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The Giant
2006-06-01, 12:49 AM
New comic is up.

2006-06-01, 12:49 AM
Woot! Great comic!

Celia got me there. Looking hot babe! Especially in the 3rd panel.

EDIT: Gotta be a new record there. Got it even before it was stickied.

2006-06-01, 12:50 AM
Woot!!!!! First page and 2nd post!!!!!!!

That is HILARIOUS!!!!! You are amazing, Rick...

2006-06-01, 12:50 AM
No, it's an elemental booty talisman, get your facts straight, Roy.

First page! hehe

2006-06-01, 12:50 AM
1st page :) and a great comic of course ;)

2006-06-01, 12:51 AM
Woo! First page and I haven't even read it yet. But I'm sure it's the best comic EVAR!!!!111

2006-06-01, 12:51 AM
Gotta love security checks!

2006-06-01, 12:51 AM
Heh heh, Booty Talisman.

And first 1st, cool....

2006-06-01, 12:51 AM
Yes! I can go to bed tonight in peace! ;D

2006-06-01, 12:51 AM
yup yup yup

2006-06-01, 12:52 AM
hurry up and wait wooot, as a Military man I can relate hehe.

rocks giant.

2006-06-01, 12:53 AM
Woo! First page and I haven't even read it yet. But I'm sure it's the best comic EVAR!!!!111
LOL! Thanks, Molonel, that made my day, after the end of Discussion #319 8)

2006-06-01, 12:53 AM
Good one! Really enjoying Roy and Celia's romance. It's good to see something go right for him.

2006-06-01, 12:54 AM
That was amazing! I feel acutely the pain of customs lines...having recently gone to Uruguay from Argentina and back again...not to mention going to Argentina in the first place.

Also, Celia in panel four? Looks kind of sinister, devious perhaps, but hotly so.

2006-06-01, 12:54 AM
now i'm gonna have to make that into a magic item for my campaign...

"Booty Talismin of Celia"

2006-06-01, 12:54 AM
I need to get me one of the Booty Talismans.

Edit: Liquid, now I have to hate you forever.

2006-06-01, 12:54 AM
Booty talisman.

Tee hee.
Plus jokes about entry into adventure parks! Hooray!

2006-06-01, 12:55 AM
Hahaha, booty talisman. I want one.

2006-06-01, 12:55 AM
Also, Celia in panel four? Looks kind of sinister, devious perhaps, but hotly so.

...while she's kissing Roy?

2006-06-01, 12:55 AM
Me too. Except personalized. ;D

2006-06-01, 12:55 AM
This reminds me of traffic in LA... *sigh*

2006-06-01, 12:56 AM
Is that the equivilant of Roy getting her phone number?

Oh, wait. We're a little past that, aren't we? ;D

Anyways, GO ROY!!

2006-06-01, 12:57 AM

I laughed a while when I saw Belkar's face. Make that, everytime (like now) when I remember seeing his face. Boom, there it is! :D

2006-06-01, 12:57 AM
My opinions about Celia weren't that good at first...but now...wow...panel three...hot chick.... :o

2006-06-01, 12:58 AM
Booty Talisman! Road to Perdition! ;D

2006-06-01, 12:58 AM
Boom, there it is! :D

That rules.

Good one, Solmage!

2006-06-01, 12:59 AM
Adventure park? The haversack question implied airport terminal to me.

2006-06-01, 01:00 AM
Now that's a true party leader! Did everyone go? Glad to be of on the road again!

2006-06-01, 01:00 AM
Okay. I actually LAUGHED at the booty talisman line. That was something I hadn't done in a while.

The "seething with a barely restrained fury" line hopefully promised some violence in the near future. That's promising.

Haley's "xqp" line made me wince just a little bit. The cryptograms got old a long-ass time ago.

But the waiting in line, and Roy feeling dumped upon, felt like the old humor. The kiss was annoying, but I can overlook that because we know we're going to have a LONG break from the relationship crap.

The next comic is going back to the story. Thank God. It's about damn time.

2006-06-01, 01:03 AM
Second page. I win at life.
Also, uh, can anyone read the tiny script on the signs for me? I feel like I'm missing some funny.

2006-06-01, 01:03 AM
sehr gut giant! i like the road signs in the last panel especially well...

P.S. did anyone besides me read the "road to perdition" graphic novel? Better than the movie, but thats the way it goes...

2006-06-01, 01:03 AM
Road to Adventure....lol!!

Road to Morocco, Road to Perdition...love the movie references.

EDIT: Closest to 1st page post ever (and there was much rejoicing....yay).

2006-06-01, 01:03 AM
Booty Talisman! Road to Perdition! ;D
I like that the Giant gives both the first Road To movie (Morocco) and most recent one (Perdition), even though they are very different movies. A nice touch.

2006-06-01, 01:06 AM
From the exploding coffee, I woulda thought that Belkar's teeth would be all cracked, etc.

Anyways, good they're getting out finally.

2006-06-01, 01:06 AM
Golly, anyone could show up in #321. I can't wait.

2006-06-01, 01:06 AM
I notice the strip just got updated again, where originally Celia's skirt had a purple bottom and a rounded blue top, and now it's solid blue.

If the LG or Xykon trap the OOTS, they might break his star necklace in the process or just out of spite, teleporting in Celia the reinforcement, so the girl can save the guy! Of course, an unexpected summoning may surprise Celia too. Like, what if she's in the shower at the time? ;)

2006-06-01, 01:07 AM
Second page. I win at life.
Also, uh, can anyone read the tiny script on the signs for me? I feel like I'm missing some funny.

Main sign: Gate 6, Road to Adventure

Top side sign: Gate 5, Road to Morocco, <----

Bottom side sign: Gate 7, Road to Perdition, ---->

Stake sign: Please get hand stamped for re-entry

2006-06-01, 01:07 AM
I dinnae get it.

How is leaving like dealing with the TSA? It's not like you can get on a road and crash THAT into the Sapphire Citadel.


Main sign: Gate 6, Road to Adventure

Top side sign: Gate 5, Road to Morocco, <----

Bottom side sign: Gate 7, Road to Perdition, ---->

Stake sign: Please get hand stamped for re-entry

1: I don't know.
2: Old movie?
3: Okay movie/comic book.

I personally like the Highway to Hell myself.

2006-06-01, 01:07 AM
Ok so we have the Azure city Gate Authority. AGA checking bags etc..

Elan learning Belkar's new theme song

Boom, there it is! :D

A few more explosive runes for belkar to read hmm I wonder if V gave him his AGA declaration form..

A wonderful short story of Ale and Romance, cultural diversity and frat boy style drinking for Durkon to tell roy about.

And a self-reliant, optimistic and sick of all the emo crap Haley.
all Heading out for adventure.

Tune in next week for another exciting episode. until then...

Boom!! there it is..
Boom!! there it is..

2006-06-01, 01:08 AM
"It is not a booty talisman."

Brilliant, simply brilliant. And highly amusing.

2006-06-01, 01:09 AM
Also, uh, can anyone read the tiny script on the signs for me? I feel like I'm missing some funny.
Gate 6 Road to Adventure
Gate 5 Road to Morocco
Gate 7 Road to Perdition

6 references Roy's comment in the previous frame, 5 is a Bing Crosby-Bob Hope movie that started a series of Road To movies, and 7 is a movie that came out a couple years ago with Tom Hanks as a hit man.

Speaking of hit men, I too loved the expression frozen (scorched?) on Belkar's face. I wonder how many explosions it took to achieve that effect. ;D

2006-06-01, 01:14 AM
Roy and Celia are just sweet. :D

And I'm curious where Miko is in the whole mix. Especially since Belkar stopped wearing his stilts. (And Hinjo, but he's a bit more mellow.)

Oh, and the obligatory translation: Haley said "yes".

2006-06-01, 01:14 AM
wow. that looks ugly... a security checkpoint to adventure? why do they need to know whats in the bags? how do they tell? probably a portable plot hole here somewhere.....

2006-06-01, 01:16 AM
Very nice, Giant. This one had several funny moments--Belkar's face being the funniest, but also the "Booty Talisman" line and the end panel. (I was hoping for a "Road to Tipperary" sign too, but oh well. Maybe that's a few gates over. :) )

I like that we still don't know whether Belkar knows why Vaarsuvius has been blowing him up, too! That conversation is bound to be interesting, however it turns out. :D

The next comic is going back to the story. Thank God. It's about damn time.
I would say that we never left the story, actually, we're just focussing on a different part of it. Still, I agree with you in that I enjoyed this strip much more than the past few. I'm looking forward to the new focus as well.

