View Full Version : Pathfinder Total Party Kill Games Presents: Arcforge: New Age of Legends (PF/SF Playtest)

2017-08-29, 08:12 PM
Hello everyone. It's been a little while, hasn't it?

Starfinder is now out, and people are starting to play and experiment with it. However, there are some parts of the legacy system which are unclear and underdeveloped, leading to many players being uncertain of how to convert their Pathfinder characters. Furthermore, Starfinder has no rules for implementing its content into Pathfinder, and Paizo has made no indication of ever releasing methods of putting starfinder stuff into pathfinder.

Seeing an opportunity, I of course decided to alleviate these issues and add on a few things of my own.

Playtest Here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HHI47Syfo5Qhy0QgK1m2qXsMI7EpAHMl9-r1AosuMCY/edit?usp=sharing)

As of right now, the playtest contains the following:

Expanded Legacy Rules for those whose character concepts aren't entirely filled out by the existing legacy rules.

Backport Rules for those looking to utilize starfinder content in a pathfinder game.

New Content for both Starfinder and Pathfinder classes. At present, it includes the following:
-The Robot Lord, a Helmsman archetype that uses a Mechanic's Drone
-The Zenith Marine, a Soldier archetype that utilizes Path of War's maneuver system
-The Eliminator, a combat-focused Operative which also uses maneuvers.

More on the way, and input is appreciated.

2017-08-29, 11:54 PM
Okay one mistake on zenith soldier solarion does not gain any bonus feets or skill known as kill shot so can you change that to soldier and brew that ever needed force lightning as first level revelation please

2017-09-06, 08:25 PM
Updated with more rules regarding equipment and technology, most notably labs. Be on the lookout for Archetypes coming over the weekend.

2017-09-07, 10:28 PM
Back with a lot more content. Behold

The Legatus, an initiating Envoy Archetype

The Ace Greaser and Uplink Warrior, two new ways to power up your Mechanic

The Starknight, a martial take on the Solarian

Finally, we have a whole bunch of new Technomancer Spell Hacks and feats for you to enjoy.

If there is anything missing, don't be afraid to say.