were not meant for our eyes, I am always humbled when my course of studies proves truth to legend.

This disc of golden parchment is decorated with arcane symbols and stretched taut across a ring of pale golden wood. It is very thin and light, and is designed to temporarily capture ghosts and other incorporeal and ethereal creatures. The trap may be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it produces a swirling vortex of magenta light in the air above it. Any incorporeal or ethereal creature within 10 feet of the vortex is drawn into it in a flash of golden light and is trapped as if by maze.

The trap may only hold one creature at a time, and as soon as the creature escapes the trap may be collected and immediately used again.

Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, maze, Price 7,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Gel'Ziabar Stone (Major Artifact)
The Gel'ziabar stone. I have carried this artifact ever since the day Jeremiah gave it to me following the battle with the Trsanti. It seems to throw out a shockwave of considerable force, and ever since I acquired the stone I have noticed strange sightings and visual anomalies. However, the power of the stone has its dark side. On occasion, a beast from beyond this world has attacked me. My only explanation for its appearance is that I was using the stone's power for too long. I have not seen the beast for a while, of course, I have not needed the stone...

This fist-sized chunk of green crystal may be worn around a character's neck on a leather cord, but functions only while carried in one hand. It possesses multiple mystical powers:

The bearer gain a +1 bonus to his caster level.

Arcane Replenishment
The bearer gains the benefits of an arcane whorl.

As a move action the bearer may unleash a pulse of repelling force from the stone, manifesting as a flash of light and numerous green and blue particles of light. Treat this as if the character were performing a bull rush maneuver via the telekinesis spell (caster level 20th, using his highest mental ability modifier in place of his Strength modifier), save that it affects all creatures within 5 feet. Once a character uses this power he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Scrye Affinity
Whenever the bearer is within 10 feet of an item or site where he would glean useful information from a scrye spell (or similar divination), the stone sheds green light as a candle and the bearer hears whispered voices urging him to use divinations.

Using the Stone is not without dangers. There is a 5% chance each year that the bearer will attract the attention of a Hound of Gel’ziabar - the creature appears the next time the repulsion power of the stone is used and immediately attacks the bearer, fighting to the death. Furthermore, some creatures (particularly those of the Undying subtype) desire the stone for fell ends.

Strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

Health Pack/Health Vial/Healing Roots
Every plane has its terrors... but there is succour as well.

These items take three forms and are a valued staple for any adventurer. They may be used only once, healing hit points and ability damage to a character as though he had undergone complete bed rest for a full day. Using any of these items is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Covenant Estate - Health Pack
This simple leather satchel is marked with a red cross on the flap. A character must make a Heal check (DC 10) to employ the benefits of this satchel on himself or for another. Weight 2 lbs.

Oneiros - Health Vial
This tall, slender crystal vial has a silver stopper and edges and is filled with a luminous green liquid that throws off viridian sparks. When not in a creature's possession it levitates in place in the air and sheds light as a candle. A character must drink this absinthe-flavoured elixir to enjoy its benefits.

Eternal Autumn - Healing Roots
This bundle of tan, woody roots must be consumed by a character to activate its powers. Weight 2 lbs.

Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, Price 300 gp.

Mana Well
These small, magical trinkets enable me to hold more of my mana and allow me to fire my spells more often without fear of draining my magical energies so quickly. I need to keep my eyes out for more of these mana well containers, as they'll no doubt help me with my spells...and my endeavors.

This squat, heart-shaped canteen of red crystal is inscribed with alien designs and may be carried by a cord of humanoid leather affixed to the stopper. It sheds light as a candle, and while in a character's possession it grants the bearer a +2 bonus to all their mental ability scores, but only for the purpose of determining bonus spell slots per day. A mana well need not be worn to be effective, simply carried in a character's gear, and the effects of multiple mana wells stack.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendour, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Phoenix (Minor Artifact)
An incredible weapon that allows me to direct a potent projectile high into the sky in a search for my enemies. Short in duration, this does have a particular drawback as my mind's eye travels within the Phoenix entity, leaving my body vulnerable to outside forces. I must be adept and conservative with such a powerful magic weapon.

This golden sculpture of a phoenix hovering in flight is the size of a Small creature. It gleams even in areas of darkness, and levitates in place when not in a creature's possession. Once per day it may be used to produce a phoenix egg. The eggs may be stockpiled at the bearer's leisure, but if any are sold the Phoenix instantly vanishes from the bearer's possession.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 50 lbs.

Phoenix Egg
This large egg of red-black volcanic rock bears the golden image of a phoenix in flight and is warm to the touch. When hurled it hatches into a phoenix of pure flame that streaks to a target, as the acorn grenade version of fire seeds (caster level 20th). During its brief flight the phoenix telepathically relays everything it sees to the bearer.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, fire seeds, Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Scythe of the Celts (Major Artifact)
I find this Scythe of the Celt to be quite a disturbing force. It's clear from the history of this weapon that it is particularly effective in exterminating the most heinous of entities. At times it seemed to pull me in directions of combat...almost as if it's seeking pain and destruction. Wreaking havoc on my mana when in my hands for long duration, it seems to replenish my health in particularly frenzied fighting.

