View Full Version : Pathfinder Help on a randomly rolled build - Magus/Samurai/AntiPaladin

2017-08-30, 11:20 PM
Hey guys, I'm about to GM a one-shot campaign for a bit of fun with some friends.
We're playing a randomly designed dungeon with random encounters and random loot.
All the characters are also randomly generated by way of dice rolls.

Now being the GM, I wanted to adopt the same method for designing the BBEG.
So I've done my rolls and I've ended up with a Half-orc Magus 2/Samurai 2/Antipaladin 1

Now seeing as I've never played any of those 3 classes I'm at a bit of a loss on how to go about making this character kick some butt.
Ability scores were rolled too and I've got...
14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17

If anybody could give me some suggestions/ideas I'd be very appreciative.


Kurald Galain
2017-08-31, 01:31 AM
Magus guide (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?423754-Myrrh-Frankincense-and-Steel-Kurald-Galain-s-Guide-to-the-Magus). Antipaladin adds smite good for your biggest threat. I don't think the samurai levels give useful abilities but more HP and BAB are always welcome.

2017-08-31, 02:37 AM
Between your 'close' stats and your crazy levels it won't matter too much, but Eldritch Scion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/paizo-magus-archetypes/eldritch-scion/) Magus switches its casting to CHA, makes it run slightly better with Antipaladin. You can then 'dump' INT with your 14 if you desire. Be a bit better with Magus 1/Antipaladin 2 for CHA-to-Saves, but...

Antipaladin adds smite good for your biggest threat. I don't think the samurai levels give useful abilities but more HP and BAB are always welcome.
2 levels of Samurai is still worth a Mount at the least.
Should avoid using the Challenge, as -2 AC to almost everyone for a small damage bonus isn't great for the BBEG (unless he's winning handily).
Resolve>Resolute gives a "roll 2 take best" on a Save.
The 2nd level Order ability kicks in, and you can always take a Cavalier Order. Not sure what the best options would be though.

2017-08-31, 02:49 AM
Hm. Eldritch Archer and Luring Cavalier (Should work on a Samurai) come to mind. Hide behind some minions and go full attack with a bow.

2017-08-31, 08:50 AM
If you don't take an archetype that kicks the mount to the curb, take boon companion as one of your feats so the mount is of appropriate level. Might be worth keeping the mount unless the BBEG has mooks as well(why not both?). You can detect evil and activate smite without the party noticing what is happening, so do so ASAP when they show up. Brownie points if you can get it off during some long talking with the BBEG scene.

Samurai can spend resolve to stablize and remain concious, which will stack fairly well with the orc ferocity, giving your BBEG possibly 2 more turns where he continues fighting at negative HP.Cavilier favored class bonus is your best bet-if your mount rolls low either of these levels for HP and you roll high, you can give the HP to them instead of yourself, but you are best off getting +2 HP FCB.

Any NPC only needs a handful of skills-Perception and sense motive are key, and bluff/stealth/intimidate/acrobatics/fly/UMD are good but build dependent. If you have ranks to spare and your NPC has no access to tongues/comp language/etc then ranks in linguistics are okay. Every other skill is basically useless to an NPC. You might want to give em a trait for perception as a class skill.

Having a bow for the opening round is good, but the magus build screams a spellstrike. I would have a bow and get a shot off or two(smite good is useful here) but don't worry about ranged weapon feats. Power attack is worth it with your BAB being +4 and having the strength to qualify-you can always 2 hand you 1 handed weapon if/when run out of spells to spellstrike. I would pick katana as your weapon(a nice boon from samurai) as you can 1 hand it, d8 damage 18/20 crit, don't forget to use your arcane pool to buff it up before/during the fight. With decent charisma, intimidate as a class skill, and the orc bonus, the order of the cockatrice might be a good way to go. You can open combat against the party with a standard action dazzling display, and get a +2 against demoralized opponents. You could really go into this feat tree if you wanted-even with 14 charisma, 5 ranks in intimidate, class skill bonus, and +2 racial you are looking at a +12, and the DC is going to be minimum 15 if your party is level 5, up to 20 or maybe 21 for those high WIS characters, meaning you need between a 3-8 on the dice to demoralize, with potential to have a 2 to 4 round debuff.