2006-06-01, 01:19 AM
Minor predictions for dialogue in the next strip (not really spoilers):

"I thought you said you went before we left!"

"Goddamnit! V, Belkar, don't make me turn this party around!"

Heh. I want a Booty Talisman.

[Edit] Lucky post #23! FNORD!

2006-06-01, 01:19 AM
LOL @ the Handy Haversack line. I've smart-assed my way into trouble on more than one occassion when asked that question. :P

Really love Celia's attitude and the midriff. She's getting so hot she might have to change from air element to fire element. :o :-*

2006-06-01, 01:24 AM
The Haversack line made me bust up! Somehow it makes it funnier that it doesn't quite make sense.

Now I'm mystified though. Considering that Azure is an "Eastern-Themed" city, you might think that New Year's is in Feb/March/early Spring. But Celia references "winter break". So, when is New Year in the yearly cycle? And why do college graduates like Celia and Roy refer to a "winter break", which sounds suspiciously academic to me ?

Theories anyone?

2006-06-01, 01:28 AM
I'm pretty sure that Celia hasn't graduated yet. I'm pretty sure the term paraelemental was used.

gah research ya bums. making me go back through old comics...

edit: ok found it and it was friggin' paraelemental


2006-06-01, 01:29 AM
This is Azure City new year, not Chinese New Year ("what is this Japan you speak of" -Miko) so it could be anytime.

Celia is still in lawschool, so she is still in academia.

2006-06-01, 01:40 AM
Yay for 'barely-restrained fury'! Thanks, Giant, another good comic after a couple of weaker ones. The Haley/ Hayley figments doesn't wet my whistle, so I'm glad to see the party together again.


2006-06-01, 01:40 AM
"It is NOT a Booty Talisman." Hee!

"I'm just seething with a barely-restrained fury, that's all." Double hee!

Oh, and Roy asking Elan twice to make sure he didn't have to use the bathroom--classic OOTS!

I've actually enjoyed all the relationship stuff with Roy-Celia and Haley-Elan, but it was good to see Rich bring the funny back in full force once more!

2006-06-01, 01:44 AM
Gahh.... I thought that the comic#319 made it certain that Haley has regained her speech. I had been really looking forward to see that happening - the cryptograms have really got so old and annoying, and for me are now just a massive turn-off. So to see the 'Xqp' crap in #320 was a big disappointment again. Bleah. I miss Haley's jokes and wise-cracking. In normal speech. :(

2006-06-01, 01:45 AM
hahaha the road to perdition!!

2006-06-01, 01:54 AM
I hope they don't check Belkar's pack too closely. It'd likely set off every alarm in the place, if my imagination is even close to what I suspect that demented halfling carries.

Great comic, Giant! Yay for the Road to Adventure!

And that 'fried' expression on Belkar was just hilarious. I'm looking forward to whatever revenge he cooks up once they're all out of the city!

2006-06-01, 02:04 AM

And that line reminds me of the last time I went to the airport... :P

2006-06-01, 02:12 AM
Pretty good. I liked the Roy/Celia thing in this one, first time since before the date. I also liked the queue part. 7 of ten.

2006-06-01, 02:13 AM
The sign about the road to perdition immediately made me think:

I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flame before I give him up!


But I'm wierd that way. I must obtain a booty talisman for my own. Although probably there is a prerequisite of having some booty to summon. Anyone know any spare booty?

2006-06-01, 02:33 AM
Oh, and the obligatory translation: Haley said "yes".

Being completely pedantic you can't be 100% sure that Haley said yes.

She could have been saying "yep", "aye", "yes", "oui" or any other 3 letter affirmative word.

Additionally, she could be saying something negative like "nup" or any other 3 letter word for that matter - we'll never know (unless/until the Giant places a code key for every comic when the book is printed).

Very tired of the cryptograms anyway, I hoped they we're well dead as they are rather superfluous.

2006-06-01, 02:33 AM
Heheh. Apparently, Celia's picked up on Roy's sense of humor already. At least she was spared his lame pickup lines.

Also, glad to see Roy's not keeping the relationship entirely under his non-existant hat. I was afraid that bit of immaturity would make its way into the comic.

Also, solid humor from panel 1 on, and good to see a new plot underway, yet still anticlimaxed before it starts.

Also, I say also a lot.

2006-06-01, 02:44 AM
Now I'm mystified though. Considering that Azure is an "Eastern-Themed" city, you might think that New Year's is in Feb/March/early Spring. But Celia references "winter break". So, when is New Year in the yearly cycle? And why do college graduates like Celia and Roy refer to a "winter break", which sounds suspiciously academic to me ?

Theories anyone?

If it's in the southern hemisphere, the year is reversed, so winter is 3-4 months after the feb/march new year.

2006-06-01, 02:46 AM
Wow! Haley's speech is cured! Solid word balloo-oh wait, nm.

2006-06-01, 02:49 AM
I know what that's like..torture.

2006-06-01, 02:52 AM
I would say "Why would guards check people who are LEAVING the city?" but I suppose this is what happens at US airports and the author is taking the mickey. Are they really that bad?

2006-06-01, 02:53 AM
If it's in the southern hemisphere, the year is reversed, so winter is 3-4 months after the feb/march new year.

I doubt very much that this continent is in the southern hemisphere. In keeping with most Westerners nordocentric view of the Earth, the comic clearly references a "Frozen North" (sigh). (Where I grew up the South is the direction of everything cold and bitter).

On another point, did anybody else see a parallel with the Roy/Celia talisman thing with Arwen giving Aragorn a jewel in LOTR?


I reckon that Roy will bump into Eowyn, who gets the hots for him and asks "Who is the woman that gave you that jewel?"


2006-06-01, 03:12 AM
As a frequent traveller and gamer, mega-giggles at, "Did anyone other than you pack your Handy Haversack?"

(Has your Handy Haversack been left unattended at any time since you packed it?)

2006-06-01, 03:15 AM
Beautiful strip!

Crazy Spoiler Alert:

...You know, I just got this horribly creepy feeling that, of all people, Miko's going to be the one who snaps the talisman. Accidentally, not on purpose. Probably when [if] she goes all Blackguard on everyone.

Possibility Number 2:
A blow that kills or nearly kills Roy snaps the talisman just in time for Celia to see Roy get stabbed by someone. Less likely than above, but hey.


2006-06-01, 03:35 AM
Nice comic again :D Giant, I guess you had some troubles with the customs lately.

2006-06-01, 03:44 AM
Re: Haley's "Xqp" line: She was speaking common in the last strip. For whatever reason, she's faking. She can talk.


2006-06-01, 03:48 AM
hehehe... "road to adventure!"

2006-06-01, 03:50 AM
Booty Talisman !! :D ;D

Great comic, Rich, great comic!

2006-06-01, 04:05 AM
Re: Haley's "Xqp" line: She was speaking common in the last strip. For whatever reason, she's faking. She can talk.


Please tell me that you are joking... **sigh**

Besides, funny transition strip. Belkar seems to be a little, you know, burnt. Hehe.
Hey, where's the punchline that Haley promised?? ;D

2006-06-01, 04:09 AM
Nice "Make sure you pee before you go" symmetry between Roy and Xykon before they and their respective associates set out.

2006-06-01, 04:11 AM
! Road to Perdition!
It's the Bob and Bing reference--"Road to Morocco"--that got a laugh out of me. Yes, I'm old.

I guess even in the pseudomedieval world of OotS, terrorism is a concern...maybe even more so, since you don't need a bomb--just throw around a few explosive runes.

Belkar's blacker than Roy! ;D We don't see him in line in the final panel, so we don't know if he managed to clean his face off before they got in line to board the...wait, what sort of contrivance are they taking? They don't have planes there, I imagine. Haycart? Mythical flying beast? Dimensional warp portal?

2006-06-01, 04:33 AM
Re: Haley's "Xqp" line: She was speaking common in the last strip. For whatever reason, she's faking. She can talk.

Check again. She was speaking Common in translucent speech bubbles, talking to the various aspects of her own mind. Therefore she wasn't actually speaking out loud at all, she was just communicating with various parts of herself, and since she's still capable of coherent thought, Rich has kindly rendered those thoughts in English for us to read.

Nothing at all in the last few strips hinted that Haley would be cured, just that she's given up on a cure by telling Elan how she feels about him.

2006-06-01, 04:36 AM
Nothing at all in the last few strips hinted that Haley would be cured, just that she's given up on a cure by telling Elan how she feels about him.
She hasn't even necessarily given up on that, just on doing it right now.