I have learned to not fear many things in life, but there is something within this weapon that stirs a horror within me I cannot explain.

This oaken scythe has a gnarled staff and a bloodstained adamantine blade. It is a +5 anarchic keen vorpal adamantine scythe. It may be used to score critical hits against any creature (regardless of their type, fortification armour, and any other protections).

As a free action the bearer may activate or deactivate the Scythe's blood-drinker ability. While this ability is active, the Scythe drains 1 spell point per level of the bearer per round (or consumes the bearer's highest-level spell slot each round) and the bearer is slowed (no save) for the purposes of attacks. In return, any damage dealt by the Scythe is healed to the bearer, along with the benefits of a greater restoration and regeneration spell whenever the Scythe is used to slay an enemy.

The Scythe is a malevolent artifact of entropy and destruction. Although not sentient (at least, not apparently...) it has an Ego score of 22 and exists to corrupt lawful creatures and destroy immortals (e.g. Undying creatures). The Scythe's influence drove the monks of the Monastery towards madness and evil in life, and cursed them to become Decayed Saints in death. However, any chaotic creature can wield the Scythe with relative safety, so long as they satisfy its bloodlust.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 10 lbs.

Speargun (Minor Artifact)
This speargun, though unwieldly and slow, is quite an effective weapon at long range, allowing me the ability to see my foe from afar. Those mighty Jemaas may be several steps down on the evolutionary ladder, but they have certainly mastered creating rudimentary weapons.

This +1 distance seeking heavy crossbow is finely crafted and engraved with arcane designs. The bearer (or an ally) may cast lightning on the speargun to charge it with electrical energy; if he does so the next bolt fired acts as both disintegrate and chain lightning (caster level 11th).

Strong evocation; CL 20th; Weight 8 lbs.

Tibetan War Cannon (Minor Artifact)
I have heard of this weapon only in story. Created and forged of gold, it is a mystical weapon of Tibetan folklore that was lost in a mountainous area during a great battle. They called it the War Cannon. Rumor has it that the person that holds this weapon must be pure of heart for it to function correctly. I seem to be able to discharge some sort of cold sphere out of it. I wonder if it can slow down these bastard creatures...

This cannon is a hefty lacquered black cylinder, bound with golden rings and set with a golden dragon's head at the end. The dragon head is animated and occasionally growls and snarls. As a standard action the bearer may fire a freezing sphere from the cannon (caster level 11th); the sphere deals no splash damage but any creature struck by it must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be slowed for 1d4+1 rounds.

The bearer may instead choose to fire the cannon as a full-round action. If fired in this way the freezing sphere has a caster level of 20th, deals splash damage as normal, and all creatures damaged by it must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be slowed for 20 rounds.

Undead and constructs are not immune to the slow effect of the cannon. It may be wielded in one hand. Whenever it is fired, the bearer must wait 1d4 rounds before firing it again. The cannon is nonfunctional in the hands of any nongood creature.

Strong evocation; CL 20th; Weight 10 lbs.

Other Items

Dynamite, Molotov Cocktail, Pistol, Shotgun
"Standard dynamite. I'm sure this can do damage to both the surroundings and these vile creatures."

"A smart find, indeed. These bottles can spread considerable fire damage, especially on organic matter."

"My trusty revolver. A six shot weapon of forged metal grace. Durable, yet lightweight, my military piece has seen many a country and spilled much blood over the years."

"A double barrel shotgun of potent force. It appears I may choose between firing off individual or double shots, dependent on my taste for maximum effectiveness in close quarter combat."

See d20 Modern (https://www.rpgcrossing.com/srd/Modern/weapons.html).

Phosphorous Bullets
Creatures hit by these bullets take an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on the following round and risk catching on fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#catchingOnFire). 2,000 gp for 10 rifle shells.

Silver Bullets
Supernatural creatures (i.e. creatures other than animals, humanoids, and mundane vermin) hit by these bullets take an additional 1d6 points of damage. 2,000 gp for 50 pistol bullets.

2017-08-29, 08:31 AM
These items are intended for my 3.5 conversion of Clive Barker's Undying. They're balanced around spell-point variants, but hopefully can be used in other settings.

This strange crystalline stone seems to be a source of finite power that may be used to increase the power and effectiveness of my spell casting. I must keep my eyes peeled and ears open for its pinkish hue and low hum.

This fist-sized, briolette-cut gemstone resembles a scintillating amethyst throwing off violet sparks. When not in a creature's possession, it levitates in place in the air, sheds light as a candle, and produces a constant resonant hum (Listen DC 0 to notice). It provides a +2 bonus to the bearer's caster level, but only for spells from a chosen school of magic (determined during the item's creation).

