View Full Version : Rogue converting to pally?

2017-08-31, 07:32 AM
I would love some input please! :) TL;DR: Can an agnostic chaotic neutral rogue effectively convert to become a paladin in 3.5e, and what would be the best way to go about it? Gray Guard?
Full story:
Last night I FINALLY completed a dungeon crawl in which the DM (my hubby) reminded me how much he loves me before I went in 😂. Well in that same dungeon, my character's true love died, and due to a "deal" he made with his god, he can't come back.

My character is completely destroyed (and I may or may not have ugly cried 😂) and is taking a leave of absence from her guild to kind of process everything. Anyway, her true love was a paladin of Heironeous, and her loss has triggered a huge change of heart. She's now considering "taking up his sword" in his honor... but she was never a strict follower of any deity, although occasionally would pay homage to Olidammara, as she's a rogue. But the biggest issue I foresee is her alignment... she started off chaotic neutral. As she's grown and made friends the DM considers her chaotic good now as she does more to help others rather than herself, but still tends to impulsively do whatever seems necessary at the time without regard for law or order, even if it's something normally seen as bad, like sneaking, lying, etc.

I know it takes something drastic to change alignment, and I'm unsure whether she can even do it feasibly, or how long it would take to fully change over. Or if she even really has to... (yes, I realize a paladin must be lawful good, but as a naturally sneaky girl she'd try to find a way to at least appear that she meets whatever requirements necessary in order to become a paladin). I'm considering having her attempt to train as a paladin, but realizing she can't quite stick to their "code" although she would try... and then perhaps becoming a gray guard, a PrC from the complete scoundrel book, essentially a semi-secret "dirty work" sect of the church that is not as strictly bound to the code but still considered a paladin- usually looked down upon by other paladins for not completely adhering to the code, yet many still recognize the need for what they do. So, would this even work? Do you have any other ideas for what my broken hearted rogue should do with her life? Before he died she was going to start training as a swordsage (tome of battle) to grab shadow blade and a few other feats from that class, but she's really leaning towards smiting evil in his honor (even if that's a stupid decision made out of pure raw emotion lol). Thoughts?

2017-08-31, 07:53 AM
It sounds like you've thought it through. I don't see a problem with any of it. You have a good story and the mechanics will match the fluff. Good luck :)

2017-08-31, 08:23 AM
Are we specifically talking a good ol' PHB LG Paladin? Paladin of Freedom may be more attainable.

Also, you may want to break up that wall of text a bit, and go easy on the parentheses.

2017-08-31, 08:43 AM
Are we specifically talking a good ol' PHB LG Paladin? Paladin of Freedom may be more attainable.

Also, you may want to break up that wall of text a bit, and go easy on the parentheses.

Ideally, she'd like to be a paladin for Heironeous, and I'm unsure whether a chaotic good paladin could serve a lawful good deity? A paladin of freedom would not meet the moral code of a lawful good god, I don't think??

I will edit, thanks.

2017-08-31, 10:17 AM
Since you seem to have TOB, you could just go for crusader. Lot of the Paladin feel with better mechanics and less code issues.

2017-08-31, 12:53 PM
Note: Heironeous also accepts Clerics with NG and LN alignment
Dragon #310 have article with variants of Paladin class for various alignments (including even the True Neutral!)
NG is Sentinel, and LN is Enforcer
How about it?