View Full Version : Building an RPG System

2017-08-29, 09:16 AM
Hey all,

A pleasure to meet you! My name's Todd. A friend recently introduced me to these forums as a way to connect with thoughtful and experienced RPG players.

You see, I'm building a new RPG system that uses cards and an app to eliminate rulebooks and setup, and make it easier to tell your stories. The app even has a DM-less mode where you can play through pre-built adventures without anyone acting as a DM.

It's been pretty popular so far - we have over 3,000 players and 1,000 writers on the system - but it's hard to get feedback on it from a fresh set of eyes.

If you're willing to help a game designer out and share your expertise, I would be honored to hear any and all feedback you have!

Here's the link: ExpeditionGame.com

Thank you,


2017-08-29, 10:27 AM
First off, this is probably the wrong subforum, you probably want either Roleplaying Games or Other Games. Depending on what aspect you consider the most important.

Secondly, what games have you played? This sounds very much like a D&Dlike, although I haven't been able to look through it.

Thirdly, rules light low setup is a relatively common genre now, or at least rules medium low setup. I can have a Fate game ready to play in 5-10 minutes if I want (although I ideally want an hour or more for character creation, it's that sort of game), less for something like Fiasco.

Last, I'm still confused by how it works, are you sure you don't want to write a proper rulebook?