Strong universal; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation, Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

notice that an orange ioun stone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#iounStones) gives a +1 Cl for 30,000 gp (which seems a tad high to me but I fell 6,000 is also a tad low... maybe around 10 since it only applies to a specific level? Also need a clause saying these do not stack, otherwise a wizard can just by a ton of 'em.

Arcane Whorl
These strange tattoos seem to heighten my ability to channel magic. They also remind me of the tattoos the Trsanti Shaman had when we fought him in the war. With these tattoos, I feel the mana surge into my being. No doubt the more of these I find, the better I can battle these abominations.

This jade scroll has golden rollers at each end and is tightly rolled, yet faint green light pulses from its furled script nonetheless. Once unrolled and read by a spellcaster, it disintegrates into a spiral of green light that applies itself to the reader as a new (and permanent) tattoo. The tattoo restores spell points to the bearer at a rate of one spell point per caster level, each hour. The effects of multiple arcane whorls stack.

The tattoos granted by these scrolls are permanent and inherent to the bearer and cannot be dispelled or suppressed. They are invisible once applied, but can be viewed with see invisibility and similar effects.

If applied to a creature that uses spell slots, a tattoo instead restores one spell level's worth of spell slots per hour (either a 1st-level spell slot or 2 0th-level spell slots). Multiple tattoos can restore higher-level spell slots (e.g. 3 tattoos can restore a 3rd-level spell slot), but they always restore lowest-level spell slots first.

Strong universal; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer, Price 60,000 gp.

Eh, not sure where to go with this, makes a wizard (even more) scary and lets him cast a spells more often (although they would have to prepare spells for those slots they gain... maybe make a max level it regenerates?

Ether Trap
According to legend, Ether Traps have the ability to tap into another ethereal plane of existence. And in doing so, the traps themselves become black holes in which spirits can be whisked away and temporarily trapped in another dimension. And while I'm certain that these magical weapons were not meant for our eyes, I am always humbled when my course of studies proves truth to legend.

This disc of golden parchment is decorated with arcane symbols and stretched taut across a ring of pale golden wood. It is very thin and light, and is designed to temporarily capture ghosts and other incorporeal and ethereal creatures. The trap may be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it produces a swirling vortex of magenta light in the air above it. Any incorporeal or ethereal creature within 10 feet of the vortex is drawn into it in a flash of golden light and is trapped as if by maze.

The trap may only hold one creature at a time, and as soon as the creature escapes the trap may be collected, reset (as a full-round action), and used again.

Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, maze, Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Basically Maze at will, except you have to reset it with a full round action... So use activated (SL*CL*2000 gp and more depending on time but we'll exclude that since it is maze and mazes duration does not depend on CL) Gives us 8*15*2000=240000. B/C this only effects etheral and takes a full round action I would halve/quarter this price giving 120,000/60,000 gp respectively. Besides cost I think this is good.

Gel'Ziabar Stone (Minor Artifact)
The Gel'ziabar stone. I have carried this artifact ever since the day Jeremiah gave it to me following the battle with the Trsanti. It seems to throw out a shockwave of considerable force, and ever since I acquired the stone I have noticed strange sightings and visual anomalies. However, the power of the stone has its dark side. On occasion, a beast from beyond this world has attacked me. My only explanation for its appearance is that I was using the stone's power for too long. I have not seen the beast for a while, of course, I have not needed the stone...

This fist-sized chunk of green crystal may be worn around a character's neck on a leather cord, but functions only while carried in one hand. It possesses multiple mystical powers:

The bearer gain a +2 bonus to his caster level.

Arcane Regeneration
The bearer gains the benefits of an arcane whorl.

As a move action the bearer may unleash a pulse of repelling force from the stone, manifesting as a flash of light and numerous green and blue sparks. Treat this as if the character were performing a bull rush maneuver via the telekinesis spell (caster level 20th, using his highest mental ability modifier in place of his Strength modifier), save that it affects all creatures within 5 feet. Once a character uses this power he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Scrye Affinity
Whenever the bearer is within 10 feet of an item or site where he would glean useful information from a scrye spell (or similar divination), the stone sheds green light as a candle and the bearer hears whispered voices urging him to use divinations.

Using the Stone is not without dangers. There is a 5% chance each year that the bearer will attract the attention of a Hound of Gel’ziabar - the creature appears the next time the repulsion power of the stone is used and immediately attacks the bearer, fighting to the death. Furthermore, some creatures (particularly those of the Undying subtype) desire the stone for fell ends.

Strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

Doesn't seem bad for an artifact.

Health Pack/Health Vial/Healing Roots
Every plane has its terrors... but there is succour as well.

These items take three forms and are a valued staple for any adventurer. They may be used only once, healing hit points and ability damage to a character as though he had undergone complete bed rest for a full day.