2006-06-01, 04:57 AM

I love you Giant ;D

2006-06-01, 05:00 AM
Gate 1: Road to Nowhere

Gate 2: Road to Anywhere

Gate 3: Road to Somewhere

So, tell me again, Who's on first?

2006-06-01, 05:05 AM
Loved the "tradition dictates that the guy who saves the world gets the girl" line :)

2006-06-01, 05:23 AM
"Did anyone other than you pack your Handy Haversack"

Ok, that's pure comedy gold. I laughed, I thought back to my D&D character with the ultimate adventuring Handy Haversack:
Quivers of 20 Normal Arrows
Acid (flask)
Antitoxin (vial)
Ink (vial)
Flask (empty)
Flint and Steel
Lantern, Bullseye
Mirror, small steel
Oil flask
Rope, silk

None of that stuff EVER got used (was more of a combat focused campaign), but felt so much more confident adventuring with a solid foundation.

2006-06-01, 05:24 AM
Lol.. i loved the boty talisman XD

2006-06-01, 05:26 AM
Yeah, and I can almost hear the tone in which that line (edit: the 'transition dictates' line) was delivered. You know, Celia reminds me a bit of those seagulls in Finding Nemo, especially in panel 4. 'Mine! Mine!' *g*

Good solution for getting Celia out of the strip, by the way. Not that I don't like her, but an adventurer she is not. Good transition overall.

And now for something completely different... in the next strip.

2006-06-01, 06:10 AM
Man... I must be missing out on something here... the booty talisman must be a D&D reference, especially since Celia calls it in the air, I don't know!

the "Traditions dictate"- should have been somewhat before the "Save the world before earlier"... anyhow and whatnot...

And what is it that I don't get about the standing in line in airport, to get on the road... first I thought it was cheap, but I am more convinced that its a reference I just don't get...

Oh Well... looking forward to monday(tuesday in my time zone)


P.S. The Giant is SO good at picking names... I mean every guy would love to have a girl friend called Celia... it just screams cool, different and cute...

Roy is a good solid, easy to remember name for a fighter

And don't get me started on Elan... haha

2006-06-01, 06:18 AM
Ahh crumbs... You posted it right after I went to bed again... :(

But great comic! I love the 'Please get hand stamped for re-entry" thing! :D

2006-06-01, 06:33 AM
The laugh this generated was just what I needed after my extended shift at work today. :D Yay for another fabulous comic!

2006-06-01, 06:43 AM
Ah, back to comedy again. Much as I've been enjoying the character development, this is the OotS I love...

Really love Roy's comment on Belkar... sure there's a really funny story there. True enough, though I imagine he'd rather V wasn't continuously setting off explosions around him.

On the topic of explosions, this strip is about an hour after the last explosive-runes incident... seems to me that unless he simply hasn't cleaned up from that one, Belkar's singed face indicates yet another recent explosion.

2006-06-01, 06:48 AM
Oh, and since V's explosions don't seem to do more than just char Belkar, I'm guessing the wizard's library included some useless cantrip that resembles Explosive Runes, but with no real damage.

The kind of thing that achieves the desired mental effect, and can be cast many, many times per day.

2006-06-01, 07:06 AM
Woot! Page 6! :D

The only part that made me laugh was when Durkon said, "Prob'ly wise." That doesn't mean, however that I didn't like other parts of the strip. I actually didn't like the "booty talisman" line as it just seemed too sexist. I mean, she obviously wanted it as much as he did.

Yes, in retrospect, giving him the star did seem a little reminiscent of the Lord of the Rings, although whether it was a conscious nod or unconscious only Rich knows. Of course people have given going-away presents of jewelry for ages, so it needed really be any sort of reference, conscious or unconscious, to LOTR.

I thought the good-bye between Roy and Celia was nice and sweet. I will miss that aspect of the strip now that it's going to get back to hack and slash. :D

Although I don't like the cryptograms, Rich used them well in this strip, as we didn't need any translation to understand them.

The scenes with Belkar did nothing for me. Loser.

I did get a kick out of Roy asking everyone, and Elan twice, if they'd gone already.

I enjoyed the final scene as it reminded me of when I got searched along with my luggage and the security guard asked if anyone else had packed my Hewards Handy Haversack, er, my luggage I mean. I also enjoyed the reference to the Hope-Crosby(-Lamur) movie Road to Morocco. Way to go Rich!

Did anyone else notice that Celia has a navel? I suspect that elementals don't have navels. I suppose an outsider might, but a fey definitely would. Go fey! :D

2006-06-01, 07:22 AM
Oh, and since V's explosions don't seem to do more than just char Belkar, I'm guessing the wizard's library included some useless cantrip that resembles Explosive Runes, but with no real damage.

The kind of thing that achieves the desired mental effect, and can be cast many, many times per day.

yeah, I thought something like that too. Lets say V uses normal ERs... how much hits does a halfling of that level have approximately? Could he also swallow the damage of normal ERs?
(I don't play D&D, please don't bash me for asking this)

2006-06-01, 07:29 AM
hee hee, booty talisman

2006-06-01, 07:34 AM
hee hee, booty talisman

You are so easily amused, Kanashimi! Better get back to working on that 4th Step. ;)

Edit: Woot! Last post sixth page! ;)

2006-06-01, 07:36 AM
Hey! Where are the Booty Talismans sold? I need one! Badly! :D

Can I summon any booty I want? Say, for example, a 20-yo green eyed blonde around 165cm..? ;D

And I can't really resist this, I have to, sorry.. Woot! Page SEVEN!!

2006-06-01, 07:39 AM
Hey! Where are the Booty Talismans sold? I need one! Badly! :D

Can I summon any booty I want? Say, for example, a 20-yo green eyed blonde around 165cm..? ;D

And I can't really resist this, I have to, sorry.. Woot! Page SEVEN!!

No silly! You can summon the booty only of the creature who gave you the talisman. ;)

P.S. Double-woot for you for not only 7th page but first post 7th page!" :D

P.P.S. You can find those talismans are Booty B We. ;)

Edit: Woot! Best 7th page 2nd post evah! ;D

2006-06-01, 07:42 AM
Hm, this strip does make me wonder why Celia hid behind the curtain in the last strip. Now they're suddenly kissing each other right in front of Haley, Belkar and anyone else that seemed to be nearby. ???
The "check-out" was funny, Haley's speech wasn't (Not like it mattered in that strip, just a pain that it's still dragging on - didn't someone post a quote by Rich at some point where he said the speech issue was going to be resolved in the next strips? God, that must be about due now.) Unresolved Elan love subplot wasn't funny either, seems like all that tension was built up for nothing, meh. Roy-Celia romance was well done, gives Rich the chance to keep focusing on the OOTS without ditching that relationship completely.

2006-06-01, 08:38 AM
Doesn't anyone remember Plan B for curing Haley?

The clerics of Azure City are crafting a new spell just for her. The "confession of love to Elan" bit was presented as shortcut (as the spell creation was said to take weeks).

2006-06-01, 08:43 AM
Are booty talismans tapped to activate them rather than broken?

sorry, couldn't resist


2006-06-01, 08:50 AM
Doesn't anyone remember Plan B for curing Haley?

The clerics of Azure City are crafting a new spell just for her. The "confession of love to Elan" bit was presented as shortcut (as the spell creation was said to take weeks).
I do actually remember that, but I dismissed it as irrelevant. I think Haley will recover on her own.

Are booty talismans tapped to activate them rather than broken?

sorry, couldn't resist

Tsk, tsk! Avoiding that 4th Step still, I see. ;)
P.S. when are you doing the bra coffee experiment? Inquiring minds want to know. :D

2006-06-01, 09:01 AM
yeah, I thought something like that too. Lets say V uses normal ERs... how much hits does a halfling of that level have approximately? Could he also swallow the damage of normal ERs?
(I don't play D&D, please don't bash me for asking this)

If I remember correctly, ER is 6d6 damage. Belkar would have approx 11d8 + 1d12 hitdice + Con bonus. So, if his Hits were well rolled, he can easily stand the ER's. And as long as Durkon is healing him in between blasts, there should be no worry.

(Heals would not (IMO) remove the scorch marks, just the actual damage)

2006-06-01, 09:35 AM
In a Lawful society, it would make sense for them to keep track of visitors as they come and go, so they who is in the city and who has left. And Lawfuls like keeping records just for the heck of it.

US airports aren't quite that bad. You don't have to do anything special to leave the country, apart for the normal security hassle you go through with any flight.

Coming back can a chore. Coming in through Canada is pretty streamlined, but most anywhere else is going to mean a lot of lines and extra searches.

