View Full Version : [3.PF] Best Personal Ranged Spells to grant party members?

The Vagabond
2017-09-01, 05:49 PM
So, I've been playing with Gestalt, and while it'll work best in Gestalt, it should work acceptably in Gestalt.

In a 3.PF game, at level 10, you'll be a terrifying force to be reckoned with, as you're going to be throwing around 5 personal ranged buffs, the powers of a generalist psion with the spellcasting of a wizard, and (With leadership) the option to grant more effects than a Wizard. My issue is the spells I must learn.

Firstly, the build.

A gestalt Archivist 3/Psion (Or STP Erudite) 1/Psychic Theurge 6//Wizard [Psychic Mage] 5/War Weaver 5

This might slightly rely on a mild change (Ur-Priest and War Weaver at the same time) but is otherwise legal. However, the crux of the build is the 3.0 2nd level power Channel Power (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20010928a). With Psionic and Magic transparency, you can spend a standard action and a 3 power points to manifest a personal ranged power as a touch range power. This means you can cast it into your Eldritch Tapestry, turning it into a stored, close ranged buff.
So as a move action, you can release 5 personal ranged Divine or Wizard buffs as a move action, then throw out your standard arrays of buffs to help support in the fight.

So my question is, what are some good personal ranged buffs to cast on a party? (Preference away from Polymorph spells)

Secondly, depending on the party composition, I'll retrain to Tactician 8/Ur-Priest 2/Psychic Mage X, and take on a Gestalt Cohort (Presuming Spheres of Power), a Warlock//Incanter. Incanter so that he can Fuse with the player character, so you don't have to worry about lugging him around (And perhaps about buying a Con belt), and Warlock for those 24 hour invocations. So good invocations to transfer from the Warlock.

2017-09-02, 01:52 AM
My war-weaver (in a fairly low-op campaing) had as a basic weave load: haste, fly, greater invisibility and protection from evil.
Prot evil seems underpowered in there, but our rogue had a remarkably poor will save.
And yes, haste could have been separately cast, but getting it cast as a move action was worth it, my standard action could be more situational.

Also never overlook the benefit of hitting the weave with nerveskitter as the combat starts (but putting it in the weave is a waste).