Covenant Estate - Health Pack
This simple leather satchel is marked with a red cross on the flap. A character must make a Heal check (DC 10) to employ the benefits of this satchel on himself or for another. Weight 2 lbs.

Oneiros - Health Vial
This tall, slender crystal vial has a silver stopper and edges and is filled with a luminous green liquid that throws off viridian sparks. When not in a creature's possession it levitates in place in the air and sheds light as a candle. A character must drink this absinthe-flavoured elixir to enjoy its benefits.

Eternal Autumn - Healing Roots
This bundle of tan, woody roots must be consumed by a character as a full-round action to activate its powers. Weight 2 lbs.

Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, Price 300 gp.

Do these provoke similar to a potion?

Mana Well
These small, magical trinkets enable me to hold more of my mana and allow me to fire my spells more often without fear of draining my magical energies so quickly. I need to keep my eyes out for more of these mana well containers, as they'll no doubt help me with my spells...and my endeavors.

This squat, heart-shaped canteen of red crystal is inscribed with alien designs and may be carried by a cord of humanoid leather affixed to the stopper. It sheds light as a candle, and while in a character's possession it grants the bearer a +2 bonus to all their mental ability scores, but only for the purpose of determining bonus spell points (or spell slots) per day. A mana well need not be worn to be effective, simply carried in a character's gear, and the effects of multiple mana wells stack.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendour, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Hmm, I would bump the price up a bit, too easy for a high level caster to get a lot of these.

Phoenix (Minor Artifact)
Amidst the decay and twilight of the Eternal Autumn, there is yet life and beauty.

This golden sculpture of a phoenix hovering in flight is the size of a Small creature. It gleams even in areas of darkness, and levitates in place when not in a creature's possession. Once per day it may be used to produce a phoenix egg. The eggs may be stockpiled at the bearer's leisure, but if any are sold the Phoenix instantly vanishes from the bearer's possession.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 50 lbs.

Phoenix Egg
All the potential of a newborn Sun, in the palm of one's hand.

This large egg of red-black volcanic rock bears the golden image of a phoenix in flight and is warm to the touch. When hurled it hatches into a phoenix of pure flame that streaks to a target, as the acorn grenade version of fire seeds (caster level 20th). During its brief flight the phoenix telepathically relays everything it sees to the bearer.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, fire seeds, Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Hmm price should be upped (SL*CL*50 for single use activated items) and I would personally make it a flame strike spell but I have not played the game :smalltongue: (yeah, now I tell ya :smallwink:)

Scythe of the Celts (Major Artifact)
I find this Scythe of the Celt to be quite a disturbing force. It's clear from the history of this weapon that it is particularly effective in exterminating the most heinous of entities. At times it seemed to pull me in directions of combat...almost as if it's seeking pain and destruction. Wreaking havoc on my mana when in my hands for long duration, it seems to replenish my health in particularly frenzied fighting.

I have learned to not fear many things in life, but there is something within this weapon that stirs a horror within me I cannot explain.

This oaken scythe has a gnarled staff and a bloodstained adamantine blade. It is a +5 anarchic keen vorpal adamantine scythe. It may be used to score critical hits against any creature (regardless of their type, fortification armour, and any other protections).

As a free action the bearer may activate or deactivate the Scythe's blood-drinker ability. While this ability is active, the Scythe drains 1 spell point per level of the bearer per round (or consumes the bearer's highest-level spell slot each round) and the bearer is slowed (no save) for the purposes of attacks. In return, any damage dealt by the Scythe is healed to the bearer, along with the benefits of a greater restoration and regeneration spell whenever the Scythe is used to slay an enemy.

Hmmm, need a clause stating that nonspellcasters can not use, and maybe reduce the slow condition. (I like it but gishes [who will probably use this] are losing both highest spell slot each round and are slowed... not sure the drawback is worth it...

The Scythe is a malevolent artifact of entropy and destruction. Although not sentient (at least, not apparently...) it has an Ego score of 22 and exists to corrupt lawful creatures and destroy immortals (e.g. Undying creatures). The Scythe's influence drove the monks of the Monastery towards madness and evil in life, and cursed them to become Decayed Saints in death. However, any chaotic creature can wield the Scythe with relative safety, so long as they satisfy its bloodlust.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 10 lbs.

Hmm, maybe add the unholy property or an ability to count as any material needed to overcome DR

Speargun (Minor Artifact)
A shamanistic artifact found amidst the ruins of the Eternal Autumn.

This +1 heavy crossbow is finely crafted and engraved with arcane designs. The bearer (or an ally) may cast lightning on the speargun to charge it with electrical energy; if he does so the next bolt fired acts as both disintegrate and chain lightning (caster level 11th).

Strong evocation; CL 20th; Weight 8 lbs.