I would say "Why would guards check people who are LEAVING the city?" but I suppose this is what happens at US airports and the author is taking the mickey. Are they really that bad?

2006-06-01, 09:46 AM
Loved the comic, and not just because i'm such a fan of Roy/Celia.

And just to say it, I really don't mind the cryptograms.
Never cure them just to piss people off ;)

2006-06-01, 09:50 AM
Hm, this strip does make me wonder why Celia hid behind the curtain in the last strip. Now they're suddenly kissing each other right in front of Haley, Belkar and anyone else that seemed to be nearby. ???
When hiding behind the curtain there would have been no denying that the two had spent the whole night together. In this strip there is plausible deniability: she could have been stopping over to say goodbye.

Kanashimi writes:
Are booty talismans tapped to activate them rather than broken?

Rubbed vigorously, I'd suppose. :-*

2006-06-01, 09:55 AM
So, I've noticed very few comments regarding Belkar. I guess nobody's surprised, and nobody's sorry for him. I know I'm not. Got to love the look on his face. It must be torture knowing he can't harm a living being within a town. I hope V has his/her back covered when they leave town.

"Rubbed vigorously, I'd suppose". . .


Don't they have those things for internet daters?

Shea Landford
2006-06-01, 10:12 AM
Yay Page 7, that is awesome!

Excellent comic Rich, very good.That is all I can say.

2006-06-01, 10:48 AM
I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned the obvious...

It's not a booty talisman because it's not for making booty calls!

2006-06-01, 11:03 AM
Hm, this strip does make me wonder why Celia hid behind the curtain in the last strip. Now they're suddenly kissing each other right in front of Haley, Belkar and anyone else that seemed to be nearby.

Well, Celia and Roy weren't shy about kissing rather passionately in full view of everyone at New Year's (provided they were looking up / the light pollution coefficient of Azure City was sufficient, etc).

2006-06-01, 11:12 AM
Kanashimi, sorry for Belkar? I am still laughing hard about what V did to him. Delicious ;D

Well it was an enjoyable break, but now it's back to adventuring 8)

2006-06-01, 11:13 AM
Well, Celia and Roy weren't shy about kissing rather passionately in full view of everyone at New Year's (provided they were looking up / the light pollution coefficient of Azure City was sufficient, etc).

People are generally more comfortable with kissing in view of others than in having others realize they've just had sex.

Edit: Woot! Eight...nah, never mind. ;)

2006-06-01, 11:18 AM
Roy is doomed -- they are already finishing each others' sentences....

Below arent really spoilers and I am probably being paranoid but will grey it out anyway...

Of course if Roy summons C from her final exam(It is *ALWAYS* at the worst possible time -- one reason why it is a bad idea to give out such an amulet) for anything less than a total disaster the elemental plane he might be in for would be fire....

I like the exit line from the lawful society -- what is silly is as hard nosed as they take their lawfulness they probably wouldnt let someone back in either without a check -- even if a dragon were eating the parapets.

2006-06-01, 11:18 AM
Sure, nobody minds being poked fun at for a little smoochy PDA, but I don't think anyone wants to be caught immediately post-coitus.

That was a pretty cute goodby kiss, though.

It also was likely for everyone else's comfort. I mean, have you ever walked into a friend's dorm room to see their S.O. wrapped in a towel and looking flushed? It's just as uncomfortable for the S.O. as it is for the friend.

2006-06-01, 11:26 AM
I can't beleive no one has brought this up yet, There are only 4 "yes" replies to Roys answers. There be 5 others besides Roy......

edit: I'm wrong! :-[

2006-06-01, 11:30 AM
I can't beleive no one has brought this up yet, There are only 4 "yes" replies to Roys answers. There be 5 others besides Roy......

You will find there are 5 actually, one spelled 'yes', one spelled 'aye' and one spelled in Haley-speak.

2006-06-01, 11:30 AM
I can't beleive no one has brought this up yet, There are only 4 "yes" replies to Roys answers. There be 5 others besides Roy......
Well hopefully Belkar is just keeping his mouth shut for a blessed change. :D

2006-06-01, 11:32 AM
*grumbles at self for being a speed reading moron* :-X

2006-06-01, 11:36 AM
People are generally more comfortable with kissing in view of others than in having others realize they've just had sex.

Yes. I agree with this too. Yes.

2006-06-01, 11:46 AM
Hm, this strip does make me wonder why Celia hid behind the curtain in the last strip. Now they're suddenly kissing each other right in front of Haley, Belkar and anyone else that seemed to be nearby. ???

Well, because kissing is a bit different than doing the horizontal tango.

Anyway, loved the comic. Classic OOTS humor in my opinion. The booty talisman line cracked me up. Belkar is pisssssssed. Can anyone say homicidal maniac? V better keep Evan's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion on the ready. :]

2006-06-01, 11:53 AM
Even in OLD EUROPE, this is a standard question on air ports.

Anyway, the security check is a nice idea for my RPG-group. They carry enough weapons, poisons and explosive runes to ship them to long vacation on a hot, souther Island imediately!

2006-06-01, 12:11 PM
wow, I can't imagine what our party would do if there was ever a security checkpoint they had to pass through. We also have a lot of odd things in our haversacks.!

2006-06-01, 12:20 PM
Well, because kissing is a bit different than doing the horizontal tango.

Anyway, loved the comic. Classic OOTS humor in my opinion. The booty talisman line cracked me up. Belkar is pisssssssed. Can anyone say homicidal maniac? V better keep Evan's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion on the ready. :]

Ah, if only it were so! :D

2006-06-01, 12:30 PM
Well, Celia and Roy weren't shy about kissing rather passionately in full view of everyone at New Year's (provided they were looking up / the light pollution coefficient of Azure City was sufficient, etc).

Good point. It's still silly in my opinion and doesn't make a whole lot of sense since they weren't caught in the act and Roy must have known the group would gather at a specific time, but I'm not going to start another moral debate about whether or not they should have had intercourse and whether or not it's normal to hide one's lover behind the curtain.
I had forgotten that they had kissed at New Year's Eve, but then I figure they were high up in the air and thought everyone else was busy, too. I'll just accept this as a part of the comic that doesn't make a lot of sense to me ;).

2006-06-01, 12:44 PM
US airports aren't quite that bad. You don't have to do anything special to leave the country, apart for the normal security hassle you go through with any flight.

Coming back can a chore. Coming in through Canada is pretty streamlined, but most anywhere else is going to mean a lot of lines and extra searches.

For me it brings back memories of waiting in the basement of the NYC Indian consulate for a visa... hours and hours in a dank, filthy basement with bad ventilation and 10 chairs for 50+ people. Like purgatory, seriously!

Ego Slayer
2006-06-01, 12:49 PM
Last pannel - I think its so cute that Elan is always smiling even when everyone else isn't :P

2006-06-01, 12:53 PM
Last pannel - I think its so cute that Elan is always smiling even when everyone else isn't :P

Yes, I noticed that too, but there was so much else on which to comment in that final panel that I forgot. :)

2006-06-01, 12:59 PM
I imagine there'd be less security on the road to misadventure...
Heh, fun comic.

2006-06-01, 01:00 PM
The end reminds me of an airport/exit to a disney theme park.

Great comic Rick.

2006-06-01, 01:06 PM
Celia is teh hawtness. I'm jealous of Roy in a big way!

Loved the "Road to Morrocco" sign, 8)

2006-06-01, 01:08 PM
Wow, 9 pages in 20 minutes. Gotta be a record!

2006-06-01, 01:12 PM
Wow, 9 pages in 20 minutes. Gotta be a record!

Umm, I think you mean 12 hours 20 mins

Great comic... love that Elan is smiling even in line.

2006-06-01, 01:13 PM
Wow, 9 pages in 20 minutes. Gotta be a record!

ummmm, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's more like 12 hours and 20 minutes. Rich posted it at 12:49 AM.

2006-06-01, 01:13 PM
The look on Belkar's face is priceless.

Last pannel - I think its so cute that Elan is always smiling even when everyone else isn't :P
I noticed that, too, 'twas cute :) The heart and soul of the group, like Durkon once said.

I still think that Roy & Celia are the cutest stick-figure couple there ever has been. I think I could even prefer them to Haley and Elan. "It is NOT a booty talisman."

edit, typos~

2006-06-01, 01:27 PM
Wow, 9 pages in 20 minutes. Gotta be a record!