For stats, even a 14 int is decent for a magus, extra if your spells don't allow saves(shocking grasp and other spellstrike favorites) and are buffs. You won't get any extra bonus spells from 18 int vs 14 int, you have to hit 20 INT which you could do with headband of int and +1 ability at level 4. You will only have 3-4 1st level spells(4 if you have 20 INT). You only get charisma to bonus as a smite, and if nobody in the party is good that is useless. A bonus of +2 vs +5 to deflection and attack against one party member for one combat that is not a guarantee is probably not worth it, so I would argue "dumping" charisma to 14. Strength should be your highest for attacks and damage, 17, worth boosting to 20. The 16 is good in either dex or con-the magus needs light armor and none of your classes have strong reflex saves, so I would put it in dex. 3 of your 5 levels are d10HD and all have good fort saves, so con is less of an issue. INT and WIS of 15 is fine, for saves skills and spells.

For spells, shocking grasp is a classic. Chill touch is fairly solid with spellstrike because of the multiple rounds. Vanish is an option for running away and other tricks. If you know the party will be level 4 or lower color spray will be devastating, and is still very strong at level 5 to potentially stun everyone-this becomes brutal if you have mooks because it can take away the entire party's turn and swing action economy hard, concluding when they have to pick up their weapons on their next one.

2017-09-05, 02:25 PM
Retrain some of your non magus levels somehow. It's always a bad idea to loose more than 2 caster levels on any 3/4 caster. Even loosing just 1-2 levels should only ever be done if you have some sort of specific build in mind and dipping 1-2 levels in another class helps you a lot for that build. But you seem to me to just take levels in whatever class you feel like at the moment. Witch might work if you were taking levels only in martial classes, but for a 3/4 caster that is just a bad idea. And if you want to build a purely martial character, don't take levels in Magus .Magus specifically should at least be able to handle just one level lost well, because their real capstone is at level 19.

2017-09-05, 02:53 PM
Since it's just a one-shot and this is the VILLAIN (many posters seem to have missed that) I think that you can do okay. While 3 dips is a bit suboptimal - these 3 in particular mesh pretty decently.

1. For Magus spells - take things which aren't level based. True Strike could be pretty awesome, especially if going for manoeuvres. The Antipaladin lets you them with wands - which is handy. You might consider going eldritch magus archetype for CHA to casting and not needing to deal with a spell-book, but with those stats I might not bother.

2. Your Fort/Will saves will actually be pretty great, especially with those stats, though it's a pity you couldn't grab the 2nd Antipaladin level for CHA to saves. Taking the Ronin order for your Samurai helps though, especially combined with the Resolve and having +8 Fort/+5 Will saves base is very nice (though +0 base to Reflex).

3. Save their challenge for when against tough single foes to avoid the disadvantage - or MAYBE when getting off a charge with their lance.

4. Use that katana in two hands unless using Spell Combat that round (switches to 1 hand easy) and probably wear a mithril breastplate (though arguably it's worth a few % penalty to wear mithril full plate). Also have a lance to use from your mount when appropriate.

STR: 20 (includes +2 racial & +1 stat at level 4)
DEX: 14
CON: 15
INT: 14
WIS: 15
CHA: 16

2017-09-05, 09:10 PM
Retrain some of your non magus levels somehow. It's always a bad idea to loose more than 2 caster levels on any 3/4 caster. Even loosing just 1-2 levels should only ever be done if you have some sort of specific build in mind and dipping 1-2 levels in another class helps you a lot for that build. But you seem to me to just take levels in whatever class you feel like at the moment. Witch might work if you were taking levels only in martial classes, but for a 3/4 caster that is just a bad idea. And if you want to build a purely martial character, don't take levels in Magus .Magus specifically should at least be able to handle just one level lost well, because their real capstone is at level 19.

I think you may have missed a key word or two in the original post...

one-shot campaign

...same method for designing the BBEG.