Tibetan War Cannon (Minor Artifact)
I have heard of this weapon only in story. Created and forged of gold, it is a mystical weapon of Tibetan folklore that was lost in a mountainous area during a great battle. They called it the War Cannon. Rumor has it that the person that holds this weapon must be pure of heart for it to function correctly. I seem to be able to discharge some sort of cold sphere out of it. I wonder if it can slow down these bastard creatures...

This cannon is a hefty lacquered black cylinder, bound with golden rings and set with a golden dragon's head at the end. The dragon head is animated and occasionally growls and snarls. As a standard action the bearer may fire a freezing sphere from the cannon (caster level 11th); the sphere deals no splash damage but any creature struck by it must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be slowed for 1d4+1 rounds.

The bearer may instead choose to fire the cannon as a full-round action. If fired in this way the freezing sphere has a caster level of 20th, deals splash damage as normal, and all creatures damaged by it must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be slowed for 20 rounds.

Undead and constructs are not immune to the slow effect of the cannon. It may be wielded in one hand. Whenever it is fired, the bearer must wait 1d4 rounds before firing it again. The cannon is nonfunctional in the hands of any nongood creature.

Strong evocation; CL 20th; Weight 10 lbs.

Other Items

Dynamite, Molotov Cocktail, Pistol, Shotgun
See d20 Modern (https://www.rpgcrossing.com/srd/Modern/weapons.html).

Phosphorous Bullets
Creatures hit by these bullets take an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on the following round and risk catching on fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#catchingOnFire). 2,000 gp for 10 rifle shells.

Silver Bullets
Creatures other than animals, humanoids, and vermin hit by these bullets take an additional 1d6 points of damage. 2,000 gp for 50 pistol bullets.
Maybe up the price, +1d6 a hit for 2000 gp for 50 hits... Not sure here.

All in All these look nice and I think you could use them in a normal setting as that is how I was thinking (never played the game. Artifacts could use a tad more attention as to me artifact is a reason to throw out something OP, not that I would ever do that :smallcool:

2017-08-29, 03:06 PM
notice that an orange ioun stone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#iounStones) gives a +1 Cl for 30,000 gp (which seems a tad high to me but I fell 6,000 is also a tad low... maybe around 10 since it only applies to a specific level? Also need a clause saying these do not stack, otherwise a wizard can just by a ton of 'em.

Eh, not sure where to go with this, makes a wizard (even more) scary and lets him cast a spells more often (although they would have to prepare spells for those slots they gain... maybe make a max level it regenerates?

Basically Maze at will, except you have to reset it with a full round action... So use activated (SL*CL*2000 gp and more depending on time but we'll exclude that since it is maze and mazes duration does not depend on CL) Gives us 8*15*2000=240000. B/C this only effects etheral and takes a full round action I would halve/quarter this price giving 120,000/60,000 gp respectively. Besides cost I think this is good.

Doesn't seem bad for an artifact.

Do these provoke similar to a potion?

Hmm, I would bump the price up a bit, too easy for a high level caster to get a lot of these.

Hmm price should be upped (SL*CL*50 for single use activated items) and I would personally make it a flame strike spell but I have not played the game :smalltongue: (yeah, now I tell ya :smallwink:)

Hmmm, need a clause stating that nonspellcasters can not use, and maybe reduce the slow condition. (I like it but gishes [who will probably use this] are losing both highest spell slot each round and are slowed... not sure the drawback is worth it...

Hmm, maybe add the unholy property or an ability to count as any material needed to overcome DR

Maybe up the price, +1d6 a hit for 2000 gp for 50 hits... Not sure here.

All in All these look nice and I think you could use them in a normal setting as that is how I was thinking (never played the game. Artifacts could use a tad more attention as to me artifact is a reason to throw out something OP, not that I would ever do that :smallcool:

0. First off I should say these items were based on Clive Barker's Undying, which uses regenerating spell points for its magic system. This unfortunately doesn't translate so well to the Vancian system, haha!

1. Re: Amplifier, yep I used the ioun stone as a base. There are 9 schools of magic (including universal), so I worked it out very roughly as 30,000 gp / 9 schools of magic * 2 caster levels... could be rounded up to 7,000 but any higher and it's really not worth settling for less than the ioun stone. They're intended to stack (to reflect how they worked in-game), which may also be RAW given that the ioun stone has an untyped bonus. The trouble is, in Undying they only enhanced the power of 1 particular SPELL but I wasn't sure how to balance that... might reflavour it to spells with a particular descriptor rather than school, like the Chaos/Evil/Good/Law cleric domains.

2. Re: Arcane Whorl - compare the Ring of Wizardry/Pearl of Power, except they're more versatile. The tattoos do have a max level of spell slot they can regenerate (you need X tattoos to regain an Xth-level spell, once per hour, and they'll restore your lower-level slots first before they tackle your higher-level ones). Probably the most awkward conversion, really doesn't fit with the Vancian system.