Ok, maybe you're just having an off day today. :)

2006-06-01, 02:06 PM
I still think that Roy & Celia are the cutest stick-figure couple there ever has been. I think I could even prefer them to Haly and Elan. "It is NOT a booty talisman."
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*

2006-06-01, 02:30 PM
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*
I completely agree. :)

2006-06-01, 02:33 PM
I was half expecting to see Frudu and the Ming at the gate.

2006-06-01, 02:56 PM
Awesome one lol ;D

2006-06-01, 02:57 PM
wow, I can't imagine what our party would do if there was ever a security checkpoint they had to pass through. We also have a lot of odd things in our haversacks.!
LOL -- that reminds me of one of the Knights of the Dinner Table Hacknoia strips, where the guys rather stupidly attempt to smuggle a small arsenal through airport security. As usual for them, the situation quickly degenerates into a free-for-all.

2006-06-01, 03:04 PM
Aye, I loved this particular comic. It seemed to be a closure to the "not so much R&R" to Roy needing to make many more checks on his Knowledge(Limits of his own sanity). As I had seen in an ealier post, practically anything could happen now, and I second that motion.

Belkar: God...how I wish I could feel sorry for Belkar, if it wasnt just too damn hilarious to laugh at.

2006-06-01, 03:14 PM
Is it just me, or does Celia's talisman look a lot like Kairi's lucky charm in the Kingdom Hearts games?

2006-06-01, 03:29 PM
And of course, Vaarsuvius will be prepared for Belkar's vengeance and will probably have a few more surprises planned, most likely involving blowing Belkar up some more.

2006-06-01, 03:48 PM
Is it just me, or does Celia's talisman look a lot like Kairi's lucky charm in the Kingdom Hearts games?

Wow, you're totally right! On the same hand, both ar silver/blue stars, and the silver/blue theme works with Celia

2006-06-01, 04:26 PM
have you at anytime left your Haversack unsupervised?...has anyone approached you to carry a bag of holding for them?....are you carrying more than 10,000 gold pieces on your person?....any fruits and vegetables?...low inteleigence PC's not included.

2006-06-01, 04:42 PM
....Booty Talisman? I don't get it... ???

2006-06-01, 05:00 PM
wow, I can't imagine what our party would do if there was ever a security checkpoint they had to pass through. We also have a lot of odd things in our haversacks.!
Haha, my party has a tendancy to travel with alot of odd things too, not limiting to the following:

A) Random parts of creatures we have encountered that our "Necromancer" did not have anything of.

B) About 35 lbs. of equipment to make Miko go blind with Detect Evil (Our Necromancer carries this, BTW)

C) Anouther 20 lbs. of explosives on our psycotic Dwarf, not even going into that one.

just to name a few...^_~

2006-06-01, 05:01 PM
the booty talisman was cute.

celia very cute.

lines for exit, and searches lol.

my group has always carried bedrolls. and we use them too.
we started using them against acid traps and other things.

I once used a leather backpack as a flotation device.
in a flooding area.

scorched belkar ha ha. pity haleys voice isnt back yet.

2006-06-01, 05:03 PM
....Booty Talisman? I don't get it... ???

I second this question.

Please help out a non native English speaker. What is a booty talisman?

2006-06-01, 05:04 PM

Check "Vulgar Slang."

2006-06-01, 05:07 PM
Yes! a- maz- ing!

2006-06-01, 05:19 PM
and then he kills my fantasy on the very next strip.( see 319 post). Oh well, love the charred Belkar, wonder if he would taste like chicken? Save the world and get Celia--count me in!!

2006-06-01, 05:21 PM
hurry-up and wait

2006-06-01, 05:46 PM
Great strip. I loved the extention of the exploding runes gag. Those will never stop being funny for me.

2006-06-01, 06:23 PM
I quite enjoyed that comic, especially the crude sexual humour and burned Belkar.

I am saddned by Haley still speaking in cryptograms. As they are here to stay I think a hidden translation at the bottom of the strip would be a good thing. Obviously this would be unnecessary for comics like today's where it is obvious what she is saying.
A hidden translation would enable those like myself who don't enjoy the cryptograms to avoid the tediousness of translation or waiting for another to translate and would also allow those who enjoy translating to puzzle it out for themselves.

2006-06-01, 06:46 PM
Hell hath no fury like a small creature scorned ;)

2006-06-01, 07:04 PM
Sorry, this comic didn't satisfy me that much, for two reasons:

1) Where is Haley's punchline that was promised in #319?
2) When Haley "clicked away" her visions it was more or less apparent that she would be speaking normal again, but still only gives out gibberish. This has been going on for much too long now. Maybe it would have been better to make it clearer when she's using an inner monologue, since you could get the impression of normal speech at the end of 319.

Overall still a great job, but this is a weak comic interspersed in great ones.

2006-06-01, 07:30 PM
Hell hath no fury like a small creature scorned ;)

So I wonder (possible spoiler) if we'll be seeing an ongoing game of payback one-upmanship between Belkar and Vaarsuvius.

2006-06-01, 07:40 PM
1) Where is Haley's punchline that was promised in #319?

The punchline is the last panel. It wasn't specifically promised that it would be a "Haley" punchline, though I can see how you might think that.

2) When Haley "clicked away" her visions it was more or less apparent that she would be speaking normal again, but still only gives out gibberish. This has been going on for much too long now. Maybe it would have been better to make it clearer when she's using an inner monologue, since you could get the impression of normal speech at the end of 319.

I wouldn't say it was "apparent" that she would be speaking normal again, though perhaps "likely". It is a disappointment that she's not, but it was rather clear with the transparent speech bubbles (as well as the Giant's post in the discussion thread) meant thoughts, not words. Many people had the same confusion, thinking it was opaque in the last panel of 319, but it was rather obvious to me that it was transparent, and the Giant himself ruled on the subject.

I too wish she would get cured soon, if only to have her wise-cracking to the group again. :) I can only hope that the cleric comes running after them in 321 with a Cure Aphasia scroll. (I'd also like to get a copy of that for personal reasons relating to a family member, but that is neither here nor there...)

2006-06-01, 07:54 PM
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*
OK, in the interest of preventing a long drawn out pointless arguement over this ::) I propose a compromise: roy&celia&elan&haley make the cutest foursome. :o

2006-06-01, 08:35 PM
OK, in the interest of preventing a long drawn out pointless arguement over this ::) I propose a compromise: roy&celia&elan&haley make the cutest foursome. :o

With as much of an uproar as was caused by Haley admitting she'd kissed a girl more than once, I don't think the Giant is going to touch a foursome :o

Veg Sorbet
2006-06-01, 09:06 PM
I liked this one. I have only one problem, and that's the fact that, unless internet connection at home has dramatically improved since I was home at Easter (I'm a uni student) It'll be the last one I get to read until October!

One question - why do people keep calling Rich 'Rick'?

2006-06-01, 09:08 PM
i concur! there are some kids who read this and i dont think that the giant should be the one to discuss the elves and the wood sprites

( birds and the bees)-I know its a crappy joke but its late and im tired..and i have school tomorrow

2006-06-01, 09:42 PM
Woo!! Booty talismans are great! My boyfriend wants one for his birthday now...

2006-06-01, 09:46 PM
With as much of an uproar as was caused by Haley admitting she'd kissed a girl more than once, I don't think the Giant is going to touch a foursome :o
I'll have to dig that one up and read it to see why people had a problem with it (I first visited the forum with 316). {selfscrubbing bubbles} just in case. I'll not mention it again, then.

2006-06-01, 10:03 PM
I don't remember exactly why people had a problem with it, but it was serious enough that a lot of the conversation got "scrubbing bubbles" applied to it. It must have been pretty bad. If I remember correctly, the starter for the following comic began with Rich saying something to the effect of "let's try not to get this one locked"

Pretty bad.

Here's hoping that never happens again!

Oh, and the comic was great. I bet Belkar gets an ulcer from having to suppress his rage at not being able to retaliate to the great numbers of Exploding Runes happening in his general direction.

I wonder if V memorized any other spells!

2006-06-01, 10:11 PM
Let's hear it for Belkar's ulcers!

2006-06-01, 10:18 PM
I liked this one. I have only one problem, and that's the fact that, unless internet connection at home has dramatically improved since I was home at Easter (I'm a uni student) It'll be the last one I get to read until October!

well I feel your pain, in a small way.

Im moving ( within the same city ) tomorrow or the next day, and after that no more OOTS for me, til I can afford internet. ( Im using a wireless connection thingy during my time here .) which may be a week. a month or a couple. I dont know.

2006-06-01, 11:11 PM
Just go to an internet cafe every Monday and Wednesday.

