View Full Version : The Vilhon Area

2017-08-30, 07:35 AM
When the Spellplague modified the geography and cosmology of the Realms, there was a region that ended up with quite the collection of fallouts.

First, plains known for their golden flowers, as well as a river and a lake known for their nagas, were replaced by an area of lasting wild magic, the Plaguewrought Land.

The region also lost its maritime status, as the Vilhon Reach, once an extension of the Sea of Fallen Stars, considerably receded, leaving the Vilhon Wilds behind.

Equally worth noting was the appearance of the Underchasm to the east. This large gap open on the Underdark was related to the diminished waters.

At least two nations disappeared in the process: Chondath and the barony that had claimed independence from it, Sespech. However, the latter's capital, Ormpetarr, became a major center for those seeking the power of the Plaguewrought Land.

My question, then, is what became of the region after the Second Sundering?

A map in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide shows all bodies of water back to their former glory, and the chasm nowhere to be seen. But it doesn't name any country or anything.

Do golden flowers bloom and nagas swim once again? Has Sespech regrown from its capital, this time unhindered by Chondath? Or has Chondath somehow reappeared as well?

Do you know of any novel, or other official source, that addressed the matter? What would you imagine the current situation to be?

2017-08-30, 09:13 AM

i'm running into the same problem... outside of the SCAG, there isnt an awful lot of lore on the FR.. at least not considering what there used to be..

what i can gather from the description of the second sundering, is the world was returned to a state prior to the first sundering??

i would assume then that all lore related to FR for that period is the current lore, save for anything that has been updated/changed in the currently released official content..

i know that isnt very helpful and i do apologise for that, my suggestion, google the **** out of it, and do whatever seems right/coolest to you. and if anyone asks, its homebrewed FR, with supporting original content

2017-08-30, 03:33 PM
what i can gather from the description of the second sundering, is the world was returned to a state prior to the first sundering??That would be prior to the Spellplague. If the world was returned to a state prior to the First Sundering, the continents of Faerūn, Maztica and Katashaka would have reverted to the supercontinent Merrouroboros.

i would assume then that all lore related to FR for that period is the current lore, save for anything that has been updated/changed in the currently released official content..The thing is, the reset button was pushed, but it wasn't pushed quite that hard.

The century between the Spellplague and the Second Sundering did happen. The calendar went on. People died and people were born. Lost seas were returned not in a temporal shift but by a deluge that fell for a whole year.

If Chondath is back, there is a story behind it. Maybe its fate was similar to that of Halruaa, where cities that were thought buried or disintegrated were actually moved to another plane. Or maybe Chondathans who survived the castastrophy, and their descendants, decided to return to their land and raise their flag once again.

i know that isnt very helpful and i do apologise for that, my suggestion, google the **** out of it, and do whatever seems right/coolest to you. and if anyone asks, its homebrewed FR, with supporting original contentWell, the campaign I play in had its own transition from 4e to 5e, so it is very much the DM's FR already. Still, he is using the official version for inspiration.

I play a character who is from Ormpetarr, kind of, and I do have my idea of what is going on there. But I wanted to check if an official version existed, and also ask other people for ideas.