3. Re: Ether Traps - I don't really mind altering the prices of the items (in the game you just picked them up for free anyways), but I'm surprised you want to bump it up that much! It seems like an extremely niche effect... you're definitely right about the RAW gp calculation but in this case I figured it could be waived. Ultimately you're correct though.

4. Re: Gel'ziabar Stone - Ha yeah artifacts are great, you can give 'em as many powers as you like without worrying about balance. I'm torn between keeping it as a minor artifact (you start out with it in the game) or upgrading it to major though (in the game it's very important to the plot on multiple occasions, plus it does have a lot of powers).

5. Re: Health Items - in the game they all function identically, however I tried to write them up here in different ways for verisimilitude. But you raise a good point, maybe they should all just be treated as drinking a potion. Will have a rethink.

6. Re: Mana Well - I figured it as a +2 enhancement item (e.g. headband of intellect +2, 4,000 gp), x2 (for being slotless), /2 (for only affecting spell points/spells per day but not save DCs), x2 (for stacking) = 8,000 gp. A headband of intellect +4 gives better value for same cost as 2 mana wells, each mana well after that gives better value than an enhancement item (but again, no bonus to save DCs).

7. Re: Phoenix & Phoenix Egg - Yep that's the formula I used - fire seeds (6th level) * 20th caster level * 50 gp = 6,000 gp. Ha no worries about not playing the game! :D Flame strike would be a simpler mechanic yeah, but in the game you hurl the eggs and telepathically control the flight of the phoenix as it flies to your enemy; D&D is turn-based (so enemies can't run in real-time to avoid projectiles) so I did the best approximation I could.

8. Re: Scythe - In the game I think non-spellcasters are free to use the Scythe (admittedly the protagonist is the only one who uses it but I don't think there's evidence either way), they just wouldn't be able to benefit from the blood-drinker ability. It was hard to balance the ability - in the game the best way to use the blood-drinking is to cast haste on yourself to negate the reduced attack rate. It drains mana when blood-drinker is active (and slows your mana regeneration even when you aren't using blood-drinker); again this was an awkward conversion for Vancian magic especially since only gishes can make full use of it as you say (and that's a relatively niche build for a PC to have).

I'm not sure how to make the ability worth it without greatly expanding it (in the game it's the best weapon because it essentially provides unlimited healing, but even then it provides more of a "fast healing" type ability rather than instant healing and definitely doesn't provide restoration or regeneration).

Unholy would be thematic but Patrick Galloway (the game protagonist) is almost definitely Chaotic Good, plus you use it to kill the evil Undying creatures... I wanted to avoid a blanket "can overcome any damage reduction/regeneration" but maybe that's best.

9. Re: ammo - I had to resort to the d20 Modern SRD for this; pistol ammo comes in groups of 50 but shotgun shells come in 10's which made it tricky for pricing special bonuses. I forgot that even ammunition has to have a +1 bonus before you apply special abilities (like flaming) to it so the ammunition should be 8,000gp per set... but since the phosphorous shells and silver bullets are meant to be non-magical I'll keep them at 2,000.

10. Re: artifacts - Yeah, in particular I skimped on the Scythe's powers (it has a lot of plot-driven powers, notably the corruption of the monks). I was sorely tempted to give the Tibetan War Cannon a bite attack too, even though there's no evidence in-game. I'm torn between making faithful conversions of everything, and refluffing them to make better sense in DnD. Then again I always make everything overpowered in my homebrews haha!

Thanks for the point-by-point comments! I'll try to do a write-up for your transfusion spell.

2017-08-30, 08:05 AM
0. First off I should say these items were based on Clive Barker's Undying, which uses regenerating spell points for its magic system. This unfortunately doesn't translate so well to the Vancian system, haha!

1. Re: Amplifier, yep I used the ioun stone as a base. There are 9 schools of magic (including universal), so I worked it out very roughly as 30,000 gp / 9 schools of magic * 2 caster levels... could be rounded up to 7,000 but any higher and it's really not worth settling for less than the ioun stone. They're intended to stack (to reflect how they worked in-game), which may also be RAW given that the ioun stone has an untyped bonus. The trouble is, in Undying they only enhanced the power of 1 particular SPELL but I wasn't sure how to balance that... might reflavour it to spells with a particular descriptor rather than school, like the Chaos/Evil/Good/Law cleric domains.

Or you could let the caster choose a number of spells whose level can not be greater then the spellcasting modifier (cha for sor and so on). Huh, never noticed that about the ioun stone...

2. Re: Arcane Whorl - compare the Ring of Wizardry/Pearl of Power, except they're more versatile. The tattoos do have a max level of spell slot they can regenerate (you need X tattoos to regain an Xth-level spell, once per hour, and they'll restore your lower-level slots first before they tackle your higher-level ones). Probably the most awkward conversion, really doesn't fit with the Vancian system.

