View Full Version : 3rd Ed Skillmonkey soulbow... without magic?

2017-08-30, 11:42 AM
So. I've been tossing around some ideas for an upcoming game, and the one I keep circling back to is a knife thrower. A harmless-looking, skinny little dude who, when the crap hits the fan, produces a dozen knives from nowhere and proceeds to put them all in your eye from across the room. "Soulbow," says I, "sounds like a fun way to do this." I can easily flavor my mind blade and arrows as pulling knives out of my sleeve, and Soulbows make pretty nasty archers. And my GM has said that they're open to a few Soulknife houserules (such as full BAB), though he doesn't want to "totally rebuild the class." So the PF version is out, probably; I haven't been able to get other details.

All books are allowed, and potentially some Dragon material, but-- and this is a big one-- no vancean magic is allowed. (It's a setting thing, we're going steampunk-and-psionics). Incarnum is also out, ToM is a "maybe," and ToB is "yes."

And then there's the catch: we're starting at level 3, so the first few levels leading into Soulbow are going to be really important. I'd like to lean more on mental stats than physical, and I have a strong preference for at-will abilities over ones with a daily limit. And most of all, I'd like to have as much of my schtick online as soon as possible, though I know Soulbow won't work until 6th.


My current plan is something like so:

Middle Aged Strongheart Halfling Rogue 1 (Feat Rogue, Mimic) /Swordsage 2/Soulknife 2/Soulbow 2-3/more Swordsage I guess, I don't even care so many levels ahead of where we're starting.

1st level feats: Nymph's Kiss, TWF, and Point-Blank Shot
3rd level: Intuitive Attack
6th level: Precise Shot and Rapid Shot

Doing so lets me start with strong and varied skills (including a decent Social presence without needing much Cha) and use Wis as my main stat from the get-go. I'm a bit worried about damage, though. Hopefully TWF plus manuevers will keep me afloat for a few levels? I could potentially drop Nymph's Kiss and switch to Swordsage 2/Rogue 1 to pick up Shadow Blade... Any suggestions on how to punch this up? Dunno if flaws will be available, or what sorts of cheap equipment I could nab.

Another thought was Factotum 3/Soulknife 2/Soulbow. Getting Brains Over Brawn would be lovely, and +Int to damage a few times is decent low-level boost? I'd be losing out on a feat this way, though, and have less synergy overall.

Otherwise, I'm... kind of blanking. In a normal game I'd probably go with a Bardic Knack Bard, or maybe a Cloistered Trickery Cleric, but that's not really on the table here. The more I stare, the more I find myself wishing I could use Pathfinder stuff-- Heretic Inquisitor 1/Soulbolt Soulknife 2, with Mind Daggers and my 3rd level feat on Extra Blade Skill (Focused Attack) would be so bloody nice for this...

2017-08-30, 01:37 PM
Empower supernatural ability feat on your Psychic strike mind arrows can give you a 1/day damage boost.

Hidden talent soulknife acf can nab you a psionic power if allowed. Prevenom weapon strikes me as awesome in this context.

2017-08-31, 05:56 AM
Empower supernatural ability feat on your Psychic strike mind arrows can give you a 1/day damage boost.

Hidden talent soulknife acf can nab you a psionic power if allowed. Prevenom weapon strikes me as awesome in this context.
Uck. No thank you on a 1/day boost; feats are tight enough as it is. Hidden Talent is going in, though; was thinking about Call Item. (Prevenom would be fitting, but it has a short duration and a save)

Anyone have good suggestions for a non-soulbow knife skillmonkey build, mayhap?

2017-08-31, 08:21 AM
I know I'm a cheerleader for it, but any reason you won't get a better effect out of a refluffed Warlock?

2017-08-31, 08:31 AM
I know I'm a cheerleader for it, but any reason you won't get a better effect out of a refluffed Warlock?
No arcane or divine magic tends to preclude it. I'm also not a big Warlock fan in general; they wind up kind of repetitive, in my experience.

2017-08-31, 08:33 AM
No arcane or divine magic tends to preclude it. I'm also not a big Warlock fan in general; they wind up kind of repetitive, in my experience.
You said no Vancian, not no arcane or divine. And I understand, it's not for everyone.

2017-08-31, 08:38 AM
You said no Vancian, not no arcane or divine. And I understand, it's not for everyone.
Sorry. The setting is pretty much psionics-only.