EDIT: Sorry, stupid moment there thinking that everyone has a laptop...

2006-06-01, 11:46 PM
Just go to an internet cafe every Monday and Wednesday.

EDIT: Sorry, stupid moment there thinking that everyone has a laptop...
Public library, perhaps? Everywhere I've travelled to over the past decade, the libraries have had internet access.

2006-06-01, 11:48 PM
Roy is so lucky

2006-06-02, 12:04 AM
I agree Roy is so lucky -- I mean I am 37 and have yet to find the right person.... Wings would be a bonus.

2006-06-02, 01:43 AM
......am I the only one here who empathizes with Belkar?

Poor SOB just tried to follow Durkon's customs, and wakes up with the wizard P.O.'d at him and blowing him up left and right, AND HE CAN'T DO DIDDLY ABOUT IT!

2006-06-02, 02:24 AM
Probably -- I am on V's side in this one -- Victory over Belkar...

2006-06-02, 02:24 AM
......am I the only one here who empathizes with Belkar?

Poor SOB just tried to follow Durkon's customs, and wakes up with the wizard P.O.'d at him and blowing him up left and right, AND HE CAN'T DO DIDDLY ABOUT IT!
I think I could never empathize nor sympathize with Belkar :D

And he could do something about it! He could stop reading everything he sees, especially texts that start with an E (and end with 'xplosing runes'), for example. :p (Why, why does he keep reading them? :D)

The Doctor
2006-06-02, 02:49 AM
I propose a compromise: roy&celia&elan&haley make the cutest foursome. :o

With Roy's opinion of Elan, I don't see any Roy & Elan action at all in the foreseeable future... though it might be slightly more likely than Haley & Elan, with the speed that girls is resolving her issues...
I slash Belkar/Elan!

2006-06-02, 03:44 AM
That's appropriate. I mean, Belkar has been known to attempt to slash Elan.

2006-06-02, 03:46 AM

Long time reader, first time poster here.

What I think is that the OoTS hasn't left Azure city just yet.....
Remember xyklon's army marching towards the city? I wanna bet that they are about to arrive just as Roy and Co walk through the gate to adventure!!!

2006-06-02, 05:32 AM
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*
Except that Elan and Haley aren't a couple, at least not yet. :)

2006-06-02, 07:11 AM
no, they're not an official couple, but you know those couples that are pretty obviously going to end up together. That's why I think its okay that people consider them a couple

2006-06-02, 09:02 AM
Public library, perhaps? Everywhere I've travelled to over the past decade, the libraries have had internet access.

They have internet access, yes! But all public libraries I know prohibit the use of the Internet for personal issues. You're allowed to browse OPAC's and to maintain your library account only.

2006-06-02, 09:36 AM
They have internet access, yes! But all public libraries I know prohibit the use of the Internet for personal issues. You're allowed to browse OPAC's and to maintain your library account only.
Really? Where are you from? I've used them at libraries from one end of NY State to the other, and they've all allowed internet access for personal use.

2006-06-02, 09:38 AM
:chuckle: Booty talisman

They have internet access, yes! But all public libraries I know prohibit the use of the Internet for personal issues. You're allowed to browse OPAC's and to maintain your library account only.
Really, you can't schedule a block of time to just browse the web?

That's highly unusual.

The Doctor
2006-06-02, 09:46 AM
That's appropriate. I mean, Belkar has been known to attempt to slash Elan.

I'm sure that deep, deeeep down, Belkar loves Elan.
Probably in the same way that a frog loves flies. But love nevertheless.
Or, as Belkar would say: Daddy needs his xp!

2006-06-02, 10:02 AM
Really? Where are you from? I've used them at libraries from one end of NY State to the other, and they've all allowed internet access for personal use.

I'm from Germany.

:chuckle: Booty talisman

Really, you can't schedule a block of time to just browse the web?

That's highly unusual.

It doesn't matter if you scedule a book to get internet access. One library I know has a limitation in their browsers, which does not allow to open other pages than OPAC's.
And another library has constantly librerians going around. So, if they notice that you are watching OotS, which definitely doesn't look like an OPAC, you can get into trouble. (Additionally, this library has an librarian, who is a real meany. Compared to her, a Black Dragon would be an easy encounter!)

2006-06-02, 10:13 AM
I don't think we know yet if Belkar actually is aware of why he is being bombarded with exploding runes. I can't wait to see his reaction when it is all explained to him!!!

2006-06-02, 10:14 AM
I'm from Germany.

It doesn't matter if you scedule a book to get internet access. One library I know has a limitation in their browsers, which does not allow to open other pages than OPAC's.
And another library has constantly librerians going around. So, if they notice that you are watching OotS, which definitely doesn't look like an OPAC, you can get into trouble. (Additionally, this library has an librarian, who is a real meany. Compared to her, a Black Dragon would be an easy encounter!)Wow. While I do have Internet access at home and at work I'm glad I don't live in Germany.

If for some reason I had no other Internet access I could always go to a public library. I haven't seen a library in 7-8 years that didn't allow internet access.

In fact, there is big controversy in the US whether public libraries should restrict patrons from accessing certain adult content or not. The general consensus is "not".

Do Internet cafés in Germany have computers you can pay to use (rather than taking your own)?

2006-06-02, 10:54 AM
He, I guess I have to come to the defend of german libraries, not all are like that. Most I know you can surf the Internet all you like, you just have to pay a small fee.
And I think it's just stupid not to let people surf the Internet. And I say that as a librarian!

@TinSoldier: Yes, german internet cafes have their own computers, at least the one I know.

But back to the comic:

I liked that one, especially Belkars face. *g*

2006-06-02, 11:01 AM
He, I guess I have to come to the defend of german libraries, not all are like that. Most I know you can surf the Internet all you like, you just have to pay a small fee.
And I think it's just stupid not to let people surf the Internet. And I say that as a librarian!

@TinSoldier: Yes, german internet cafes have their own computers, at least the one I know.

But back to the comic:

I liked that one, especially Belkars face. *g*
I know there have been efforts in America to limit internet access at government run libraries, in particular to porn and in particular for children using the internet.

2006-06-02, 11:14 AM
well Ill have to try the library thing out.
settling in

ty for the suggestion.
even tho its much better to just get up and go ooh its
monday or wednesday new oots :D
and immediately go online.

2006-06-02, 02:05 PM
I don't think we know yet if Belkar actually is aware of why he is being bombarded with exploding runes. I can't wait to see his reaction when it is all explained to him!!!

Well if its going to embarrass Belkar horribly, then I'm all for it. Let's just hope that Belkar finds V so horribly dorky that any thought of him making a public pass at V makes him cringe. But, I don't think Belkar would be completely embarrassed just at the possibility that V is a guy. After all, it was Belkar who made passes at girl-Roy explaining that he is "secure enough in his Manhood" to make such jokes at Roy's expense. So, a single drunken kiss might not threaten his heterosexuality.

On the other hand, it's just possible that Belkar has no shame ;)

2006-06-02, 02:07 PM
Well if its going to embarrass Belkar horribly, then I'm all for it. Let's just hope that Belkar finds V so horribly dorky that any thought of him making a public pass at V makes him cringe. But, I don't think Belkar would be completely embarrassed just at the possibility that V is a guy. After all, it was Belkar who made passes at girl-Roy explaining that he is "secure enough in his Manhood" to make such jokes at Roy's expense. So, a single drunken kiss might not threaten his heterosexuality.

On the other hand, it's just possible that Belkar has no shame ;)
Yay! Down with Belkar!

I tend to agree that he wouldn't be ashamed of kissing V, even though V's definitely male. ;) Beklar does, however, have shame, as demonstrated in the strip where Haley steals his potion of healing and gives it to Elan, and then Belkar accuses her of stealing it. She shames him into silence, even though she not only stole it but is holding the empty potion bottle in her hand! :D

2006-06-02, 02:16 PM
At the same time, I'm not sure that Belkar would care. When Roygina was around, he said he was secure enough in his manhood to take it pretty far to embarass him. Whatever V's gender is, it wouldn't matter to him. Only if he actually found V repugnant.

Now that I think about it I actually like the idea of V NEVER telling Belkar what happened and just continually torturing him. Not a very nice thing to do, but fun for while he has the protection of the Mark of Justice

2006-06-02, 02:57 PM
At the same time, I'm not sure that Belkar would care. When Roygina was around, he said he was secure enough in his manhood to take it pretty far to embarass him. Whatever V's gender is, it wouldn't matter to him. Only if he actually found V repugnant.
The thing about this is that in the other case, Belkar knew exactly what he was doing, and was just acting that way to make Roy uncomfortable. In this one, Belkar didn't really know what he was doing, which raises the possibility that his drunken kiss of V reveals something about his own subconscious. I could definitely see Belkar being horrified by that, both insofar as he doesn't know V's gender, and that he consciously doesn't like him.