Hmm, not sure... as most things the wizard can easily abuse them :smallsigh:

3. Re: Ether Traps - I don't really mind altering the prices of the items (in the game you just picked them up for free anyways), but I'm surprised you want to bump it up that much! It seems like an extremely niche effect... you're definitely right about the RAW gp calculation but in this case I figured it could be waived. Ultimately you're correct though.

Eh, I do think they are kind of pricey RAW, but at the same time I feel you underpriced them too much... Maybe price 'em at 10-15 grand or so, maybe 13,000?

4. Re: Gel'ziabar Stone - Ha yeah artifacts are great, you can give 'em as many powers as you like without worrying about balance. I'm torn between keeping it as a minor artifact (you start out with it in the game) or upgrading it to major though (in the game it's very important to the plot on multiple occasions, plus it does have a lot of powers).

Major, I get the feeling that it is exposed to be a single one (there are not multiple right?) and most minor have a copy or twelve (philosopher's stones, sphere of annihilation...) not to mention abilities and whatnot... I feel major is better.
5. Re: Health Items - in the game they all function identically, however I tried to write them up here in different ways for verisimilitude. But you raise a good point, maybe they should all just be treated as drinking a potion. Will have a rethink.
I meant do they provoke an AoO and take standard action to use? (Not necessarily drink)

6. Re: Mana Well - I figured it as a +2 enhancement item (e.g. headband of intellect +2, 4,000 gp), x2 (for being slotless), /2 (for only affecting spell points/spells per day but not save DCs), x2 (for stacking) = 8,000 gp. A headband of intellect +4 gives better value for same cost as 2 mana wells, each mana well after that gives better value than an enhancement item (but again, no bonus to save DCs).

Fair enough, I just have the mental image of a wizard with a robe of these things :smallbiggrin: (I DM'ed for my brother and his HS friends, literally brought in Pun Pun to try to play -.-'. So I guess would be more a DM handling thing then necessarily price :smallbiggrin:)

7. Re: Phoenix & Phoenix Egg - Yep that's the formula I used - fire seeds (6th level) * 20th caster level * 50 gp = 6,000 gp. Ha no worries about not playing the game! :D Flame strike would be a simpler mechanic yeah, but in the game you hurl the eggs and telepathically control the flight of the phoenix as it flies to your enemy; D&D is turn-based (so enemies can't run in real-time to avoid projectiles) so I did the best approximation I could.

Fair enough, not sure what I was thinking for the price :P my bad!

8. Re: Scythe - In the game I think non-spellcasters are free to use the Scythe (admittedly the protagonist is the only one who uses it but I don't think there's evidence either way), they just wouldn't be able to benefit from the blood-drinker ability. It was hard to balance the ability - in the game the best way to use the blood-drinking is to cast haste on yourself to negate the reduced attack rate. It drains mana when blood-drinker is active (and slows your mana regeneration even when you aren't using blood-drinker); again this was an awkward conversion for Vancian magic especially since only gishes can make full use of it as you say (and that's a relatively niche build for a PC to have).

I'm not sure how to make the ability worth it without greatly expanding it (in the game it's the best weapon because it essentially provides unlimited healing, but even then it provides more of a "fast healing" type ability rather than instant healing and definitely doesn't provide restoration or regeneration).
Give them regen equal to... ~15 (it's an artifact) but drains one of the lowest spell slots per round actively wielded in battle... not so bad as your cantrips go, or maybe the 1st and 2nd but it'll go... of course anyone playing pathfinder would skip cantrips and go straight to 1st... just a thought...
Unholy would be thematic but Patrick Galloway (the game protagonist) is almost definitely Chaotic Good, plus you use it to kill the evil Undying creatures... I wanted to avoid a blanket "can overcome any damage reduction/regeneration" but maybe that's best.

For overcoming I would say only material such as silver etc, anything else it does not auto pass but then this is an artifact :smallbiggrin:

9. Re: ammo - I had to resort to the d20 Modern SRD for this; pistol ammo comes in groups of 50 but shotgun shells come in 10's which made it tricky for pricing special bonuses. I forgot that even ammunition has to have a +1 bonus before you apply special abilities (like flaming) to it so the ammunition should be 8,000gp per set... but since the phosphorous shells and silver bullets are meant to be non-magical I'll keep them at 2,000.

10. Re: artifacts - Yeah, in particular I skimped on the Scythe's powers (it has a lot of plot-driven powers, notably the corruption of the monks). I was sorely tempted to give the Tibetan War Cannon a bite attack too, even though there's no evidence in-game. I'm torn between making faithful conversions of everything, and refluffing them to make better sense in DnD. Then again I always make everything overpowered in my homebrews haha!

Thanks for the point-by-point comments! I'll try to do a write-up for your transfusion spell.
No problem, and for OP depends on party and play style (one of my firends played a lvl 30 wiz with all the cheese and got killed by a lvl 5 monk :smallbiggrin:) Hell I usually play high powered game with an avg lvl of 50 (lots of dm house rule there :smallbiggrin:) Loved what you did with the transfusion!

