View Full Version : Pathfinder Ways to reskin Pathfinder classes into Starfinder

Gwazi Magnum
2017-08-30, 07:19 PM
So with Starfinder being out now a lot of new games are bound to be starting for it, but with it also being new there really isn't that many options for your character (especially where classes are concerned).

So I figured if people can think of good ways Pathfinder Classes can be transferred over. Not in the Mechanical way, cause the PHB already tells you how to do that, but from a flavour perspective. For example, maybe an Eldritch Knight can become an actual Jedi, a Fighter is some sort of space samurai, a Gunslinger is... Gunslinger, a Barbarian is some sort of Super Mutant etc.

2017-08-30, 10:22 PM
Starfinder exists within the exact same campaign setting as Pathfinder, just set an unknown amount of time in the future, and sans the central planet. An eldritch knight is simply an eldritch knight—a mage who's learned to fight. Barbarian and Fighter are still two different brands of warrior, albeit ones who're more focused on melee weapons than guns, most likely (which is a thing in-setting; melee weapons outpace defenses so plenty of people use them), even divine casters still exist in the same way, because many of the gods are the same.

Basically, there's no real need for "translation" of the classes' flavor concepts. It's the same sort of being, just in a setting that's more sci-fantasy than Golarion was. The only major differences are that magic is, mechanically, undivided, but the concepts behind the classes can still remain the same.

The Random NPC
2017-08-31, 05:26 PM
Additionally, page 503 has a side bar about time displaced characters so you can take your existing Pathfinder character and plop them into a Starfinder campaign.

2017-08-31, 05:41 PM
Doesn't Starfinder not have full casters though? I feel like adding that to a game that doesn't have them would be seriously unbalancing. I've only looked at it very briefly.

Gwazi Magnum
2017-08-31, 06:24 PM
This is meant for people who want add Sci-Fi spins to the Pathfinder classes to match the Sci-Fantasy setting.

I'm well aware that you can just plop in a fantasy character and futurama it. But a lot of people likely wouldn't want to go that route, hence me asking about more sci-fantasy friendly options.

Doesn't Starfinder not have full casters though? I feel like adding that to a game that doesn't have them would be seriously unbalancing. I've only looked at it very briefly.

Yes, but Starfinder does come with rules for converting the classes mechanically speaking.
And really converting something like Wizard is relatively easy.

Give them the same spell progression as Mystic. And increase their BAB to be average (since Starfinder has no low. Or rather, it's low is Pathfinder's average). If that still feels a bit weak? The individual tables could probably think up one or two news things to give the Wizard to represent the specific character concept in mind.

2017-08-31, 06:33 PM
The Technomancer is the Wizard. Or rather, it's the logical evolution of a Wizard, blending the organized science of magic and technology together.

Almost every class can be covered with the Starfinder base classes, with the exception of Monk, Ranger, and Sorcerer in my opinion.

Though Monk can be translated into a Solarian fairly easily, since they follow similar themes. Ranger has always been a rather strange niche, which I'd cover with a Mystic Soldier multiclass, and Sorcerer can sort of be filled with a Phrenic Adept, though maybe just change Mystic to key it off of CHA instead of WIS would fit better.

2017-09-01, 07:02 AM
There is also, if one doesn't mind going third-party, the Starfinder Companion, which has a lot of race and class conversions from Pathfinder, as well as level 7-9 spell conversions.

If you're looking for free stuff, though, haven't seen anything on that front, though the game has only been out for just under a month.

2017-09-01, 07:08 AM
There is also, if one doesn't mind going third-party, the Starfinder Companion, which has a lot of race and class conversions from Pathfinder, as well as level 7-9 spell conversions.

If you're looking for free stuff, though, haven't seen anything on that front, though the game has only been out for just under a month.

I'd caution against this product. It's horribly unbalanced in regards to core and most of the classes have abilities that either don't function or completely eclipse Core.

For instance, the Bard combines the spellcasting of the Technomancer with the skillmonkey ability of the Operative, and is essentially all around an Envoy but hopped up on steroids. And then there's the Cleric, which not only has 9th-level casting, but also full BAB.

Then there's the races which provide energy resistance, making characters practically invulnerable at first level.

The best part of the book is the equipment and spaceship stuff.