2006-06-02, 03:17 PM
Also, Celia in panel four? Looks kind of sinister, devious perhaps, but hotly so.

...while she's kissing Roy?

Er, panel three, rather.

I think it's the slant of her eyebrows and the exact way her mouth's open.

2006-06-02, 03:25 PM
I don't think we know yet if Belkar actually is aware of why he is being bombarded with exploding runes. I can't wait to see his reaction when it is all explained to him!!!

Maybe his barely repressed seething fury is because his kiss was deeply meaningful and genuinely heartfelt, but rather than saying "Look, I'm sure you'll find someone for you someday, you're a sweet kid, but we're coworkers and I'm married and it just wouldn't work out" V is choosing to deal with Belkar's affections by immature and passive-aggressive means! Next stop - Jerry Springer? Nah, Belkar needs to go on Oprah!

2006-06-02, 05:19 PM
I think that belkar was seething with repressed anger because thats really his general state, it is just being exasterbated by haveing stuff blow up in the face. I am posting for ze first time, FYI. ;)
OOTS #320 was officially awsome. If the Giant is reading this, I want to say...........YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! ::) ::) ;D ;D :o :o

2006-06-02, 05:20 PM
What can I say?!
I was very pleased with this strip for all of its small jokes, revealings and punchlines!
All I can do is giggle!


2006-06-02, 08:35 PM
Yet another case of customs ruining the excitement of a trip.

2006-06-02, 09:27 PM
Now that I think about it I actually like the idea of V NEVER telling Belkar what happened and just continually torturing him. Not a very nice thing to do, but fun for while he has the protection of the Mark of Justice
Once they get through that gate (3? 4? 5 hours from the last frame? ::) ) Belkar is free to 'express himself in his natural genre'. What makes V's revenge so funny is that B has no recollection of the night before and thus no idea why this is happening to him. I expect the next time we see the Order there will be a lot of dirty laundry being washed./spoiler

2006-06-02, 09:36 PM
Maybe his barely repressed seething fury is because his kiss was deeply meaningful and genuinely heartfelt, but rather than saying "Look, I'm sure you'll find someone for you someday, you're a sweet kid, but we're coworkers and I'm married and it just wouldn't work out" V is choosing to deal with Belkar's affections by immature and passive-aggressive means! Next stop - Jerry Springer? Nah, Belkar needs to go on Oprah!

Heartfelt? Genuinely? Meaningful? Now, that's one unorthodox interpretation. Do you think it's possible? Remember the "owls wisdom" incident? There is something in Belkar... but... but I think it's to deep down and, hell, he had 10 beer. No, I think the kiss was pranking at most, maybe even just to make V mad.
But V definitely displays some form of immature over-reaction... Belkar crossed some strange line there.

2006-06-02, 10:42 PM
Handy haversack! ;D

I see nothing seems to be ruining the Roy/Celia relationship, and that's good! Roy gets to have a durable (until now) happy moment! And they make a cute couple ;).

2006-06-03, 02:59 AM
Maybe his barely repressed seething fury is because his kiss was deeply meaningful and genuinely heartfelt

Are you saying that Belkar had an internal conversation akin to Haley's, but that we didn't get to hear it? Really he's been lusting (er....pining?) after V this whole time? Belkar must've figured a midnight kiss was the way to win V away from her/his mate?

I dunno...not sure I buy that one! :-D


2006-06-03, 04:26 AM
Recently, I'm reading the whole strip from the beginning and I figured out, that the Belkar and V constantly did nasty things to each other. Not only the "owls wisdom" incident. Who remembers the strips, when V was turned into a lizzard and Belkar was checking out the lizzards gender?


Or when V commanded the black dragon to vomit onto Belkar for revenge?


In some way, we can truely say, that Belkar and V is a kind of third relationship within the OotS. Maybe even a love-hate relationship.
It would be interesting to see what will happen, if Belkar and V are separated so they can't tease each other.

2006-06-03, 04:42 AM
......am I the only one here who empathizes with Belkar? Poor SOB just tried to follow Durkon's customs, and wakes up with the wizard P.O.'d at him and blowing him up left and right, AND HE CAN'T DO DIDDLY ABOUT IT!

I love Belkar. Favorite character in OOTS, hands down. But I knew after comic #270, there was going to be all sorts of bad karma because this is, after all, a heroic comic, and the evil character can't be allowed to have TOO much fun.

I take it in stride because as the adventure begins again - no more relationship crap! yay! - it pleases my soul to see Belkar wound up, angry at the world, and ready to kill.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

2006-06-03, 09:02 AM
Is it just me or is there al late comic?

2006-06-03, 10:42 AM
its just you, we are back on a monday, Wednesday schedule.

2006-06-03, 10:51 AM
(...)In some way, we can truely say, that Belkar and V is a kind of third relationship within the OotS. Maybe even a love-hate relationship. (...)

Yep, agree! Maybe they have more things in common than both would admit. V can be very cruel and violent too (Disintegrate, anyone?). This can spark feelings, and both canalize those into violent behavior against each other...
hell, listen to me, I sound like a therapist on speed...

EDIT: typos and such...

2006-06-03, 02:14 PM
Rofl. I just came back from a overseas trip, so I know EXACTLY how annoying that can be....

2006-06-03, 03:08 PM
Poor SOB just tried to follow Durkon's customs, and wakes up with the wizard P.O.'d at him and blowing him up left and right, AND HE CAN'T DO DIDDLY ABOUT IT!

Sure he can, he just cant kill anyone inside a town or city.

He can hurt or maim them.....

2006-06-03, 04:02 PM
I can't wait to see V use Evan's spiked tentacles of forced intrusion on Belkar. That will show how much V "loves" Belkar. ;)

2006-06-03, 04:13 PM
I can't wait to see V use Evan's spiked tentacles of forced intrusion on Belkar. That will show how much V "loves" Belkar. ;)
So, sooo wrong on many levels...

2006-06-03, 04:23 PM
So, sooo wrong on many levels...
ROFLMAO! Good one, oh kensai! :D

2006-06-03, 05:49 PM
Just flipped back to issue 300: http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=300

Weird that both Roy and Xykon are so concerned that the people in their group have used the bathroom before departing on the big trip.


2006-06-03, 07:22 PM
......am I the only one here who empathizes with Belkar?

Belkar is great! He's a little green bowling ball of seething rage, and he's only happy when he's planning revenge! So right now he's really happy, right? Vaarsuvius is so thoughtful ...

Dawnstrider Moogle wrote:
Maybe his barely repressed seething fury is because his kiss was deeply meaningful and genuinely heartfelt

Maybe the Exploding Runes Coffee was V's little thank-you for a lovely, unforgettable New Year's Eve smooch.

Well ... I don't really think that ... but the thought makes me laugh like a lunatic.

Molonel, Disciple of Belkar wrote:
I take it in stride because as the adventure begins again - no more relationship crap! yay! - it pleases my soul to see Belkar wound up, angry at the world, and ready to kill.

Belkar is angry. All is right with the world. And whatever his motivations, V deserves the credit.


2006-06-03, 10:32 PM
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*
I do admit they're cute too. But I can't help it, my love for wings just overcomes my thing for red-heads, by far.

That's appropriate. I mean, Belkar has been known to attempt to slash Elan.
I could seriously support Elan/Belkar, though. But I kinda hope that's just me.

2006-06-04, 01:27 AM

Belkar no longer has his costume...how's he getting out of the city?

2006-06-04, 03:32 AM
he didn't have one when he came in, did he? Is there an official search for him? I thought his murder trial was postponed until after saving the world and such, so maybe he really is free to move. I think he mainly wore that costume to better blend into the crowd during that shopping crawl the OotS did in the last 10-something strips

2006-06-04, 03:40 AM
We also don't know that he doesn't have it anymore. He just hasn't been wearing it in the last couple of comics inside the hotel.

2006-06-04, 03:55 AM
Just flipped back to issue 300: http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=300

Weird that both Roy and Xykon are so concerned that the people in their group have used the bathroom before departing on the big trip.

They both understand the consequences (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=86) if folks don't take care of business when it's convenient.

2006-06-04, 05:40 AM
Weird that both Roy and Xykon are so concerned that the people in their group have used the bathroom before departing on the big trip.

Xykon [with Vaders Voice]: Roy, I'm a distant relative! Join me and rule the world on my side!