2017-08-30, 05:15 PM
Or you could let the caster choose a number of spells whose level can not be greater then the spellcasting modifier (cha for sor and so on). Huh, never noticed that about the ioun stone...

Hmm, not sure... as most things the wizard can easily abuse them :smallsigh:

Eh, I do think they are kind of pricey RAW, but at the same time I feel you underpriced them too much... Maybe price 'em at 10-15 grand or so, maybe 13,000?

Major, I get the feeling that it is exposed to be a single one (there are not multiple right?) and most minor have a copy or twelve (philosopher's stones, sphere of annihilation...) not to mention abilities and whatnot... I feel major is better.

5. Re: Health Items - in the game they all function identically, however I tried to write them up here in different ways for verisimilitude. But you raise a good point, maybe they should all just be treated as drinking a potion. Will have a rethink.
I meant do they provoke an AoO and take standard action to use? (Not necessarily drink)

Fair enough, I just have the mental image of a wizard with a robe of these things :smallbiggrin: (I DM'ed for my brother and his HS friends, literally brought in Pun Pun to try to play -.-'. So I guess would be more a DM handling thing then necessarily price :smallbiggrin:)

Fair enough, not sure what I was thinking for the price :P my bad!

8. Re: Scythe - In the game I think non-spellcasters are free to use the Scythe (admittedly the protagonist is the only one who uses it but I don't think there's evidence either way), they just wouldn't be able to benefit from the blood-drinker ability. It was hard to balance the ability - in the game the best way to use the blood-drinking is to cast haste on yourself to negate the reduced attack rate. It drains mana when blood-drinker is active (and slows your mana regeneration even when you aren't using blood-drinker); again this was an awkward conversion for Vancian magic especially since only gishes can make full use of it as you say (and that's a relatively niche build for a PC to have).

I'm not sure how to make the ability worth it without greatly expanding it (in the game it's the best weapon because it essentially provides unlimited healing, but even then it provides more of a "fast healing" type ability rather than instant healing and definitely doesn't provide restoration or regeneration).
Give them regen equal to... ~15 (it's an artifact) but drains one of the lowest spell slots per round actively wielded in battle... not so bad as your cantrips go, or maybe the 1st and 2nd but it'll go... of course anyone playing pathfinder would skip cantrips and go straight to 1st... just a thought...

For overcoming I would say only material such as silver etc, anything else it does not auto pass but then this is an artifact :smallbiggrin:

No problem, and for OP depends on party and play style (one of my firends played a lvl 30 wiz with all the cheese and got killed by a lvl 5 monk :smallbiggrin:) Hell I usually play high powered game with an avg lvl of 50 (lots of dm house rule there :smallbiggrin:) Loved what you did with the transfusion!

1. It's tricky... in the game once you Amplified a spell it was a permanent decision so giving them spells to modify = to ability Mod wouldn't really fit (as it's more versatile than the Undying mechanic). However that's a nifty idea of it's own, you should use it for a homebrewed item or class feature!).

Reduced the bonus to +1 and the cost to 3,334 gp (30000 gp ioun stone divided by 9 schools). Can be abused by acquiring multiple amplifiers for the same school rather than aiming to spread the bonuses out amongst different schools.

2. I set the price to to 10,000 gp. At low levels they're outrageously expensive compared to an equivalent pearl of power; at high levels you can duplicate a 9th-level pearl of power (81,000 gp) with ten tattoos (100,000 gp). The advantage is that they function every hour rather than only once per day, though in the average adventuring day that might not make a difference.

3. Put too much thought into this haha. My reasoning is that almost all incorporeal creatures are undead (one of 15 creature types), and assumed that one-half of undead are incorporeal (probably far less than that but that's ok).

So, decided to take the standard formula (8th-level spell x caster level 15 x 1,800 gp for use-activated item), then divided it by 15 (the trap only affects 1 of 15 creature types), then divided by 2 (of undead creatures, the trap only affects one-half of them).

End result: 7200 gp. Whew!

4. Good point about multiples, I think it's meant to be unique so upgraded to major artifact. Reduced the caster level bonus to +1 (in keeping with the Amplifiers).

5. Ah righto. Made it explicit now (and removed the full-round action to eat the roots).

6. Ha! The amplifiers and mana wells at least weigh 1 pound so a frail wizard can't carry TOO many of them... though the arcane whorl tattoos are effectively weightless. I could bump up the weights to 2 pounds, say the crystals are particularly heavy.

7. No worries!

8. Yes I'm going to have to think about this more... I'm not really satisfied with how it's turned out.

9/10. Whaaaa? How did that happen? His BAB/hit points/etc should have been better than the monk's to say nothing of spellcasting! :D Thanks again for the input.