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View Full Version : Pathfinder Phoenix's Dice (Homebrew Gambler Game)

2017-08-30, 10:19 PM
In the nation of Brenten, gambling has always been a favored past time for the common folk. Instead of banning it, Empress Ilkay decided to try to control it by having gambling houses ran by the government. When this became a profitable business for the government, her son decided to invent his own game and introduced it to the public. Known as Phoenix dice, the game didn't get popular until a several generations after the late Empress and her son passed away. Now, it is played in every gambling house, and while not as popular as BlackJack, people play it, and pray that Desna smiles upon them.

http://images.arcadja.com/quast_pieter_jansz_-soldiers_playing_cards_in_an_interior~OM73a300~101 57_20131120_3040_70.jpg


The game is usually played with 4 players, though more or less can be added. The house is forbidden from playing due to the fact that they earn off of the games, but some less reputable and illegal gambling houses have been known to secretly add their own members into a game. Each player must show they can pay the minimum amount, which is set by the house.

Each player rolls their phoenix dice (1d100) 3 times secretly from the other players, with the house recording the results.

The game consists of three 'rounds'. At the beginning of each round, a player chooses which roll to use in the round. Each player then pays the minimum cost for the round, as set by the house. Starting with the oldest player, each player may choose to 'raise' and add more money to the pot, 'call' and choose to add as much money as the previous player had added and no more or less, or they may choose to 'forfeit' and not participate in the round. Once all the players have called or forfeited, all the players reveal their d100 result. the highest wins 80% of the pot, while 10% of the round goes to the house and 10% goes to the Phoenix.

Repeat this for the remaining two rounds, but each player is not allowed to reuse a d100 roll. At the end, the player who won the most rounds receives all the money given to the Phoenix. In the case of a tie, the Phoenix goes to the House.

In each round, a PC can attempt to do a Sense Motive Check against one player's Bluff check. If successful, the PC can tell if the opposing player is using his/her highest, middle, or lowest result.