View Full Version : deathshrieker

2017-08-30, 05:47 AM
deathshrieker's charisma-draining touch.

Does death ward protect from it? does mind blank?

2017-08-30, 06:08 AM
It's listed as neither a negative energy effect nor a mind-affecting one so no. Energy Drain (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#energyDrainAndNegativeLevels) is different from Ability Drain (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#abilityScoreLoss). Sheltered Vitality [Spell Compendium] does protect against it though. In Core, your only real alternative for complete immunity to all drain abilities is Polymorph Any Objecting into a type immune to ability damage/drain (such as Undead or Construct).

2017-08-30, 06:14 AM
The subject is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.

The subject is protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This spell protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects as well as information gathering by divination spells or effects. Mind blank even foils limited wish, miracle, and wish spells when they are used in such a way as to affect the subject’s mind or to gain information about it. In the case of scrying that scans an area the creature is in, such as arcane eye, the spell works but the creature simply isn’t detected. Scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at the subject do not work at all.

The Deathshrieker's Charisma Drain is a supernatural ability that is not listed as energy drain, negative energy, or mind-affecting. Neither of the spells you mention would offer any protection.

Life's Grace (SC p.132) and Undeath's Eternal Foe (SC p.226) offer immunity to any undead attack that causes ability drain (among others), and would be effetive. Body of War (SC p.35), Sheltered Vitality (SC p. 188) and Veil of Undeath (SC, p.229) grant general immunity to ability drain, also offering protection.

2017-08-30, 06:56 AM
Another good defense against touch attacks is not getting touched. Invisibility, illusions, kiting and force/deflection bonuses to AC are all good defenses.

2017-08-30, 12:08 PM
One might wonder how the undead creature is draining your ability scores without a negative energy effect...

I looked through a few of the other incorporeal undead entries. Most of them don't explicitly call it out as negative energy, but Shadows do. In my campaign I've considered this an oversight and rule the other attacks as being negative energy based, but that is not the RAW interpretation as mentioned. Ask the DM?

2017-08-30, 01:03 PM
One might wonder how the undead creature is draining your ability scores without a negative energy effect...

How's Demon Fever draining someone's ability scores without negative energy? How is a Lamia? How is a druid casting Jungle's Rapture?

Ability drain and negative energy aren't inherently connected.

2017-08-31, 12:18 AM
Dunno your build, but the Pleasure Domain from BoED grants complete immunity to anything that damages or drains your charisma. You need to worship Lastai, though, since she is the only deity that grants it.

2017-08-31, 12:32 AM
Dunno your build, but the Pleasure Domain from BoED grants complete immunity to anything that damages or drains your charisma. You need to worship Lastai, though, since she is the only deity that grants it.

Or you could take Heretic of the Faith, or be an ideal-worshipping cleric.

2017-08-31, 01:25 AM
If you do worship an ideal don't forget the spell substitute domain.