2006-06-04, 06:13 AM
no. way.
elan&haley beat roy&celia hands down. :-*

Personally I can't stand Elan/Haley pairing. Maybe it's because they are my two least favorite Oots characters.

2006-06-04, 03:50 PM
*spoiler prediction*

Hrmm, i dunno. I am waiting personally for Xykon to attack. I think itd be hilarious if the linear guild ended up fighting xykon due to a twist of fate.

2006-06-05, 12:29 AM
Xykon [with Vaders Voice]: Roy, I'm a distant relative! Join me and rule the world on my side!

Nonono, it'd go like this:

Roy, I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate! Join me and we can rule the multiverse as uhh... distant relative's roommate and person!

2006-06-05, 04:37 AM
Nonono, it'd go like this:

Roy, I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate! Join me and we can rule the multiverse as uhh... distant relative's roommate and person!

And Roy will answer:
What's that make us?

Xykon: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become.

Roy draws the Greenhilt sword and NOW it glows!

2006-06-05, 10:35 AM
I do admit they're cute too. But I can't help it, my love for wings just overcomes my thing for red-heads, by far.

Honestly, I think we're all up for the Celia/Haley pairing, though... ;D

2006-06-05, 11:22 AM
Sorry to interrupt this charming conversation, but...

In answer to

'Belkar no longer has his costume...how's he getting out of the city?'

You remember in No. 317? The Hotel guy says 'I could have sworn he was taller when he checked in'. Therefore, He had it, but he took it off before falling asleep, or something like that.

In other words, great comic!

2006-06-05, 12:22 PM
Belkar may have lost the costume when he got drunk on NYE.

2006-06-05, 12:27 PM
I can't imagine it would be even possible to walk on stilts in that drunken stage, and his friends probably didn't feel like carrying them as well as him.

2006-06-05, 03:44 PM
THAT would be amusing to see belkar walking oon stilts while drunk. so very amusing...

Honestly, I think we're all up for the Celia/Haley pairing, though... ;D

Er, no. Lets keep this Hetrosexual, thank you.

Anyways, Great comic!

2006-06-05, 04:03 PM
Er, no. Lets keep this Hetrosexual, thank you.

Now, if you'd said, "Er, no, they've barely exchanged two words," that would be one thing. But what you did say--why?

2006-06-05, 04:04 PM
Honestly, I think we're all up for the Celia/Haley pairing, though... ;D

Hmmm... if I didn't like the Celia/Roy pairing so much, I think this would have distinct possibilities. 8)

Besides, it would reopen the debate on what was she going to say with "I'm not exactly what you would call ....." ;)

2006-06-05, 04:10 PM
Er, no. Lets keep this Hetrosexual, thank you.

A little late, after the Belkar/Elan slash comments and the like. Now that is disturbing -- not the slash so much as the thought of those two in particular.... :o

2006-06-05, 07:08 PM
I hadn't read any strip since 316 and I've just read 317-320... And I only want to say WOW! I really like that Rich has done in these last strips.

2006-06-05, 07:17 PM
blah blah blah I am making words hehe.

Wheres the new strip?

Must have OotS!!!

2006-06-05, 07:34 PM
Chill, little bald dress-wearing dude....

2006-06-05, 08:00 PM
I can't imagine it would be even possible to walk on stilts in that drunken stage, and his friends probably didn't feel like carrying them as well as him.
More likely, seeing as V is highly intelligent and D is both practical and very wise, they used the stilts and cloak as a stretcher.

2006-06-05, 09:22 PM
Weren't the strips supposed to be coming earlier with the cut-back to just two a week?

2006-06-05, 10:20 PM
Feh, I'm happier than a hog in muck if it's here by 11:59. Why sweat it?

2006-06-05, 11:26 PM
Weren't the strips supposed to be coming earlier with the cut-back to just two a week?
Not at all. Sometimes they do come earlier, but they were never "supposed" to.

The official word (quoting from the Strip page) is "twice a week, usually Monday and Wednesday." There's no set-in-stone policy on which days the strip will update, let alone what time.

2006-06-06, 01:00 AM
Feh, I'm happier than a hog in muck if it's here by 11:59. Why sweat it?

Looks like the hog is happier...

Valda, Adlav and Samiam: the Jacked-Up Trinity
2006-06-06, 01:28 AM
A little late, after the Belkar/Elan slash comments and the like. Now that is disturbing -- not the slash so much as the thought of those two in particular.... :o

Yes... this is Reason #6 on Oracle Master's (that's my fanfiction alias) list of reasons yaoi fangirls are everything that's wrong with this world. They take two perfectly straight male characters and well... make them gay.

( I will make first page next time, I will make first page next time, sleep bad, sleep bad.)

2006-06-06, 02:08 AM
I just noticed she said Winter Break. Does that mean they are in the summer right now? What time frame are they in seasonally?

2006-06-06, 02:35 AM
It looks like summer. I haven't seen any signs of fall yet, though, but I think they travelled south to get to Azure city so maybe they missed it?

2006-06-06, 03:22 AM
Yes... this is Reason #6 on Oracle Master's (that's my fanfiction alias) list of reasons yaoi fangirls are everything that's wrong with this world. They take two perfectly straight male characters and well... make them gay.

Well...except you missed the whole point of my point. I don't object to yaoifying a couple of male characters, if it makes ya happy.

Just...Belkar and Elan...


2006-06-06, 03:33 AM
tuesday morning 9 o clock, so where is the comic?
PLEASE, people. Do not get so uppity about the comics, you know how it upsets the Giant.
He is NOT the kind of person who is gonna speed up because people are whining, so why piss off someone who has brought us so much laughter?
I'm not trying to police the forum or anything, its just I cringe every time I see a coment like this.

2006-06-06, 04:36 AM
PLEASE, people. Do not get so uppity about the comics, you know how it upsets the Giant.
He is NOT the kind of person who is gonna speed up because people are whining, so why piss off someone who has brought us so much laughter?
I'm not trying to police the forum or anything, its just I cringe every time I see a coment like this.

Yes. The comic will be up when it's up. There is no emergency.

2006-06-06, 05:41 AM
PLEASE, people. Do not get so uppity about the comics, you know how it upsets the Giant.
He is NOT the kind of person who is gonna speed up because people are whining, so why piss off someone who has brought us so much laughter?
I'm not trying to police the forum or anything, its just I cringe every time I see a coment like this.

Ehh, I agree, it'll be there when it's there. If it's late and you just can't live without it, re-read the entire series and if you already did, well then memorize it. Quiz next monday :D

Edit: Ok, ok, I'll stop clicking reload every ten seconds and go sleep :P . I still have like.. 2 full hours to do so. Yay! :-[

2006-06-06, 05:58 AM

The only one smiling in line happens to be Elan ;D

Sometimes being easy minded IS a gift ;)

2006-06-06, 06:04 AM
Well...except you missed the whole point of my point. I don't object to yaoifying a couple of male characters, if it makes ya happy.

Just...Belkar and Elan...


Lol.. with you there. Totally with you there.

2006-06-06, 08:21 AM
Well...except you missed the whole point of my point. I don't object to yaoifying a couple of male characters, if it makes ya happy.

Just...Belkar and Elan...


hey, no spoilers !


2006-06-06, 08:38 AM
Bah, I'm going to looking for comics here only once a month now. It's a shame because I really enjoy them and think Rich has a wonderful sense of humor.

But seriously, I spend more time here on the board waiting for a comic then actually reading a comic. I can come once a month and read 8 comics in 5 minutes and be done, and the plot would have only advanced an inch.

He needs a syndicated comic.

2006-06-06, 09:36 AM
Well, there was some pathetic little convention up in PA this weekend. I wonder if that's why it's "not posted on its usual Monday."

Heaven forbid I actually say it's LATE!!!

2006-06-06, 09:56 AM
Rich should just bite the bullet and change the updating schedule to Tuesday and Thursday.
Except that then he'll start updating every Wednesday and Friday.

2006-06-06, 09:59 AM
As I've always said, 'When you grow up in a big family, patience isn't a virtue, it's a necessity.'

[disclaimer: the following cultural reference is probably too obscure for the majority of posters here]
Turn Turn Turn

2006-06-06, 10:06 AM
As I've always said, 'When you grow up in a big family, patience isn't a virtue, it's a necessity.'

[disclaimer: the following cultural reference is probably too obscure for the majority of posters here]
Turn Turn Turn

that makes sense...

and don't worry, it's extremelly rare to Rich skip an update.

It will be up soon. And he always havea reason